
San Franciscans exclude trans women from a women's spa day - it's the INTERSECTIONAL OLYMPICS


If you're too roided up :marseyseizure: to read all that shit rn this neo-nazi Ruzzian spa has a women only day that alternates between allowing trans women and being BIOLOGICAL WOMEN ONLY


BUT WAIT! They're doing it to accommodate wholesome Muslim WOCs. Who will win?

LIVE :marseytrain: REACTION:

Total doublespeak. Exclusion is inclusion. War is peace.

Including trans women does not exclude anyone. You're not excluded if you choose not to participate because you didn't get to exclude others...

Feels a bit wrong to call it Womens Day when catering to religious fundamentalists, but OK. Mostly just sad really, could just call it for what it is Religious and Biological Fundamentalist Day, but I digress. Probably not worth the time to fight this since it's only one day a month and hopefully it'll stay that way.

Girls I STG,

When people say "pick your battles" they mean this. And this is a battle that should be carefully navigated. That means that atheist white trans women should not be the ones to go against this but instead the trans women in gender segregated religions should. Because if y'all act insensitive you're going to come off as a colonialist and cause more problems than it's worth for a luxury provided by a company that is already trying to accommodate.

Mark my words if y'all go to this without tact you are going to just become fuel for the bigoted machine and they will likely dox you and ruin your shit.

LIVE :soyjakhipster: REACTION:

You should be alright with providing them space. AFAB women experience life differently and sometimes need a space for themselves. This isn't transphobia, it's giving AFAB women a space in a SPA.

"To further accommodate their beliefs we have to limit admission on Women's Day to WHITE WOMEN ONLY"

fell for it again award :fellforitagainaward:

To the Great Farmers of the United States: Get ready to start making a lot of agricultural product to be sold INSIDE of the United States. Tariffs will go on external product on April 2nd. Have fun!

idk how you can see replies on truthsocial :#marseyconfused:

Prepare yourself for +6 blue Iowa what the actual frick is he DOING

Ann Selzer coming out of retirement for this one :#marseycorn:

Time for Ukrainian led color revolution in America

ok buddy you're doing too much :#marseycringe2:

Soon the cartels will be smuggling Parmesan cheese, eggs and ozempic from Europe to America

:#marseyayy: ay tone when's the last time you saw those ducks?

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST :marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED [Effortpost] Drama in East Africa

So in the last 2 months or so I've become obsessed with East Africa (specifically Rwanda) and you guys will not believe the shit going down over there. It's real time warlord shit happening RIGHT FRICKING NOW.

This interest started after I saw a 4Chan green text about the Rwandan genocide.

I'm going give a quick overview of the Rwandan genocide for background and then explain what's happening now between Rwanda and the DR Congo.

The Rwandan Genocide

First, I highly recommend the book "We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed" if you want a more in depth explanation.

In 1856 the first white person (a German) entered what is now known as Rwanda. Germany made it a colony but didn't really do much with it and turned it over to Belgium after WWI. At that time, it was a small area occupied by two tribes: a small number of Tutsi (who had cattle, were wealthy) and Hutu (majority population who were farmers and less well off). Tutsi generally ruled over Hutu due to their wealth but there wasn't really any ethnic strife between them.

Belgium took over in the 1930s from German which when race science was all the rage. Tutsi were tall, slim and wealthy (how I'm tryna be 💅🏻) so were put in charge of the country and ruled over the short stout Hutu majority. The Tutsi (essentially at Belgian gunpoint) forced Hutu to work long hours on public works (roads etc) to the point it resulted in deaths from famine due to neglecting their farms. This led to bad blood between the two groups which escalated upon Belgium giving Rwanda its freedom.

(Twa were Pygmy, 1% of population)

From the 1970s to 90s, the majority (85%) Hutu took over and made Tutsi second class citizens (for example, they were unable to access higher education). Small genocides (a few thousand Tutsi massacred) happened in rural areas as well.

In the 1990s, an anti-Tutsi political party called Hutu Power came to power. There was a civil war and many Tutsi fled to neighboring countries (Uganda, the DRC, Tanzania and Burundi). A military force of Tutsi was hiding out Uganda called the RPF/Rwandan Patriotic Front—led by a man named Paul Kagame (what we would consider a warlord). Essentially they were watching and waiting. Tribal relations were BAD.

At that time, most of Rwanda's GDP actually came from foreign aid (not kidding, like 60% of their GDP was aid) and there was increasing pressure to normalize relations with the Tutsi. A Tutsi Genocide in neighboring Burundi in 1993 further forced the hand of the Hutu Power president Habyarimqra to sign a treaty and make nice. Note: his wife was from a very prominent family of Hutu power supporters who wanted to genocide the Tutsi.

On April 6, 1994 his plane was shot down triggering the Rwandan Genocide. No one knows who did it but it was likely Hutu Power. They blamed the RPF (the exiled Tutsi rebels) and ignited the genocide. This was a 100 day spree which killed (maybe) 800k people—10% of the population of Rwanda. It was mostly Tutsi, Twa (pygmies who made up 1% of their population) and moderate Hutu who wouldn't participate in the killing. The genocide killed at a rate of 3x the Holocaust and was done mostly with machetes imported by the millions before it began. It was largely coordinated by radio station RTLM which read out names of Tutsi to kill each day. The national ID cards showed who was Tutsi and who was Hutu so roadblocks were set up and fleeing Tutsi were all killed. It was absolutely harrowing and I do not have the time to do it justice. Please consider reading the wiki page to get a sense of the violence.

Western powers did not intervene. Clinton didn't want to get involved because this was only one year after Black Hawk Down in Somalia. (Btw did anyone here see the Netflix documentary about it? It was really good) Belgium and France actually supported the genocidaires because they were the "legitimate" government. The UN fled and didn't return until it was over.

The genocide ended when Paul Kagame (the Tutsi warlord) invaded and bit by bit took over the country. He has been the dictator ever since. He outlawed tribal discrimination, updated the ID cards to exclude ethnicity and over the last 30 years Rwanda has prospered to become one of the safest and cleanest countries in Africa.

What the heck is happening now

After the genocide, hundreds of thousands of Hutu genocidaires fled to the Congo which resulted in the Great Lakes Refugee Crisis. Kagame allegedly invaded and killed several hundred thousand in revenge in what is called the Second Rwandan Genocide but we don't talk about that okay. Since then, most genocidaires (the ones who didn't flee to France 👀) have been hiding out in the DRC.

In the last several months SHIT HAS BEEN GOING DOWN on the border between the DRC and Rwanda. That area of the Congo has very valuable rare earth mines as well as a population of Congolese Tutsi who have been treated as outsiders for generations.

There are two groups that are fighting: a rebel Tutsi group funded by Rwanda called M23 and the Congolese army FARDC which has integrated the Genocidaires according to Paul Kagame. Kagame himself is playing coy about Rwandan support of M23 :marseyflirt:.

Per the Rwandan subreddit, there is a lot of disagreement. Some say Kagame is trying to get the rare earth minerals by supporting the rebel group M23, some say the Congo goes through this every 10 years and some are really incensed at how the Congolese Tutsi are treated as Rwandan invaders and they just want their rights.

Now M23 are not innocent at all. They have r*ped, pillaged and taken over mines in the eastern Congo. The FARDC has been unable to tame them despite a February ceasefire. Things are not slowing down at all.

This conflict has brought in other African nations with Seth Afrikan president (who was materially supporting the DR Congo) and Kagame were having a very public lovers quarrel just a few weeks ago.

Sec of State Marco Rubio was clear that the US wanted a ceasefire I mean it for real you guys I'm not kidding. The problem is that with the defunding of USAID Rwanda isn't really at the US' mercy about this. Trump is actually super popular in Rwanda but Kagame seems to be chill with escaping US influence.

I am unsure what will happen because I don't know enough about this part of the world to have good insight. I think East Africa is just doing East African things and M23 will take over a good bit of land and some mines but nothing much will truly happen or escalate. Rwanda will continue to prosper, everything will remain corrupt and war lords will continue to do warlord shit in the unstable areas. Nothing ever happens but it's very unstable and dramatic and thought I'd make a post.

Community Note by @Raditz

Did you know that Cleopatra VII (the famous one) was the only Ptolemaic Pharaoh to learn the Egyptian language? :marseyserioushatfact:

Helpful [62] Not Helpful [6]
:soysnooseethe: CNN has gone full traitor



Oh wait nevermind they are also reporting news and not copium dont do that:


Oh boy another

>it doesn't exist

>Ok, it does exist, but John K said it's about Disney characters so you're all technically wrong

>Ok, it does describe the cheap copypaste artstyle seen in modern cartoons, but the real problem is the lazy writing which nobody has ever brought up ever

>But the real problem is that anime is bad and anime fans are immature man children who just like senseless violence because toxic masculinity

"For the record, Shrek and Fiona chose to be ogres instead of white people." Mayos mad over :marseytruthnuke: of incomprehensible proportions.



It all started with the AP News article "Trudeau to bring up Trump's threat to annex Canada in meeting with King Charles" being posted to /r/ModeratePolitics by the OP.

The OP posted the following starter comment:

>Trudeau is turning to King Charles for help against Trump's supposed threat to annex Canada, but the king has stayed silent. Many Canadians are frustrated with King Charles for staying silent on Trump's annexation threats, seeing his inaction as a failure to stand up for Canada's sovereignty. Former Alberta Premier Jason Kenney pointed out that the King only acts on the Prime Minister's advice, subtly shifting the blame onto Trudeau. Though Canada's antiroyal movement is small, the King's silence is fueling discussions about its relevance.


Meanwhile, Trump has been invited for a state visit to Scotland, showing where Charles' priorities might be. The debate over the monarchy is growing, but scrapping it would mean a messy constitutional overhaul—one Trudeau likely doesn't want to touch.


If Canada is truly sovereign, doesn't running to a foreign king for protection ironically make it look weaker—even bolstering Trump's statehood proposal?


Should Trump ask King Charles to gift Canada to the United States instead of going through Trudeau?

...and, needless to say, Canadian users were not happy with OP.

One commenter replied: "I feel like your questions don't really understand the Canadian-UK relationship. King Charles is our monarch too, as we're (Canada) a constitutional monarchy. He's technically the head honcho, who vets everything through his representative in our government, the Governor General. Functionally: The Prime Minister runs the show, while the GG gives it the thumbs up. So this isn't us going to a foreign king. This is us going to our king. I have no clue how you see that as a potential bolster for US statehood. We don't want to be a US state, we don't want to be a territory of the US. We were the US' best friend, brother really, now we're seriously wondering if the US is going to stab us in the back. Trump asking King Charles that would be laughable."

To which another U.S.-based user, not the OP, responded: "I will say, as someone who doesn't like Trump, and who grew up directly across the border from Windsor, I'm not sure where all this 'we were the US' best friend, now we're angry!' stuff is coming from. Like, Canadians have been vitriolic towards us as long as I can remember; certainly back in the Clinton era. Growing up in Detroit everyone always joked about how the 'polite Canadian' thing was total propaganda, given how we're treated. Your national identity is basically based on anti-Americanism. You've had massive tariffs on us since long before Trump got into office (250% on some products). Even booing the anthem is nothing new. When and where was all this friendliness, exactly...? Honestly, I kind of feel like Canadians are loving that they finally have an excuse to justify their anti-Americanism, IMO."

To which a separate Canadian simply said: "I think this is the victim complex that really unites Trump voters."

Which offended the U.S.-based respondent: "I didn't vote for Trump. Can't stand the guy. For the record, I'd be super angry if I were them and some ally said they were going to annex us, too. But I do think it's funny to hear Canadians acting like it's only now they hate us. It's like their favorite national pastime. And let's be real, if it were any other country but America, everyone would be falling over themselves to separate the government from the people."

Yet another Canadian responds: "If you can't differentiate between friendly rivalry (perhaps even arrogance, if you'd like) and the current situation, then I don't know what to tell you. The best I can do is; family can have a tumultuous relationship with each other. You can say things to your family that isn't polite, but you know not to take it seriously or that it comes from a good place, because you also know that the person cares for you and is a good person. It's not the healthiest relationship, but it's not the worst either. But what Trump is doing isn't that. It's not coming from a good place, the person doesn't care about us, and they aren't a good person. What was 'childish' is now 'dangerous'."...booing happens when one side does something bad. It was rare before, and until further notice should be standard. America is destroying its international relationships, no one should be happy about it. A part of 'being nice' is knowing when it's deserved.

U.S.-based user reply: "Yeah, again, 'friendly rivalry' does not cut it. Maybe to someone who didn't grow up going back and forth over the border lol. Again, I don't approve of what Trump is doing. Like, anything. But don't pull the 'we were besties!' card, like, c'mon. That was never a thing. Look, this is from over twenty years guys were attacking pee wee hockey players for being American. Children. (Incidentally, I've also been cussed out by grown Canadian men for being American, but that was soccer, not hockey). And again, the vitriol spewed at American citizens (not the government) is unlike anything I've seen directed at Russians, Chinese, Iranians, etc. Heck, your own media recognizes it. Hate us all you want, but own it, don't pretend that we had some great relationship before this."

Canadian response: "Bullshit, I also grew up near the border and we always had a great relationship, occasional shit talking notwithstanding. Canada is pissed for real right now and they have every right to be. You just sound mad that someone else is justifiably mad at you. Like 'you can't be mad at me, I'm going to get mad at you first'. I didn't vote for Trump either, but I don't go around crying like I'm the real victim in all of this."

U.S.-based user reply: "Hey, if they want to hate us, they can go ahead. I'm not saying I'm the victim because the Canadians don't like us, although it's amusing that xenophobia is suddenly a-okay, as long as it's against Americans. What I don't like is the disingenuousness from Canadians pretending they liked us before all of this."

A U.S. user comes to Canadians' defense: "The perpetrators of the attacks that article were Canadian children also competing in the tournament. Random instances of people being peepees to each other is not definitional of a national relationship. Even within the US you'll have this kind of dumb antagonism between neighboring towns. In my highschool there were various very mean spirited prank wars and fights with the school across town. None of this is remotely relevant to the context of a national relationship. I mean our leader is talking about annexing Canada against their whishes and threatening to basically destroy their economy. Kids (or adults) being stupid is not relevant to this."

U.S.-based user reply: "It was more than kids. Look, it's great that your trip across the border went well, but I grew ip with a lot of contact with Canada. Even went to summer camp there and played some sports there. It's just hilarious to me that Canadians are now pretending that they had positive feelings towards us before now. I can assure you that they did not."

Other Canadian user responses:

"The reason (King Charles III) is on our money is because he is our king, he's not foreign. His role is basically as stated, he takes direction from the government and prime minister but does not get involved without them asking him to. The reason Canada doesn't have much of an anti-royal movement is because they have exactly as much influence as we want, they're around for some ceremonial stuff that some people enjoy, but they do not influence our politics. Getting rid of (the UK royal family) would be a colossal waste of money, and probably destroy the fabric of our country, since we'd have to crack open the constitution and all provinces would have to agree on a new one. I'd rather just have a British king come and visit every few years than deal with that."

"'If Canada is truly sovereign' this an if now?"

"'Should Trump ask King Charles to gift Canada to the United States instead of going through Trudeau?' this a serious question?"

Meanwhile, a few U.S.-based users further fan the flames:

"'If Canada is truly sovereign, doesn't running to a foreign king for protection ironically make it look weaker—even bolstering Trump's statehood proposal?' ...yes. The simple answer is yes. Trudeau has a very poor relationship with Trump. He misplayed his hand after Biden's win and put himself in a tough spot. As a result, he is going through proxies to get good connections with the current administration in Washington. Going to Charles is absolutely a weak move." (Note: This comment spawned an entire thread of drama.)

"Canada isn't a sovereign country because their head of state is still the King of England. They're not their own nation, and never have been." (Note: This comment also spawned even more drama.)

"This is just more grandstanding, the US is not going to try to take over Canada. Trudeau just doubling down on the weakling soy boy image he's cultivated. Go cry to your king. What an impressive leader."

"'Daaaaad, make him stop! He keeps poking me!' Seriously, what is King Charles going to do? Why would Trump respect him of all people? Trudeau already voiced his opposition to this thing Trump's not even gonna do, I suggest he take the win and get on to more pressing business before his constituents remember why he was unpopular before all this happened."

"didn't trudeau announce his resignation 3 months ago? why is he still in office, and running to His Majesty the King over something that's an obvious joke?" (Note: There are a bunch of angry Canadian replies to this as well.)

Community Note by @Raditz

Did you know that the first modern e-cigarette to see widespread distribution was invented in 2003? :marseyserioushatfact:

Helpful [35] Not Helpful [8]
GOOMBLE :marseyladybugcapitalist: bait idea: bitcoin price in a week?

In one week, Bitcoin will be above 100k dollars per bitcoin - 2,500 total betted

90-100 - 2,100 total betted

85-90 - 5,100 total betted

80-85 - 3,800 total betted

70-80 - 2,400 total betted

below 70 :marseycontemplatesuicide: - 6,043 total betted

Current price is 84k dramacoin per BTC. I'll use Coinbase's chart to check and resolve based on the price whenever I get home from work next Monday. If it's within 1 dollar of the boundary between two options (eg 90000.56), then I'll flip a coin.

!bets !goomble !goomblers !goombling !coinboys

!remindme 1 week "resolve buttcoin"

Dog Discussions and Tea breaks.



Spoiler: only two people that I could see in that entire comment section know who Stonetoss is and yes, they said he's a :marseyreich:

1. :marseychonker2: :marseyandjesus: "as a Christian, I have good reason to always aid Israel!"

2. :marseycrucified: "those who bless Israel shall be blessed!"

3. :marseyfrozenchosen: "I'm confused. Did he actually say this, or did someone else say it?" :marseynerd2: "nah, just anti-Israel BS" :marseysheepdog: "you people terrify me"

4. :boomermonster: "better than where it was going..."

5. :marseycrusade: "Yes, we support Israel and we should!"

Boomer literally has just learned that modern Israel is a byproduct of the British Empire........................

6. :marseybrainlet: "I just learned that Israel is an extension of the British Empire..."

7. :marseyorthodox: "anyone who is anti-Israel by default is anti-Jewish" :marseyraging: "shut the F up you Fing r-slur!" :marseyorthodox: :marseysmug2: "the F you gonna do, b-word?"

8. A collection of the random comments you can find on that page...

Community Note by @Raditz

Did you know that Rick Harrison from the History Channel reality TV series Pawn Stars is epileptic? :marseyserioushatfact:

Helpful [61] Not Helpful [11]
!bobmob he ate with this one I'm afraid :marseyaaalaser:

Every new "horror icon" is either a blurry shadow named 'The Man Who Wears A Shoe' that stands in the background of Instagram stories that end with final frame text about dead teenagers or an 'evil' version of Cookie Monster with more lore than "The Silmarillion" who is now in every claw machine.

Bob Chipman ( 2025-03-03T16:46:34.424Z
A case for feminism in programming language design (AKA is HTML executable?)

UML is not executable, so could easily be disregarded as a programming language, but is not. HTML, which is executable however, is not seen as a programming language in regular PL discourse.

Reminder that foids are the oppressed gender, reduced to pumping out this horseshit instead of making the meaningful contributions to society they're absolutely capable of.

!chuds !foidmoment

Edit: :!marseyawardretard: :marseyposteditagain:


>Sonic Unleashed gets unofficial recompiled port

>someone makes a mod that makes sonic trans fem with full voice acting

>random viewer points out fem sonic can't enter the women's dorm because the game takes place in like 2010 lol

Just stfu and make my pizza | [-196]


:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Bitcoin :marseywallst: has completely retraced the pump from :brainletmaga: blumpf's "shitcoin reserve announcement" its it is so fricking over lol :!marseyrofl:

ETH is even more fricked.

Let's zoom out. Each candle is now a day:

Let's take a look at how /biz/ is doing (they are coconutpilled now :marseykamakama:):

Now lets take a look at twink link:

thanks for watching

also @Aevann thank god for adding the feature where drafting posts are saved when you close the tab

Community Note by @Raditz

Did you know that the wings of a housefly beat in the key of F? :marseyserioushatfact:

Helpful [34] Not Helpful [4]
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Disney Introduces Openly Christian Character After Ditching Transgender Story :marseycrucified:

This is the first openly !Christians character to feature in a Disney film since 2007's Bridge to Terabithia. The film features young adolescent children Jesse Aarons (played by Josh Hutcherson) and Leslie Burke (played by Anna Sophia Robb), who in one scene attend church together, and discuss religion on the way home.

Only interesting tidbit from the article. To be fair other than Moana who is whatever indigenous pagan and it's a central feature in the story they just sidestep it altogether. I guess Coco and Up have physical churches in them? But no characters who talk about it. :marseythinkorino:

The article title is clickbait for sure, the original plan was to have a Christian character and a separate trans character. It wasn't a 1:1 replacement.

Anyway this angers the redditor :soysnootypefast: :

Darn everyone would really rather tell their kids about a guy who was nailed to a fricking cross before accepting that trans people (and kids) exist

:marseyandjesus: :marseyagree:

As a Catholic, we do not worship Jesus Christ in the same way. In our beliefs Jesus is not god, he is the son of god. Which I think is different than what Christians believe (I'm Catholic, not "Christian" so I can't speak for sure on what other religions believe). That being said, we consider god to be made up of the holy Trinity (the father, the son and the holy spirit), so in a sense Jesus is not god but he is a part of god. But us Catholics do consider ourselves to be Christian even if other "Christians" don't.

/u/a205204 this is not what Catholics believe go talk to your priest please :marseyfacepalm:

That's certainly why Catholics see themselves as Christians.

Let's say you came back from work and someone moved into your house and legally changed their last name to match yours. Do you suddenly consider them to be your family? They believe they're your family, so why don't you?

/u/pikpikcarrotmon Your analogy works better in the opposite direction. When do you think the Reformation began? :marseysmughips:

I think it can be assumed some characters are but the only recent ones I can think of that have an identified religion are Mei in Turning Red and Anne in Amphibia who are both Buddhist.

There is a church and priest in Encanto so they are likely Christian but it never directly says they are.

If Marvel Animated studios counts then we also have @Nightcrawler who is Catholic.

/u/jesuspoopmonster I am Catholic, yes. :marseywave2: Come hang out with me on!

Community Note by @Raditz

We're running with the shadows of the night :marseysing:

So baby, take my hand, you'll be alright :marseyjam:

Surrender all your dreams to me tonight :marseyheavymetal:

They'll come true in the end… :beavisandbuttheadrocking:

Helpful [22] Not Helpful [19]
does this make sense transphobes


40 cases of dysentery reported in Multnomah County, Oregon
Tim Walz :sadwalz: announces 2028 presidential ambitions :surewalz:

:soyjakwow: thread

I think its kinda racist to announce this before Kamala has announced her canidacy



There's something fun about old 80's drug PSA's. Seeing He-Man warn the kiddies at home about performance enhancing drugs, or G.I. Joe making sure we just say no. Cartoon All Stars To The Rescue showed us that anyone can beat drug addiction as long as they have a Garfield lamp and ALF lunchbox handy. But those didn't tell us the TRUE story of what it's like to be "WASTED". I had the fortune recently to stumble upon a Drug PSA that claims to be a true story of a real former pot addict who almost had his life destroyed by his addiction. Despite being mostly comprised of animated segments, this PSA is being pitched to it's audience as 100% legitimate spring fresh truth. Let's see just how much they live up to that promise, shall we?

1983's "Wasted: A True Story" (or is it?)

0:00 -0:05

The upload of this PSA on youtube starts with a logo for some forgotten old forum. Be a dear and give them the +9 website views they deserve. After all, it couldn't have been easy for uploader "L33T Guy" to upload this in between his grueling schedule of epix haxxoring.

We start off with footage of a bunch of kids playing a game of soccer and within 8 seconds we're introduced to the doped up dope we'll be following for the rest of the runtime. He looks like if Ringo had a even worse haircut.

0:08 -0:11

It's a long way back to nowhere from where I am today

In the park playing ball with the kiddies? I think I'd rather have the pot.

0:11 -0:14

It's hard to believe that not very long ago I lived my life for drugs

Even he knows he's a lousy actor

0:14 -0:22

"I was an addict. Not addicted to one thing, but to everything I could get my hands on."

So everything but some hair clippers?

And as you'll see throughout this cartoon, his 'addiction' really was just pot, gin, and the occasional cigarette. Considering he lived in a nice suburban neighborhood, that probably was all he could get his hands on. Still, it's no crystal meth or Angel Dust (the drug, not the fruity spider.)

0:28 -0:36

"A lot of people don't survive. But I was lucky. I survived. And today I live my life for me."

"That's right. I smoked....A JOINT. And lived to tell the tale. WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M NOT A VICTIM???"- :marseyhippiecry:

0:40- 0:42

"The first time I got high was 8 years old."


0:43 -0:46

reddit dramatic pause And this guy...he was a lot older than me.

Wait, you're telling me it wasn't a fellow 8 year old selling you weed? :marseyscream: I'm shocked and appalled.

0:47 -0:49

And he turned me onto some pot.

I think I know another way he turned you on. :gaydar:

0:51 -0:53

And from then on it was really downhill.

Former drug addict who was saved from the brink years ago still has braces :marseyrofl:

1:05 -1:17

He was my brother he was my little brother and he was sweet and he was funny and he was real involved with his friends and sports and then one day he was different

>"He got this stupid haircut..." :marseytradmad:

1:17 -1:25

It's hard to watch someone you love destroy themselves and it's more hard to watch someone you love destroy themselves and pull everyone down with them

>"But the hardest thing of all is caricatures! I can't wait to start hustling on the boardwalk!"" :marseytrad:

1:29 -1:37

When Tim started getting high and when his behavior changed and his attitude changed you know even his looks changed

I think you're describing "Puberty"

1:37 -1:43

His most intense-

-behavior was when he wasn't high

Welcome to Toon Town! Apparently weed turns you into a Mike Judge reject. Also there's no way she actually drew that.

1:43 -1:49

when he needed to get high we'd have to watch what we said around him he's like a time bomb you know

No, I don't know. How about you prattle on some more?

This is me when I don't have any dramacoins to blow at the casino. :marseycoin:

1:49 -2:00

and this time he went into the kitchen we were both in the kitchen and we were yelling at each other and the next thing I know he had a knife in his hand

>"If it can cut butter, it can cut butterfaces!"

2:00 - 2:17

>"Now I gotta kill my sister and I know why. HEY HEY because I'm not high, because I'm not high, because I'm not high. da da da da da da!" :marseygucci:

2-17 -2:24

>"If we didn't have a million doors that just open to a wall you'd be DEAD BY NOW."

2:24 - 2:37

he chased me around the house and then I went to the bathroom I locked the door and I pulled all the all the drawers so they would block the door in case he you know use the knife to unlock it

Knocking the door really drained him of his energy. That's gotta be the second limpest pounding he's ever done. :marseydangerfield:

2:37 -2:52

I just sat down against the door and I just cried and I was shaking and I heard him throw the knife away I think at that point he realized what he was doing what his anger had brought him to do I think he totally freaked out


2:52 -2:54

It took a long time-

>"Let's take another STAB at it Tim! Come on what's the matter, I think my jokes are pretty SHARP! Just giving you a SLICE of life here!"

2:54 - 3:04

it took a long time for my mother and I to trust him again to really trust him again

>"Oh thank god, I thought it'd never stop sparkling"

he lost that. I loved him deep down inside because I was obligated to

>"Now I got to find someone I don't love to harvest skin for a lampshade, thanks a lot sis!"

he was my brother. but I didn't like him.

I hated him :marseyindignantwoman:

>"Oh, now that I'm outside you got the balls to say this?"

3:04 -3:22

for what he was doing to us and himself

What, was he chasing himself with a knife too?

I hated him as a person because he was always...


:marsey420: "Woah DUDE...that title drop got too REAL. But like, I'm not convinced yet. After all this could be a fake story-

"That settles it MAN, I don't wanna go stabbing my 4/10 sister BRO. I'm done with pot FOREVER."


:marseyshisha: "Thank god for the Hookah!"

Consider this all part 1. If there's interest in me covering the rest of the PSA I'll gladly do so but I figured it'd be good to see if anyone cared first before spending more time than I already had on it. In Part 2 we get to see the day to day habits of the weed smoker such as drinking gin, selling off priceless family heirlooms, and kicking puppies!

See you then kiddos! :marseywave2:

R.I.P. King :marseylibations:

I'm legitimately sad about losing this guy. Gonna miss you, Leon :(

[🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘] This sub over the past 72 hours


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

I hate Putin, personally. But that shouldn't really be a hot take (333)

You don't know Putin personally. (-76)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

You don't need to personally know someone to disagree with the decisions they've made (52)

I never said that dude.I said "hate". (-35)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Zelensky sucks? What is this argument? HUH (168)

He's drafting kids at gunpoint and sending them to war knowing they will die in a cold ditch for a war they can't win.You can't justify you're the "good guy" when you send children to die. It's kinda like saying america sucks we dropped 2 nucular bombs on the 2 largest cities on earth.Even Putin isn't willing to blow up civilian cities. (-45)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Are you r-slurred or brain dead. Name another country that has as many murders from guns as yours dip shit. Now do the math on why that is.Guess what frick was it's the guns. It's the guns.But definitely blame the trans and the Mexicans (1)

Never mentioned Trans. Never mentioned Mexicans. I mentioned the crime rate, and the fact that more guns are used defensively than illegally in the US. That's the real point.What matters is not just the gun murder rate. What matters is the general crime and murder rate, and whether that increases or decreases with guns. Because NEWS FLASH: Guns can be used to stop crimes too.Your argument, essentially, is that I could claim "100 people are saved with a gun while 1 person is murdered elsewhere with a gun" and you would say "The gun murder rate! We need to ban guns to stop that 1 murder!" Those are not the actual numbers, obviously, although it is true that guns save more people than murder others. Rather, just illustrating the point that your argument makes no sense.So, in your own words, "guess what frick, it was the criminals. Its the criminals." Not the guns. The guns stop the criminals more than the criminals use them. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Most people don't really care about what happens on the other side of the world just like most people don't give a fk about the none stop fights in Iran.Most people don't want to fix things on the other side of the world if it means people spending power will massively decrease. People don't want to have there family have to struggle more to save some one on the other side of the world.Even do there is clear right and wrong but there enemies of the past fighting each other most people don't care all that much just most people don't realy care at all that iran has been none stop having on and off wars for decades.And that's the thing people are indifferent of suffering if it means to fix it you have to put more suffering on your self and on your family. That's the reality off it.You have a duty to help allies not a duty to fix every issue in the world.And that counts for both the US and Europe. Cause Ukraine has been on the Soviet side in the past and big part of of a past of being s... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I hope it works out for you and your sons, I really do. If they are really cutting waste and not making money for themselves or the rich then it is a good thing indeed. When speaking about Ukraine, you guys send 4% of your military budget to Ukraine. I view this as the good part. But do you need to send 10% to Israel? I think not. So I hope they cut military budget, oil and corporate subsidies as well. Even small cuts to these would far outweigh the cuts we talked about above. Also Elon should cut his own moon landing SpaceX subsidies along with all coprotate BS projects. This SpaceX project subsidies are 3-5 billion for gods sake.They have not even met the first goal out of 10 that they promised and the deadline is due. The rocket expoded before getting to orbit. I would believe him if he took a chainsaw to the corporations, that would prove he isn't just robbing the people. (1)

Israel is a different but similar contentious topic of discussion, where many Americans question the amount of money being sent there. I mean for God's sake, how long do we have to fund this, before they can stand on their own two?The American consensus on foreign aid, is enough. Enough funding violent organizations and countries, who just end up killing each other over petty religious squabbles. Enough funding government puppets who turn greedy dictator years later. In my opinion, they need culture shifts, foreigners love screaming world peace, but stay killing their neighbors over bullshit. Americans are tired of foreign wars, and I can't blame them for becoming isolationist. I have developed this mentality as well, it's not like the foreigners we help, defend, fight and die for, even like us. I don't have a problem with Elon. Elon isn't rich greedy, he's rich builder. There's a difference. Elon uses his money to try to advance society technologically. He isn't just hoarding wealt... (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Direct-Temperature78

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+1🐮)

Number of comments: 20

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

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