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Hungover Redditor swears that they'll never drink again, 45k updoots in /r/pics


So yeah, after drinking myself to sleep most nights and drinking during work, I woke up Saturday morning throwing up and decided then and there I wouldn't drink anymore. And soon after my body started to attack me, sending tremors and anxiety like I hadn't felt from withdrawal before. It got so bad that I nearly checked in to a hospital for fear of accidentally hurting myself. But around midday, as the tremors became gradually less, I ended up having a crying breakdown in my car for a good 5 minutes. It simultaneously felt kind of cathartic, but also was a point where my desire for a drink was at its strongest.

I spent time with a friend who knew what I was going through tonight and it was nice. Really nice. And when I got home, I dumped my last whiskey bottle I had in my desk drawer

ETA: and in case any of you are curious as to what inspired me to just stop cold turkey all of a sudden, I'll just say it's complicated but that depression and loneliness played a big part. If you've never listened to the song Whiskey Lullaby by Brad Paisley and Alison Krauss, please do so. That'll give you an idea on the road I've been on

Posting that you're sober when you're still drunk from the night before lol good luck Redditor see you in a couple of days

The comments are the usual "so proud of you fellow Redditor" and "noo you can't just stop drinking you might die :soycry:"

He's also spamming completely random hobby subreddits about his "sobriety" and farming upmarseys like a vacuum cleaner.

Was anyone affected by the mass protests on Monday? Yeah me neither. But r/50501 insists that they taught us all a lesson and hit us hard!


Protest from 3 days ago affected Q1 earnings stocks down MAGAts!

Totally socially aware Redditor doesn't see when a friend blows him off but claims victory over convincing a MAGAt!

Oh boy, another one in a couple weeks. I'm sure this one will be different.

Call people Russians if they don't agree! That'll work!

eta: I guess they shut down temporarily for da violence of the calls tsk tsk tsk

City sub janny (pwosted yesterday) hunting MAGA gwot gigajannyied lmao

Reddit Lies thwead on her

Alswo, she was fat.

:marseydasha: So those Redscare Pod chicks are just fascists apparently :elonsalute:


Everything I disagree with is fascism.


Red Scare should be in the dictionary next to "horseshoe theory". They started out super left, went so far they became fascists.

Going too far left doesn't lead you to the right. Being a shameless grifter does.


"Durrr how can they be good if they don't fear God?"

Bible thumpers are so idiotic.

It makes sense to them. The Bible says unbelievers are stupid and evil, they believe the Bible is true, so they have to think we're stupid and evil. On top of that, biblical morality begins and ends with worshipping Yahweh. It's the number one commandment, and what Jesus says is more important than anything, including your children or your own survival. It's really fricked up.

The Bible properly says everyone is stupid and evil, that's why they have the concept of grace.

The Bible very specifically says unbelievers.

Psalm 14:1 "For the choir director: A psalm of David. Only fools say in their hearts, "There is no God." They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good."

2 Corinthians 6:17 "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?"

John 3:18 "Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son."

Mark 16:15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned."

That's just some "centrist" dishonesty, like all the "I'm not racist, I hate everyone equally… but I'm dropping hard R's every time I see a black guy."

Being saved doesn't mean you're a good person per se, as I'm referring to the doctrine of original sin. The faithful are saved through grace.

Forget being "saved", it says all unbelievers are condemned, will be punished for not believing. That is Kim Jung Un style despotism.

For that matter, you cannot be "saved" by the one making the threat. Jesus/Yahweh is the one threatening to kill you for not worshipping him, so it is not saving. You don't praise a murderer for saving you by choosing not killing you. It's Jesus/Yahweh's choice to demand worship, and his choice to espouse punishment for not worshipping.


Exp comment: I never listened but I remember them being perceived as something of an irreverent "dirtbag left" show of the Chapo trap house variety. I think they collabed with Alex Jones recently? Big yikes.

Yeah if I'm not mistaken they went from dirtbag left to tradcath fascist when Biden got elected, I think primarily because COVID lockdowns prevented them from partying as much


I am so confused. Leftists don't like IQ because all people are equal in the eyes of God? IQ, which does not measure intelligence, but problem solving with a massive cultural element. So why would we dislike things that make all people equal?

I think it's a stupid meritocracy thing? She believes IQ is an objective measure of intelligence so if you don't agree with testing IQ, it's because you think some humans are naturally less capable of being intelligent

Wouldn't believing in IQ mean that?

Honestly, it's just fact that some humans are less capable of being intelligent. But the trick is to still see everyone as equal. They've likely got something going on for them that someone more intelligent doesn't. I don't know. IQ is stupid, but we're all different, and yet, our worth is all equal. I don't believe in God. And I don't understand what this b-word is talkin' about.



JANNIES :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: THIS BANNER IS OUT OF DATE :soymad: :soymad: :soymad:

Rumours that EU will give Ukraine more money and increase it manpower reserves today

So there are chances that EU will deport some Ukrainian men.

And they been thinking about it for some quite time now

Redditors have always so amazing takes

Ukraine has better standards of living :marseythumbsup:

On 23-25 February was big protest around the world, Ukrainian were asking to continue the war. And there were many interviews of Ukrainian men like this one for example

And they all were the same "Trump bad, bussyfication bad, fight till borders of 1991, Ukraine is short on manpower but I won't return to Ukraine to fight for 1991 borders and have 1000 excuses"

Most common excuse: I am more useful outside Ukraine and I donate

We know most people that claim they donate are lying and in case of Ukrainian that's even bigger lie since they use this excuse since it's best sounding one.

But let's assume they donate and it would be unrealistic to expect it's more than 100 euro. Working in Ukraine they would had contributed more by paying taxes every month on top of it spend all their earnings in Ukraine what would boost Ukrainian economy even more.

So sending those refugees back maybe sounding evil but all those Ukrainian that want to continue fighting mostly living outside Ukraine so it becoming fair to give them opportunity to stand up for their words :marseyxd:

You'll notice how suddenly those pro Ukrainian protest will disappear or how they will cry "human rights not fair deporting Ukrainian"



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Foid forgets OPSEC when chudding out on the internet

:#marseyattentionseeker: + :#foidmental:



Wizards of the Coast, the company behind Dungeons and Dragons and Magic: The Gathering, has in the recent years been making many ret-cons and modifications to their game due to their majorly left-wing playerbase attempting to cancel every single nerd product they can sink their poorly manicured nails into. This, combined with the unavoidable fact that much of DND and MTG's worldbuilding are based on real-world locations, religions, etc, has caused some seriously hilarious wokewashing of the IPs.

Some hits include, but are not limited to:

  • Having an empire based on the Aztecs, but instead of being brutal imperial overlords with human sacrifice and vicious warriors, they are basically mesoamerican jungle hippies.

  • Having a Wild-West set where, in order to avoid any hint of colonialism, the plane starts out uninhabited. But they wanted to still have Native American representation of course, so they invented a whole new Native stand-in race that comes to explore the place from a different plane of existence.

  • Remaking the art for all of their references to "Rakshasa" (a Hindu-inspired demon) across the board so that, instead of the cool cat-demons they used to be depicted as, they're now depicted as they would be in traditional Hindu art.

  • Renaming lich "Phylacteries" (an amulet they store their soul in) to "Spirit Jars" due to phylactery being etymologically related to Jewish tefillin.

  • Re-flavoring the "Monk" class to not be Asian-adjacent, but rather just any unspecified unarmed fighter, like a Tavern Brawler or a Greek Wrester could be a monk. Actually, this one is pretty cool, I kind of like the idea of a western Boxer being a Monk.

Anyways, the latest entry in kowtowing to the most annoying people in the community is that they announced they are using the creature type "Shaman" less in Magic: the Gathering, due to concerns of inaccurate representation of Shamanistic practices in real-world religions. This has caused quite a lot of stir because the announcement comes alongside the newest set being revealed -- a return to the Asian-inspired plane of Tarkir. Tarkir has a history of including many Shaman creatures, but many have been changed to Druids for fear that they are not "accurate representation" of Shamans.

However, instead of the usual "well, someone might be offended, so I guess it's a good change" reaction to such changes, the main magic subreddit has fully recognized how stupid this decision is, for a variety of reasons.

Wait, isn't there the same issue with Druids?

Well, yeah, but that doesn't matter because Druids are white

In pursuit of inclusivity, we have unincluded cultures from further representation

A comment about MTG going "woke" unironically upmarseyd in the sub

Beyond these specific examples, various people all over the thread are point out how performative and overly sensitive the change is (always have been), as well as many plainly stating the fact that it's strange that you can do whatever you want with Western cultures but non-white stuff is completely taboo to riff on at all.

:marseyzelensky: :punchjak: :!marseytrump:


Mayos have invented new dimension of coping.


This kang made a lot of short kings very mad

r/BlackPeopleTwitter discusses the Russia-Ukraine war

!BIPOCs !chuds




She was too tiny! I cannot believe how tiny they once were, how did I steer that crazy nature preserve butt ship?! Back then, we were bottle feeding these lil angels. We were not prepared, and I would not be eager to go at another round!

Now, it is so much simpler. Kibble is more in demand than ever, life's good! :marseyfluffy: :marseybow: :marseyadmire:

I'm two job applications down since this morning, one is more of an interest than the other. I want to work close to home and be able to climb ladders, honey. I'll make it happen. :marseyklennysuit:

!animalposters !cats

Weekly Anime Post 184

Didnt watch anything new this week. Probably wont until this season ends tbh.


@Aevann pin pls

Is amazon just a giant drop shipping scam at this point?

Ive started checking Ali for every item I'm about to buy from Amazon and the same item is always on there for less than half of the cost.

The far right wing e-girls(male) are fighting cause one of them got exposed by an actual e-girl(female).

The hoe who dmed these folx:

Folx saying shes not even mayo lol.

Xhe tried to hit up some strayan rightoids but they didnt like it perhaps due to homosexuality or not liking disgusting foids (same thing tbh):

The DM's with Keith Wood (notable Irish rightoid who also supports Palestine):


Big if true:

DID MAYOS LEARN NOTHING FROM WW2? No more fricking brother wars:

The hoe turns up the scene of the crime to clout chase. Gotta respect the hustle tbh:

Tldr meme:


massive pwnage
Hope you bought the nothing happens dip :marseynothingburger:


The Biggest Lolcow of the Get Rich Quick Gurus

I don't have the will nor the time to put into making a kf thread so I'm just leaving my input here. If you have any involvement in "hustling" twitter, you might know this guy. I honestly forgot about his early life but when I first discovered him he was trying to sell a membership for a groomercord where he'll teach you how to resell items. He was also selling other memberships for other servers like a "creditmaxxing" course, "travelhacking" course, and some bots to automate shopping.

Right now he claims to make $200k a month from all his methods that he sells. This money is actually from all the memberships that he's selling. Everything in these servers either take way too much effort for little profit or just flat-out stop working after a day. This isn't a random accusation, you can verify this for yourself by looking at the stats of all the servers he's running. (his largest server with public information available)

I left the scene a while ago so I'm not 100% sure on this, but he's made a few smaller servers and tried to sell "season passes" for them to eventually just discontinue them and auto renew people for his more expensive membership. Don't try criticizing him though, cause he'll accuse you of being... POOR!

This guy has an incredibly fragile ego and will instantly meltdown under any type of negativity. If you mention that any of his schemes (which he pushes to unknowing children) are illegal, you'll instantly be blocked. It's not like these methods are complex schemes either, these are pretty basic:

  • Making fake receipts to harvest rewards points

  • Cashing out EBT/SNAP

  • Sending false credit reports (they actually send it on your behalf, but you have to give them your ssn)

  • Self referring yourself to different apps (not illegal but def a TOS violation)

  • Promocode stacking at small businesses for free items (not illegal but very shady)

  • Whatever this is

This guy is also heavily hated by other get rich gurus, as he's known to send hate mobs and steal content from other shitty memberships.

While proofreading I remembered I had this screenshot of him threatening to sue some little kid who said his groomercord server was shit lol.

To summarize: this guy is an insane grifter with a huge ego and you can probably get him to sperg out by calling him poor.

Bard spotting on Bluesky 05 March 2025 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

Rocket daddy goes after the VA, veterans starting to get buyers remorse. No refunds!

The Dept. of Veterans Affairs is getting layoffs and there are already reports of their phones not being answered due to a lack of staff.

It's okay though, nobody actually cares if these racist gun nut chuds don't get their undeserved neetbux :#marseyembrace: I'm sure all the homeless vets are really happy with Trump!

I took photos of some birds


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