
Can he run it up again or is it finally over?

(Trigger warning) Kill all moids.

Ok so the thread is from 2021 but showed up cause the person above retweeted it. Here is the original:

Anyway here are a few selections:

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It was interesting time majority Redditors were acting so hyped and believed in Ukraine

I always look forward to this guys predictions. He has never been wrong. He got start of the invasion right, the Ukraine counter attack date right, when Kherson would be recaptured. That's 3 for 3.

Now will he get this one right as well? Spring is March till May. So he's got till the last day of May. Let's see what happens.

I'm 60-80% confident he's right. Just depends on the weather. Let's hope spring is warm in Ukraine this year.

He was of course wrong because he is rarely right

He also told early this year Crimea bridge will be destroyed by early June.

So what does that homo that believes in budanov doing now ?

Posting atelier gatcha (girly jrpg series) shit like 90% of his post are those. This series was made for little girls where they could play as girls no much older than them and do magic friendship and cuteness. So obviously majority players are p-do men that are 40+

One of his latest post about Ukraine where he is coping that Russian failed :marseyxd:

When the situation is that 38k Ukrainian wasn't enough so Sirsky decided to send their last 3 assault brigades to do meat waves counteroffensive

Jihad Julian already crying that Russian don't let the get in formation for legendary spring counteroffensive 2

What's really matter:

Is the black dot (green is +/- where the Russian are)

On black is that road used to supply Kramatorsk and etc. losing that road makes supplying Kramatorsk and co much harder as you see road in green will be through Kharkiv but has electricity problems.

Logical would been for Ukraine to leave northern volvchanks and just defend. Because they literally wasting their men power and Russia are building new solid defence lines around so Ukraine wouldn't be able to kick Russian out from that zone anymore + Russia can always send reinforcements now. It would made for Ukraine more logical to counterattack in ocheretine

But its media war for Ukraine

Having world news of Russian bombing Lharkiv with artillery shells would hurt Ukrainian reputation a lot since Kharkiv is like symbol of Ukraine and its power soon Kharkiv offensive will be 2 years. So losing in that direction will be bad for TV and boomers just like that p-do atelier enjoyer.

But globally not much changed

They still cope about patriot and today jumping around that Swiss patriot contract (2031) is pushed back so Ukraine can get those missiles first (in 2031)

They still cope about f16 when now they are anti hyped by western media

No shit! Can't have the superior US-engineered F-16s getting blown out of the sky, that would be bad for business. Obviously, in the extremely unlikely event they do get blown out of the sky, it will not be because of the quality of Russian air defense, but the poor quality of the Ukrainian pilots.

They still cope about SK artillery shells

Who needs to remember that SK already gave tons of artillery shells to Ukraine and it did nothing

Estimates put South Korea's annual production rate at around 200,000 155 mm shells per year.

SK officially gave 2x of it. SK can be mad but doing nothing in their case is more net positive

One year of spring counteroffensive and Ukraine is in shitier situation and it's seems nothing shall forestall Ukraine losing. But somehow in redditorsverse Ukraine is still winning


Either pay 10k or do a driveway yourself. I chose diy.

For context, it's 30' by 18' by 6" and I've never formed, tied rebar, poured and finished. I've done some of each but never all together.

Contractor wanted 10k.

1 day rental of bobcat to degrass $300

Form and rebar #4 with 2' on center was $300

Concrete was 9.5 yards for $2000

Second truck was 3 yards for $600

Labor was $800

I saved 6k

How'd I do?


I like the 2 foot area where you tried to finish it and just said frick it, good enough ๐Ÿ‘

Perfect is the enemy of good, and comparison is the thief of joy. It's not perfect, and I'm really happy to have learned something new.

Great approach, I've done some shit jobs for myself in the past but I learned a frick ton. As long as you learn, you win.

Couldn't agree more.


That's a great textured finish. You won't have to worry about slipping when it's wet or frozen


you may have actually cost yourself 4k. time will tell

How so?

I think he is implying it is going to crack and go to shit this costing you $4k plus more to have it redone.

The contractor who bid the job told me after I said I was doing it myself "right on, don't worry how it looks. Two things I've learned in this trade after 20 years, women are going to b-word and concrete is going to Crack."

I live by a simple phrase, "you can have it fast, good or cheap. Pick two"

I chose fast and cheap, I know it ain't going to be good.


Hey Far Left: What's With All the new tosses?

Pride :marseylgbtflag: Month Celebrated by Texas :marseytexan: Gun Rights!!!!

Most deranged leftist on twitter

Black tokyo play advice
Euro 2024 Live Match Thread - France vs Netherlands



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The sadness of living without s*x | BBC

Robert: I am 61 and still waiting and I am probably too late to start now. I have always been too worried about being laughed at and ridiculed. I finally realised I was unlikely to get anywhere when turned down by a prostitute when in my 30s.

Unhappy Soul: I wish I'd lost my virginity at 37. I'm 54 and still waiting for something I know will never come. About 10 years ago I remember sitting with a group of friends over a drink and the subject came up of losing your virginity and I just fled the room when it came to my turn. One of the others came out to find me and they'd assumed I'd had a bad experience of some kind. It didn't occur to them that I had no experience to recount. All I ever wanted from life was to be a husband and a dad.

Chris: I'm 42, and still a virgin. I get told (often it is turned in to a joke) that I can just go and pay for it. Get it over with. But to me, that lacks any affection, there's no emotional intimacy in it, not even just simple caring. And I would like at least that. I feel like I am different from other people. Excluded. Often made fun of by people who know. To be blunt, sometimes it makes me feel like I must be a monster. I work and do volunteer work as well, go to classes and interest groups, but meeting someone who accepts me, even meeting someone to talk with, just never happens. I just feel extremely alone, and, I guess, forgotten, in this world.

Ikram: I can relate to this story. I am 35 years old and still struggle to talk to girls. I am still a virgin but the difference is lately I have tried to break this barrier and approached a few girls but I always get brutal rejection. I don't know why. And that sends me into another cycle of "No-one wants me," and then I am like, "I am OK... I don't need to have anyone." I blame my ethnicity, my religion and, when all else fails, my weight and my face. It's not easy to be not wanted by anyone.

David: I'm 58 and have never had a girlfriend bar a couple of tentative platonic friendships which never even progressed to hand-holding never mind anything else. In my teens, 20s and 30s it made me thoroughly miserable and incredibly lonely as it didn't seem like an unreasonable thing to want, yet seemed as improbable as winning the lottery. The skills required appear to be something learned in adolescence and if for some reason you don't acquire them, the whole area of relationships becomes an alien world. I sometimes see it as looking into a fish tank.

Thinking of adopting a cat, should I get this one?

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