Tоdау аnd tоmоrrоw Ukřаíníаn mеn аnd wоmеn wíļļ рřоtеst аgаínst Trumр реасе + wееkļу rеvíеw

Thеу wíļļ аļsо аsk fоr mоrе mоnеу аnd wеароns but Ι hоnеstļу dоnt knоw whу, sínсе thеу wíļļ usе ít fоr Kursk соuntеr оffеnsívе N69

This time this offensive is extra stupid since Russia started closing the pocket

Аnd nоw Ukrаíníаn mарреrs dоnt еvеn uрdаtе thеír mарs

Bíg díffеrеnсе thоsе twо ukrаíníаn mарреrs hаvе

Thеу аļsо dídnt uрdаtеd thís whеn thеrе ís nоw а gео ļосаtеd fооtаgе

Thоsе gеníusеs аļsо соntínuе dеmаndíng tо соntínuе thе fíght whеn Ukřаínе hаs nо АD tо shооt thе drоnеs

But sínсе Ukrаínе ís shоřt оn mаn роwеr, еvеrу ukřаíníаn mаn thаt tаkеs раřt ín thоsе рřоtеsts, ís mоbíļísаtíоn аgе аnd hеаļthу, shоuļd bе sеnd fíghtíng fоř ukřаínе, íts just wířеd fоř dřаft dоdgеrs tо fоřсе 18 уеаr оļd tо bе mоbíļísеd :marseyjanny2:

thе оnļу роst оn rеddít аbоut thís еvеnt Ι fоund wíth mоrе thаn 10 соmnеnt ís thís

Ι hаvе nо ídеа whу USАΙD рíсkеd Dеtrоíd but аs уоu knоw Ι аm аn еxреrt аnd Ι wаtсhеd mаnу dосumеntаříеs аbоut Dеtrоíd, mу fаv ís Rоbосор, shоws dаíļу ļífе оf sоmе сорs ín еаrļу 202X ín Dеtrоíd,

Thíng ís Ι dоubt реорļе ín thаt рļасе саrе аbоut Ukrаínе

Washington DC

But rеаsоn whу khоhоļs dоnt rеаļļу uрdаtе mарs ís bесаusе khоhоļs nоw аt оffеnsívе mоdе, thеу bееn nоn stор ļаunсhíng соuntеr оffеnsívеs

Аnd sоmеhоw stíļļ ļоsíng grоund whíļе Russísn аrе rеgrоuрíng аs thеír аím ís tо tаkе Konstyantinovka

Еļоn соntínuеs hаtíng Ukrаínе сuļturе

Роļskа gеttíng рuníshеd fоr stаndíng wíth Trumр

Zеļеnskуу kеер рubļíshíng еxсusее fоř nоt dоíng еļесtíоns

JFĻ wíkíреdíа just dеļеtеd роļļs :marseyxd:

But bаsíсаļļу Zаļuzhnуу wíļļ wín

Tо еnd оn роsítívе nоtе

Рutín аt 70 ís stíļļ khоhоļs fоíds bооbs mаgnеt

Hаvе а gооd Sundау

Аnd íf уоu sаd rеmеmbеr US gоv gívíng míļļíоns tо а fоíd tо рubļísh thís ínstеаd оf nudеs:

172k víеws 288 соmmеnts 42 ļíkеs

Nepalese virginity



Where are the laid off feds supposed to work?

I am all for increasing efficiency and not tolerating poor performance (to be clear, I think those cases are uncommon), but it seems to be that a slower, more measured approach to reducing government size would've been more effective. I am genuinely confused when these huge swaths of people are supposed to find employment - especially when the private sector / contractors are also doing layoffs.

What is the plan? We as a country also can't sustain a significant chunk of the population being out of work…

Probably in the service jobs mass deportation will free up. Literally, that's the only thing I can come up with and it's grim.

I don't see anyone doing that.

They will when times get desperate enough. Isn't that the Trump administration goal?

I would! My friend owns a contracting company and I offered to just carry stuff and pick up deliveries and maybe over time learn a trade.

Work is work and I still have a mortgage to pay

And they will stop buying things their middle class life enables them to buy, which will hurt local economies. Sorry, car dealer and restaurant and clothing store.

So you going to have hundreds of thousands of highly educated people making minimum wage at a five guys?

That is absurd. I would have no reason to go on living. Really predict this admin will result in a significant increase in suicides.

I'm not sure these establishments are a good match for folks with security clearances and expertise in their fields.

They're not. They're not supposed to find work. This is meant to be punitive and punishing to Feds and to those fired. Musk and Trump want to destroy the government as we know it. They don't care if these people can't find jobs or if the unemployment numbers go up(which they won't bc they'll be rigged). They don't care about the country or its overall wellbeing.

Seriously, look at a second degree nursing program. By the time your fork money ends you will be close to finished.

I left nursing to work in the government. It's fine but you have to be prepared to work overnights. That didn't work for my family so I had to leave the profession. It does take at least a year or two to get trained. A lot of hospitals these days will want BSN at a minimum.

Education. Teachers have been fleeing in droves.

That's because the same people tearing down our government have been attacking them for decades but have really amped it up since the pandemic.

We have a huge doctor shortage, but federal aid is unlikely to pay for med school moving forward. This isn't about shifting professions. It's about punishing people and making us willing to take any level of abuse in exchange for a minimally acceptable paycheck

:marseykente: naija doctors soon dey japa


Who wants to teach armed children for $50K a year?

I'm a lawyer in private practice and need to hire paralegals. Those jobs are in demand. Professional skills may transfer from government jobs. We pay well in legal.


How much do you pay paralegals?

My backup plan is to drive a school bus. Seriously.

did Trump just solve the bus driver shortage? :marseypikachu2:

I am going to try to find a job at a bakery. Baking is a big hobby of mine, and while I can't earn no money at all, I don't really need to earn my former salary, since I am married.


Walmart managers can can make over $200,000. Walmart promotes from within Walmart prefers to hire college graduates to these positions but many many people which is high school degrees get promoted to Walmart managers if they have the right hustle.

:marseybangfast: Getting into education might be hard, because you have to compete as a new teacher with more experienced teachers for those juicy admin roles where you answer emails and don't fricking teach

There are plenty of admin openings at gatehouse, along with school based roles and FCPS has a provisional licensure program. It might not be viable for people

Making GS 13+ money but it's definitely not school based only

I'm aware of the provisional program. I went through a very similar one in another county. It took me a year, several licensure exams, student teaching experience, and 9 credits.

And those admin positions… you'll be up against the many teachers fleeing the classroom right now. They have education experience on their resumes and understand the field well.

Probably in the service jobs mass deportation will free up. Literally, that's the only thing I can come up with and it's grim.

Right... how am I supposed to pay a mortgage on a service job. Also, a bit strange you would even want someone in service with a PhD in physics.

I kind of wonder what the enrollment impact will be on our public schools when families find themselves unable to afford private tuition too

That's one of the positive outcomes in my opinion. Private schools locally will tank, there are too many anyhow, and when you have educated parents reinvolved with public schools they will flourish.

Plus, super easy to become a substitute teacher to make a least part of the money to pay bills.

Um, I think they just want to spend less on tuition

And they will stop buying things their middle class life enables them to buy, which will hurt local economies. Sorry, car dealer and restaurant and clothing store.

Not just those. We decided to cut down groceries and limit gift giving, trim vacations, etc. It's literally a ricochet to everyone

>trim vacations

:bruh: when i was a kid vacation was going to grandma's house for a week, but dc urban moms go on vacation and come back bitter and unrefreshed when they notice women in Paris, France, are skinnier than them. :platyeyes: "it's totally cigarettes at least I won't get cancer"

a tangent.... :marseydisney:

In April of last year, DC Urban moms had a panicked 22 page discussion about Disney World changing their Autism line skipper policies to be more strict. It was one of the most pressing concerns that week on DC Urban Moms.

DH is "dear husband" he has some kind of spergery :marseyautism: that gave him special Disney World privileges. I don't know what the acronyms are. Disboards is the very active Disney forum, for Disney Adults who plan their Walt Disney World® Resort trip 18 months in advance, and talk about it every single day to other Disboard members. :!marseydisney:

back to the sneeding...

How many feds can afford to send their kids to private schools?

There's a lot of tuition daylight between St Albans and some random storefront "classical" school and I suspect a lot of families are stretching to send their kids to both.

So you going to have hundreds of thousands of highly educated people making minimum wage at a five guys?

That is absurd. I would have no reason to go on living. Really predict this admin will result in a significant increase in suicides.

That's your choice.

Wow!! Zero empathy. What happened to you to make you this inhuman?

empathy is when capitulate to suicide baiting

Anyone who has ever been friends with a suicide whiner knows how unsustainable this is :marseydepressed:

I'm sorry if you were struggling. I certainly never mocked anyone.

You do realize these illegal firings will just lead to more struggles for everyone, right?

DP. This may not land the way you want it to. A lot of us can't afford house cleaners, car detailing, lawn care, travel, and home renovation. Those are luxuries. So cutting back on that stuff simply takes you to the lifestyle many of us are already living.

This isn't a zero sum game, Sandra. Your persecution complex is the problem — not other people.

I work in the private sector, in a white collar job that has had layoffs. Do you think laying off the government employees will help the private sector folks?

I understand why no one has sympathy for you as you seem to be a nasty individual.

This- it is all connected. We should be terrified of the impact not giddily gleeful.

NP but if one has so little grit that a job loss would make them commit suicide and leave [their spouse, kids] holding the bag then… not much sympathy.

I am highly educated and if I had to, I would hold my head high and do one of those service jobs, be thankful someone hired me, and know there was probably a light at the end of the tunnel once the admin changed.

The admin is not going to change, fool. We are living through the end stage of American democracy. Wake the F up.


Not when everyone in a specific region is laid off and tightening their belts. Restaurants will have trouble staying open as well.

All those "service" jobs mentioned earlier will struggle to stay in business and will layoff too. Who has the money for those places when they are not employed? I've already cut them from my budget.

Not just those. We decided to cut down groceries and limit gift giving, trim vacations, etc. It's literally a ricochet to everyone

No more house cleaner, hair salon or landscapers for us.


No more house cleaner, hair salon or landscapers for us.


Trump plan is for fired Feds to replace jobs vacated by the deported illegals. Not a joke. He thinks fired Feds will have no choice after the unemployment benefits run out. People have to eat and need shelter


I'm curious where your concerns have been for the last four years. Throughout this time, anyone who wasn't affiliated with the federal government has been shouting from the rooftops that white collar jobs were getting cut, and people were suffering as a result.

I'm guessing you were among those saying that Tysons II was crowded and that the right-wing individuals were just stupid and lazy.

For the past four years, the DMV bubble has been told that jobs were scarce and budgets were tight, but we were all ignored.

There has been zero sympathy. And I have none to give in return.

DMV I think stands for: DC, and Maryland, Virginia (the parts next to DC)

It's time to think outside the box on income options.

For example, if you have a spare bedroom in your house, consider renting it out. I am divorced, and my kids are grown. As much as I hate the idea of a roommate, I would consider renting my two spare bedrooms as a last resort.

Other options include childcare, respite foster care, eldercare, substitute teaching, and dog walking. Many of the solutions will lie in the entrepreneurial realm.

childcare - agree, but there will be much less demand if these Gilead commanders get their way and less women are working

respite foster care - funded by who?

eldercare - hope Medicare holds up during the collapse

substitute teaching - no way, they are cutting school funding all over the place. We are less than 5 years from them putting 100+ kids in a room with a recorded curriculum. Maybe 1 or 2 minimum wage room monitors... or I don't even want to say this but "cell block" type rooms where guards video monitor multiple rooms and only intervene if there are problems. Sounds crazy now but schools have becoming more prisonish for decades and i guarantee cutting teachers and using tech in its place is on the docket.

Dog walking - with what disposable income? Again, more women at home. Some work here but trust that in the long vision, women are back to doing (even more) free domestic labor.

How much do you pay paralegals?

Np, and same question. I was a federal paralegal for 13 years. I enjoyed the sedentary nature of the work.


I can't find the bottom of the seethe

thanks again, Trump voters.

Any teachers in your family? Dept of Ed funding cuts already have schools talking about how they'll need to lay off teachers and make classrooms bigger; special needs or ESL teachers lol that all counts as DEI now.

I'll finally have to join an MLM pyramid scheme and work my way to the top!

some DCUM posters are already in MLMs but unironically (They are mormon fedwives and cannot get a 9-5 job for religious reasons)

I thought you all wanted to be retrained to install solar panels. It's what you suggested last time major layoffs occurred.

:marseyxd: what's this a refrence to

Let me see. After earning a Ph.D. and and 20 years into a successful career in government contracting, I can work at Costco during the day which won't pay my bills (including the childcare I will need to work at Costco), get a nursing degree at night, and then be a nurse for half of what I currently make. Sounds great.

What about server positions? Easily $40-$50 per hour.

In a few months, no one will be eating out. it's over

It is a sad situation. Have any of the feds who voted for trump and now got laid off realized they shouldn't have done it?

Feds have been whining for weeks now about how little they make. Yet when given everyday jobs that are similar pay they turn their nose up at the ideas. This is why people don't respect you anymore.


The pages I'm reading now are devolving into increasing novel posting about how I made it in the past :marseylongpost: :marseylongpostglow: and increased infighting :hammerfight:

I am on page 12


of 59

I have written the First Chapter of my Light Novel. It has been Published on my substack.

As most of you know I have quit my job recently. I have also since moved across the country and began to work on my true passion which is my writing. I will also be pursuing another goal full time and that will be to become the world record holder for the oldest person to become a chess grand master. There are zero chess grandmasters who started playing chess in their thirties like I did, and I plan to become the very first one. However I am not hear to discuss chess.

What I have to share with you is the first chapter of my novel. I will admit that I am not sober at the moment as I have been dealing with quite a lot lately. For one @pizzashill is unironically spending his entire day trying to steal my e-girlfriend which is kind of annoying. I am also not sober because today I am celebrating. The release of the first chapter of my novel that I have been working on diligently. The culmination of 30ish hours of work ready to be revealed. But do I get to reveal this under my own name? My very own name? No. I do not. Because the !jannies just let people steal accounts, forcing me to do this on an alt. The reveal of my very first novel,,, On an alt? Frick you fake @Bridge give me my account back.

Anyways. Today is still a happy day for I am finally releasing my novel. I can honestly say that all of this hard work was worth it. (Below is an artist's depiction of my writing process just so you all can get an idea of how much of my blood sweat and tears that I, the real Bridge, put into my creatiions)

Anyways. Without Further Ado. Here is.,,,

:#marseybongo: :#marseybongo: :#marseybongo:

My Novel

I Was Just a 5'3" Grease-Stained McDonald's Employee and Elite Internet Troll, But After Heroically Taking a Vat of Boiling Oil to the Face, I Woke Up in the Naruto World as an Akatsuki Member?!

Bridge leaned back in his computer chair, eyes bloodshot from yet another night of enraging strangers online. The thrill of battle. The taste of digital blood on his digital tongue. His fingers danced across the keyboard, crafting an airtight rebuttal to a particularly dense user who watched the English-dubbed version of Madoka Magica. He was in the zone, completely immersed in the sacred art of trolling.

Then, the door creaked open.

"Aaron, get a job," his grandma's voice rang out, shrill and unforgiving.

Bridge winced, minimizing his window. "I have a job, Grandma."

"McDonald's doesn't count."

A high-pitched sigh escaped his chest as he rolled his eyes. She would never understand. Bridge wasn't just a McDonald's employee. He was surviving. For now.

The lunch rush at McDonald's was a battlefield—grease-laden air, the relentless beeping of fryers, and customers demanding their McChickens right now bounced off Bridge's psyche like a barrage of 5.56 NATO rounds. A solemn expression gripped his face as he stood there, clad in his grease-stained uniform, fantasizing about his e-girlfriend. Then, a flying ketchup packet smacked him in the back of the head.

Bridge turned to see Darius, his 6'9", 280-pound coworker, grinning at him.

"Ayo, Bridge! Get the fries!"

For a moment, Bridge could have sworn he heard a fire alarm chirping somewhere.

"Yeah, yeah," he muttered, snatching the fryer basket. He could have been at home, engaged in a heated online debate over whether Madara (Rinne Tensei Madara Uchiha with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan dōjutsus (with the Rikidō Paths ability), equipped with his Gunbai and control of the Juubi and Gedou Mazou, a complete Susano'o, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in his chest so he can perform Mokuton kekkei genkai and Yin-Yang Release ninjutsu, as well as being extremely skilled in taijutsu and bukijutsu) was stronger than Madoka Kaname in her goddess form. Instead, he was here, navigating the culinary equivalent of an unsanctioned war crime.

Then, fate struck.

A massive tub of boiling grease teetered off the counter. Time slowed to a crawl. Bridge's eyes darted to Darius, frozen in horror, completely oblivious to the death from above. The thought of Darius's many children growing up without a father had absolutely no impact on Bridge's next actions.

This is it. This is my moment.

Bridge moved on instinct. He flew toward Darius, shoving the large man with all his might—but it was no use. He was too heavy to budge.

"Ghgh! This isn't good…" Bridge thought as he looked up at the cascading barrel of grease. He had no choice but to use that technique.

With milliseconds remaining, Bridge shifted his focus to Darius's ankles and struck a precise sweep kick at the pressure point. He called this technique the Giant Slayer. Darius stumbled, and with one final kick, Bridge sent the jolly man to safety.

Then, silence.

Bridge barely had time to think Oh no, not like th— before an unbearable burning sensation consumed his entire being. Thoughts of Hachi Nana and late-night Groomercord calls with his e-girlfriends were his final companions as he slipped into the void.

An immeasurable amount of time passed.

Bridge awoke to an unfamiliar ceiling.


He sat up, immediately aware that something was… off. His uniform was gone. Instead, he was clad in dark robes, the fabric heavy and embroidered with red clouds.


He turned his hands over. No burns. No grease. No pain. Just smooth skin and an unsettling sense of power humming beneath the surface.

"You're awake."

Bridge's head snapped to the side. A tall figure stood near the window, crimson Sharingan eyes piercing through the dimly lit room. They glowed brighter than a Roblox player's Instagram DMs.

Itachi Uchiha.

Bridge's mind reeled. The online arguments, the McDonald's grease, his grandma's disappointment—none of it mattered anymore.

He was in the Naruto world.

And he was in the Akatsuki.

End of Chapter 1.

!anime !weeb !neets !schizomaxxxers !schizos

I saw a huge cat

It must've weighed a few thousand pounds :#marseyshook:


Fricking nazis take over subreddit


Post here for drama coins

I never use them and I'll give you 200. :marseyshrug:

Ghost :marseywraith: is a larper

@Vegeta , @Aevann , can you ban this neighbor :marseyfuckyou: @Liquid_Bridge and @laguerna. It's obviously ghost. I know you probably don't care tbh, but the first :marseywinner: one is pretending to be me and obviously failing, and the second :marseygunnut: is larping as a groomercord :marseynominers: BIPOC.


Sweet boy :marseyfluffy: :marseybow: :marseyhearts:

!animalposters !cats

:marppy: Drama Report: 2025-02-23 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘What if Trump balances the budget and eliminates the deficit?/r/whatif (32K)55%1599
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Democrats are fricking useless/r/GenZ (451K)49%843
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Elon: "Consistent with President @realDonaldTrump's instructions, a.../r/elonmusk (3M)50%600
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Firemen are too male and too white, say chiefs. Report claims Brita.../r/uknews (145K)57%672
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘AITH for telling my teacher she isn't following my 504?/r/AITH (42K)48%535
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘How come you never see a conservative artist?/r/ask (2M)54%500
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Non Trump supporting firearms sales/r/ColoradoSprings (112K)52%362
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I got head from a boy for first time and full of guilt and regret n.../r/confession (12M)52%352
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Labor on course for catastrophic defeat as Coalition surges to 55-4.../r/AustralianPolitics (239K)48%322
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Screwed Up Mother!/r/trashy (3M)57%371

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘What if Trump balances the budget and eliminates the deficit?/r/whatif (32K)55%1599
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Is it possible that Mike is a giant kitty?/r/RedbarBBR (8K)56%137
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘AITH for telling my teacher she isn't following my 504?/r/AITH (42K)48%535
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Are your feelings different on Trump since he's taken office?/r/CorpusChristi (21K)48%256
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Local Businesses listed on a Far-Right website/r/loveland (13K)53%160
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘What if Trump Lied to You? The People Who Need to Read This Won't./r/whatif (32K)47%181
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘No Elf-hate posts except on Tuesdays/r/dwarfposting (36K)53%197
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Omg, saw this pop up on my FYP and I was stunned… subs, do not ever.../r/SubstituteTeachers (37K)52%187
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘FDR/r/Presidentialpoll (12K)48%45
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Firemen are too male and too white, say chiefs. Report claims Brita.../r/uknews (145K)57%672

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

aespa - DRAMA

:marseybiker: Drama, the title track of aespa's 4th mini album, highlights the unique artistry of aespa which is not found elsewhere in k-pop. While maintaining their signature hyperpop music style, Drama presents a fresh new vibe for the group. Some may consider Drama to be a turning point in aespa's discography towards a more refined while simultaneously abstract theme.

:marseychartuptrend: It holds first place for total streams on aespa's discography by 64 million ahead of Next Level. It's expected that Supernova, a title track in aespa's latest album Armageddon, will eventually hold the first place title. Within it's first week after being released, Drama sold 1.1 million album copies.

:marseywatermelon:There were many stage performances that featured Drama, but the most viewed and notable stage for this era of aespa would have been on 2023 Melon Music Awards. This remix of Drama implements heavy rock instrumentals which compliment the overall powerful nature of this song nicely. aespa displays the ability to adapt to different genres and nuances of music with this remix.

The title track was received well by the k-pop community, (I don't know how to make those fancy Reddit links yet where you can see the comment before clicking); :marseyjamming: :marseyhuh: ...

:marseydead: K-pop and modern pop as a whole is plagued with repetitive lyrics, and Drama is no exception. Some other aespa songs, especially their b-sides, have thoughtful and not-too-repetitive lyrics (as far as modern pop goes :marseydeadinside2:), so it's a shame that title tracks seem to have this cancer. :marseygunshotsuicide:

  • Final remarks

Beats :star: :star: :star: :star: :asian:

We can notice an enjoyable mix of hip-hop and hyperpop in Drama. Winter and Ningning's vocal talents are strategically used to provide a dramatic peak which brings Drama to the Next Level :marseysmirk:. Ad-libbing is used throughout the song to enhance depth.

Visuals :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

The music video for Drama was directed by Sam Son, and was intended to be similar to an action movie featuring motorcycles and katana sword fights, all set in a futuristic city. Without explicitly stating it, Drama clearly follows the unique lore of aespa- where the real and "fake" world seems to be blending together.

K-pop music videos tend to be a slideshow of the members in cute outfits lip-syncing the lyrics with no real visual story, so it's refreshing to see aespa break this mold.

Styling :star: :star: :star: :asian: :asian:

Although the MV styling suits Drama's grunge motorcycle vibe, some of the outfits seemed a little awkward.

Drama's stages seem to be where the stylists got it right.

Concept :star: :star: :star: :star: :asian:

This is an area where aespa shines, with their captivating videos and unique concepts. Drama shows us another side of Kwangya, although it isn't referenced obviously like in their earlier songs, where we see "reality" breaking and switching between universes. Discerning viewers might notice that Drama switches between being in a real futuristic city and a movie set. The concept of an alternate reality is frequently used in aespa videos.

This switch between reality and the "alternate world" might be metaphorically portrayed by this scene;


TOYOJIRO, a Jiro-style ramen restaurant in Kyoto ranked second on the city's ramen database, has come under scrutiny for placing a bounty on customers' heads simply because they left low-rated reviews. Sounds shocking, right? Let's take a closer look at the events that led to such an extreme response.

It all began when two individuals dined at TOYOJIRO's Kyoto-based outlet. After leaving, one of them posted a one-star review, criticizing the store's customer service and the quality of the food. Up to this point, everything seemed normal—negative reviews are a common occurrence. However, what happened next was anything but ordinary.

The restaurant did not take the criticism lightly. In response to the review, they posted a threatening message: "If you write a stupid review, we'll find you. We'll beat you up." They escalated further by publishing photos of the customers and offering a cash reward to anyone who could provide information on their whereabouts.

:marseyunamused#: Doxing Customers

:marseysoyjak2#: Doxing Customers (Japanese)

On their Instagram (@, the restaurant posted a story offering a reward of 100,000 yen per reviewer to anyone who could provide their personal details, track them down, or take action against them. The shop made it clear that this "manhunt" would continue until both individuals returned to the restaurant, had another meal, and wrote a positive review with a photo.

"The only thing he can do is come back, eat again, and write a good review with a photo. I told him I won't forgive him otherwise—not even for the safety of his family. If he does that, he'll be killed right away. This kid is so scared. He'll really do it, so he'd better just come back and eat," the store owner stated in another message.

:marseymobster2#: This is just like my mob movies when they insulta' the spaghett' :marseychef#:

TOYOJIRO justified its actions by claiming they are serious about making ramen and are only trying to protect their reputation from damaging reviews. Reportedly, the store is looking to expand into Asia and the U.S., leading them to take extreme measures to maintain a positive public image.

Netizens were quick to react, and many others who had previously visited the store shared their experiences. One user noted that the restaurant enforces strict rules, even prohibiting customers from posting the menu online. Those who attempt to do so are reportedly threatened with having their names and photos leaked on the internet.

Jiro-style ramen restaurants are already known for their aggressive and intense atmosphere. Just like their ramen—thick as udon, tough as nails—the staff at these establishments can be intimidating. However, while some Jiro ramen shops may have their own unique personalities, expecting a warm and friendly service is often unrealistic.

Japanese society as a whole is never beating the autism allegations :marseyautism#:

Why does my wife with 2 MS degrees and 17 years of experience make 48k?| "REEEEEE why doesn't my wife make more money????"


Because she does a job anyone with a 12th grade education and ability to not molest children can do

I don't think teaching has ever been a high paying profession? She knew what she was getting into

I agree, I think nationally the right thing to do is just tell teachers up front. We dont care about you, education is not important and it means so little we will never pay you enough to live. So eff being a teacher.. That logic is plain stupid.

The medium income for a person in Florida is 39,000. She makes alright money. More than enough to live on if her husband works too.

Why does someone with 2 master's teach? If she wanted to be a teacher from the beginning why choose degrees with no ROI?

Well I would say it's because if they didn't, we would be living in a version of the walking dead but it would be the walking brain dead.

Lmao. "If she didn't get 2 useless degrees her students would be stupid!"

This guy always comes up in my recommend videos after I click on political comedy stuff, and I think he is just totally insane. Vid related, like just look at this guys face its like he is on the verge of tears in every video, and his voice sounds like he is about to cry. He just has this totally desperate and unhinged look in his eyes.

Anyways, I still think hes funny because he gets into crazy situations with trumptards but still I wouldn't want to be next to this guy, he seems like he could have a mental breakdown at any second. Total male BPD shit. Also I noticed hes been growing his hair out (which you can see hes got a bit of a mullet in his beanie vids) and painting his nails so I think that he is about to transition.

Also I don't think making fun of rightoids for being volcels is a winning strategy. Some level of sexual repression is sort of necessary to get anything done.

Australia Most Sexually Active Woman Annie Knight Wants To Settle Down - Romance - Nairaland

@peepeehands found you a gf candidate




kpekus as wide as river niger



Yorubas are chubby chasers



So true kween




Yorubas aren't chubby chasers all yoruba foids are just fat



New Pizzatoss


Another high-effort classic from the darling of /r/comics!



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Agreed. It's 2025, they can get an Uber home and pay for it. (347)

Many women legitimately feel unsafe calling Ubers when drunk and alone/with only other girls. You can debate the reasonableness of that if you want to be that guy, but it's a real emotion.FWIW, I've been called at 2 AM for the same thing before - though, it was a week after a woman had been kidnapped, r*ped, and killed because she got in the wrong car calling itself an Uber at my college. (-72)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Imagine arguing that women feeling unsafe riding Ubers means they're entitled to ask their male friends to pick them up at ungodly hours of the night/morning. (81)

Where did I say they're "entitled?" Do I think a male friend of mine would be "entitled" to ask me to pay go to the jail & pay his bail after he got in a bar fight? Heck no. Do I think a good friend should be willing to do it (as long as it doesn't become a habit)? Heck yeah.People frick up. Friends pick each other up when they frick up. (-38)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

I agree, but as the OP is written, it sounds fairly onesided. (45)

I mean he doesn't make any mention of asking them for anything & them saying no? And this is literally one request. The rest he's complaining about is them… talking about their lives? (-21)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Sorry, not man here, so I never comment but as a girl, honestly get rid of them from your life.  "I hate hearing it because like dawg women are so privileged in this aspect it's not even funny." This makes me think they are just entitled abusive gf's. Especially that they talk about their relationship without partners consent to randos, especially that they are insulting them  in awful ways. Awful people ngl.Depending on how influencial they are, and other factors, I would consider messaging these bf's and letting them know how shallow these women areAnother option is telling them to stfu. I once had a shit butt "friend" who told me shit like "omgg all these men here are so ugly" I dgaf and it pissed me so I told her that they think same of her but at least are quiet abt it. She never mentioned it again lmao (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I went to university in a program that was mostly female so my friend group was 90% female. It was great for the most part but holy crap did girls talk about the most personal shit that I had no interest in hearing about. I also ended up being the "guy of last resort" when they needed help with something.The answer is to have boundaries. They are at a bar and need a ride home? You tell them to put on their big girl pants and call a cab. You aren't their escape plan.When they are talking about the shape of their boyfriend's peepee or something you either start making up a story about some girl with the nastiest looking snatch you've ever seen until they get the point, or just tell them that you don't need to hear that sort of shit in general. As someone else said, grow a spine. (15)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

What's an incel? - I learn so much in this sub. (-4)

Oh pull up a chair!Incel is short for involuntary celibate. It was a term created by very angry an stressed out virgins. This grew into an insult term later to describe some guy who is undesirable or at least looks like a virgin with no experience dating.Some would say things "she doesn't owe you anything incel!" Some kids with very low self esteem will admit they are one. But the term it self is really stupid because the involuntary part of it is from lack of taking any action or lack of trying from the virgin male side or personal growth. Like some would say "I went to talk to a girl and she ignored me. I'm going to be alone forever. I'm an incel." But the way I used it, people can look at Op's rant and say "ok incel" basically losing all meaning to the phrase. (4)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Meggy_bug

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 4

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

u u u look at u im left side champ ur right side boozer

keep fighting against the green menace yall red is good green bad. vrry important

Weekly What are you watching #34

So it looks like Captain America 4 is going to be a certified flop. Feels like old news by now and I think everyone burned out on The Marvels hateium :marseyhatium: but I'm still enjoying it :feelssogood:

!kino !hatewatchers So what's everyone been up to this week? :marseyexcited:

@Aevann please pin :marseybegging:

How to get over a m-n lying to you




Behind every white nationalist is a strong Indian.

As someone who has long disabled youtube search history/recommendations (and shorts disabled with an extension) :fancywithwine: I was pretty shocked that only 4-5% of his views come from the subscription feed. The irony too is that this video of his is saturated with stock footage to break up the monotony (which he usually never does so it's more of a dunk on his dumber viewers) instead of just one longshot of him staring into the camera the whole time which he has done other videos about. Though part of this is possibly related to his use of a teleprompter and multiple takes to make better videos without obvious jump cuts but I suspect he's just high level attempting to dumb shit down to reach the lowest common denominators.

Related watching:

Overall these hot takes highlight the problem with doom scrolling as well as the overall decreased attention spans of people and the enshittification of all medias and movies which really started to gain momentum imo around 2000-2010.

Lets use the most common vehicle, movies. Movies used routinely to hold long shots but still held your attention.

Old Alfred Hitchpeepee movies are a good example of this which included slow long takes which were planned out in meticulous detail. Here's one of my favorite scenes showing this at it's best from North by Northwest (1959) : mirror

If you haven't seen North by Northwest I don't blame you, but it's basically the original Bourne Identity except if that was a good movie without shitty shaky cam.

Not only was N by NW good, it was planned meticulously . I know this because I've seen Bigpeepee's storyboards for the movie.

Ironically, these storyboards are NOT EVEN really accessible online anymore and even trying to FIND them with AI fricking breaks the AI lmfao:

In addition, the AI links to shit artwork by a fricking r-slur zoomer who REMADE STORYBOARDS FOR HITCHPEEPEE WITHOUT FRICKING REALISING THEY ALREADY EXISTED :marseyattentionseeker#:

The irony.

:marseyxd: :marseyraging:

This pissed me off so much that I went through the trouble to compile the real story boards, unfortunately it's so difficult to find this shit online anymore because of shit algorythms, I had to manually piece it together from a collection of High and low quality sources due to dead links and shit just so you can compare the actual talent making film used to have:

To round it off, here is a peak example heralding the one of the earliest clear examples of enshittification of movies. I always go back to is this trash one called Domino (2005) from the apex of Keira Knightley's career as a shitty proana actress. The entire movie is literally nothing but jumpcuts that are 99% sub 2-second shots.

Example, Just count the seconds between each cut:

The film bombed because it was shit and also unwatchable, but now the idea that you must be bombarded every second with SUB 1-SECOND CUTS is the eye :rape: way of the future, and driven 24/7 by algorithms and dopamine.

!oldstrags !kino


  • Reject algorithms

  • Embrace thinking

  • Algorithm based feeds are r-slurred blackholes that result in feedback loop degradation/model collapse of your brain


!jannies @Aevann :marseyeffortpostnow#: or go to heck you lazy fricking c*nts

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