War pigeons wearing medals

:redlight: ACTUAL DRAMA :redlight: [๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜] Let's see how it works out for him, Cotton.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Zele will come crawling back with a big fat smile, watch. (8)

Your name tells me you watch other men frick your wife, and I want you to piss blood. (-12)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

It's ok. He wears cool 511 tactical shit. So nobody remembers his standup comedy. (15)

He's more of a leader than Trump the piece of shit ladygarden will ever beTrump is simply a reflection of the spineless bastards who voted for him and it showsย  (-14)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

[deleted] (17)

My heart goes out to you, comrade! (-3)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก (3)

I just stupidly read all three of those articles. Me as a person of good faith thought, "okay we got an opportunity to see what this guy's talking about"But unfortunately you're dumb as frick. In reverse order: The article from the mother frickin Blaze...Read the entire article and basically it says the Tucker Carlson said, "Trust me bro". Tucker Carlson is a fricking shill. And the guy he interviewed is a shill. There is literally zero evidence in this article regarding anything you're talking about. No facts, all feelings. A guy says trust me bro, Tucker presents that as information, The blaze reposts that as news, you butt chug that directly into your butt. And so the cycle continues. Reuters they seem reputable...And they are. Look at that some journ*lism. Read the entire article and what do you find? 2022, Some weapons were sold by launderers within the defense department of Ukraine. Obviously these are what we call fricking "traders", "turncoats". The United States have some during... (2)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

You mentioned only younger Republicans and their ivy league diplomas. No mention of your liberal idols nepotism or privilege. Your democrats were in power 12 of the last 16 years when college prices soared. You implied he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Not to a drug addict single mom who pawned him off on his grandparents. Who then got his ivy league diploma on merit. You're being disingenuous but thats your types norm. Enjoy the debt and your degree that didn't help you. I'll enjoy my two properties, no debt and my grueling 42 hour work week while being a mark. (1)

You know all of Vance's book was proven to be utter bullshit, right?? You're the frick being disingenuous. He was raised upper class in Ohio This is the thing that you don't understand and why those Ivy League republicans don't want you understanding systemic racism, no way to implement without it affect working class and impoverished white peoples and one of those would be education. You see property taxes determine how much funding the public schools get. This is to ensure poor neighborhoods end up with a far inferior education. They have proven that kids who graduate valedictorian in poor neighborhoods are still so far behind they'd have to take and PAY FOR high school course in college in order to catch up. Vance was found by the heritage foundation while they trolled the Ivy league schools. They're the ones that bribe fricks like Vance to do as they tell them like write a book about how the average kid from poverty can pull themselves up by their bootstraps when it reality it is ... (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Zelensky signs a deal, russia isn't going to give up the land it took, they lost too much taking it. So either a peace deal or an escalation of the conflict. I for one don't want a nuclear holocaust. Maybe redditers do idk. (1)

So, the nation that got invaded should just give up its lands because the invading forces have lot so much trying to steal it? You must be running for president soon with that logic. Well, guess what, neither you or I have the power to start or stop that from happening. The ones that do DGAF about you or I and would rather see the world burn so they can come out of their bunkers and own the whole place. You're are seriously ill-informed. Putin is not going to stop with Ukraine, he has already sad as much. He wants a cease fire so he can consolidate his troops and logistics. Because right now Ukraine is kicking their butt on the battlefield and with technology. They have a resupply blockade on the NK troops to where they're starving in the trenches as the AU is destroying all the supply vehicles. Ukraine hold the upper hand in that aspect. Russia has superior numbers is all. They DGAF about their soldiers, they will find another that will die in his place soon enough. There is no last... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Correct_Tourist_4165

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 19

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates turbo cucked by Two Tier Keir



!marseyartists !marseyfans

which is best

:!marseymagahat: gop going wild :!marseytexan:


This guy's gotten well known online for calling people gay r-slurs and now has redditors shaking in their boots over more of his shitposting and wingcuckery.

A bunch of "freedom loving patriots" are going to be completely ok being "ruled" ironic

You underestimate what this means... they're going to start lynching brown, black, and gay people again (and I guess just party affiliation too).

And constructing a community and judicial system takeover that allows it.

Pretty much the resurgence of sundown towns...

So you're saying "Democrats" = "brown, black, and gay people"?

I also don't see any reference to "Lynching" in here, or anywhere else for that matter... Hmmm

They didn't say democrats=brown black and gay people and they didn't say that this post specifically mentioned lynching.

They said removing any political opposition from the county will allow them to do things like lynching without opposition if they so choose.

Work on your reading comprehension before you attempt a "gotcha" like that, it's embarrassing.

Hmmm, ..the comment literally said "You underestimate what this means... they're going to start lynching brown, black, and gay people again".

Maybe you should also work on your reading comprehension.

Yes, their comment mentions lynching, but they never said the post does.

I teach adult literacy classes in my spare time, my reading comprehension is just fine.


As an armed Democrat, I say Come and Take It, MF'ers.

You're slightly outnumbered bud

Then go try it tough guy

lol I'm not a violent person just saying that sounds like a bad idea

I mean you're hinting at violence. You think it's a bad idea for this guy to defend himself?

That wasn't my intention I was referring to the number of armed local republicans. I'm not a gun owner and politically apathetic

I'm still not even sure what you're trying to say.

If you can't understand that sentence, go to college

No haha quit being a coward and beating around the bush college man.


The dims are a capitalist party. They have served their purpose. Does anyone seriously think that they're going to take away money and power from billionaires? Don't make me laugh.

What is wrong with you? Focus on what is ACTUALLY HAPPENING

I have been, for almost 50 years. Do you think the dims are unworthy of criticism? I don't.

Like the republicans aren't? You're part of the problem! We have to focus on the future! No more blaming, we have to work together.

I haven't voted for GOPedo republiladygardens since 1984. I was a union activist and officer here in Texas for 14 years. I've done gotv for decades. And I've watched the dims squander it all by running ever farther to the right. They're a corporate capitalist party. Why is that so hard to understand?

Then it sounds like neither party are worth a darn and shouldn't be in charge.

We can now see, from our current predicament, that Bernie Sanders was our last hope. The dims are gop-lite, nothing more. They joined the republiladygardens in repudiating the New Deal under Clinton. Then Obama gave the banksters trillions while millions of US citizens and taxpayers lost their homes and jobs. The result is fat shitler twice.


Jesus Christ, have you SEEN what sole republicans rule can do to a place?

Right?! Louisiana, Kentucky, etc. are the lowest ranked everything from education to infrastructure AND some of the biggest welfare states. They're such clowns.

Have you seen who lives in Kentucky and Louisiana???


That was the first thing that came to your mind?


This is the guy who got caught giving a bj in the steam room of his golf club, and is a single guy living alone after his wife left him who tweets in the morning and night about the threat of LGBTQ people, right?

How would you know that? None of the news outlets would report that unless it became the subject for a case in a civil court. If you have picked up some gossip why would you post it? I understand calling out hypocrisy but it is just tittle tattle unless you have proof. It would be libel if a newspaper printed it without proof.


This dude is such a POS

He regularly uses the R word in his social media posts. I can't believe he is the head of anything.

I saw that! It's his favorite word! Like 3rd grader.


Are they gonna paint David stars on all Democrat businesses and make every Democrat wear it, and then send them all to a ghetto with barb wire?


Where is he located? I live in Ft worth and I'd like to talk to him


Only white people can fix this. It's not meant to disrespect anyone but marching and protesting doesn't work. Neither does voting. It's those in power (or who have the majority power-white people) who will be pressured by their white republican and democrat counterparts that will have to fix this state America is in. Not just Fort Worth. Things only truly get fixed when white people step up. It's a country thst was made for white people and is ran by them. Latinx Asians and blacks can't fix it. Marching and voting only does so much when it's not white people doing it.

It's like the missing white woman syndrome. The big search parties only get sent out for missing white women/girls and then an answer is usually foundโ€” either she's found dead or alive or the suspect is found and convicted. Only white people go looking for the missing white Female. This is much like those situations. The issue is only pressed when more white people are affected and they hold those in power accountable. For a long time the government helped poor whites feel better by way of Jim Crowโ€” poor whites and blacks were getting along until then because the rich saw they would be outnumbered but if they could race bait the poor whites into feeling better about themselves as not being black, then it wouldn't matter theyre still poor. Now there's more white people falling into poverty and their rights along with finances are at stake. They will have to fix it. People are waiting for blacks and Latinx to protest and riot but they aren't because this is understood in the black and Latinx community


One way to interpret this is he's having a spiritual battle with Trump and he needs us there to act as pylons for his long distance assault on the president's mind

That's how I first read this before I realized who the picture was! Felt a lot like "I'm about to do a spiritual battle with this guy, you better start praying for him!"


It's not a "spiritual" battle when there's an ACTUAL battlefront in Ukraine and another in Gaza.

Correction geno in Gaza


Dear God,

Please be with President Trump and give him the discernment to better our country and not destroy democracy.

Also, please be with those politicians that give secret blowjobs in country clubs. May they come to terms with their sexuality and give them peace.


Bruh, are you "a radical left lunatic?" lol

โ€ฆ it's a joke?

I know. I was making fun of how they discuss anyone who is "against" them.

He'd be calling him "a commie tard" like he does people on X. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ


Spiritual battle Bo? Like when you slept around on your wife and she divorced you because of it?

Oh, you mean when he got caught blowing a dude in the rivercrest bathroom?

I'd take a blowie from him, idk glutton for punishment lol. ๐Ÿคฎ


Americans are too stupid to realize they could own a gas station
US ะฐnd Russรญะฐn ะพffรญัรญะฐฤผ mะตะตtรญng :marseyhappening: :marseyhappening:

ะnะพthะตล™ ั€ะพv

:marseyazov2: Bends Knee after NEETBUCKS FREEZE
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Liz Warren :marseycherokee: and Chuck Schumer :marseygangster: upload TikTok :marseytiktok: videos of them saying the exact same thing :marseywait:

Community Note by @SixthDragonBall

It's actually worse:

Helpful [18] Not Helpful [1]
Tariffs are rolled back
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I hope Elon Musk fires this DEI HIRE when he refuses to return to work at a government office.

!the_donald !project2025 !chuds


!nonchuds !moidmoment

No offense to this guy but I find this type of sexuality so unappealing lol. No I do not want to put your frenulum in a blender

Please mommy you're so hot grate my peepee like mozzarella


Has nobody been exposed to this meme? This is a trend people, not meant to be taken literally

The clearest tell someone is a boomer is being unable to identify when something is obviously a meme or not

Why do you think it's a meme in the first place genius

"Listen here LIBTARD, memes are memes because they are actually SERIOUS GODDARN BUSINESS."


It's safe horny to be aggressed upon, not to be the aggressor. Imagine if James Bond slapped a waitress on the butt in the year of Our Lord 2025

We need to retvrn


Yeah bro it's just a joke calm down

I'm sure it is buddy now go get your balls smashed


Bros trying to do a philosophical analysis of people shitposting on X

Behind every banger shitpost is a deep kernel of truth which permeates the collective consciousness. This is what good shitposters are tapping into.

:chudsoytalking: :soytosstalking:

what if the immediate thought upon viewing such hotness is "i will die for her?" am i also a gay zoomer loser?

No, this is heroic and based


Being dominated is socially acceptable. Dominating is worthy of prison time.

We rejected this at the ballot box

>"Sleepy Joe has been a disaster! This stupid president wanted every man to be dominated by mommy milkers! And quite frankly, its a disgrace. We cannot allow that. We have to let our men dominate women, or we aren't gonna have a country anymore."


Hey dimitri. I don't think the user would actually want his balls to be put in a waffle maker if it came down do it. Tbh I think it was just meant to be funny. I hope this helps.

Insightful stuff, r-slur


I would beat the ever loving shit out of her with a coffee table book

Much better


Suicide :marseyyikes: Suicide, Japan :marseysoyhype: redditor posts a suicide note about his dad's toe?


Using Science to cure Queerie's XXY gender dysmorphia :marseyqueerie:

As many of you know, my cat is a male calico meaning he was born an unfortunate mutant/freak of nature/hermaphrodite with Two X chromosomes plus a Y.

He presents with the BMI, temperament, physiognomy of a female along with ambiguous genitalia but has the weight/muscle/bone density of a male.

Using the latest literature in s*x science/gender studies (see pic) I believe I've made some breakthroughs and he appears to have detransitioned and embraced his Y chromosome as a male

Some of the techniques include exposure therapy to awaken his latent primal instincts eg:

Proof of success can be found when he's hungry, he no longer chants for Chinese dictators (MAO MAO MAO) and worships communism/socialism like your average trans female, and he now he more appropriately says OOOWWWAAHHHH/AWWHHHHOOOO/AHHHHHH or similar like a regular dude when he's hungry and mad

I am very encouraged by this early progress and will continue to report my observations


!fellas !animalposters

!bobmob he ate with this one I'm afraid :marseyaaalaser:

Every new "horror icon" is either a blurry shadow named 'The Man Who Wears A Shoe' that stands in the background of Instagram stories that end with final frame text about dead teenagers or an 'evil' version of Cookie Monster with more lore than "The Silmarillion" who is now in every claw machine.

Bob Chipman ( 2025-03-03T16:46:34.424Z


Debating Sal

Seeing as Arran killed the fun:

You might have seen me in the trenches of /h/slavshit debating Sal. I now concede defeat, Russia is definitely NOT pathetic and neither are you Sal. You are truly the better debater and the xhohols will lose any day now.

I present the below video in honor of our 3 months of debates.

!BIPOCs !chuds !r-slurs !bbc !antiarran

@Aevann pin this

An unexpected name on the Epstein logs
Marsey counting on her FREAKING fingers, b-word!

@Redactor0 your long awaited, much exalted, high fidelity ๐“…๐“‡๐‘’๐“‚๐’พ๐“Š๐“‚ marsey is here! :marseyfluffy:

hopely its what you wanted :marseyshy:

@TournamentFishingkeyKong :marseypaintermerchant: !marseyartists

I still have to do the goyslop banners and then I can finally my belated valentine bird this ones gonna be a zanger I think :marseyagree:

The gender pay gap :marseybux: battle returns to Bongistan as r/UK reacts :chudseethe: :soysnooseethe: to a new study saying moids are the new oppressed.


Essa crianรงa estudou tanto que o cabelo cabelo ficou vermelho, !macacos vamos estudar


:marseymutt: :marseylibleft: mad when they discover zombie isn't actually a pro-IRA song




>communists when you think blowing up 3 year old children is a bad thing actually


They are literally children, unable to handle a single negative interaction


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