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Attending debates should be like attending class: you can get out of it with a note from your doctor, and nothing less. Failure to debate at least once should be grounds for disqualification. And in case there are concerns about the bias of the debate itself, create a department in Elections Ontario/Canada to handle the questions asked, to ensure it's even-handed.
Conservatives in particular play this game far too often, and it shouldn't be ignored. They're denying the electorate the ability to judge them on their merits.
Authoritarian nonsense born out of you never maturing past your school years. And I'm just positive that a new department would never be bias in favour of the party in power or do anything to sabotage the party most likely to cut their department.
What do you really think will happen at these debates? The same that always happens, nothing! Every word spoken by both sides will be lies and rhetoric with a handful of out of context sound bites taken by the party in opposition to try and rile up their base.
And what school did you go to where doctors note were required? Every single one I went to a parents word was enough and even then no one really cared. You could miss a week, never talk about it never have your parents call in to "excuse" you and nothing would come of it.
Grow up.
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Macron story is even more crazy than we tought. pic.twitter.com/SBhDUsaPU6
— Johnny (@j00ny369T) February 18, 2025
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Every Revolution Eats its Young.
— VB Knives (@Empty_America) February 27, 2025
The NEETs will be captured, drafted, re-educated.
The rebar mills and lettuce fields await. https://t.co/Mn5jaD4sun
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A lot of u are single because you’re insane and schizophrenic
— steven laundromat (@evilmegryan) February 14, 2025
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“omg HRT made me find men attractive” okay ms. repressed sexuality! doesn’t work that way but go off queen!
— alex 🍓🍰 (@delete_hisnumbr) February 18, 2025
Wokely: sexuality is an innate, unchanging characteristic https://t.co/juCPCmkWFV
— Bat'ko (@batko_anarkhiya) February 21, 2025
one of my more controversial opinions is that human sexuality is contextual and almost everyone would be bisexual given the right environment https://t.co/v00F2c2gRI
— ultra strawberry dreams 🍓 (@kitschmusik) February 19, 2025
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Here's the github for their project if any codecels are interested.
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