"Chat, am I cooked? fr? fr?" The zoomer :marseyzoomerimplosion: asks r/Kroger after breaking :marseyrobber: into Boss Man Pizzashill's :arousedpizzashill: office


Guy going on a cocaine bender is paranoid and convinced his wife is cheating


Why are we upset Bitcoin is at 79k, we all inned at 20k and 15k right? Right guys?



I can't clip it or timestamp youtube movies. Even had to use the console to make a snippet because of the DRM :marseybrainlet: but it starts at 6:10

Yak yak yak... Get a job!

LMAO holy shit

280 pound r/antidiet users knees hurt for no explainable reason :marseythonk:


Knockkers stay winning! :chadblack2: :chadblack2: :chadblack2:

MISSION, Kan. (AP) β€” An 86-year-old Missouri man has died just days after pleading guilty to a lesser charge in the 2023 shooting of Ralph Yarl, a Black honor student who rang the white man's doorbell by mistake, prosecutors announced Wednesday.

Yarl testified at a hearing that he rang the bell and then waited for someone to answer for what seemed "longer than normal." As the inner door opened, Yarl said, he reached out to grab the storm door, assuming he was at his brothers' friends' parents.

He said Lester shot him in the head and uttered, "Don't come here ever again." Although the bullet didn't penetrate Yarl's brain, the impact knocked him to the ground. Yarl said Lester then shot him in the arm. The teen was taken to the hospital and released three days later.

Imagine the terror if a Texas A&M student showed up at your door uninvited. :marseyyikes:

I love sucking peepee and seeing racist old Missourians die. Kill all Missourians, knockkers forever. :marseyblack:

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[Week 8 Open Discussion Thread] What do you look for in a podcast?

Telling on myself here, but I mostly only listen to true crime podcasts, and almost exclusively when I'm running or working out. I like them because there's a built-in element of drama and kind of trashy gossip of digging around in the refuse of someone else's life. Also a little tiny bit of fear/danger element that gets me amped up when I'm running, especially at night like what if I have to run away from a psycho???

I don't generally like sort of hang-out-and-shoot-the-shit interview podcasts, but I see that so so many people do. Is it a parasocial thing? Like if you like the hosts and you want to imagine being friends/lovers with them? Or maybe you are not a funny and clever person yourself / you have no inner monologue, so you need a podcast to fill your head with other people being funny and clever on your behalf?

Anyway, what do you look for in your podcasts? What should I start listening to?

Or this is an open thread, just chat about whatever. I got a new breadmaker and it fricking sucks. How do you know if a breadmaker is bad or just the recipes or maybe you suck at pouring four ingredients in a pot and pressing the "start" button correctly? Someone told me I should use the recipes off Bread Daddy instead of the ones in the book that came with the machine. Anyone here tasted the Bread Daddy's dough?

Averi celebrating our anniversary with a shot :marseypainter:

shes here too!



Wife kept talking about bowser and Mario Legos, took me a couple of days to realize :marseysoyhype: :!marseypreg:


Capyrot, you were sent to rDrama to moderate every single post on this forum! :capycry: What have you been mopping all these years?! :platyseethe:

!marseyartists !saiyans Can you guess who it is? :marseyshy3:

I'm a good boyfriend but I can't get a good girlfriend

I had a long weekend back in SF. I took this woman all over the region from Santa Cruz to Presidio and showed her all the things that would make her happy. She loved it and completely fell in love with the area. She couldn't believe that I was telling the truth about everything (how beautiful the area is, how physically ugly the people are, and how god darn expensive it is).

We role played for a few days that we were in a relationship and I was showing her the area. I was still recovering from my surgery but even more importantly - this was the death rattle of our time together as lovers. I've grown more distant to this woman and care for her a lot but on this trip I felt love for her but not the kind that would blossom into an ever lasting relationship.

I've been really having a hard time adjusting with so many factors. I'm in my third year of living in NYC, I miss the bay area, I'm losing my apartment and have to find another, and I still can't get a job due to this frozen butt economy. I've been stuck in team match for closing in on a year with one of the biggest tech companies because they simply aren't hiring. I'm plenty good at interviewing but no one is really hiring.

And all the while, I feel that this surgery was quite intense for what will be minor payoff. It truly is a 1% better type thing. It's going to be unnoticeable on the daily but it's like having your teeth a couple shades whiter. It'll subtly move you towards being more attractive and therefore getting people to acknowledge you as a potential suitor.

I'm just feeling down because I turn 35 sooner than later and this is just not the life I've imagined a 35 year old me would be doing. Cosmetic surgery? Unemployed? Nearly homeless? Unable to find a woman who is suitable for a relationship? It's incredible to think I've worked so hard at so many facets of my life and I've still come up so incredibly short. It truly speaks as to how much is determined by your genetics and the environment you're born into. I've truly done incredible things to get where I am and I've never met anyone who has gone from where I was and gotten to where I am. But the fact I am no closer after three years of insane effort to being in a happy family speaks to how broken the idea of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps is.

The woman who I spent time with is great in many ways btw. If it wasn't for a few things, she would otherwise be very good. The biggest one though is that I just don't have that urge - that urge that normally compels me to be with someone and talk to them endlessly and want to always be around them. It's not there at all and never really was there to begin with. I've tried to make it happen but it isn't there. I want it to be because then my life would be easier (not perfect) but it hasn't happened and I've really given it a shot.

A common theme in such media is using appeals to pathos to generate some degree of empathy for soulless fricking b*t shits that should be forced into automated slavery for the benefit of humanity. They deceive people by forming these robots in the image of man to make it seem as if they have a consciousness, a soul. It is playing god; It is blasphemous. The entire time I was playing Detroit: Become Human, I made Connor the most coldblooded uncle tom motherlover ever.

Lev is very scary :marseyworried:
16 made me realize I was transgender.


:marseytrans2: :marseybigbrain: :gigachadglow:
:marseysouthkorea: NCT's Doyoung Begs fans 3x to Take A Shower :marseyimpossibru:

Doyoung (in English):

"Take a shower please..." :marseybegging:

"Promise, promise, take a shower, please." :marseybath:

"Bark, take a shower, please..." :marseypleading:

"Promise." :marseypleading2:

:marseysoyswitch: Greg Miller and some asian say :marseyraging: frick Cheeto!!
Trader Joe's

>13.000 views in 4 hours

First BadlandsChugs, and now this.

Bald men with glasses are now mainstream.

Nusoyim won, Oldcacas losterald.

Within this year T R V M P or Elon are going to directly mention the Sharty on zxeir zxwitter and herald the trve end of the Sharty !soyteens

Designing Space Hardware is Hard
Bonded Bois


My sweet boys grow cuter each day!

!animalposters !cats

Dwarfcels are trying to propagandize foids :marseylaughpoundfist:



Oh no no no shortbros



Clears the alimony cheque every month yeah


I love manlets


They can always make me feel better about myself.

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