
Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Somebody's in for a rude awakeningโ€ฆ (31)

the issue with trump is he already was elected president the people already know how donald is as a politician hes just a celebrity a tv guy not a politician now a lot of the people that werent going to vote because it was biden will now vote for anyone that isnt trump on a political side that will have a chance (-21)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Oh good lord. The DEMs were always going to win. trump is a convicted felon, male feminist, failed his presidency, etc. The DEMs have not even started throwing punches yet. So many folks have no perspective. (-25)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Somebody's in for a rude awakeningโ€ฆ (31)

Yeah, Trump supporters.ย  (-16)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Jesus titty-fricking, tap-dancing Christ.Biden didn't have "no chance".Sensationalist, bed wetting, hot-takes-for-clicks horse shit. It's just vibes. Nothing but frickin vibes. You've got what for evidence, the same bullshit polls that were wrong for the last eight years? Self selecting responders with shit questions and worse analysis? Did Nate "I wouldn't recognize the limits of my own expertise if it was a vibrator up my butt" Silver tell you that? Word of mouth? Internet echo chambers?Everybody knows what this male feminist frick is like.He still has as much chance of a stroke or heart attack as Biden before the election. He still has a good chance at getting himself killed in whatever ridiculous coup attempt he's got cooked up because he doesn't give a shit if he wins honestly. Take this hysterical bullshit behind the wood shed and get to work making sure people vote, for fricks sake. (0)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Since 2016 I've come to accept that a good chunk of the population are just horrible fricking people, full stop. (217)

It's really all it is..The amount of people I know who pretended to be civil when presidents were fairly civil, but as soon as literal raging racist, p-dophile, male feminist got in office, the veil came down and everyone just went full psycho-support for the butthole. Even people who were normally nice and kind in my early life, became absolute racists publicly and everything else as soon as trump became president. It's like they felt it's okay now, because a President (candidate) is saying the stuff they believe. This makes it right. We had a fricking civil war over this shit 100 years ago and kicked their lousy asses for it. We trying frick around and find out again? (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Trump has wreaked havoc on this country by manipulating vulnerable people who lack critical thought and basic ability to discern who is a good person and who is a pathological liar and violent criminal. He is a disgrace and a danger to this nation. He actually makes very little sense when he talks and threatens the American people with violence if he loses the election. Does he know we are not a Russian dictatorship? (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/HTownLaserShow

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ(+0๐Ÿฎ)

Number of comments: 24

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Remember that one time when Bardfinn called Pete Buttigeig a cute twink?

!historychads !nonchuds !bardfinn


Article if you wanna read.

Why they hate us so much jewbros:



I am saying this unironically. There is nothing interesting to do in existence except to create shit and see if any of it sticks.

One developer made Lethal Company. So why can't one of us tards make the next great game?

All games feel disappointing.

You look at Doom the dark ages trailer and it doesn't feel like a compete upgrade over the previous entries.

The only cool thing is that now you get to use the giant Doom mecha armor.

GTA VI trailer released too early and now we are all waiting expecting GTA VI to be a downgrade compared to the trailer by the time it releases.

Death Stranding 2 is the only next generation looking product on the market and even that isn't quite perfect yet.

Where did all the fun games go?

We should make one to make up for their absence.

When did games stop being fun?

Am I just too old for this now?

Give me a next generation Witcher.

Give me Half Life 3.

Give me Dead Space 4.

Why is league of legends still a relevant game? It makes no sense.

Can old games die already so that new ones might emerge from the ashes?

League of legends is already 15 years old. In three years it will be able to go to college.

On the bright side World of warcraft is no longer on the top 10 most played list.

GTA Online is also not in the top 10 so happy about that. Made rockstar finally move on to releasing an actual game.

No runescape in the top 10 either.

No mobile games in the top 10 either.

Minecraft needs to leave. It's downright embarrassing that nobody could make a better product in over a decade in the genre.

PUBG should go too.

Fortnite can stay because they have something new every season added to it.

We need more ant games.

ShitLiberalsSay is MAD

orange sight:

It's a pretty interesting story but the tldr is that anyone can buy fentanyl precursors or pre-precursors from China at bargain basement prices and have them shipped to their door in the US or Mexico. These precursors can then be trivially turned into fent (a Mexican who dropped out of school at 12 years old told them how easy it is lol). It's hard for regulatory agencies to keep up because fentanyl isn't particularly chemically complex so when they ban or restrict one precursor the sellers just switch to something else.

@ACA aren't you a chemist? rdrama themed line of fentanyl when

DEVELOPING STORY: Kris tyson, (major genalpha/zoomer :marseytrain2: :marseyfemboy: youtuber) grooming drama has seemed to finally reach a boiling point
i would have gotten to this sooner but i thought someone would have done this thread already but i searched up "mrbeast" "kris" "kris tyson" and nothing from the past few days

So dramanauts who have kept up with zoomer drama will know kris tyson is a mrbeast (zoomer youtuber with big budget) crew member who :marseytrain2:ed out. After this :marseytrain2:ing out, internet rightoids have been desperately trying to discredit her, possibly to radicalise an entire generation of alphoomers. It appears they have finally struck gold, as the :marseypedo: allegations are finally beginning to pop off. Most of this was known before but now its beginning to circulate big time

Comment sections of her latest video

I of course am doing a little trolling

on twitter. Notice a certain people (i'm not going to say what people :marseyyeezus:) immediately wailing about what a bad look it is for them before completely performatively pretending to give a shit about the children

on reddit people are excusemaxxing

This is a developing story, mrbeast has yet to acknowledge or respond as far as i know. There is always a small chance rightoids are liemaxxing to drag down a heckin valid queen, idk i don't watch the videos :marseypass2:

:marseygossip: VC Gossip :marseygossip: EDIT: SACKS GOES INNNN

Sacks responds:

First of all, I've never met you or had any dealings with you, and you weren't involved in the events that you're purporting to know something about, so your antipathy towards me is strange. I heard first-hand from an impeccable source that in the wake of the Gaza debate, youโ€ฆ

โ€” David Sacks (@DavidSacks) July 25, 2024
The donald decide who is responsible for the rise of Hitler

The Original post is about a republican foundation calling Trump Hitler, pretty standard stuff really.

Nevertheless, this cause a rift in the dotwin community between the ones who think being compared to Hitler is an insult and the ones who think it is a compliment.

This leads to the greatest minds at theDonald decide debating who is responsible for the rise of Hitler.

1. Is easy, da jooz :chadjew:

Yup, the same Americans interests that put Hitler in power and financed the industrial rise of Nazi Germany are the exact same people who founded the CIA and Military Industrial Complex, launched Operations Gladio and Paperclip, and are still pulling the puppet strings today. (+35)

The Jews didn't put Hitler in power. Holy shit some of you are fricking brain dead (1)

2. Surprise new contenders by the follow up poster. :marseyklennypriest:

Ever heard of the Dulles Brothers, Prescott Bush, Brown Brothers Harriman, DuPonts, Sullivan & Cromwell, etc? All Protestants.

Do some real research before throwing out insults. (+5)

Tbh, I'm not sure if he meant that protestants are the real jews or the real nazis. :marseythinkorino:

3.The next one: muslims :marseyhijab:

Sadly, this visionnary is not so well received

4. The eternal anglo (also responsible for russia and low intensity white supremacists) :marseybong:

5. By legitimate mandate from the masses :marseysatisfied: , by a very long post made by this user (he seems trustwhorty)

What about you Rdrama, who do you think is the cause of Hitler? !historychads

!nonchuds come laugh at rightoid infighting

Forget reddit, what's the dumbest shit you've heard on *this* website?

Thread title. What is the dumbest shit you heard a fellow dramanaut say (and who said it?)

The ones I fondly remember are Ninjjer's 'I hate that the term p-dophile is starting to get used to refer to people attracted to children as opposed to child male feminists' and Salvador's 'The international elite and banks know that Ukraine won't last long in the war because McDonalds sold off their assets in Russia to their regional manager and will buy them back for pennies once the war ends '(both of these examples being paraphrased, I don't remember the exact wording)

Carp's opinions on movies come dangerously close too.

I'm sure there's more but none come to mind at the moment. What are some that you remember? Bonus points for linking to the actual thread

Lol what is this guy talking about couldn't be me

Bard spotting on Bluesky 28 July 2024 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

new kino dropped
Reported by:
The MrBeast pedo:marseytrain2: has resigned

Peak nonapology lmao

QRTs are a hoot already


In an extremely surprising turn of events, Kris Taylor, best friend of Youtube phenom Mr Beast, who :marseytrain2:ed out and abandoned his wife and children, has been exposed for being a p-do. He messaged a 13 year old minor sexually charged "jokes" for years. :marseypedo:

Even more heinously, he had such an extreme lack of shame that he physically owned and displayed loli Shadman art in the same apartment he shared with Mr Beast:

Youtube videos exposing him:

Twitter reaction:

>Kris Tyson from MrBeast just got outed as a p-dophile, this basically just sent back the trans community 200 years back we are never going to hear the end of it from transphobes. I rlly hope the kid is ok too cuz holy frick man this is disgusting and horrible

child gets molested, trans community most at risk!!!

Kris Tyson from Mr Beast is finished ๐Ÿ’€

Kris Tyson has been outed as a p-dophile. The fact that she then went and deleted everything off her acc js proves it was true. She js set back the trans community 1000+ years and now MrBeast is going to have to deal with the backlash too. Frick Kris Tyson.

Kris Tyson from MrBeast is being accused of talking to Minors. Two videos over the last 30 days outline an alleged sexually inappropriate relationship with a minor that's started with the minor at age 13 with plans to meet up with same minor at age 16. Kris Tyson, who now goes by Ava, has yet to respond to these allegations.

Reddit reaction:

Currently, the jannies of /r/MrBeast are frantically censoring any post mentioning the drama from the sub.

The sub /r/Youtubedrama has chosen unsurprisingly to accuse the Youtubers who exposed of "pushing a transphobic hit piece" :marseylaugh:

Stay tuned, this is the early days of what could be huge drama from the Youtube community of one of the biggest Youtubers rn. Only time can tell whether this will be swept under the rug or openly acknowledged by Mr Beast's fanbase.

!chuds !nonchuds

How the frick did the world get PSYOP'd into thinking gender = personality or some shit?

We've all heard the phrase "gender is a social construct and is different from s*x".

How the frick did this pile of garbage become so commonplace?

What the frick does it mean to be "agender"? and how is that different from "non-binary"? isn't it an oxymoron to call yourself non-binary?

How is the world so r-slurred?


Remember when this guy had a meltdown over Larry David vs Elmo

Remember when he got dunked on by a reddit mod because of a whiny blog post about a Star Trek toy?

No. Where is it?

It was on /r/drama but the sub got nuked so you can't see it anymore, there might be screencaps or removeddits of it

masterlawlz, never forget


:!marseyreportercnn: She clenches her teeth and looks ahead.

:!marseyreportercnn: Passing through the turn.

:!marseyreportercnn: Creating some distance.

SHUT THE FRICK UP! :marseytrollcrazy:

:!marseyreportercnn: Final turn... She crosses.


:marseyraging: :marseyraging: :marseyraging:

Frick blind people and frick this r-slurred catering to less than 1% of the population.

This is so lame. If they want to be accessible to people with r-slurred eyeballs, then put this cute twink ("rain falling now") on a stream on some website and call it a day.

Why add this shit to the main stream where everyone has to hear it???

:marseyeyelidpulling: :marseyeyelidpulling: :marseyeyelidpulling:

It's absurd.


!dramatards'ers, I WANT ANSWERS! :marseyraging:

Michael Tracey Stan thread

I've noticed unfortunate attacks on my favorite reporter from BOTH SIDES recently. I need someone to tell me Michael Tracey is cool. RIGHT NOW


!bharatiya how tf did Fidelji know something no one here knew? :marseydizzy: Exactly how deep was soviet infiltration in every layer of our soyciety lmao.

Dear Fellow Burgers, if you've never seen this documentary I don't think you should be allowed to vote in November

:#marseysaluteusa: :#marseypatriot: :#marseyburger: :#usa:

Commies cucked by our glorious Jewmilaty overlords!!!! :marseysaluteisrael: :marseysaluteisrael: :marseysaluteisrael: :chadjew: :chadjew: :chadjew:


Druze are cool guys and friends :marseyross: of Israel.

IDF and Israeli :marseyjewish: gov spokespeople promise major :marseygaygeneral: retaliation strikes.

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