
The decrease in traffic will not affect mobile users, Khinshtein said, adding that making YouTube run slower was "a forced step not directed at Russian users" but at YouTube management "which believes that it can violate and ignore [Russian] legislation".

"The fate of YouTube in Russia depends solely on YouTube itself," Khinstein said, before warning the company that unless it began complying with Russian law, "nothing good awaits it here".


Announced August 11th 2020 that she is VP

Kamala Harris(wrestler) died three days prior of :marseyairquotes:COVID :marseyvaxmaxx: :marseyairquotes: on August 9th 2020

:marseypeanutbrain: :marseyflagnorthkorea: :wolfbrainlet: :smileyretard: :marseyrofl!:


What is this npc type called?

You've seen them before, out in public.

They're never alone, always hovering 7 feet away from parents.

Late teens or early twenties but still dressed like your 12 year old Roblox-playing nephew who needs a good smack.

Build: Pizzashill

Face: Vacant, mild acne, not looking at anything in particular

Hair: Not "trans greasy" but not well kept either. Probably a fading color somewhere in it. Too long.

Shirt: Generic thrift store t-shirt

Pants: Athletic/breathable style because it's easy

Shoes: Crocs

Accessories: Large headphones, no matter where they are. Park, theme park, grocery store, church, mall, school. Those headphones are always around their neck. It takes slightly more autism to actually wear them over their ears in public


Dramatards, the man on the painting was Charles II of Spain (Carlos II), the last monarch of the House of Austria (the Spanish Habsburgs)

He suffered from metal r-sluration being considered a simpleton and possibly Klinefelter syndrome and epilepsy. That means was sterile and had a micropeepee.

Here's his family tree

As you can see his father King Philip IV and his mother Queen Mariana of Austria were uncle and niece, this is called Avunculate Marriage. Philip IV parents, Philip III and Margaret of Austria were cousins and Philip III parents Philip II and Anne of Austria were again uncle and niece. Because the Catholic Church forbids incest and classifies it as up to third degree cousins, these types of marriages required a papal dispensation.

Here's the family tree of the Houses of Aviz and Bragança who reigned over Portugal.

Again with Uncle-Niece marriages like Queen Maria I (known as Maria the Mad) and her uncle Peter III (previously Infante Pedro of Bragança).

And here's a map of prevalence of cousin marriage nowadays. !antibharatiya

!historychads !ifrickinglovescience

Also !catholics what do you guys think of Dispensations?,and%20their%20niece%20or%20nephew.

And of course here's the family tree of the House of Ptolemy


I found a prison escape game trailer

Looks like it could be fun.


Xbox fans were saying MS is rich and would overstay PlayStation store and etc :marseysmug3:

Give Dramamine an official "rDrama Ambassador to Kiwi Farms" designation

Jersh just gave this title to @Dramamine live on stream.


Diabetes is.... Colonialism?

I was scrolling through threads, hunting for content and I came across this:

This wasn't what I found interesting though, funny as it is.

Writersdelite was responding to this:

Link to amoyal's OG list

There are an additional 11 of these points btw.

3/ Socioeconomic disparities rooted in colonial structures limit access to healthcare and nutritious food, but diabetes management focuses on personal choices rather than systemic barriers.

>Personal responsibility is racist


4/ Chronic stress from systemic racism and oppression contributes to inflammation and diabetes risk, yet treatment often ignores these structural factors.

5/ Colonial bureaucracies create healthcare barriers, but diabetes education typically emphasizes individual responsibility over addressing systemic obstacles.


This is a rehash of point "responsibility is racist" out of "diabeetus isn't my fault"


6/ Environmental racism exposes communities to diabetes-linked toxins, but prevention strategies rarely address these colonial-rooted environmental factors.


You literally could have said something like "Environmental racism makes it difficult for people of color to enjoy the outdoors and exercise" or "environmental racism makes it hard for people of color to enjoy outdoor exercise due to air pollution" or something and it would have made a little more sense.


7/ The profit-driven pharmaceutical industry limits treatment accessibility in lower-income countries, yet individuals are faulted for "non-compliance" with medication regimens.

8/ Ongoing land dispossession disrupts food sovereignty, impacting dietary health. Still, diabetes management focuses on personal diet choices, not systemic food issues.


>When you run out of points, just rehash one a few times

>No one will know


9/ Diabetes management often promotes Western lifestyle changes, ignoring how colonial systems make these changes difficult or impossible for many.


Then try some tai chi or something goddarnnn


10/ The individualization of diabetes management obscures how colonial structures force participation in unhealthy systems while blaming individuals for the outcomes.

11/ Recognizing diabetes as colonialism embodied challenges the narrative of individual fault and highlights the need for systemic, decolonial approaches to health

12/ Effective diabetes prevention and treatment requires addressing ongoing colonial structures perpetuating health inequities, not just focusing on individual behaviors

13/ By shifting focus from individual blame to systemic colonial issues, we can develop more equitable & effective approaches to type 2 diabetes prevention & care


"I'm fat and losing my limbs due to my type 2 diabetes which is actually COLONIALIST RACISM in disguise!!!!"


(We should add an " extra large" option for marseys)

Reported by:
shitnuts pig

shitnuts pig

Basset Hound e Pug - YouTube



compare to the real thing



yes it was the woke mind virus that is making your kids turn out weird lol

Lost in Translation :marseydeux: :marseyflagfinland: :marseythegrey: :marseychingchong: :marsey300:

!bookworms !classics all the talk today on @kaamrev post about Rangz of Power reminded me what a language nerd Tolkien was, he was particularly fascinated with the Finnish language and mythology which he would use as a base for Quenya. :marseywise:

He went as far as to learn enough finnish to read the darn Kalevala in the original.

Which brings me to translations. Translating is tricky, especially for poetry or books which are famous for their prose because part of their beauty is lost, them there's the issue of "word-by-word" translation or whether to convey the general idea of the text.

What are some books you guys find "untranslatable" so to speak?which translated works you find good and what are some terrible translations you came across?

Shakespeare doesn't translate well in other languages, same with Cervantes and CamΓ΅es when is translated to English but some annotated translations of Don Quixote do the original justice. I see no point of reading Moby Peepee or Lolita in Portuguese either, lot's of what make those books special will be lost.

this is cirno
Daily Bard Digest 2024-07-27

Live feed of the best moderator on the internet, straight into your veins.

Here's todays official post from the BARDCHIVE:

10/16/13 11:54:50 with a score of -3:

As /u/Droen pointed out: power to override this in the House has been concentrated to Cantor or his designee.

The members of the Republican Party who are doing this, aren't doing it to inflate their chances to run for a position in the US Federal government later, they're not doing it to cater to their "constituencies", they're not doing it over Obamacare.

They are doing it explicitly to destroy the US Federal government. They want the Constitutional protections of to disappear, forever. They want the Fourteenth amendment to disappear, forever. They want the EPA to disappear, forever.

They want to have 50 independent countries with no other laws that pertain to them but the ones that the 50 independent countries hammer out between themselves and for themselves from now on.

They want the lawful ability to tell people without a specific lack of skin colour to be out of town before dark.

They want the lawful ability to tell people who aren't White Anglo-Saxon Protestant to move out of town, and seize their homes and vehicles.

They want the lawful ability to starve and deny medical care to anyone infected with HIV.

They want the lawful ability to put in place and enforce sodomy laws.

They want the lawful ability to force businesses to close on Sundays.

They want the ability to destroy the NSA, and its data-gathering apparatus on telecommunications.

They want the ability to invalidate treaties that the US has made with foreign powers.

They want the ability to mine coal and natural gas and petroleum without safety and environmental overhead.

They want to destroy the modern cultural entertainment industry - music, movies, books, pornography - or at least burn what's in their jurisdiction to do so and close their borders to more.

They want to bring back indentured servitude explicitly.

They want to close their borders to labour outsourcing.

They want the explicit legal standing to punish women who don't conform to their expectations of what women should do and how they should behave and who and when they have s*x and / or have children.

They want fifty individual countries, each of which the citizens have no recourse outside of state law for their justice. They want rule by local majority, instead of rule by law - and they are willing to kill the United States of America to get it.

:marseypartyzoom: I'm about to go out and have a blast :marseykeffalsdance:

:marseyjam: :marseyvibing: :marseypartymaxx:

Hopefully I'll end up drunk enough to post some pictures here later :marseyinabox:

What are you guys doing tonight?

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