
!kino !anime

It won't flop but I'm hoping the audience reception is terrible enough for it to "underperform" :marseyagree:.


!neolibs !antibharatiya !nooticers

On the link you can check fertility rates as well.

Have to cancel my vlog

Upload limit way too small tbh.

Why Israel is happier than Sweden

:marseytroublemaker: :carptroublemaker: :carptroublemakerpenisshadow:

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IT HAS NEVER BEEN MORE JOEVER - Limp Bizkit's bassist calls on Joe Biden to step down | Free Beacon

Original tweet I found on my own x

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Have a good weekend guys


Xbox fans were saying MS is rich and would overstay PlayStation store and etc :marseysmug3:


A man named Joseph Neibich sued Reddit for defamation with intent to unmask 50 anonymous /r/Screenwriting members, but, unsurprisingly, he failed. He then tried to have this case sealed, but, once again, he was denied. So, now, he has actually hired people to create positive posts about how totally amazing he is in order to manipulate algorithms about his case and his /r/Screenwriting harassment on search engines.

Below is the original drama from 2021:

Screenwriters flagged a group of scam contests that exploited aspiring writers by race, gender, sexuality, religion, and/or location for $50+ per entry and then posted warnings on /r/Screenwriting. The contest manager, a fledgling middle-aged screenwriter from Arizona, threatened to sue Reddit if the original posts weren't removed. The moderators stood their ground and case 20STCV10291 was filed in an LA Circuit Court. Over the course of 2 years, that contest manager harassed /r/screenwriting members, both on social media and by calling them personally once he learned their true identities that had been hidden behind the JOHN/JANE DOE ones.

The case lagged on until the contest manager and other parties settled out of court, and it was dismissed in 2021. The contest manager hired online reputation services to remove any mention of his name in case 20STCV10291 from the internet. For example: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx v. Reddit Inc - Trellis Law or Santa Clara Law's Digital Commons.

Long after Reddit was dismissed in this legal case, the contest manager continued to harass one of /r/Screenwriting's moderators, who then posted the following warning:

Nobody really cared about this lawsuit anymore. That is, until 2023, when Reddit admins posted Reddit's Defense of Section 230 to the Supreme Court, which actually referenced the original /r/SubredditDrama post linked above.

TL;DR: The Supreme Court is hearing for the first time a case regarding Section 230, a decades-old internet law that provides important legal protections for anyone who moderates, votes on, or deals with other people's content online.


Now, this embarrassing old legal case - 20STCV10291 Neibich v. Reddit - would actually be referenced by the largest court in the United States. :marseyjudge:

To update /r/Screenwriting about the Reddit Amicus Brief, moderator /u/wemustburncarthage posted the thread /r/Screenwriting mentioned in the Reddit Amicus Brief to SCOTUS. She mentioned some context about the contest manager's ongoing behavior:

He has stalked, harassed and defamed many of us for calling out his fraud, and while some of us were lucky to receive pro bono legal representation (me included, thanks to the support mentioned in this brief) not all of us had that option, and were put to unjust expense.

A lot of us are still recipients of his obnoxious attention seeking behaviour, hedged under the guise of his delusional belief in his own importance as an industry player. He's not an industry player. He's a citation in a landmark US Supreme Court case, forever enshrined in that legal history, defined in precisely the character he deserves.


Later in 2023, the contest manager decides to file a Request to Seal Records in order to completely hide his case from the public. While that's going on, something weird begins to happen on Reddit...

The username /u/JeffreyJosephNeibich was registered on Reddit and is quickly suspended before he can post anything (because any user name with josephneibich in it is automatically suspended). :marseyjanny2:

/u/JeffreyJosNeibich (now suspended) then pops up instead and begins to spam their user page with random positive facts about the contest manager (all of these have now been deleted, of course):

His love for animals:

Love helping animals get adopted with my hubby Jeffrey Joseph Neibich

Hiking trips with his fictitious wife, "Hillary":

Hillary L Neibich is camping with Jeffrey Joseph Neibich at HorseShoe Bend

And, of course, helping the homeless:

Joseph Neibich took his only day off last week to help a homeless woman find housing.

(The only comment on the post about was from him, and it simply said "Yea." This dude genuinely thought that confirming a post that he himself made would lend it credibility. I also love that he imagines that he's a great script writer, yet that's the best fake story that he could invent to venerate himself. It legitimately reads like North Korean propaganda for Kim Jong-Un.) :marseyxd:

Once the contest manager's request to seal all records was denied by the LA Court, a new subreddit popped up in the hopes of overshadowing negative search results from Google:

/r/JosephNeibich (now set to private) - "All about the life and works of Joseph Neibich"

Posts were made on the subreddit such as:

Life and Work of Joseph Neibich

Joseph Neibich's journey in the film industry is a story of passion, creativity, and hard work. From his early days in marketing at...

Biography of Joseph Neibich:

Joseph started his career in film in 1997, when he moved to Los Angeles and began working in marketing at Paramount Pictures. This experience...

Joseph Neibich Charity Works

...and so forth.

Try it for yourself by searching for "reddit neibich" on Google. Instead of information about the previously mentioned case, you're instead greeted with results about how wonderful and amazing this heroic human being is. :marseygetgle:

The posts on /r/JosephNeibich came with totally legitimate comments from completely real Redditors such as...

/u/Fresh-Ad8642 (now suspended):

I like it I like it

I like

I like

I like it

/u/Sweet_Peet_Scotch (now suspended):

So great and powerful

So great and powerful

So great and powerful

/u/Intelligent-Love6969 (now suspended):

Silly love


Joseph Neibich is great consumer advocate! I love it.


And some other totally earnest new Reddit accounts who just happened to only post about Joseph Neibich:

/u/Academic-CatLover (now suspended)




In other words, a Redditor has been hired by Joseph Neibich to post on /r/JosephNeibich in order to make Joseph Neibich look better on Google search results. Right before that user began posting about Neibich, however, they only concentrated on OnlyFans updates. :daddysgirl2:

A parody subreddit, /r/JosephNeib-word (get it? :marseynice:), has also been set up. :soysnoo5:

Will it work? Or will Joseph Neibich go back to his old ways where he is emailing moderators threatening legal action? Whatever happens, we know one thing: it will be far more entertaining than any script that Neibich could ever write. :marseypopcorn:

the presidential press conference is joever

that was the most boring thing ive ever seen or heard

he was lucid and spoke in complete, long paragraphs and only had some minor flubs ("vice president trump") which are more or less inevitable but will be latched onto by rightoid media in the coming weeks

he answered long multipart questions that journos took like a minute to get out

he was coherent

he made journos laugh (it wasnt funny)

he kept doing this weird asmr whisper

it was appallingly dull and will likely reassure everyone that brandon is back baby


New boulderlob



Nazi talking point tbh:

Both sides bad:

Ok but what if a nazi hit you first?:


Maybe I have undiagnosed anxiety or some shit idk


:marseygroomer2: tries to make sense of it all

I wonder what group or culture that is associated with misogyn and extremist views? hmmm

Personally, I blame cis-het white christian mxn :marseybong:


Enemy :marseycruisemissile: combatants should :marseynorm: be shot on sight


First egg VP?



A video is posted to /r/bicyclingcirclejerk that shows a bicyclist riding on the left side of a path approaching a pedestrian filming and saying she's not going to move. They collide, it's awesome, some commenters go against the grain and think the walker is in the wrong and should've moved.

For real, I don't get why the camera person acted like it wasn't their fault

Equally… - pedestrian could easily move out of the way and they both go about their day perfectly happy. They're both idiots, she should probably slow down if pedestrian Karen is shouting that she won't move but it's not like she's doing it in a city center

Some pedestrian vs bicyclist arguing that becomes the inevitable cyclist v car drama

TrappySaruh on transcommies, 2019

[This is a post by /u/TrappySaruh, a user of /r/drama back in the day :marseyboomer: (but not that far back, I was here first!) who was widely respected. Her explanation of why :!marseytrain:s turn into commies. I recorded this on November 29, 2019 because I feared the reddit superjannies would destroy it :marseyfortuneteller:. It's possible it was written earlier or I copied it from someone else. We're supposed to have archives where you can find it.]

note in particular the lack of older (in yrs of transition) trans people that are involved in the broader transcommunity. in all my years of idling every kind of trans community, 1 constant: most of the people who are past their egg stage leave. theres a lot of reasons but the primary reason is that the transcommubity offers nothing to people who are "done". trans forums are full of mental illness that can easily suck up any happyness you have, especially if you're looked upto. imagine helping someone get over suicidal idealation only to have to deal with it again day after day after day.

because of this, what u get in very large communities (/r/traa) is a culture of people coming in, trying to figure out what to do and who they are, being mentored by people who largely just months prior were asking the same thing. repeat forever.

the final element is the general loss of purpose of life for, what seems like, most people. more people are online-only than ever before and a lot of people are deprived of deep fulfilling social connections.

what happens next has 3 stages:

1 -- conversion -- you have a vulnerable population (in the sense of confused and easily convinced by otherwise spacious arguments). communists come in and tell them that capitalism is the reason why they are suffering. capitalism and the systems embedded within it are the cause of the lose of purpose (living to make others profit isnt a fulfilling purpose). additionally, if it wasn't for profit above human suffering, HRT would be covered. SRS would be covered. everyone (not just trans but everyone) would be happier because they can work, or not work and do whatever they want and because of this hate and discrimination goes down. this means that the egg, whos likely greatest fear is 'looking like a 60 year old crossdressing transsexual', this provides fuel for anger to the egg who can think 'if i dont pass it is capitalisms fault'.

this message is popular, and it is effective. trans people are generally left anyway so being pulled far left is certainly easier than being pulled into some rightoid bs.

2 -- memes -- enough transposters have been converted into communists that it causes a feedback loop. communist eggs start mentoring new eggs, who learn the glory of communism and the evils of capitalism. a critical threshold is hit where there are enough clever posters (most people are bad at posting) that can make decent memes. this causes a tsunami of commie and bash-the-fash memes and all the other memes transpower memes you've seen.

meme subreddits come online at this point. once you know your trans, you dont really need /r/transgender and other misc subreddits anymore. they're more for questions about transitioning, hrt, news etc. so instead you create meme subreddits. meme subreddits are free-money in terms of subscribers, so they explode in size. meme subreddits quickly become THE trans subreddits, with /r/mtf /r/ftm //transgender and others being more specialized.

so back to the egg. imagine you're just starting to feel conflicted about your gender, and you look for information. what is the first subreddit you're going to find? /r/traaa and (lol) /r/egg_irl. what are they full of? communists. communism now becomes an implicit (not explicit) characteristic of being trans.

3 -- cult -- at this point, the commie meme is self sustaining. eggs come in already converted. communism becomes an important of the sense of community and friendship. everyone is friendly to each other, everyone is hugging and sqeueeing and "uwu"ing each other. "you go grrl!!", "frick pigs and their bootlicking fascists", etc etc.

what do you get with a hyper-friendly community that welcomes all but also has an obvious outlet for hate? you get a cult. because communism has become so deeply embedded into the culture of these communities, any friction against communist ideas, even only slight friction, cause a swift and immediate response. this leads into 1 person trying to defend themselves against 10+ people. others who might have similar misgivings but don't want to be ebicly dunked on by their friends keep quiet.

loud people are loud, and transcommies are very loud.

everything is great, and any criticism of it means you must be a traitorous self-hating :marseytrain: who should leave.

i dont have sources for this or anything, its just my interpretation of watching the trans community since the 90s with a few embellishments. i might be wrong, or partly wrong, but its how i see it.

Found and copyapsted for you because I love this community so much

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Bit of context: in 2022, there was a military coup in Burkina Faso. The new military junta took an anti-western amd pro-russian stance leading to a lot of fanboyism from online communist in reddit.

In a very unsuprising turn, the junta moved to purge the country from western influence, now that include homosexuality which is seen as a western perversion.

/r/thedeprogram is an anti-western communist sub. They're pro-russia, pro-china, anti-USA etc..

Reading through the article, it looks like it's only just been suggested by it's Justice Minister, and still needs to pass through parliament, and would then need to be approved by Traore himself.

This post should honestly be removed. If comrades don't open the comments, they will believe this misinformation like the rest of libs across Reddit.


It still unfortunately has a large Christian presence and I'm betting American Evangelicals have gained some ground in recent years.

Burkina faso is 64% muslim and 6.2% protestants but I'm sure it's the evangelicals fault.

I'm queer, they are my comrades [..] The French came, forced homophobia into every facet of their society, stopped them from socially progressing so they could take their materials, and now you're surprised they're homophobic?

I'll continue to critically support those who are resisting imperialism and trying to make a better life for the proletariat, even if they aren't perfect.

Anti-western online leftists continue to support people who would kill them or throw them in jail :marseymanysuchcases:

Burkina Faso has been held back by the imperial core for decades and decades, they have been held back materially and socially, so they have not progressed to that point socially, yet.

Without question, criminalizing people based on their sexual orientation is unacceptable. That is absolutely a given.

But [leftie wall of text]

>I'm not racist but... :marseylaugh:

Basically the whole thread is cope :marseycope: , a lot of posters straight up say the mods should supress this information because it's liberal propaganda :marseygiggle:

!anticommunists !africans


Apparently the guy spraypainted swastikas on an underpass and bragged about it on 4chan. Can't find original post. 7 minutes in he's arrested at his mom's house with an edgy satanist necklace :marseydevil:

He was already on probation as last September he left bags of rice (?) and flyers on peoples doorsteps. He was already out on bond then for some other similar bullshit. This is where the footage is really good as he was living alone and arrested at his apartment. 26 minutes in we get a tour of his apartment

He has a sweet setup with a small TV or monitor a foot away from his couch under a giant swastika flag and a framed Hitler Black Sun meme. Surrounded by uncooked rice, which was confiscated for evidence.

If anyone can identify this poster that says "MINE " something please help, is it another Hitler meme or some sort of mick thing?

Couch contains a stash of Couch Pocky, located above a frozen pizza box on the floor

Bedroom contains one mattress with no sheets, desktop PC and printer. He claimed he did not use these to print the flyers he distributed to peoples houses.

Desk contains potty paper rolls and a mysterious white jarred substance labelled with a swastika. He has a water bottle, at least he's hydrating :marseydrinkwater:

!nonchuds know thy enemy

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