New Oakland Kam just dropped :marseyflamewar:
The Israeli :marseyjewish: guy is back and he rizzes up some Paki girls :marseyblops2chadcel2:


I think :marseygigathonk: the problem :marseytrolley: is the Muslim :marseyniqab: men. I've dated Muslim :marseynoyouoccupy: girls :marseyblops2chadcel: and none of them wanted to kill me.


Confession thread

I'm a motherfricking Fenkell Ave 7 mile neighbor til the death. I fricks with neighbors as far as Joy Rd and McGraw and them neighbors. I don't frick with too many Eastside neighbors cause they're too fricking grimey. What y'all banging?


:marseyhibernian: O'Grimacey has returned from retirement and has brought shamrock shakes to Mcdonald's :marseyhibernian:

:u::p: :t::h::e: :r::a: :marseyira:

The shamrock shake is back at Mcdonald's before it's even valentine's day along with Grimace's Uncle O'Grimacey who hasn't been seen since the '80s. He seems like a chill guy (see image below) and I'm happy Grimace has been united with his beloved uncle. :marseyembrace:

I got one today and it was sweeter than I remember but maybe they just put too much mysterious green syrup in mine. 7.5/10 but I wonder how it'll taste after I put it in the freezer.


Seal on the loose in the "hustle and bustle" of downtown New Haven, CT

The seal, believed to be about five or six weeks old, was found in the middle of Chapel Street near East Street. Police blocked off the area to keep it safe until the DEEP and Mystic Aquarium arrived.

"It definitely was concerning for us when we say he was amidst all that hustle and bustle of the city," said animal rescue technician Francesca Battaglia.

Battaglia said this wasn't the first time the aquarium's animal rescue team had seen the seal. He was in Branford last week, and on Saturday, he was spotted – maybe more fitting – next to Shell & Bones Oyster Bar and Grill on South Water Street in New Haven.

"We're like, he's still bright and alert and looking good," she said. "Maybe we can just relocate him to a safe beach, and so our team did do that. But then, unfortunately, the next day, he showed back up in the middle of the city there."


Reported by:
  • Impassionata : Allende in a real post-ironic mood all expression is genuine mood lmao
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED What one, tiny, stupid thing are you doing to fight fascism today?

Here's what I did. I called my congressional representative (R) hoping to leave a message but instead his staff picked up. I awkwardly stumbled my way through why I think Elon Musk is insanity. Could tell the sweet little republican staffer hated her life so much as she said, "I'll pass that along." :) I also called my senators and complained again.

Finally, and my personal fave thing I did today, I rolled down my car windows on the way back from school drop off and BLARED the FDT rap by YG & Nippsey Hussle. I made one VT girl's day when she smiled at me because of the song and then I literally yelled "frick Donald Trump" at the top of my lungs. She started laughing in her car. I also made quite an impression on a car full of frat bros who probably voted for him.

Viva la revolución, Dramatards.

Burgers why are you like this?

Community Note by @Impassionata

These are the times which try men's souls.

Helpful [88] Not Helpful [8]
Peaceful selfless woman and illegal abortion provider (saint) gets in fight with her boyfriend over abortion rights.


AIO, my boyfriend is mad at me because, as a healthcare provider, I help women access abortions even though it's illegal here. I know I'm risking my license, jail time, and a huge mess, but I refuse to stand by while children suffer in a country with a homeless crisis. Society here is brutal to women who conceive out of wedlock. many are abandoned, left to raise a child alone, or even killed for having s*x outside marriage. I can't just watch and simply refuse to help a woman who comes to me asking for help, so I do all I can. From providing medications to assisting the process. And I don't take any money for it, so it's not about personal gain.

Literally Jesus Christ of the state.

It's White Woman Wednesday. :marseytears: [Vicious Backlash Edition]

They're White this time.

Certainly! Here's a polished apology for the situation:

Dear Valued Community,

We at [Company/Community Name] deeply value the voices of our audience and strive to deliver content that inspires, entertains, and resonates. It has come to our attention that last week's installment of White Woman Wednesday did not meet the high expectations we set for ourselves—and, indeed, for you.

While the creative intentions behind this series were to spark dialogue and foster inclusivity through humor and reflection, we acknowledge that the execution may have been ahead of its time. Some of the subtler nuances were, regrettably, misinterpreted by those who engaged with the content.

We apologize if anyone felt alienated or offended by this innovative addition to our weekly white woman rotation. Your passionate responses only reaffirm our commitment to providing bold, thought-provoking material that challenges conventional boundaries.

Please rest assured that we are actively reviewing your feedback and considering adjustments to ensure that our future offerings align more closely with your preferences—while, of course, maintaining our signature cutting-edge approach.

Thank you for your understanding and continued engagement. Together, we will build a stronger, more forward-thinking community.

Previous White Woman Wednesdays:

Honorary Edition

2025 Edition

Christmas 2024 Edition

The Trump 2024 Edition

Christmas 2023 Edition

We're back Edition

Greek Towelboy Edition

Trad Wife Edition

Pumpkin Spice Edition

Red Scare Edition

Anglo-Saxon Edition

Dirndl Edition

Grandmas and craftcels just fell to their knees


doctors give the wrong fetus to foid, demand refund, foid reverses victimhood because the baby was black

Woman sues fertility clinic for implanting wrong embryo — forcing her to hand over baby five months after giving birth

A devastated Georgia woman is suing a fertility clinic for implanting the wrong embryo inside her, resulting in the baby being "ripped away" from her five months after she gave birth and bonded with the child.

Krystena Murray, from Savannah, underwent in vitro fertilization two years ago and only discovered the fertility clinic's "reckless" mistake after she delivered a healthy baby boy in December 2023.

Murray and her sperm donor are both white :tradwife: :whitesicko!:.

She said she "knew something was very wrong" when the child was born because she delivered a :yakub: "dark-skinned, :yakub: African American :yakub: baby," :yakub: according to the lawsuit.

!medicine !r-slurs !biology !chuds !foidmoment

EFFORTPOST :marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED The curious case of the Chris Watts defenders - or, how someone managed to be so annoying on facebook that redditors will celebrate their tragic murder


Chris Watts ( is a family annihilator who murdered his pregnant wife Shannan and two young children 2018. They were a striving middle class family in a mcmansion, with Shannan being a a stay at home mother/MLM scammer/influencer, and Chris earning relatively large sums on the oil fields. They had no recorded domestic violence history, no real criminal history, and were famously white attractive. Case got a lot of attention because the police released a lot of information, including bodycam footage of the moment Chris is confronted with evidence that his wife couldn't have run away with the kids in the way he claimed. After a day or two of telling the media he misses his disappeared family, he confesses to the crime and hundreds of hours of true crime content is born. He gets fan mail from crazies in jail to this day.

The defenders

Who would defend such a man, you ask? To answer that, we have to understand the volumous internet presence Shannan had on social media up until her murder. She posted several times a day, including livestreams, in order to shill her MLM product and present a curated picture of her 'perfect' life. These posts and streams are a morbid curiosity to people because Chris featured often, and people say you can tell he seems disinterested and disengaged even back then (to me he just seems like a guy bored by his wife's incessesant posting and filming, tbh).

Here is a compilation of relevant social media videos from Shannan to give a sense of her tone online:

Because of how widespread this is, it's near impossible to gaze upon any discussion of the topic without noticing how many people seem focussed on how unlikeable Shannan is, how hard Chris must have had it. At least until recently, reddit had snark-style subs dedicated to pooping on Shannan's online presence (which seems like a dead end considering there is only so much content she will ever produce). Shannan's personality on social media is so fundarnetally annoying and unlikeable, apparently, that hordes of people are more compelled by that than the cold blooded triple murder by her husband.

From the comments of the video above:

>Chris did not like being on camera, you can tell.

>Did she really record these massively long videos and post them on Facebook? I feel like the average person would not watch the majority of these lol

>The first one is so cringe. Everybody trying to act like they're rockin' and rollin' to some shitty cover band with zero attendance. Ick.

>She is annoying but that doesn't warrant murder

>If you are constantly filming, I don't think you are truly engaged in the moment.

>This woman was so desperately addicted to posting everything about her life online that 3 hours of online silence was all her neighbor needed to know something was wrong

(this refers to the fact that Shannan's loved ones got police involved mere hours after her middle-of-the-night murder simply because she hadn't yet posted an obnoxious video or livestream on FB that day lol)

>The dude should have just left her, the constant filming would have been enough for me. Totally unhinged behavior, when I see families in restaurants all on their phones, I just think I'm so glad I'm not you. Zero parental skills.

>He should've got the balls to tell her that, "her job isn't real, social media isn't real and I think I'm falling out of love with you."

>Shes very dismissive of Chris making him look like he's really awkward.

>I can't imagine live in relationship when my partner record everything all the time and post it ...

And so on. This isn't even one half of it. And these comments are about a woman who was violently killed by her husband while she slept.


Anyway, Reddit somehow has allowed a large community of Shannan Watts (murder victim) snark subs to thrive. Some key posts:

In this post, redditors mock her for tacky t-shirts and clothes she put on the children (before their murder)

In this post, Shannan is mocked for at one point saying she might have lupus but posting things on facebook that indicate she may not have lupus.

Redditors theorise to what extent did Shannan emasculate Chris, prior to her murder.

A redditor rejoices at finding a sub of like-minded people who, like them, also hate the murder victim:

>When I first heard of this case, I was so shocked. But from the very beginning, what I learned of SW irked me. After watching the TV shows, including Netfix, I really disliked everything about her. But every media thing I read praised her. The videos I found showed her in a shining light, lol. I finally dropped it and moved on.

Lmao OP saw the coverage "woman and her two kids murdered in cold blood" and really laser focussed in how irritating the victim was.

Anyway, you can explore the sub yourself - search by top posts for most dramatic and angry redditors.

The point

I never promised I had a point. I suppose I find this drama-worthy because it's truly fascinating to me that this woman was apparently so annoying, and hit on so many of reddit's sore spots (fake disroder cringe, influence life) that it overrode the normal reddit instinct to find a female victim of her husband murdering her and her kids sympathetic. To be clear, none of these people met Shannan while she was alive or even saw her posts prior to her death. They have created an image of her post-mortem they find so infuriating they are posting about it six years later. Majority of the reddit users are women, which further excludes inceldom as a

primary motivator.

I, for one, strive to be such an annoying person that my eventual death by murder is the least interesting thing about me.

Happy hannukah!

Community Note by @Sneedman

Chris Watts is an anal maniac.

Helpful [71] Not Helpful [5]
They hit the second tower my Queen


:#marseyxd: :#marseyxdorbit: :#dinoxd: :#marseylulz: :#marseyrofl: :#mjlol: :#marseyemojilaugh: :#turtoiserofl: :#duckdance: :#laugh: :#lolface: :#marseysobbing: :#manullol: :#marseyemojilaugh2: :#pepeloser: :#lolsign: :#trollfacedancing: :#marseyladybugxd: :#eggplantlaugh: :#marseywheeze: :#platylol:

:marseyemojirofl: Iranians get Gandhi Peace Prize :marseyemojilaugh:

Republic acknowledges a fellow giga cuck country




Its actually the Govt BTW. Interesting choice given that.


Drama in San Francisco as student claims ICE is boarding busses and asking students for ID and country of origin


100 comments in about an hour. Lot of people literally shaking.

MUNI operators are on the lookout for ICE agents

It's time to get our DOX ON

skankhunt coming in with some quality commentary. I have an episode to rewatch

AHHHHAHAHAHAHA I never thought I'd see a comment like this but here comes "tech/white lives matter" in a thread about our poor Honduran drug dealers

Anyway I'm pretty stoked how housing is going to get cheaper/available and construction labor is going up let's fricking gooooooooo

I better see KTVU filming ICE soon. If Boston is getting some LEO love I demand it NOW!

Shot My Shot with My Therapist and Got Rejected : NYStateOfMind


Shot My Shot with My Therapist and Got Rejected

After I told y'all about the feelings I developed towards my therapist I decided to take some of your advice and shoot my shot So during a session I told her how I felt

She got really serious and said it's normal for feelings to develop but I can't entertain that it's against my ethics Then she said it was best if we stopped seeing each other adding I can't continue as your therapist and I don't ever want to see you again

Yeah didn't expect that

I don't know why this dude is talking about his love life on a drill sub but he's getting clowned on across posts

I beg yall start flaming people for this shit stop coming to this sub venting about your personal life this neighbor has a frickin therapist and still comes to an nyc sub to cry. This shit gotta stop!!!!

This mf reminds me of tony soprano and his therapist only when Tony confessed his feeling and got shot down he didn't coming crying to the internet this shit sad bro learn to take an L and keep it to yourself

:marseychingchong: chinese AI, thank you for protecting me from harmful information

Standard AI responses:

DeepSeek Response:

How about a different protest?


Edit: interestingly there seems to be a soft block on other topics, where it writes out an answer but post-generation it is deleted again. I would guess Tiennenman is a hard blocked word though. Example, Uygur Muslims where it changes to the short answer after it's done generating:


Ok this thing was made to run PR defense confirmed…

Foids Posting L's :marseyl: SPECIAL MANLET EDITION


So, I'm short. 5'2". My girlfriend is tall, probably 5'10 or 6'. We're "a short and a tall," as Big Mouth would put it. We love to dress to the nines and go out. Dresses, jewelry, cocktails, laughter. I'm not gonna lie, we're a hot couple.



This is the dumbest post about it I've seen


bottom text

Community Note by @sit_on_my_face

Pizza is lying here.

Helpful [62] Not Helpful [10]
Community Note by @jew

I'm in the screenshot! :taycelebrate:

Helpful [10] Not Helpful [1]
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