$AAPL 100% thinks there is going to be a recession


!brics we gonna kick some american military industrial class :marseypunching: :punch: :squareup: yanks ain't got shit on us

Does anyone else watch Madoka Magica?

I really enjoy that show.


This is distessing news.





:marseysoyhype: Lift, run, fight, shoot. Become strong in all.

:chudsmug: So basically, you're all fricked

:chudglassesglow: Yep lol

They post shit like this while their side unironically believes the below

:shadowrage: And don't forget to look up delicious, healthy recipes in the @N@rchist cookbook!

:marseychuddance: Yall are screwed ngl

:marseychud: You won't do shit

:soysnooseethe: Sounds like projection on your part.

:marseysoylentgrin: I'm never going to be strong enough to repel a Nazi, but generalizing here, keep up your health. It is beneficial in so many ways I won't bother to list them. Everyone on reddit hates me because I always bring up cooking your own food, not smoking, not drinking, getting exercise every day, giving up fast food and ultraprocessed stuff. It's all key to keeping your body and teeth healthy over the years.

The effects are cumulative - one day you wake up and you have some godawful chronic disease, or your ticker isn't what it could be, or you need yet another root canal, and you are slowed down and inconvenienced by having to use the medical system all the time, take pills, etc.

Also, get an annual check up if only so you have a record of your own stats. It's actually interesting to compare your numbers year to year.

:marseyauthright: As a nazi myself, this is all really good advice. Regardless of what ideology you have, everyone should abandon unhealthy lifestyles and unhealthy food. Most fast food/door dash and other stuff you get in groceries are deliberately kept unhealthy in order to have a population that can't resist and constantly kept broke and in debt. (not to mention how immoral some of the sources of this food are.) You don't need to be shredded but eating well and working out daily with basic calisthenics goes a long way.

:marseytroll: As someone who's immunocompromised from a COVID vaccine injury, I've learned that sometimes the best choice isn't to fight head-on, but to hide and protect myself. It's a hard reality, but sometimes survival means stepping back, staying safe, and waiting for a time when I'm stronger.

In Harry Potter, Harry and his friends often had to choose between direct confrontation and retreat. Hiding, like when Harry and his allies went into hiding in The Deathly Hallows, was often the wisest choice. It wasn't about surrender, but about preserving their strength for when it was truly needed.

Similarly, Anne Frank showed us the power of survival. She and her family lived in hiding, and though it was painful and isolating, it was their only chance to stay alive. Sometimes, hiding isn't a sign of weakness; it's a strategy to make sure we can continue the fight later.

For me, hiding isn't giving up. It's about protecting my health and holding onto hope for a better, safer future.

:soyjakwow: (OP) this is real and valid, but PLEASE try to avoid citing transphobic authors. Stay safe!

:chudspin: This thread is the most chronically online shit I've ever seen in my life 😭

:marseydarkxd: Lol

:marseyrapscallion: YES! me and my wife's boyfriend hit the gym everyday so we can own the chuds!

:soyjakanimeglasses: /r/Swoletariat

It fricking exists btw :marseyemojilaugh:

:marseytroublemaker: I am trans so I don't want to lift too much, maybe some toning

:marseyderp: That's a little ableist but I'll support the idea of being healthy! I'm on track at the moment having gone from 260 -> 250 lbs, nearly there =)

thats literally just water weight lmao you can drop that much in less than a week on any strict diet. So you haven't really accomplished anything. Don't pat yourself on the back too hard there bud

No negativity in my revolution :marseydownvotemad:

:marseygigachad: Now we're getting somewhere!

Go with testosterone, as well. Makes you more conservative.

Or just stop taking estrogen lmfao

We've officially found the saddest subreddit out there 🤣🤣

At this point it's >50% trolling by volume lmao

:marseyhesright: I saved this post yesterday before going to bed only to discover it crawling with MAGAts. How many are from here? :capywalking:


!friendsofredactor0 !redscarepod

These r-slurs truly think CHYNA is some free society built on socialist values. Are these neighborz even realz?

Lmao. China is so authoritarian they allowed these brave story fabricators to operate as long as their no. 1 adversary was willing to find them.

"Give me 300k per year to say China bad"

Watching spiderman ban everyone like:
"China is going to take over and influence everything now that USAID is defunded, you'll see!"

[🤓🤓🤓🤓🔘] beyoncé had the worst country album


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

It's almost like her and her husband pay for every accolade they've been given (2)

LOL if you actually think that, you've never listened to her music.There's a reason she was able to get amazing country artists on her album. (0)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Can't say I'm surprised as the Grammys aren't what they used to be, but I think Lainey should have won that category. Really anyone except Beyoncé. (7)

Lainey should have so won. Flipping ridiculous ! (1)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

CC is a dissertation on the black roots of country/Americana music. You should be happy it won then… (1)

I said studying something and releasing what you think that genre is, doesn't make it an effective representation of that genre. So you claiming it's a "dissertation" doesn't mean anything. I'm not even sure what makes you say that. What elements of black country do you hear? When I listen, it sounds like a pop artists rendition of what they think country is…. Because that's what it literally is. It has more modern pop elements than it does country. (0)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

My bad, I didn't realize you would take that to mean those two elements alone are pop. That isn't what I meant.Well no duh. I didn't say take Beyoncé out. I mentioned Miley because Miley's vocals sound country. She has a drawl and grit. Not saying you have to have those particular elements but there are clearly vocal differences from a pop singer and a country singer. If Chris Stapleton, Morgan Wallen, or Lainey Wilson sang a song without a twangy guitar or overly hokey lyrics you will still recognize it as country. That was my point. If I took Beyoncé song with just Beyoncé and no twangy guitar or Miley Cyrus… it would just sound like one of her pop songs. I really don't want to harp you anymore but I can't just ignore this lol. Just as a twangy guitar doesn't make a song country I don't think corny country sounding lyrics make a song country. I don't think Lil Nas X singing about a a horse makes him a country singer lol. It's a great song and is fun. But, to me, it lacks any depth... (1)

beyoncé has more of a drawl than miley though, like her accent has always been very strong. and mentioning lil nas x in the same sentence as this is crazy lol. his was obviously putting on a costume whereas hers could literally be a dissertation about the roots of country music. obviously i'm not saying every single song on the record is country nor is she suddenly intentionally singing with a southern accent, but i think if you're gonna critique any song on the album for having "corny country" lyrics it shouldn't be this one. texas hold em is right there😭as far as the "costume" i just think that's disingenuous. nowhere has she said "hey everyone now i'm a country singer or country artist" but if she did, so what? genres shouldn't be gatekept. it limits innovation. modern country is borrowing SO many other elements of so many other genres but nobody gets mad about that. post malone is a rapper and people are saying he should've won over her, so why can't she win? she made a country ... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

I feel so bad for the artists. It's an insult to their craft. (2)

Angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

I mean there is definitely a vibe of her using country like a costume. Studying country aspects and incorporating it into an album doesn't make the album any better. No more than a country artist studying R&B and releasing some corny album with corny lyrics. Like "this ain't Texas, ain't no hold em"? Come on… and that was the most popular song on the album. Like what metric are we using to call this good? (1)

Chris Stapleton's biggest song is an interpolation of an R&B song you know shit about music. Don't you listen to different genres of music wtf is the big deal if anyone wants to make different genres of music (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/HistoricalDatabase94

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:


Another interesting thing, Ukraine replaced some general.

The new general:

I tried to find Reddit cope but seems Reddit ignored it for more important topics like

Veterans will certainly be once they return home and can deal with PTSD with a joint instead of copious amounts of alcohol.

Although legalizing psychodelics would probably be better.

Why are Redditors such junkies ?

Lord knows they need it

Drugs are literally haram in all Arabic religions.

If you consume drugs at least know it roots your brain, don't cope with lord or you are not better than those who call them self Islam brothers and consume alcohol and drugs thinking not eating pig is enough and asking for forgiveness later. Deliberately committing a crime with idea to later ask for forgiveness is evil, only a jin would act like this.

Also most people that bought illegal weed did so because illegal weed ain't clean, it's mixed with strong shit


Why the replacement of the general is important, because it shows that Ukraine expects from new general to hold Pokrovsk at all costs like they held Bakhmut. It would be naive to expect in now because he lost Avdiivka and that's the reason Russian are now inside Pokrovsk. Pokrovsk ain't Bakhmut with multiple rivers and hills or avdiivka that was extremely fortified. On top of it Russian now have shit tons of fabs and Ukraine doesn't have that much bodies to throw holding Pokrovsk.

Also Russian already captured more territory than in November

First November

Today and as you know live map now copes hard so that thing below Kurakhove don't exist + Ukrainian left Kurakhove yesterday.

So when I told Russian gaining exponential more ground every month since June I wasn't lying. Just telling brutal truth

So no wonder that r-slurs like @Christmas_Commander are mad at me but you see he politely asked me to tell him when Russian reach pokrovsk. They guy called me hoi4 player I toke it as compliment because he is low IQ so all his insults against me is prove of him being delusional about his IQ. He thinks Ukraine is equality distributed with Ukrainian soldiers and that Russian would move same speed always. Now that corned parrot will scream "rent free" because that's peak of his IQ and he is proto pro khohol.

But I am like giga surprised that Redditors didn't reposted khohols official proofs of NK soldiers:

Thing is Kursk wasn't that snowy the past days and those videos ain't geolocated and it's just soldiers.

So giga impressed Redditors realised this is no proof.

See its North Korean soldiers there is flag on top of them :soyjakwow:

Look more Korean :soyjakwow:

They don't even ask how is that possible. To collect those bodies Ukraine needs to move forwards. They won't have time to put those in formation anywhere close to the front so it's just photoshot or photoshop somewhere far away from the front and no proofs it's NK

The new prokhohol cope is this:

Zelenskyy wants to give its resources away.

The thing is 80% of Ukrainian recourses are Donbas and Dnipro. And Trump ain't r-slur to buy Donetsk city resources that Zelenskyy wants to sell to him :marseyxd:

This is the only correct approach. I don't care that he doesn't deserve it or that it isn't fair, I care about the results. Americans can go protest him or w/e, abroad the only thing to do is try to win his favor

Trump doesn't deserve things that are not under Zelenskyy controls ? Like when foods saying you don't deserve me at my best when you don't want me at my worst ?

Estonia (I am leaving it here for you to have better picture)

Americans must be thinking now, "OMG, he is a real boss, he owns all of Europe, everyone is afraid of him, everyone has to respect him."


United States

Americans by and large do not care what happens in Europe.


If we are swallowed by Russia and China, which I don't think will ever happen, but if that does happen, the US will lose its economic and military power at the speed of light.

The last time they pursued the "America First" policy, we know what happened.


And the American government by and large doesn't care what Americans think, which is why Americans don't matter in foreign policy.

Why are Redditors so low IQ like imagine a guy wakes up at 6 every morning to reach his job at 8/9 then works till 16/17 then comes home at 19:00 buys a kebab because he lives alone and is tired, falls a sleep at 24:00 in front of his TV holding ps5 controller and so 5/7 a week if you come to him and tell Ukraine needs the money and his kebab will soon cost more for sake of Ukraine. He is going to say Frick Ukraine and there are millions people like this guy in Europe. The help for Ukraine reached such lvl that averagecels starts asking tha frick we help them that much ? People virtue ain't unlimited.

Zelensky needs to swallow his pride and be pragmatic, if cosying up to Trump and stroking his ego is what helps the war effort, then it needs to be done.

Redditors are so bad at business no wonder they so poor. They don't follow the story up to date. Republicans are only interested in shit in far west of Ukraine. They also not interested in shit from ultra unpopular guy whose legitimacy is also questionable and that's why they suggesting election. So why would Trump need Zelenskyy deal if he can find him self an Zelenskyy successor and help him get rid of Zelenskyy and get even a better deal ?

History teacher is actual CCP CPC agent


Violent protesters who ended up fleeing to the UK. Also it's CPC the Communist Party of China, if we're going to talk about social studies and modern politics let's use proper terms.

Folx, let's remember to call the Democratic People's Republic of Korea by its proper name. Saying "North Korea" is a propaganda tactic to imply there are two Koreas, rather than one proud nation sadly suffering under partial occupation by imperialist forces.

It's only the more recognized one in the US where it's actively misused on purpose to link the CPC to the now defunct CCCP. The intent behind it is to continue red scare propaganda tactics.

It's not being pedantic it's about understanding why certain groups, like the US government, speak and act in certain ways. Critical thinking and understanding intent of the author are important lessons I teach during the first month of every school year and I repeat with every single one of my ELA and social studies classes. Those skills are far more important than them memorizing the dates of when each state ratified the Constitution.

Those protestors, from the videos I've seen, were actively attacking other civilians who were counter protesting them. They were attacking them with homemade bombs and bows and arrows, and other potentially lethal devices. And if you've ever been to China, you know that the Chinese police are waaaay more non-violent than any American or EU police forces. We also know that they only moved in when the protesters started harming other civilians.

Btw, the counter protests were far larger than the protests, but the US news never seemed to cover that salient fact here in the US. So I don't blame you if you didn't know that. I'm lucky in that I know folks who live(d) in HK and were there for all of that craziness. I also know that for some reason despite protesting a bill in the HK government (the inciting incident was that anti integration HK folks were upset that a male feminist wasn't allowed to escape prosecution for a r*pe he committed on the mainland by returning to HK) where everyone both on the mainland and in HK speak and read both of the two most common Chinese languages a nice amount of the protestors' signs were in English. Now why would that happen? Why would folks in HK on one side of a protest use English signs? Does English have some sort of history with HK in particular? The Century of Humiliation? The Opium Wars? The 99 Year "Lease." No dogs or Chinese Allowed Streets in HK? British and American Colonizers (particularly the Delano Drug Cartel, grandparents of Little Ole FDR)?

A good example to compare to might be the Charlottesville protests. There American liberals blamed the police for not acting soon enough or from keeping the two groups separate. Especially when the (Nazi and racist fascists) protestors became violent and started attacking the (liberals and leftists) counter protesters.

The protestors during the HK riots were not peaceful and attacked other civilians (businesses too, but things can be replaced) and that's when the police moved in to stop them from seriously injuring or killing other people. You're good with preventing murder and assault right? Even when that person disagrees with you politically right?

(white extinction is long overdue and will come at the hands of our history teachers)

Anybody been playing Ashes of Creation?

I know people are going to talk about the money, but say someone was buying it for you, what are your opinions of the game outside of cost?

And yes, because I am a troll, I want to join the same Pirate Software server and join that guild harassing him in-game. teeeheeee

Low cost !fitness TIP!!!

Get your gains on the cheap!


>Biden :marseybiden: offers increased child tax credit to encourage people to have kids


>Drumpf :marseytrump: offers more money to cities that encourage people to have kids


Random mayo hippies try to recreate George Bush shoe attack but this time at former !strayans leader. Skip to 2.10 for shoe throwing.


going out for brunch rate my fit
:marseysoyswitch: Greg Miller and some asian say :marseyraging: frick Cheeto!!
Fatass that can't sit down and write because he's busy eating says an Elden Ring movie could happen.

The most r-slurred malicious compliance you'll ever see against the staff cuts
4Chan posters on /g/ are getting sued by Microsoft

Someone else made a thread on this already but mine is better

Some sources

Now these naughty posters are /aicg/, the most popular by far general thread on /g/, the technology board.

Here are some examples of their threads

They have been very bad neurodivergents, they stole a bunch of keys and used it to generate depraved (text) porn, underage stories and all kinds of messed up fetishes were common.

They are currently in complete melty mode as while it isn't clear how many have been doxed, Microsoft is trying to find them.

Some screenshots

Panic as they aren't sure which of them are being targetted

Someone called "fiz" is to blame for letting them use his dodgy keys?

Looking at 20 years? :marseyxd:

Anyway just go follow some of the links and laugh at them for being too poor to have used local models instead.


Boston is full of a bunch of fricking nazis



People have opinions about OP's opinion




People have opinions about the image itself (because it's pretty frickin' rad)

:marseytrain2:s show up to comment on how they're not upset by people being upset by OP's r-sluration


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