The United States has no greater ally than the State of Israel :parrotunitedstatesofamerica: :parrotisrael:

Who is next up on Uncle Bin's Kiss The Ring Tour 2025?

Watch Question

I'm going to a party in Florida where I'll be wearing brown shoes and a belt - which would mean brown watch. However, I think the black watch is cooler and would rather wear that. Would you be opposed to putting the brown strap on the black watch or would that be tacky?

How many lbs of soft power does 1 million gibouts make

Soft power (soft rangs of soft power) cost is "but our allies" divided by "many lives will be lost" multiplied by "America will fall behind".

That means 50 million gibouts for Iraqi Sesame Street equals 69.420lb of soft rangs of powaaaaaaa!

LEAST degenerate Christian (drinking and trespassing)


Reported by:
EFFORTPOST The story of April30th2015: How a doomsday larp caused mass chaos and panic

I've lately felt the need to make a few posts looking back on the days when Reddit wasn't completely lame and normie-fied, and this seemed like a good place to start. This occurred back in the days of 2015, ten years ago now, before Reddit would go on to become completely buckbroken by Trump's victory and G*mergate, thus ushering in the soulless website that is modern Reddit. The drama sub was in its infancy, culture wars and Tiktok hadn't ruined online discouse, it was a simpler time.

Back around the end of 2014, a subreddit would appear by name of 'April30th2015' with a sidebar message and post from user '20141220' explaining that he had mysteriously time traveled in his sleep back to the year of 2014 and felt the need to warn everyone of the impending solar flare disaster on April 30th, 2015 that would effectively plunge the world into chaos. Note: I had difficulty finding the original post as the sub OP eventually deleted their account but most of the sub's other posts are still readily available. The sidebar reads:

At 0250 UTC on Friday 1 May 2015 (which is late on Thursday, April 30th in the US) the power goes out throughout the world due to a solar storm on the level of the Carrington event of 1859 (though most people won't know the cause for several months): the power has gone out and there's no more running water or food deliveries ... and it will be this way for many years to come.

Within a the short period of time leading up to April, the sub amassed a decent amount of attention and as expected, reactions were very mixed.

Most immediately suspected it was a larp and reacted accordingly, quickly developing a meme culture around it and shitposting about the coming 'skeleton apocalypse'.

If the power goes out, people will say 430 blaze it instead of 420 blaze it because they will need to light candles

MRW the power goes out

April 29th be like...

BREAKING: Time Traveler has brought back photographs of the world after the power outage. Warfare and banditry become comonplace.

But this is Reddit and inevitably, some would take the bait.

Realscienceguydude comes to explain to us why time travel is impossible:

Why all of this is Bullsh*t

And 2015 Reddit responds as 2015 Reddit does:

Another brave skeptic steps forward:

Why This Can't Be True

And of course, some would play into the larp to the ridicule of most of the users.


The OP would eventually gain his own cabal of edgelords playing along in every post

Horrible... very horrible things await this poor planet

April 30th is not what you think it is. And it's exactly what you think it is. It is probably the end of Humanity as we know it.

I did it, but I couldn't stop them. Their plans have only been delayed for a year.

However, the reactions that would attract the most attention would be the ones genuinely panicking under the conviction that societal collapse was upon us.

I'm legit kind of freaked out about this, someone tell me why I shouldn't be, please.

This guy is a fricking butthole

Gullible person with anxiety here, is this roleplaying?!?!

Is this real?! D:

Now in the days leading up to April 30th, the larp would start to amp up: 20141220 would prophesize that a Malaysian Airlines planes set to take off the morning after April 30th would crash. Reactions were, again, mixed but largely skeptical but this wasn't enough to stop one user from rising up to the occasion.

20151220, you are terrorist and a fear monger. You either release a public message saying that this is a load of bullshit, or I and countless others will report you to authorities. Who's with me?

He'd go on to argue in a now deleted post about his valiant efforts to stop this terrorist.

Now, after rumbleshit had supposedly contacted the authorities over this, 20141220 would abruptly delete his account and a gloating thread would follow.


With the bulk of his gloating occurring here

But that wouldn't be the end of this as new accounts stepped in to push the larp.

I am 20141220, and I do not live in Greater London

Many would argue in the comments section about whether he was the legitimate 20141220 or not, but a new account would soon appear. The user SaveTheSpyCrabs would step forward with a post announcing he was 20141220 and this had merely been an epic troll.

He never broke character, *I never broke character.

He'd go on to try to argue some sort of proof in the comments but users remained skeptical. April 30th of 2015 soon approached and to no one's surprise, nothing happened. Users responded accordingly.


SpyCrabs himself would show up to shitpost and try to revitalize the edgelords.

I can't keep hiding.

But this time around, Reddit users weren't biting.

SaveTheSpycrabs most recent post is just him roleplaying.

The subreddit would die a slow death as users got tired of skeleton posting and many moved on to other pastures. Nonetheless, this sub is one of the last remaining vestiges of what Reddit was like in a time not wrecked with culture wars slap fighting.

EFFORTPOST Schizo Stacey documents β€žbeing stalked by the feds" for TikTok views :marseyglow2:

Lisa is an American TikToker who goes by the handle @ stalkedbythefeds, where she posts videos alleging she is under FBI investigation as a result of her having an affair with an FBI agent named Lenny DePaul. She claims that ever since she told DePaul's wife of their affair, the FBI has retaliated by opening up an investigation against her. Her proof that she is under investigation includes:

  • Videos of random people in public

  • Videos and pictures of cars parked outside of her house, cars with tinted windows, or cars with β€žweird license plates"

  • People sitting in their cars outside of her gym

  • Other insane nonsense

How does she have time to schizo post all day? She previously was a psychiatric nurse pratictioner, but now she collects monthly disability checks for an undisclosed disability, which some of her viewers assume is some sort of mental illness causing her delusions. She claims that the FBI is trying to find evidence of her committing "insurance fraud" relating to her disability, and that they've concocted schemes to make her look like she isn't actually qualified. Or alternatively, just find her guilty of absolutely anything so Lenny can get his sweet, sweet revenge over 4 years later.

Here are some of the ways she claims the FBI have tried to entrap her:

She said that the FBI approached her hairdresser and convinced her to become a CI. She says it was "so obvious" to her because her hairdresser "Started asking questions." She claims that almost everybody that she interacts with is in cahoots with the feds and anybody who isn't will be coerced into becoming an informer.

She also claims the FBI turned one of her lifelong friends into a CI. Supposedly, the FBI tried to get her to commit fraud by convincing her long-time friend to ask Lisa (who was a RN at the time) if she could help get the friend's sister on disability, because she couldn't work due to health complications. Lisa says she "didn't take the bait", and instead accuses her friend of selling out to the FBI when she was seemingly just looking for help for her sister.

She again claimed that the FBI poached one of her friends, this time by trying to get Lisa (still a RN at the time) to sign "emotional support animal" paperwork so she didn't have to pay the pet fee to her landlord. Suprise Lisa, the FBI isn't setting you up- your friends are asking favors from you.

Recently, she announced that to escape the feds, she was going to be moving to Bali (which to many may seem like a worse fate…) But, lo and behold, to the shock of almost no one, within less than 4 days of moving she claimed she was still being followed in Bali. Including the riveting proof of: a lady standing outside on her own porch (complete with scary music in the background)

Although on the surface, this may seem like just another insane schizo "gangstalking" victim, some of her followers have theorized that this is all a very intricate scam concocted to scrape the wallets of r-slurred tiktok users and collect tiktok creator fund money in addition to her disability (which I believe in itself would be insurance fraud. We got er boys!!! :marseyglow:) Her denial of this is not helped by the GoFundMe link in her bio (even if it's only raised less than $300 with a goal of 20k.) Another TikToker, released a series of videos claiming to have previously worked for Lisa, and stating that she believes her story is a ruse.

Even if the whole stalking story is fake, I do not believe that she is not crazy. This is not the face of a sane woman:

:marseydarkxd: Bibi gifted Trump two pagers, a golden one :marseyrich: and a normal one :marseypalestoidpager:
The fruitiest sassiest GIRLY ever is shocked his friend thought he was gay!!!!


This guy is a sigma maxer who was practicing the 44th law of power

President Bukele of El Salvador Proposes a Deal :marseyflagus: :marseybux: :marseystarship: :!marseyflagelsalvador:

They are REALLY proud of their gigaprison

Republicans move to create millions of new voters



"And, peculiarly, Civ 7 only really covers history up to about 1950. You get planes and tanks, but there are no home computers or helicopters in this tech tree at launch. The final science victory condition is launching the first manned spaceflight – quite a step back from setting up an exoplanet colony"


This is the average sportsball fan
:marseyflagromania: Is it possible that Biden cancelled our elections? :marseyhmm: The mystery deepens :marseyhmmm:

Will we ever get our elections back? Or at least hold new ones? Nobody knows :marseyflagromaniagenocide: Bur EU is determined to follow our steps for some reason :marseyflageugenocide:



In case you aren't familar with them (a good thing), Hasan Piker and Ethan Klein (H3H3) are leftist content creators that for awhile collabed together and even had a podcast. That all changed after the Oct 7th incident as Hasan went full r-slur with pro-Palestine rhetoric while Ethan and his wife, who served in the IDF, naturally disagree with a lot of it. That relationship fell apart quickly and Ethan recently came out with a HECKING CONTENT NUKE!!!!!

A near goddarn 2 hour video about Hasan that didn't add anything new that Hasan's biggest haters (Destiny fans) didn't already know. Now apparently he's got a second video cooking up that apparently will accuse Hasan of solicting fans for nudes. Considering Destiny fans have made it their life's work to bring down Hasan, I find it hard to believe something that could cancel Hasan from more than just the Minecraft community would have not gotten picked up from those weaponized neurodivergents.

The LSF thread itself is filled with redditors thinking it will be a nothingburger like the last one. Destiny fans :soysnooseethe:ing when anyone brings up his male feminist stuff.




Reported by:
  • Impassionata3 : Impassionata called it when they came here: disruptive weirdos learn to moderate their space lmao
"Nobody understands what it's like to be a mod until they live it." :carpjannie2: Tears in r/jannysupport


ITT: Janny cries to his mopping buddies that users treat him the same way he treats them

:carpjannie: [–]soulself 11 points 4 days ago

I think you may be engaging too much. It's easy to get caught up in fray and try to mitigate situations, but perhaps you should be more of an observer and just enforce the rules.

Nobody understands what it's like to be a mod until they live it. You are going to piss people off no matter what you do.

If you "live" being a janny you shouldn't

:marseyweeb:[–]CitoyenEuropeenπŸ’‘ Skilled Helper 4 points 4 days ago

Yes, you have to escalate each report individually. No, you cannot fire them from the feed or the mod queue with your own account.

I use a very simple auto moderator script to alert the whole team when one mod is under attack, so that we can cover for each other.

is_moderator: true

report: 1


You can also add your alt account to the mods. Switching accounts is faster than navigating to reddit/report in my experience.

Beware of cross-fire! When mod A files a report such as, say, HATE or HARASSMENT, and mod B hits REPORT ABUSE under the same content, AEOT bots will whack mod A.

When a janny "is under attack" :marseylaugh:

:soymad: I moderate /r/veteranpolitics. As you can imagine, everything you do is a lose/lose. Unfortunately, I have had multiple reports on my account for hate based speech across the sub. You guys are more than welcome to crawl through it and make judgement, but it's just on moderation comments. I've had people putting me in a position where rule 3 is possibly being violated as well as actual hate speech that I'm removing. It's happening over multiple posts at this point and is consistent. I know it's suggested to send a report through the report feature, but do I need to send every post/comment individually or can I send a report in general. The issue is I'm at about 10-15 hate based reports so I know I'm gonna get clapped by AEO at some poi

Proof that reportmaxxing jannies works. Even if they don't get banned they spend the whole day :soyjaktantrum: that someone dared defy the mop

:marseyfedoratip:[–]Eclectic-N-VariedπŸ’‘ Expert Helper 3 points 4 days ago

Had nothing but good luck once we've used the Report Abuse button -- never had either the positives or denials been laid at our doorstep.

What the fuck does this even mean

My hands look like this

so hers can look like this

Canada to appoint a "Fentanyl Czar" tariffs paused :marseyfloyd: :georgefloyd: :marseyxd:
Getting a Few Views!

I do not take the Instagram seriously, but its funny to see the slow gather of momentum!

!animalposters !cats

Rust is going to take over the world and there's nothing chuds can do about it

Rust is C++ minus jank. It's beautiful, it's a better language in every imaginable way. Yeah its full of :marseytrain::marseytrain::marseytrain: but if chuds have a problem with that, maybe try making a better language?

Total :marseytrain: victory btw.

The cat replies "but doctor... I am Marsey." Good joke. Everyone laughs.
The fricking highly educated discuss trumps tariff win


Pft heckin idiot

Our allies are fricking gone forever


"Yeah Canada bent the fricking knee, but not very far!"

Canada fooled drumpfler, motherlover!

"He didn't have to threaten us!!!"

Last but not least, lmao bongs

To Nobody's Surprise r/YouTubeDrama is full of Communists :marseypikachu2: :marseyshook: :marseywtf2: :marseywtf2:


I have a legitimate question for everyone here: is there stuff that HasanAbi has done/said that you dislike?

Apologies for beating a dead horse with Hasan discourse, especially in the form of an AskReddit-style thread, but this is something I've been meaning to ask after lurking on this sub for quite some time and seeing all the drama unfold.

I know the the newest post on this sub right now is another post asking people about Hasan, and things have been pretty heated with the H3H3 content drop, but with how often he's brought up on the sub (and often defended); really not trying to stole further flam wars in asking this. But I was genuinely curious if anyone > here has legit issues with Hasan. Drama he's been a part of, behavior, political takes, people he associates with; anything like that.

I'm asking this to everyone, but in particular, when I pop into Hasan-related threads, I see a not-insignificant amount of comments that go something like "I don't like Hasan, but he's absolutely right/I'm defending him on this". I'm interesting in responses from people like that (though I'm not opposed to any answers).

Edit: and guys, please keep it civil, okay? I'd prefer for this thread not to get locked or deleted due to people escalating things in the comments.

>Hey guys, remember when Hasan Piker said {Insert r-slurred commie drool here}

>How come so many people defend him?????????!??!????

/r/YouTubeDrama was a pretty inactive subreddit sitting at around 70k subs until about 1 year ago with the release of HBomberGuys "Plagiarism and YouTube" video which saw rapid expansion of the subreddit since then. (And attracting the very type of people you would imagine)

Basically Communists who hate all property except intellectual property (THATS MY IDEA DONUT STEAL!)

I don't like how he doesn't do the Pog face enough when watching random shit on YouTube for hours :marseyraging:

Replies to this comment rightfully inform him that in a true socialist :marseymarx: utopia, your youtube ad revenue belongs to the 'people', CHUD!

More people seethe about his lack of reactions over.... WHO GIVES A SHIT REALLY?

Except this time the opinion comes from a Trans Queen Jay Exci so they cant just dismiss them under heckin socialism.

Pictured below VVV (Jay Exci)

(Pronouns She/her REMEMBER)

Except hecking Jay Exci cant be taking seriously because SHE appears on the EFAP podcast with Transphic Weirdos!!!!

Which too be fair I would dismiss anything from EFAP because anyone willing to watch this shit should kill themselves

Lots of comments about his comments on women rights (What a surprise the Turkish Muslim defender hates women's rights)

Mostly self reported FOIDS complaining about this, while still saying they watch and support Hasan Piker.

In the wise words of Daddy Trump

Essentially this thread is exactly confirming what I thought from the subreddit,

That it's filled with the most insufferable 'socialist' cattle, who HATE drama, and only support it if it affirms their gender (lefitist)

I want to develop mind powers to explode peoples brains with my mind.

Hasan is skeptical that Kamala would be better than Trump on Gaza :sadwalz:


Current State of Political Livestream Watchers:

:marseyflageu: Holy shit, the European Union finally came up with their their own LLM :marseysnappy!:

Wait nvm, it's just a framework lol :marseyemojirofl:

Orange Site:





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