Reported by:
:chudtantrum: Chuds are upset because Netflix says ancient gayreeks were homogays :marsey300:

Noo it's not proven that Alexander was bussy blasting hot twinks nooo :soycry:

You can only conquer shit when you're a super straight alpha male like me :soymad:

It was a very long game, the gayreeks have won, gen Z is gay :chuditsover:

Chuds (black) are suddenly upset when a euro country embraces it's traditions :chudrage:

No one can escape the liberal gayinization :marseydoomer:

I don't think a guy who conquered whole countries cared too much to keep his enemies' kids alive :marseyhmm:

Everyone with half a brain cell you r-slur :marseyleafpearlclutch:

Because gayreeks were sappy kid of strags :marseyshy4:

I know, they could have made him monkeydonian :marseyscared:

Alexander was the only greek in Greece who didn't frick other men, that's why he was the Great :chudsmug:

Who else will Netflix turn gay next? Achilles? Is no one safe? :marseypearlclutch2:

!jannies chud post :marseypin2:




:!#donkeykongdonekong: :#donkeykongdonekong:

carp this is very important

Friendly reminder to new users

USAID paid bodybuilding .com to shut down their forums
Silicon Valley built the modern world. Why shouldn't we run it?

Pool's open :doggohello:
:zoomer: :!marseyjournogenocide:



This is the blackest pill imaginable.

Drumpler clarifies his MAGA strip total fun zone policy.

Explain it to me like a Redditor plz:

Edit lol Trump flanked Lady G:

Introducing the biggest loser in American Literature history :marseylaugh:






Holy shit :marsey#xd: what a bum


I have one of his books. It's supposed to be aight.


bottom text

VIDYA DRAMA: Latest civslop is out in "early access," reviews are not positive


The ultra premium all inclusive version with 7 days "early access" (paying extra to play a single player game early LMAO) is $130 and people who were grifted into buying it are not happy.

The largest map size in the game at launch is "normal."

Continent generation is broken beyond belief.

The UI was designed for console babbies and a complete mess on PC.

For a 4x strategy game there is very little info in game on how things work.

Maximum 5 human players for multiplayer.

All fixable problems tbh and I'm sure when I buy it in two years for 75% off it will be a very good game. People who spent $130 to beta test are getting exactly what they deserve.

What's funniest to me is there are very few complaints about the game itself. By all accounts it's a very fun civ game and a worthy successor to civ vi.

Whammin be killing themselves… by filling out paper work

Wish i could post this on the sub but im banned from Reddit :((

Reported by:

:marseypop2#talking: :marseyaaatrembletalking#!:

:marseypizzashilltalking#: :marseyraccoonshock#!talking:

:marseyhitler#talking: :marseystalintalking#!:

:marseydarktrumptalking#: :marseyreportermnn#talking:

:marseychingchongragingtalking#: :capydark!#talking:

:marseywitchtriggeredtalking#: :chudseethetalking#!:

:carpagree#talking: :carpsockpuppet2#!talking:

:marseywhitedynamitetalking#: :marseypenny!#talking:

The possibilities for bullying self entitled power users are endless!


Thank you @barrel for pushing me to do better than :marseyoof:

!marseyfans !marseyartists please :marseyattentionseeker: I need dat boosted kong-money :marseypoor:

Reported by:
  • Arran : fats don't date
:marseyheart: Going on a date with someone from Rdrama tonight :marseyexcited:

No, I'm not telling you who :marse!yindignant:

POV Anna and Dasha just wrapped up an episode of the pod and you're cleaning up

ciggy ciggy ciggy

Reddit gigajanny on the coomercaust: "Looking into this." Was this in error? Will the child s*x trafficking website restore pornography? BETTING THREAD :donkeykongdance3: :diddykongdance: :funkykongdance:

When will the wholesome sexual healthcare subs be restored? Or was this intentional? Qualifications for an overturn are either:

No this is permanent (wins if still nothing in 3 days OR an official statement indicating permanence) - 18 bets

Within 1 hour - 2 bets - WINNER!

1-3 hours - 11 bets

3-8 hours - 21 bets

8-24 hours - 8 bets

24-48 hours - 3 bets

48-72 hours - 1 bets

All times are relative to the timestamp of this thread.

Note: as a reminder I do not read threads or comments so this understanding of the situation is based entirely on titles and thumbnails, if it is in error then the situation itself is wrong, not me

Reported by:
[🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘] I was unaware that growing old made your cheekbones grow disproportionately


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

it's amazing how people will shill terrible design choices like this, and then project that you are being a special snowflake for wanting beauty and consistency in your art. (86)

What makes it a terrible design choice. Women who are mma fighters look like this and she is supposed to be a badass so why wouldn't she look like this. Also it's fiction and the way they look is constantly changing why would you compare for just her when the Witcher himself has changed drastically over the games (-25)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Still ignoring my point of Geralt being 100 years old but doesn't look like his facial features have changed (besides the hair) yet Ciri is the exception I suppose? (6)

Have you seen what Geralt looked like in Witcher 1? His face changes every game 🤣 (-6)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

I think people are getting way too caught up with small differences in a cinematic trailer. Geralt looked different in TW3 cinematic trailers. Heck, he looked extremely different on a game to game basis... other angles, she looks pretty darn similar to you can't tell me she doesn't look like herself in these shots. People are hyper focusing on some weird shots that were meant to be high fidelity but ended up uncanny, and proceeding to catastrophize.Game is years away and CDPR probably didn't even make this trailer. Calm your tits. (39)

People getting hung up on bullshit like cheekbones.The core issue is that a bunch of dudes don't necessarily want to roleplay as a woman. I don't think there's anything toxic about that.Action movies' and video games' main customer is dudes. It can work ... but it's a risky move to create a video game and/or action movie that doesn't cater to your main customer base. If design decision 1 is "let's make it harder for our our primary customer base to engage with our main protagonist", it may be worth considering if that decision is worth the risk. (-8)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

That's not lying. That is not by any means what lying is, nor am I lying. If you want a breakdown of the witcher series I can not tell you much besides It started as a book series, then it got taken in for games, and the games went like this1 was good2 was considered bad3 at launch was mixed but after a few patches to fix some issues people had it overall became the best one.The first 3 games lead into geralts full conclusion with ciri being established as a possible follow up to geralt.Comes witcher 4 which was now announced, and ciri is older. Witcher fans KNEW ciri had potential to be the new lead and she became all powerful with her magic. Now she is a supposed witcher and everyone wants to know how. And people are having mixed feelings on her looks, but not really cause this is the first time I have seen this sentiment show up.We been past that topic man, you seem a little lost. Want to sit down and talk slower about it?Edit: it is very abundant you are a troll or someone who i... (2)

How to lie with statistics. Using misleading data sets is one of the first methods.Oh so you don't actually know? How unexpected.I can vouch for the fact that I think her looks are fine. The assertion they "uglified" her is absurd and can be tossed out of hand for its absolute absurdity. I suspect those goofballs are only being used as a weak man (strawman's little cousin) as attempt to cover up the real gripe ... guys don't choose to roll female characters when they have the option not to. Stands to reason they might not buy the game because it's not an option.But you still haven't explained it to me. So I'll keep asking until you do. Why does not preferring to roll a female character in an RPG indicate a lack of empathy?I am not trolling at all. I'm having an open/transparent discussion. I'm merely pointing out all the dishonest accusations and bullshit you're trying to pin on me. There's no reason to get so upset over someone merely disagreeing with you. You stretching so hard to... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

No one says "who cares" to someone and not expect it to be taken offensively. If you find that to be a perfectly sound, civil answer, then I must say you really are the kind of person you're being accused of being, and any further discussion with you would only serve as more evidence.So let's chat, shall we?What's your problem with her reply? Why did it upset you so?You have received exactly zero attacks before I descended upon you sword in my hand. You did dish a few out yourself, though, and plenty of accusations, especially regarding other people's presumed feelings. It seems you really do believe that your opinions are factual. So, you not only seem to lack empathy, but you also don't seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed.And besides, I don't care about you enough to become upset. That doesn't mean I won't call you whatever I believe you are. For me, calling people out for their true selves and watching them writhe in refusal is a twisted form of entertainment. And you don't ... (1)

Attack my stance with dishonesty, personal attacks, and/or snippiness and I have no qualms returning the favor.There's no correlation with empathy and what kind character you prefer to roll for a RPG video game. Duh? Implying otherwise is nothing more than toxicity with intent to sow divisiveness. Ironic huh.I was accused of being weird and lacking empathy many times in this thread.That has been the core question from the start. You and the other jackasses in here have been trying to manipulate it into something else from the start. You get upset when I point out your manipulation.You seem oblivious that they do care. At the end of the day ... if this was your only gripe with my post... we would've acknowledged our difference of opinion/speculation and moved on with 0 hostility. That's how adult conversations work.This thread only got hostile once the accusations and personal attacks (toxicity, lack of empathy) were launched. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I'm one who probably won't buy the game on day one. I doubt I'm literally the only person on earth who feels this way. My purchase is at risk. For context ... this is one of my favorite gaming series (only 2nd behind Mass Effect) that I've played since W1 in 2007.It's anecdotal ... as someone who's played RPGs in various forms for decades, it's hard to not notice that most people roll characters of their own gender when given the option. Take away that option ... and there's a risk folks will be less inclined to buy the game.You should be aware ... saying there's a risk doesn't imply any specific outcome is inevitable. So I'm not entirely certain what you think I'm here to "prove". (1)

I mean, I won't either, but my reasoning is that I simply don't trust in any game's quality before seeing plenty of reviews from actual players. Is your reasoning primarily centered around Ciri being the protagonist? It has to, otherwise it wouldn't really serve as a point in this argument.Except that the literally don't. Girls tend to roll male character more often than you think, and it's a pretty well known mantra among guys that they'd rather watch a girl's butt for 100 hours of gameplay. You're ignoring everything but your own experience. Which makes for a rather weak argument.Fine, I'll give you a hint. Prove to me that games in the past have achieved less success for the sole reason of having a female protagonist. The important part being "for the sole reason". Failing while woman is not enough, you gotta show to me that it failed because of woman. Cause, you know, if you claim there is a risk, there must be precedent to warrant that risk. Obvious, isn't it? (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/GravyMcBiscuits

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+2🐮)

Number of comments: 36

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:



This story broke within the last few hours. This appears to be the largest thread so far on Reddit.

Prediction: the story gets largely buried. Search 'title:ncaa' on Reddit over the next 24 hours if you care to I guess.

youtuber speedruns getting banned from sports betting apps for knowing finance
USAID Defunded. @X disappears :donkeythonk:

What did he mean by this??

Redditor :soysnoo: gets fired :marseydarktrump: for being 1 minute :marseywait: late for work :marseywagie:. Runs to r/adulting :soyjakwow: to vent :soysnooseethe:.


The followup:

/u/No_Excitement5215, you were fired for being a peepee, not for being late. I've done this too with people. It's way easier to fire you on a technicality than to go through the rigamarole of HR bs. Your former coworkers are probably thrilled you're gone. I feel bad for your preggo gf. Judging by your posts, you're going to split the second she shits that thing out.

Man who praised Hitler: "I'm definitely not a Nazi"

Even for a professional fighter Bryce Mitchell is one of the dumbest motherlovers on the planet lol

Is it okay to have a business lunch with a woman? Absolutely not :marseyindignant:


Just to get it out of the way, he probably was trying to tap that. This was recommended to a lot of people's feed so there are accusations of "not a real lawyer" flying around that I'm not going to bother posting.


We have a new undergrad intern (a young woman, perhaps 19 years old), and I thought I'd take her to lunch to welcome her and answer questions about the work. Simple, right? Apparently, taking a female intern out to lunch is now a high-risk situation requiring oversight.

When we got back, it was suggested in the future that I invited other attorneys and avoided going to lunch one-on-one with female interns.

Lesson learned, and in hindsight I get where the firm is coming from. I still think it's a bit of an overreaction, though. I've gotten mixed responses when I've told people this. I'm curious what the subreddit thinks

His darning follow up post where he admits to having something in common with her and actually talked to her.

[–]TurnDownTheRadioJerk[S] -47 points 3 days ago

So here's more: I'm a 24 year old first year and the school she's going to is the same school I went to for undergrad, and she even has some of the same professors I had. We got talking and I asked her to lunch. No, I don't assign her work, but we seem to get along. Yes, there are other interns, but I haven't really had to talk to them yet

Responses to the follow up:

That sounds a little better than I initially imagined, given your ages are pretty close and the power dynamics aren't super crazy off (I'm assuming you don't have much influence at your firm). But your follow-up also makes it sound more like you are in fact trying to hit on her (or at least become her friend), and your firm gave you good advice. You shouldn't be doing anything that looks like you might be looking for a romantic relationship with anyone subordinate to you

Yea OP is totally hitting on her he wouldnt have done this for a dude I'm guessing.

That is pure speculation on your part, is really hard to imagine forming connections and mentorship in a professional field without ulterior motives. It seems reasonable to plausible to me I have gone to lunch with both male and female colleagues.

Dude… that's a crush let's be real, and you were testing the waters.

There's nothing mentor-ly about this. You were trying to get to know her in a personal capacity 😭

Why did this get so downkongd?

Because the world of genuine courteous courtship has gone entirely to the wayside and in its stead is this hyper-sensitive environment. All of this whilst people complain that they can't meet others organically anymore.

He's a young man and shes a young woman. If he is courteous and respectful in his proceeding with her and he doesn't have power over her directly or otherwise in the firm, I don't see the issue. Statistically, the workplace used to be a great place to meet your spouse.

Young man and a younger** woman. She's a teenager AND an intern. He is an adult who can drink and her mentor at a law firm trying to isolate her. He can treat all the interns or a few more so they arent alone.

There is nothing improper, legally or ethically, about a 24 year old and a 19 year old dating

Got ourselves a :marseypedo: over here.

Other Responses:

More context is needed. Are there more interns than just her? Are you working closely with her? If you were her direct supervisor or somebody formally assigning her work, and she was the only intern, I don't think it would necessarily be weird. If you were some random associate who just showed up and was like, "Yo, wanna grab lunch", and didn't invite any of the male interns in the same room, I could see how that might not have the best appearance

I think he left them out on purpose. He didn't want to look like a creep

Two comments in we have him being called a creep. Doesn't appear to be a lawyer and posts in a really odd mix of subreddits including /r/aupairs.

Barely a crumb of context which might be explanatory in itself.

Is this the only intern you've ever taken out? If so, why this sudden exception?

Is she the only intern? If not, why exactly did you choose her and her alone?

Do you work more closely with her than anyone else? Most attorneys work more closely with paralegals, so why her and not them?

[–]PoundTown68 -35 points 3 days ago

That's a lot of useless questions. In a sane world, two consenting adults can go to lunch without concern. Two consenting adults should be able to do whatever they want together if we're being honest. This is exactly why feminists should be ignored. We've allowed them to create a culture of fear, where everyone is tiptoes around unnecessary regulation that benefit nobody….except for 40 year old feminists, jealous that they're no longer sexually attractive, who want to force everyone else to be unhappy with them. Misery loves company.

Darn, found the incel

$100 this guy sexually harasses people on the daily


Yeah, I mean, look alive brother. Avoiding the appearance of a questionable situation is very easy if you have situational awareness.

Was it actually questionable? That's not the right question and doesn't matter (unless it got weird). Protect yourself and the firm. Heck, the vast majority of lunches I went to as an intern or otherwise young firm employee were with multiple people, now that I think about it.

This is crazy. Taking someone out to a business lunch in a public place is not out of bounds or even close.

Why was this intern chosen for a solo business lunch with an older male attorney? I'm not saying OP had any untoward intentions, but let's not pretend the optics don't raise valid concerns.

Also, though, based on the follow up, op definitely does have untoward intentions

The optics of it are not great. Put yourself in the shoes of a supervising partner. Perhaps his 28 years old associate has no bad intention when he asks the 19 year old intern to lunch. Perhaps the 28 year old intern has romantic intentions. Partner has no idea. Does the 19 year old intern know your intentions. Did you take any male interns to lunch. If there is no romantic intention perhaps bring along another associate (perhaps female) and more than one intern or staffer.

Yeah he has to think what the firm partners would think if this 30 year old associate took the 19 year old to lunch. It's a bad look when a 34 year old associate is doing that with an 18 year old intern. The 17 year old intern doesn't know she can decline the lunch invite from the 38 year old.

When I was a 19 year old college student, I invited a visiting professor to lunch to discuss their career. I thought thats what we were supposed to do "networking" and all, build a rapport. The lunch was 100% professional the entire time. No drinking. I paid for myself. All day time hours in public. Afterwards i was invited into the deans office and told that my behavior was inappropriate and unprofessional and that I needed to learn my place and not be so forward. When I was ultimately asked to leave the school (we aren't expelling you, we want to encourage you to go to a place better fitted for you) they cited my inappropriate relationships with visiting professors as one of the reasons.

It was humiliating.

15 years later that school got sued into the ground for 30 decades of sexual abuse against minors.

(am woman)

Talk about getting absolutely :marseychaosdunk: on.

I think they are trying to help you out.

I went to not-lunch with a support staff ... we were both new to the org, and she accused me of being a predator. And then coworkers hacked my email and spread it around the community. It was too late by the time we established that she was lying, for my email inbox was everywhere and the firm decided I had to leave before I could figure it out.

You need to be extraordinarily careful.


I found one of the few dissenting voices that wasn't downkongd into oblivion.

I strongly disagree with this take. Be professional about it. Make sure it's a public place, but refusing to take women to lunch in a professional environment is Mike Pence culture crap that prevents women from having the same opportunities as men.

IMO, a work culture that discourages men from meeting 1 on 1 with women is a massive red flag and usually the #1 sign that the employer has fostered an anti-woman environment.

There is a difference between "men and women can't have lunch together" and "attorney shouldn't take young intern of the opposite s*x to lunch alone". The power imbalance inherent in the latter certainly has a higher chance of producing a bad situation, from either direction (attorney actually taking advantage, or intern falsely claiming they did).

Keeping that sort of thing as a small group activity avoids all the possible issues.

Muh power imbalance.

You're a lawyer and don't understand professional conduct or ethics?

OP about to be disbarred.

Why is no one talking about the 19 year old intern's perspective. That's what matters here. And that's what the others at the firm are focused on, not the intentions of the OP.

Possibly the most incorrect response in the whole thread.

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