[๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] A decent man holding up the leaning tower of fascism.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Darn this photo is clearly pushing some buttons! Enough Magat tears in here to stop the fires. (-24)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Did I read somewhere that that leaning stance has some association with Parkinson's or some form of frontotemporal dementia? Or am I mixing things up? (72)

Lewy body dementia, the disease Robin Williams was diagnosed with before he killed himself. (25)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Define fascism (-12)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

A lot of people just don't have the mental bandwidth for subtlety.I lived in California for about ten years, and I still keep an eye on what's going on there because I love the place, have a ton of friends there still, and am seriously considering moving back in a couple years. I've got a few criticisms of Newsom, but all in all I do think he's a relatively decent person (especially compared to politicians in general) and I think he's done a pretty good job as governor of California. (347)

Are you kidding me.He has allowed his commission that he appointed to raise our pg&e rates not once but 5 times last year. It's disgusting! 24 billion dollars disappeared for the use of combatting homelessness no accountability of how it was used gone with no results of the money. Now the gruesome just used his cabinet to pass a law because he took 20 billion from the feds for stimulus checks and social programs. He had a massive budget surplus that just disappeared and now 20 billion is due so the law say's he can attach every working Californian 21 dollar's a paycheck till this 20 billion is paid back. So come on back and join the party because it's going to get worst. Oh ya I tried to buy a gas generator just a small Honda generator no big deal. No small gas motors sold in California anymore no weed eaters or lawnmowers that are gas powered anything gas powered banned. This is me talking Frick California now I have to drive to Nevada to buy this generator. (6)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

He got that close and didn't punch him? LOST OPPORTUNITY!I do find it funny when World Leaders who sometimes have literal armies fighting and dying against each other meet for cups of tea, safe in the knowledge that they're not going to get murdered. "Send a million men to die to defeat this Evil Cause? Absolutely. Risk my own life to kill the architect? How ridiculous. Do you think I'm a member of Hoi Polloi?" (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

The frick you say? Newsom is a decent man? Whats decent about him?! This is why reddit has become stupid. - was it his light on crime?- was it him fixing homelessness with 24 billion dollars? - was it how he handle the forrest? - maybe it was how he always looks good evening pinning his emergency coat to speak on tv while theres a god darn wild fire buring in LA- maybe watching a distraught woman begging him for help and him lying sayi g he is o. The phone with the president right now and when she asks to hear and or speak with him he doesnt have service. Say all the mean shit about trump but dont glorify newsom while families have lost homes schools and businesses while he was warned by all the gdarn isnurance companies, that left california, that this was going to happen. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Spagoodle

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 2

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

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:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

:marseywebshit: :marseyitsoverhappy: :marseyclown3:


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  • X : AI manipulation



@DestoryerCarbine was just banned :c

This is extremely unfair :C

He's one of my best friends

I feel so sad

League of legends yuri post

high effort post

my alt now has -100 karma from too much trolling and is auto deleted on /r/rule34lol (they hate ai and I wanted to post it to annoy them as I think it will get upmarseyd)


someone post it there !

Liberals cope that Hamas lovers are everywhere


gigachad baby mogs attention whore foid

!thotpatrol !babykillers



mod claims it's not politically motivated :marseyxd:

Redditors aren't buying it


"reddit is super far left"

^reddit boycotts will totally work this time and not quietly reinstated in 6 months after ppl stop paying attention

paradox of tolerance makes appearance

the common :marseygrilling2: down below gets ignored


"Healed in 1 minute" Rain frog never gives up.


heh, watch out rightoids, the leftists are organizing an uprising, and it wont be pretty :marseyskull:


Its time. weather you're 16, like me, feeling unrepresented by the state, tired and ready for change, or a middle aged father or mother struggling to make ends meet. this is not left vs right, this is up vs down. this is their heel, versus our throat. Wake up. its time for real resistance. Peaceful protesting does not work, asking does not work, the truth, if we do not strip them of all other options to lie, will not be enough. it will take the POWER of the PEOPLE. which we have. Do NOT fall to infighting. Do NOT focus on stupid fandom or community discourse, like "male lesbians" because in the end, someone elses identity is unknown to us, ans as a huma, is it not or moral obligation to help our fellow person, no matter who they be? Who do we become when we deny basic of rights to those we dislike, yes, even those we claim immporal, such as prisoners? These people are tyrannical. DOWN with musk, DOWN with meta, DOWN with google, DOWN with microsoft. LINUX. PROTON. VPS. PIRATING, PHYSICAL MEDIA, FARMING, SURVIVAL, COMMUNITY, HARM REDUCTION, LOCAL LIABRARIES, SIGNALING, OGANIZED GROUPS.


what a treat

Dems aren't going to save you. Join a leftist party. And the civil rights movement wasn't won by marching. It was won by rioting.

powerful stuff

Remember when those BIPOCs on TikTok discovered check fraud

Bottom coin leaderboard when

!metashit !deadBIPOCstorage



!g*mers !chuds :#chudjakdancing:

EFFORTPOST :marseyflagromania: More election drama! Study on the ethics of making stupid political alliances and throwing campaign money at even dumber causes :marseybrainlet: Also, no one can coup your country if you coup it first! :marseyletsgo:

Previous posts on this subject, even if you don't want to read the whole thing you should check the description of the candidates and parties involved from the first link because I'll use the same marseys to represent them for a easier reading :marseyfluffy:

Political rivals :marseynoyou:

  • This was annoying to write because I don't know what details are actually relevant enough, I don't want to make this too boring :marseyhmm: A little backtrack first. I focused a lot of Georgescu :marseyhitler2: in the previous posts but now the :marseysuit: :chadleftoid: parties and the relations between them are more important for the drama. PSD :marseysuit: and USR :chadleftoid: really don't get along. The old guard :marseysuit: wants any new person entering politics to follow their orders while :chadleftoid: is formed from politicians who want to dethrone them and form their own political 'dyasty'. So they really hate each other. As I said in the previous post, the :marseyauthright: parties are too new to really have clear love or hate relations with either side in this conflict.

  • So, when the Constitutional Court (controlled by :marseysuit:) demanded recounts for the first round of the presidential election, USR :chadleftoid: were naturally suspicious. PSD :marseysuit: would never do something in their favor after all. Then the recounts happened and nothing changed, and ok, if these buttholes aren't trying to frick us over then what was the point? :marseyconfused: But they still remained tense, because while this move was weird and useless, it's a clear warning that :marseysuit: are preparing to mess with the elections. And it turns out they were right to be worried :marseygiggle:

  • After the elections were cancelled people were expecting, you know, stuff like explanations, accountability, arrests, plans to guard against similar shit in the future and other stuff that competent countries do :marseysmug2: At the beginning things were fine, some heads of the nazi and other far right organizations that threatened with violent riots were arrested, members had their homes searched, and our authorities were working with NATO and EU over the election interferences. For some reason, Georgescu :marseyhitler2: was left alone. But hey, we're still in the early stages of the investigation, we just uncovered this whole russian plot, his time will come right? :marseyclueless:

  • That planned riot was a failure, people didn't show up, some literal nazis were caught trying to enter Bucharest with weapons hidden in their cars, lots of funny shit. The guys were jailed :marseyclapping: Later released :marseyfacepalm: Then grabbed by the police again :marseyhope: ...then released for good and allowed to frick out of the country :marseyaware: This is some :marseyglow: shit, isn't it? Aside from a few r-slurs threatening violence and screaming about the jews on the internet that were fined no one faced any punishment for the whole thing. And no one bothered Georgescu :marseyunamused: Add the fact that we still don't have any extra information on what happened during the elections and it's once again starting to look like this bullshit is just our own politicians doing stupid shit. But the question is, are they working with Russia or is this whole Russia story just a lie? :marseyhmm:

  • Since they were already paranoid, USR :chadleftoid: saw the writing on the wall and accused PSD :marseysuit: of trying to steal the elections as soon as the presidential ones were cancelled. After all, they were battling Georgescu :marseyhitler2: for the president position, so the cancellation affected them just as much as it affected him. Besides, if the elections were cancelled because of Russian interference, then both the presidential and the parliamentary elections should be cancelled, since Georgescu's :marseyhitler2: unofficial party POT :marseyauthright: won seats through the same TikTok strategy, but only the elections that PSD :marseysuit: lost are being remade. But since they spent so much time during the elections screaming about how dangerous Russia and Georgescu :marseyhitler2: were they now came out looking like hypocrites and were criticised for siding with the far right just to keep their political power.

Trying to form a government - new alliances and betrayals :marseybackstab:

  • Since no faction won a majority for the parliament, our politicians are now stuck trying to make coalitions together. As the :marseyauthright: parties were branded as traitors the most obvious solution is for :marseysuit: and :chadleftoid: to form a pro-NATO/EU coalition and leave the anti-NATO/EU parties in opposition, right? :marseyclueless: Too bad they hate each other's guts :lelolidk:

  • So, the first tentative alliance was formed. PSD :marseysuit: + PNL :marseysuit: + USR :chadleftoid: + UDMR :marseyquadmagyar: UDMR is the party of our hungarian minority and they are big enough to make a difference in the parliamentary negotiations so despite being hated by everyone they are accepted into every single coalition ever. They are the single biggest whores in out politics, but then again I already said they are hungarians :marseyscoot:

  • :marseyauthright: are starting to accuse our president :marseysuit: of being an illegitimate president, since he only kept his position because our Constitutional Court refused to allow a new one to be elected. They said that if he doesn't step down after his term is over on December 22nd he's an unelected dictator. USR :chadleftoid: agreed with them. Once again, they were criticised for preferring to side with the extremists over working with their political rivals.

  • Multiple embarrassing slapfights happened while all parties were trying to negotiate their coalition. USR :chadleftoid: came with an 8 point political reform program and said that if it's not accepted in full they will abandon the coalition and join the :marseyauthright: in the opposition. While their plan was good, their unwillingness to negotiate it while they were already hated by the :marseysuit: were obviously not in their favor. Ciolacu, leader of PSD :marseysuit:, insisted on being named prime minister, but PNL :marseysuit: told him that his embarrassing failure in the elections (couldn't even enter the second round) alongside his disastrous economical policies during his last term made him unfit to be placed in the same position again :marseyprotestno: So PSD :marseysuit: decided to grab their toys and go home and told everyone that they'll join the :marseyauthright: parties coalition. This was a problem since they are the biggest party in the parliament so them joining :marseyauthright: means that they can form the government together. They said that they will make sure to only vote pro- NATO/EU proposals but no one trusts them, so... shit :marseysweating:

  • PNL :marseysuit: decided that if their brother party isn't in the coalition then they'll back off too and soon after UDMR :marseyquadmagyar: threw in the towel too. So, that will leave only USR :chadleftoid: and some minority parties in the coalition or what? :marseyquestion: In the mean time USR :chadleftoid: went to the president :marseysuit: to complain about his unconstitutional mandate extension. They refused to stand up when he joined the meeting room, he didn't shake their hands, they told him to resign, he said no, and the whole thing lasted three minutes in total. Meeting ended after :marseyshrug:

  • But plot twist! Not even a day after 'resigning' PSD :marseysuit: told everyone that they were joking and that they'll still form a pro-EU/NATO coalition and invited all the other parties to negotiation again... aside from USR :chadleftoid: who were thus officially kicked out of the coalition. PSD :marseysuit: + PNL :marseysuit: + UDMR :marseyquadmagyar: can form a majority together, a barely there majority true, but still a majority.

  • USR :chadleftoid: threatened to not vote the new government, probably hoping that the in-party :marseysuit: rivalries will destroy the barely there majority and will force the other parties to re-invite them in the coalition. Instead, :marseysuit: convinced 20 parliamentarians from AUR :marseyauthright: to vote for them, and now we finally have a government! :marseyletsgo:

  • Ciolacu :marseysuit: was named prime minister again, and with USR :chadleftoid: out of the picture PSD :marseysuit: controls most of the country again.

Lmao wtf is going on? :marseyhelp:

  • After this childish political battle more and more people started to accept that the real coup was done by PSD :marseysuit: Again. EU, confused that there is evidence that Russia messed around our elections but also sniffing bullshit, keeps harassing TikTok for investigations. In the meantime America praises our decision to cancel the election every few days. At least someone is happy with the situation? :marseybeanrelieved:

  • Obviously now, when things started to calm down, it's the perfect time for another bombshell to drop! :marseyjam: A journo group announced that they have proof that PNL :marseysuit: paid for Georgescu's :marseyhitler2: campaign! :marseypearlclutch: At this point people weren't even shocked just exasperated and done with the whole circus :marseygiveup: PNL :marseysuit: denied it and said that they paid a firm to promote their campaign and that their money was instead funnelled into Georgescu's :marseyhitler2: campaign. Really? :marseyunamused:

  • Still, things don't make sense :marseygigathonk: Georgescu's :marseyhitler2: campaign was massive, with millions of bots and dozens of sites involved, the cost alone must have been way past what PNL paid, and multiple countries confirmed Russia's involvement. We're still missing a few things here :marseythinkorino:

  • Trying to patch all the information... PSD :marseysuit: wanted to promote AUR :marseyauthright: to split USR's :chadleftoid: anti-establishment votes and lower their winning chances. Realizing this, PNL :marseysuit: then decided to promote Georgescu :marseyhitler2: as a way of splitting AUR's far-right votes so that PSD's :marseysuit: plan will fail. But at some point Russia decided to promote Georgescu :marseyhitler2: too to stir chaos and/or coup us and massively blew up his popularity. PSD :marseysuit: was too busy with their schemes to notice anything and gave some of their votes to AUR :marseyauthright: in the first round, accidentally kicking themselves out of the second round. Georgescu :marseyhitler2: and Lasconi :chadleftoid: won the first elections because these two :marseysuit: r-slurs were too busy fighting each other. That's why our secret services and :marseysuit: didn't react to Georgescu's raise in popularity, they were involved in the whole mess too and now they didn't know how to swipe everything under the rug as much as possible.

  • Still, Georgescu :marseyhitler2: was a problem and something had to be done, so they had to sound the alarm and call NATO's help. Russia's plans were stopped :marseyrelieved: PSD :marseysuit:, until now disappointed that they lost the presidency and their hold on the parliament was severely diluted, realized that they now have an excuse to steal the elections and get their control over the country back. They couldn't do any bullshit with all the NATO/EU eyes on them so Russia's interference was like a gift send from God Himself into their laps. So they talked with the Constitutional Court to annul the elections, all with our allies panicked blessing, kicking Georgescu out of his top position for now, caused one heck of the mess during the coalition negotiations, and managed to kick out USR :chadleftoid: too :marseytroll: PNL :marseysuit: just shrugged and went back into allying with them, while :marseyauthright: and :chadleftoid: parties were left defeated and screaming in the dust :marseyrage:

  • Another theory here is that, after messing up and accidentally promoting Georgescu on top on the race with Russia's help, :marseysuit: parties wanted to let him win the presidency and join forces to control the parliament and block any dumb shit he wants to do. Especially since he has some ideas similar to Trump, so maybe they'll get along or something. But Biden's cabinet insisted that we do something about it so the elections were cancelled. Unfortunately, now people around Trump, like his son and Musk, are bitching about Soros and democracy, so what do we do? America might still get pissed at us :marseyveryworried: Now wait, we have an idea! We'll just do nothing against Georgescu himself, we'll postpone the new elections and any investigation until Trump steps into the White House and if he still wants Georgescu as president we'll just let him candidate like nothing happened while blaming everything on Biden and his people and things will be fine :taysmart:

Current situation :marseychristmastree:

  • So, right now we still don't know what exactly is with Georgescu :marseyhitler2: He seems to be both with our glowies and with Russia. Mostly probably PSD :marseysuit: will try to negotiate with him until the new presidential elections (somewhere in spring most lkely) and if he seems like he can be reasoned with (read, he'll listen to their orders - and :marseyglow: ) he'll be allowed to run, if not they'll just get some institution to forbid him from running again :marseyshrug: PDS :marseysuit: has not only gotten more power, but will also get bolder in their bullshit next elections since the population didn't react to them stealing the elections in any way, so why not do it again? :marseywink:

  • Out of all the :marseyauthright: parties, AUR started to work with PSD :marseysuit: the most. It's expected that the rest of them will be pushed out of politics one way or another until AUR will become the far-right controlled opposition to PSD. A few parliamentarians from the other :marseyauthright: parties are already two steps away from getting kicked out of their new positions because of different cases opened against them in the past (corruption, defamation, antisemitism, and other shit). USR :chadleftoid: is marginalised ever further, and seems like they'll even lose their anti status-quo party to AUR :marseysulk:

  • :marseyauthright: :chadleftoid: parties and their supporters are still screaming about how the government is illegitimate and try to get people to protest them, but since it's cold and most of us are doing the last minute preparations for Christmas they don't have much any success :marseysleep:

  • But there's still time for other plot twists to happen, so who knows what the future will bring? :marseypopcorntime:

The (second) revolution that never was :marseylibleft:

  • Quick funny thing that didn't fit in the main post :marseyfluffy: So, two weeks after the elections were cancelled, Georgescu's :marseyhitler2: voters finally realized that they were dunked on by the :marseysuit: establishment :marseysuit: and decided to actually carry out a violent revolution :marseyclueless: We're serious this time guys, we swear! :marseymad: So they threatened to gather in the streets with axes and bats if the president doesn't step down after his mandate expires on December 22 :marseyishygddt: Like with all of the :marseyauthright: shit that happened until now, this was massively promoted on TikTok :marseytiktok:

  • In the mean time, in order to calm down the far right rumours that EU couped us in order to force Romania to enter the war alongside Ukraine, our (old) government used it's last days in office to approve two laws: one where Romania can now down foreign drones flying over our airspace, which could be used as a potential escalation against Russia, and anther one where foreign generals from allied countries can take command over our army. Yeah, totally not suspicious at all and will definitely calm everyone down :marseygiggle: (Last one should be called the 'America take the wheel' law tbh :marseypatriot: )

  • To prove to everyone that they are hardcore patriots willing to die for their country at any time, our brave revolutionaries panicked that our new NATO army will break their bones if they start shit and stayed at home. No one turned out to even protest peacefully :marseyxd: So that embarrassing episode ended without any bloodshed :marseybloodpuddle:

All right, last two things:

  • our diplomat in America said at some point that our secret services work hard to gather data for CIA, fifth largest contributors actually. This will totally calm down all those conspiracy theories about glowies and us being a NATO colony :marseyderp:

  • First shit our prime minister :marseysuit: said after taking his role was that we are ready to fully support Trump's peace plan for Ukraine, so if at any point EU plans to keep supporting Zelensky after America bows out of the conflict they should start planning on how to do it without us :marseygiggle:

Avowed vs. Oblivion :marseysmirk:
EFFORTPOST Mr Beast Burger - Goyslop review :marseyburger: :marseynotes: :marseychonker2:


Greetings, fellow dramatards :marseywave2: . When Mr. Beast burgers first launched, I, like any other functioning adult, didn't give a shit. But ever since they announced he was planning to sue the dark kitchen he partnered with for this ventureโ€”and in turn, they were suing him back :marseynoyou:โ€”I developed this morbid curiosity to try them. Recently, with all the drama surrounding Mr. Beast, I decided that if I wanted to try them, it would be now or never, before this affront to all fast food finally goes where it belongs: the grave.

I'll try to keep this brief but informative :marseyreportercnn:.


This was my order:

  • 1 Beast Style Burger

  • 1 Nashville Hot Chicken Tender Sandwich

  • 1 Beast Style Fries

  • 1 Chocolate Cookie

It's a lot of food :marseychonker:, but worry not, I just wanted to get one of all my fast food favorites since I don't think I'll be ordering this shit ever again in my life :marseyno:. Hopefully, it'll be worth it to save half of each thing for tomorrow, rather than throwing it all out... and speaking of being worth it... :marseystocksupdown:


I know prices might change depending on the region, so I will add a similar McDonald's order for comparison. On this order, I spent... $9.99 for a Beast Style Burger, $6.79 for the Beast Style Fries, $9.49 for the Chicken Sandwich, and $2.99 for the cookie. That is a grand total of...

$29.26!! :marseypikachu2: (+ delivery fees)

That is fricking insane :marseycalebhammer:. For comparison, a similar McDonald's order would cost me $18.60 (Quarter Pounder: $5.95, McCrispy: $5.60, Basket of Fries: $4.05, 2 Cookies: $3.00).

Mr. Beast is 57.3% more expensive than Mickey D's :marseymerchant:.

Jesus. But I'm sure it'll be worth it, right? :marseyexcited:

The Food

It came wrapped up in this cute bag.

Something I found really cool were these safety seals which indicate if your delivery guy tried to steal some of your fries :marseyrobber:.

I gotta be honest, I love it. It's cute branding, and it made me feel like as long as the food is good, I didn't get THAT ripped off.

Taking out the items was easy, and they all came individually wrapped too. Another good thing :marseyfluffy:.

I actually had to wait a good 15 minutes before starting to unwrap my meal since I got busy. Again, credit where credit is due, the food was still pretty hot when I got to it. Didn't even have to pop it into the microwave.

Now, the moment we've all been waiting for... how does it look? :marseycuriouslook:

Ok, two things immediately jump to mind:

  • This looks really good :marseylickinglips:

  • This looks COMPLETELY different from what I saw on their menu and many social media posts :marseyrofl:.

I don't know if I got unlucky (or lucky :marseywink:) or if they just gave up and now deliver whatever the frick the dark kitchen is making for themselves (as this comment wisely pointed out).

I guess I am a little disappointed that I won't get the raw meat burger experience I was promised :marseysulk:. But enough sulking, let's give them a try.


Beast Style Burger

To me, it looks really good... but does it taste good? ...

Yes! Well :marseyexcited:... kind of :marseysad:. The patty is pretty tasty, the buns are good if nothing special, the cheese is not bad quality, which is always a risk with these types of ventures, and the mayo-ketchup ratio is good. I honestly can't find a single thing to complain about, other than there's nothing special about it :marseyshrug:.

It's not THE BEST burger I've had, but it's not bad. Here, I'll give a list of how other burgers compare in my mind, along with this one, so you can get a feel of my preferences:

  • Wendy's Baconator: 10/10. The absolute pinnacle of fast food. I love it, and I've never had a bad one.

  • Quarter Pounder: 8/10. Pretty good. Not as good as the Baconator, but a solid option that plays in its own field.

  • Burger King: No idea. It's trash, all of it.

  • Whataburger: 6/10. Not a fan. They are a little dry for my taste.

Now, what would I score this one? :marseyhmm:...

  • Beast Style Burger: 7/10.

As I said, it's not bad at all, but really, even if you ignore the price (which is a big fricking if), it still gets outclassed by a Quarter Pounder. Overall, not a bad experience, but I'm pretty sure it's a far cry from what a lot of people got to taste.

The one thing that I guess is a constant are the ingredients, and this burger is condiment HEAVY. It has a good amount of mayonnaise :marseymayo:, which I never add to my burgers. Despite it not being bad, the reality is that once you account for its price, it's just not worth it at all... let's see how everything else fares.

Nashville Hot Chicken Tender Sandwich

I'll be honest. This one looks a lot less impressive than the burger :marseydisagree:. It's just 2 pieces of chicken and some lettuce. I actually prefer chicken sandwiches to burgers, but it's rare for a burger chain to nail them. I usually order mine from Wingstop. Is this one even close to the supreme Wingstop Louisiana :marseylouisiana: or Cajun sandwiches?

  • Nashville Hot Chicken Tender Sandwich: 5/10.

Nope. Not at all.

I'll explain my scoring system a little, to make my opinion on this one a bit clearer. Anything between 1 and 3 is something I would NOT EAT, even if freely available. A 4 I might consider if I'm starving and won't be able to eat anything else for a good 3 or 4 hours.

Between 5 and 6, you'll find all the things that I am willing to eat FOR FREE. Meaning that I would never, in a million years, order them for myself, but if I attend an event or someone's party and that's what they have, sure, whatever, it's better than nothing. This falls squarely there. It was extremely forgettable and a waste of money, if I'm honest. NEXT.

Beast Style Fries

These are weird :marseythinkorino:. They're just regular fries but with caramelized onions, American cheese, pickles, mayo, ketchup, and mustard. Not bad, I guess, but again, really condiment heavy. To me, this just highlights how much this food was targeted for babies and little kids. No adult needs this much shit added to their fries to enjoy them :marseybeanmonocle:.

* Beast Style Fries: 6/10.

Now, for the last part, dessert :marseyicecream:


It was not even a fricking cookie. They gave me a brownie. EXTREMELY sugary, but not dry. 4/10.

That's it! I hope you enjoyed my food review c:

!goyslopenjoyers @lain

:marppy: Drama Report: 2025-02-09 :marseyminer:

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๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜I'm tired of people molesting my nose with cigarette smoke/r/Vent (392K)59%639
๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜Defending/voting for Trump is not racist/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion (148K)62%656
๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜My 100 Favorite NFL Players (First Draft)/r/NFLv2 (59K)55%431
๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜Feminism has made men weak/r/PurplePillDebate (136K)47%328
๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜Chappel's ego may be too bug but she does bring up an interesting p.../r/popculture (68K)56%394
๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜Am I wrong for not taking my FWB out to dinner after we hooked up b.../r/amiwrong (432K)54%319

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜So happy that WOKE culture is dying. Your 15min of fame are gone. B.../r/Belgium4 (15K)52%275
๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜My sister in law voted Trump, and is now regretting it./r/OptimistsUnite (233K)57%4092
๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜What's Trumps End Game?/r/washdc (59K)57%956
๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜If Republicans are tyrannical, why do they fight for the 2A while D.../r/Askpolitics (65K)47%676
๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜OPERATION TAKE BACK OUR FLAG/r/Chattanoogans (8K)48%70
๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜Enjoy your new phone/r/applesucks (31K)56%315
๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜Map of QCA MAGA businesses/r/QuadCities (25K)50%183
๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜President's Day protest/r/fortwayne (35K)56%287
๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜My 100 Favorite NFL Players (First Draft)/r/NFLv2 (59K)55%431
๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜Any activists out there?/r/Kenosha (12K)50%61

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

:stabler: - 56-Year-Old Roblox User Groomed By 68-Year-Old Roblox User - The Onion

>FAIRHOPE, ALโ€”Exploiting the popular online game platform for his own perverse ends, local Roblox user Rodney McKinney, 68, was accused of grooming 56-year-old Roblox user Walter Rhodes, sources confirmed Wednesday. "For the past several months, Mr. McKinney, a 68-year-old Roblox user, used the game as a means to foster an inappropriate relationship with an impressionable young 56-year-old that was sexual in nature," said officer Mike Cavazos, noting several obscene messages in which the baby boomer offered the much younger Gen X user Robux in exchange for lewd images of Rhodes' flabby, mature body. "It was clear from their correspondence that Mr. McKinney knew the victim was 56, as he stated in chats that he was 'old enough to be [Rhodes'] supervising manager.' And though he claimed that messages inviting the victim to move off Roblox to a more private LinkedIn chat were innocent, we believe otherwise." At press time, authorities claimed McKinney attempted to conceal his indiscretions by warning Rhodes not to "tell your mom, if she's still alive."



I'm 28F, my husband is 32M.

Not a good start, he's a confirmed groomer. :malefeminist:

He's always wanted kids [..] I don't express myself as super excited about it.

Stop wasting his time, b-word! :marseywall:

I've seen so many depressed moms who regret their decision

How many happy mothers do you reckon she's encountered that she completely discounts because she can't relate to them?

Last month was our marriage anniversary [..] he had a gift for me. I was excited. I opened the box and it was so creepy. It was a realistic doll like how a baby looks.

Even the sight of a baby :chadbaby: upsets her. This woman is ROTTEN!

I was so creeped out, but I didn't want to ruin the night, so I just said thanked him and went to bed.

Now she's denying s*x to her husband on their anniversary :marseyindignantwoman: because he actually got her a gift from his heart and not a Stanley cup handbag or whateverthefrick

a few days pass and last night sunday, he went out with his friends. [..] he'd be home late. [..] At 4 AM, I woke up to get ready for my shift. I went downstairs and saw him passed out on the couch. I went closer to wake him up so he wouldn't hurt his back sleeping there.

He would rather risk his back than risk waking up this harpy :marseygrin:

Next to him was his drinks. A bottle of lube. And that silicone sticky doll. Without clothes. Placed on his private parts. He was just laying there. Passed out.

This man is so desperate to be a father he used a doll and the lube that his frigid :marseyeggless: wife needs to simulate the warmth of the child she won't provide him with, and HE'S the monster?

Disturbed. I quietly went upstairs, grabbed some clothes and left. I called in sick and checked into a hotel.

Any reason to get out an honest day's labor with these harlots

i don't know how to tell my friends or family. I'm Indian


EDIT TO THIS POST. A lot of people are asking about picture. Before leaving the house, i took a picture because i knew no one would believe me.

Now admitting to an actual crime, very good! :marseywomanmoment2:

Or, more likely, this is a bored 20-something troll that realized getting proof made way more sense than running off, not understanding that running off with no proof is what an actual woman would do.

When you're pretending to be a woman you must heed this

In blow to Democrats, federal appeals court strikes down net neutrality

non-paywalled link



Orange Site:


Breaking News: An appeals court struck down federal net neutrality rules, ending a nearly two-decade effort to regulate internet providers like utilities.

โ€” The New York Times ( 2025-01-02T20:22:52.930Z

this trumplican ruling killing net neutrality doesn't just kill net neutrality, it delivers the final killing blow to any sort of coherent federal consumer broadband protection (corporate press outlets will skip over that last bit)

โ€” Karl Bode ( 2025-01-02T20:14:23.082Z

The Sixth Circuit just invalidated FCC's net neutrality rules, arguing that it was inconsistent with the "best reading" of the statute per Loper Bright. The court's dismissal of the FCC's reading of the statute as "not the best" is hilariously abstruse metaphysical BS:

โ€” Dan Walters ( 2025-01-02T18:21:21.639Z

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit struck down the FCCโ€™s โ€œnet neutralityโ€ rules governing internet service providers, in an early policy win for Republicans seeking to reverse Biden-era industry regulation.

โ€” The Washington Post ( 2025-01-02T20:18:25.173Z



Reported by:
2024 meltdown compilation in thread :!marseyreportercnntalking: Are there any places Harris is overperforming Biden in 2020? :gigabiden:

!trump2024 !chuds "Literally nothing?" :marseyemojilaugh:

new 8 minute compilation:

2024 meltdown compilation:

2016 all over again:









:marseyemojilaugh: the moment when MSNBC announced his win

:based: :marseytrain:












/r/teachers meltdown @iStillMissEd



[๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] Why does honesty never work when dating women?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Exactlyโ€ฆ.. OP is being honest which is fantasticโ€ฆ.. that doesn't mean these women have to stick around. Good news : he isn't wasting anyone's time because he's being honest. (291)

True. The problem then becomes these women are so used to believing the thrill of a lie, that an up front truth is not refreshing, just disappointing (-11)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Honesty is working. If you don't want to build a relationship and want to have s*x and leave make it clear. Maybe you're some sort of handsome irresistible man? That's why they want to keep you if they can, but when they find out you really mean what you say then they leave. In reality, s*x is a sacred bond and causes people to be emotionally attached. Because of this, it affects your partner and creates an attachment, even if it doesn't affect you. Continue to be honest with them. They can't blame you for anything if you told them from the start that you're looking for s*x not into making love. (27)

The serious problem is that most of the time if a man says he just wants casual s*x, most women already give up. It's better to hide your goals to seduce a woman and tell the truth after having s*x. (-29)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Being honest doesn't guarantee that she will like what you have to say. (651)

Which is why you are better off just telling her what she wants to hear. (-23)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Oh no I'm not expanding. Sexual abuse is many things - including manipulation or lying to get access to a person's body. Sexual assault involves attacking but abuse can occur without physical violence. If a guy I'm dating wants a bj but I'm not in the mood - he then responds by calling me a b-word and refusing to talk to me and giving me the cold shoulder so that in future when he wants a bj, I give him one to avoid that reaction - is that not abuse? Of course it is. S*x should be mutual.Think about it this way. If I go out with you and you pay for dates, pay for my nails to be done, pay for my phone so we can chat, pay for my hair, etcโ€ฆall while I lead you on with the impression I will be your gf one day and/or put outโ€ฆam I financially abusive? Of course. I'm stringing you alone so that you'll pay for my shit. Abuse is rampant and it's often things that people don't consider to be abuse. We need to move the conversation forward. It's not evil. (4)

What you defined, well explained, can indeed be abusive, but linking it to the field of sexual abuse is very dangerous, even for greater reasons such as the trivialization of the concept, because if the concept of sexual abuse expands more and more, it will be so bureaucratic to be correct that we will have to file contracts for the protection of men and women.Here in Brazil we have the concept of sexual fraud, which is when a person deceives another to achieve sexual intimacy, this has been somewhat common for a long time, but the law that turns this deception into a crime is something very new. This is bad, but expanding into a sexual context could equate this minor crime with actual violent sexual crimes. There is a huge difference between subjective violence and objective violence and equating both things can further disadvantage the real victims.This example of a woman deceiving men with seduction that could result in casual s*x or dating happens a lot. It is common for men wit... (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

What you defined, well explained, can indeed be abusive, but linking it to the field of sexual abuse is very dangerous, even for greater reasons such as the trivialization of the concept, because if the concept of sexual abuse expands more and more, it will be so bureaucratic to be correct that we will have to file contracts for the protection of men and women.Here in Brazil we have the concept of sexual fraud, which is when a person deceives another to achieve sexual intimacy, this has been somewhat common for a long time, but the law that turns this deception into a crime is something very new. This is bad, but expanding into a sexual context could equate this minor crime with actual violent sexual crimes. There is a huge difference between subjective violence and objective violence and equating both things can further disadvantage the real victims.This example of a woman deceiving men with seduction that could result in casual s*x or dating happens a lot. It is common for men wit... (1)

Your first two paragraphs - your argument is that sexual fraud (as it is called in your country) is not akin to sexual abuse because it is not as serious and the victims aren't real victims. You do not understand how s*x is viewed for women. If we find out a guy has been lying to use us - we feel shame, disgust, low self-esteem, we are more likely to accept poor treatment in future because of our lower self-worth - it's very violating and it absolutely is sexual abuse. I was in a relationship like I describe above in my earlier comment - it very much fricked with my head. Adding to it - let's make it murder instead of sexual abuse. The definition of murder I will use is "Person A took action to end Person B's life". The murder could be that A shot person B in the head and they died quickly without pain. Maybe A even had an (almost) understandable reason for wanting B dead. A murder could also be A kidnapping B, tying them down, slowly carving them up, and then setting them on fire. O... (2)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

It is not sexual abuse for two reasons:1- This never happened, I only spoke of the hypothesis.2- Sexual abuse involves forcing and attacking, these are two things I have never done.His mentality lacked common sense. Sexual abuse is something very serious, do not try to expand this concept to other things as this is pure evil. (0)

Oh no I'm not expanding. Sexual abuse is many things - including manipulation or lying to get access to a person's body. Sexual assault involves attacking but abuse can occur without physical violence. If a guy I'm dating wants a bj but I'm not in the mood - he then responds by calling me a b-word and refusing to talk to me and giving me the cold shoulder so that in future when he wants a bj, I give him one to avoid that reaction - is that not abuse? Of course it is. S*x should be mutual.Think about it this way. If I go out with you and you pay for dates, pay for my nails to be done, pay for my phone so we can chat, pay for my hair, etcโ€ฆall while I lead you on with the impression I will be your gf one day and/or put outโ€ฆam I financially abusive? Of course. I'm stringing you alone so that you'll pay for my shit. Abuse is rampant and it's often things that people don't consider to be abuse. We need to move the conversation forward. It's not evil. (4)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/MrsKML

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

:marseycracka: Jannies slam the mop down on fedposting. :!marseyfedpost:


โ€ฆ in a subreddit for listing available federal job positions.


Many are upset about this and start arguing in the comments.

There's a literal fricking hiring freeze, what do you want from us?

To follow the rules and not try to start some uprising here?


What federal hiring process? No one is getting hired right now, and also, who would even want to join the government at this point? You'd have to be desperate or stupid to hop on a sinking shipโ€ฆ

People are still getting hired. Jobs are still being posted on USAJobs. So go on, delete your comment or edit it to admit you didn't think before commenting.

I did think before commenting and stand by my comment that anyone thinking of joining the federal government in this moment is either stupid or desperate.

Even if you do get hired, everyone received the mass "please resign!" emails and I doubt that trend will end any time soon. And if you get hired, you're likely probationary which is an awful spot to be in. No one's job is special or safe or can't be done by a Musk crony according to this administration.

I mean, if you're already trapped in fed gov, do you. But now seems like an especially bad time to hop around because what boss is going to bat for a new employee?

Plenty of people want to join. There are still posts on this very subreddit of people looking for advice, showing their TJO and FJO. You want to call them stupid or desperate? Fine, but don't try to subvert the reason for the subreddit existing. So both your points, that no one is getting hired and no one wants to work for the administration are rendered null by the facts.

Yeah, good luck to them ๐Ÿ‘ I truly hope it works out.


Amen. My heart goes out to you mods, I can't even imagine how busy you guys have been sifting through the extra 100K new bots and their nonsense.


If anyone wants to really visualize why this is necessary then everyone's history is accessible.

ALL (no exceptions as of 43 comments) who want non-stop rage bait politics here have never before set foot in this sub prior to the EOs.

ALL who don't like off-topic nonsense and support the mods, hammered with downmarseys, are top contributors who've been helping the sub for months/years.

We are being brigaded by trolls and bots, the only people who can possibly abide are the trolls and bots.

Do remember there are a lot of feds who have created burner accounts in order to participate without issue. Does make it much harder to tell who has been here before and who is a bot or troll.

New accounts would support that possibility, but none of them are new - all long term /r/politics users never here before.

Plus burner or not wouldn't change the fact that it is off-topic on this sub.


Did Elon post this?


Removing posts about what is going on only serves the interests of the new administration. Reddit should be a safe space for people to converse about their reality as a fed, or anyone affected by these EOs. We should be kept aware as the general public so we know how to help and join the conversation. Silencing the voices of people who are worried or unaware of the situation is how we got here and how we make it worseโ€”not better. The teaching and nursing subreddits almost never ban ANYTHING. Why? Because everything is relevant in their public facing jobs, everything reaches them one way or another, the feds are no different. Shutting down the conversation is wrong and leads to/is fascism. Stop upholding arbitrary "rules" that support it.

Post them to /r/fednews where they belong.

It doesn't even belong there, but rprz and the other mods are terminally chronically online reddit jannies who are ignoring rule #5 of their subreddit.

Rule 5 there states no politics, but you can discuss current policies. So discussion of the Fork in The Road, the other HR(at) emails, the RTO memos, and notices to probationary employees should all be valid.

Given that our work has been politicized to a higher degree than at any point in the past, I don't think the Mods are violating their rules.

Rule 5 there states no politics, but you can discuss current policies. So discussion of the Fork in The Road, the other HR(at) emails, the RTO memos, and notices to probationary employees should all be valid.

If that's what were happening I'd agree with you. However the 100,000x fold YoY increase in the usage of the words "Nazi", "Fascist", and "regime" to describe our democratically elected government suggest to me that reasoned discussion of government policies is not primarily what's going on. When subredditors describe what they're doing as "doomscrolling" that word seems to have a negative connotation, in my mind. When "Solidarity from Moldova" type posts are upmarseyd to the top of the subreddit, that doesn't feel like a well-considered policy analysis by an informed stakeholder.


Enjoy a dead Reddit for a while, then.

Amazingly we existed just fine from the dawn of Reddit until a couple weeks ago when the bots invaded. We chugged along even without an off-topic chicken little post every 5 minutes.

That's funny, you're going to chug along with what job postings?

Yeah, thanks.


That's part of the problem. This can't exist in a vacuum. Everything that impacts hiring needs to discussed.

Feel free to post anything pertaining to the federal application process (e.g. questions, concerns, suggestions, tips, experiences, etc.).

The day one purpose and rule 1 of this sub.

What about the application process has changed due to the EOs? Go ahead, I'll wait.

Nothing? Correct.

Fednews (and THOUSANDS of others) exists, until an EO fundamentally changes the application process it doesn't belong here.

You're extremely pressed.

Uh, no. I thinkโ€”like many of usโ€”he's just getting tired of the 24/7 complain fest that this sub has devolved into. Go complain to your family and friends. Some of us come here for useful informationโ€”not to read people's diaries.


Not much federal hiring practice activity going on right nowโ€ฆ

checks usajobs, sees plenty of jobs posted

Gaslamping doesn't work when people have reality right in front of them...

They're not "gaslamping"

They said "not much" is going on right now which is very true. Just because there is some still happening doesn't mean that the majority of possible positions are under a hiring freeze

Thank you. The person accusing gaslamping is literally gaslamping lol


someone got to gym earlier than me and took my treadmill :marseyraging:

its over

:marseybsod: lel microcucks :marseymicrosoftpride:


Here is how bernie can still win
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