Trump 2.0: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - YouTube


You say that but we know the clout chasing for the mythical "modern audience" wasn't working so logically the next extreme is to advertise against it to see what happens. :chudsmug:

Like neighbor the "modern audience Xwitter purple hair hambeasts" are the ones who do not play video games wtf, will redditors start saying that vaccines cause autism next year when it comes to them hijacking rightoid talking points from the past 5 years? :marseyconfused2: !g*mers !chuds

The end stage being complete corporate capture of all three branches of the government, and total gutting of state run safety nets, education, and infrastructure in favor of eventual privatization of such services. This is all far more in line with ancap fantasies than any genuine historical example of nationalist socialism or fascism. Ironically enough, "socialist" China is the one economic model currently existing that is closest to Italian fascism, in some regards.

They get too hung up on the popular definition of fascism being the marriage of the state and capital into one, without understanding the nature of the relationship between the nation-state and capital in fascist economics. In America, the nation-state is subservient to the interests of capital. In an ideal fascist state, capital exists solely in subservience to the nation-state. America perverts this like a dog walking a man, and not the man walking the dog. China has the balls to imprison billionaires. If Trump or Elon were genuine nationalist socialists, we would see them doing shit like creating jobs via public work projects to improve infrastructure and build nuclear power plants, desalination facilities, etc. They aren't even a tenth of the statesmen pre-war Adolf and El Duce were.

:marseytrain: Tgirl epidemic discussion on Redscarepod :marseytransrentfree:


Sorry I know this is a subject everyone here is tired of hearing about by now lol. This has happened to me twice now. A guy I had a thing with ended up being a pre-HRT one and another one just put "any pronouns" in his social media bios lmao and is def walking the line. Can we not have slightly feminine, nerdy awkward guys anymore without them feeling like they aren't masculine/a guy at all? It makes me sad

Plot twist I actually posted this superpeanut45 is my mobile account I use to scroll red scare subreddits and /r/industrialmusic. Jannies :marseyjannyitsover: have me device banned (this is my 6th account) so I think this account won't last long. I'm doxxing myself because I am slowly becoming an unironic Redditor and need to stay off Reddit entirely besides clinks I lick here so I think basically selfdoxxing may be the only way to leave reddit forever. :marseychtorrr2:

Also this is a true story and yes I know :marseytrain2:s make up 2% of the cute male nerd population but RSP loves overgeneralized statements and unpopular popular opinions and the comments have been pretty good and there is even some cope and seethe. Something for everyone

EDIT I deleted my plebbit but please click this link for my favorite post

israel ranks dead last in global national brands index :marseylaughpoundfist:

@Unbroken NOBODY LIKES YOU :marseyxdorbit: !palestine celebration thread bc nobody likes pissrael :party: other than irrelevant losers (such as presidents and the rich and such )

if you thot the hasbarabots were bad so far :marseyglancing: hold on tight to your tinfoil hats babez

and if you're lard، I hope you have more betabuxx ready

Israel has been ranked last in the 2024 Nation Brands Index (NBI), placing it among the world's most underdeveloped and unstable countries, according to the report published by Anholt Nation Brands Index on Tuesday.

The findings, based on a comprehensive survey conducted between July and August 2024, highlight a growing global sentiment that perceives Israel as a destabilizing force rather than an innovative and progressive nation.

The NBI survey, which gathered insights from over 40,000 respondents across 70 countries, ranked nations based on six key dimensions: governance, culture, people and society, exports, immigration and investment, and tourism.

Governance measures perceptions of a country's political stability, transparency, and security. Culture evaluates a nation's heritage, arts, and sports. People and society assess friendliness, openness, and global employability.

Exports focus on technological innovation, product quality, and economic influence. Immigration and investment examine the country's business environment, attractiveness for relocation, and foreign investment potential.

Tourism considers a nation's appeal as a travel destination, the beauty of its architecture, and the general willingness of respondents to visit.

According to the NBI report, Israel performed poorly across all categories, particularly among younger respondents, with Generation Z overwhelmingly ranking it at the bottom.

The study also revealed a growing aversion to Israeli products, with many respondents indicating they were unwilling to purchase goods labeled "Made in Israel." This suggests a de facto boycott that could pose a serious risk to Israeli exports and international business operations.

Despite its reputation as the "Start-Up Nation," Israel's technological leadership is not widely recognized beyond specific industry circles. European respondents, for example, ranked Israel lower in technological advancements than the United Arab Emirates, reinforcing the idea that Israel's self-perception does not align with how it is viewed globally.

According to Motti Scherf, founder of Brand IL: "Israel has lost its legitimacy in the international community and has been cast into the backyard of global affairs. It is time to acknowledge the failure of traditional public diplomacy and adopt innovative nation-branding models."

Although Israel maintains high objective indicators, such as a GDP per capita that is 80% higher than the nations it is grouped with and a life expectancy of 83 years, its ranking remains exceptionally low. Only 40% of the countries ranked alongside Israel are democracies, suggesting that Israel's democratic character is not perceived as a distinguishing advantage.

The Palestinian issue also continues to impact international sentiment. For the first time, Brand IL, a private initiative, ensured Palestine was included in the rankings.

While Palestine was placed below Israel, it received greater sympathy in the Muslim world, China, and among younger generations. Additionally, the NBI report highlights a broader trend in which conflict nations are penalized equally, regardless of the context.

Countries involved in ongoing disputes, including Russia, Ukraine, Israel, and the Palestinian Authority, were all placed at the bottom of the index, reinforcing the global perception that such nations contribute to instability rather than progress.

In response to Israel's deteriorating global image, the private initiative Brand IL has launched a $100 million rebranding effort aimed at reversing negative perceptions and repositioning Israel on the international stage.

The initiative seeks to establish a development financial institution, utilizing blended capital from governmental, business, and philanthropic sources. The focus will be on launching outreach programs in key target countries, particularly among younger demographics, to unlock new markets for Israeli technologies and innovations.


listen. I do not report on Korean politics. I'm out here because my (drunk) freelancer requests received a "can't do" so I just set off on my own. this is genuinely the most clumsy scene report possible. I really want to be honest about that.

sarah jeong ( 2024-12-03T16:22:51.913Z

!foidmoment !asians



Reported by:


Take it for what it's worth, but have some personal knowledge from a good friend that a fairly large collector of alpha and beta magic lost their entire collection of magic in the fires currently ongoing in California. I honestly don't know the extent of the collection, but at least they were able to escape with their lives and their pets as well.

What kind of special r-slur/neurodivergent decides it's a good idea to go to Reddit and post something like this unironically?

Was it one of you?

people tryna make america great again but nobody's trying to make my heart unbroken again sadfrog

!Meowr !fakecels

Any transfem yuri? :marseyliathomas:


Reported by:
  • NotMichaelDouglas : I thought the title was a joke, but the post actually contains photos of white women :marseyyikes:
  • Lv999_Slime_God : I do not like white women
  • Kotj1224 : No white women on Christmas. Please. Thank you.
It may be Christmas but it's ALSO WHITE WOMAN WEDNESDAY :letsfuckinggofast: :letsfuckinggofast: :marseyjam:

MERRY CHRISTMAS :marseychri#stmasparty:

Especially to white women, without whom we would have almost no drama :marseydejected: please let the white women in your life know that you love and appreciate them :marseywholesome:

Previous White Woman Wednesdays

The Trump 2024 Edition

Christmas Edition

We're back Edition

Greek Towelboy Edition

Trad Wife Edition

Pumpkin Sβ€Špice Edition

Red Scare Edition

Anglo-Saxon Edition

Dirndl Edition

9/11 Edition

The Original

r/politics has finally gone full BlueAnon :marseykamakama:



Age 29


  • buys house sight unseen with divorce bucks (330,000/600,000)

  • 100,000 more renovating since it was a disaster

  • the rest on "spending"

  • was spending 5000 a month in past relationship


  • together for 10, married for 5

  • met when she was 19 and he was 40

  • "So I definitely think I was groomed in the beginning" :marseytrollcrazy:

  • "So he used money to control me" timestamp

  • "He thought that I was cheating on him" claims she wasn't

  • thinks she should have taken more

More divorce details timestamp

Debt deets timestamp

CC - $29,294/$29,500, just purchased 6,000 more onto it, 793 interest each month, 3000 this year so far

  • "I didn't understand how interest works when I started that card" timestamp

  • "Explain interest to me" - she tries

  • Transactions get read off - timestamp

  • Notable - Sims micro-transactions, "I own all the expansions," Pelaton subscription, $100 "Waterbean" coffee, ChatGPT subscription

  • Trying to dispute a LinkedIn Premium she forgot to cancel, Caleb presses her

  • "What is the difference between paying something with my debit card and using my credit card?" timestamp

  • "I get airline miles which is how I flew here"

  • "I have like 400,000 airline miles" :marseydarkfoidretard:

  • 2 Cars, both on her credit since his was bad he drives one timestamp

    • 1727 due on his car,

    • 2 months past due - On autopay but there wasn't money so it didn't get paid, claims she's paid it now since husband got 4k on first paycheck (normally 3300, thinks 58,000 yearly), band director, musician on side ("percussionist"),

    • Mazda SUV, $34,000,

    • more than $800 minimum payment a month she doesn't know specifics, 10% interest rate

      • Was underwater on previous car, rolled over onto this one? High twenties purchase price on this car
    • Mazda 3 (2024), hers timestamp

      • Regrets purchasing this one

      • Old car was fully paid off 2016 Mazda 3, she wanted a new car because husband got a new car

      • Worth 28,000 and 18,000 left on it

  • purchased a sofa with a subwoofer (using CC) when she had divorce bux

  • 4 dogs and 2 cats

  • "I'm allergic to both dogs and cats and pollen and trees and grass" timestam

Other CCs not paid off but not as gigantic, not as interesting

How much do you think you spent in a month? timestamp

  • thinks 5 or 6 thousand, it's actually $10,333

  • Presses the b-word on why she's not actually trying to fix things timestamp

"I had heard about debt consolidation" timestamp

Investing timestamp

  • Does not know what an index fund is

  • Does not know what the S&P 500 is. "Is that like stocks?"

  • "I have like Starbucks stocks, I think, maybe"

Tries to ask her about the school's band timestamp

Caleb went to same Uni as husband at the same time, shits on the music program there and their football program timestamp :marseyemojirofl:

  • She found him through tiktok, "every time he hears your voice he's like turn that off" :marseylaughpoundfist:

  • Caleb recognizes him

  • Husband says "his voice is annoying" :gigachad2:

  • Ton of student loan debt, got a Master's - has not been making payments? On some income-based thing?

    • "Hopefully like there is a change in presidency" timestamp :marseyxd:

Went to Europe last summer timestamp

  • ran up CC balance

  • "money doesn't go as far as I thought"

Budget Breakdown

  • Mentions that she didn't know property tax existed?
Avowed vs. Oblivion :marseysmirk:

Reported by:
Hey rDrama, do you think I'm cute?

So I fricked up and booked my hotel for the same Friday in May instead of tonight. I still got a room, but it's going to be $800/night instead of $350/night like I'd planned. That really sucks.

:stabler: - 56-Year-Old Roblox User Groomed By 68-Year-Old Roblox User - The Onion

>FAIRHOPE, ALβ€”Exploiting the popular online game platform for his own perverse ends, local Roblox user Rodney McKinney, 68, was accused of grooming 56-year-old Roblox user Walter Rhodes, sources confirmed Wednesday. "For the past several months, Mr. McKinney, a 68-year-old Roblox user, used the game as a means to foster an inappropriate relationship with an impressionable young 56-year-old that was sexual in nature," said officer Mike Cavazos, noting several obscene messages in which the baby boomer offered the much younger Gen X user Robux in exchange for lewd images of Rhodes' flabby, mature body. "It was clear from their correspondence that Mr. McKinney knew the victim was 56, as he stated in chats that he was 'old enough to be [Rhodes'] supervising manager.' And though he claimed that messages inviting the victim to move off Roblox to a more private LinkedIn chat were innocent, we believe otherwise." At press time, authorities claimed McKinney attempted to conceal his indiscretions by warning Rhodes not to "tell your mom, if she's still alive."

:marseynull: puts rDrama users out of a job, effortposts a compilation of top shelf redditor sneething

edit test

Reported by:
/r/conservative absolutely chimps out over Barack Obama vowing Total Rightoid Death or something like that :gigaobama: :chudtantrumgenocide:


>FOX NEWS: Obama, in 1st remarks since election, says 'a line has been crossed' if 'one side' makes certain moves

Former President Obama declared that if "one side" attempts to cement "a permanent grip on power" through "suppressing votes," "politicizing" the military or weaponizing the judiciary and criminal justice system to target opponents, "a line has been crossed."

Bring it butthole. What's he going to do overthrow the government? Sounds like an insurrection to me.


I hate him so much. :chudtantrumfaster:

He is responsible for this division. I've never seen the country this divided in my life.

"this country has never been this divided in human history" :surewalz:

"It's (D)emocracy when we do it. It's Fascist when you do it." Obama and the Democrats.

:chadyes: :chadyescapy: :queenyes: :grillcastyes:

Former President Barack Obama declared that if "one side" attempts to cement "a permanent grip on power" through "suppressing votes," "politicizing" the military or weaponizing the judiciary and criminal justice system to target opponents, "a line has been crossed."

Wow! He just described the last four plus years of the Democrats under his influence.

Don't make me tap the sign, chuds....

Jesus it really is projection at this point. They're worse than my ex...

LISTEN UP LIBTARDS.....MY WIFE LEFT ME. :marseyforeveralone:

You're too late. Many lines have already been crossed under your and Biden's administrations.'re too late, Barry. Tooooooooo fricking late.....we just wanted to be left alone.....and now...NOW.....THERE'S NO TURNING BACK!!!!! :shadowrage: :marseyweeb: :marseytrollgun:

Sorry to disagree. The Dear Leader's regime was simply Comrade Obama's third term working, as Comrade Pelosi said, as quickly as possible to finish implementing his agenda to fundamentally change America and ensure that the Democrat Socialist Party would remain in power for the foreseeable future.

People calling Obama communist? Brings me back to the good ol' days....I miss 2011.... :boomermonster:

Remember when their personal chef who couldn't swim somehow decided to go paddle boarding and drowned?

That vanished from the headlines didn't it?


Wishes he was still relevant.

Him and Michael need to go away.

THEY'RE STILL DOING THE MICHELLE OBAMA IS A :marseytrain: SHIT IN THE CURRENT YEAR OF OUR LORD 2024 AAAAHAHAHAH :marseylaugh: :marseyemojirofl: :marseylaughpoundfist: :dinoxd: :marseyemojilaugh: :marseytransrentfree:

FU Obama

:f: :u: :exclamationpoint:

The line that was crossed was Obummer not stayin in the shadows.

still using the phrase "Obummer" :marseygiveup:

!nonchuds Impressive how Obamna caused this much of a shitflinging in 2024 after his legacy got BTFO'd by Dangerous Donald. :gigaobama: :marseyclappingglasses:

Enter code CUCK30 at checkout for 30% off
Australian population reaches 27.2 million - r/australia has started to turn against immigration


Frick off, were full, but leave enough behind to run the 7/11s, sushi stalls and korean bbq restaurants.

… and never any serious discussion about the long term demographic, economic or environmental scenarios and implications.

My favourite bit is when new arrivals bring their conflicts over with them.

Like Brits bringing over their racism, killing indigenous people by the thousands, setting up apartheid systems and stealing their babies?

Oh and the slave labour as well. Our train network wasn't built by freemen.

I wonder if anyone ever asked them for permission before doing all of that

It's okay because they're white /s

The issue isn't the population. It's the fact that we don't build good infrastructure. We should have a good high speed rail line along the east coast at least. Instead, we subsidise Qantas, and the Melbourne-Sydney is the busiest air route in the world. Also, super expensive.

We're in a population Ponzi scheme, and only digging down further

You know something's up when even left leaning people are agreeing with the "Frick off, we're full!" people of ~10+ years ago

The ground has shifted but the political class haven't realised it yet. Labor, LNP, Greens - they're all for it. The last 4 years or so has radicalised me so much I'd vote for any party who will take a stance on this

It's surprising to see the tonal shift in /r/australia. It's not a dramatic thread, sadly.

/r/Australian Politics - Australia's population lifts to 272 million

Soft migration compared to what? Its obvious that so many of Australias problems are from rampant immigration

So, not from a decade of wage suppression?

Corporate malfeance?

Public service deterioration?

High level corruption?

Nah, it's all dem migratiants!!

Stand by and cheer on as Australia is destroyed if you must. I escaped Australia. Im sorry for the people who still have to live there. Goodluck buddy. Your going to need it as it will only get worse from here on.

You immigated because you dont like immigration. Curious.

Hard for you to understand but some people are retired.

What do you think the word immigrate means?

You escaped to Vietnam. I'll stick with Australia, any day of the week.

Can't it be from all the above?

No? People are linking things that are not related. What about getting mad at local councils for previously being so darn restrictive with their zoning for example? We're in this mess because of them after all.

Now you're just showing your bias. I agree with all your points but you're quite naive if you don't think importing 400k people isn't having any effect on house prices and rent for example.

No it is now for sure but what I'm sick of is people not blaming the root causes. Just so much easier to go after immigrants.

Having worked in different levels of government it's a lot easier to reduce migration levels than to redo zoning and build more housing. I'm sure I don't hold the same sentiment.


Wage suppression is related to population growth. Women caused wage suppression when they joined the work force en mass in the last century. Now that working women are normal and we're below replacement rate, immigrants are literally the only reason our working population goes up.

Wage suppression is today caused by immigration. So yes, immigration is still the problem.

No. Wage suppression is structured in to maxmise profits. Profits suppress wages, except management, their wages keep going up and up and up.

What you just said means literal nothing. snip

And yet the upmarseys roll in soy boy

I stand corrected. It's the migratiants AND the womens! πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

1.4 million migrants is 'soft' now? Good luck getting a house.

And yet house prices are currently falling and when we blocked migration house prices ballooned.

Great, the cheapest one is only $650k

I didn't say it was cheap. People just love to hate on immigrants when the far bigger issue is investors.

No, it is immigrants.

And this is why we're fricked.

Our betters have decided this is happening, what we want doesn't matter.

Don't they realize it'll bite them on the arse eventually too

/r/australian - ABS reports 446,000 new overseas migrants in 2023-24 financial year

Australia has no official language. At any moment we could fracture our english speaking nation and descend into prime multi-racial territory. But hey every one is equal and the same when you bring them in.

Do you think if we had a official language that couldn't happen? Having a official language doesn't mean people are forced to speak it's just what the law is wrote in

Pauline Hanson speed running the vindication arc

We might not have homes to live in, but we get a great tikka masala.

Can we? I worry about hygiene standards.

Ahh casual racism. Can't wait till you YT trash become the minority in this country

The proracist enters the chat..

Shut up pinkoid 🐷

Absurd numbers. We seriously need to hit the pause button for a while on this.

We need to hit the reverse button

That's a big part of the reason why Trump won the US election, when he pledged to deport illegal immigrants. We can do our part to deport temporary visitors who wouldn't leave and are resorting to claiming asylum as a last resort to drag out their stay as long as possible.

Hit the rewind button. Several times

/r/AusEcon - Latest ABS population data shows growth despite declining birthrate

/r/AusFinance - Latest ABS population data shows growth despite declining birthrate

Linking these two for economics nerds.

It's interesting seeing the lefty-leaning subs starting to move to the anti-mass-immigration camp. Only a few years ago one would get jumped in the comments for daring to suggest it.


known issue, your account was not compromised please breathe @BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS got logged out twice and is unable too sign in from mobile and also @BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS is chudded for 24 hours | post itt if you are also a victim of logoutgate 2

seriously say so below if you did - also provide os and browser

@BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS love sucking peepees

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  • p : links to TWITTER (NOT X YOU CHUD) are banned on rDrama dot net
It appears that two X accounts of Reddit's CEO have been suspended.

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