Capyrot, you were sent to rDrama to moderate every single post on this forum! :capycry: What have you been mopping all these years?! :platyseethe:

!marseyartists !saiyans Can you guess who it is? :marseyshy3:

:marseyhmm: :marseyhmmm: :marseythonk: One website he seemed to be a frequent user of featured videos of people's final moments :marseythonk: :marseyhmmm: :marseyhmm:


If your modmail responses dont look like this youre not using modmail right

Lmao frick jannies !metashit

[🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘] Istg every time "Nu-trek" comes up on this sub you all start to sound like this.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Except TNG still appealed to TOS fans, it was just the initial pushback against not having the same crew. Deep down they were very similar shows that appealed to the same demographic. Scraping all that to try and court Guardians of the Galaxy fans isn't going to ensure survival, it'll just recommit to the death spiral Star Trek is in. (30)

I'm a kid from the 90s and I couldn't wait for the TNG era to be over. I wanted the page to turn on Berman trek just as it did on TOS, which I thought was a lot more fun.Finally after what, two decades? I thought we were finally done with 90s trek at last. If you're not going to stick to the way and tone TOS does things, then you have no right to complain about Trek changing.I've liked most of Kurtzman 's offerings a lot more than any of the 90s runs. I'd take any season of Lower Decks, or sitting through a season of Discovery over embarking on any of Voyager for example. After a while Berman trek is all the same. (-14)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Is there some reason they can't be well written? (40)

Bullshit. Half the comments here are people claiming recent Trek is somehow garbage while completely ignoring the same writing in older Trek.The whole "It's not canon," crap makes everyone here sound like toddlers. (-17)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

There's noteable differences. No one here was complaining about the writing. They were complaining about it not being the TOS crew.No one there was complaining that it lacked character and depth. Those people were complaining that it wasn't the TOS crew.Those people aren't the same. As TNG picked up steam it ran 7 seasons and 4 movies, spawned 3 more spinoffs (DS9, VOY - both 7 seasons, and the ill-fated Entsrprise, which wasn't bad but fatigue by then had set in).Not a single one of these nutreks has made it as long as any old trek and it's obvious why.The story room, sorry... writing room, sorry... ChatGPT room is why it sucks. (29)

So is more or less like the same complains people had of Voyager and Enterprise. Notice. (-7)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

So is more or less like the same complains people had of Voyager and Enterprise. Notice. (-7)

Oh, yea. It must be that. How about no.If it was just that, Star Wars stuff would be getting cancelled because no one is watching it. Mandalorian was successful because it was new and different, although the last season was questionable and had lost it's outlaw ways.Marvel... the multiverse stuff is too contrived. The constant changing of "most powerful" is more confusing than the comics.Lord of the Rings, the new stuff is retreading.Everything is a sequel, prequel, or some derivative... no originality.So no, it's not just Star Trek so this argument is asinine. You all keep retreading the same story, "it's you, it's not my agenda that's the problem. Flashy boom booms make me feel good."So, no. It's not just "gramps" that are irritated, annoyed, and not watching it. Why did Acolyte fail? Because the 5 people watching it didn't justify it's existence. (9)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

The fact all the highest upmarseyd comments and posts in this sub always claim modern Star Trek is horrible, disproves your assertion.Every comment I've gotten here is arguing that all new Star Trek sucks. (0)

No it doesn't. It just proves that those are popular opinions, not the only opinions and certainly not that other opinions are down voted. I can't tell if you're lying or bad at arguing, because I've literally been commenting, replying to you, and not doing that. (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

I couldn't stand disco, it's bad TV on top of being bad trek. Picard S1 was like a nightmare, it re wrote beloved characters and starfleet, turning them into bizzaro mockeries of themselves. Their biggest crime though, was being boring. That said, LD really grew on me after a few initial shakey episodes. (Episode 1 throws too much at the screen). Picard S3 felt like an apology for S1 and 2, though it wasn't perfect. SNW similarly is a really fun show that I think in time could grow into something great. Give em a shot (4)

From what I saw of Picard season 3, it doesn't look very promising. Bringing back characters and the Enterprise D just looks like a cheap nostalgia grab like the Force Awakens. It's not like they retcon all the crap from the previous seasons, get rid of all the cussing and arguing, or change the format, pacing and tone. I've not looked much at Lower Decks as someone who doesn't care for shows like Family Guy or South Park. SNW has the issue of Kurtzman, senseless continuity errors (that is not my Enterprise!) and building on the broken foundation that is STD.I took the "if you don't like it, don't watch it" to heart. I'm tired of hate watching. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/PiLamdOd

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+4🐮)

Number of comments: 20

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

AI is Creating a Generation of Illiterate Programmers


Dunning Kruger discussion:



Do white guys just approach women less?? - r/rs_x


Some dangerous nooooticing going on here :marseychud:, I hope our favourite jannies @kallocain-addict are keeping a tight leash on the potential hate speech! :marseyveryworried:

Whenever I go out in public I am approached at least once or twice by a guy hitting on me or just complimenting me. Every single time it's a black or Latinx guy. The only times I have ever been cold approached in public by a white guy, it's been an older one, like 45+.

Curious... What requisites does rs_x believe could be the cause for this phenomenon?

I feel like it has less to do with ethnicity and more to do with class. White-collar guys don't usually approach random women on the street, that's a blue-collar guy's game.

Contradicting /u/blondbutginger 's lived experience here... :marseysurejan:

Yeah you have a point. It's not usually middle/upper class black men hitting on me, it's bums.


Here's our resident cute twink's contribution:

it's cultural, latinx culture for example is generally much more s*x positive meanwhile contemporary mainstream white culture doesn't reward that kind of behavior (on the contrary, you are more likely to be chastised or even punished for it)

You yt prudes are just too neurotic and inhibited!! Punishing any sort of free sexual expression!! The browns and blacks sensibly revel in their lower inhibit --- ACK


Y'all can't behave. :marseyjanny2:

Yeezy joins /r/fatpeoplehate :marseybdtf:

Republicans are in a crisis over potential Medicaid cuts


If it were up to me, I'd mind control them to abolish social security, Medicaid, Medicare, 95% of the pentagon budget, farm subsidies, giveaways to Israel + Boeing, sit back and watch the shitshow.

:marseypearlclutch: :marseyxd: :marseypopcorn:

The fire is getting worse :marseydeadinside2:
Reported by:
Made Jambalaya for dinner :marseylickinglips:

The recipe is pretty generic, but I'll post here anyway 😉

2 bell peppers, diced

2 onions, diced

4-6 celery ribs, sliced (or diced if you prefer)

Bulb of garlic, minced

1 lb chicken breast, cut into 1 inch cubes (I use 1.5 lbs)

12 oz. Andouille sausage, cut into rounds (I used 14 ounce kielbasa, use whatever tbh)

2 Tbsp tomato paste

1.5 cups of rice

3 cups chicken broth

1 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes

2 Tbsp Cajun seasoning

A few bay leaves


Add oil to large pot or Dutch oven (I used 2 Tbsp bacon grease) over med-high heat. When the oil is hot add bell pepper, onion, celery, and garlic to pot. Heat until fragrant, 3-5 minutes.

Add the chicken, sausage, and tomato paste.

Stir with the other ingredients and break up the tomato paste. Add the white rice and stir until lightly toasted.

Stir in the chicken broth, diced tomatoes, Cajun seasoning, and bay leaf.

Cover and cook over low heat for 30 minutes, or until rice is cooked thoroughly and the liquid has been completely absorbed. Stir every 10 minutes or so to prevent rice from sticking to pan. (I usually let it stand on the stovetop covered with the heat off for 10 additional minutes, or else the rice comes out al denté 😬)

It's hilarious how pro bailouts redditors are when it's LE HECKING ETHNIC FOOD


Drumpf :marseytrumpgarrison:pauses enforcement of ban on bribing :marseygangster: foriegn officials :chudmuslim:



18 (ish) Mechanical Design Tips and Tricks for Engineers Inventors and Serious Makers: # 093


The Context :yawn:

Shamima Begum was an 'ISIS Bride' who lived off :marseybong: british gibsmedats before moving to her shithole of origin to establish a caliphate. :vo#mit:

after :marseytrump: MOABed the shit out of them :marseymushroomcloud: she was one of the hordes of hopeful returners to the British taxpayer's teat :marseylolcow:

Naturally this is :marseybong: Cuck Island :marseybong: so there was a :slapfight: about whether the government should continue to give free money to its sworn enemies who fought overseas with the stated aim of killing British servicemen and their allies :marseyhmm: real conundrum!

Naturally all of the :marseynorf: (who aren't racist, just don't loik em) fell on the 'keep them out' side.

In the middle of all this she somehow became a role model, gracing magazine covers :marseyconfused2:

The Drama

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage has said the UK government should consider allowing Shamima Begum, who left the country to join the Islamic State group in 2015, to return to the UK.

Big man Nige, never one to shy away from cuckoldry, has done a messaging 180 and proudly affirmed the return of the caliphate! :marseyinshallah: :chudmuslim: inshallah brother Nigel :praiseallah:

Don't get uppity :marseysaluteusa: burgers, you cute twinks hired some (((Hungarian))) who is now saying the same thing :marseysmug2: :marseysmughips:

"Gorka argues that if we and other European countries don't take back these people and put them in prison here, they will get out of prison under the new Syrian regime, leading to a problem that in the end we may all have to fight," Farage said.

>These people are a terror risk in the new Syrian Regime (that we helped to topple) so we have to keep them here in our borders :marseybrainlet: :marseygigaretard:

Seriously, where do you find these people? Holy frick :marseyemojirofl:

Cope + Seethe

UK Chud Containment sub not happy

Biggest issue with Nige is his rabid atlanticistism. Enoch Powell realised that you can't be pro-america and pro-britain at the same time.

:marseyredcoat: 1812 will commence again fellow bongs :marseyxd: any day now

He's an idiot, why even talk about it? He should know it's an unpopular opinion for his supporters.


Farage is literally just Trumps bum boy. Trump says bring them back, so Farage says bring them back.

Green line test confirms this thesis :marseydetective: :marseyinvestigate:

ITV news are a hostile media platform and one of many agents of demoralisation.

Help!! :chudtantrum: I'm being DEMORALISED by a fricking news article!

Twitter Chuds also not taking the news well

Please. Do not trust Farage. He is a snake 🐍 and a back stabber. Reform is a good idea but he is a Tory Toff who has ingratiated himself with the National Populist Movement. Probably an MI5 tout

:marseysnoo: Le MI5!!! god what are you the fricking IRA? :marseyxd: chuds are so obsessed with themselves :marseysigh:

Reform are suposed to be the party removing these people not bringing more in. I'm starting to think Reform might just be the same as the other two if this is true

Hmmm I think I might be onto something.. :marseydetective: Politicians.... are liars?? :marseyschizowall: stop the fricking presses

Labour voters are having a struggle session about agreeing with Satan

This is one thing I'll agree with Farage on (though like you, I don't believe his motives are sincere. He's just stirring shit). She was a British citizen.

:marseydisagree: She paid the $2k-ish fee :marseymerchant: and took a Year 7 history test. That means she's us. She's one of ours. It happened here. :marseycrying:

Why on earth would you want her back? How is this even a debate?

We don't but it is our problem, she is British and Britain allowed her to be radicalised. i know this neighbour didn't just fricking say that

He's completely right. I dislike Farage a great deal, and I am shocked he has said this, but he is right.

She doesn't deserve sympathy. If she comes back, let her face British justice

British justice, like when you let a machete murderer walk free after 5 months jail? :marseyexcited:

He's right! She's a British person who was groomed as a minor.

Oh suddenly we care about Brits getting groomed as minors? :marseysmug2: :marseysmughips: :marseysurejan:

Reported by:
Two raccoons and a bee.

Also, 120k views on this one:

Israeli :marseygoy: buses explode :marseymindblown: due to failed :marseyoutried: Palestinian :marseypalestoidpager: terror :marseymonsterpenisshadow: plot


COPY and SHARE Copypasta Doms TwoX :marseywomanmoment:


The Marikana Massacre - When a billionaire slaughtered his own workers

South Africa's president is relatively beloved. However, many have forgotten about his fricked up past and how he is responsible for the worst massacre in South Africa since apartheid. In this relatively short post, I want to outline the events of the Marikana massacre and the shitshow that ensued.

Mining in South Africa

As you probably already know, South Africa is one of the worlds mining hub, producing the overwhelming majority of the world's platinum and gold. This was in part made possible through aparheid which built ghettoes near mines as a means of acquiring cheap labour. Of course, this had several negative effects, including the destruction of the nuclear family.

Regardless, when apartheid seized, a question arose: what to do with all these mines? They were generating the majority of the country's wealth, yet they were exclusively owned by whites. This was obviously not a natural occurrence of a free market and it was only possible because of apartheid laws. On the other hand, they couldn't just hand over the mines to Black people who had no knowledge on how to manage the mines. Thus, a conclusion was reached: the mines would be given grants to improve the communities they were located in, and to give their workers a better standard of living.

It should be mentioned at this point that mine workers were paid very poorly, often were injured on the job, and suffered long-term health effects from inhaling dangerous substances. Another problem that made things worse is that male workers were separated from their families who still lived in the rural homestead. Consequently, many workers would start second families in the ghettoes, meaning that their menial salaries were split among two families, sometimes consisting of 6,7, or even 8 children. As you can imagine, many of these children were underfed and did not go to school.

The Workers Have Had Enough

Well, the time came when workers had decided that enough is enough. They were working long hours, suffering greivous injuries, and yet were being paid peanuts while their bosses were amongst the wealthiest people in the nation.

Hence, South Africans did what they did best - protest. Now, there's a lot of drama between the different workers unions, but that's not the focus of this peice. All you need to know is that on 10 August 2012 a strike began. It was led by rock drill operators who suffered some of the worst injustices because they worked long hours in dangerous conditions. They marched to Lomnim Platinum Mine offices, but nobody agreed to meet with them which angered the workers. Lomnim was heavily protected and had its own private security. This isn't a surprise as the business deals with very valuable goods. Hence, the owners of Lomnim set their security on the protestors. The security guards fired rubber bullets at the crowd, injuring many. This would only be the start of the violence.

This wasn't enough to deter the protestors. In the subsequent days, they returned to protest even more and in greater numbers. But this time, their beef wasn't just with Lomnim. They also had a problem with their Workers Union, NUM, which refused to negotiate on their behalf. They visited the headquarters of NUM, some of them carrying guns, and they opened fire. It is not clear how many people died. Some sources say 2 died, but others say the 2 were only injured and did not die. When asked about the incident, the workers claimed that they were acting in self-defence.

After this event, the workers were PISSED. They hired a traditional healer (witchdoctor, sangoma) to protect them from violence and they vowed to return with even more people because they really wanted a raise. There were more clashes between August 12 and August 15, resulting in the death of 15 people. If you know anything about the cycle of violence, you'll be aware that violence only begets more violence. So neither party backed down. NUM did not support their workers, the workers did not back down, and Lomnim refused the raise that the workers were demanding. During these clashes, an estimated 10 people died, including three mineworkers and two policemen in a single altercation; and, in other confrontation, an additional three Lonmin mine employees and two Lonmin security officials died.

Things got from bad to worse. Workers burned cop cars, attacked police, and dodged rubber bullets. However, all of this chaos would be nothing compared to the disastrous events of August 16.

The Marikana Massacre

The cops had had enough of the protestors. The poors were killing cops! So, they got together and orchestrated a plot called D-Day. They had nothing good on the mind. A press conference was held where it was announced that they were ending the matter. Grave words indeed. These were the exact words: "The plan is that we intend to ensure that today we end this strike. If they resist, like I said, today is a day that we intend to end the violence."

So, the police readied themselves. They packed barbed wire to keep the protestors from the police, and they stocked themselves with R5 ammunition. For those who don't know, this is a variant of a South African rifle.

You can watch them getting shot here:

The protestors were aware that the police were planning on escalating matters, but they believed they were safe because they had received protection from witch doctors. An opposing workers union, AMWU was against the strike, and he begged and pleaded for the workers to not go ahead with the protest because he could see that the police were willing to use lethal force. However, his warnings were not heeded. Hence, the massacre began.

Now, don't be fooled into thinking the protestors were peaceful. Though the majority of them had no guns, they were carrying sticks and rocks and fully meant to intimidate the police. However, many would agree that what the police did next was not proportionate. At first, the police tried, non-lethal means to disperse the crowd consisting of over 100 miners. They sprayed water cannons, used stun grenades and teargas but none of it worked. The crowd continued to progress. Now, you may think the crowd is stupid but just look at things from their perspective. They are not earning enough to feed themselves, yet their employees are literal billionaires.

Chaos started when one of the strikers decided to fire his pistol. In response, the police opened fire with their R5s. This barrage of bullets lasted about 12 seconds, and over 300 bullets were fired. It was complete pandemonium and it was hard for police to keep contact with each other. A Tactical Response Team commander raised his fist and shouted "cease fire", but not all police heard the order, so the shooting continued. In total, 17 workers were killed. It was found that most of the workers were shot on the back, meaning that they were running away. In other words, they were escaping from the gunfire. That is to say, they were in the process of dispersing. What I'm trying to communicate is that they were getting away and were no longer a threat.

At a different scene, things were no better. Cops clashed with protestors. Rocks were thrown and in response, police opened fire with their R5s, killing 17 more workers. Of course, the police defended themselves, claiming that they had given the crowd ample warning and that the protestors were too rowdy and aggressive and that the police feared for their lives. But in general, people in South Africa aren't very sympathetic to the police. One of the reasons this is the case is because police in South Africa have a history of being corrupt and violent. Secondly, when guns were found on scene, it wasn't clear who the guns belonged to, so they essentially "planted" the guns on whoever they could find. Yeah, the police aren't known for their world-class work.

The Role of Cyril Ramaphosa

Cyril is the current president of South Africa and he is a billionaire. He is involved with Lomnim, but he has his fingers in many other pies, including, according to Wikipedia:

Ramaphosa was also a chairman of Bidvest, MTN, and from March 2007, Mondi, a leading international paper and packaging group. His other non-executive directorships included Macsteel Holdings, Alexander Forbes, SABMiller, Lonmin, Anglo American, and Standard Bank. In 2011, Ramaphosa paid for a 20-year master franchise agreement to run 145 McDonald's restaurants in South Africa. He also belonged to the Coca-Cola Company International Advisory Board and the Unilever Africa Advisory Council.

The Marikana Massacre took place prior to Ramaphosa becoming president, but he was one of the board members who gave the okay for increased police force to be used against the strikers. The billionaire caught a lot of heat for this, with many calling him a murderer. But Ramaphosa faced no legal consequences, though he was courteous enough to apologize for his role in the murders.

"Yes, I did put a bid and that was a mistake on my part. It was a mistake; I regret it. It was a mistake to even put up my hand to do so, and I've been chastised by some of my good comrades. Even before they chastised me I did admit that that was a mistake. I regret it because, I mean, it's an excessive price in the seas of poverty… it was one of those moments when I was blind-sighted," Ramaphosa said.

Despite this, the man managed to become president of the country. Also, white extinction is long overdue.

Workers and Lomnim reach an agreement

So after all the murders, it was clearly that something had to be done. In total, 40 workers died and 2 police officers were killed. This caused national outcry and the country was furious, especially at Cyril who was a somewhat popular figure due to his billionaire status and being a senior member of the ANC. Eventually, it was agreed that workers would get a raise but it was not much. For example, rock drill operators now earned about $579 dollars. Imagine doing backbreaking work, inhaling dust all day to be paid $579 to feed your family while mine owners earn literally billions.


An inquiry was held to determine who, if anyone, was responsible for this massacre. By the end of it, very few police officers faced any disciplinary action. After all, they were just following orders! The State paid over $70 million to those affected by the murders, and they promised to build houses. But when journ*lists went to investigate these houses, they found that they were shoddily built and likely the result of corrupt tenders. @kaamrev probably knows more about this.


So how do you feel about the whole event? Were the strikers asking for it by not backing down even after being warned? Were the police pieces of shit for firing rifles at poor people with rocks? Does Ramaphosa deserve to be president or in prison? Is it fair that mine owners make billions while workers live in poverty? You decide!



:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch: :marseypopcorn: :marseyhappening:

So by June either the Supreme Court grows a spine and overrides Trump or surrenders it's authority.


In the last couple hours, any posts calling for or even just asking about a ban are removed by mods, despite all the comments on said posts before deletion being in support of banning links.

This is especially ironic considering Wicked's entire message is anti-fascist

Edit: thanks to user /u/p_rantTA for this link

New ChudCU trailer :chudspin:
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