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  • SixthDragonBall : The bit gets old fast when you have empty cans and bottles collected next to each other in the shot
Vlog update

:marseyhmm: :marseyhmmm: Is it normal to give your mom Valentine's Day gifts? :marseythonk: :marseydetective:

I was talking to @PegMeMommy about Valentine's Day. I was telling him about how me and my siblings got our mom flowers and stuff for Valentine's Day. During the conversation he said he had never heard of kids getting their mom something for Valentine's Day, and he doesn't know anyone who does this. For me, this is the opposite: Where I'm from, everyone gets their mother something. Now both of us are wondering which is normal.

Decided to make a poll!

Do you buy your mother something Valentine's Day?

"If you want to know where the real milk is, figure out who you're not allowed to milk" - John 子. Cenady :marseyschizowave: :khazarmilkers: :marseygigatitty:

This is 100% home grown photoshop no AI which is why it kinda sucks

there is nothing else implied though

:marseyflagukrainegenocide#: :marseysaluteusa#: :!marseysaluteisrael#:

!illuminati !schizomaxxxers


real AGP hours


Drinking age should be 25 for men and 45 for foids :marseycheers:

Avowed vs. Oblivion :marseysmirk:
The fire is getting worse :marseydeadinside2:

[🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘] I thought trump was gonna get rid of this crap😥😠


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

b-word-made^ (9)

Says the kid online LOLOL on fricking Reddit 😭🫡 (-12)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Your comment needs to be pinned to every post referring to trump keeping a promise (11)

You mean every post referring to ANY POLITICIAN keeping a promise (-12)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Lmao. I don't know what's more stupid. Believing in chem trails or Believing Trump will stick to his word to help someone other than himself or his billionaire friends. (130)

TDS ^ (-11)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Those weather people who "can't tell if it will rain tomorrow" accurately predicted snow in SC (where I am right now) 3 weeks in advance. European hurricane models have predicted MOST of our major hurricanes directions over the last 5 or so years. Acting like weather is some impossible to predict boogeyman is braindead. If the bulk of meteorology scientists, storm trackers/chasers, and detection equipment were placed at your town, you'd know very easily if it would rain tomorrow, but they have an entire country and maritime zone to track, so it becomes a probability game instead, because of sheer volume.As for climate change, your solar maximum mars correlation would hold a lot more ground if we were talking about 1980s global warming alarmism. We're not. Climate change includes hotter summers, AND colder winters, which is why every year seems to have a record temperature in one of those regards in a new place. Listen, I'm not going to do what others here do, I'm not going to call y... (3)

Everything humans have spewed since the industrial revolution is dwarfed by one large volcanism event. If Campo takes out Napoli, or Yellowstone goes poof, we're in trouble.But barring cataclysm, Atlas yawns.We're told hurricanes are worse; more frequent, greater intensity. But that's a lie, as a quick search will prove.Oceans are rising at about the same rate as when they were first measured. Obama bought waterfront in Martha's Vineyard. He knows.CO2 is absolutely kickass for Earth! More plants, more fauna. It becomes a paradise. Set those soda bubbles free for Gaia! It'll warm things, in theory. Also kickass! Lots of people die of cold each year. Almost no one dies of heat, statistically speaking.It's weather. The hottest on record was a few years back in the 30's, I forget when exactly. The coldest was back in 750ac or something.I think you're chugging kool-aid of questionable vintage. A victim of Edward Bernays/Goebbels style propaganda, misplaced enviro-guilt, and confirmation ... (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Haven't you heard, once he gets rid of the windmills, then the wind will be free to get rid of the chem trails 🤣 (4)

Those Giant windmills, which are Made in China, take a disastrous toll on large raptors. I saw the photo of all the dead eagles lined up for reporting it to fish and wildlife. It was at least 50 in that pic. Just for that location alone.I recently came across a ship recording in the ocean next to some sea based windmills. It was deafening! A horrible, earsplitting dinn from heck! I cried at the thought of how they're torturing the ocean creatures. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

You mean you're upset with Republicans cause we don't wanna take the pledge of allegiance out of schools and we want our kids to learn about LGBTQ and trans history?… and that it's OK to have a s*x change when you're 10 years old? Yea… if you're mad at us for that. I'll take it. Y'all are the freaking crazy ones. How about this? How about we teach them math and English and history and Science… and leave the "crazy" up to you in YOUR household. (1)

Ohhhh kayyy… So just fyi I live in the most liberal part of a liberal state and NONE OF THAT is happening.My kids learn math and science. Reading, writing, music, history. My kids are 7 and 9. No one is encouraging a s*x change. I do believe that is a bit of a fad right now. Besides. Have you really looked into how long it takes to get that. It takes years of therapy, followed by hormone therapy. This is not an overnight decision.I'm mad at republicans because your representatives literally do nothing to protect children. Hey, what do you think the number 1 reason kids die in this country? Here's a hint… it's not drag shows or lgbtq teaching.I'm mad at republicans because you turn a blind eye to a man who is a sexual assaulter, brags about sexual assault, is a felon, con man who doesn't pay his bills. Yet lectures everyone about paying their bills. And ran on all these promises yet is completely ignoring them. Eliminating Medicaid, eliminating mortgage interest deduction, not allowi... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Pestus613343

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 23

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

SBF xeets after two years to say some boring shit :marseyemojilaugh:
Pope condemns JD Vance and assorted "Catholic" LARPers to eternal darnation

His Holiness Pope Francis, Bishop of Rome, has instructed the American Bishops to get the various trash and right-wing "Catholics" (polytheistic LARPers who love Catholic aesthetics and nothing more) in line with Christ's teachings.

The Pope is rightly concerned with the dehumanizing program of deportations taking place in the United States:

I have followed closely the major crisis that is taking place in the United States with the initiation of a program of mass deportations.

His Holiness reminds us that

Jesus Christ, loving everyone with a universal love, educates us in the permanent recognition of the dignity of every human being, without exception.

Yes, this applies to refugees and immigrants too, even if they're "illegal:"

the most decisive value possessed by the human person surpasses and sustains every other juridical consideration that can be made to regulate life in society

Earthly laws follow fundamental rights and dignity, not the other way around:

Thus, all the Christian faithful and people of good will are called upon to consider the legitimacy of norms and public policies in the light of the dignity of the person and his or her fundamental rights, not vice versa.

Natural law commands us to take care of all people, especially the vulnerable and oppressed:

This is not a minor issue: an authentic rule of law is verified precisely in the dignified treatment that all people deserve, especially the poorest and most marginalized. The true common good is promoted when society and government, with creativity and strict respect for the rights of all — as I have affirmed on numerous occasions — welcomes, protects, promotes and integrates the most fragile, unprotected and vulnerable

His Holiness explicitly calls out the chud circle of caring chart. If you post that chart to try to own the libs, you are announcing your failure to follow Christ:

Christian love is not a concentric expansion of interests that little by little extend to other persons and groups. In other words: the human person is not a mere individual, relatively expansive, with some philanthropic feelings! The human person is a subject with dignity who, through the constitutive relationship with all, especially with the poorest, can gradually mature in his identity and vocation.

JD Vance, Catholic "Convert" and opportunistic LARPer, has weighed in on the concept of ordo amoris, a supposedly a hierarchical ordering of whom you are supposed to care about. The His Holiness Pope Francis would like you all to know that JD Vance is r-slurred:

The true ordo amoris that must be promoted is that which we discover by meditating constantly on the parable of the "Good Samaritan" (cf. Lk 10:25-37), that is, by meditating on the love that builds a fraternity open to all, without exception.

He closes, asking us to live up to the example set by Jesus Christ, Son of God:

I exhort all the faithful of the Catholic Church, and all men and women of good will, not to give in to narratives that discriminate against and cause unnecessary suffering to our migrant and refugee brothers and sisters. With charity and clarity we are all called to live in solidarity and fraternity, to build bridges that bring us ever closer together, to avoid walls of ignominy and to learn to give our lives as Jesus Christ gave his for the salvation of all.

Reminder, if you are actually Catholic you must agree with the Pope. He speaks, literally, on behalf of Jesus Christ and Saint Peter. Various clout-seeking LARPers should stfu and make their own hateful religion.

!catholics !christians

Trump should put tariffs on Ukraine for the lulz

Get him back to the table

Trump Cultists Watch: Day 7

Lots of small crazy today.

My favorite is and together.

  • Being a pin cushion is one of the requirements to be braindead enough to serve in the armed forces and always has been. Washington did the first mandatory vax program. Also of note none of them had religious objections to the dozens of other vaccinations they were forced to get.

  • The mandate was revoked in 2023 already and some chose to reup at that point. Trump is offering gibs, nothing more. TBH its pretty r-slurred they did anything, should have let the DoD decide for themselves what their vaccination requirements are.

The world leaders at patriots seem to think that soldiers who reject legitimate authority and are easily conned by fake news are valuable

This is a great strategy. Not only is it just the right thing to do. But the ones who refused the shot are the one willing to say no to authority when authority is wrong. That's who I want in my military. The ones who were forced out for "thinking" likely would never go back having been completely abandoned by everything there lives have worked for and being spit on on their forced way out. But with back pay there's a strong incentive to return, not only monetarily, but know the one in charge is willing to do the right thing and buck the system. It will bring some of our strongest minded back.

The trans ban is going to kick out ~15k people (vs the 8k the coof ban did). He tried this last time too

Its a shame it probably wont come in to effect during his term as they would get mad reparations from this.

Next up is RFKs forthcoming destruction. wherein the patriots give us another demonstration of how people who claim to hate "fake news" really like even faker news

However, a related 501(c)3 charity, The Committee to Protect Health Care Fund, does have to reveal its donors. It is funded in part by the "left-of-center Sixteen Thirty Fund (1630 Fund) and Hopewell Fund." The Hopewell Fund, in turn, has "hired Arabella Advisors, a leading national philanthropy services firm, to manage its project hosting and fiscal sponsorship services." The Sixteen Thirty Fund is likewise managed by the Arabella Advisors organization.

Arabella's donors include "Bill Gates, George Soros, and Mark Zuckerberg," according to the Capital Research Center: "Each of them has given a tremendous amount of money to (or through) the main network of Arabella Advisors-managed nonprofits and used it to create policy advocacy projects for their favorite pet sociopolitical issues."

So they don't know who funded the signatures. There is a PAC with a similar name that had 1001 donors in the last election cycle. One of those donors was Hopewell. Hopewell hired a political consultancy firm called Arabella which has also been hired by the Gates foundation. Job done boys, Gates did 9/11 and funded these signatures.

The patriots, naturally, have a balanced and nuanced view of the situation

Bill Gates needs his own "Tree Swing" for his crimes against humanity

Oh here comes the "experts" again. The experts wanted people to inject experimental poisonthst has killed thousands upon thousands now for a flu type respiratory virus.

Trump should order the DOJ to immediately investigate the committee and bill Gates for fraud

I take solace in the fact that this was a legitimate strategy they thought would work in today's media. I suspect DEI has undermined their actual intelligence base.

Frick this cute twink, can't make a product that doesn't fricking break every time you try to do something with it, he's going to decide what's good for the country?

An insufferable psychopath, tried to make money on the BudLight bounce that never happened.

Next up is a chud in Italy trying to get them out of WHO for clicks the patriots don't notice that its a bill (that will almost certainly fail) or that in normal countries legislatures decide international memberships not a god emperor.

Geopolitical experts compare it to the fall of the USSR, even though the US previously withdrew from the WHO.

This is how the Soviet Union fell. One country left, and the USSR did not have the ability to punish them. It was a signal that it was okay for other countries to leave.

The reason why we had a Civil War in America, is because our federal government had the power to stop secession. The USSR didn't, which is why they fell.

It's also why the EU was so afraid of Brexit. But the EU had the power to compel weaker countries to stay in, just look at Greece. They voted to leave the EU in 2012. The EU froze all their banks and money.

Now the WHO is collapsing, and the UN did not have the power to stop the US from leaving. How will the UN respond to other countries who follow suit?

We shall see.

When the US rejoined in 2021 it just paid back the funding gap, thats exactly whats going to happen this time. Trump being a freeloader as always. turning nothing in to something. Mexico has a treaty with the US to accept deportations and never stopped accepting them. They refused a couple of flights because the DOD had not requested permission to operate them in Mexican airspace, was a nothing burger that got resolved in a couple of hours

Every thread there seems to turn in to jew noticing

Sheinbaum. My favorite Mexican last name!

President Trump has declared war on me. I will not stand for this.

Kamala hmu I'll get you back in

Lol, Ye so funny. What does he mean here?
:stabler: - 56-Year-Old Roblox User Groomed By 68-Year-Old Roblox User - The Onion

>FAIRHOPE, AL—Exploiting the popular online game platform for his own perverse ends, local Roblox user Rodney McKinney, 68, was accused of grooming 56-year-old Roblox user Walter Rhodes, sources confirmed Wednesday. "For the past several months, Mr. McKinney, a 68-year-old Roblox user, used the game as a means to foster an inappropriate relationship with an impressionable young 56-year-old that was sexual in nature," said officer Mike Cavazos, noting several obscene messages in which the baby boomer offered the much younger Gen X user Robux in exchange for lewd images of Rhodes' flabby, mature body. "It was clear from their correspondence that Mr. McKinney knew the victim was 56, as he stated in chats that he was 'old enough to be [Rhodes'] supervising manager.' And though he claimed that messages inviting the victim to move off Roblox to a more private LinkedIn chat were innocent, we believe otherwise." At press time, authorities claimed McKinney attempted to conceal his indiscretions by warning Rhodes not to "tell your mom, if she's still alive."



@Garry_Kong opinion?

It was after hours and didn't interfere with p*tients.

*crunch* *chomp*

Why didn't the girls in Yellowjackets just start a forest fire

So I watching this show I found where kids are trapped in the canadian rockies via planecrash when trying to go a cheerleading contest or whatever.

Kids die and their cheerleading coach dude loses a leg on the crash. The plot is basically catty bpd girls trying to survive.

The thing is the show could have been over in 3 episodes if they started a massive forest fire. It can be seen from MILES into the sky via smoke and the rangers nearby would show up to put it out. This occurs to me 20m into the show but doesn't occur once to 20 plus women, 3 dudes and the coach missing a leg. After some grok questions it appears the type of trees actually create a lot of smoke and even burn well when cold out.

Honestly seems too easy but maybe offscreen they thought they might burn up in the fire? No idea. Fire can burn fast if there's too much wind but personally I'd survive.

:#marseyletsgo: :#marseyflamewar: :#marseychristmastree:

EFFORTPOST Epic letter from my Dutch resistance chad relative during WW2 about escaping from slave labor, etc. :marseythumbsup:

[Some of my ancestors came from the Netherlands and kept in touch with the old country over following generations. This is a letter one of my people wrote to tell our family here what happened to them back there during WW2. I've tried to keep everything exactly except for the paragraphs but this was typed up, put in a pdf, and typed up again by me so it might have some errors. And I redacted a few things because yes, I am afraid that someone someday could be autistic enough to try to dox me through this. !historychads ]

[a village near Utrecht]

7, August '45

[Note: This is the day after Hiroshima, two days before Nagasaki.]

Dear Cousin,

Knowing you've always been interested in your Dutch family and haven't heard much news since the war started, I thought it is a good job for me to tell you something of the happenings in that time, of the family and of Holland in general. I know that you read Dutch as well as English, as my father told me, but as it's a good exercise for myself, I take the liberty to write in English. Which you will forgive, I hope. But first I want to present myself: I'm the son of your cousin, [redacted], (my name is [redacted], age 26) [redacted some more family members]

No doubt he was wearing these as he wrote.


I'll only tell you about the children of my Aunt [redacted]. The son, [redacted], was a government civil engineer in the Dutch East Indies and he was called up by the army when the situation in the Far East grew tight. He was married and had one little child. Since the Japs overran the Indies, we never had a word from him, so we don't even know if he is still alive. His sister, [redacted], [?] was a teacher but as that isn't very well paid over here, she quit and got a better job in an office. But after the liberation she left there, too, in order to get the job of leading some underfed children to England [?], an enviable job as no one can get out of the country so far as it is at the moment. She will leave very soon, with impossible orders of every member of the family to buy bicycle tires, fountain pens, and I don't know what not, as there is nothing for sale in this country.

Tijdeng concentration camp, Java. About 17,000 of the 100,000 interned Dutch civilians died in the camps.


Now I'll try to give you a short survey of what happened to Holland and to ourselves up to now. Perhaps, when you'll have read it through, you'll think that our hatred against the "Nazis" is a bit exaggerated, but I'll tell you, you've got to live through a German occupation to know what it is like. So I hope you'll take it at face value, and I've got to add that I ddin't see very much yet of their low doings, but more than enough to have learned what hate is. Well here I go:

Controversial opinion.

As you know the Germans came in May 1940, when they started their big drive towards the Channel and France, by means of fifth columnists and other traitors, merciless bombardments of Rotterdam and their overpowering numbers of troops, material, etc.

Kraut paratroopers landing in The Hague, May 10, 1940. This force was overrun by the Dutch, losing almost 2000 captured who were quickly sent to Britain.

Bombing of Rotterdam, May 14.

They started immediately to take our immense foodstocks away; cars, trucks, ship, in short everything they could lay their dirty paws on. They suppressed every political activity, except of the treacherous Dutch national-socialists, who got all the important jobs. The only thing they did to try to win our sympathy was releasing the prisoners of war. But that didn't last very long because notwithstanding their elaborate preparations for the in invasion of England, they couldn't get there after they lost the Battle of Britain and gradually with the first R.A.F. raids the underground activity sprang up, giving England information about ship consentrations, etc. by way of secret transmitters.

Portable radio of the kind dropped by the British SOE to Allied resistance in occupied Europe.

Then they regretted to have released the prisoners and so they planned to take at least the professional officers back to Germany again, considering them the most dangerous. To give you an example of their treacherous methods I'll tell you how they did it. They gave a proclamation to the newspapers ordering the professional officers to register in a certain place, all in one day, promising their safe return home. They even got return tickets paid. But on coming there they were taken into custody and a day later were brought to Germany to a Prisoner of War camp. This had the wrong effect, of course, and secret activity doubled, in which I had my little share. But it wasn't very well organized yet and lots of the workers were captured and some of them shot. Of my group for instance, only two escaped detection, another guy and myself. Sheer luck of course; the others were all brought to Germany, some of them shot. So the situation grew worse, hostages shot, Germans shot, vigorous reprisals again etc.

Hendrik Seyffardt, traitor who commanded the Dutch SS. Shot and killed at his front door in The Hague, Feb 5, 1943.

One time 72 people shot in one day. But time went on and the Gerries came to know they couldn't take Russia. America joined the Allies and they feared an invasion in the West. So they started their construction of the Atland wall which had grave results in our home town, The Hague, being the biggest town on the coast.

Kraut occupiers in The Hague.

Twenty-five per cent of the town fell in the fortification area. Two thousand houses were broken down to make a wide corridor through the Hague strengthened by a concrete wall and a big sand ditch. Big fortifications were made in the dunes, in parks, etc. About twenty per cent of the inhabitants had to be evacuated. As father is a pensioned schoolteacher, my parents had to go too. They came to this village, [redacted village near Utrecht], but had to leave furniture and everything in the Hague, all heaped up in one room. Luckily, we knew the people who came into our house so nothing was stolen, as often happened to less lucky people. This happened in December of '42. My brother and I stayed in The Hague to continue our study, engineering. At the time I had nearly finished it, but I didn't want to pass the last exam, as there was a big danger of being sent to Germany. My brother, [redacted], who is 21 now, wanted to go to Delft's Technical high school, but couldn't as the Germans demanded 6 months "labor services" of new students and that was something he didn't want to do. So he went to another school, but afterwards he had to do the labor service nevertheless. But because of his change of address they couldn't fine [find?] him, though they thoroughly tried. But nobody knew where he was of course. He was lucky and never got caught and is going to start in Delft this autumn, having done nothing at all for the Huns. I was less lucky. The students had to sign a loyalty declaration to the Germans which of course I didn't do. But something was going to happen and we knew it. I had secured 5 addresses of people at whose houses I could hide, so I was pretty sure to pull through. But then the students who hadn't signed that declaration were called up for forced labour in Germany, the parents were held responsible for their going. And then all 5 addresses let me down, couldn't risk it, they said, penalties were too heavy. Well, I tell you I was a bit downhearted and really didn't know where to go. And as the biggest part of my friends had the same experience we had the stupidity to go! Knowing we had nothing better to do. Regretted it immediately, of course but too late. So we went to Berlin on the 6th of May '43.

A 14-year old Ukranian slave repairing motors in a German workshop, 1945.

That summer I tried to fine [find?] my way to Sweden [?], but didn't succeed. Then the winter came and the big bombardment of Berlin started, rather unpleasant I assure you. Came through unscathed, though we had several casualties at the factory. In spring I got a chance to go back to Holland on false papers, but two weeks before it was my turn (we were placed on a list) the Gestapo got wind of it and the whole organization was blown up. Then the invasion came and I thaught I'd have to stay to the end. But in August I got another chance and this time it came off. I spent 20 hours lying under the floor of a railway carriage and got to Amsterdam without being seen. The underground movement, better organized this time helped me get false papers and I was free again as far as possible at the time.

Literally this guy.

Meanwhile the situation hadn't altered very much, only grown gradually worse. But the worst was still to come. In September the Allied parachute landing at Arnhem came and in Holland the railways striked to hamper the German supply route. But they couldn't get across the Rhine and that meant that northern and western Holland had still some months to wait. But then the real looting started.

Allied paratroopers landing in the Netherlands, Sep 17, 1944.

British tanks meet the gigachads of the 101st Airborne Div.

Liberation of Eindhoven, Sep 18, 1944.

In Arnhem, where the civilians had to go away because of the fighting, several German cities got a part of the city where they were allowed to take what they could. And they did. Long columns of trucks went to and fro taking everything away you can think of. No civilian could enter the city until everything was gone. And in the months between September and May of this year they took everything they could to Germany: machines, tools, locomotives, trains, ships, cars, trucks, carts, horses, cows, and other cattle, literally everything, from the wire for electric trains to sewing machines, from our last food to blankets and clothes. Everybody had to give a blanket, a set of underwear, a pair of socks, a blanket, a coast etc. and after years without textiles [?] distribution. And if you didn't bring it to them they searched your house and took it and some more. All bicycles weere ordered up and so on. And then they stopped all food transport to the west as a revenge for the railway strike. People lived on sugerbeets and tulip bulbs. Daily you saw people falling down in the streets from sheer starvation, thousands were starved to death. Every man from 17 to 40 was called up for labour in Germany. They held big searches for men in the big cities. Tens of thousand had to walk to Germany, half starved as they were. And so I could go on and on, but I would bore you probably. It was really unbelievable when at last the end came that you were free to go where you wanted and the hated Germans really had got it in the neck. The food situation was soon cleared by the Allies. Big American and British bombers dropped millions of kilos of the best food when the roads weren't free yet. People were crying in the streets for sheer job. They did a wonderful job bringing us all that. Now every ration has gone up. Only meat is still scarce (an ounce a day) and fat isn't high enough yet. But we're very content.

A British bomber dropping food over the Netherlands.

And now the situation is still chaotic of course. The coal problem is the greatest of all. This winter we had nothing of course, no light, no gas, nothing to cook on. So all trees and even bushes have gone. Parks don't exist anymore. Empty houses were absolutely broken down for the wood only. Practically all factories can't work. No coal or no machines. It'll really last sometime before everything will be all right again. I think Europe is done and out for the first five or ten years and I hope to get away as soon as possible. Only I shall have to finish my study, which will take me about a year, I think.

Boom. :marseythumbsup:

The Pacific war'll be over soon, I hope, after the invention of the "atomic bomb". It is really astonishing the quantity and quality America has been producing. Practically all the war material in the west is American--fantastic. We really owe the Americans a lot. But has this been the last war? I have my doubts. Or will the atom bomb be so terrible that war will be impossible. Doubtful too. What'll be the end, complete destruction or everlasting peace? It looks like an easy choice, but who knows? Well, I hope, I ddin't bore you too much with my story. Father will tell you about the family so I will end this rather long letter, hoping you'll receive it in good health. Send my respectful greetings to your wife, daughter, and brothers.

Your unknown cousin, [redacted]


PS The old house Bezuidenhout [redacted number, maybe a street] was heavily damaged by an Allied raid, when they mistook one part of the town for another. This error destroyed another ten per cent of the Hague. It was rather a pity, as it happened just before the end (3 March) of the war. But that's fate, nothing doing.

The neighborhood after this raid.

Japan is going to quit. There'll be peace on earth in a few days at last. Let's hope mankind has enough of war for a long, long time.

2028 wish list

1) greatly increase the requirements to be an ice agent.

2) tax money fairness: greatly reduce the amount of government money going to rural areas or low income red states and re-balance it so it better matches contributions.

3) take a hard look at farmer subsidies and cut off anyone primarily producing corn syrup.

4) remove qualified immunity from police officers.

5) automatic voter reg and issue a national voter ID card to every single US citizen and verify they got it.

6) completely gut the dod and purge any conservatives from the department of defense that ever expressed any support for Donald Trump.

7) launch a national task force to investigate and respond to child marriage in rural/republican areas. arrest any judge that approved any child marriages.

8) launch a national voter suppression effort targeted at rural/republican areas (this would be legal, as republicans have pointed out, as it would be partisan and not racial.)

Cal Fire captain found stabbed to death inside of her San Diego County home :marseyterfdomesticabuse:


A Cal Fire captain was found stabbed to death inside of her San Diego County home on Monday and authorities are still searching for the suspect.

Deputies were dispatched to the 20200 block of Rancho Villa Road in Ramona at around 9 p.m. on Monday after learning of an assault that happened in the area, according to the San Diego County Sheriff's Office.

Upon arrival, they found the victim suffering from multiple stab wounds, deputies said. Despite attempted life-saving measures the woman was declared dead at the scene.

On Tuesday, the victim was identified by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, as Rebecca Marodi, 49, a 30-year firefighting veteran who was stationed in French Valley just north of Temecula.

Thus far into their investigation, Sheriff's Homicide Unit detectives have yet to identify a suspect or motive in the incident, but they suspect that Marodi "knew the perpetrator and are treating this case as a potential domestic violence incident."

According to Cal Fire officials, Marodi began her firefighting career in 193 as a volunteer firefighter in Moreno Valley. She then served as a seasonal Fire Fighter I from 1994 to 2000 in San Bernardino and Riverside before she was promoted to Fire Fighter II. In 2007, she was promoted to a Fire Apparatus Engineer and to Captain in 2022.

She was previously stationed in Perris, Home Gardens, Indian Wells, Menifee, North Rancho Mirage and Temecula before ending up with French Valley Station 83.

"Beyond her operational assignments, Captain Marodi was deeply involved in Peer Support and Hazmat, always prioritizing the well-being of her colleagues," the Cal Fire statement said. "Her legacy of mentorship, service, and dedication will be felt for years to come. Her passing is a profound loss to her family, friends, and all who had the privilege of working alongside her."

Anyone who knows more is urged to contact SDSO homicide detectives at (858) 285-6330.




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