I've been found out :marseydisintegrate:

!wpd W

Reported by:
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED I found a website uglier than rdrama

This person seemingly runs a peertube instance, an image board themed around herself, and some duke nukem fan site. The banner at the top promises the owner will return your calls from her garfield phone, and one of the top videos is entitled "I was RIGHT about Elon Musk. I am NOT 'schizo'"

She calls herself a !fosstards advocate, and her duke nukem site explains how to use her vintage garfield phone with voip

!forumposters come bask in this unironic(?) web 2.0 site in 2025 A.D.

Very based opinions on JavaShit and Googloids: :marseychrome:

4. Blinking text (and possibly soon marquee) is deprecated

I truly don't understand why people are being paid at Google and have nothing better to do, so to justfiy their job, they think of the most basic HTML tags to deprecate. IT MAKES NO SENSE. Sure, they depricate the blink tag. Meanwhile, you can still make text blink with overcompicated CSS or gay AIDs known as Javascript. So why depricate it? Becuase it's annoying? NOBODY USES IT ANYWAYS. AND WE CAN STILL RECREATE IT. SO JUST KEEP THE FRICKEN TAG. (Also I don't care if the blink tag was originally a joke and never official, it still has plenty of usecases.)

Community Note by @YappingCat

Pure HTML/CSS is actually NOT ugly. This a common misconception. Actually material design bootstrapped jsshit is ugly

Helpful [124] Not Helpful [8]


:marseyrake: A nation of cucks prepares to surrender :crankykong:

I think the Tariffs start on Tuesday, so the Canadians :marseybeaver: are mentally preparing for their surrender on Sunday :marseywhiteflag:



Supposed report


On remand from the Supreme Court's decision in Trump, the district court set a litigation schedule whereby the parties would submit briefs regarding whether any material in the superseding indictment was subject to presidential immunity. ECF No. 233. The parties were in the middle of that process when the results of the presidential election made clear that Mr. Trump would be inaugurated as President of the United States on January 20, 2025. As described above, it has long been the Department's interpretation that the Constitution forbids the federal indictment and prosecution of a sitting President, but the election results raised for the first time the question of the lawful course when a private citizen who has already been indicted is then elected President. The Department determined that the case must be dismissed without prejudice before Mr. Trump takes office, and the Office therefore moved to dismiss the indictment on November 25, 2024. See ECF No. 281. The district court granted the motion the same day. ECF No. 283.

The Department's view that the Constitution prohibits the continued indictment and prosecution of a President is categorical and does not tum on the gravity of the crimes charged, the strength of the Government's proof, or the merits of the prosecution, which the Office stands fully behind. Indeed, but for Mr. Trump's election and imminent return to the Presidency, the Office assessed that the admissible evidence was sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction at trial.

AI is Creating a Generation of Illiterate Programmers


Dunning Kruger discussion:



i debated whether or not to make this post but ultimately decided i should lay out my reasons for (attempting) to quit using the site again, if only to get one last good dose of attention, maybe get some finality, and exist as a cautionary tale. this is not a "frick you userbase" post or insistence for the administration to do anything about the sites content or userbase, simply my logic for why i think i personally should stop using it. i would also generally advise other trans people to avoid the site as well but i know plenty of people who do get something out of reading chud shitholes (seriously i see so many ovarit/kf screenshots on tttt reddit its insane).

anyway i have the big depression. i'm not the most suicidal i've ever been and i'm not considering self harm but i would describe my mental state as seriously fricked up bros. this means more bedrotting, more binge eating, more lapses in executive function, more isolation. i've also for the first time in my short 27 year timespan on this earth actually dug more into these feelings and analyzed them, though this has not lead to any great understanding or an "a-ha" moment on my part. at best it's made me relate more to the stereotypical descriptions of depression and dysphoria. i'm not gonna go too deep into that because its embarrassing tbh. in the past i haven't really considered rdrama to be a major factor in this. a contributor to be sure but i always thought i got more out of it than it took for me. maybe that was delusion or maybe i was just better at tanking the damage in the past. maybe i just took enough and longer breaks and i was never cut out for using the site for an extended period of time. idk. here's some conjecture for why i think its particularly bad for me now:

1) half the country despises my existence and while this fact has always been true it hasn't been as relevant. this leads to me being inundated with a double dose of hatred shoved into my face, first when i see the news elsewhere and again when i browse rdrama. and yes i know nothing ever happens and im being hysterical and yadda yadda yadda. nobody can take my HRT away from me, diy exists. nobody (besides immigrants) is going to be put into camps, things will get better it'll just take time. doesn't mean it's not scary. should i be scared boymoding in a red state? probably not but seeing a news article about kim reynolds trying to legally declare me subhuman certainly isn't fricking helping me not be scared.

2) rdrama has just continued to go on a downward spiral? being someone who started using 4chan at age 12 in 2010 and was constantly called out for being a newstrag, i never really bought into "communities degrade over time" rhetoric. mainly because people are always saying shit is getting worse and i was either too dumb to recognize it or part of the problem myself in the past. but anyway. its definitely a thing with rdrama. a lot of users i liked or at least recognized as someone worth my time have been banned or left the site. and the people coming in to replace them are not the best and brightest. its just. i really really don't care if youre a chud. like yes seeing your ignorant opinions about certain topics does tend to make me flare up with angst, but i really try to not take it too seriously and just have a fun time. it just feels like people aren't coming here to have a fun time or shoot the shit about hobbies or do a little casual reddit trolling. it feels like they're coming here to make themselves and everyone around them miserable.

3) i have better social avenues elsewhere. i'm not talking about tttt because i don't think i'll ever feel like i fit in there, but i do have a friend now who i feel like is on a similar wavelength to me. and interacting with that person has made me realize i have so much more me to express than i am capable of doing on rdrama. its a rather dire comparison that has made me realize more and more how fricking stupid i am for putting up with this for so long. i said it the other day, lonely people tend to act deranged, and it turns out having your sole social outlet be a website full of people that hate you is pretty fricking deranged. being surrounded by people that hate me has been my modus operandi for a long time (much longer than i've been on rdrama), and only now am i realizing how fricked up that is. i'm not conceited enough to say i'm finally growing up, but i do think this time is a little bit different. idk we'll see i guess lmao

thats that. i'll respond to comments here but after that im outie 5k, gonna log out everywhere and scramble my password again. i once again do not know how to end this post


:bluelight:Code-hosting website Codeberg attacked by far right extremists :redlight:

Codeberg released an emergency statement regarding a powerful alt right attack that endangered the safety of everyone who has ever used codeberg. Sources say this is was probably organized by a DOGE-Steve Bannon alliance

We stay strong against hate and hatred

Codeberg public relations team

Wed 12 February 2025

Category: Announcement

:marsey: Intro

Codeberg is currently suffering from hate campaigns due to far-right forces, and so are our users. First and foremost, we apologize for everyone who has recently received a notification email from our system containing offending and potentially traumatizing content. We are working hard on containing the effects on our users and systems.

Most importantly, your private data was not leaked. All emails have been generated through Codeberg's servers using the notification feature and the abusers had no access to your email address directly.

Fighting hate and far-right forces is important to us. Read to the end of this article to learn why.

:marseyconfused2: What has happened?

In the past days, several projects advocating tolerance and equal rights on Codeberg have been subject to hate attacks, such as massive spam of abusive messages in their issue trackers. We have been monitoring the situation closely and have tried to clean up the content as quickly as possible.

Often, content remained available only for a few and up to 30 minutes. Due to constrained personal capacities, some rare cases have remained online for longer. We appreciate all your reports to [email protected] that help us identify abuse quickly.

On 12 February 2025, an abuser has escalated the attacks to a next level. Instead of targetting individual projects, they have started to create abusive content and mentioned Codeberg users in chunks of 100 each. Depending on the notification settings of users (if you are a user on Codeberg, you can modify it in your settings), these generate notification emails that contain a copy of the post that includes the mention - and thus the abusive content via email.

Although our staff reacted quickly, blocked access to the used functionality and deleted the user accounts, they managed to generate a large amount of notification emails already.

Since this attack is not only harming Codeberg users but the platform itself, both via technical means (we had brief downtime of our systems and our mail server was suffering a lot), as well as by harming the reputation of our platform and trust users have shown us. We expect this incident to be in response to our swift moderation of the previous campaigns that targeted only individual projects.

:marseypearlclutch2: How could this happen?

Please understand that is driven by volunteers mostly. We have sufficient capacity to run the platform under normal conditions, and normal conditions also include some headway to deal with abuse campaigns that come and go. We suppose that most readers did not notice the spam campaigns of the past days, and we are happy that we managed to contain them quickly. We are fighting with advertisement spam, phishing and malware week to week.

However, our capacity was obviously exhausted this time, when it comes to attacks that target us specifically. And we apologize for this.

You might wonder why there are not more technical countermeasures in place to prevent this type of abuse. Technical measures evolve over time, and we have implemented several protections on multiple levels that are trying to contain the amount of abuse you see day to day.

However, doing proper rate-limiting is hard. We need to ensure that legitimate usage of our API and interface is possible, including custom scripts that import or synchronize massive amounts of issues from projects on other platforms. There are some rate-limits tailored to the previous abuse vectors we have seen, which was mostly aggressive advertizing, and so it would not have been possible to create these massive postings if they would have contained a hyperlink to another website, for example.

However, just spamming notification emails to users is a new abuse vector to us, and we did not sufficiently prepare for this. For that, we are sorry.

:marseywait: What will Codeberg do?

Currently, we are investigating the details of the attack and we have implemented short-term countermeasures and monitor activity on the platform closely. Further, we are responding to hundreds of emails from our users that ask about the incident. Some request the deletion of their data in response.

Next up, we will make plans on how to improve our protection against this and future kinds of abuse attacks on Codeberg itself to reduce the likelihood of similar things from ever happening again.

If you want to help with development work on Forgejo, the free/libre and open source software that powers Codeberg, please reach out. Go developers who can commit some time and patience to implement one our more technical measures in the codebase are much appreciated.

Unrelated to the current incident, we have worked with NLnet in the past weeks and secured funding for some moderation cowtools. A meeting was scheduled for later today at 20.00 CET to talk about technical architecture for a feature that allows reporting abuse directly in the app and the goal is to implement it for the next release of Forgejo.

:soyjakhipster:Far-right forces endanger free/libre software projects

We will not be discouraged in our fight against far-right ideologies. They are currently on the rise in many parts of the world, and we believe it is important to protect all kinds of marginalized groups. However, if you believe this does not affect your project, you are wrong. Far-right forces pose a threat to all of us.

Extreme right forces actively target members of our communities and discriminate based on ethnicity and gender, political background, sexual orientation, disabilities, nationality and faith. However diversity is an important asset in free/libre software communities and it is what makes our software great and development productive.

By targetting (Editor's note: Codeberg can't afford a spell checker) some of our most active translators, nicest designers, best developers and all other motivated contributors, they are hurting the free/libre software ecosystem as a whole.

Don't be fooled if right-wing forces promise to "promote open source" in their political agenda. This has nothing to do with the values of our movement! This is about national patriotism and protectionism, and they will happily accept splitting our community on their way.

We all know that the free/libre software ecosystem won't work this way. Every human is an integral and equally important part of it, and targetting some of our community members threatens the ecosystem as a whole.

Let's together stay strong and united against the emerging threats. We stay strong against discrimination of all kind, including but not limited to sexism, transphobia, homophobia, racism, antisemitism and ableism. And we hope that you all join us for this mission.

A big shout-out to all the projects that collect facts and resources against hate and discrimination and that have been the primary goal of these attacks. Support them if you can.

If you ever considered supporting the fight against right-wing forces, for example by joining political movements and parties, organizing protests or getting involved in online communities with this goal - now might be the best time to move ahead.

Again, we apologize for the disruption of your work and the abusive content delivered to your mailboxes. We are doing our best to contain the situation.

We'd like to thank everyone who signaled their support in the current situation, via e-mail, Mastodon and in Matrix chats. This means a lot to us.

Thank you for your trust and support!

Your Codeberg Public Relations team

Context: Someone emailed users the BIPOC word

Reported by:
Tiktok users r*ped by CHina, and that's a good thing


Redditards love tiktok

The typical tiktoker

Tiktokers deserve to be r*ped by ccp officials

Social media influencers are dead dead dead!

Yes yes give me your tears losers!

[πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜] Has this show been a major flop?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

There's no real connection made to any of the contestants. Very few backstories presented, no hometown B-roll or family shown. This is understandable, because there are just so many people it would've been impossible. Tracking contestants at that personalized level would've been a spoiler for future episodes because you'd figure out that person must make it to the next stage to be featured. But the result is that the audience doesn't get as invested in individual stories, and don't want to follow their journey outside the game. Maybe it reflects ratings/views, maybe not. I think it's more likely people just don't follow the contestants because the audience wasn't given the chance to know or care about them as people. (19)

Who cares about the backstory, youre watching the show to see hella people get eliminated in fun games, although the games could be better (2)

Basedness: πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

My kids like it but it is terrible, the contestants are awful. I don't know if they are scripted actors or just weird people but seem to over do it. (9)

not scripted actors lol. (1)

Basedness: πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Yea no one is taking a million dollars c'mon you don't think they were paid off to do that. (4)

i don't find it hard to believe no one would take the million lol. it's blood money. you're being very pessimistic. and my brother was in the games, it's not scripted (-1)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

The biggest problem with these games was most of them in the beginning made it so that people could be eliminated through no fault of their own. It was a dumb way to get rid of a lot of contestants fast. Viewers would see this as not entirely fair. If they only want 60 contestants to fight for the prize, then they should choose 60 people, not 500 or whatever they started out with. I had a chance to get on this show and I refused for this reason, because knowing my luck I would have been in one of those rows where someone takes the money and eliminates me, or get stuck in a group of 50+ who loses because one guy dropped a ball...think about it, a former wide receiver dropped a red playground ball? I wouldn't be surprised if he was a studio plant. It's ridiculous. I'm a former athlete and would have asked for a 10ft circle of space to catch any ball myself. These dumb eliminations don't typically happen in a mr. beast contest, at least not so often. (2)

Angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

There's no real connection made to any of the contestants. Very few backstories presented, no hometown B-roll or family shown. This is understandable, because there are just so many people it would've been impossible. Tracking contestants at that personalized level would've been a spoiler for future episodes because you'd figure out that person must make it to the next stage to be featured. But the result is that the audience doesn't get as invested in individual stories, and don't want to follow their journey outside the game. Maybe it reflects ratings/views, maybe not. I think it's more likely people just don't follow the contestants because the audience wasn't given the chance to know or care about them as people. (19)

the thing that's kills these type of reality tv show games is inauthenticity, everyone has a sob story ("i lost my home, i've struggled very much in life, my family needs this, i have a sick family member", etc.) even tho it is unfortunate everyone in multiple reality game shows have the same rehearsed story atp as much as it sounds mean or insensitive but who knows if they're just making stuff up. at the end of the day they just want money so all these sob stories to move further in the game really doesn't make you root for anyone cause the more people eliminated the more the remaining players will say or do anything to stay. what the show needs is to be cutthroat and really have games where everyone try using their actual skills (7)

Angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

My kids like it but it is terrible, the contestants are awful. I don't know if they are scripted actors or just weird people but seem to over do it. (9)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Sea-Affect8379

Score: πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Number of comments: 1

Average angriness: πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Maximum angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Minimum angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:



Holy shit it's so over for EUcels :marseywagie: (OP was asking about $130k for a mid range networking gig).

!codecels !burgers


In the last couple hours, any posts calling for or even just asking about a ban are removed by mods, despite all the comments on said posts before deletion being in support of banning links.

This is especially ironic considering Wicked's entire message is anti-fascist

Edit: thanks to user /u/p_rantTA for this link


Redditors mad about true love between a passport bro and his Filipina wife :marseyheart:


haha this makes me uncomfortable

Go back to tinder ham planet.


Can't get even poorer than Cambodia.

Seems like a pretty racist statement. Are you against relationships that happen between countries? Next you'll say racemixing is bad for society.

Can't tell if this dudes baiting or not

You don't know how to read between the lines. The word poor would associate with economic status or money to break it down for you. Money. Understand? You probably still don't understand. Cambodia is poor in relative to the United States in terms of what their money can get around the world. As another person stated on here, "She speaks USD." There is only one race. It's the human race.


Figures you'd go to Cambodia to find a girl willing to settle for you while also satisfying your racial and ageplay kinks.

It's a popular destination for s*x tourists (particularly ones interested in minors).

Cry more

Anyone who responds with a snarl to concerns about paedophilia is probably a paedophile.

:marseysmug: :marseysmoothbrain:

And saying "cry more" in a sub designed for men to sob over how lonely and unattractive they feel is just peak irony.

And saying anything genuine in response to a "cry more" comment is fricking r-slurred.

Not a ton of drama and reddit flame wars are pretty neutered and lame these days but this is one of my favorite subreddits to watch.

Reported by:
CW: Gore Marsey forgot to say trans rights :marseytroublemaker:
Reported by:
!metashit look at how many lurkers we have

@HandsomeQuack @cockexpert911 @Leopold_leopoldovich @isuckurgrandpasdick @Bardfin @821spook @Durendal @BigGayR-slur @ReverendBizarre @peepeehole @Catscatfever @paper_luigi @NeilBreen @bussymademedoit @fella @bobb @Enward @Snood @Taint @thneed @Repartee @KlasKent @PepperSpiceIsNice @grimlock2022 @bunkfronds @birdsdontfart @sdfnmdnlas34 @Krzysztof2 @Mex @marseycel @TWA @YellowRed @Proudsexy Indian dude @Festiliard @bigguyforyou @wen @tomatocaco @getogeto @BasketCase @Garfield @Piefuey @warpvi @speedy @SigmaMale @tolianek @Infernal_Trogledyte @Larry101 @B @freemyneighbors @iforgotagain @metameanderer @JaxThePyro @art_vandelay @vegemite3876 @RandyBobandy @Pizzashill_feet @GuyIncognito @cringepill @CHONKLARD @GreatLoveImmortalVenerabl @friendlysoviet @Chadbrochill69 @Peep @NothingWitty @Boneitis @InZim @MenaceToSociety @jirk @ClothedMolerat @Dzialowy @Osek @PurpleAki @Vivec @ferongr @DisinformationLover @PinochetGuevara @MasterLawlzIsGod @Qnus @jimmycarter1976 @PositiveAffirmations @cinaed @Mandolin5001 @leukocyte @notnow @KiwiFarming @BAP @zerosuitshamus @1cumy2cumy3cumy4 @MarseyEnjoyer @Monkeylover @UncleTed @askusevsky @majordiscipline @Bubocephalusborealis @Kneebone @roomservice @Caygeon @BigChungus_2112 @Carpsshoeboy @fartbox @profuse-puncture @smough @cjorange @Pitbull_stan @Dramodrama @emmankant @left2 @Barin99 @grasses @frogs-deserve-guillotine @Drildobaggins @PlayNow @Ebfs @NoMoreWhiteWomen2020 @Frickno @bbscorpioxo @zerodankthirty @Hololivecaust @wakawaka @TonyP @imar-slur @bomie337 @Landlord_Disciple @ChudleyDo-Right @named_alt @BhigPhatBoi @yummycummy @offshoreaccount @MarseyTheCatXerself @cumking @Beetard @kuoppa55 @cobalt @soccergirl09 @Jdjemdn @DeargDoom @Yeeter @DracostarA @mist3rh @Dr_HRT @-4x- @LichessOfficial @idontcare69 @FlyLikeAKiteGuy @TheEternalBruh @Cr2357 @Jejrn3be @NeighboursTongueMyAnus @HillaryRodhamClinton @snakelizard @iHateTheAntichrist @chika @e4eb9 @TrainsArentReal @dudeamoguslmao @marsupial @Ferret667 @law-abiding-gypsy @Capi @Petrel @bruseuilis @merelyasetback @ripsquad @buttz @LordAndSaviorHaskell @kkaze88 @Sal45 @WhyTheyDoThat @merfyxy @GlowingSpook @bogdanov_re-resurrected @Eerrs1 @LilClitty @dojadog @Averystrongwoman @Mikedebussy @Inhaling_pekora_fumes @stonks @Insecthouse @Somedumbstrag @iloveinsertthinghere @takememommy @TenTonMuffin @Dhshah @Weevil @Trashman @Cellrocks2 @Bashkash @Paleairplane @WeeabooDegenerate @bob13 @ssxqwerty @VoxelVexillologist @Kibble @m4812 @JamesCharles @Hokoko @DoggityGoddity @Wideout @Kurr @glob @lovecrafts_catgirl @lemmein @inversel @Arbshrymxgmc @COCKMAN @Danny @shungitesteve @Mulumlum36554 @jeffy @RIPDeux @abes @Fiick @kraggler @bat @ModestMoses @Eustace @qsxdrgb2 @writingreader2030 @Julio_Freeman @NotAJourno @jaybelmont @Syrfyvk @frederick @str8 @Ginseik @peepeeman_2 @lkjdflaslkd @Jeremiah @arrdramapipeline @calzoneshill @drongo @Hihsggsishssv @1234567890 @Grave @Capo @Updownleftright @Hodsfsurf @Vagabond @Rumshpringa @sillywilly @lost @birt @Gleg @pinpinkin @Bancel @deepdick @ASSBLASTER420 @chungusfricker17 @ricoiphone @Randothrowaway @TheFlareon @Tungsten @seven @Abcde @bounce @cdchamber @BurritoBob @FractalCrow @agfhdgj @FellowKid @BoiledEg @pugachevscobra @gvprtskvni @Guhhhhhh @Subtitle @weelx @Kokotu @Tedk88 @Axe_Wound_9000 @Canardwece @SillyBilly123 @Nurgle-4933 @Mavmas @NoBot @Peanut-5369 @Sugam @salpslingingslasher @BigBear @MrBuckets @Bussyblaster @Eclipseanu @BigBadChungus @donkafiji @Hdsih @7thSymphonyAllegretto @yada @aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @ForgotMyUsername @Her @Thelurker @RaggedCaster-6299 @Smetak @Ahokasu @Gtigftyuiytr @dud @Richh @chucks_feeduck_n_seeduck @menslibber @GeorgeFloyd @Dankmodi @drcorg-2459 @Kappapapaa @Shokkeli @letmein123 @Tigerlily55 @itsOkay @Apalol @Cumby @egbsgfaehbsrhgb @Atdrama-4826 @BlancSanglier @Kureko @Assclown @armchair @beyonce @marseymallow @manganese @f1341234324 @bloop @jugjug @hellzno @BrunoSardine @Maulo @SpookySwayze @mqq-4667 @MindFlayer @Notaparrot @bussybob555 @hans88 @Lost_account_again @Lurkmore @darkmetaknight @LurkingFisherman @Hunnie_Bunnie @heatproof @para @peepeefart304 @munger @DramaMama @yadda232 @johncena1900 @FrankDerulo @ButterscotchPudding @CharlesBukakeski @ytlord @lurk @KappaPog420

can u tell us why you dont participate, are u shy or smth :marseyqu#estion:

/fit/ anon claims power cleans take years to learn, this causes another anon to flip out for multiple posts

Huge time investment, by the way.

It's a huge time investment you have to invest the time.



It's technical. Technique. Technical technique technicals.

You have to invest the time, invest huge time, to learn the technical technique.

Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : Patriots enacting change one tweet at a time trans lives matter*list-taylor-lorenz-posts-picture-blue-cross-ceo-after-unitedhealthcare-ceo-shooting/

Community Note by @Aevann

go upmarsey this comment, i like it more than carp's post

Helpful [77] Not Helpful [10]
Kanye is still up
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