Holy shit it's so over for EUcels :marseywagie: (OP was asking about $130k for a mid range networking gig).

!codecels !burgers

Reported by:
Most Caring Foid :marseyindignantwoman: Emotionallly Ruins her Neurodivergent Husband and wonders why He Doesn't Love Her Anymore

I(27F) screamed at my husband (28M) over his hobbies, and now he's changed and i don't know how to fix this.

Hey everyone, I need some advice about a situation with my husband. I'm 27F, he's 28M, and we've been married for 4 years. He has a room where he keeps all his hobbies—sim racing, aviation setups, soccer analysis cowtools, LEGO sets, music production equipment… basically, it's his sanctuary. He's super analytical and loves writing down and dissecting things, from sports to politics. He's slightly on the spectrum and very introverted, so he doesn't have close friends. I'm really the only person he shares everything with.

He's always inviting me into his space to be part of his interests. I love him and appreciate that he wants to include me, but sometimes I just need some time for myself. Recently, I snapped. I yelled at him, saying some hurtful things that I didn't mean, like how his interests bore me, that he needs to get a social life, and even questioned why I married him. I regret every word, but my anger got the best of me, and I couldn't control it in that moment.

Since then, he's completely changed. He stopped spending time in his room, moved to sleeping on the couch, and barely talks to me. He even ignored our usual tradition of watching our home nation's soccer team play, something he'd never skip before. Instead, he was working on his laptop, breaking our "no work at home" rule. When I asked him about it, he said he didn't care about the game and mentioned that maybe he should be more like his father, who's a workaholic and whom my husband idolizes. He even added, "I don't blame him for divorcing at that age now."

I've apologized multiple times, but he just says, "It's okay, maybe you're right," and shuts down any attempts I make to talk about his interests. I'm terrified he's considering divorce. I know I messed up, but I don't know how to rebuild trust and help him feel valued and loved again. I don't want to lose him, but I'm unsure how to approach this and make amends. Any advice?

TL;DR: I criticized my husband's hobbies, and now he's pulling away. I've apologized, but I'm worried he might be considering divorce—how do I make things right?

She has likely ruined this man's life and made his social anxiety even worse lol.

She basically confirmed the worst fears of every neurodivergent person straight to his face and he'll likely hyper fixate on what she said for years, while the things which gave him joy remind him of how much the world hates him.

Luckily most of the comments are btfoing OP.

How it feels reading women's posts on reddit:

:marseymilei: Men who eliminated women :marseyelonmusk:
Face biter.


Japan Continues to Reject their Prodigal Son :itsoverjapanese:

Sega heavily pushed this movie pretty hard in Japan since its the most action packed and game accurate of the three and it still managed to flop.

A nation of Nintendrones can't handle a free spirit like Sonic :marseysonic:

Tho rejoice because Sonic's creator Supports Satam/Archie Kino and the Freedom Fighters !furries

[🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘] AIO ended relationship because girlfriend would not honor my requests.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

After reading all of that I just came to the conclusion that I don't like either of you. (1830)

Thanks for taking the time to read through. That's a fair assessment. (-40)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Why are you talking to your girlfriend like this its so strange and condescending. She's being immature but she is right that you two just aren't compatible (259)

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I tried to clearly articulate my boundaries over text. I wanted to show if I had treated her the way she had treated me in a previous disagreement, she would think me to be a wildly inconsiderate and demeaning. (-77)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

You come off as very possessive and the way you kept referring to her as "your woman" grossed me out even as a guy. I'd be leaving pretty promptly, this seems exhausting over a Facebook status (which she says you don't even use often anyway) (518)

Thanks for taking the time to read through and responding. I had responded to another similar comment up here, let me see if I can find it …Here it is "I could have worded that differently. I'm my thoughts it's that in a committed relationship her as my woman and me as her man that we honor requests big or small because feelings we have are both valid and important. Definitely did not come off this way" (-91)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

She is two of those three things. I haven't heard of that. Looking now. Thank you for replying! (2)

it can be many different things like avoiding daily care tasks, but it can also be getting mad when someone reminds you of something they asked ofyou, it can be when someone is mad you told them to do something in the first placebecause she was so upset & hyper-focused on the part where you told her to do something multiple times, especially with her dish washing example, it reminded me of myself & i have pda so she is arguing that she doesn't want to be told what to do & she sees you as an butt for telling her & telling her without giving her time & space to do it on her own and you're getting upset that she didn't already do this things & you see it as disrespectful on her end to not care about your needs as much as you doso you have her thinking you're an butt, and you then getting upset & insulting her character & telling her she would be a bad mother, basically you told her to give up on her life dreams because you don't think she is right for it: that's being an butt. then she ne... (6)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

If it doesn't matter then why not just do it to make your partner happy? (18)

Exactly. This. If it didn't matter, then the person would change it. And comparing this to a couple that is married for a decade who decided maybe jointly to keep their lives private is not an apples to apples comparison. This woman didn't want to change her status for one reason: what she looks like to outside world is actually more important to her than her bf's feelings. She keeps saying the opposite, and bringing up all sorts of bullshit replies. It's ridiculous. Every time in my life a woman has said she wants to keep our relationship private, there's a reason that is not good. Consider that in the time it took to text all that bullshit, she could've gone to her profile and changed her status 100 times, FFS. She clearly doesn't want to do it, and she is lying about why bc she wanted to have her cake and eat it too. OP's mistake, which in my past also was a mistake, was trying to argue or convince the person to change what they are doing. To find out who people are, watch what t... (7)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I mean… I think it was a weird thing for you to decide was a hill to die on. I personally am cautious about posting a lot of anything on fb… I have a toxic ex and friend that would stalk my FB and cause drama over anything I updated on Facebook. Maybe she has nosy family that she doesn't want getting up in her business about a new relationship status. Or maybe she just likes to keep things private. Whatever the reason, I 100% agree the communication thing is more important than a fb status- there is just a lot of justified reasons someone might be hesitant to do that that have nothing to do with the relationship itself. And if you have only been together a short time those reasons may be something she is not yet comfortable disclosing. I think you tried to compare apples to oranges with the communication and "honoring" wishes. It just seems very trivial. (437)

My now wife was like that when we started dating for a couple of months. But that was because I met her when I was with my ex. My wife is the owner of the boarding barn that my ex and I went to board our horses with. My ex was kind of a nut job and cheating like crazy again when we started boarding there, and the relationship was in turmoil, so I broke up with her. Then I started working on the horse trailer that I had at the barn owners property to get it moved off of her land. And me and her would hang out platonically as friends, and we eventually got together. So she was hesitant on changing her fb status as it kind of looked bad to be screwing around with the barn owner after me and the ex broke up a few months prior. But my ex kept trying to prod and message or call me real late at night, and my wife said screw it and just changed her relationship status and just kept ignoring the ex and she eventually went away. But idk why she was so tore up that I was dating someone else wh... (7)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/ThinOriginal5038

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 4

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:
  • Kaczinsky : not using old.reddit probably underage
"Trump's FBI Poised to Focus Counterterror Strategy on "Things Like BLM and Antifa"" in r/Fuckthealtright

Valve Reportedly Releasing a Wireless VR Headset by Late 2025

Despite the high price, Valve will allegedly sell the headset at a loss, prioritizing user experience over profitability.

Probably will be first hardcore gaming VR since meta headset is a bit like early days of iPhone when it had its own unique market.

And probably we will get Half Life Alex 2

(30% Effortpost) Holy shit the amount of fat women mad at Ariana Grande for being :marseyanorexia: is insane

Tbh she probably does have an eating disorder, but it's funny that being too thin is all it takes for white women to start hating on you, when you know they could care less about her other scandals if she was a higher bmi


She posts on both the snark subreddit but also the fans subreddits?, what a unique specimen.

It's weird seeing these redditors talk about how she need to grow up but if it was a picture of a morbidly obese couple in their 30s with mickey hats at Disney World it would suddenly be mean to "not let people enjoy things"

New account muslim women who has also posted in /r/edanonymous /r/fasting so I don't know whats up with her


This reddit women writes a long essay about how online randos are so sick of her yelling about a random celebrities weight, and how heckin wrong this is.

Before making 10+ comments a day and multiple post on the snark subreddit, basically making it their life mission to tell everyone how unacceptable her weight is, they posted things like these :marseyxd:


:marseyschizowave: Everything is a bodycheck

This is a warthunder and blackops 6 moid, so I have no idea why he cares so much, but he makes posts and comments on the subreddit almost every single day lmao


Anyways, I'm too lazy to post more because I could care less about celebrities, but it was fun.

Quick summary on mineral deal and other

US don't give Ukraine any security assurances but will support security assurances. It means if France gives security assurances to Ukraine, US will say good job.

Ukraine won't be forced to pay any debts to Ukraine but will pay goodwill sum as way to thanks US for all the help.

Ukraine will pay US from profit. This is a big thing since those minerals ain't worth 500 billions after all the explicit and implicit cost. Those resources ain't easy to get so a lot of capital and labour cost.

If resources are the goal then there are tons of better countries or artic where US and Russia agreed to co operate. Ukraine resources probably would be sold at lost next 50 years minimum.

But key part of that deal is the "other" Ukraine will give its infrastructure like ports in U.S. control

Here the deal chronology. Zelenskyy thought Trump is business man so he can frick him over and drag him into the conflict if he offers some arbitrary resources (those resources is what some Soviet researchers assumed is there 60 years ago) for security assurances.

He offered that deal to Trump and Trump told he will give support for assurance and Ukraine will pay debts and Zelenskyy told ok it's a deal. When he talked with some of his lawyers, they explained to him how Trump actually fricked him over so that's why Zelenskyy started bitching about no deal. But since Ukraine is super dependent on US he started to beg to remove debts part so now it's goodwill

And that's kids example why most politicians have laws degree and not political degree

And best part Zelenskyy came to US to sign that deal that would mean to cancel that deal he will need to open an US court

Why did Zelenskyy thought he can frick over a guy that wants him gone…

Zelenskyy has 3 enemies Porochenko, Zaluzhnyy and Trump

What happened to good old fashioned r-slurred people?


I'm in my mid 40's. When I was younger I had a mentally r-slurred cousin. I would often see other r-slurred people in public too. What was up with them? Were they severely neurodivergent? Brain damage or traumatic brain injury? It wasn't Down syndrome because they have always been around too, like Corky. But I never see the classic r-slurred people anymore. They were a lot of fun.

Reported by:
Vlog update

[🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘] Not being interested in unattractive people is supposed to be something bad? lol


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Even babies show a clear preference for attractive faces. A beautiful face is not inherently sexual; it is universally recognized as aesthetically appealing. These people need to stop coping—it's genuinely pathetic to watch. (292)

Please tell me what it is about her face (not her bald head, her face) that isn't attractive. (-25)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

"Ugly characters ruin games, trust me bro" - Concord devs (34)

ugly players ruin games* ftfy (-21)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Bro for someone who hates this sub all you've done for the past 2 days is sit in here, Please go shower and eat and exercise. (23)

You never heard of a mobile device? (-18)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Contemporary scientific literature agrees that beauty has an objective component. A meta-analysis shows that people both within and across cultures agree on who is beautiful, and beauty strongly influences life outcomes—those perceived as beautiful tend to have better lives. The ability to recognize beauty begins in infancy, as other studies show, which underscores its importance in human nature. Our brains have a specialized area, the fusiform face area (FFA), that processes faces and attractiveness. If beauty were purely subjective, this wouldn't exist.Companies will pay millions to have a supermodel associate with their brand because a beautiful face, even on a billboard, triggers measurable hormonal responses in consumers. This reaction makes them more likely to become patrons and purchase the product. The impact of beauty on consumer behavior is objectively quantifiable and drives marketing success.No, it doesn't. This is a subjective opinion on how people should act, and not e... (0)

In summary, you're laughing behind your screen while thinking "This idiot said I can tell all those b-words complaining about my vidya to frick off and make me a sandwich because everything's subjective", exactly as I predicted. Somebody says "Hey, I think this design is problematic" or "99% of game art is designed with male gaze, we should try to diversify" and it triggers your fragile impotent ego because it makes you think that if something is wrong with what you like then something is wrong with you, which you don't know how to deal with. The only thing you want to do in response is bury your head in your own butt and scream "Lalala I'm not listening there's nothing wrong with videogames except what I say is wrong you can't make me think shut up go away don't take my titties away shut up shut up shut up frick you shut up." You hide your immaturity behind an intellectual veneer but I'm not giving you credit for that. Ironically for someone linking studies, you don't want to learn, y... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

GTAV, Disco Elysium BG3, Hades (1)

LMFAO Okay, okay. You got me with DE for sure. That's 100% a fair example, but I'd argue part of the story is that he's an ugly alcoholic. Being ugly is part of his character.I disagree with BG3 and Hades. BG3 because the characters themselves are overly sexual to the point that it took several updates to make them just a tad "less sexual overall" and Hades because I haven't seen any kind of sexualization outside of gooners and rule34 fandoms. It doesn't count when s*x is literally part of the story, of course it's going to be sexual, and when fandoms do what fandoms do. I got 0 sexual undertones from Hades as a default beyond just being Heck and Hellish in nature.Ninja edit: (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

The product you're paying for is a compelling, interactive story. Are you saying that sexual attraction is a prerequisite for you to find a story compelling?I really did my best here to leave out the s*x jokes. The RealDoll joke was simply too easy here, and I expect praise for that. (8)

What the heck this girl(?) being bald and ugly af has to do with her story? Absolutely nothing. She is ugly and not pleasant to look at for absolutely No reason. Her story is irrelevant to her looks and personality. She is designed to be ugly. Paying to stare ugliness is stupid. You can do that in any Modern "Art" Museum. (-2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/scalpingsnake

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 8

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:
Throwback to when I pimped my raccoons to sell my old BMW.

Lev is very scary :marseyworried:
EFFORTPOST /r/ArianaGrandeSnark is full of people being catty about the new Wicked movie


Ariana Grande is a 31-year-old racially-fluid pop star who got her start on Broadway (13) and Nickelodeon (Victorious). She was probably sexually abused by someone important and as a result of that became extraordinarily popular as a singer who mixes pop, retro-pop and R&B elements in her songs. Her style can best be described as giving precocious coquette pickmeisha vibes.

Examples of hit bops by her include

Honestly her whole discography is great. Most of the time she pisses redditor race realists off because she unabashedly changes what race or other social construct she presents as.

Also she spit on a donut one time:


And she had to pay 1.25 million in alimony when she divorced her husband last year:

Cynthia Onyedinmanasu Chinasaokwu Erivo is a 37-year-old African-English Broadway star who broke out in a revival of The Color Purple for which she won a Tony and a Grammy. Additionally she played Harriet Tubman in a movie about Harriet Tubman.

Needless to say, she's no Ari, but she's a decent enough singer and has been riding the DEI train fairly successfully.

Wicked (2003) was a musical based off a book based off a movie based off a musical based off of a popular's children's book published in 1900 called The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which was written to surreptitiously indoctrinate children into buying Silver and believe in fairy tales. It was basically the Harry Potter of those aughts.

In the early these aughts, Broadway was having a very difficult time. It had become somewhat of a joke to have come from or to go to Broadway. Stephen Schwartz (famous for writing the music for Disney's Pocohantas and Dreamwork's The Prince of Egypt) decided to change all that by relentlessly targeting white women as a demographic. He used a combination of good music, easy moral lessons and nostalgia bait (for college, for Americana and for a popular children's story) in order to make Wicked. It was an extraordinary success and was basically the MCU of musicals. For years afterwards musicals were a thing again.

Originally, the wicked witch in the musical was played by Idina Menzel, a Jewish-American Broadway star with phenomenal vocals known for playing Maureen in the musical Rent, known for her jaw-dropping performance in Wicked and much later known for the hit Disney single "Let it Go"

Sometime around when people were starting to pretend Hamilton was good and JK Rowling was still getting shit for Goblins being antisemitic caricatures (back before Hamas made antisemitism cool again) Idina Menzel was replaced by some DEI hire and a story that was originally a thinly-veiled allegory for Jewish Americans feeling out of place in WASP society and then being pogromed for being Nietzchean supermen was replaced with the same empowered Black vs oppressor White story we've seen a hundred times now. :yawn:

Anyways, they made a movie out of it and true to the moment they picked a not well-known black star whose vocals are only going to be up for the task of the musical's most important song if the audio is remixed by ChatGPT. I'm still going to watch it (and so should you!)

There are two main types of anti-Ari Wicked posts:

1. I can't believe Ari is outshining Cynthia 😡

2. I can't believe Ari is skinnier than me 🤬

Here we have a gay man complaining about how Cynthia is being overshadowed by Ari:

Comments include:

It's the marketing for the movie too. Plenty of trailers begin and end with Ariana's voice over, feature clips and substantial soundbites from Popular, show multiple costumes and moments from AG…. And have scarcely any meaningful Elphie moments. Even the snatches of her they show in the clips are like Yeoh and Bailey saying something to her, it's not even her speaking. I swear there's way more Glinda / pink merch happening, and her merch is more designed.


i knew this would happen when ariana was cast


It's not the Ariana Grande show, though Ariana and everyone around her are trying to make it that way. Cynthia is the MAIN CHARACTER. PERIOD. Why isn't she the one that's heavily involved? They're banking on Ariana's name to sell tickets and get people into seats. Meanwhile Cynthia is forced to stay on the sidelines. It was an odd move to have Ariana on SNL again and not Cynthia or maybe BOTH of them together. Anyway, I hope they learn from this disaster and keep Ariana on the sidelines and give Cynthia the spotlight during the sequel. Though I doubt they'll sell as many tickets for that than this first movie.

If I see this movie, it'll be to see Cynthia's acting and for the music. I'm still debating because I don't want Ariana's bad acting (the Cat Valentine acting aka the only acting she knows since her Nickelodeon days) to ruin the movie for me.

Here's a post where people look at someone with a normal bf% and think she's dying of cancer:

I said I was genuinely concerned in the ariheads sub and quickly realized it wasn't even worth it. Someone replied "who needs haters when you have concerned fans" I didn't even respond. I was like alright, you delusional fricks. Stay enabling. We're not stupid.


Her physical health is going downhill :/

Anyways there tons of these things. Have a look yourself

BONUS: Here's the youtube version of a tiktok that goes into detail about something:

Even if it is, you can just die right? I fail to see the terrible consequences.





The skit came in a game break during the second quarter of Monday's game against the Philadelphia 76ers at Spectrum Center. The boy joined Charlotte's mascot, Hugo, who was dressed as Santa, on the court. In-game host Ohavia Phillips read a letter to Santa that included a request for a PS5 for Christmas as a Hornets cheerleader walked up to Hugo and gave him a gift bag. The mascot then pulled a PS5 out of the bag and gave it to the surprised boy.

However, the Hornets took the PS5 from the fan after the cameras turned off and a staffer replaced it with a jersey.

Genuinely, how on earth did that get signed off? :#marseyemojirofl:

The boy was confused and disappointed, and cheerleaders, dancers and other team staff members standing nearby were also shocked he could not keep the item, according to Phillips.

Charlotte lost to Philadelphia 121-108 Monday night, falling to 7-19 on the season.

Elon paid a chink to grind Path of Exile 2 for him


:bluelight:Code-hosting website Codeberg attacked by far right extremists :redlight:

Codeberg released an emergency statement regarding a powerful alt right attack that endangered the safety of everyone who has ever used codeberg. Sources say this is was probably organized by a DOGE-Steve Bannon alliance

We stay strong against hate and hatred

Codeberg public relations team

Wed 12 February 2025

Category: Announcement

:marsey: Intro

Codeberg is currently suffering from hate campaigns due to far-right forces, and so are our users. First and foremost, we apologize for everyone who has recently received a notification email from our system containing offending and potentially traumatizing content. We are working hard on containing the effects on our users and systems.

Most importantly, your private data was not leaked. All emails have been generated through Codeberg's servers using the notification feature and the abusers had no access to your email address directly.

Fighting hate and far-right forces is important to us. Read to the end of this article to learn why.

:marseyconfused2: What has happened?

In the past days, several projects advocating tolerance and equal rights on Codeberg have been subject to hate attacks, such as massive spam of abusive messages in their issue trackers. We have been monitoring the situation closely and have tried to clean up the content as quickly as possible.

Often, content remained available only for a few and up to 30 minutes. Due to constrained personal capacities, some rare cases have remained online for longer. We appreciate all your reports to [email protected] that help us identify abuse quickly.

On 12 February 2025, an abuser has escalated the attacks to a next level. Instead of targetting individual projects, they have started to create abusive content and mentioned Codeberg users in chunks of 100 each. Depending on the notification settings of users (if you are a user on Codeberg, you can modify it in your settings), these generate notification emails that contain a copy of the post that includes the mention - and thus the abusive content via email.

Although our staff reacted quickly, blocked access to the used functionality and deleted the user accounts, they managed to generate a large amount of notification emails already.

Since this attack is not only harming Codeberg users but the platform itself, both via technical means (we had brief downtime of our systems and our mail server was suffering a lot), as well as by harming the reputation of our platform and trust users have shown us. We expect this incident to be in response to our swift moderation of the previous campaigns that targeted only individual projects.

:marseypearlclutch2: How could this happen?

Please understand that is driven by volunteers mostly. We have sufficient capacity to run the platform under normal conditions, and normal conditions also include some headway to deal with abuse campaigns that come and go. We suppose that most readers did not notice the spam campaigns of the past days, and we are happy that we managed to contain them quickly. We are fighting with advertisement spam, phishing and malware week to week.

However, our capacity was obviously exhausted this time, when it comes to attacks that target us specifically. And we apologize for this.

You might wonder why there are not more technical countermeasures in place to prevent this type of abuse. Technical measures evolve over time, and we have implemented several protections on multiple levels that are trying to contain the amount of abuse you see day to day.

However, doing proper rate-limiting is hard. We need to ensure that legitimate usage of our API and interface is possible, including custom scripts that import or synchronize massive amounts of issues from projects on other platforms. There are some rate-limits tailored to the previous abuse vectors we have seen, which was mostly aggressive advertizing, and so it would not have been possible to create these massive postings if they would have contained a hyperlink to another website, for example.

However, just spamming notification emails to users is a new abuse vector to us, and we did not sufficiently prepare for this. For that, we are sorry.

:marseywait: What will Codeberg do?

Currently, we are investigating the details of the attack and we have implemented short-term countermeasures and monitor activity on the platform closely. Further, we are responding to hundreds of emails from our users that ask about the incident. Some request the deletion of their data in response.

Next up, we will make plans on how to improve our protection against this and future kinds of abuse attacks on Codeberg itself to reduce the likelihood of similar things from ever happening again.

If you want to help with development work on Forgejo, the free/libre and open source software that powers Codeberg, please reach out. Go developers who can commit some time and patience to implement one our more technical measures in the codebase are much appreciated.

Unrelated to the current incident, we have worked with NLnet in the past weeks and secured funding for some moderation cowtools. A meeting was scheduled for later today at 20.00 CET to talk about technical architecture for a feature that allows reporting abuse directly in the app and the goal is to implement it for the next release of Forgejo.

:soyjakhipster:Far-right forces endanger free/libre software projects

We will not be discouraged in our fight against far-right ideologies. They are currently on the rise in many parts of the world, and we believe it is important to protect all kinds of marginalized groups. However, if you believe this does not affect your project, you are wrong. Far-right forces pose a threat to all of us.

Extreme right forces actively target members of our communities and discriminate based on ethnicity and gender, political background, sexual orientation, disabilities, nationality and faith. However diversity is an important asset in free/libre software communities and it is what makes our software great and development productive.

By targetting (Editor's note: Codeberg can't afford a spell checker) some of our most active translators, nicest designers, best developers and all other motivated contributors, they are hurting the free/libre software ecosystem as a whole.

Don't be fooled if right-wing forces promise to "promote open source" in their political agenda. This has nothing to do with the values of our movement! This is about national patriotism and protectionism, and they will happily accept splitting our community on their way.

We all know that the free/libre software ecosystem won't work this way. Every human is an integral and equally important part of it, and targetting some of our community members threatens the ecosystem as a whole.

Let's together stay strong and united against the emerging threats. We stay strong against discrimination of all kind, including but not limited to sexism, transphobia, homophobia, racism, antisemitism and ableism. And we hope that you all join us for this mission.

A big shout-out to all the projects that collect facts and resources against hate and discrimination and that have been the primary goal of these attacks. Support them if you can.

If you ever considered supporting the fight against right-wing forces, for example by joining political movements and parties, organizing protests or getting involved in online communities with this goal - now might be the best time to move ahead.

Again, we apologize for the disruption of your work and the abusive content delivered to your mailboxes. We are doing our best to contain the situation.

We'd like to thank everyone who signaled their support in the current situation, via e-mail, Mastodon and in Matrix chats. This means a lot to us.

Thank you for your trust and support!

Your Codeberg Public Relations team

Context: Someone emailed users the BIPOC word

:marseyheart: Who else is single this Valentine's Day? :marseycupid:

My cat is my Valentine this year :marseyfluffy: :marseyrosepink:

Why are YOU single?

Reported by:
  • p : chonkergate - he kills his coons for sympathy updoots
All of my raccoons met a tragic end.


Redditors mad about true love between a passport bro and his Filipina wife :marseyheart:


haha this makes me uncomfortable

Go back to tinder ham planet.


Can't get even poorer than Cambodia.

Seems like a pretty racist statement. Are you against relationships that happen between countries? Next you'll say racemixing is bad for society.

Can't tell if this dudes baiting or not

You don't know how to read between the lines. The word poor would associate with economic status or money to break it down for you. Money. Understand? You probably still don't understand. Cambodia is poor in relative to the United States in terms of what their money can get around the world. As another person stated on here, "She speaks USD." There is only one race. It's the human race.


Figures you'd go to Cambodia to find a girl willing to settle for you while also satisfying your racial and ageplay kinks.

It's a popular destination for s*x tourists (particularly ones interested in minors).

Cry more

Anyone who responds with a snarl to concerns about paedophilia is probably a paedophile.

:marseysmug: :marseysmoothbrain:

And saying "cry more" in a sub designed for men to sob over how lonely and unattractive they feel is just peak irony.

And saying anything genuine in response to a "cry more" comment is fricking r-slurred.

Not a ton of drama and reddit flame wars are pretty neutered and lame these days but this is one of my favorite subreddits to watch.

:marseyflagukraine: :marseylaughpoundfist:

These deranged alcoholics were REEEEing at abstainers when daddy USA was backing them look at them now


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