Redditor :marseysnoo: realizes too late that r/neoliberal :marseysoylentgrin: has fallen :chuditsover: to the horde of Bernouts :marseysanders:, genderblobs :marseychonkerbutch:, and soymen :soysnoo: of r/all

!neolibs, come and see.


recently i was fricking linked to @MoonMetropolis sentencing memorandum. it has some pretty :marseyroan: funny :marseycarlos: moments. out of respect :marseychudgravedance: to his family, and out of respect :marseybowing: to your attention :marseyselfharm: spans, i will only be posting :marseycomplain: the fricking funniest :marseypickle: parts:

can we get more movie :marseykishibemakima: related content, b-word? id love some @MoonMetropolis !kino reviews

!metashit !friendsofspiderman

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST Local R-slur chimps out about "Pelasgians" again (he does this :marseydizzy:), goes completely off the rails, spouts about 45 historical conspiracy theories at once

the Sea Peoples

You're saying you want historical accuracy and you bring this up.

We know about the "Sea Peoples" from like 4 sentences on one Egyptian stele and lots of conjecture about the "Bronze Age Collapse" hypothesis which I think has been pretty conclusively proven to be bullshit. Ancient historians had written a million words by 200 AD about who the Pelasgians might have been. This is probably the number one question they had, at least in the Greek-speaking world. But you never hear about them in pop history, do you? You know why? Because there's a lot of contradictory information that doesn't make sense. Strabo struggled with it and couldn't figure it out and gave us our best answer, that he doesn't know. He doesn't even know if they were a nation or if it was just a word that described a certain category of people. You might refer to them in English as "Sea Peoples".

But you've never heard of the Pelasgians, have you? (If anyone actually has please call me out.) Why? Because it's way easier to write up imaginary stories about Bronze Ages and collapses if you're basing it on 4 sentences about one event at one time. The Pelasgians don't make for good pop history because there's too much goddarn evidence. They pop up all over the place for several centuries even into the beginnings of historical time. Herodotus said that the population of Athens were descendants of Pelasgians who had learned Greek. (BTW I think there's a kernel of truth here but basically I don't buy it.) And we've all been taught that Athens was the epitome of Hellenism, which we know because they fought the war against the Persians to save European democracy. Which we only know about because of Herodotus. There ain't a heck of a lot archaeological evidence. (In fact the parts of Herodotus we can actually prove are the stuff that happened in Persia.) So how do we solve this conundrum if we're the 1800s English p-dophiles who invented "classical studies"?

Just don't talk about things. Like most stuff, just never mention it.

  • The Pelasgians ever existing.

  • The Etruscans being universally recognized by everyone immigrating from Asia and still having part of the population there in Asia.

  • All of the ethnic minorities that existed in Greece that we are explicitly told by Thucydides were not Hellenes.

  • Most of these Greek authors considering Cyrus to be the greatest thing that ever happened to the world. (Everyone writing in the Greek language must have always agreed with the ideology of the 1800s Greek nation state.)

  • Almost all of Greek history is about a bunch of rural shitholes where they had like 400 people who raised goats in the mountains and were a "city" because they had a wall. You've heard about all these guys who supposedly lived together in Athens at the same time but have you heard of Phocis, Locris, Acarnania? Half you r-slurs couldn't find Thessaly on a map.

  • Xenophon obviously didn't write any of those works. You know because the author of one book assigned to him explicitly says "read this book by [other guy]" if you want to know about Xenophon. If we believe in anything assigned to Xenophon it is the Cyropaedia(* Basically the gospels except about Cyrus being the messiah. Extreme efforts have been made to say this is all just historical fiction by Xenophon, a Greek, who really was trying to express Greek ideas about... how the Persian emperor should act... And they totally correspond with Jewish accounts of him (that whole bible thing) and lots of archaeological evidence.

  • Metadata on books from back then might not be totally accurate. If you look at the Suda, the Greeks a thousand years ago were debating the provenance of a lot of these and who people were.

  • There's no evidence that Euclid was actually supposed to be a person. We know literally nothing about them except they're Egyptian.

  • The "Pythagorean Theorem" has nothing to do with Pythagoras and never did until tards started printing math textbooks. That's an easy one.

  • Pythagoras is sometimes written about as an avatar of Apollo. Either that discredits everything we've heard about Pythagoras or we have have to start taking every mythological character seriously. Remember that time when Dionysus invaded India?

  • Definitions of words. You can claim that words like "polis" and "hoplite" are uniquely about Greeks if you just never mention that they called cities and heavy infantry from the Middle East the exact same thing.

  • Western Civilization survived because the Persians never defeated Greece, who were in a war of civilizations and Greeks never liked them. The anti-Persian side won a couple times but later they did unconditionally surrender to the Empire. Western Civilization survived because the Persians didn't give a shit about jannying distant provinces' cultures and they were probably half-Greek already.

  • Ancient Greeks explicitly said that the Phoenicians taught them how to stop being illiterate savages.

  • The "Minoan Empire", which a British archeologist convenientally "discovered", right before Britain annexed Crete was half-Arab. Just read the story, half the family is from Tyre.

  • Thucydides actually gives us real plausible about a lot of things. I mean he gives out like a hundred numbers at least if you read through it and I only recall one that sus and he himself pointed out he didn't trust it. IIRC he said that the population of Attica in his time was about 200,000 and 90% of them lived outside the city. Kinda blows away the whole "city state" thing. He also gives a figure for paying sailors which, if you can do 3rd grade math (I know it's hard for humanities folx), adds up to 50 men per ship. So the whole "trireme" thing, at least as we imagine it, is obviously bullshit. Also Athens from all its activites pulled in about 400 talents/yr. The King of Odrysia did the same. They were equals.

  • The obvious turning point in the Peloponesian War if you believe Thucydides [oh yeah, we kind of have to because that's the only reason we know about it] was that the Thracian [Bulgarian] King of Odrysia went up the Danube to fight the Triballi (a very obscure nation but everyone says they're buttholes) and was killed in that battle. It's likely the army was destroyed too because you don't go that far, let your king get killed, and walk home in peace. Odrysia falls into civil war. As soon as Thracians hear the news that the Athens-Odrysia alliance is broken they rise up and take over Amphipolis. Athens is fricked now.

I unironically just consume any post-Roman historical content because they're not even asking the real question.


Do they not realize that this will only aid people who dont really need it and only drive prices up for everything particularly housing/rental costs?

HEY YOU! :directlypointingsoyjak: You're losing, :marseyloss: you're losing :marseyl: You're losing, :chuditsover: you're losing :marseygambling: your vitamin C :marseytangerinefeline:
got mentioned in a viral instagram post, laying low for awhile

Is it true this hole forces upmarseys

And has been for 48 hours


still can't actually decorate for another week but i bought a couple sets of flameless flickering spooky candles with halloween designs on them

apparently 3 of them are made from wax but idk what that means

anyway i just set them up and they will run from 19:15 to whatever 6 hours from now is every night

they look GREAT

!hallowhitesupremacists 6 days until it is legal to decorate

what are you doing this year


/u/ccelesticca you find him in rdrama. May I introduce you to @pizzashill


Daily Mail has the scoop

The attack took place at Chongqing Zoo in the city of the same name in south-western China just after 9am on September 19.

It first shows the keeper trying to escape the enclosure but the panda throws its weight behind the door, forcing her to run back inside.

The panda then runs after the zookeeper who tries to keep the animal at bay by putting her hands on its shoulders.

But the panda surges forward, and eventually swipes her off her feet and pounces on top of her.

It appears to be biting the terrified keeper on the arm as she tries to push it away.

She eventually managed to run for the door while the panda was distracted.

Foid tries to film anything without impotently screaming like scared monkeys challenge: Impossible

The attack shocked visitors at the zoo who could be heard screaming as it unfolded.

Chongqing Zoo has since promised to put safety measures in place to ensure a similar incident does not happen again.

The park, built in 1953, covers an area of 111 acres and has a variety of animals including giant pandas, red pandas, the South China tiger and white tigers.

A zoo spokesman said the keeper's condition was not serious but did not elaborate.

And at the time of writing the panda, named Ding Ding, was still visible to the public in its enclosure.

Ding Ding is a female panda born on August 30, 2015 at Chongqing Zoo, with pedigree number 982.

Move along, please. China zoo safety numba 1 :marseyjewoftheorient:


IMPORTANT UPDATE on rightoid bong parties

Yeah....why would they be a public school teacher :marseythinkorino:

Anyways, playing Class of '09: Re-Up during a zoom call.

Edit: The more I play this, the more Jecka becomes my spirit animal

I would have been an amazing teenage white girl :marseysulk:

None This one really speaks to me This one turned into Hitlersey This one turned into Emo Peter Parker from Spider-Man 3 If you crank up the denoising strength too far it gets a bit abstract Thank you for looking at my r-slurred post

Hmm... Perhaps :marseyemojilaugh:



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

The problem is it's too believable! (954)

Oh stfu already. This "weird" campaign composed by left wing media corp is what is weird.Let the people vote the way they want to. (-130)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Isn't he sarcastically saying this?  (9923)

yeah the leftie conspiracy theories are not helping our cause. (-50)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Philosophical egoism is dumb (24)

I don't know what that means lol. I guess this is one of those things I'll just never learn about. shrugs (8)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

As a progressive who detests JD Vance, I hate these lies and bullshit "we" keep propagating. Everything about JD Vance and Trump is repugnant. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to make up stories and intentionally take things out of context.We're supposed to be the people with the high ground. We need to act like it. REPORT THE TRUTH, IT'S WAY MORE DARNING THAN FICTION. (71)

The truth doesn't work though lmao. You tell someone anything darning about Trump and they don't care because they are desentized to the million other things he has done.Trump is such an anomaly because if you call him out on his weird shit, he just either refutes the claim or vaguely owns it. How much misinformation has he said? How many bullshit claims has he made? This shit doesn't touch him. It doesn't hurt them or their cause, because the maga's will lick his balls regardless.But being called weird?? Apparently that silly little comment DEEPLY offends them, as their whole agenda is being deeply afraid of anything "weird." And look how much has Trump and his cohort have insulted or demeaned others, or used misinformation. Heck, just look at the debate, he literally caused bomb threats due to his claims about migrants eating dogs. This shit is literally harmful.But oh no, the meanie Dem's are calling poor little him weird and saying his VP rented his dog!!! It's such a non issue ... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

[deleted] (0)

Few things: first it's always funny when people dive into post history the moment you don't go with the narrative. Did you find what you were seeking? Am I a "Russian bot" as so many Redditors will try and suggest? Second, How? How am I "trying to make him seem better"? I'm simply pointing out the obvious which is that anyone with a brain understands he's making a joke here. I'm making him seem better?And last, regarding "spread apathy"? Do you know what apathy is? How do I spread "apathy"? I want the opposite of apathy. I want people to be as invested in the outcome of this election as I am. Both parties are running evil authoritarians as their candidates. Can you tell me whichone is actually, genuinely opposed to war? Which one will stop the mass slaughter of innocents in Gaza? Which one will oppose our insane spending that has created $35 Trillion in debt, dooming us in the future? You should be furious at these people. You should be furious enough to refuse to vote for them. The... (-1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Taking obvious sarcasm and trying to paint it as serious is some really lame shit. We have so many clips of him being weird, uncomfortable, and stupid. There's no need to make up bad shit with this guy, he has already been saying and doing actual dumb shit on camera elsewhere (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/QueenMaeve___

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

The media literacy firmware update was at least 6 months ago :marseymindblown:

TL:DR it's because Heathcliffe should be darker skinned and is instead being played by a yt Australian. Also Margot is 7 years older than him but that's less dramatic so who cares?

It's nice to finally see the media getting woke to the wrong race topic.

Margot Robbie and Jacob Elordi, known for starring in Barbie and Saltburn, are to join forces in a major new film adaptation of Wuthering Heights.

The Australian actors will play Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff in director Emerald Fennell's adaptation of the classic Emily Bronte novel, set on the tempestuous Yorkshire moors.

They may be two of Hollywood's hottest stars, and it may be one of the most enduring love stories ever written, but their casting has left many film fans unimpressed.

Some pointed out that Catherine is in her teens in the book, while Heathcliff is described in the novel, written in 1847, as "dark-skinned".

"White Heathcliff and 34-year-old Cathy, and they both look like they belong on Instagram. I'm obsessed," wrote TV and film critic Gavia Baker-Whitelaw, external.

Proof :marseygraze: that even Bongs don't understand their own accent


:marseydisgusted: POV: You're cringe




Anti-Trump BANGER goes viral with rightoids, causes the DJ to have a massive meltdown

A DJ named Megaphonix released a song sampling Hasan Piker and Trump from the debate where Trump claims the Haitians are eating dogs.

This goes viral in rightoid circles after a YouTuber named Benny Johnson retweets it. Megaphonix doesn't like this so he changes his name on his official music account to "Benny Johnson can eat shit" so that it shows up on his twitter.

Well, he can't change it back :marseyxd:

After felting himself so unbelievably hard, he deleted the video and locked his socials, then retreats to his groomercord bunker where he comes up with an ingenious idea. He's going to be LITERALLY A SOCIALIST and put out a new song to make money off the chuds.

!chuds !r-slurs

Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : Not ex girlfriend? Ew
  • Corp : ^^ Please don't report my posts with nonsense. Only I can do that
:marseyyoutube: Some Chick was R*ped on the set of a Mr. Beast production allegedly, with onlookers :marseysickos2:

kiwicels :marseynull:

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