Bought a phone from eBay... FML



"Did Jesus really raise form the dead? I don't know." :marseywut2:

I'm not familiar with the United Church of Christ, is this a commonly held belief of it's members?

Epstein List Released!!!

Who were you most surprised was on the list?

Donnie Iris - Ah! Leah! (Official Music Video)
[🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘] Trump & Jr. smelling up a Nuuk restaurant


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘

FRICK Charlie Kirk, Donald Trump, TPM, and anyone who supports them. (61)

F u. So sorry you lost (-55)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

He got less than half the popular vote. Remember that. (16)

He won the popular vote. (-19)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

It always takes that long. What's your point? The fact is that Trump isn't actually that popular. (6)

It only started taking that long since 2020. There is no voter id in Cali either . He won the popular vote. Cry harder. Face it you lost. Take the L, grow up and stfu. 🤫 I'm out (-11)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Don't be sorry. Do something about it. When it comes time to protest, get out there. Have you written to Congress yet? They are supposed to declare war, not the president. (7)

Unfortunately you are technically correct, but de facto, President's have virtual unlimited control over the military. We have the War Powers Act which allowes for what are called "90 Day Presidential Wars." The President can conduct military operations for up to 90 days without Congressional approval. There has not been an actual Congressional declaration of war since 1942. But don't worry, I don't think anynthing will come of this. He'll see something on Fox News tomorrow and that will be his issue of the day, he'll forget all about Greenland. (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

None of this changes the fact that he won the popular vote. Cope. (1)

I'm coping just fine knowing thatI'm not a piece of shitandThe pieces of shit who voted for him are going to suffer his foolishness as much as everyone else Have fun finding out how tariffs actually work, peepeehead. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

He also praised a statue of Hans Egede, calling him "the founder of Greenland". 🤦🏼‍♂️ (29)

That's fricking disgusting all around. What in the frick?? (3)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Worldly-Stranger7814

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 4

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:
this pic goes hard

katie hill rules

lol we got no jannies anymore

!metashit !jannies keep yourself safe

@boo @AJAB

Imagine if the recent drama leads to a party switch like what happened in the 60s lmao

Where the GOP abandons the old southern strategy republicans over time and transforms into a diverse technocrat bro party, while the Democrats return to being the party of racism, the KKK and sexism and icky mayo white bios and abandons wokeism, DEI, black people, and their old base. Would be hilarious lmao.

VR bar fight :marseyjackmormon: :marseymoonshine: :marseydrunk: :marseydrunk: :marseydrunk: :marseydrunk: :marseydrunk:



Good morning 🌞

Bol is disgusted by you :manuldisgusting:

ill pay 500 dramacoin for a chris marsey but it has to be somewhat good quality kinda like :marseyfamily: but with the chris hat on perhaps



For context, Alexandera Houchin is a niche lolcow and currently the flavor of the year in the obnoxiously socially conscious world of alt cycling. She's a fat, nativeish girl that decided to start riding ultra endurance MTB races on a single speed but also managed to finish the Tour Divide (continental divide mtb/gravel bike race from Banff to the Mexican border) without losing any weight. :marseyhmmm: Since then she's been on a victory lap trying to hoover up whatever sponsorships she can get before her knees explode, sort of like a BIPOC !bikechads version of Ragen Chastain

Also Esker is a company that makes bikes for dumbfricks who want a Surly but wish it was more expensive.


(Translation by kiwis)

A EU authority is demanding real-time surveillance of phones and laptops starting in 2025. They demand that the police shall be able to read messages in the entire European Union in real-time. The occasion: fighting organized crime. For the "High-Level Group (HLG) on access to data for effective law enforcement", data protection and privacy play nothing but a formal role.

The HLG consists of members from the EU Commission, representatives of the EU member states, and law enforcement agencies. On November 22, the HLG demanded that the EU Commission submit a proposition in the coming year to allow a real-time access on communications data. This is reported by Euractiv. Already in May, the HLG presented its preliminary research results in a report. The group was set up in 2023 and works on finding out how law enforcement agencies can get an easier access to data in order to fight against organized crime. In a concluding report from November 15, the group presented its results and demands.

Thus, the concluding report criticized that the different regulations regarding data retention in the individual EU states lead to problems in cross-border criminal prosecution. Specifically, the HLG demanded in their preliminary report from May that the industry should be mandated to cooperate with the agencies so that the police gets access to data that allows for an identification of users, such as the storing of IP addresses. In addition, they demand that non-cooperative electronic communication services shall be subject to prohibitive sanctions.

Read messages even before they are sent

Already in May, they demanded that there shall be a EU initiative which allows for looking at "data in transit", thus do real-time surveillance. In the concluding report from November 15, the HLG doubled down on the demand and strongly demanded that the Commission issue a corresponding proposition in 2025. By real-time surveillance, the HLG means that messages are able to be read even before they are sent, or shortly after they reached the recipient.

In the concluding report, they also said that the fact that they can't access the data in real-time allegedly causes big difficulties for crime prevention. Police officers have to make use of methods like installing cameras or microphones, which are dangerous for the officers. If you are not able to read messages, all other persons surrounding a suspect must be surveilled too. The HLG also demands more funding in the coming EU budget to stock up on means for "digital forensic cowtools".

Currently, there is no mutual regulation for mass data retention in the European Union because the European Court of Justice has declared the prior guideline on data retention invalid in 2014. The European Data Protection Committee criticized the HLG's demands in a statement on November 4. The demands would strongly invade the right to data protection and privacy. The committee also criticized the demand to weaken encryption.


The article itself seems to be based on another, and the following is just one statement by the High Level Group

Retention seems to be relegated to IP addresses and ports for long term retention to allow identification, likely things like times and any other info not deemed to be violating privacy (in their subhuman idea of privacy)

About encryption it recommends looking further into encryption and how things like backdoors might affect the security, as they can't enforce all methods to simply be weaker but do find it rightful for law enforcement to have a way to cross the hurdle of encryption.

Instagram is literally /pol/ in 2024.


Dramatards are by and large old and reddit obsessed so it's no surprise you haven't noticed but Instagram is an untapped dramamine. It's edgier than reddit and there's more petty fighting going on at this point.

/Pol/ posting is mainstream on normie social media now, at least if you're a Zoomer and your algorithm reflects that.

Ironically, reddit is more watered down, censored and zealous in preventing any drama or chuddery than any mainstream social media platform now. I'm not exaggerating when I say that that /pol/ shit is mainstream.

  • Esoteric Hyperborea schizoposting about raw milk gets hundreds of thousands of likes, I'm not joking:

  • Blatant great replacement posting:

  • Here's a stonetoss comic with shitty music played over it with 88,000 likes lol:

  • And finally, the average gen alpha meme, Warning for speakercels, the audio is just BIPOC over and over again:

!dramatards the next Adolf hitler is out there watching esoteric skibidi potty edits. Go bait him into fedposting.



Me waiting for Indian state to send the ambulance 40 years after my heart attack


Phull sapport


I bet she thinks HIPAA is Indian law

Die now chud won't you think about the market distortion



Death by public stoning


Me on the right

I'm sorry jhant bros I didn't know your game


:marseywut2: :marseyrussian:

:marseybritbongitsover: Bongs are asked if the situation has not necessarily developed to Britain's advantage :marseyhmm: R-slurs chime in :marseybrainlet: [LONG]


Lots of things have bothered me, a lot, over time. Brexit, Amazon & Google, Netflix, Trump, AI... But it's only been specifically recently with Musk and Farage that I truly felt scared for my future, my kids future.

Right off the bat we are faced with the full frontal delusion of the average :marseynorf: . After his country is bombarded with 1.2 million people a year during a time when COVID had dealt a Mortal Kombat finisher to an economy in terminal Stage IV socialism, the bong sifts past all this to find a single guardian headline about Elon Musk meeting with Farage (The devil himself).

I literally have no idea why he references Netflix. I'm sure it isn't all the :blackwomanspeaking: they added to our period dramas :marseyeyeroll:

The idea that Musk can do trivially choose to give any amount of money to the far right in our country

:marseypearlclutch: political donations? Perish the thought! The Supreme Soviet Presidium of SSR Blighty would never take money from wealthy donors :marseyclueless:

Diagnosing the Collapse

To anyone with eyes, the reason for Britain's demise is completely fricking obvious. To the labour voter, however, this poses a problem since access to young moroccan bussy is a point of personal contention, and so he must invent :marseyschizowall: alternative explanations as to why their Christmas market looks like this:

I'm worried about the UK now. Average British person these days sounds like Oswald Mosely.

We live in a period

I agree we are very far off fascism, but immigration IS used as a scapegoat for everything by a worrying large proportion of politicians and journ*lists.

:marseyclueless: The same journ*lists who stopped using X because it's 'far-right'? Or was it the ones who Made out that Rwandan mass murderer Axel Rudakubana was a welsh Christian and innocent Choir boy? Perhaps it was the journ*lists who, at risk of prejudicing a trial, invented a Pakistani Migrant superhero who was able to 'wrestle a knife' from an attacker, unharmed and unbloodied with no witnesses, only to deliver a pro-migration homily in a pull-focused interview? :marseythinkorino:

Of course, they're 'scapegoated' because it's literally impossible that immigration could've maybe, perhaps, possibly caused a public finances problem.

Go on uk politics and post anything factually positive about immigrants and you are downmarseyd to oblivion. Ask someone how their life is improved if asylum seekers stop from tomorrow and there is never an answer.

How would this affect you personally? :soyjakanimeglasses: Well, I would stop reading stories about women being r*ped to death in public by somalians, for one thing. Quieter buses for another. :marseyjam:

Illegal migration is always going to happen, especially when we frick about in other countries as much as we have done in the past few decades.

:marseyshrug: It's a fait accompli, comrade! Nothing can be done, we just have to Spend 5.7 billion pounds on asylum seekers because of uhhh George Bush or something :marseyhmmm:

in actual fact the issue has always been a chronic underinvestment in actually useful services

:marseyserioushatfact: It's because we haven't sacrificed enough blood for the blood god!

Render to the worms what is theirs! :marseyraging: Another 50 billion for free dentists in Eritrea :soyjaktantrumfast:

ignore that silly little graph teehee :marseyderp:

We've been fricked since Thatcher destroyed the post war consensus

Absolutely bang on!

Oh, it was Thatcher, was it? What an original and thoughtful analysis of 2024 britain :marseysmughips:

Yes, due to spiralling inequality and breakdown of public services, far-right discourse and violence becoming normalised

Far right discourse is so normalised that a sitting member of parliament had his bank account shut down for being xenophobic :marseyshy:

Far right violence is so normalised that a man was given over two years in prison for shouting by the same justice system that let an infant r*pe enthusiast walk free! :marseyshook:

The biggest issue for the UK is lack of full access to the EU single market and a customs union.

My biggest worry is creeping hard left socialism.

:platysalute: brave dramatard here baited several :soyjakfat: :marseywingcuck: to emerge from their slam poetry events

Must be nice, not to have any real problems to worry about. :soyjakanimeglasses:

How many "hard left socialist" parties were successful in the last General Election?

yeah it's just this really fringe party you might not've heard of it

I'd say there's approximately zero chance of the UK adopting any form of socialism in the foreseeable future.


Biggest issue isn't 1 million people coming in every year?

You sound surprised, why should it be the biggest issue?

:marseyconfused: yeah that's like totally normal, right? :marseyhmm:

Looks normal to me! :marseythumbsup:

I ain't reading all that:

  • The bankers the bonuses the bankers the bonuses it's disgusting, and if the tories were serious they would tax the bankers the bonuses to 90%

I invite !britbongs to :marseynorf: weigh in with their own interpretation

Criminal masterminds hotbox their car before doing some fraud

@HailVictory1776 :marseyangel: would have loved this one these morons literally gave the pigs tacit permission to ransack the car then screamed about knowing their rights :marseyembrace:



As a Leaf I'm torn.

I can't stand the Federal NDP's bizarre fixation on identity politics. They also admitted to supporting "asymmetrical federalism", which means Quebec gets special privileges like controlling immigration, when it should be strictly Federal.

Don't get me started on their extreme fetishism of Indigenous people, where there is no pushback to the eternal gibs.

I support reasonable labour rights and public services, but we badly need investment that isn't real estate and Indian "students".

Carney will likely win the Liberal leadership.

If the Federal Conservatives made some appeals to red Tories, I might join them.

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