
Woman gets man's dating profile banned for :marseyokay:ing too hard



Not trying to play devils advocate for a racist weirdo, but how are you sure? Not trying to argue, just curious what gave it away.

This is, of course, assuming it's the OK hand gesture. If it's something less obscure, the answer is self explanatory

He was taking a selfie in the mirror. The hand that was at his side was doing the white power gesture. Hands do not naturally fall like that… so no.

EDIT: Hinge has actually emailed me to say they've taken action against him, so I'm not mistaken as you're inferring.

Her previous posts indicate she absolutely hates men, but is having trouble finding her disney prince on dating apps because they all love hitler. :tayshrug:

It's official, Canada is a burger state :marseylaugh:
Congrats America, you voted in a literal cuck
Far Side explaining the smug techcel moids on here.
SMALL WOMEN OUT!!! :marseywall:
So glory-holers, what's the story behind this gruesome looking gorelike banner?
The unspoken agony of vaginal dryness: 'I had to give up four jobs in four years' :marseyanorexic:


When Lorraine Kelly shared her experience of menopause on her daytime TV show in 2017, she was her own last resort. Initially, she set out to interview a famous woman about her story, but everyone she approached refused.

"I thought, nobody else will talk about it so I'll do it. It was a breakthrough moment," said Kelly.

Seven years later, it often feels as though we have reached peak menopause. Michelle Obama, Salma Hayek and Gwyneth Paltrow have all been open about their experiences, encouraging women not to feel ashamed about a biological process an estimated 13 million people in the UK are now going through. And yet there's still one part of it that is barely spoken about.

Vaginal dryness.

As with so much in this realm, it took a celebrity – Davina McCall in this case – to shine a light on it. For those of us who'd assumed this symptom was a minor inconvenience, which only affected s*x and was easily remedied with the kinds of lubrication readily available from high street chemists, it was a brutal wake-up call.

"I had severe dryness, so severe that when I tried to wipe myself after going to the loo, it was so sore I was having to kind of dab," McCall said in her 2021 documentary, S*x, Myths and the Menopause. "I didn't know what it was, I had no idea that it was part of being perimenopausal."

Previously known as vulvovaginal atrophy, now rebranded as genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM), vaginal dryness will probably affect between 60% and 80% of women, according to various studies. It is caused by the drop in oestrogen levels, which happens as women go through menopause, causing vaginal tissue to become thinner and less elastic. Despite it being so common, one study has found that a third of female sufferers did not report it to their doctor.

This is partly because of embarrassment, says Haitham Hamoda, consultant gynaecologist and clinical lead of the menopause service at King's College Hospital. "Most GPs are well informed and offer a great service, but of course, there are variations of what you can access. Part of it is going to be what is available to you, what is offered to you, and what you feel comfortable talking about."

He continues: "You'd be surprised how many people would come and see you because they're talking about flushes and sweats and brain fog. And when you say, 'Do you have vaginal dryness?' they will say, 'Oh, yes, it's really uncomfortable'. But they never really think about bringing it up, unless you specifically ask."

Hamoda has seen women who are too sore to wear underwear. "You do find people who say clothes are uncomfortable because it's touching against the area … In extreme cases they find it uncomfortable sitting or walking."

GP and menopause expert Dr RenΓ©e Hoenderkamp has had cases like this too. "I've seen women who can't go about their daily life because of vaginal dryness. It's absolutely debilitating. They can't go to the gym any more, can't wear jeans, can't go for a bike ride, can't run up the stairs at the station. It's all just too painful."

Clare, 55, says GSM "consumed my whole life". "I used to sit in a shallow, cold bath, sobbing. It was agony, the burning never let up for one second of the day or night. Even walking was painful." It began when she was 47, but she never considered her symptoms could have anything to do with being perimenopausal because her periods were regular, and she was not having hot flushes.

But, as Hoenderkamp points out, every menopause is different: "For some women, vaginal dryness will be their first symptom, very early, even before their periods have changed. Other women won't get it until they've gone through it all. It's really individual."

She also believes that seeing dryness as just a symptom of menopause can be misleading. "Women who breastfeed for more than six months will suppress their oestrogen to a level where they may get vaginal dryness. The pill can cause it. Antidepressants. It's not just restricted to menopausal women."

The implications of vaginal dryness can go far beyond pain, says Hoenderkamp. "Once past menopause, when all of the tissue in and around the vagina and urethra dries and atrophies, women become much more susceptible to urine infections because bacteria are able to attach to the tissue."

Hamoda has also seen women avoiding or missing cervical screening due to GSM. "Sometimes you can't open the speculum because they're so dry and uncomfortable, even though, of course, you're using plenty of lubrication." In some cases, he has told patients to "take vaginal oestrogen for the next two months, then come back and we'll attempt this smear again. Sadly, this is not an uncommon scenario."

Not every doctor is aware of how to help women with GSM. Emily, 44, sought medical advice as soon as her vaginal dryness began four years ago. "It felt like there was a red hot poker inside of me," she says. She also suffered from urinary tract infections. Her GP found it so hard to reach a diagnosis that at one point he told her – on the phone – that she might simply have to prepare herself for a life of chronic pain.

As she was 40 when her symptoms began, her doctor didn't consider perimenopause. She was passed between different NHS services, given courses of antibiotics, a cystoscopy, referrals to urology, gynaecology and physiotherapy. She also paid to see a private vulval pain specialist. As all this was going on, no painkillers could make any difference, and she remained in agony.

"It's been catastrophic," she says. "The pain makes it very difficult to concentrate. I've had to give up four jobs in the space of four years. I've had to sell my house and move away from my friends because I need to have more savings in case I can't carry on working. It's had a massive effect on my mental health."

Out of desperation, Emily began to research her symptoms herself. She found out that one in 20 women go through perimenopause before they're 45, and, presuming this was what was happening to her, Emily wrote a detailed letter to her GP, asking for vaginal oestrogen. He agreed to put her on a low dose. "And within two days the burning stopped."

She is still, however, struggling with her UTI symptoms – which include needing to pee around four times an hour. While it's impossible to know what has caused this, she believes that because her infection was not treated for so long it has got worse. She is now being treated separately for her persistent UTI.

Misdiagnosis is a common thread through this condition. Dr Paula Briggs, a consultant in sexual and reproductive health at Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust, reports, "It depends who the patient presents to, how likely they are to get the right diagnosis. Loads of women will be told they've got thrush."

It's a perfect storm – women reluctant to seek medical help in the first place, then a delay in being diagnosed.

"Whereas other menopausal symptoms resolve – generally they get less severe, then they stop – GSM becomes progressively worse over time and is very difficult to reverse," says Briggs. She now thinks all women should be given vaginal oestrogen at around the age of 45 as a default.

However, as oestrogen pessaries fall under the HRT umbrella, some women remain nervous due to the small increased risk of breast cancer linked to progestogen-containing forms of HRT. Hoenderkamp says that vaginal oestrogen does not carry the same risk. "It is just about as safe as houses, and very easy. I often have women who say I can't have vaginal oestrogen because I've had breast cancer. Well, you can."

Hamoda is more cautious: "Generally speaking, with breast cancer patients you would try other non-hormonal options first. But on an individual basis."

However, it is not a problem that will disappear overnight. "In terms of the oestrogen, women are not going to do it for a year and then it will all be OK. It's probably a lifelong commitment to their vagina," says Hoenderkamp.

Vaginal oestrogen is available from chemists – although it's cheaper on prescription from your GP – and there are also moisturisers and lubricants women can buy over the counter as a possible first port of call.

The message overall is clear, though. If you are uncomfortably dry, you should never suffer in silence – it's not just a part of ageing that happens to everyone, which you have to grin and bear – it's something that can be treated and, in most cases, eased.

"Awareness is key," says Hamoda. So, while there has never been so much talk about menopause as there is now, there's still a lot that needs to be said.

Some names have been changed



I think most people just do not want to deal with actual real politics, when engaging with their hobby that is meant to reduce stress. Obviously, the table politics of my Oath group does not affect my mental health as much as my actual governments recent decisions.

This! Games are often an escape from reality.

I don't stop being a trans person in Mississippi while I'm playing Ark Nova. My very existence has been made political.


Reddit becomes the most insufferable place as soon as Trump becomes President

:#marseyitsallsotiresome: :!#marseyrofl:

I'm not sure how it would even be possible. People can talk and interact freely.

"Keep politics out of XYZ" is such an inherently political thing to say too lol

Ten times out of 10 it's really "keep the politics I disagree with out of XYZ" with the person saying it not realizing that they don't view the things they agree with as political.


I always thought when pekole talk about politics or work, their friendship is oretty shallow and have nothing else to talk about.

My buddies and I play board games all the time and politics hasn't come up in 20 years. We have fun and interesting things to talk about.

I don't know. If you and your closest friends don't feel comfortable discussing your deeply held beliefs and the concerns you have for the direction some people want to take the country in your name... Maybe they're just buddies.

Politics are almost as boring as religion.

We have other interests that keep the conversation going.

:!#marseygrilling2: :!#soysnooseethe:

You are grabbing at straws.

ohhh good point and straws are super bad for the environment and sea turtles. i'm sorry.

Unironically, this comment is pretty much what your post looks like.

:#marseyseethe: :#marseydab:

No it's not, there's a difference between playing a game and yelling at someone about something political. That's what people mean.



Is he a foreigner from Canada? Or Africa?

Bonus video here's Elon with his McLaren F1 and his ex wife of his :marseytrain2: child

Lol, Ye so funny. What does he mean here?


yeah man, he did that. it wasn't the hundreds of engineers he poached from JPL after using his money made from government issued carbon credits for tesla (the only reason the company didn't go bankrupt for a decade) in order to essentially privatize a section of NASA. no, he actually designed that rocket himself in his garage tony stark style. :soyjaktantrumfast:

At least he's actually launching shit unlike bezos space scam

ok but if those engineers had stayed working for NASA we wouldn't be seeing anywhere near this kind of progress :marseydownvotemad:

nasa put people in the moon in the 60s. if properly funded, they could've done this decades ago. decades and decades of work by corrupt congressmen and senators to create another private sector that lives out of government contracts so they have yet another area to skim off the top, get lobby money and promote their own interests with no accountability. great. true progress. :marseysneed:

Sneed harder, Musk is absolutely vital for SpaceX. Him owning the majority of voting shares and keeping the company private is the single biggest reason SpaceX are allowed to push the boundaries and take such immense risks.

Not to mention that he's the chief engineer and has the final say on all the engineering choices and have contributed greatly to its design.

There literally HOURS long videos of him with Everydayastronaut there he goes into GREAT detail of the engineering behind Starship and the reasoning behind the choices they made. Both of Eric Berger's book, Liftoff and Reentry, goes into great depth of just how crucial Musk work is for SpaceX's success.

Redditors need to realize that people they think are evil can also be really good at what they do. Von Braun was a literal nazi and lead the project to build the Saturn V ffs.

Elon musk was inside the rocket manually piloting it! Take that liberals

He also built the thing himself and wrote all the code

If every Reddit posters dad owned an emerald mine we would all be living on Jupiter right now :taysneer:

It's funny Elon went down this right wing pipeline given he hired arguably the most capable female executives ever in Gwen Shotwell who basically is the real head of spaceX.

Do you actually think conservatives hate women?

Of course not, but the faction of people who hate women in this way is pretty solidly in the conservative camp. Twitter has definitely become the go to place for people in the Andrew Tate type camp.

there's an abundance of liberals with the same mindset as andrew tate guys, they just pretend they're different to manipulate women

It really does make you think. Elon is a misogynistic racist transphobic homophobic small man who isn't very good at anything. So why doesn't he act that way? Almonds = activated. :soyjakanimeglasses:

Am I too female to understand why those guys in the video are all going crazy over this? Do men have these over the top reactions to machines or are these american boys acting?

Why is this downmarseyd 😞 :marseychonkerfoid:

absolute !foidmoment

Elon haters are 🚬 who are so clearly programmed by media :chudsmug:

Yeah, programmed the media of him doing gay little star jumps and stuttering like anemic neurodivergent hapsburg inbred. Guy's ugly and annoying, get over it :soycry:

Okay 🚬 :marseyxd:

The best for the last

"Historic milestone"

It's a metallic cylinder landing on some scaffolding with a bunch of nerds screaming before they go home to ruin TTRPGs and remove race modifiers. This doesn't improve my life in any way πŸ˜’

:#marseyoctopus2: ??

!spacechads !ifrickinglovescience !redscarepod


For this

which i Copypasted from here

:#marseyxdorbit: :#marseyxdorbit: :#marseyxdorbit: :#marseyxdorbit: :#marseyxdorbit: :#marseyxdorbit:

24 is down! Is this the rise of new.chads or just a glitch?

More name changes - Fort Bragg is back


Now renamed after a WW2 soldier instead of the Confederate general

/r/army is actually for the most part okay with it but there's still some seething

Good to see the important issues are being tackled. :soysmug:

I'm sure you took that attitude when it was changed the first time.

I wonder how much money this will cost the DoD and the rest of the American people….

What a waste of money? This administration is stupid and petty.

Good to know that they're laser-focused on government efficiency.

Union larpers also discuss it



A couple of newspapers are deciding not to endorse a presidential candidate this year which has completely broken the minds of their audience, who they have been coddling and shaping the opinions of with their poorly sourced drivel for years, screwing their audience to a drooling r-slur, left-leaning semi-human. Papers have found out that endorsing a candidate is literally too on the nose and seeing as how no one trusts them are attempting to back peddle as their trust levels fall into despair. Now they are losing the audience they have cultivated for years because, like toddlers, if you don't give them everything they will through a tantrum and fling shit at your walls.

/r/minnesota literally can't face the reality that Kaham is just terrible :marseycoconut:

/r/minnesota, within two posts are already delving into numerous conspiracy theories with regarding to the owner. My knowledge of Minnesota sports says he should sell all their sports teams cause they all fricking suck shit (except their WNBA team, they actually win! :marseygiggle: )

People admitting they actually read the OP-ED section when they don't realize they can skip that since the whole paper is an op-ed. :marseycrayoneater:

I can assure you the only reason rural Minnesota would buy your newspaper is to stock up on fire starting material for winter.

"People" actually bought the "Democracy dies in the darkness" bullshit :marseyrofl:


There's plenty more seething in the thread!

!journ*lists !chuds

Nobody managed to throw a shoe at him
Instagram is literally /pol/ in 2024.


Dramatards are by and large old and reddit obsessed so it's no surprise you haven't noticed but Instagram is an untapped dramamine. It's edgier than reddit and there's more petty fighting going on at this point.

/Pol/ posting is mainstream on normie social media now, at least if you're a Zoomer and your algorithm reflects that.

Ironically, reddit is more watered down, censored and zealous in preventing any drama or chuddery than any mainstream social media platform now. I'm not exaggerating when I say that that /pol/ shit is mainstream.

  • Esoteric Hyperborea schizoposting about raw milk gets hundreds of thousands of likes, I'm not joking:

  • Blatant great replacement posting:

  • Here's a stonetoss comic with shitty music played over it with 88,000 likes lol:

  • And finally, the average gen alpha meme, Warning for speakercels, the audio is just BIPOC over and over again:

!dramatards the next Adolf hitler is out there watching esoteric skibidi potty edits. Go bait him into fedposting.

TOTAL CANCUCK DEATH as we beat them in the only sport they even care about

Someone ping more !hockey !chuds !burgers

:marseyvibing: I Ran :marseyexercise: : Flock of Seagulls :orly:

Reported by:
  • Aevann : OP is a forgetful DUMMY
Just manually gave out like 300 Christmas awards and realized they're not actually paying people the coin rewards they should be

feels bad man

Intel's Problems Are Even Worse Than You've Heard | TLDR ARM :marseytrans2:won :marseyxd: x86 :marseychud: lost

You may think you know how much Intel is struggling, but the reality is worse.

The once-mighty American innovation powerhouse is losing market share in multiple areas that are critical to its profitability. Its many competitors include not just the AI juggernaut Nvidia but smaller rivals and even previously stalwart allies like Microsoft.

One flashing warning sign: In the latest quarter reported by both companies, Intel's perennial also-ran, AMD, actually eclipsed Intel's revenue for chips that go into data centers. This is a stunning reversal: In 2022, Intel's data-center revenue was three times that of AMD.

AMD and others are making huge inroads into Intel's bread-and-butter business of making the world's most cutting-edge and powerful general-purpose chips, known as CPUs, short for central processing units.

Even worse, more and more of the chips that go into data centers are GPUs, short for graphics processing units, and Intel has minuscule market share of these high-end chips. GPUs are used for training and delivering AI.

By focusing on the all-important metric of performance per unit of energy pumped into their chips, AMD went from almost no market share in servers to its current ascendant position, says AMD Chief Technology Officer Mark Papermaster. As data centers become ever more rapacious for energy, this emphasis on efficiency has become a key advantage for AMD.

Notably, Intel still has about 75% of the market for CPUs that go into data centers. The disconnect between that figure and the company's share of revenue from selling a wider array of chips for data centers only serves to illustrate the core problem driving its reversal of fortunes.

This situation looks likely to get worse, and quickly. Many of the companies spending the most on building out new data centers are switching to chips that have nothing to do with Intel's proprietary architecture, known as x86, and are instead using a combination of a competing architecture from ARM and their own custom chip designs.

A spokeswoman for Intel says the company is focused on simplifying and strengthening its product portfolio, and advancing its manufacturing and foundry capabilities while optimizing costs. Intel interim Co-Chief Executive Michelle Johnston Holthaus recently said that 2025 will be a "year of stabilization" for the company. Intel is currently seeking a permanent leader after its CEO Pat Gelsinger was pushed out last month.

The decades that developers spent writing software for Intel's chips mean that Intel remains a giant, even as its market share has shrunk, and that legacy will limit how quickly Intel's revenues can decline in the future.

Analysts estimate Intel's 2024 revenue was about $55 billion, just behind Nvidia's approximately $60 billion. Intel still has the lion's share of the market for desktop and notebook CPUsβ€”around 76%, overall, according to Mercury Research.

AMD recently formed an alliance with Intel to collaborate on support and development of the x86 ecosystem that both companies make chips for. Papermaster says that his own company continues to invest in this ecosystem even as AMD also develops ARM-based chips for some applications, such as networking and embedded devices.

For a concrete example of Intel's challenges, look at Amazon, the world's biggest provider of cloud computing. More than half of the CPUs Amazon has installed in its data centers over the past two years were its own custom chips based on ARM's architecture, Dave Brown, Amazon vice president of compute and networking services, said recently.

This displacement of Intel is being repeated all across the big providers and users of cloud computing services. Microsoft and Google have also built their own custom, ARM-based CPUs for their respective clouds. In every case, companies are moving in this direction because of the kind of customization, speed and efficiency that custom silicon allows.

All those companies are also making their own custom, ARM-based chips for AI workloads, an area where Intel has missed the boat almost entirely. Then there's the 800-pound gorilla in AI, Nvidia. Many of Nvidia's current-generation AI systems have Intel CPUs in them, but ARM-based chips are increasingly taking center stage in the company's bleeding-edge hardware.

Intel's repeated flubs in entering markets for new kinds of computing and new applications for chips are a textbook example of a big, profitable incumbent becoming a victim of the innovator's dilemma, says Doug O'Laughlin, an industry analyst at SemiAnalysis, which recently published a blistering report on Intel. The innovator's dilemma holds that powerful companies that are unwilling to cannibalize their biggest sources of revenue can be overtaken by upstarts that build competing products that start out small, but which can ultimately take over the market which the incumbent dominatesβ€”like the mobile chips which ARM started off with.

In 1988, former Intel CEO Andy Grove published a book called Only the Paranoid Survive, which highlighted the ways that companies have to be vigilant about what's coming next, and be willing to disrupt themselves and pursue new technologies.

What he intended as a warning to all companies has since become a prophecy foretelling Intel's current difficulties.

"The book is literally about the importance of not missing strategic inflections, and then Intel proceeds to miss every single strategic inflection since," says O'Laughlin.

Then there are laptops. After decades of trying to make it happen, 2024 was finally the year of credible, ARM-based laptops running Windows, thanks to efforts by Microsoft to make Windows on ARM work. The company convinced other companies to port their own software, and created cowtools that allow most existing programs to run on the new laptops, in emulation. Chips in these devices are made by Qualcomm, and benchmarks show that they can finally compete with Apple's M-class mobile processors, which are also based on a combination of ARM technology and a great deal of custom chip design by Apple's formidable in-house team.

Another bastion of market share and profits for Intel, the PC gaming market, is also showing early signs of erosion. Portable gaming systems like Valve's Steam Deck and the Lenovo Legion Go, which can run even very demanding games, use processors from AMD. Future devices that will be part of the company's plan to license its custom OS to other manufacturers may also use ARM-based ones.

Inherent in Intel's woes is the way its vertically integrated structure, long an asset, now weighs on the company's bottom line and ability to innovate. Unlike other companies that either design chips or manufacture them, Intel has stuck to a seemingly antiquated model of doing both.

Intel reported a $16 billion loss in its most recent quarter as it spent big to transform into a contract manufacturerβ€”that is, a company that also manufactures chips for other companies, even competitorsβ€”and catch up to rival TSMC, which now produces the world's most cutting-edge chips.

Analysts expect Intel to return to profitability in 2025, but it won't be clear for years whether the company's big manufacturing bets will ultimately pay off.

One of the big bets of Intel's recently departed CEO Gelsinger, was Intel's attempt to leapfrog TSMC in terms of chip technology. What it calls its "18A" tech could in theory allow its own chips, and those it makes for outsiders, to once again be the most cutting-edge, and the fastest, on the planet. The company has said it could regain that title by 2026. Intel recently announced it had signed a deal with Amazon to make custom chips for the company, using its 18A technology.

Even if Intel can once again lead the industry with its technology, the best case scenario for Intel's own products is that it regains dominance in a market that continues to shrinkβ€”the x86 CPU one, says O'Laughlin. The removal of Gelsinger, who was betting on an all-in strategy for Intel to regain dominance both in the market for its own chips and in serving outside companies, suggests that Intel's board agrees that the company can't continue to count on being the best in the world at everything.

All of these challenges and conflicting priorities may push Intel to someday split in two, severing its product side from manufacturing. Intel Co-CEO David Zinsner recently said that spinning off the company's manufacturing side is an "open question."

It's also possible, in the worst case, that a fate even worse than being dismembered could be in store for Intel.

Rene Haas, CEO of ARM, recently observed that Intel has long been an innovation powerhouse, but that in chipmaking and design, there are countless companies that don't innovate fast enoughβ€”and no longer exist.

Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : Christ denial not only is a mortal sin, it is the denial of basic human morality, it is pure hatred
  • Nightcrawler : @hailvictory1776 is right free my neighbor or face the Christian reeducation camps :capypharaoh:
:marseypraying: /r/atheism MELTDOWN as they realize Project 2025 is underway :marseyhappening: "THIS IS LITERALLY 1984 AND THE HANDMAID'S TALE" :soycry:

Fun fact for all of you enlightened by your own intellectcels: atheism has grown from 3% in 1970 to 4% in 2024 (source) and your project has utterly failed. Belief in new age spiritualism and du jour paganism have had all the growth in your efforts to destroy religion. Having said that, enjoy some reddit seethe:

Gaybros x Love4FatPeople crossover :kongsuprise:

!gaystapo !besties who else would do this :#donkeykongpony: :#donkeykongcurious:


In the last couple hours, any posts calling for or even just asking about a ban are removed by mods, despite all the comments on said posts before deletion being in support of banning links.

This is especially ironic considering Wicked's entire message is anti-fascist

Edit: thanks to user /u/p_rantTA for this link

Reported by:

@hACAppy_2025 thoughts

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