
I had to pull out of a deal that will cost my partner money. Don't feel good about it but it's financially better for me. I feel terrible about it and he's already said he never wants anything to do with me again. But I can't do the deal. I offered a financial agreement of some sort but he's too emotional to agree right now. Might get sued. Frick.

50 Cent - Many Men :marseytrump:
Collect for Friday Evening

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God,

who at this evening hour lay in the tomb

and so hallowed the grave

to be a bed of hope for all who put their trust in you:

give us such sorrow for our sins,

which were the cause of your passion,

that when our bodies lie in the dust,

our souls may live with you for ever.


More than 160,000 people join "White women for Kamala Harris" Zoom call

!khive :#carpletsfuckinggo:

more food drama: cute twinks discussing boneless wings

im sorry for such a bold title but my neighbor who the frick eats boneless wings? seriously if u order boneless wings u are an r-slured cute twink no real person does that shit

Thots on advertisement :marseyburgers: targeted at 4Channers? :marseybikini:

!kino !anime !carlos


Piper? More like pipem, amirite?


A suspected p-dophile killed himself moments after he admitted to watching child pornography to a predator hunter outside his South Dakota home.

Donald Letcher, 60, described the graphic detail of the disturbing videos that featured children as young as infants to Predator Poachers founder Alex Rosen, according to footage shared by the "Breanna Morello Show" podcast.

Letcher described his atrocious viewing pleasures, which featured males holding down babies as they "ejaculated" on them.

After hearing enough evidence, Rosen called in a police officer and got Letcher to admit his heinous act to the cop.

As the officer called his supervisor, Letcher walked inside and a "pop" was heard.

The crew outside say they didn't think much of it because it "wasn't a loud shot," but it was later revealed that Letcher shot himself in the head with a .22 bullet.

"The cop breaks the door down and then one of my camera guys goes around the window and sees him (Letcher) on the ground with a hole in his head bleeding out of it," Rosen said.

Letcher was airlifted to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead, according to Rosen.

The p-dophile had reached out to Rosen's team, who were posing as a preteen girl, and asked for "nudes."

"This guy messaged us first in April, and all the messages he was pretty sexual, asking us for nudes thinking we were a 12-year-old girl," Rosen said.

The predator hunter said he had Letcher graphically describe the videos to ensure the creep admitted to the crimes for video evidence.

"When they describe basically everything they see, it leaves no doubt they're guilty of watching and possessing that stuff," he added.

Letcher reportedly molested a 9-year-old girl in 1996, a fact unknown to Rosen at the time of his conversation, but the case was overturned by the South Dakota Supreme Court.

"The justice system never held him accountable," Rosen said.

Letcher was also hit with DUI and hit-and-run charges after he ran over a 6-year-old girl in a "non-p-dophile" incident in 2022.

Alex Rosen was actually arrested and taken into custody over this. Here's the video of it:

Many are mad at Rosen over this, but he did nothing wrong. One less p-dophile in the world is certainly not a tragedy as far as I'm concerned. :marseywoodchipper2:


TLDR CharliXCX is a musician who wrote a song inspired by Dasha. She was also friend with a musician who transitioned into afterlife. This obvious moral conflict confuses our OP.

You heard about G*merGate getting Trump elected, but what about RedScare getting Trump reelected?? Plenty of yapping under this comment, is Dasha an alt right republican? Is New York getting MAGAified?

The problem with Dasha is that she's a relevant political actor with a far-right agenda to get Trump & the Republican Party elected to get Project 2025 implemented. She's an active threat to freedom, democracy & civil rights

OP's issue isn't just that Charli is friend with Dasha, we need to think about the message her music could carry

(OP) and also for many people charli is a role model, and so they could think that being friends with far-right is okay, and it doesnt say anything about you as a person??? she's a queer icon, so i guess i can wait from her at least some political clarity?

It's absolutely 100% your own fault if you saw her as a role model and became influenced by her.

(OP) girl wtf music is also media that can be used for propaganda, artists do have responsibility on what things they putting into their art

Charli XCX makes music about snorting coke and drunk driving

Glad to see an artists who stands for rights of all oppressed groups :marseykneel:

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