












Doctor Marsey

@Garry_Chess I tried, tell me if you want anything (or everything) changed.

Reported by:
picture, if you will, a group of people who hate getting dunked on

"now that's everyone" you might say. who really likes getting dunked on?

but getting dunked on is like the point of going to the Internet, a perfectly terrible honesty factory at heart.

that's why I dunk on the slow kids who don't really get it, I expect good dunks if I come here, this is supposed to be the top troll's nest.

but the kind of people that never really made this adjustment, of having their views critically examined by a hostile audience, they're the kind of people that end up at TheMotte. You can see it in that ban log that was posted the other day.

Now you have to learn to read TheMotte's ban log. I'll interpret, I don't know the names but you don't have to. I'm not even going to click through to see the post or the reasoning behind the ban.

/u/SSCEnjoyer - permaban - /u/Amadanb

Someone's alt.

/u/BrimThrown - 3 days - /u/Amadanb

An idiot posting there seriously who said something mildly rude.

/u/KulakRevolt - 30 days - /u/Amadanb

A regular known for some spicy takes.

/u/meleemottechess - 2 days - escalated to permaban after raging out in modmail - /u/Amadanb

An alt.

/u/SuspeciousSam - 7 days - /u/Amadanb

An idiot posting there seriously.

/u/JTarrou - 7 days - /u/Amadanb

The idiot posting there seriously, someone so neurodivergent I feel a tiny little bit bad for having dunked on him, but he had it coming.

/u/PmMeClassicMemes - 7 days - /u/naraburns

Someone fighting the good fight of dunking on the idiots in defiance of the law.

/u/lilymotherofmonsters - 3 days - /u/naraburns

An idiot posting there seriously, but it's naraburns, so it could also be someone fighting the good fight.

/u/remzem - 2 days - /u/Amadanb

An idiot posting there seriously

/u/ChadLord78 - 7 days - /u/Amadanb

Possibly a troll based on the name.

/u/autoantinatalist - permaban - /u/Amadanb

Someone going deep into true radical centrism.

/u/CertainlyDisposable - 90 days - /u/Amadanb

90 days means it was a regular, possibly someone fighting the good fight of dunking on the idiots

... you get the general idea. How'd I do?

This lineage of Reddit subreddits, which is to say:

Scott Alexander's blog comments section, the part that lived on Reddit, quarantined all of its political conversation in one weekly thread, which was the location of the biggest Fascist Masquerade on Reddit. Being comprised of people who had the political understanding of novices and higher-than-usual levels of autism, the polite fascists had their way with the community.

But Scott Alexander also wrote praise of blogger and harry potter villain Mencius Moldbug, who is a total wack job. Scott Alexander had some good bits. Moldbug repackaged Fox News talking points for an online audience and doesn't even know, to my knowledge, that this is what he has done. And fair's fair I guess: any amount of influence is success. But the monarchism: it is the wistful romance of a white male dreaming power plays born of grandiose delusions.

These are the people who had a power play about the importance of being dunked on as a central tenet of their culture, because Scott Alexander is of the first online distributed cult: the SFBA Rationalists. (How does an online cult end up with a center? They didn't really plan it out as an online distributed cult. It can't really be done for reasons that either will or won't surprise you. Hint: founder drama. Speaking of, the SFBA Rationalists have some founder drama that lies uninvestigated. I'd love to hear more from any dramanauts willing to make the journey.) The fan fiction that comprises part of this cult's scripture (yes, seriously) has a chapter in which the main character is forcibly instructed in being dunked on. But they still never managed to really internalize it.

When Scott Alexander wrote about Moldbug, he was self-consciously running a maximization algorithm on engagement. He wrote some emails detailing his writing strategy. His community therefore was intentionally driven towards bringing in neoreactionaries, and his communities were infested with actual racism as a result.

TheMotte is a parable to me in so many ways.

  • Online writers need an editor.
  • Even if you identify your faults, you may not be able to do anything about them.
  • Middling intellects are far, far stupider than normal people with average IQs. There's a pseudo-intellectual uncanny gap where you are smart enough to know more things but not better things and utter confusion is the result.

I am not a Mottoid, they kept their permaban on me when they moved from Scott Alexander's subreddit. They don't like me because I've dunked on them too much. And they view my dunks as anti-social behavior, which... well, yes, but that's the whole point of online discussion, getting to see people's uncensored thoughts.

An online politics forum built on anonymous polite speech is missing the point, but lmao the problem specifically with TheMotte is:

They view their entire purpose as to provide a place to air views which are anti-social in many common contexts and they forbid any anti-social views in response.

This is the outcome of a fastidious and overbearing focus on fact as the prevailing power in argument, literal readers who struggle to understand social context. Too neurodivergent for politics.

The resulting bubble is this deluded ship of fools who legit believe the left is out to get them specifically. Free speech idealism twisted around to say "no you can't say that." It's the most insane thing. The least functional political forum.

They won't come here to rdrama because the whole point of the Internet is to summon your Jungian shadow, right? And they're hiding from any honest reflection of their views.


Why do I post this?

Because in all honesty, I used to believe in the power of online discourse. Scott Alexander and his community broke me of that belief. They are such active and strong-willed participants in the artifice of their self-delusion that I gave up on true seriousposting.

Shitposting and dunking and deprecating reflection on world events; that's the r drama dot net way.

Which dramaposter do you absolutely hate
Resist :marseypibblelivesmatter:

Occasionally he'll drop some boomer tier funny papers s*x joke (which is based) , it looks like this week he's trying out a different artstyle of the "useless millennial cute twink" variety

Some r-slurs still seem to find a way to consider it sticking it to the wokies :!chudsmug:


people want to talk about that but not his famous quote as shown below. Breathtaking.

what it actually said

Immigration didn't work out too well for the native Indians

That was colonialism. Ya shoulda been more attentive in class 🤷‍♂️

Graham you are unwittingly making the argument against mass migration when you invoke what happened to the native tribes in America. You are arguing that people should stay where they are 🤣🤣👌 Welcome to the far right bud

Stefann only daft langers like you see that but ok 🤷‍♀️

Native Americans didn't live in Ireland. The Irish are the Natives

Where did I say they did?

Frick off yank

We never had native Americans in Ireland you spastic hahah

Classy ableism kid

Heya Hoya

We're sending everyone who posted this kind of meme to the third world.

Nope. You ain't doing shit but getting cross on the internet 🥱

"In the early stages of dementia, this lib boomer no longer has the ability to discern which is the appropriate stock libtard meme to apply to this specific political issue" (




Microsoft closes Tango Gameworks, Developers of Hi-Fi Rush :marseytears: (and two other literallywhos nobody cares about :marseyshrug:)

Basically confirms the rumor last year that HFR sold poorly. Shame 'cause it was my personal GOTY 2023 :#marseygameritsover:

Beautiful black qween in Hades 2 :marseyblm:


Seriously just read this comment:

The Boys is such a weirdly horrible show…

…and that's exactly why I can't stop watching it.

The thing that bothers me most about the show though isn't the s*x or hyperviolence, it's the fact that there really are people out there who actually would idolise Homelander, and that's worse than any gore-soaked murder-fest the show will ever depict (and they've shown some seriously twisted stuff already).

Imagine unironically writing that. Other comments include:

Rick And Morty is another good example. Rick Sanchez is not supposed to be a role model, you Joker-loving freakazoids.

:marseyclapping2: watch :marseyclapping2: another :marseyclapping2: cartoon :marseyclapping2:

Butcher and Homelander's characters are horrible in a truly delectable way though, and both are brilliantly inhabited by their actors.

For me that's what takes The Boys from a 7.* to a high 9.

delectable is one of those Redditor words that makes me cringe.

Yesssss! Antony Starr's portrayal of Homelander is streets ahead. June 13th can't come soon enough.

You might think "this is a clearly astroturfed account and this comment will have been downvoted to heck by the astute, intelligent users of Ars Technica". You'd be wrong, it's one of the top comments and the user has had their Ars account for 23 years.

Let's see the most unpopular comment just to balance things out:

super - yawn

The desperate attempt to be different from other series with <whatever others don't dare to do/show> gets boring very quickly. If you don't have a decent story, even extra violence won't help (as 'The Boys' impressively demonstrates - season 3 was already just a collection of confused story fragments pasted together with violence).

Heroes, zombies, detectives with superhuman cognitive abilities, but with social abnormalities, extra violence, time travel stories with maximum arbitrariness, the 1,000th series variation of a once successful film, with ideas that have long since become stale (Star Trek, Star Wars, all superheroe movies & series, ...), ...

How boring! Mental fast food for people who prefer not to deal with anything.

One of the :marseyraging: replies to it:

Unless you're in a private group of friends and been given the 'ok' to do so, nobody likes someone who sarcastically shits on things other people like because they're bored, either in public socialization or on social media.

You have to have a functioning, actual specific critique as to why production on the show may have been a waste relative to something else or the critique falls out as being 'that guy', bored and being a shithead for the sake of it.

dramacels in shambles.




Orange Site:



what do u guys use for web hosting

hi, im learning some html in class right now, but it's all just .html files on my computer, how do i add it to the web? preferably for free, also i dont want it to be slow



Twitter founder Jack Dorsey is no longer on the board of Bluesky, the decentralized social media platform he helped start. In two posts today, Bluesky thanked Dorsey while confirming his departure and adding that it's searching for a new board member “who shares our commitment to building a social network that puts people in control of their experience.”

The posts come a day after an X user asked Dorsey if he was still on the company's board, and Dorsey responded, without further elaboration, “no.” As TechCrunch points out, Dorsey was on a tear yesterday, unfollowing all but three accounts on X while referring to Elon Musk's platform as “freedom technology.”

Neither Bluesky nor Dorsey himself seem to have said how or why he left the board. For now, two board members remain: CEO, Jay Graeber, and Jabber / XMPP inventor Jeremie Miller. Dorsey originally backed Bluesky in 2019 as a project to develop an open-source social media standard that he wanted Twitter to move to. He later joined its board of directors when it split from Twitter in 2022.

But Dorsey hadn't seemingly been a particularly active participant at the company. In March, when The Verge's Nilay Patel asked Graeber for Decoder about his level of involvement with Bluesky, she said she gets “some feedback occasionally,” but implied he's otherwise “being Jack Dorsey on a cloud,” as Nilay put it. Months before that interview, Dorsey had closed his Bluesky account.

Bluesky did not immediately respond to The Verge's request for comment.

Update May 5th, 2024, 4:37PM ET: Updated with Bluesky's confirmation of Dorsey's departure from its board.


TunnelVision, as the researchers have named their attack, largely negates the entire purpose and selling point of VPNs, which is to encapsulate incoming and outgoing Internet traffic in an encrypted tunnel and to cloak the user's IP address. The researchers believe it affects all VPN applications when they're connected to a hostile network and that there are no ways to prevent such attacks except when the user's VPN runs on Linux or Android. They also said their attack technique may have been possible since 2002 and may already have been discovered and used in the wild since then.

( . . . . )

Interestingly, Android is the only operating system that fully immunizes VPN apps from the attack because it doesn't implement option 121. For all other OSes, there are no complete fixes. When apps run on Linux there's a setting that minimizes the effects, but even then TunnelVision can be used to exploit a side channel that can be used to de-anonymize destination traffic and perform targeted denial-of-service attacks. Network firewalls can also be configured to deny inbound and outbound traffic to and from the physical interface. This remedy is problematic for two reasons: (1) a VPN user connecting to an untrusted network has no ability to control the firewall and (2) it opens the same side channel present with the Linux mitigation.

:!#marseygossipsmug: :#marseyglowtyping: :#marseygossipretard:

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