like and subscribe if u agree
:marseyaustralian: REFERENDUM DAY THREAD:!platyaboriginal: [Current status- 6/6 STATES +60% NO TOTAL CHUD VICTORY :chudspin::chudspin::chudspin::chudspin:]

!strayans !strayans !strayans IN IN IN

I've timed this to go out at midday AEDT and I'll try keep it active until the referendum is called sometime tonight.

Carp aevann pls pin, but if they don't I'm gonna use my limited coins to pin it myself when something happens.

  • Sneed- Marcia Langton says reconciliation is dead

  • News- last minute Newspoll shows Yes gain by 3 points (still losing tho)

  • Sneed- Dutton is literally drumpfh

  • Sneed- "Once again, it seems only white men know what's best for Aboriginal peoples"

Anyway, how was voting (if you're doing it on the day)? What result are you expecting? What result do you want?

Reported by:
Pls pls no more

U guys are such bullies. Please i will cry and commit die :( no more.


Here is the cipher. The question :marseyconfuseddead: has been scrambled from its original form.

>oewph spws nhit ircthe en npeatsiiad rsnhetd otne otnhsentseuclh ls etwts een inemeyh,locieut s tkeiyu raclum kootn etetf hosi?

Here is the key:

>rdmhaetyu opliwns gbfkrecv xzjuql

The first :marseywinner: to give me the answer :marseyconfuseddead: to the question :marseybeanblack: will get 10k MB and a unique badge. The only hint I will give is that I started with the Caesar :marseyburnedman: cypher method. Badge :marseymajorgeneral3: should :marseynorm: be ready :marseyexcited: in the next few days or so. The next 4 will get 10k mb.

!ghosts would :marseywood: someone in badgemaxxers mind pinging them please?

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Stupid Shit on Wikipedia Megathread

So, it would appear that there wasn't already a thread about this on here, so I'm getting one started. This is a general megathread for posting stupid shit that you found on Wikipedia, including stupid misinformation and stupid drama.

I'll get the thread started with a few examples. For one, this recent "Did you know..." box could almost pass for a parody:

The article about Jex Blackmore appears to have been fully created about a month ago. March 29th when was when it stopped being a redirect, and was mostly what it is today. This is clearly an astroturfed-in art project from someone who has no talent, no skill, and is likely mentally ill. In other words, perfect for Wikipedo. With that said, you can tell that even the :marseytrain2:s who wrote the article know that this person is batfrick insane.

Here's some more recent :marseytrain2: drama, in which self-professed neurodivergent anarcho-communist Dronebogus calls a columnist a "transphobic wackadoodle" (in blatant violation of Wikipedia's so-called rules against personal attacks), then gets another user permanently banned for making very light anti-:marseytrain2: comments:

Much like Le Rebbit, Wikipedia has been completely overtaken by mentally ill :marseytrain2: activists in recent years.

Wikipedia is primarily edited by the same kind of people who post on Reddit (i.e. porn-addicted neckbeards/:marseytrain2:s), and this screenshot of Wikipedia's examples of "multiracial people" speaks for itself:

There is always drama surrounding Wikipedia articles about internet trolls, whether it's regarding G*merGate, Kiwi Farms, imageboards, or anything else. Recently, Wikipedia purged all references to Kiwi Farms "targeting" far-right users. The Wikipedo jannies - many of whom, again, self-identify as communists - declared that catboy/Nick Fuentes criticism from Kiwi Farms users is only "infighting" because the trolls are all, of course, far-right themselves.





Needless to say, it's hard to keep the "internet trolls are all Nazis" illusion around if they mention facts to the contrary. Having the fact that Kiwi Farms keeps threads on the likes of Nick Fuentes and Richard Spencer be public knowledge opens people up to asking "but why would they be fighting other far-right people if they're far-right themselves?" and we definitely can't have that!

Reported by:

@MoonMetropolis :marseywave2:


Joshua Ryne Goldberg (born May 14, 1995) is an American internet troll,[1] convicted of attempting a bombing on the 14th anniversary of the September 11 attacks[2] while posing as an Islamic terrorist affiliated with ISIS.[3][4][5]

Goldberg had many online identities and spent virtually all of his time on the internet.[7] In addition to promoting terrorism, he made thousands of troll posts advocating for liberal feminism, neo-Nazism, and other ideologies.


Credit to @Patsy for xeeting him


In case you all were wondering, /r/drama's description of me as looking like "Post Malone if the amount of weed consumed was estrogen" no longer stands. I now bear zero resemblance to any of the pictures that exist of me. In prison, I shaved my head bald and started working out.


!oldstrags !dramatards

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Who else loves Dumbledore posting? :dumbledoreagony:


Not the best version of these threads but still pretty :marseyglam: funny :marseybruh: nonetheless :marseyagree:.


Shooter was a THEY/THEM hasanmaxxer but honestly could just be a troll :marseygiveup:

But its the only acccount with a new non-public photo of the guy and a lot of the people they follow are randos from the same high school.

Account was created 4 yrs ago (with 10 username changes)

We did it Reddit! Redditors solve a drill rap murder

Lil Scoom is one of several drill rappers who've died over the past few days. The rapture for blacks.

22 dead in July so far

They contemplate moving

Anyways. His mom came out and blamed "someone" on the inside for his death

Then one of the murderers posts a txt of the girl setting up our boy, little Scoom

Redditors notice she types funnyโ€ฆ.

And find her Facebook



Some "fellas" dubiously taking the credit for the murder of the scoomster

Same lmaooo


They organized the recipients in the following groups, "Eligible applicants were randomly assigned to one of three payment groups: A) $1,000 a month for 12 months, for a total of $12,000 in a year; B) $6,500 upon enrollment and $500 a month for the subsequent 11 months, for a total of $12,000 in a year, C) $50 a month for 12 months, for a total of $600 in a year."

This is odd, why don't they have a control group that received $0 per month? Could it be that they knew most of these people would find housing of their own volition regardless of the payment provided, and that by excluding an actual control group, they don't have to compare against the null results???

Maybe by providing $50/month to people that would find housing anyway, they could claim that participants showed these incredible improvements (ignoring the fact that the payments are not the reason why)?!?!? No, that would be disingenuous! Leftists wouldn't do such a thing!!!

Actually, that's exactly what's going on here. If you look at Figure 16 on page 27, it turns out that the $1000/mo payment is statistically no more likely to reduce the probability of a participant being unhoused as compared to the $50/mo payment. Does anyone actually believe that $50/mo is enough to solve homelessness? No, that's silly.

Leftists want to believe that UBI will work SO BADLY that they take taxpayer money, funnel it to a group of homeless people they know do not need it (they deliberately chose participants without disabilities and illness), construct a purposely deceptive "study" based on this scientifically unsound process, and then plaster the "promising results" all over the internet, using leftist propaganda accounts on X to trick people.



I'm on mobile so you get no linked comments :marseyantiwork:

Reported by:

every mayofoid with a chanel purse who walks through the tenderloin to get her mocha chai latte is like a walking $200 donation to zombies in need of fancy jewelry.


Context: Star Wars has recently come out with a new show, The Acolyte, that has bitterly divided the fandom. It had received an extremely poor audience Rotten Tomatoes score before it even came out, actors from it have been harassed, and has been the subject of numerous extremely negative Youtube videos mostly from those on the right and far right. A post is made on /r/prequelmemes claiming that Lucas would not be a fan of the modern fandom due to his left wing beliefs, and argument ensues. How much of the criticism is in good faith? Is Disney Star Wars pushing politics? Is the Acolyte actually bad? Is the Star Wars fandom toxic?

Some commenters think Lucas' politics are obviously left wing:

I can understand why a young person today wouldn't read between the lines on the OT's commentary on the Vietnam War or Nixon, but how these people completely miss that the Prequels are a commentary on the Invasion of Afghanistan/Iraq, Newt Gingrich and the Republican Party, Neoliberalism and Corporate Interests/Lobbying is beyond me. It's so blatant.

Andor is my communist manifesto

Others debate if any criticism of The Acolyte and Disney Star Wars in general is being construed as bigotry:

yea good move from disney to call all of his fan base racist and sexist just genius

Ok, but the criticism of Disney's Star Wars isn't just coming from the right, it's not even political at all. Something that sucks, can simply suck because it sucks.

Disney has to blame something for the crap products they push these days though.

Just call everyone a Nazi and go home already.

Disney intentionally stokes the weirdos and isnt really helping the situation. yeah its fricking ret*rded some fans step over board but the best you can do is ignore them. dont feed the troll use to be the standard on the internet. now they purposefully feed them and they grow more empowered and get a bunch of attention now. also disneys starwars is dead. at least to me.

gigachad :marseychadthundercock: roasts the r-slurs of /r/gamedev

I've seen a lot of posts lately about people talking about their NextFest or Summer :marseybeach: steam :marseyfreeman: event experiences. The vast majority of people saying it does nothing, but when I look at their game, it legitimately looks worse than the flash :marseyezramiller: games :marseylegioncommander: people were making when I was in middle :marseyfuckyou: school.

This (image) is one of the top games :marseygamer: on a top post right :marseytransmisiaaward: now (name removed) about someone saying NextFest has done nothing for them despite :marseybipocattentionseeker: 500k impressions. This looks just awful. And it's not unique. 80%+ of the games :marseygamer: I see linked in here look like that have absolutely 0 visual effort.

You can't put out this level of quality :marseygraze: and then complain about lack of interest. Indie devs get a bad rap because people are just churning out asset flips or low effort :marseymoreyouknow: garbage :marseyraccoonregular: like this and expecting :marseypreg: people to pay money :marseygeralt: for it.

NextFest is a Steam :marseyfreeman: event where :marseydrama: they highlight upcoming indie games :marseylegioncommander: and devs release demos of their games :marseygamer: so people can try them out. Every other post on the subreddit has been "why isn't my shitty game getting any attention" and their game looks like this:


Welcome to modern gaming, you're always one ambiguous dialog option from a gay s*x scene.


/r/climatechange (a.k.a. Collapse light) has some ideas

Stop having a economic system where the default is growth for growths sake

This; the road starts here. IMO it's exactly why we won't achieve it by choice. We will achieve it via collapse though, I'm certain.

Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell. - Edward Abbey :#soyjakfat:

Collapse is becoming the secular version of the Rapture lmao.

Mexico is an example of slow GDP growth but measurable improvements in many people's lives.

:#marseylaughpoundfist: :#taylaugh:

How can we pressure the government? All I can think of are like protests.

i would not be surprised to see eco-terrorists by the end of this decade

and frankly, even that might not change much

I see this as the only thing that might make an impact. But it will probably be too late by the time people take action.

Stochastic violence like that won't do anything to help us here.

Don't get me wrong I'm totally fine with it, it just won't move the needle unfortunately

:#marseyglow: :#marseyfedposthmmm:

!bookworms this reminds me of the KSR โ€œMinistry of the Futureโ€ review. The author thinks the majority will totally sympathize with eco-terrorists and governments will totally yield to them. Yeah I'm sure people will be thrilled if eco-terrorists blow up a coal power plant, one positive out of it is subs like collapse being banned after becoming a honeypot for green terrorist sympathizers.

I still think the more likely scenario is no eco-terrorism as enviromentalistcels are too soy and depressed to engage in violence besides giving social media upmarseys.

End the production of useless crap like iPhones every year or cheap plastic shit that breaks in a year.

Have manufacturers work on high quality stuff with fair working conditions and environmental regulations.

No Smart phone ever year. You get a easily fixable and sustainable Fairphone every five years made from recycled parts

Lmao !anticommunists !neolibs

Massive death tolls, mass migration and economic disruption, followed by famine and governmental instability, leading to authoritarianism and war. Can't wait. Yet people keep talking about polar bears and sea levels.


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EFFORTPOST Laughing at a dying company's dying game :marseymeangirls:: The fall of Team Fortress 2 :marseytf2spygenocide:

Hi dramafrens!! :#marseywave2:

Have any of you heard of this obscure little indie game company called Valve? You may have heard of them from niche titles such as:

Half-Life :#marseyfreeman:

Portal :#parrotportalblue::#parrotportalorange:

Only the biggest gaming platform of all time, Steam :steamhappy#:

But today we're talking about a game very close to my heart: Team Fortress 2! :marseytf2heavypat: Valve's hit first person class-based team shooter is an iconic game, earning it a place of glory amongst all vidya and entrenching it in internet and meme culture, and even a somewhat recent meme trend depicting the TF2 characters as buff, totally heterosexual Wagnerite Ziggers has produced some of the shiniest gemeralds of all time :gem:

(video courtesy of @CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM_fan17)

It's really close to my all time favorite game and definitely my most played. Countless hours were sucked from my childhood :marseybib: as baby me learned to use my first slurs whenever I came across a particularly annoying enemy Demoman :marseysnappynraged:

Which is why it's all the sadder that I'm now talking about its spectacular fall from grace.

:marseygrimreaper: The Beginning of the End :marseygrimreaper!:

Meet Your Match :marseybrap:

TF2 had a reputation of being a quite regularly updated game, with a major content release happening around 3-5 times a year. Besides usual gripes from boomers :marseyboomer: these updates were pretty well received, and I certainly have held a positive view of almost all of them although that could just be me yearning for my teenage years.

However, on July 7th of 2016 the most controversial TF2 update to date released: Meet Your Match.

Before this update all TF2 players would play the game through a generic server browser. Valve ran their own public servers right alongside all the community made ones, and filtering for a server you wanted was incredibly easy and streamlined. You could filter by player count, full/empty, whether or not the server used the shitty Valve Anti-Cheat, whether custom decals were allowed, you name it. Everything was hosted on the server browser, it held everything from official Valve servers to servers run by the dregs of society. I fondly remember joining a server when I was about 11 running a map that had furry porn plastered all over the walls :marseybutt2: you never forget your first time, !furries.

So what did Meet Your Match change? Well, it didn't remove the server browser. Not outright. But it did take all official Valve-ran servers off the browser and move them into a shitty matchmaking system :marseybangfast: No longer could you filter for a specific Valve server running your favorite map, you now have to queue up for matchmaking in a party with up to five friends (no more just joining your friends through Steam or the server browser!), have a certain list of maps selected, and pray to god :marseypraying: it lands you in a game within the next 15 minutes. Even worse, since the matchmaking system's job is to get you into a game by any means necessary, it could land you in a game with no players or a game about to end and switch maps to a shitty one you don't like. Additionally those official Valve servers got way shittier, due to the removal of the ability to switch teams, removal of sprays (basically the ability to plaster a custom image onto any surface you want :marseyevilgrin:), and the increasingly outdated Valve Anti-Cheat system being easier to exploit by cheaters. Oh, and those five friends you get to party up with? :marseypolyamory: They will only be on your team, meaning you can only have friendly competition with these friends if somebody gets auto-balanced (which remember is a necessity since you can't change teams manually to even the balance :marseyeyelidpulling:)

That server browser still exists, but it's been relegated to its own separate tab and no longer has any Valve-ran games on it. That would be fine if you don't like Valve servers, (and who would? :marseyno:) but the average TF2 player is just going to hit โ€œfind gameโ€ and not bother with the server browser, leaving a bunch of half-empty, struggling community serversโ€”not to mention that most of the community servers are shit themselves, but for other reasons; no way in heck am I downloading 13 trillion Touhou reskin mods just to play on a shitty weeb server! :marseysick: :soyno:

The update understandably made a lot of people upset, me included! But we had no idea how much worse it was going to get.

Jungle Inferno, or, Pain of Neglect :marseysleep:

Released on October 20th of 2017, Jungle Inferno was a pretty bog-standard update, as far as things go. A few new weapons, some balances, a few new maps which were mostly shitty, we've all heard it before. The problem? It was the last time Valve would do anything significant with the game. Any updates past Jungle Inferno were repeating seasonal events, and the last Saxxy Awards (the TF2 community's version of the Oscars, where people would create kino animations using Valve's Source Filmmaker) ever to be held to this date :marseycrying:

โ€œBut Shelly,โ€ you might ask, โ€œyou said there were still seasonal event updates! Surely stuff was being added then, right? :marseynerd2:โ€ Well, yes. But it wasn't Valve. Every Halloween :marseypumpkin: and Christmas :marseyimmaculate: Valve would have some intern scour the top rated maps, cosmetics, weapon skins, and taunts from the community workshop. So surely game's health is in the community's hands, and doing alright, yes? Wellโ€ฆ

All of this shit was just bad, frankly. :marseydisagree: Often times the skins had missing textures, the cosmetics were r-slurred and unwanted or even outright broken, the taunts didn't work, all things that could go weeks without being fixed. Besides, hats and skins don't affect the gameplay!

Well maps do affect the gameplay. But they were all shittier even than the skins! A prime example is Wutville, a community made Christmas map. I think I'll let this image of the first attacker spawn and the known bugs list speak for themselves.

So we have a map that is basically a long, sniper-heaven corridor with no flank routes, tons of bugs, and is a visual fricking mess to boot! :marseyitsallsotiresome: And this is just one extreme example of many broken community maps; don't even get me started on Bread Space, which started the defending team out facing the wrong way, so half the team would obliviously walk the entire way back to their last point in the setup phase! :marseylaugh: It was obvious that Valve was not bothering to playtest anything they were putting into the game, let alone make it themselves.

Why was Valve refusing to work on such an influential title? Despite all their decisions the TF2 player counts were continuing to grow, almost suspiciously soโ€ฆ (more on that later :marseywink:) surely if Valve put in the effort they could bring ever more players in and just get that much more money from anyone participating in its famous economy. It has a lot to do with their company work philosophy: on the outside, they claim to avoid โ€œtreadmill workโ€ :marseyeyeroll: and prioritize employee freedom :marseyrevolution: by letting them work on any projects they had passion for. Beneath this stupid pseudo-commie work structure however everyone knew Valve operated on the principle of โ€œDo nothing and let Steam make us infinite money.โ€ They didn't need to work on TF2 because it made them zero billions of dollars. :marseyshrug:

Attack of the Machines :marseysnappyenraged2:

The Sniperbots :marseypedosnipe:

In 2020, there was a source code leak, leading many people to fear the worst. A lot of rumors were in the air at this time, everything from exploits in the code being used to hack accounts to even in-game doxxing. While none of these ever really came true, there was certainly an opportunity for cheaters to exploit a vulnerability in the game. And exploit they did!

A bit of background is needed. Basically there are nine classes in TF2, but out of all of them none is more powerful than the Sniper. With two clicks he can instantly kill 5 out of those 9. In a game played by humans, the main barrier to playing Sniper is the human player's skill and ability to quickly land those instakill headshots. A good player can theoretically steamroll the entire enemy team only by playing Sniper, but nobody but the most turbovirgin neurodivergents could ever hope to reach the skill level needed.

A robot thoughโ€ฆ :marseythinkorino:

With the game's guts on display for the world to see, people naturally quickly made programs that could run an account on TF2 playing sniper, which would proceed to walk straight into combat and land every headshot, wiping the entire enemy team :marseywtf2: but it wouldn't just be one, it would be five, ten, fifteen sniperbots with absolutely zero counterplay pooping up entire game servers. As expected, these bots were also equipped with the latest in slur technology :marseyracist: and would frequently call votekicks on human players :marseyban:

It was a dark time, and still is. These bots are still running around, and the game is absolutely unplayable outside of peak hours. The bots don't stray outside of casual matchmaking so community servers are fine, but the same problems I already highlighted with those servers still exist today :marseysad:

Valve managed to โ€œfixโ€ the slur-spamming problem by removing chat permissions for all free to play players. :marsey1984: I don't think I need to mention why this is a bad idea. In addition to that the bots aren't really fixed, they still flood casual servers and kick every human player out. To this day, it seems Valve has no intention of actually fixing this issue.

#SaveTF2 :soysnoo:

The problem eventually became Reddit's problem. /r/tf2 is the epitome of a modern day vidya subreddit, astroturfed to heck, filled with shitty memes and r-slurred redditors who think they can accomplish anything by making smug comments. Their solution to the bots, the content drought, and the general decline of the game? Be heckin' wholesome 100 about it, and start a hashtag :marseysoylentgrin:

The SaveTF2 movement started with the general goal of getting Valve to fix their darn game. Get rid of the bots was the first priority, and after that people generally thought that Valve would notice TF2 as profitable with the surge of new players coming into a fresh, shiny, bot-free classic game! :marseyglitter: After all, TF2 was still reaching record numbers of concurrent player counts, (:marseywink:) imagine what new heights it could reach from there!

It became fully Redditized incredibly quickly. Constant mentions of Valve and Valve developers on Xwitter, :marseyeyeroll: r-slurred โ€œspread the wordโ€ posts all over reddit in unrelated subs, :marseyeyeroll2: and getting the voice actors to go along with their shitty memes :marseyjerkoffsmile: are just a few of the regular Keanu Chungus redditor actions you would expect from such a movement.

The Valve Response :marseylaugh:

In May of 2022, the TF2 Twitter account posted this:

This lead many to rejoice in the triumph of the SaveTF2 movement. Honestly things were looking prettyโ€ฆ hopeful? Maybe the Reddit activism got to them? After years and years of total radio silence it looked like Valve might actually care about this โ€˜dead game' that continued to grow.

An update was promised and actuallyโ€ฆ delivered? In July of 2023, TF2 players got the Summer Update! What was in this update, you ask?

  • Community-made cosmetics

  • Community-made skins

  • Community-made maps

Sound familiar? :marseysmug3: But hey, at least the wholesome reddit seal was added into the game! :wholesomeseal: (No, I'm not joking)

This satisfied the redditors though, and the SaveTF2 movement gradually lost momentum, sputtered, and died. All the while, the bots still ran free.


On April 30th of this year, a long time TF2 YouTuber by the name of ZestyJesus woke up and dropped the fattest trvthnvke ever made on the TF2 community:

For those of you who don't want to watch an hour long video, :marseywords: the TL;DR is that after scraping years of data from third party sites and even neurodivergentally collecting his own information, this guy came to a frightening conclusionโ€ฆ You know how I said that despite everything, in spite of the bots, the content drought, the shitty community made updates, in spite of all of it, TF2's player count continued to grow?

In the video, this guy provides pretty darning evidence that over 70% of TF2's reported playersโ€ฆ are bots. :marseypearlclutch: But not those sniper bots I've been talking about previously! No, these bots exist specifically to sit in private servers with TF2 running in text-mode (no graphics to reduce RAM usage) and periodically receive item drops, courtesy of Valve's age old gacha system. These bots then sell these items for irl money, inflating both the in-game economy and the reported player counts. The actual player counts? Declining, and had been since Meet Your Match.

ZestyJesus took aim at the Redditors in his closing statements in the video, highlighting how much of a massive failure SaveTF2 was and what an embarrassment it was that the movement lost steam as soon as Valve threw them a bone that looked and tasted exactly like all the other bones they had been thrown for seven years.

So naturally, the redditors crawled out of the woodwork.

#FixTF2: The Redditor Strikes Back :marseysoyhype:

Not taking any hints as to the actual point of the ZestyJesus, some clown by the name of WeezyTF2 releases this video:

Basically he's just saying the movement needs to start again with a different name. TF2 players, still stunned from the TRVTHNVKE fallout, have begun clinging onto this new movement as of late. It basically just involves a lot more whining, which at least does more than the reddit activism they were doing before.

Another YouTuber by the name of shounic, who mostly does explanations of the game's mechanics and code :marseyneko: released this video a mere day ago, highlighting all the barriers to actually fixing the game and all the pitfalls this new movement could fall into:

And at around this time TF2 starts getting massively review bombed!!

At least reviews are an actual form of protest. But what about other Valve games? It appears that Half-Life 2 has also been the target of a few stinkers! :marseyshitlover:

Surely this will go well.


Redditors suck and I hate them all. I hope Valve does something with my favorite childhood game but honestly I'm not holding my breath. I think Valve realizes they're probably going to make more money from their newest Overwatch-clone slop than they could ever make from fixing TF2.

And if they don't? They have the money. Steam will bail them out.

Reported by:
  • pub_LICK : /h/slackernews or /r/erstory
EFFORTPOST How The Unix Haters Won :marseypenguin: :marseykernelpanic: :!marseyraging:

Chances are if you are using a device in 2024 you have likely touched a Unix systems: your phone, your appliances, and web serves are all using UNIX or UNIX likes. Created in the mid 70s at Bell labs, primarily by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, Unix was a multi user multi tasking operating system built for mainframe computers. It was built on a philosophy of simplicity where a set of small programs which each did one thing well would be able to communicate together to accomplish more complex tasks.

It was originally built just for software development but became more popular as it was licensed out to various universities, governments, and corporations (due to AT&Ts relationship with bell labs they could not sell UNIX directly but had to license it to other parties). Most famously was BSD by Berkley which lives on as the BSD line of OSes. One of these licenses was sold to Microsoft who then created Xenix, which was then sub licensed to other parties making it briefly the most popular UNIX version until it was oudated with UNIX 4 and 5 by AT&T and Sun.

At the same time Microsoft had made a deal to provide a lighter OS for IBM's line of personal computers since they were to under powered for Unix so they hired Tim Paterson who had created 86-DOS for Seattle Computer Products Intel Machines to port the DOS system to IBM PCs, IBM PC DOS, and bought the DOS rights from him creating MS-DOS. An under powered 16 bit single tasking piece of shit. Microsoft positioned DOS as the companion to XENIX with the two being compatible and hoped to eventually make DOS identical to single user XENIX called XEDOS. Until Bell labs broke up and AT&T could just start straight up selling UNIX V which blew XENIX out of the water.

With DOS being so shit MS began working with IBM on a new OS called O/S 2 to replace DOS. Eventually the culture clash got to be too much and the success of the DOS based Windows 3 convinced to continue with DOS while IBM kept OS/2. As powerful multi processing OSs which could multi task effectively became common competitors like Sun UNIX line, OS2, OpenVMS, and Next Step offered better multi processing more power and backwards DOS support.

In this soup is where the Unix Haters mailing list emerged. It ran from around 1988 to 1993 and was a place for people to rant about UNIX. This was collected in the 1994 book The UNIX-HATERS Handbook. I think the motive of the Unix Haters becomes clear when you look at who wrote the intro for the book, Don Norman, a user experience engineer at Apple. The Unix Haters view Unix as a inhuman, inaccessible dinosaur which is used not because it is intuitive or user friendly but because it was first and now its everywhere. The book is mostly a polemic of rants about bad experiences and vivid metaphors:

Ken Thompson has an automobile which he helped design. Unlike most automobiles, it has neither speedometer, nor gas gauge, nor any of the other numerous idiot lights which plague the modern driver. Rather, if the driver makes a mistake, a giant โ€œ?โ€ lights up in the center of the dashboard. โ€œThe experienced driver,โ€ says Thompson, โ€œwill usually know what's wrong.โ€


In a previous job selling Lisp Machines, I was often asked about Unix. If the audience was not mixed gender, I would sometimes compare Unix to herpesโ€”lots of people have it, nobody wants it, they got screwed when they got it, and if they could, they would get rid of it. There would be smiles, heads would nod, and that would usually end the discussion about Unix.


I have a natural revulsion to any operating system that shows so little planning as to have to named all of its commands after digestive noises (awk, grep, fsck, nroff).


If the designers of X Windows built cars, there would be no fewer than five steering wheels hidden about the cockpit, none of which followed the same principlesโ€”but you'd be able to shift gears with your car stereo. Useful feature, that.


Q. Where did the names โ€œCโ€ and โ€œC++โ€ come from?

A. They were grades.

In between these metaphors are the same few points made over and over again: 1. Unix commands do not follow logical names for instance grep searches files, awk is a text replacement as is sed, cat concatenates files and/or displays constants to the command line, fsck checks file systems ect. This is a mostly pedantic argument since any experienced Unix user knows these by heart its also pointless in the internet age and only really applies to first time non programmers. 2. Pipes are too limited and difficult to use as they only go one way and transfer text as is the bash shell since allows for custom programs with unique syntax. The authors compare this to Macintosh which has independent programs with their own discreet files:

When was the last time your Unix workstation was as useful as a Macintosh? When was the last time it ran programs from different companies (or even different divisions of the same company) that could really communicate? If it's done so at all, it's because some Mac software vendor sweated blood porting its programs to Unix, and tried to make Unix look more like the Mac.

The fundamental difference between Unix and the Macintosh operating system is that Unix was designed to please programmers, whereas the Macwas designed to please users.

Unix was literally made for programmers and working Ill say in my own work bash scripting a nice quick and dirty automation tool.

3. RM is a powerful command which does not warn the user of its dangers as using it you can easily destroy a whole system if you make a type while far up the root:

I too have had a similar disaster using rm. Once I was removing a file system from my disk which was something like /usr/foo/bin. I was in /usr/foo and had removed several parts of the system by:

% rm -r ./etc

% rm -r ./adm

โ€ฆand so on. But when it came time to do ./bin, I missed the period. System didn't like that too much.

Unix wasn't designed to live after the mortal blow of losing its /bin directory. An intelligent operating system would have given the user a chance to recover (or at least confirm whether he really wanted to render the operating system inoperable).

To this I say skill issue plain and simple. Reminds me of a student in another lab whose PI has a strict "no rm" rule for students working on the supercomputer :marseysmug2:.

4. Bad documentation. This mostly came from the At&T commericalization. Pretty much no company wants documentation out there for their commercial OS otherwise you can easily leave the plantation I mean can anyone show me the windows NT 10 kernel documentation?

Beyond that many complaints here are outdated. Whining about usenet speeds? Whining about C++ being as inefficient as COBOL? Whining about x windows being too slow? Whining about Sendmail? Even worse a few years after this book the 1991 Unix like kernal Linux by Linus Torvalds would start to gain massive popularity outliving Unix itself. Eventually Linux would get desktop enviroments which would have options like a trash can for restoring data and Mac like programs while offering a unix like command line system.

The Unix haters hand book is at the end of the day a relic of its time a time when raw At&T commercial UNIX was still a major player and before the GNU/Linux FOSS revolution really took off while some of their complaints remain unaddressed many did and many others just come off as the rantings of fresh faced college noobs or normies who are angry their high end academic programming rig isnt built for r-slurs like 1993 Macintosh (the time when Apple was doing so well they nearly went bankrupt and had to but Next Step in 1996 so Steve Jobs could raid them and replace Mac OS with a good OS like NextStep/OSX).

Still the Unix haters aren't done yet for I haven't mentioned the one true Unix hater. Where we left off in history Microsoft needed a proper 32 bit OS with great multi tasking support so they did what they did best and just stole quality by poaching Dave Cutler from Digital Equipment Corporation who had just made the 32 bit operating system openVMS to make Windows NT.

So Windows NT 3.1 launched a year after DOS 3.1 looking mostly the same but running a heck of a lot nicer since its proper 32 bit with a new NTFS file system and not a 16 bit piece of shit doing programming frickery

When the magic of the windows 9x series happened, remember MS was wringing over 5 years out of a really shitty OS they bought in 1980 when the competition ran so much bettter, NT entered version 4.0 before becoming windows 2000.

After the disaster that was Windows ME on DOS, DOS was fully phased out for the NT kernal with Windows vista and has maintained its status was the Windows kernal up till Windows NT Kernal 10.0 which powers windows 10 and 11.

What does this have to do with Unix Haters? Well Dave Cutler is the ultimate UNIX hater!!

Ballmer reassured him. The bright side was finally --finally-- NT had a large target market. Some portion of Windows owners would adopt NT. This put Cutler in a much better position to define the next generation of PC software, placing him at the apex of technical power in the computer industry. Besides, NT would still meet the goals closest to Cutler's heart: portability, reliability and the ability to provide an alternative to Unix, the splintered high-end operating program.

This last goal was crucial to Cutler. "Unix is like Cutler's lifelong foe," said one team member who'd worked with Cutler for nearly two decades. "It's like his Moriarty [Sherlock Holmes's nemesis]. He thinks Unix is a junk operating program designed by a committee of Ph.D.s. There's never been one mind behind the whole thing, and it shows. So he's always been out to get Unix. But this is the first time he's had the chance."

  • according to the book Show-stopper! : the breakneck race to create Windows NT and the next generation at Microsoft which has never been confirmed by Cutler himself

Still its fun to imagine Cutler slaving away in the Azure and Xbox dungeons content knowing he has stopped the year of the linux Unix desktop ... forever.

Or until Windows 13 ships with the linux kernal running KDE plasma skinned to look like Windows 7 and windows software under compatibility layers.

Or maybe Microsoft, Google, and IBM's funding of GNOME will pay off and once KDE and XFCE are killed linux users will be forced to choose between the ugliest barf tier anti productivity desktop ever or run back into the loving arms of whatever OSX/KDE adware hybrid UI Windows 13 is running. :marseyshrug:

!codecels MAJOR OS DRAMA !cuteandvalid New effort post !zoomers look old OSs all zoomers love neurodivergent old OSs its why we invent slop like haikuOS

!jannies this is an effortpost I just couldnt mark it cause the effortpost tick box doesnt work with drafting and I have so many images I need to draft or furryfox crashes :!marseyfurry: :!marseyfirefox:


Athena, 32

Carter, 25


Personal Life/Career:

  • 3 kids, she had 1 prior to the marriage with another man?

    • 3, 4, and 8

    • 8 year old lives with her father in Florida right now

  • "Tensions are high" pre-filming timestamp

    • Immediate jump into maritial issue kino

    • She sees herself as saving the two of them financially and considering divorce if he doesn't get himself together

    • She's sober 9 years, very into AA, was in military

    • He was sober for a year, met when he was 2 weeks sober :marseyxd:

    • "He's strictly a drug addict" timestamp

      • Is he off drugs?

        • He says "Yeah" she says "No" at the same time :marseyxd:

        • Clarifies that he messes around with psychedelics, she clarifies wit story time about finding him "dead on the floor" four years ago timestamp

        • Mentions missed the birth of his third child because he'd smoked too much weed and had a stomach ache :marseyxd:

          • Hard cut into caleb's grift shilling :marseyemojirofl:
      • Current drug use deets timestamp

        • Mostly Kratom, Weed - "Could be Jamba Juice for a week but nothing's gonna stop him"

        • Some psychedelics too?

      • How he relapsed 4 years ago timestamp

        • She bought a bottle of alcohol to help with an ear infection, someone else suggested this?

          • He chugged it and mixed some opiates
      • She does "hape"

        • "unprocessed tobacco, ash, and different plants from the Amazon Jungle"

        • Both do this but "it's not the same"

        • She works for some Jungle Tribe? She's been there and made it with them? She's "one of their guardians in the world" and distributes it? timestamp

        • Mentions having a stroke where everyone told her she was going to die

          • Brought up again later, says she fixed this "by going into [her] own body" timestamp
    • Had a huge fight two days ago, juicy deets timestamp

      • "I've never smoked crack"

        • "No he smoked Heroin" I think she said heroin the shit getting censored out is annoying. He claims he stopped at 22
      • "I know that if I die tomorrow and there is 500'000 dollars because of my life insurance that I pay I don't trust him with the kids and making the right decisions" timestamp

      • Is it true that he doesn't love her like he used to? timestamp

        • "Doesn't show it like he used to"

        • "Together all the time"

        • He wants to play video games

      • Had a cry a couple weeks ago and took some psychedelics to figure his life out timestmap

        • "2CB" not sure if I heard this right I don't know drugs

        • Decided he needs to not quit his vidya because he will resent her for that?

      • Have they seen a therapist together? timestamp

        • She says - She has tried for years but he doesn't want someone to tell him he's wrong

        • He says - can't afford a babysitter? Too expensive

          • They had 7 cancellations for babysitters but finally got one so they could come on this show?
        • Bickering about money timestamp

          • "oh but we have money for World of Warcraft, we have money for stupid shit like-"

          • "-like massages for my wife"

          • "No okay we're going to go into this because he won't let it go"

          • Combined finances "but he just spends"


  • self-score timestmap

    • Aborted initially to discuss their impending divorce

    • Actual self-score timestamp

      • she says 3 and he says 1

      • he said 7 before but then he watched a couple episodes

      • Mentions that he "adds debt and she doesn't see it" timestamp

        • "I don't even add debt though you can go through and see it"
  • Spent 8'000 to move to Oklahoma timestamp

    • 2 and a half months ago

    • Bickering about who wanted to move

    • He had a 20 hour trip fried his brain and they moved to Oklahoma instead to get a job with his father?

    • She's made $2'000 in May, usually $1'500

      • She "does healing" for the moment - with the magic tobacco?

      • Not setting anything aside for taxes, can't afford to?

    • He makes 2'600 a month (3'000 before taxes)

    • She had a hair license in CA, did not transfer to OK but would have with Florida?

  • She filed for bankruptcy at some point after her stroke? timestamp

    • beginning of 2023?

    • She paid off most of his debt, put things into her name before bankruptcy?

      • had plans to make more money in CA bigger hair salon
    • She had a "successful business"

    • Landlord said he "doesn't work with women" and had serious issues with the building she was in?

    • She usually makes about $100 an hour, 15 hours a week

  • Can their family help out? timestamp

    • His father just had a baby
  • Why not move to Florida? tiemstamp

    • he says moving costs

    • she says relapse

      • she moved out at some point?
  • Combined finances stuff, she took over handling them when she had the stroke, then she took them back after a little but timestamp

    • Total disarray while he was in control

    • Mentions "deferred interest" for paypal, Best Buy

      • "and she says why didn't I pay more than the minimum and I'm like we have no money to pay more than the minimum"

      • "Every time we do have money he thinks it's like okay we can go out and eat we can go get on my red bulls oh not red bulls umm [indescipherable spanish name] every single day"

      • Mentions that she quit her Starbies habit

      • "Like we would have assistance for food and he would spend a lot of that on energy drinks"

  • Credit Card 1 (City Diamond) ($1687) timestamp

    • Minimum payment $56

    • New purchases $43.90

    • $39 interest accrued

    • Lots of Amazon, Apple in-app, Chick-fil-a

      • Apple music?

      • Might be the extra cloud storage for her phone?

      • Some amazon ad-free thing?

    • "We don't go to Chick-fil-a any more"

      • "That's literally the most recent statement!"
  • Credit Card 2 (Discover) (7'000) timestamp

    • Had it paid off but then it wasn't

    • LA apartment was infested with cockroaches deemed unlivable

      • "When we came back from a healing convention-"

      • Some excuses?

    • 2238 new purchases

    • 142 minimum payment

    • 113 interest charged

    • Fair bit of eating out on here, some amazons

    • Salon statements timestamp

      • this is where she buys things and resells them
  • Car 2020 Kai Telluride ($33'400) timestamp

    • Old car got totalled, he got smashed into and pushed into a semi

    • "actually we got a really great deal on it" :marseyxd:

      • She's actually convinced she got a good deal. It's unreal she actually bought hook line and sinker and won't accept she got taken for a ride. Born mark.
    • 72 months, 12% interest?

    • 2021

    • $739 minimum payment

    • good condition but a few scratches in the front, might be small issues inside from kids

    • Something weird where they need checks in paper or they take the interest out of it? Didn't catch this

    • Underwater by $8'000

  • Upped her life insurance? timestamp

  • She mentions that she is a vegan timestamp

  • Jungle Story timestamp

    • Went last year

    • "How'd you afford to go to the jungle?"

      • "Credit cards"
  • $78 on some credit card timestamp

    • World of Warcraft - it auto-renewed without him knowing?

    • pays 6 months

    • He played until 2:30 am yesterday night :marseygamer:

  • "I have a gift" "I am not of this earth I am in human form" timestamp

    • White woman nonsense about restoring the rain forest

    • I see dead people now I don't choose to see it

    • "You don't see them they pass you a message and you give it to the person and they heal I charge $111 for what I do it's not fake"

      • "Trust me I didn't say you couldn't make money off of that" :marseyxd:
    • "Fine, tell me something about my self" timestamp

      • it doesn't work like that :marseyxd:

      • "It's only when I do hape my higher self will talk to your higher self"

    • Producer Noah will be doing hape in the post-show? I refuse to paypig so no idea how this went

  • Credit Card 4 (Priceline) ($91) timestamp

    • A few Amazon purchases

      • She doesn't think they've made any purchases this month?
    • Some movie rent/buying

    • Father of her first child would not let her control the finances timestamp

      • He was breadwinner in that relationship?

      • She shows some sort of organization of her expenses?

      • "Every month I go can we sit down and he hates it" :marseyxd:

      • "He literally became a man when he met me becau-"

  • Credit Card 5 (Best Buy) (1'883) timestamp

    • "Somebody broke his headphones!" :marseyxd:

    • Food, TV, headphones, iPad repair

    • $348 in new purchases

    • $29 in payments

    • $17 interest accrued

    • Based karen moment fighting the employee on the screen protector timestamp

  • She's been applying to jobs timestamp

    • Only applied to 5 so far, can only work evenings and wants specific jobs? May or may not be getting a job with Texas Roadhouse
  • Credit Card 6 (2'442) timestamp

    • $81 minimum payment

    • $72 in new purchases

    • $82 paid

    • $6 interest accrued

    • interest only just started on this

  • Owes money to his grand mother timestamp

    • She will just send money sometimes to bail them out? Separately from that she lent them a lot?

    • already paid back a lot but still owe 4'000 that she wants to

    • Something about taking in some guy from Turkey but booted him "released him with love" timestamp

      • They have a phoneline that he is paying off?
  • She is concerned with the welfare of the plant, she decides "it's dying" timestamp

    • It's not dying.
  • She gets really ill if she drinks starbucks "since the stroke"

  • $1000 on a mattress remaining

    • they partially paid $2000
  • MetaZoo timestamp

    • Spent thousands of dollars on it? irl card game?

    • This what they spent their covid bucks on?

    • They tried to be scalpers during the covid bubble they are so fricking stupid it's unreal

    • they think the kickstarter box is worth $1000?

  • Caleb presses them on whether they've taken responsiblity for anything ever timestamp

Pie chart timestamp

She's getting 20% disabled for VA ($338) timestamp

Reported by:
PROSECUTION CASE IN PINNED COMMENT rDrama will now hear the case of Incels v. Fallout Artist

Hello. It's me again, rDrama's sole proprietor and administrator.

Earlier today, /u/krautvan emailed the site asking for this thread:

to be taken down, because some of our most unpopular, virginal users are sexualizing this fine artist's original works. Because they are sad, lonely men who cannot let a woman have anything, even her own creations. It's disgusting, in my opinion. But as this is ever a democratic website, we are putting this, like so many other things, to a vote.

She has now joined us to offer a case for its removal. Please welcome @VK_User whose argument for the removal will be pinned in this thread once she makes it.

Voting ends in 24 hours.

CC origins:


Verification since rDrama is the stupidest userbase on the internet

Yalled, here's Pullpush

Reported by:
Donald Trump: GUILTY

Trump is GUILTY of all 34 felony counts of falsification of business records.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go dunk on SO MANY people on Twitter. You have no idea.

Massive Google document leak
Leftist academics :marseyreapcrying: what they :marseysowsmug:

Some lefty infighting

He has since apologized and locked his account

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