The Pope on kkkonservatives

!nonchuds even the pope doesn't like rdrama tradcaths

Yearly remimder to Anti-USA cucks :marseypatriot: :marseylibertyfireworks:

!fellas !kino !historychads

WAR IS HECK ~ WW2 Edit | Mareux - Killer
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Happy 3rd Birthday

!jannies please pin this celebratory video

!cuteandinvalid !chasers !nonchuds

:marseyme: has hit the wall :marseywall:

Ken is starting to get the pillow face. Rip :marseysad2:

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST Future Harvard President caught plagiarizing after winning $55k at ISEF (international high school science fair) :marseypajeetitsover: [EFFORTPOST]

EDIT: Nice job r-slurs, you made him take his Linkedin account down.

This is starting to be picked up by the small chuddie internet personalities, so get in while it's still hot! Here's the summary. Very long so buckle up kids :

  • Regeneron ISEF is this big science fair for high school nerds that's been around since the 1950s. It's considered the most prestigious science fair for high schoolers and 80+ countries participate. Winners usually get an all-expense paid trip & stay & activities (like a Universal Studios day etc) at the location which rotates every year (this year was in California). Not only is it :marseysmug: but there's money involved! The top winner gets $75k (life changing money for poor countries like UK) and the 2 runner ups get 50k. Plus lots of special awards, prizes, etc. And the top winners are basically guaranteed to get into Harvard/MIT/Stanford.

  • To get to ISEF in the US, you have to win your local state fair and get nominated to ISEF, so its pretty selective. You undergo several rounds of judging locally and then a day of judging at the ISEF itself. Judges are supposed to at minimum have a PhD or 6 years of experience in whatever category they are judging. ruh-roh

  • This year the 50k winner is this :marseypajeet: 17 yr old kid who did his project on "machine-learning research to identify microbial genetic sequences that can be modified to biodegrade plastic." Besides saving the world, he is apparently a neuroscience research fellow at USC. His dad is a wealthy Silicon Valley VC dude from India, and his older sister goes to USC studying quantitative bio :marseynoooticer:

  • Note that his category is "Environmental Engineering" and the competition was hosted in California this year. :marseybowl:

  • A few days after winning, a mysterious, anonymous document began to circulate in the ISEF community claiming Pai fabricated most of his project. The letter asks ISEF to investigate & fix their system for the future. Even I got sent this document from a friend, despite being a winner like 15 years ago. The document is 36 pages long and very detailed. It's worth skimming through because of how hilarious & obvious this fraud was: It regularly has 50-100 people looking at it at all times of the day.

    • TLDR: very obvious and extensive fraud. Kid took images of research done, mirrored them and claimed them as his own. Said he invented a rasberry pi based device and had pics of it, was invented by someone else 3 years ago and this kid just used those pics (didn't even re-make the device!). All his data is extremely sketch, some results are straight up impossible, & numbers pulled out of butt. On top of the fraud, the kid is a complete dumbass. Spelling errors everywhere, he doesn't understand basic concepts of ML/AI, and he stole half his project from the ISEF winner 3 years ago. No idea how ISEF let this through...
  • At some point, a few reddit posts were made, the biggest one on /r/ApplyingToCollege. Ofc, the kid got absolutely blasted in the comments as the evidence is pretty much darning. Many parents chimed in saying they were pissed (understandably) bc their little einstein worked so hard and got fricked. Being Reddit, it is likely that this is when the Open Letter started getting sent to internet personalities, schools' admissions offices, Society4Science, the kid's school in California, etc

Reddit link (note 50% deleted, we'll get to that in a bit):

Archive (couldn't find one that had the original post, if you find it, let me know and I'll update):

  • A few hours after the original reddit post, a post from a "friend" of the ISEF kid was also posted in /r/A2C. It's honestly too hilarious to summarize appropriately. Let's just say, this "friend" sounds a lot like a mad sexy Indian dude parent :marseyhmm:

Deleted post:

Web Archive:

Notice the spelling errors, probably just a coincidence that our accused finalist also made several spelling errors in his $55k winning project :marseyhmmm:

  • On top of this reporting, it began blowing up on Twitter (blowing up being relative to how much a children's science fair can be expected to blow up). Several huge accounts (100k+ followers) chimed in and Twitter commenters began showing off their r-slurredness as usual and creating some tasty drama.

(see screenshots in comment)

(See comments for screenshots)

  • So, what has Society For Science and Regeneron ISEF done now that everyone knows & this is getting public attention? Disabled their YouTube comments of course!

  • Ok, just kidding, they also apparently sent out an email to all Fair Directors (people who run the local fairs) saying they are "investigating" :marseysurejan: idk, from looking at the Open Letter document, seems like some kids did all the investigating for you dumbasses. And this isn't soft plagiarism/exaggerating, this is the kind of shit that gets your paper retracted as a Dana-Farber Cancer Institute tenured professor, so not sure what's left to investigate.

  • What happens next? You decide! Some are worried that this kid might kill himself (seems unlikely given that he still has his socials up, posted about it on Linkedin, his family members and him are full denying that he cheated, etc). Some say frick dem kids and want him/his parents to go to jail. It seems the only way this can escalate further is if it makes it into the national news (any chuds want to send an anonymous tip to InfoWars :chudsmug: ). I'll conclude with a quote from the kid himself, as these were his candid thoughts after winning $55k for a fraudulent project. You may think that he would be thankful, excited to see how his research will be implemented, wants to keep working on plastic waste research- you'd be wrong!

I'm looking forward to my future and how this ISEF award can really help me out

Wow, regardless of what happens, I too am excited to see this kid's future: he clearly has already mastered the art of research in 2024 and is well on his way to academia! Best of luck little :marseypajeet:

Also I have more screenshots but I hit the upload limit. Fricking :capy:


Reminder this will only get worse because you cant install Mint from a usb stick :marseypenguin:

!codecels Disscuss


First is the pic of the Jebel Irhoud fossil reconstruction. It's the earliest fossil of a Homo Sapiens found so far dating from 300 thousand years ago.

These are Homo Erectus

Smithsonian Magazine made a lof od reconstructions going back to Australopithecus.

!ifrickinglovescience !biology

Also, the redditors seem to be nooticing :marseynoooticer:something about abos :platyaboriginal:


Hey chuddies what happened to the "japanese people hate it" talking point :marseysmug: :marseysmug: :marseysmug:

Total !nonchuds victory


Journotards are scoing it really well for the most part, you know they like their walking sims because it's a art, but it really looks like boring, annoying slog.

Metacritic score is sitting at 81%, not terrible in most circumstances but Xbox could really use a smash hit, not a polarizing walking sim RN.

Some quotes from the Reddit post:

Puzzles and combat are too easy and there is no variety in either

That sucks. Especially the part about the puzzles. The lack of puzzle variety was my main gripe with the first title. Pretty presentation can only carry so far.

I just got to the first puzzle and it's the exact same "find the symbol in the environment" puzzle from the first game.

:marseyxd: Remember to recycle kids

Gene Park of Washington Post reports in his review (Which he scores at around 2.5/4) that apparently, the sequel feels a lot smaller in a sense than the previous game, such as how the combat seems to have been simplified quite heftily:

The sequel is a lesser game than its predecessor. There are fewer combat mechanics in play, removing the melee button and directional attacks and replacing them with nothing. Perspective puzzles to make background details match rune symbols return, unevolved from the 2017 model. The scale of the puzzles are also smaller, as the game's level design has shrunk. The former game had larger areas with vertical structures. This game's level design is mostly a straight line, with a few small puzzle areas to break up the pacing.

The first game had a surprisingly large variety of moves you could pull off, but they were mostly unnecessary and poorly explained. From the little I've played, the sequel seems to have cut them out completely in favor of cinematic fighting. Blocking counters light attacks and dodging counters heavy attacks. That's it for both you and the enemy.

Just played 2 hours of it. Its like a really long cutscene with gameplay segments. Like really this is more of a visual experience than an interactive take that as you will. Even the combat feels more like a quick time event than actual free form combat. The game is one continuous shot with no cuts no loading and no clear barrier between cutscene and gameplay.

After a few hours of this, I'm starting to feel like the game lost the special touch of the first game's voices. Now they're usually just spouting exposition or pointing out the obvious, as if they don't have anything interesting to say and the devs just needed to write something to make them talk non-stop.

From the little gameplay I've seen, it really does seem like endless ASMR-like yapping. I know that " :soyjakfat: it's the point of the game dude it's supposed to emulate psychosis thay consulted with real psychosis patients!!" but if the point of the game is to annoy me until I turn it off it doesn't sound like something worth playing :marseyshrug:

Reported by:
this ain't an arby's horsey sauce. this is a chardonneigh's arby's horsey sauce.



Tristan Tate is the Luigi of the Super Tate bros:

MIlwaukee's most sober car thief has a oopsie doodle in front of an unrelated news broadcast



Tweeter/Da Newz

The Mayor of course is ready to talk about the biggest tragedy, the passengers of wrecks of stolen cars who sometimes get hurt

TMJ4 brought the crash video to Milwaukee mayor Cavalier Johnson for his reaction.

>"The passenger in that video that you just showed me, he couldn't even get up, he couldn't even move," Johnson said astounded. "He tried to get out of the car and he collapsed. You don't want that to be your kid or a kid you care about. Let's have these conversations and let's put a stop to this."


Once you know the patterns :marseysoypointtrips: and start paying attention :marseyselfharm: to how any woman :marseyeggless: in your surroundings behave, you will pretty :marseyglam: much be unable to love them.

I hate shallow people and gen Z foids :marseyblops2chadcel: are nothing but shallow. Once the church :marseypastor: is gone from the life of a foid they truly loose the ability for empathy. They base their behavior entirely on physical factors. It's like they lack the sentience to understand that every human :marseycatbert2: being has a soul. I don't understand how any person :marseychonkerfoid: can treat :marseysylveon: others so harshly for things they have no control :marseyshadow: over but foids :marseyblobbygirl: prove me wrong :marseyakshually: again and again.

I've seen completely ordinary dudes who would :marseywood: have been easily married :marseybride: with 20 back in the 50s go postal :marseymailwoman: because they never :marseyitsover: had a relationship with 24. What's left for these guys besides drugs :marseyjunkie2: to dull the anxiety :marseyveryworriedfed: of watching :marseyoperasmug: your best years fade away with no romantic experiences to show for it.

Average Slavic woman

"I went on a date with a radiologist chick the other day, worst date of my life."

:ragemask: Did she feel the same way?

:marseychadneuro: I don't know. Radiology is a field known for anti-social behavior. She focused on an un-ironed shirt the whole time and didn't care for actual meaningful conversation, like the research publications we both have done expanding our specialties or anything with sustenance.

No wonder male physicians enjoy dates with the local retail cashier rather than someone like that. No amount of money (she made 500k per year) could force me to put up with that egotistical, anti social, maniac.

:ragemask: Yeah that is a fair point OP. She sounded like a nightmare and you dodged a bullet.

Playing devil's advocate here, do you feel that you would come across as egotistical and anti social to a cute cashier - given what you say about most people in your profession?

:marseychadneuro: No for a couple reasons. Women generally are fine with dating egotistical guys, and I'm not particularly egotistic anyway.


Women generally are fine with dating egotistical guys

:marseywomanmoment2: We are?

I'm not particularly egotistic anyway.

And yet - just in the above comment - you felt perfectly comfortable informing us (incorrectly) about our general dating preferences.

>you felt perfectly comfortable informing us (incorrectly) about our general dating preferences.


:marseyseethe: I'm sorry, but this is a hilariously out of touch comment. If it's a joke, hats off to you.

Otherwise, crazy to spend your whole life learning about the human body and then make gross overgeneralizations about female psyche.


:soysnooseethe: You fricking talked about research publications on a date???

:marseychadneuro: Sometimes, depends on the flow of conversation.

:marseysoyjak: I'm not questioning your date experience with this woman but if I were on a date and my partner started talking about their research I would check out like almost immediately. I don't want to talk about medicine outside of work.

Beggars can't be choosers, sweaty.

:idontknow: Every profession has people that suck. That's just people.

:marseyclueless: I wonder if Redditors feel the same about cops

:soyjak: You mean doctors are humans? And there might be some that aren't pleasant people? I'm confident they're not a monolith.

The hypocrisy isn't even bad hypocrisy, it's the job of doctors to tell people what is best for them, and then everyone gets to choose to follow or not. It's like a smoker who's heavily addicted saying to someone else they shouldn't start smoking; sure they do it themselves but that doesn't make the advice bad or make them a bad person for giving good advice that they don't follow themselves.

:marseychadneuro: Nah, I'm not saying doctors shouldn't be considered humans like everyone else -- quite the contrary.

Instead they act less human by being far greater than average in certain negative qualities, which often include egotism, etc.


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New Toss - :marseynooticeglow: edition

Rage rituals have women screaming, smashing sticks in the woods :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy:

'As part of the retreat, Banducci held a rage ritual: a ceremony in which participants scream and beat large sticks on the ground in the woods. Participants are encouraged to think of people and experiences that have wronged them and to scream and swing the sticks for at least 20 minutes, or until they can no longer move their arms.

Banducci has led rage rituals for several years and began doing them first for herself, then for friends and, eventually, as part of her days-long retreats, which include other activities and can range in price from around $2,000 to $4,000. Her one-day version, she says, costs $222 per ticket.

Rage rituals have garnered attention on TikTok'

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