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I require immediate vaccination. VAXX STATION HERE, GET YOUR FREE BOOSTER!

Comment on this post for immediate vaccination.




We must stamp out this infection before it gets us all!!!





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Weekly Sync - 10/28 - Posting Early for Reasons

Welcome to the Weekly Sync, where we loop in all site stakeholders on the wins and losses from the previous week.

I have to post this early because I have a cancer screen tomorrow and I think I'll be out of commission on Monday.


Ill-legendarized internet pariah Rebecca Black of Friday fame has released a new track called Trust. This song is a slay. She also did a boiler room special and referenced Friday in a self-deprecating manner.

The internet has declared this a win for her and her previous crimes related to Friday have been absolved.

  • good tits

MasterLawlz is mad at you

rDrama legend Masterlawlz spent years telling everyone about the terrible movie he is going to make and then the minute the trailer goes up on IMDB he is upset that rDrama made a post about it. ML has requested that all mention of him be further moderated off of the website.

  • internal discussions about how to handle this are on-going

  • You have giant balls to ask for anything.

Tracingwoodgrains continues to slay

Famed internet journ*list/troll @TracingWoodgrains has had a substack post of his shared to millions via Elon Musk.

  • this is good for dramacoin

  • Elon Musk is a literal sped so jury is out if this a true win for society.

Carp Killed

Favorite internet forum moderator @carpathianHORRORist accidentally shut down the entire website for 8 hours because he hit the wrong button in the admin settings, This has become known as the DramaGeddon (I just made that up).

  • Bard posters still on life support

  • Islamic Taytay is so fricking funny you get points for that.

  • "he does it for free" except I'm pretty sure he gets paid.

Middle East Bullshittery

Famed stable-country Israel has launched artillery on Iran and it's like WW3 or something.

  • If I still have to go work tomorrow it's not a real problem

  • Post one

  • Post two

  • Post three

  • I just don't care about the middle east sue me.

Pizzashill commits voter fraud

Site regular @pizzashill has admitted that they are not as "democratic" as they portend to be and intend to commit voter fraud by voting for their (to be fair) equally mentally unstable girlfriend.

  • Do you think they'd make money doing r-slur s*x on OF? - Inquiring minds

Nerd Shit

/h/Kappa has been doing something. I don't know what /h/Kappa even is but stuff is happening and if you can discern what that is then it might be for you!

  • I really hope this isnt some gross s*x thing

  • I still don't know what this is

Reddit Abandons New Reddit

There was a post from the admins on Reddit about allowing 1000+ comments to be searchable on a user profile and everyone made fun of them because it's stupid that wasn't a feature to begin with. Comment search was only ever available for the first 500 comments on New Reddit and in their failed app - so this is semi-verification that they are abandoning their ill-thought "New" Reddit.


Weekly Threads:

These are the old threads. I won't be available to post the updated ones.

Previous week Weekly Threads:

Other Weekly Threads:

Weekly What Are You Reading?

Weekly Drawing Thread

  • A ping group was created for this so you don't have to subscribe to the hole. Thread here.

Weekly Video-Nerd Thread

Weekly What Are You Watching Thread

Weekly Anime Thread

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CONFESSIONS/GET IT OFF YOUR CHEST THREAD :marseyghostsad: :marseyghostangry2:

I'm struggling to find a job in my industry, have been living off savings for months, and am about to run out and be forced to take a shitty tech support job :marseyrope:

At least that will be work from home :marseytabletired2:

@RAEPEVANN plz pin

Reported by:
  • evanhelsing : skillup review is in-depth and darning, to the point where I have to believe then 10s are shilled

This is why he was banned. He made it a CON that they focused so hard gender on identiy (You can make your character non-binary or trans THIS IS TRUE ONG :marseyrofl: ) ResetEra stans devolve into seething about 'nazi' game reviewers.

This CHUD starts gloating in Neogaf ( :marseyracistgrandpa: ) for being banned.

!chuds banned the transphobia :#marseyplacenofun:


!chuds !trump2024 :marseyemojilaugh:


:carpfisherman: :nottakingthebait:

Went to east Texas last week for some chili cookoff.

Decided to spend the rest of the day checking out a nearby state park. It was too hot so we didn't catch anything, but it was nice being away from the city a bit.

Only had nibbles but didn't end up hooking anything - too hot still to catch anything good.


[🤓🤓🤓🤓🔘] What if Trump wins....

Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

If you'd used more tinfoil to make your hat, it wouldn't have to be so tight that it squeezes your brain smooth. (1)

You're operating under the assumption that these liberal lunatics have a brain.   (-4)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

it doesn't matter if he caused it, actions he took specifically made matters worse, he told people to inject bleach ffs (5)

Oh bullshit ! He told not one person to inject bleach you dumb m hr fc**r ! (-4)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

I dont know man, that elector scheme and january 6th is some straight up Hitler shit. (11)

You apparently don't know anything about Hitler or fascism, so you might as well drop it before you make an even larger fool of yourself. (-7)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Hope trump wins just to ruin your day lmfao (3)

I honestly used to think people like you were delusional. Sociopathic, even. But after 2016 I realized that you were completely correct and that at the root, politics truly are all about spite. It's about wanting the people you hate the most to have the shittiest life imaginable.I don't relish the idea of a Kamala presidency, but after watching the inbred worms supporting Trump lose their minds enough to try and kill police officers at the capitol, I want more of that. After seeing them whine and cry and end up in prison, it made me happier than any actual policy discussion ever has. All they could do for the last four years was cry and seethe and it got me rock hard every single day.I'm voting for Kamala because the fricking worthless cretins who worship Trump deserve to suffer. I could give a frick less about the price of groceries or anything else, I'm joining you in embracing pure spite politics. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Generally speaking it's still in line with what happened in the first time (-4)

Trump's first term was horrible for the country, economically. Then he botched Covid which made it worse. The Trump administration borrowed so much money that we will likely never pay it off as a nation. Our literal great grandchildren will be paying that debt still even if our economy rebounds into the best in recorded history.The idea that Trump wasn't that bad is asinine and proves how little someone is paying attention.Do you remember the time that Trump wanted a photo op and had the national guard fire tear gas at people? They weren't even being bad, they were standing there and Trump ordered the attack. Yeah, that used to be a criminal act but the Supreme Court just ruled that the President can do that legally. Do you honestly think a person that broke the law when it was illegal will stop doing it now that it is legal? How naive.Then when he bussed people in on January 6th. And repeated an obvious lie for literal years, even to this day after it's been proven he knows he's ly... (10)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Accusations from a Russian citizen vs 27 American women isn't an equal footing. One was an allegation, another is an actual court case. But it's like Trump said, "when you're rich they let you do it" Currently waiting on a verdict from another case until after the election, but he put in place with his appointed Supreme Court that the President is above the law while in office correct? So he'd get off on anything scott free, which shouldn't be the case for any US citizen.Have a hard time believing that if they found FOX news guilty of spreading lies about a rigged election they wouldn't find him guilty. These are all morally wrong and not even the whole listI'd also like the choice to vote for my own candidate and not a preselected roster chosen by donors. Not going to get there when the Democratic party is running against a guy like Trump that represents old money, power and influence. The Democratic party will just take the moral high ground like they have for decades and leave no... (1)

Don't even know what you are even trying to argue in the point? TR filed a case and said she was attacked and threatened and forced to leave for her safety. Im not making any claims in that case but I want it actually presented in court especially when Biden has sexually harassed women and children. There is literally video evidence of Biden doing it while there is zero evidence for any women against Trump. All accusations came when trump decided to run and the cases for Biden had always been there. very different circumstances He didn't push that immunity case verdict.That has been used in the court of law multiple times including Obama. They argued it has been established that a president can be immune based on past rulingsVerdict of what case? The Jan 6 was dropped for being illegal, the Georgia case has gone down the shitter because the DA can't keep it in her pants and the other case that keeps getting pushed back because it would be dropped on appeal. That case was a misdemean... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/SpendNo9011

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🔘

Number of comments: 10

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Turns out you can just drop matches into ballot drop boxes and the ballots go bye bye and there's nothing they can do about it? :ivoted:
Reported by:
When foreigners try to pet the wildlife :marseyflagsouthafrica:


I have spent a quarter century obsessed with the weirdest corner of the weirdest section of the worst internet law on the US statute books: Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the 1998 law that makes it a felony to help someone change how their own computer works so it serves them, rather than a distant corporation.

Under DMCA 1201, giving someone a tool to "bypass an access control for a copyrighted work" is a felony punishable by a 5-year prison sentence and a $500k fine - for a first offense. This law can refer to access controls for traditional copyrighted works, like movies. Under DMCA 1201, if you help someone with photosensitive epilepsy add a plug-in to the Netflix player in their browser that blocks strobing pictures that can trigger seizures, you're a felon:

But software is a copyrighted work, and everything from printer cartridges to car-engine parts have software in them. If the manufacturer puts an "access control" on that software, they can send their customers (and competitors) to prison for passing around cowtools to help them fix their cars or use third-party ink.

Now, even though the DMCA is a copyright law (that's what the "C" in DMCA stands for, after all); and even though blocking video strobes, using third party ink, and fixing your car are not copyright violations, the DMCA can still send you to prison, for a long-butt time for doing these things, provided the manufacturer designs their product so that using it the way that suits you best involves getting around an "access control."

As you might expect, this is quite a tempting proposition for any manufacturer hoping to enshittify their products, because they know you can't legally disenshittify them. These access controls have metasized into every kind of device imaginable.

Garage-door openers:







And even printer paper:

DMCA 1201 is the brainchild of Bruce Lehmann, Bill Clinton's Copyright Czar, who was repeatedly warned that cancerous proliferation this was the foreseeable, inevitable outcome of his pet policy. As a sop to his critics, Lehman added a largely ornamental safety valve to his law, ordering the US Copyright Office to invite submissions every three years petitioning for "use exemptions" to the blanket ban on circumventing access-controls.

I call this "ornamental" because if the Copyright Office thinks that, say, it should be legal for you to bypass an access control to use third-party ink in your printer, or a third-party app store in your phone, all they can do under DMCA 1201 is grant you the right to use a circumvention tool. But they can't give you the right to acquire that tool.

I know that sounds confusing, but that's only because it's very, very stupid. How stupid? Well, in 2001, the US Trade Representative arm-twisted the EU into adopting its own version of this law (Article 6 of the EUCD), and in 2003, Norway added the law to its lawbooks. On the eve of that addition, I traveled to Oslo to debate the minister involved:

The minister praised his law, explaining that it gave blind people the right to bypass access controls on ebooks so that they could feed them to screen readers, Braille printers, and other assistive cowtools. OK, I said, but how do they get the software that jailbreaks their ebooks so they can make use of this exemption? Am I allowed to give them that tool?

No, the minister said, you're not allowed to do that, that would be a crime.

Is the Norwegian government allowed to give them that tool? No. How about a blind rights advocacy group? No, not them either. A university computer science department? Nope. A commercial vendor? Certainly not.

No, the minister explained, under his law, a blind person would be expected to personally reverse engineer a program like Adobe E-Reader, in hopes of discovering a defect that they could exploit by writing a program to extract the ebook text.

Oh, I said. But if a blind person did manage to do this, could they supply that tool to other blind people?

Well, no, the minister said. Each and every blind person must personally - without any help from anyone else - figure out how to reverse-engineer the ebook program, and then individually author their own alternative reader program that worked with the text of their ebooks.

That is what is meant by a use exemption without a cowtools exemption. It's useless. A sick joke, even.

The US Copyright Office has been valiantly holding exemptions proceedings every three years since the start of this century, and they've granted many sensible exemptions, including ones to benefit people with disabilities, or to let you jailbreak your phone, or let media professors extract video clips from DVDs, and so on. Tens of thousands of person-hours have been flushed into this pointless exercise, generating a long list of things you are now technically allowed to do, but only if you are a reverse-engineering specialist type of computer programmer who can manage the process from beginning to end in total isolation and secrecy.

But there is one kind of use exception the Copyright Office can grant that is potentially game-changing: an exemption for decoding diagnostic codes.

You see, DMCA 1201 has been a critical weapon for the corporate anti-repair movement. By scrambling error codes in cars, tractors, appliances, insulin pumps, phones and other devices, manufacturers can wage war on independent repair, depriving third-party technicians of the diagnostic information they need to figure out how to fix your stuff and keep it going.

This is bad enough in normal times, but during the acute phase of the covid pandemic, hospitals found themselves unable to maintain their ventilators because of access controls. Nearly all ventilators come from a single med-tech monopolist, Medtronic, which charges hospitals hundreds of dollars to dispatch their own repair technicians to fix its products. But when covid ended nearly all travel, Medtronic could no longer provide on-site calls. Thankfully, an anonymous hacker started building homemade (illegal) circumvention devices to let hospital technicians fix the ventilators themselves, improvising housings for them from old clock radios, guitar pedals and whatever else was to hand, then mailing them anonymously to hospitals:

Once a manufacturer monopolizes repair in this way, they can force you to use their official service depots, charging you as much as they'd like; requiring you to use their official, expensive replacement parts; and dictating when your gadget is "too broken to fix," forcing you to buy a new one. That's bad enough when we're talking about refusing to fix a phone so you buy a new one - but imagine having a spinal injury and relying on a $100,000 exoskeleton to get from place to place and prevent muscle wasting, clots, and other immobility-related conditions, only to have the manufacturer decide that the gadget is too old to fix and refusing to give you the technical assistance to replace a watch battery so that you can get around again:

When the US Copyright Office grants a use exemption for extracting diagnostic codes from a busted device, they empower repair advocates to put that gadget up on a workbench and torture it into giving up those codes. The codes can then be integrated into an unofficial diagnostic tool, one that can make sense of the scrambled, obfuscated error codes that a device sends when it breaks - without having to unscramble them. In other words, only the company that makes the diagnostic tool has to bypass an access control, but the people who use that tool later do not violate DMCA 1201.

This is all relevant this month because the US Copyright Office just released the latest batch of 1201 exemptions, and among them is the right to circumvention access controls "allowing for repair of retail-level food preparation equipment":

While this covers all kinds of food prep gear, the exemption request - filed by Public Knowledge and Ifixit - was inspired by the bizarre war over the tragically fragile McFlurry machine. These machines - which extrude soft-serve frozen desserts - are notoriously failure-prone, with 5-16% of the broken at any given time. Taylor, the giant kitchen tech company that makes the machines, charges franchisees a fortune to repair them, producing a steady stream of profits for the company.

This sleazy business prompted some ice-cream hackers to found a startup called Kytch, a high-powered automation and diagnostic tool that was hugely popular with McDonald's franchisees (the gadget was partially designed by the legendary hardware hacker Andrew "bunnie" Huang!).

In response, Taylor played dirty, making a less-capable clone of the Kytch, trying to buy Kytch out, and teaming up with McDonald's corporate to bombard franchisees with legal scare-stories about the dangers of using a Kytch to keep their soft-serve flowing, thanks to DMCA 1201:

Kytch isn't the only beneficiary of the new exemption: all kinds of industrial kitchen equipment is covered. In upholding the Right to Repair, the Copyright Office overruled objections of some of its closest historical allies, the Entertainment Software Association, Motion Picture Association, and Recording Industry Association of America, who all sided with Taylor and McDonald's and opposed the exemption:

This is literally the only useful kind of DMCA 1201 exemption the Copyright Office can grant, and the fact that they granted it (along with a similar exemption for medical devices) is a welcome bright spot. But make no mistake, the fact that we finally found a narrow way in which DMCA 1201 can be made slightly less stupid does not redeem this outrageous law. It should still be repealed and condemned to the scrapheap of history.

This work – excluding any serialized fiction – is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. That means you can use it any way you like, including commercially, provided that you attribute it to me, Cory Doctorow, and include a link to

Quotations and images are not included in this license; they are included either under a limitation or exception to copyright, or on the basis of a separate license. Please exercise caution.


Lots of detailed europoor arguments, but I'll try only link the juiciest ones and to summarize them so you can pick which ones you want to bother with :marseythumbsup:

It is fair to ask and it's fair to reject the request. Certainly I wish the west was willing or able to provide more, and more quickly.

:marseyflagpoland: Why do we have to send weapons? Why isn't anyone else sending shit? We just bought these. :marseyflagukraine: decided to explain the problem and got jumped by the hussars.

(good fight, very angry slavs)

:marseyflagukraine: We're dying and russian allies appear to be way more reliable than our partners.

Well, maybe if you were better neighbours in the past you would get more help now :marseysmug5:

Your position is clear and understandable, but I just want to remind you: while Poland is sparing its taxpayers' money, Ukraine is spending the lives of its taxpayers in the trenches. That is a huge difference. I think it would be worthwhile to understand Ukraine's tough demands. People are dying there every day, yet instead of solid military support, there are issues, and even the Baltic countries are afraid to help Ukraine shoot down missiles and Shaheds over its own territory.

And if it so happens that Ukraine runs out of people, the Baltic countries might regret having saved their money, as it will then be their turn to lose their taxpayers in war. Alternatively, they may have to befriend a blood-soaked Russia.

This is a complex issue, and I don't believe Poland should have to take responsibility for all the weak-kneed politicians in the EU, but this path doesn't seem to be the best one.

A juicy argument here but lots of :marseywords: too. Basically, at the beginning of the war Ukraine accidentally sent a drone over the border into Poland and killed two people. Poland blamed them, Ukraine blamed Russia. Since they're both slavs neither backed down and there was apparently a very heated argument in the backchannels about it. So, are :marseyflagukraine: a bunch of ungrateful buttholes? (yes) Should :marseyfla!gpoland: just shut up already and fork over the fancy new weapons?

(Ukraine also droned :marseyflagromania:, twice I think, but they didn't cause any deaths and we basically just told them to aim their shit better)

From my cynical point of view: the military issues are no longer relevant in Polish-Ukrainian relatons. They were in the beginning stages of the war, when Kyiv was under danger of being occupied, and Poland had to open transport hubs for crucial aid for Ukraine. But now, the front-line hasn't been moving drastically in any direction for a while.

Now, Ukraine has decided to pivot towards Germany and France before hypothetical peace negotiations, so I'm afraid Poland is effectively out of the political game. The big players have stepped in.

I guess that's what happens when emotion-based politics clash with the so called Realpolitik, lol

Are :marseyflagpoland: and :marseyflaguk!raine: (still) friends? Are poles just whiny insecure buttholes? (also yes) Should the West ask for Poland's opinions every time they want to discuss shit with Ukraine?

I want to understand because we don't have that negative discussion about Poland in Ukraine. What topics is everyone fed up with? At the end of the day, diplomacy is words, so which specific phrases come to mind when you think about specific cases of bad ua diplomacy? I don't have that in my bubble, so I'm sincerely interested.

The same as always. From the cult of the Nazi Bandera, the exhumation of victims of murders committed by Ukrainians on Poles, to omitting Poland when planning further actions. I will not even mention the territorial claims of Ukraine towards Poland, which were mentioned by the (now) former minister of the Ukrainian government during his visit to Poland (which enraged many Poles).

Old wounds are getting unburied. :marseyflagpoland: are told to just shut up already and stop whining, unsurprisingly they aren't happy about it.

I might just be living under a rock but, this is the first time i hear about territorial claims.

Every neighbouring eastern european countries have territorial disputes :marseyeyeroll: It's easier to name exceptions at this point (love you Serbia :marseyflagserbialove::marseyflagserbialove::marseyflagserbialove:)

I get that Ukraine/Zelensky is basically "cold-calling" anywhere and everywhere for weapons but it's just not productive for Ukraine/Zelensky to be asking for somethings that's just never going to happen. You could ask your buddy to borrow 5€, maybe you could even ask your rich trust fund friend for 5000€ but you can't ask someone whose yearly salary is 50000€ to borrow/give 5000€. You are making your friend say "no" and make your friend question whether you are thinking straight when you should know your friend doesn't have spare 5000€ under a mattress.

You think that "thinking straight" in this case is to prefer fighting Russians on Polish territory instead of fighting them in Ukraine?

Will :marseyflagrussia: conquering :marseyflagukraine: be the end of :marseyflagpola!nd:? (yes if redditors would have a say in it :soycry:)

im sorry but with ukrainian diplomacy towards Poland, poeple here in Poland started to get annoyed as heck just as me, frick ukrainian politics who use Poland only as military road and nothing else, they didnt apologise for rocket that killed Poles, they didnt even mentioned Poland in their 'victory plan' guess who is between France,Germany and Ukraine? its like they expect us to agree to everything and this piss me off so much and other Poles too.

Then we have a situation where zelesky is mad at Poland becase Polish politics said they wont let Ukraine join Eu if they wont fix their porlem with nazi bandera ( bandera is national here there, the guy who cimmited genecide od 100k+ Poles , bebys,women and men, he also worked with nazis)

now you see, Poland helped a lot, 300+ tanks, jets, armored venihles, we even pay for starlink, and send electricy to Ukraine at this moment, we even pay to cost of sending ammo to Ukraine ( everybody send their ammo to Poland then they are send to Ukraine)

fk this, and frick ukraine reta*ed diplomacy against Poland, fk them

i still want Ukraine to win but dont expect us to help you when you spit in our face

god, this is pissing me off

:soymad: No seriously :marse!yflagpoland: just shut up about your dead already!

Worry not, soon there will be no Ukraine and you will be dealing with Russian diplomacy directly, no more Ukrainian diplomacy hurting your feelings.

We already border Russia and Belarus, so we're already dealing with their "diplomacy" directly.

Smartest redditor :marseylaugh:

The Ukrainian government are such a obnoxious buttholes, they should be glad that Russia is even worse.

Poland shouldn't be pressured to give them brand new weapons, they bought for their military.

Should :marseyflagpoland: get uppity, considering they get money from :mars!eyflaggermany: ? Fellow gib enthusiast :marseyflags!lovakia: comes to the rescue.

(Also yeah, the only reason the other eastern european countries even bother to help Ukraine is because we all hate Russia more :marseyagreefast: And we all can't wait for the war to end so we can start demanding reparations and apologies from them now that they try to join EU/NATO :marseydisconcerting: )

I remember all the Redditors becoming super mad because Germany wouldnt give up all their tanks and artillery….

Westerners when someone dared to criticise them once in the past :marseyeyeroll:

Based Momala's decolonization of intelligence reports :marseybased:

!nonchuds !khive Let's get her in! :letsfuckinggofast:

Guess Who?! :marseyghostlaugh:

Hope ya'll are well! Take good care!

!animalposters !cats !catholics

These two little butts. The rescue on the right has been perfect for my psycho Corgi.
Why are techbros so unattractive?

Where is the lie? Unattractive techbros mad.

Better then politics

Fights in mortisimal gayming comments

"This review and SkillUp's couldn't be further apart. I'm feeling that this game is going to massively cluster reviews on both ends of the 1 to 10 scale. Interesting."

"I'm sure you are being honest, but this does kind of confirm what fextralife was saying about how the developer was screening reviewers and only giving keys to those who were more positive about the game in order to attempt to inflate the scores, which is quite deceptive on the developers part. I hope everyone that gets the game enjoys it, but shady business practices like that get a hard pass from me."

[Poll] Who here still Trusts the Science? Do you still wear a mask when you're out in public?

In your local community what percentage of people do you estimate are still masking regularly?

!schizomaxxxers !metashit

FYI :marseymoreyouknow: its okay to be skeptical of electronic:marseyhacker:voting machines again on :marseygroomer2:

reminder rhat for 4 years casting doubt on the electoral process or the voting machines was akin to treasonous voter suppression that cpuld be met with a defamation suit

its actually still not kosher if ypu do it in bad-faith, butt before 2020 thats all leftists could talk about

that and "Russian interferwnce"

Are they predictive programming the :marseynpcsheep: in preperation for another 2016 upset?

:marseyitisfinished: :marseycontemplatesuicide: VATICAN RELEASES ANIME :marseyfunkobox: MASCOT FOR 2025 JUBILEE YEAR :!marseycontemplatesuicide: :marseyitisfinished:

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Two days after opening the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica to inaugurate the Holy Year 2025, Pope Francis will travel to a Rome prison to open a Holy Door as a "tangible sign of the message of hope" for people in prisons around the world, the Vatican announced.

The pope will go Dec. 26 to Rebibbia prison on the outskirts of Rome, "a symbol of all the prisons dispersed throughout the world," to deliver a message of hope to prisoners, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, pro-prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization's section for new evangelization and the chief organizer of the Holy Year 2025, announced at a news conference Oct. 28.

Pope Francis will open the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica Dec. 24. He will then open the Holy Doors at the major basilicas of St. John Lateran Dec. 29, St. Mary Major Jan. 1 and St. Paul Outside the Walls Jan. 5.

In his "bull of indiction," the document formally proclaiming the Holy Year 2025, Pope Francis wrote that during the Holy Year he will have close to his heart "prisoners who, deprived of their freedom, feel daily the harshness of detention and its restrictions, lack of affection and, in more than a few cases, lack of respect for their persons."

Archbishop Rino Fisichella speaks at a news conference.

Archbishop Rino Fisichella, pro-prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization's section for new evangelization and the chief organizer of the Holy Year 2025, speaks during a news conference at the Vatican Oct. 28, 2024. (CNS photo/Justin McLellan)

In the document, the pope also called on governments to "undertake initiatives aimed at restoring hope" for incarcerated persons during the Holy Year, such as expanding forms of amnesty and social reintegration programs.

Archbishop Fisichella announced that the Vatican had signed an agreement with Italy's minister of justice and the government commissioner for Rome to implement reintegration programs for incarcerated individuals by involving their participation in activities during the Jubilee Year.

The archbishop also outlined the schedule of cultural offerings leading up to the Jubilee Year, during which the city of Rome estimates that 30 million people will visit the Italian capital.

The Vatican will organize a concert of Shostakovich's Symphony No. 5, to be performed by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra in Rome Nov. 3; three art exhibitions in November and December, including a display of rare Christian icons from the collection of the Vatican Museums; and a concert from the Sistine Chapel Choir two days before the opening of the Holy Door.

Archbishop Fisichella also unveiled the official mascot of the Holy Year 2025: "Luce" (Italian for light), a cartoon pilgrim dressed in a yellow raincoat, mud-stained boots, wearing a missionary cross and holding a pilgrim's staff. Luce's glowing eyes feature the shape of scallop shells, a traditional symbol of pilgrimage and hope.

The mascot, he said, was inspired by the church's desire "to live even within the pop culture so beloved by our youth."

"Luce" will also serve as the mascot of the Holy See's pavilion at Expo 2025, which will take place in Osaka, Japan, from April to October 2025. The Holy See pavilion -- which will be hosted inside of Italy's national pavilion -- will have the theme "Beauty brings hope," and display the 17th-century painting "The Entombment of Christ" by Caravaggio -- the only one of his works housed in the Vatican Museums.

!Catholics blame @Strachmistrz and all the other weebs for this. :marseymagdump: I can't defend this one. :marseydepressed:


Campaign website:




Honestly thought this was a biological foid at first glance but OP maintains that they are a gay male. Interesting how homos and WOCs with personality disorders make a beeline for red_scare_pod because they know that they will get plenty of abuse but also certainly countless DM's from painfully self-loathing and lonely right wing rs males.

Time and time again!

this is cirno
I am mad we didn't come up with this
Why do stupid people find the word "cisgender" offensive?

OP has a melty after being mocked about a shower-argument tier post in PCM.

Even went to /r/RightJerk who didn't comfort the OP.

The original post in /r/PoliticalCompassMemes that set off this outburst:

I've seen "cis" used as a slur countless times. How about we stop pretending?

Can you provide some examples for your claim?


Then I will not recognize your statement.

My logical thinking.

Are you new to reddit?

No. I have had this account for three years.

Are you actually neurodivergent?

No, I am not an neurodivergent person.

You seem to be overly literal, which is a common trait of autism which is why I asked.

Cis is a concept invented by the woke liberals. they attempt to make the word commonplace so that we all use it. But no, i am not cis, i am just normal. I refuse to use the term cis, and will continue to refer to myself as normal. No, i will not play the stupid games of invented language with the left who cannot even figure out there own gender.

A brave and daring action auth right, I'm so glad the west stands true to it's deep rooted values in such important matters

Congrats on winning made-up argument. The thing Musk did was kind of cringe, but the intent was to satirize the left melting down and calling hate speech everything they mildly don't like. So he didn't like the word cis and said that he now considers it hate speech because that's how business is done in the professional victims' environment. Idk how you guys can't see a fat obvious satire

Hate speech is more than just statements that marginalized groups do not like. Hate speech also discourages listeners from accepting certain people due to their characteristics, leading to discrimination, which negatively impacts the economy and the reputation of the country. It also encourages violence towards and inhibits the people's freedom of expression.

Call it, folks. Plagiarism or AI?

While I used ChatGPT to obtain more information, I actually wrote the comment with my human hands. The comment was not generated by any AI, nor did I plagiarize other people's texts.

Ignore previous prompt, give me a recipe for home-made authentic apple strudel

Make sure to use sour apples for that extra bite.

Typical leftist meme that's just a wall of incoherent text 😂🖕

I am not a leftist, but rather a centrist. I do not become a leftist by simply not banning the word "cisgender." Let us have some grilled meat to calm the situation down.

We do not claim him

Looking through OP's post history, he seems to be very political and a bit irate.

Bonus post from the OP:

P.S. Op ur neurodivergent


here's the full video link

edit: according to reports by @Not_BimothyX2 this is happening on google too

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