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#PedoHitler pic.twitter.com/WDGTmIXsO0
— Silent Memejority (@memejority) September 3, 2022
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Also on /r/movies:
Where are the jannies?
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Yo you guys seen this? This shits fire. Trailer sucks tho. How tf you sposta market this thing?
I just read the book for this. Pretty good. It's like the Snyder Cut but for Princess Bride. Did you know there was a whole set piece the movie left out? The Zoo of Death. They couldn't do it because budget reasons. The replacement scene is pretty funny but kind of too Ex Machina IMO.
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I liked the mc alot he's basically neurodivergent horse rainman. The sister on the other hand was gratingly black but that's not a major issue. (Spoilers) the eating scene was really good and reminded me a lot of that fire in the sky one so if you liked that you'll like this movie. Plus I like how the film brings back a lot of reoccurring concepts and explains them well. I've never seen any of Jordan peeles other movies so I can't compare them but this one has a cool premise that's never really been done before. Good movie I give 8/10.
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Going in I knew this would be the case but holy shit that movie blew. It has a 4.0 on letterboxd? What the heck. Are regular movie watchers really so easily distracted by A list celebrities and "subverted expectations" that this passes for even watchable, let alone good? Discuss.
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Here's another one from director Ruben Ă–stlund, he did The Square (2017) and Force Majeure (2014). Looks good
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Looks like some idiot removed the "movies" hole so I guess it's getting posted here.
If you don't believe me just google "The Bear review" and see for yourself.
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Set in a dystopian America where all people who aren't straight, white, Christian and cis gender are kept track of by the government with bar codes.
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Episode where they throw Oscar off the roof https://t.co/0VTmCqSuWR
— Lina Arabi (@LinaArabii) August 24, 2022
In the Syrian adaptation, the branch manager is just a photo of Bashar btw
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