
This short, interesting video essay explains how the director of Se7en, Fight Club, and the music video "Vogue" was able to change the digitally shot Mank and make it look like it was shot on monochromatic film through a 1930's lens.

Napoleon ft Joaquin Phoenix coming soon.
An Imperfect Murder: the greatest work of art of the 21st century

An Imperfect Murder is a thrilling murder mystery drama centering the most interesting and complex character of any movie I've ever seen. The plot evolves in a way which rivals Pulp Fiction. The dialog and narration is enthralling. Every scene contains little details that just blew my mind. Put them all together and you get the greatest story ever told.

But by far the best part was the ending. 10/10 would watch a third time

Big Bang Theory Review (Gone Sexual?)

S1E1: Hated it

S1E2: Not bad and I've discovered it's the type of show where you can definitely listen to it in the background and not miss anything

S1E3: Now I'm starting to enjoy it. The handsome Jewish guy (not the s*x pest with the Beatles cut) goes on a date with the blonde. He impressed her with a physics trick but later embarrassed himself by hitting his head on the table. That scene must have taken a long time to get him to spin the glass just right and then lose the olive while having a discussion about physics. Then of course the blonde isn't sure it's a date and the handsome Jewish guy bumbles it. The neurodivergent guy makes a pithy response at the end and it fades to black.

3/5 so far. It's growing on me and I'll continue to casually watch it. For some reason, I feel I'm getting smarter watching it.

Edit: S1E4: They definitely retconned Sheldon (the neurodivergent one) and his relationship with his mother according to the prequel Sheldon TV series. In TBBT (The Big Bang Theory) his mother is played by the white trash sister from Roseanne and is a Southern Evangelical, hard-nosed, salt of the Earth bible thumper. In Sheldon, she's a blonde housewife(?) raising a kid in a fancy home. Anyway, this episode is all about Sheldon getting fired for speaking truthfully about his boss, being a spaz about it, then having his mother help him get his job back, and then getting pre-cucked by his boss who re-hires him and flirts with his mom. My theory is that their university boss is going to be the main antagonist in the show,


Set in the 19th century in the African kingdom of Dahomey, The Woman King follows the all-female group of warriors, the Agojie, who protect the kingdom. The group's general Nanisca trains a new generation of warriors to fight against an enemy who wants to destroy their way of life.

However, Mayos are afraid the upcoming release will shed a light on the atrocities of their past, as well as finally show an historical accurate retell of history. The movie will also feature fun for the whole family as it will contain scenes of BLACK Kweens murdering hordes of the lowest of human races: the Fr*nch.

I see a lot of people defending this saying "who cares if the Dahomeys enslaved people, they did other things too. People don't feel offended when it's not a movie about Romans that doesnt shows slavery or crucification"

Dude, this entire war was about slavery. Because the Dahomeys entire culture existed based on slavery, because their entire existence was about raiding other African cities and enslaving people. This is why the French decided to step in and fight a war to put an end to their empire in the first place. And a large portion of the French forces were also Africans who were tired of Dahomey's shit. (like the Senegalese Tirailleurs. They should had just made a movie about them, and it would be a cool movie about black soldiers putting the final nail in the coffin of the last great enslaver empire in the world. THEY are the ones that deserves a movie about them, not their enslavers)

By the time this war takes place (1892), slavery already had been banned in the entire western world.(Brazil was the last country to abolish slavery, in 1888).

If you still don't understand how bad the concept of this movie is, then try to imagine a World War Two movie where the Germans are invaded by the French, who have concentration camps to exterminate Germans in Paris, and then say it's "based on a powerful true story". This is what this movie looks like. It's disgusting. Every single person involved with the production of this movie should feel ashamed.

Whiteoids trying to cope with the truth coming out. Also, "IT WAS JUST LIKE THE NAZISSSSS" :marseysoypoint:

If you ever wondered how Europeans were able to colonize so much of the world, here's your answer. The local, indigenous powers were generally savages who enslaved, r*ped, and otherwise subjugated every weaker tribe. Europeans might not invite you to their croquette club, but they'd treat you fairly in comparison, providing law, protecting your village from human-sacrificing savages like the Dahomey, and paying you a daily wage for your labor instead of just enslaving you. They were a much better deal for the vast majority of people. The ones you hear decrying their arrival were typically the dislodged oppressors.

More Mayo apologia.

"The Amazons participated in one major battle: Cotonou, where thousands of Dahomey (including many Amazons) charged the French lines and engaged the defenders in hand-to-hand combat. The Amazons were decisively crushed, with several hundred Dahomey troops being gunned down. Reportedly 129 Dahomey were killed in melee combat within the French lines, while 6 French died."

Small peepee Incels are obviously working overtime to edit the Wikipedia and disparage our brave warriors,


I’m not chronically online loser😂 I watched the trailer and was excited to see some badass fight scenes went down to the comment section to find everyone a certified historian foaming at the mouth over a movie…writing essays about this and that. Y’all are so emotional

Good to know that some sense still exists in this disgusting comment section. :marseyclapping:

The real Mean Girls were the homos who came out of the closet along the way.

They're so adorable. Should make a movie together fr.

Sigma move tbh:

My homie hung out with Aaron samuels once in LA… said they went back to his apartment and he just randomly put gay porn on the TV while they’re were hanging out and left it on 😂 this was like 14 years ago

Pick your fighter:




tf do you keep adding and unadding me as a janny for. Are yall r-slurred


Kim Wexler
Biggest Chud still allowed on Youtube Agrees with Me about New Predator movie

My review, which was 100% correct, plus massive reeeeee in comments from incels who can't stand a powerful female lead BIPoC.

Special shout out to @cabalist who necro'd the thread just to spend his five cents.

RIP Olivia Newton-John, and a reminder that Grease is all about how being a slut is more fun.

Apparently the pants she wore at the end were so tight she had to be sewed into them and couldn't drink fluids for fear of pissing herself.

:marseytunaktunak: Why does this movie seem so familiar? :marseytunaktunak:
:marseysaluteusa:The Monument Mythos :marseypatriot:review or Is This What Zoomers Find Scary?:marseyohno:

Just finished this horror web series and man was it bad. Just a collection of concepts that are so outlandish they end up as funny rather then scary. It doesn't help that the limited budget really shows it self as stuff that's supposed to be official government videos in universe just look cheap as shit and every monster shot is so blurry and far away its hard to tell what's even supposed to be happening. Its a shame as I liked a few of the videos like the mount rushmore one and the technology company one but most were just too far up their own weird lore. Oh and there are some really dumb forced parallels to modern politics like two separate vids based on Jan 6th


One of the few actually good anime movies, it's a shockingly sparse, surreal, and sublime art film following a young girl and a soldier in an abandoned city. Central to the film is the titular egg, which the young girl is convinced will someday hatch into a bird, while the soldier has doubts. Dripping with rich symbolism, it can be interpreted as a study of faith and makes both direct and oblique references to the classical Western films of Carl Theodor Dreyer, Roberto Rossellini, Andrei Tarkovsky, Robert Bresson, and Ingmar Bergman, who put such thematic elements front and center in their own work. In many ways, it functions as a litmus test for the viewer, as they are asked to project their own opinions of salvation and the transcendental onto the cryptic final few minutes.

It's well worth 72 minutes of your time to sit there, watch the ploddingly slow but immensely beautiful hand-drawn visuals and letting the hauntingly ethereal soundtrack create a cinematic experience. Also, that scream is one of the single rawest, most pained things I've heard in a film. A+ work for that sequence. Seriously, give this one a shot.


Hollywood needs to stop doing brown face.




So are you guys gonna see the new Oppenheimer movie?

Personally, I'm really looking forward to it since I'm a big fan of character drama's and history so I think I'll enjoy it.

Nolan also has a good track record with character driven, philosophical films, so this should be good.

I was a little concerned with the casting of Cillian Murphy as Oppenheimer, since he doesn't really look like him imo. But as long as the acting's good and the writing's good I don't think it will be an issue.

I saw Prey so you don't have to (Edit: massive chuddery in comments... :marseydisagree:)

Predator prequel. There is a direct link between this film and Predator 2.

It was, to be fair, pretty good. The sort of people who think any film featuring a predominantly BIPoC cast is the literal genocide of the white race will be upset, especially when white people do show up in the movie and they're French.

The Predator itself is pretty cool. I think it might be one of the new ones from the movie Predators and it has some nifty new gadgets.

The CGI animals are excellent and the cinematography is v. nice- shades of both Dances With Wolves and Last of the Mohichans. This is also true of the soundtrack which is great.

Film has enough gore to keep people happy and the new Predator daisy cutter mines are satisfying AF.

Questions will abound as to how a legacy foid could do the things this one does- especially her highly-improbable hatchet-on-a-rope thing- but Arnie survived a fall of 30ft into 5ft of water in the first one so frick it: stop being an incel. Also I find this chick to be a far more plausible Predator-killer than Danny Glover sweating everywhere and whispering to himself while fencing fatly with a frisbee like in no. 2.

The ending is surprisingly satisfying and the trap she lays is better than the, frankly shit, one Arnie made in the first film.

Spoiler for doggo-lovers because spent the whole film fretting over whether the pittie-mix thing she has would survive and enough animals die in this film to make it plausible that they might kill this one off:

The dog survives

Finally: there is no post credits sequence so don't waste your time watching the credits. Image is from said credits- why are there so many people nowadays called 'Beavers'?

What do you folks think of Xavier?

These are the same guys who did wonder showzen, one of them went off later to be a writer for south park. Do you dramatics like? For those that are new what do you think?




CD Projekt Red finally figured out how to fix their Cyberpunk game-- by making it into a Japanese anime.

Prey is a pretty good movie it seems

Newest entry in the predator universe. Surprisingly good. Some are even calling it almost as good as the first. Anyone else seen it yet? What are your views?


Looks like :marseyflagirelandpat: kino

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