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Spoilers ahead.
So near the end we got this guy getting a vision just as they are invading a mountain fortress. ( Not a fortress on a mountain, the mountain is a hollowed out fortress with millions of troops and armored vehicles inside.)
As the invasion is going on they get the prophecy and turns out the enemy fleet that was coming to defend the planet is actually way bigger than estimated and they are not months away but instead hours away.
So they send a message to their revered dreadnought ( A giant war robot they put your body in forever if its too damaged) fighting on the surface, and they are like, yo, frick the invasion we gotta retreat, and this dreadnought guy starts blaring out to all of the night lords ( his team) on his giant loudspeaker to retreat back to their ships in orbit in the middle of a war.
The other nightlord groups are like shit the prophecy guy just said to retreat and every single night lord across the planet starts retreating.
The main guy who is leading the war is pissed so he is like frick you we will shoot you down ourselves if you try to retreat.
So this guy with his spaceship takes his spaceship through the planetary orbit and its like watching a giant meteorite falling from the skies with flames everywhere, just to pick up the last few ships worth of survivors. This ship has never left space before and its freakin wild yo.
In the finale they got a vision from the prophet, a huge butt enemy armada appeared right behind them, they had to fight their own team to break away, and there was a huge ship breaking orbit towards a planet like a meteorite scene just to pick up the remaining crew somehow,
Overall shit was cool as shit yo.
Would recommend 4/5 stars.
Downside: not enough torture scenes. That's like the nightlords gimmick so should have absolutely been in.
The final chapters are packed with interesting shit going down.
The main character is a bro's bro.
We get to see Malcharion the war sage active and blowing shit up.
Really good do or die moments.
It's hilarious to watch the exalted get BTFO every time he makes an appearance in the book. It's got the whole starscream screaming," frick you megatron!" after every mission vibe to it.
Seriously read the series. It's good shit.
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hey this isn’t about the movie itself (it’s amazing, and the intro of Lee Van Cleef’s character is NOTE FOR NOTE the same as the “farmer interrogation” in Tarantino’s Inglorious Basterds), but rather to advise on the EXCELLENT QUALITY of the 4K UHD version shown in their review. I bought it myself right after watching and just finished the film. The release doesn’t have much in the way of extras outside of a historians commentary, but has stereo, surround and mono mixes as well as an AMAZINGLY well done remastering and color treatment of the film. Visually, it’s about Criterion quality and it is like 24 bucks. Worth the buy rather than streaming, which had inferior audio and shitty yellow twinge color correction
- RichEvansOnlyfans : Because nobody gives a shit about Netflix anymore
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I wish I was able to show you the subtitles but recording something on fricking Netflix is too much trouble. I thought it would be some random butt hoax by a couple of football bros since the news clips in the following vidya were all showing as a male, saying stuff like "why would he do this?", but my jaw dropped when xhe walked into the scene
Turns out the chad football player was catfished by a
Ok imma go watch the rest of it it looks amazingly funny
Here's the trailer
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Pretty good movie tbh.
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I normally hate rom coms but this is one of my favorite movies.
Emily Rossum and Justin Long's relationship is believable and well acted.
At times Long's neurosis is a bit much but it's reminiscent of Woody Allen before his shit became completely insufferable.
Anyone else seen this?
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Adventure awaits. September 2 on Prime Video. #TheRingsOfPower
— The Lord of the Rings on Prime (@LOTRonPrime) August 15, 2022
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I'm on a bit of a Korean movie binge right now and this scene was so ahead of its time
NGL I only started to watch it out of curiosity since it was highly rated... and ended up watching the whole darn thing because I forgot how good the Koreans are with tearjerkers Somehow they just know how to tug at your cold, cynical heartstrings
Korean movies must be good since I recall our teachers bringing the whole cohort to the cinema to watch one of the films about the Korean War since we were on that subject at that point in time, and this was in a strict Asian school lmfao
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A writer from New York City attempts to solve the murder of a girl he hooked up with and travels down south to investigate the circumstances of her death and discover what happened to her.
Movie discussion thread I guess. It's written and directed by that guy that replaced Steve Carell in the Office, dude has talent. Based on the trailer I thought it was going to be pretentious indie comedy but it turned out to be a solid, well-written film. I really liked the dialogue and characters in this, my only complaint is that it didn't spend more time on some of them.
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based on the trailer it seems it's a movie about a woman who is happy to have her son back in her life but turns out her son is a male feminist and now she has to figure out whether she will do the right thing. Movie will probably gets loads of rewards for right think.
Honestly I think a far more interesting direction for the movie would be if the mother is happy to have her son around, later she finds out about the r*pe accusation, she denies it initially, but the other women around her are like well don't you wanna really find out and do the right thing, she goes to the girl who accused him, asks what happened, ends up believing her and turns her son in to the cops. Afterwards she finds out that the girl was absolutely lying about the r*pe and this woman just gave her son up for prison and betrayed his trust because she would rather believe a crying random foid over her own son.
However it's current year, and we will never again get stories that actually make us think outside of the current main media narratives and accept that life goes in a million non- right think life directions. So enjoy your right thinkerino oh my god her son is a male feminist she will now do right thing drama.
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Been watching Breaking Bad for the first time and I've enjoyed it for the most part. I'm up to the last two episodes of Season 3, Half-Measures and Full-Measures. The fact that this is considered peak TV drama, though, further reinforces my distaste for the medium because this show is still full of dumb shit, which I'll be sure to post about here when I'm done with it.
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Yeah, I'm a zoomer (born -94), I know. I have started this movie THREE times now and every time I've had to stop when the bearded Chad pours his drink into the only PC at the station. Like I can imagine any of those bespectacled guys in the ping pong scene just before strangling him for doing that.
Wow this is way too high brow for me. Does the Thing have to eat their victim? Is it always one Thing? Yet blood drops are the Thing too?
Anyway, I liked Alien (1979) better.
e2: is the Thing AIDS?
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This is from the creator of Samurai Jack. If you love animation this is a must-watch. There's really no diagloue, just unga bunga kino.
Seasons 1 is 10 eps all
Season 2 is 10 eps, and ep 5 just came out
- Cream_a_da_crop : h/movies