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I'm sure many of us, as generally compassionate leftist women from diverse
upbringings, that we have gone through our own ups and downs of moral dilemma, not only questioning but internally battling
yourself if you yourself are a bad person or not, attempting to be comfortable with our own more than rational outlooks.
I wouldn't say I'm feeling down and alone because I comfortable
with my views, know theyre reasonable, and know there's lots of women like me even if I don't know anyone personally.
But I am feeling particularly down
because of my gender critical views
and my liberal mom. I don't think my mom thinks I'm a bad person, but whenever I speak on this she says "I don't have a problem with people being transgender." It just makes me want to cry.
Edit: Thanks everyone
how DARE her mom respectfully disagree with her? id cry too!
Is it maybe that she just doesn't have a problem with men
and the shit
they do to women? I've had similar experiences discussing TIMs
with women close to me, but they would also get very upset with me pointing out that the vast majority of male feminists
and murderers
are men, so it's not a trans specific thing, just an extension of their over-identification with men.
yeah, maybe she just doesnt care about male feminists and murderers, have you thought about that?
It's wild how some women can react like they're being personally attacked
when I say something “bad” about men, yet feel nothing
about the horrible things men do to women in this shit world. For me, the horrific
things that men do to women feels so personal that it hurts. It doesn't matter that the woman it happened to is a stranger halfway across the world
. But some women seem to experience that same kind of pain because I said that I hate
men after reading about yet another woman being r*ped/killed, because “YOU KNOW THAT NOT ALL MEN ARE LIKE THAT, RIGHT???”
But they really do get genuinely upset, like they hurt for men in the same way I hurt for women.
it sure is wild that when i tell people i hate half the world based off a few bad apples they get upset with me
Having written
all this I realize that it's probably not relevant to your situation with your mom. Anyway, I relate to wanting to cry over the indifference towards women's suffering
(which is how I would have interpreted your mom's comment if I was talking about how this shit affects women).
clearly she wants her daughter to suffer
OP replies
This is very relevant to me as well. My mom
has a guy friend who has committed s*x tourism and still accommodates with him.
After I learned that I refuse to speak to him. Thank you for your comment
this shit should be a felony tbh
Maybe try to injecting some humor into your interactions by calling things by the wrong words (like, call a dog "cat)
and when she is confused, tell her in your mind
that's what that word means. Ask her why it matters that you use common words in ways that others deem "incorrect," that you're just "queering power structures."
this is so terribly unfunny that even the most ardent transphobe would be offended by it
so about on par for your average foid joke
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I was just reminded that worldstar exists (thanks @sneedman) and boy if it isn't just as full of dramatic content as it was 10 years ago.
This clip is a reminder that 99% of the time the skinny white girl will passively absorb whatever abuse you dish out against her and hate herself for it, but then 1% of the time she will snap and slice open your windpipe.
Conduct yourselves accordingly.
- Guy_LeSpook : Headline screencap thread
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Jennifer Love Hewitt says “I was called sexy before I ever knew what being sexy was. I was 17 years old on the cover of Maxim, and I had no idea why I was on the cover of Maxim."
— Variety (@Variety) December 20, 2023
“I remember doing ‘Heartbreakers’ at 23 and the director was like, ‘We just need you to be sexier.’… pic.twitter.com/KKI67pqy4A
I saw this on 4chan and was certain it was bait the statement is so r-slurred.
Nope, yet another case of a woman who got rich and famous off being hot looking when she was younger crying about it now she's in her forties and media r-slurs lapping it up uncritically.
Hey, Jenna Ortega and Sydney Sweeney and all the other hot little numbers of the moment? If you think you're getting exploited and abused and have no idea what "sexy" even means :by getting millions to show your bod on camera, now is the time to say so. I don't want to hear about it TWENTY FRICKING YEARS LATER!
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Actually free her https://t.co/tuBdurum7P
— JerryCurldER (@jerrycurld) December 18, 2023
Sadly it's mostly not because of the qt white foid ancap, but an ugly black kween who dindu nuffin that wasn't based AF
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Shabani is the Gorilla
He is 18 years old when the article was written.
He has his own wikipedia page
White girl in the 1960's: ...but dad I love him.
White old man : Loving a N-? What next? You going to tell me you want to have carnal relations with gorillas and chimpanzees too?
Black boy from the 1960's: It's okay. Sir I am going to prove myself to you. You may not love me, and we may never see eye to eye. But as a man I must still let you know I will always take care of your girl. Let's go bb.
60 years later Gorilla's are still not the same as black people obviously, but who is going to get that through the heads of white women?
The slippery slope is always real when white people are involved.
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The Third Category of Women (in dating)
Recently I posted on the Hinge subreddit, asking why men whose profiles say they're looking for a relationship were initiating s*x conversation early on in chat. I figured I already knew the answer, but was curious what men would say.
In the process of reading the comments, I learned something new. Previously, I'd thought that there were only two categories women would fall into when men were dating (specifically on the apps, but it likely applies to in-person meets as well.) Either they liked a woman, or they didn't.
So, imagine my surprise when it came out over several comments that there is actually a third category: the women that men are not interested in dating, but are attractive enough to frick.
So, men on apps might indeed be looking for a relationship, but if they don't want a relationship with you, they will pull out the innuendos to test and see if you'll take the bait. If you do, they'll use your body for their own pleasure and then discard you.
I was ready to hear “those men are just looking for a hookup.” I knew those men existed. I was ready for it. What I was not ready for was men openly admitting they did this, and evidently saw no problem with it. And it wasn't just one, isolated weird guy.
It was just kind of depressing to learn that men were so morally okay with using a woman's body for their pleasure like a living fleshlight and then throwing her away like garbage afterward. I would never, ever do that to a man. It's such a mean and dehumanizing and just all around evil thing to do.
How do men get like this? Is it the inability to empathize? Selfishness to an extreme extent? I get that getting laid is harder for men on dating apps but this is just so unacceptable.
It's definitely given me a new perspective on OLD and heterosexual relationships. I don't know if I can come back from this revelation.
In case this wasn't clear, I'm not disparaging having casual s*x as long as both parties are cool with that. The issue I'm having is men willing to lie and fake wanting a relationship while knowing full well that they just want you for s*x.
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Or more recently, the “incident” that made me want to write this post happened Last Thursday. My husband and I often watch a movie together on Sunday nights after our daughter goes to bed. But sometimes we change it up to do movie on Friday or Saturday, or skip it once in a while if one of us has something else they need to do.
So he asks me “are we still gonna watch a movie this weekend?” I tell him I don't know (because it's late in the evening, end of the week, and I'm just tired. I wanted to just see what happens and what we feel like). He says “well what day do you want to watch a movie?” Again, I tell him I don't know. He asks me another question “what movie do you want to watch?” (Which is actually a double question of what movie I want to watch and what to have for dinner because we usually make a dinner themed with the movie).
So I snap at him that I don't know, I just want to wait and see what I feel like this weekend, and I'm tired of making all the darn plans. He says “what? Are you kidding me? You are the queen of needing a plan for everything.” So I just said “ok descisions then, I'm tired of making decisions.” He just said “whatever” and that was the end of it (for now).
Do any other women relate? I don't even know exactly what I'm trying to describe. I just hate how even the best of men all seem to be like this.
it's so hard to be a woman why are moids like this
My ex would casually state that x or y needed to be done and expect that I would do it. Finally one day I said "feel free to do it yourself' and he lost his mind.
I can't wrap my head around the entitlement most men have when they have a female partner.
imagine asking your partner to do something. the entitlement of moids truly knows no bounds
For our son's 2nd birthday party I decided to not do anything and see what happened. Nothing happened. People came and there was no food and no plan. I let him scramble and play host. I stayed in the kitchen and pretended to prepare food. When I told my therapist she said, “don't you think you set him up to fail?” No? Because I did what he would have done. Why is it okay if not expected that he does nothing, but if I do nothing, I'm just a sneaky sneaky b-word? I can't imagine what a wonderful world men must live in where the only expectation of them is to just show up.
117 upmarseys btw
Years ago, my STBX and I went on vacation. I made it very clear that I would not be planning any of our excursions. Multiple times. On arrival at our hotel, from the shower, he yells, "So, what's our plan for today?" That was not the only vacation that started with an argument.
so, what do you want to do?
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Are foida themselves happy how things turned out for them in modern world?
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I'm aware of the irony, with me posting on Blind. Anyways.
It's a once-a-year event or so. Whatever our ugliest fight is she'll write up an essay with all the details that make her look like an angel and me a manipulative POS and then engage with a forum all week long who are doing nothing but attack me and saying divorce me.
I've told her it makes me feel like shit + is unproductive since 1. It's Reddit, which is full of teenagers and 2. It's not helpful having a bird in your ear validating every single thing you say
There is normally some set of comments at the bottom getting downmarseyd asking for more context or how certain parts don't add up but no one wants to listen because #GirlPower.
Divorce incoming.
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Im crashing so hard, and It happened Saturday, and He wrecked his motorcycle and they had to life flight him to hospital, and I thought he was fricking going to die, and He was fricking in ICU until Monday, and This caused so much anxiety, crying, drama with our grown children and through it literally all I was fricking kinda ok but woke up today in biggest crash ever, motherlover!!! Im fricked, and Then he will be fricking home and how the fricking heck am I gonna deal, and He has 5 broken ribs and he bit his lip off and they sewed it back on, and One of our daughters lives with us but she a fricking handful of emotional issues, and Will I make it through this without getting severe is fricking causing me a fricking lot of worry
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The idea that multiple women, none of whom know each other, are all saying the same things about him being a coincidence is about a billion to one.
OOP gives an entire thesis on how he's been wronged. Why the need to defend himself so much if he's such a saint?
8 beers and 2 margaritas in 2 hours?? Bullshit. With that much liquid she'd be in the bathroom peeing the whole time and far too busy to be doing anything else
I wanna meet the 8 beers 2 margs lady in person. That is IMPRESSIVE.
Kids: Lie of omission. Never referenced in her profile so I assumed she didn't have any
Weight: pics in profile was skinnier than what she looked like in person. About 30 pounds. Even through text she sent me pics that did not match her in person body.
He never clarified the kid situation and just assumed her weight, unless the photo was very old or it was edited then she didn't lie
He calls them all "girls". Gross.
What makes a man feel unsafe with a woman? What does that mean?
I know if a woman feels unsafe, it can mean a number of things. Maybe she is afraid she will be sexually assaulted or maybe she is afraid she will be drugged or maybe she thinks she will be physically harmed or even murdered.
Is that how he felt unsafe with the woman he thought drank too much? He talked about her drinking and introducing him to her family but nothing that would indicate he wasn't "safe."
One guy said they needed one of these types of Facebook groups for guys to ask about women they're dating, and someone replied:
“The few “are we dating the same woman” groups I've seen pop up (and get shut down) the posts were completely different than the “are we dating the same guy” groups. Men were body shaming, calling women whores, blasting personal info, threatening to leak nudes etc. It's pretty gross. There is usually none of that in the women groups.”
The bar is truly in heck.
OP: They're saying I'm a ghoster, whaaaaaaaah
Also OP: I ghost women I'm uncomfortable with
I just don't have time to read all that
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Leave him now. What he did is indistinguishable from sexual assault through use of drugs or alcohol. The pattern will repeat itself in other ways. Don't waste your time, move on and teach him a lesson about respect.
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Would we not fly first class? pic.twitter.com/XtSTw26Zgs
— Sean O'Neill (@SeanOhhhh) December 12, 2023