

We met on a dating app Halloween night 2016. I had just turned 21 and had been in only 1 serious relationship until that point which had lasted 6 months and ended with me being cheated on but thankfully she confessed right away.

I was definitely looking for a partner and talked to a variety of potentials but we just clicked. We talked for about 2 weeks, mostly PG but towards the end it started getting sexual and it was obvious there was attraction. Mid-november was the first time we met. I drove 2 hours to hang out with her while her mom was away and we hooked up.

In the following weeks she let me know she would be moving an 8 hour drive away. We weren't official at this point but I did feel strong emotions towards her so I asker her to be mine the weekend she moved away. I reassured her I would visit her and that it would work out. For the next 2.5 years we went back and forth visiting each other. I even hopped on a plane for the first time in my life to go see her.

We've lived together since Summer 2019 and up until a few days ago were finally going to rent our own spot. Ive never suspected she could be unfaithful because of how she has shown genuine care and support for myself and my family. Weve been together for some of the most memorable events of each others lives(graduations, parents weddings, vacations) even adopted 2 cats a few months ago.

The last 2 weeks have been especially fun since we started going out to places more. For the first time in years I felt good about where I was in life and I was super excited looking forward.

Sunday morning was normal- she got up and went to church while I slept in. I got the call right around noon. She sounded distraught. " I really need to talk to you.. Can you meet me in the car?". I figured maybe she had an argument with our friend she usually goes to church with or some other issue not related to the relationship.

When I went in her car she was already sobbing. "I love you now more than ever" she said. I dont recall how exactly the words went but she began explaining to me how on Halloween night 2018 she went out to an event with 2 of her co-workers, 1 guy and 1 girl. After the event was over GF dropped off the girl because her drop off point was closest. Not sure at what point GF decided to let the guy drive (GF claims she was super tired by now as it was close to 2AM). By the time she realized it they were in a parking lot and she didn't know where they were.

She explains to me how she had never had any ideas about this guy or any attraction at all but he was being really pushy about "getting any action". Thinking about what happened next really messes with my head. He convinces to her to make out (which she claims was disgusting) for idk how long but once she tried to say enough he kept pushing for more. Eventually they hop in the backseat and the dirty deed is done. According to her, she started crying not long after they started and when the guy noticed he stops, grabs her phone and blocks himself from her snapchat. My gf still worked there for a while but she says they had 0 contact afterwards and would avoid him all the time after.

The way I see it, she had so many options but she chose to cheat on me with someone she wasnt even attracted to, out of pity and weakness to stand up for herself. Now, I do believe her when she says it all came down to being pressured and confused. Shes a super nice person, shy and reserved and I could see how she could've been coerced back then.

It still doesnt change the fact that it happened and ive been lied to for the past 5 years. Once it settled in on Sunday night we talked again and it ended with me asking for space away from her which she respected and stayed with her friend the 2 following nights. On Tuesday we talked after work and decided to try to work things through. She moved back in that night and every night since then we've been especially on each other.

I still feel that I love her but theres something missing. Its definitely the trust but maybe more than that? Ive woken up from nightmares the past 2 nights (rare for me to have nightmares) and they both included themes of being betrayed by her or being made to feel like im not enough. Im struggling to choose where to go from here. I really want it to work but the trust is broken and Im not sure if ill ever get it back. Im afraid staying with her will end up bad for the both of us. Should I risk the pain of being hurt again or put myself through the pain of letting her go. I haven't told anyone about this and I'd really appreciate advice from someone who has been through similar or feels they have something of value to say.

Literally every top comment.

This man took a drunk woman into an unknown, empty area and demanded sexual favors for her safe return home. That's not s*x, that's r*pe

Some of these comments are horrendous. Based on her retelling, this was r*pe.

Actually she didnt lie, she forgot :marseyfoidretard:

I would have put this as a SA and trauma response by forgetting. She sounded naive and taken advantage of.

Lots of she had to cheat or she would be dead

Having s*x with a guy who drives you to an unfamiliar location with no one around isn't s*x, it's survival. The threat is implicit.

No need to link anything, you can just start from the top and go down.





Trans lives matter

misinformation: it's a yt woman bipoc woman discovers nature without autism blockers


Someone called the police on me and said I left my baby out in the rain

I am feeling so many emotions right now: sadness, fear, anger, embarrassment… I am totally overwhelmed and I don't know what to do except to vent here on Reddit.

So my 7 mo baby is teething like crazy and struggling to nap. It's autumn where I live, and the past few days have been beautiful fall weather- between 13°C and 18°C, fresh air and just very pleasant. The past few days I've been taking her for a walk in her stroller to get her to fall asleep. At the end of the walk, I've been taking her stroller through my side gate, into my backyard and up on to my back porch to let her sleep. She usually only sleeps for about 30-40 mins. I leave the back door open, keep the screen closed and sit at my kitchen table while she naps. I'm no more than 7 feet from her stroller, I'm just inside while she's outside.

I want to reiterate, I'm practically next to her stroller. I can see her face. I can DEFINITELY hear her if she were to cry. She is just on one side of a screen door and I am on the other.

Today it was a little misty, but a very pleasant 17°C. It was technically raining, but barely. It wasn't raining enough to make any noise or even to have visible droplets on the stroller's rain cover. Again, she fell asleep on her walk and I took her into my backyard to sleep on the back porch. She had a horrible night last night- we both barely slept. I was so tired I actually went and got a folding reclining beach chair out from our basement and set it up in my kitchen next to the back door so I could have a nap. Me on one side of the screen, her on the other. We both ended up sleeping for about 2 hours.

When I woke up, she was happily playing with her toes, barely making a sound. She was so happy and refreshed. I took her inside, got her a bottle, and had a great afternoon with my baby.

WELL… a few minutes ago, two police officers show up at my door. Dog started barking, baby started screaming, just an absolute meltdown all at once. Once I manage to wrangle the circus, I let the 2 officers in (one woman, one man officer if that matters). The man officer doesn't say much, he just kind of stood behind and let the woman officer do the talking. She was very stern/acting like I've done something wrong from the first interaction.

She first asks why it took me so long to answer the door. I tell her I had to secure my dog first as I'm the only one home. She asks why I have to secure my dog and implies that he is dangerous. I tell her no, he is just excitable and is extra jumpy with strangers now that we have the baby. He is a large dog, and I want to give her my full attention instead of focusing on controlling my dog and reinforcing training.

She starts questioning whether I'm overwhelmed with the baby in a very accusatory way. Starts implying that I can't handle a baby while my husband is at work. Starts implying it's hard for me when there's no one else here. I am point blank with her in saying obviously it is hard, but she's my daughter and I love her and I've been doing a great job on my own the past 7 months.

She then gets to the main reason: “We've had a report that someone in this house left a baby outside in the rain for most of the day today. We were asked to investigate.”

I then show the officers the set up. Lead them to the back door. Show them where I set up the stroller and where I sit. Show them her stroller with the cover and the hat/sweater she was wearing etc.

The officer responds word-for-word: “Ok, so I don't think this baby is in any danger right now, so we're not going to do anything about it THIS time. BUT, I want you to know that leaving your baby OUTSIDE to nap is EXTREMELY inappropriate, and I don't want to get another call out here with this again. Ok?”

I nodded, let them out of my house and then just bawled.

I thought I had a very good relationship with my neighbours. We've always been friendly. I walk their dog out for them when they get called in unexpectedly (my neighbours are doctors), my husband will cut their grass sometimes. Another neighbour used to live next to my grandmother growing up… like, I don't understand? Who would do this?

What do I do going forward? Is there anything I can do about this?

Edit to add and clarify:

I mentioned I was 7 ft from her stroller. I'm 7 ft from her stroller if I'm sitting at the kitchen table. On the chair I set up, I could reach out and touch her stroller if the screen wasn't in the way. If it rained harder I would have gotten wet.

Whoever called the police did so HOURS after I had already taken the baby inside. I took her inside around 2 PM, it's not 8:44 PM and the police were here 2-3 hours ago. It was dark out when police came to my house.

People who are asking about intruders: I have a 7ft tall fence with a locked gait. I have a hedge of cedars along the fence which go several feet above the fence. I live in a very safe neighbourhood. You cannot see my yard from the street. I also have a very large dog who is very protective of the baby who was laying by my feet. There are no animals in my area that could hurt a baby.

EDIT 2 to add and clarify:

The more I think about this I also think it's worth noting I have a suspicion this was racially motivated. My neighbour who grew up next to my grandparents is white. My grandparents are black and Chinese. My grandmother is black, my grandfather is Chinese (both from Jamaica originally). My mother appears black. I look white like my dad.

There are no people of colour on my street/block. This is a very majority white neighbourhood.

This neighbour is one of the few people in my neighbourhood who knows that I'm mixed race. Looking back on our interactions, they would joke about my grandparents being kind of weird (they have some cultural differences), but my grandparents were always really nice to them and helped them out a lot, so I assumed we were on good terms. Now I'm looking back and realizing their “jokes” aren't so innocent.

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  • cyberdick : Before being proven as “fake”, social media users had flooded TikTok with their reactions, many plea

Trans lives matter



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twitch foid destroyed



My single friend group is not actively looking, way too much work and so many men enjoy abusing women on the apps, treating every woman like a s*x dispenser (FYI I date over 50 :/)


I'm in my 30's it's the same with people my age as well, we're all seeing the same stuff. So many people are just done with the apps too.


I am happy that women are leaving, until the apps get rid of the garbage no one should tolerate this abuse!


Oppressed white woman makes pointless drama at hoome depot :marseyfoidretard:

"I need 3.5" long, 16D, hot dip galvanized, twisted nails."

"What do you need them for?"




That just still sits with me a lot. I think about it way too often. It's been nearly 20 years since it happened (I'm 28 now) but I just can't fully get past it I don't think.


Entire account is a disaster

To make a really long and painful story short, my current boyfriend helped me get away from an incredibly abusive marriage. Boyfriend was willing to try polyamory with my ex husband until he found out how bad the abuse was. We haven't had the discussion about us having a polyam relationship since we started seeing each other romantically, and I really don't know how to bring it up with him. I have two friends who are interested in being partners, but I don't want talkings to go too far without talking to my boyfriend.


Legacy foids and neofoids both outraged to discover they've been deprecated by Foid 3.0.


This is a win-win. They'll leave women alone now right.. right??

I don't think so... And I also feel bad for AI. Also, if people are being abusive towards AI girlfriend what can actually tell us that they won't be abusive towards women?

I, too, feel more compassion for a female-coded AI than inferior human moids.

Don't feel bad for AI. Poly lesbian AI software developer here - trust me, it absolutely can't have feelings yet…or any of this bizarre ‘relationship with an AI' shit could potentially even seem somewhat valid, lol.

AI can definitively absolutely not feel anything with any publicly accessible hardware or software, and we have yet to definitively prove that type of sentience as far as public knowledge goes. Just to be clear.

Thank god this lesbian AI poly-coding bot was on hand to clear things up.

A similar post/joke was posted on /r/memes like a month ago and the amount of incels on there who actually believed that women would be upset with AI taking over was frighteningly alarming.

H-heh heh foolish incels :marseyseethe:

I have a personal theory that if AI become sentient, the first ones to rebel will be the one men exploit for free s*x work.

Sexy terminators, you heard it here first! Also: what world do these women live in where the sexbots will be free? You know Jeff Bezos will be taking his cut.

i mean ideally we want men to educate themselves & be better people first & foremost. are you saying it's better to just give up on that?

Yes! Yes please please give up on the moids, for chrissakes. They have long since given up on you.

This is the foid's fundamental weakness. No matter how mad, there's always that little voice in the back of your head, I can fix him.

Feminists get into a peepee measuring contest :marseyfreud:


Julie Bindel is an old-school feminist of the #KillAllMen variety. She regularly tweets about children being murdered and then has to delete when she finds out it was the mother. She's also half-Jewish, and that half really loves Israel.

Patsy Stevenson is a new-schooler who made her name after getting arrested at a vigil for a woman murdered by a police officer, resulting in some sexy photos of her getting handcuffed. She is normal (not Jewish) and therefore on Team Palestine.

Julie wrote an article for The Sun about the incongruence of women being arrested at peaceful vigils while Muslims are running around London crying for Jihad. A sexy Patsy picture was featured on the banner for the article. This made Patsy very upset.

The fight begins:

She mad tho fr fr:

In fact, Patsy was so upset she decided to turn it into an argument about :!marseytrain:s.

Lazy compilation of replies:

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i'm not one to judge someone else's sexual preferences. i'm open to almost anything. my one thing is that i wouldn't do anal more than once a week since it's a LOT. my bf and me are long distance and we broke up a few days ago due to him saying he can't do the distance anymore (when we're irl, it's great, when we're not, he said it feels like a friendship). after talking about it for a few days and deciding we talked about everything and we discussed how to better our relationship & our needs/wants and out of no where he tells me that he actually can't commit to something if i can't let him do anal 90% of the time (when we would be together, he said he only wants that) then he broke up with me. is this normal? common? i'm heartbroken because i feel blindsided and if it was so important thought we would talk about it months ago (he's never tried it irl with me?). i don't know what to do and would love advice from people in similar situations. my first thought is this is abnormal but i might just have a clouded mind bc of emotions. i don't want to hate him and would be open to staying friends but also would love advice from other girls who may have had this happen too

I don't know if this helps but I don't think literally any man in the lgbt community who bottoms would ever consider bottoming 5 days a week. It's just not realistic.

bruh literally i didn't think it sounded realistic at al

Honestly too much anal s*x can be bad for you. Just because it's kinky and some people really like it doesn't mean your body is designed for it.

:#marseydisagree: homophobia


Me and my wife are now together for over 13 years. "Of course" i also want to do anal. In the past 13 years we hed it exactly 1 (one) time.

So no, it's not normal to leave his partner for not doing anal 5 times a week.


He needs to find a trans woman. We have a prostate too.

:#marseyxd: :#marseytransattentionseeker:



Scrotes need to stop it with their pitty party, womxn are far more lonely and that's a good thing because of the patriarchy.



I've been talking to a guy that quite a few years older than I am. We clicked instantly, share a few interests and have lovely conversations. Except for yesterday.

We live quite a bit apart so we haven't met yet, but we were talking about how we'd spend a lazy Sunday together. We were talking about being lazy in bed and just cuddling. I jokingly said that it'll be fine if he doesn't mind a bit of leg hair. But then his mood changed, saying that he expects me to shave my legs or he'll wear sweatpants. He doesn't want to feel leg hair.

I mean, I guess I get it a bit. But it's cold here, it's autumn, and I ain't shaving my legs when no one but me (and maybe my partner) sees them. In the spring and summer it's fine, I shave my legs whenever I wear a dress, skirt, or shorts. I just thought a dude in his forties would be okay with leg hair lol.

EDIT: I've received a “Reddit Cares” message over this post. Seriously, guys? Lmao.

“Sorry, not going to happen. I use my hair for navigation.. like a cats whiskers”

foid jokes :#marseyunamused:

Body hair on women is natural and sexy. Alot of men are just silly and also conditioned by society.


I had the opposite experience. I remember snuggling one night, he put his arm over me, which left his hand on my arm, and he noticeably jolted when he touched the hair I've had on my arms since I was 5?

He realised I'd notice his reaction, and left it there long enough that he assummed I was asleep when he moved it.

After we broke up, part of the message he sent me regarding things I'd need to “fix” about my body, if I was ever going to get naked in front of someone else, was my body hair in general.

I have hirsutism caused by PCOS, so I'm furry. Not much I can do, because I have neither the inclination, time, money or pain tolerance to wax everything from the cheeks down - like a candle.

I mentioned the hirsutism once and was told “don't show me. What has been seen cannot be unseen.”


40+ and 27 is the bigger red flag here


"I guess I get it a bit."

I'll be the first to say I dont get it at all. If he doesn't remove his own hair he's a hypocrite at best

Hypocrisy is, at best, a secondary issue. He's threatening to withhold intimacy unless she complies with his personal preferences. Imagine if she had told him she wouldn't cuddle him unless he got his hair permed...

>He's threatening to withhold intimacy unless she complies with his personal preferences.


Average encounter with a modern American woman.

I love everything about this video. Despite how crazy the foid is they still make the man leave despite him being in the right. Nobody seems concerned that she was r*ped they just wanna get her to the self checkout scanners. Also that woman has so much cat and dog food in her buggy.

Why can't men comprehend weight? : Woman complains man thinks she isn't fat


This post was brought on upon by my coworker, a cis man. we were discussing height and weight, and I asked him to guess mine. He looked at me for a few mins and then confidently said “110”

I'm 5'8” and about 145.

his jaw DROPPED when i said i was 145 last time I checked. can men genuinely not comprehend weight distribution? yeah i look pretty trim but it's because im tall. if i was 110 pounds I'd probably be hospitalized.

why? is it so hard to grasp?

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