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My (29f) friend, let's call her Emily (32f) is an amazing person - she's fun, adventurous, intelligent, super active, a fantastic cook, outgoing and just a great girl to be around. A few years ago she decided not to shave anymore (legs, armpits, female areas) out of protest to the patriarchy, resulting in her having very long dark hair everywhere.
A few days ago, we were having a beer and she told me how sad her dating life was, that she kept meeting guys and having very fun dates but never got a call back or when she tried asking for a second or third date, got rejected in a very generic manner. Now after telling her “you're so gorgeous and wonderful, the right man will come don't worry” multiple times, I decided to go out on a limb and said something along the lines of “I know this is a very superficial thing to say, but do you think it might help a little if you would shave?“
She was very taken aback and told me she was disappointed I would suggest she change her appearance for men and that I was the reason so many women were suppressed. I immediately apologized but the evening was pretty much ruined. I texted her the next day apologizing again for hurting her but she hasn't replied.
I really did not want to hurt her but I also don't quite see how my comment was that bad so I am not sure how to phrase my apology. So decided to take it here and ask people here how big of an AH I am.
UPDATE: I am absolutely overwhelmed by the amount of reactions this got. Thank you all so much for your well-worded answers and for your inputs. Emily messaged me yesterday evening asking if we could talk about the whole thing and we had a phone call.
She started by apologizing for her reaction and by the things she said to me. I told her that I wanted her to know that I and many others love her for who she is and the last thing I wanted was to suggest that she change herself for a guy. Another important piece of advice I got here was to make sure she actually was asking for my opinion and not just venting, so I told her that I was very worried I had given her unsolicited advice. Thankfully she didn't see it that way. She told me I had always been a loyal friend who had her back and she always had valued my advice, which was why she was so taken aback by my comment. I told her that what I should have said is that I feel like in the past, she has been attracted to men who don't necessarily share her values, and that she might need to be more clear with her dating choices and first make sure they align with her values to avoid being disappointed. She also agrees with this and we really had a great conversation after that. Thanks again to you all for the insightful comments and for your help!
jannies tagged this as NTA, but most of the top comments are YTA
This. She's not looking to date men who are only interested in women who shave. Telling her to shave is not going to help her get good dates, just more dates. And those dates would likely be the type of person she won't be interested in. She's right in saying that OP told her to change for a guy, it's just that OP didn't realize that's what they were doing.
There's a lot of internalized misogyny cope in this thread lol. I say this as a woman who shaves (when I'm not lazy). It's definitely bullshit we have to do it to be valuable to the majority of men. And honestly trailblazing women like OP's friend will likely make it so our daughters or granddaughters don't have to go through massive time-consuming routines just to pretend that being hairless is somehow more feminine than their natural bodies are.
We shouldn't discourage these women. We should empower and support them. They shouldn't change, men should change. It's just hair and they're already covered with it.
The same old 'venting' grows wearisome after a while and friend, a true friend, eventually should point out the obvious. She doesn't want a guy who sees that as a dealbreaker? All well and good, just keep in mind how few those guys are in American society.
OP makes no indication that the friend has often complained about this-which doesn't mean that isn't the case, but I would think OP would mention it if this was something the friend frequently complained to her about. So while I agree that repeatedly listening to the same complaints gets annoying, if that wasn't the case here, I don't really see a need for OP to speak up yet.
OP is also assuming that the friend's body hair is the issue, but jow would she know? The friend said she can never get past a first date, and I know we just got done with summer, but does OP know this friend always wears clothes that revealed her armpits or legs or both? Does OP know if the men the friend is going out with are just interested in hooking up and don't want to bother with someone looking for more? Does OP know if the friend has some other behavior that turns them off, or they talk about dealbreakers on the first date that reveals their incompatibility?
not shaving wouldn't deter all scrotes, but it probably is correlated with other s
Woah, yeah this is so important to the context. I still don't think it's proper "advice" or a solution to give. But good context to know.
redditors expect their friends to just be echochambers.
Of course you can tell a friend they need to lose weight to get a man. What kind of dishonest relationships do y'all have with "friends?"
This may come as a shock to much of Reddit but physical attraction is a huge part of relationships. And many men don't want to be with women that are as or more hairy than them. That can go both ways obviously, I wouldn't think twice of a woman expecting a man to groom themselves either.
If a man isn't attracted to me because of my weight or my body hair, then they aren't worth my time. I'm thankful for the filter that keeps the shallow ones away. Easy peasy.
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i met this guy on val and, we have been together for months, we did everything together and then i found out hes 45. my heart hurts i wont ever be the same. im never sleep calling with another eboy again. heres proof: pic.twitter.com/9lCN91mnoZ
— tara (@tarabwear) October 2, 2023
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**A WOMAN has revealed that she has a 'flat bum, big belly and a small chest', and doesn't care what mean trolls have to say about it. **
Chloe Xandria, who is from the US, wants to encourage women to feel confident in their clothes, regardless of their size.
But despite her positive intentions, the social media user often receives rude comments from keyboard warriors, criticising her body shape.
In one video shared on social media, the curvy size 18 woman responded to a nasty comment from an online troll.
The rude remark simply read: "Unfortunate build."
To this, Chloe clapped back and shared a clip of her wearing a stunning denim skirt and black top, as she danced around and held up her middle fingers.
Laughing at the hater, in response, Chloe explained: "Unfortunate that this a** is flatter than a credit card, and every man in my comments STILL wouldn't get any."
In another clip, we saw the brunette beauty walk along a street in slow motion, as she confidently strutted towards the camera whilst smiling.
Wearing a tight, short, denim dress, Chloe noted: "POV: You never saw girls your shape (flat bum, big belly, small chest), on the runway, so you decided to show up at New York Fashion Week and make your own runway."
Chloe's TikTok clip, which was posted under the username @chloe_xandria, has clearly left many open-mouthed, as it has quickly amassed a staggering 806,900 views.
Social media users were left stunned at Chloe's figure and many were eager to praise her beauty in the comments.
One person said: "Literally my body type. Makes me so happy to see it represented."
Another added: "You are so beautiful!!!!"
A third commented: "You are an absolute queen!"
Whilst someone else chimed in: "SLAY! OH MY GOSH THAT DRESS."
At the same time, another user noted: "Your energy shines and you look stunning!"
Previously, Chloe explained online that she has a 'frog bum'.
The term 'frog bum' means: "the phenomenon that occurs when the bottom of the a** is flat and the top is wider, like a heart," according to Urban Dictionary.
The social media user showed off her 'frog butt' in her favourite pyjama trousers, but the influencer received plenty of rude comments over her body shape and hit back at one of the mean comments left about her bum.
The comment read: "That was a straight violation. I would delete all social media and go live in a cave if it were me."
Chloe didn't disagree with the comment though and wore her 'frog bum' with pride.
In response, Chloe referenced a popular animated character from the King of the Hills, as she said: "Yes, I look like Hank Hill from the back.
"I was blessed with a low butt crack and a flat butt."
She ended the video saying: "My a**e could be flatter than a business card, and you still wouldn't get any."
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"They are trying to do business, so when you're stealing it's costing them money," Amy says. "Trust me, when I steal, I feel very guilty doing it - but I have to."
She thinks the police could do more to combat the actions of people like her.
- Keggw : ITT: incels seething over bait
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exposing someone's fiancé for having harmless fun at a bachelorette party is insane behavior. let girls have fun on the last free day of their lives. pic.twitter.com/yKAPkhRY95
— misha꙳ (@schizarella) September 30, 2023
exposing someone's fiancé for having harmless fun at a bachelorette party is insane behavior. let girls have fun on the last free day of their lives.
Maybe that's just me, but I don't think cheating is harmless
as eminem said:
Wait, what if there's an explanation for this shit?
What, she tripped, fell, landed on his peepee?
"No tipping" is evil, everyone has to give workers their due
no, it's extremely based
shoeonhead comments on the situation:
if you see marriage as losing your freedom you should probably not get married
I like that a TikToker stripper called 21stCenturyWhore is the moral compass here!
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- STAN_ARTMS : All shall bow to the gock
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I'm so annoyed. I am at the Anitab.org's Grace Hopper event, which is the largest gathering of women/non-binary technologiats in the world. When you filled out the form, you had to list that you were a woman or non-binary to attend.
During the opening ceremony, the chief diversity officer, who was not scheduled to speak, got on the stage to advise us that spots for women were taken by men who marked themselves as women/non-binary who then used pronouns "he/him" to officially register. He advised us that these cisgender men took the spots of women and non-binary people who had tried to register.
There are more men here than there are supposed to be. One guy had his mother come and try to register with us. They are taking opportunities that were set aside for us, including the onsite interviews and meeting with top professionals and companies around the world. The chief diversity officer announced that they stole those spots unfairly. Great for him to speak up, but it's bullshit that this happened. Cisgender men do not need more opportunities in tech. They are the majority. We need those spots. Underserved people and communities need those spots.
Edit: I didn't want this to become a non-binary, trans, or post against people who truly were invited to this event. It is about the large number of, statistically speaking, most likely cismen taking spots of underrepresented women in technology, our trans-sisters, and the truly non-binary.
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Most of the redditors are giga-coping about this result, funniest take is that
This guy decides that the results must be true because women wrote it rather than men
Man writes paper: agenda-driven unscientific bullshit!
Woman writes same paper: Believe science!
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Ms Brown repeatedly failed to meet the 7.6 level but the tribunal found she had not been given the opportunity to formally attempt a different test called the "Chester treadmill test". This involves running on a treadmill while the gradient is increased every two minutes.
She had been given one chance to try it as a familiarisation exercise but when she struggled to balance she wasn't encouraged to persevere, or given any guidance. The tribunal found no other means of reaching the equivalent of 7.6 on the bleep test were discussed.
- whyareyou : h/personal and also this is my shocked face that a frickin alkie was diddled
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No drama, just !foidmoment
I used to be jealous of moms with daughters when National Daughters Day came around.
After my child came out as nonbinary, I started feeling unseen on National Sons Day, too.
I don't want to end gendered holidays, but there needs to be more inclusivity.
I confess: When I was a newish mom, I gleefully posted pictures of my two kids together and wrote #boymom in the caption followed by two blue-heart emojis. I loved doing exactly that on National Sons Day. Both of my children were assigned male at birth, so it felt right.
When National Daughters Day would come around on September 25, I'd scroll through my feed and feel a twinge of jealousy over my friends who had daughters and their photos of girly manicure dates.
It became even more complicated when my youngest child came out as nonbinary.
As a mom to boys, I used to feel left out during National Daughters Day
I know that the social-media fanfare is less about celebrating one's kid and more about a performance. But still, captions that declare, "I gave birth to my best friend," grated on me more than I would like to admit.
I was pretty certain I was done having children and a little wistful about not getting to experience having a daughter. Of course, I was grateful for my kids, but there was something finite and sad about knowing I would never know what having a "mini-me" was like.
Things changed when my younger child came out as nonbinary
When our younger child turned 6, they came out as nonbinary.
"I'm not a boy or a girl," they declared one day over pizza. "I'm both."
I know that many parents may go into a tailspin about their child identifying outside the binary of male and female, but for me, it felt like a gift. Maybe I wouldn't be missing out on having a "girl," after all — I sometimes thought.
But I felt even more left out when these national holidays came. Where did we fit in? Was I supposed to celebrate both days? Neither?
As a mom to a gender-nonconforming kiddo, I'm constantly reminding folks that gender is a spectrum and that the idea of what makes a "boy" or a "girl" is a learned societal construct.
When a restaurant server asks what my "little man" would like, when a teacher consistently doesn't remember my child's pronouns, or when someone assumes they are a girl because of what they're wearing that day, it makes both my kid and I want to pull our long hair out. It is beyond frustrating for my child — who is now 9 — to constantly be misgendered. Every day can feel like a struggle.
For queer kids and their parents, community is everything. And in the absence of an IRL community, it helps to go online and connect with others who are like us. Social media is sometimes the only way for us to find that community.
In the past, National Daughters Day made me feel FOMO. Now holidays like National Sons Day make me feel unseen. If my kid was on social media too, I can't imagine what they'd feel seeing the gendered posts. They already operate in a world that often doesn't seem to understand them.
I don't know what the solution is, but there's room for all our children
I don't think eliminating chances for parents to celebrate their children is necessarily the answer. I don't want to take away parents' opportunity to celebrate their sons and daughters.
But I think if people widely celebrated days for nonbinary and trans kids, my child would feel seen and appreciated.
Until that happens, it helps to remember that even though they seem ubiquitous, these gendered holidays are not for everyone.
More bangers from the same r-slur
I thought my boob job was no big deal. Then I wound up in emergency surgery
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Nice peepee, girl!
Step 1, Don't compliment them and move along.
Why shouldn't you compliment people?
Because they'll get upset if:
• you don't know them,
• you do know them but they're at work, or
• you know them but there's some difference in rank between you at work or socially
• if you comment on their physical appearance and they're not your family or romantic partner
Uhm… I don't know who needs to hear this but they only get upset when you are ugly.
I have complimented a bunch of random women and I find that as long as you're not leering, awkward, or being sexual most women appreciate them and will acknowledge it or smile at you. No strings attached compliments are great.
Are there women who will think I am a creep for it - sure but frick this world where we self isolate ourselves or others because we are too scared for a kind word.
Tell us you don't get it without telling us
We only seem to discuss this from a women's perspective.
As I man I struggle more with hardly ever getting a compliment; I guess it would feel nice. Or receive flowers; I would like that!
Oh the world has completely gone mad. There is great scrutiny attached to things which are normal. Societal norms are taking away genuine human expressions.
dont talk to them, don't look at them and don't think about them you sickos!
Better not be reading any t shirt slogans either you degenerate
And finally, a Redditette's perspective-
Keep this in mind.
We don't dress up for you. We don't make ourselves look nice so we can be judged by random guys and that is exactly how it comes across. They may as well be holding up a scorecard.
Maybe you think you are being precious and unique but we've heard it before and we've been abused, insulted and followed by guys saying the same kind of thing. It can descend from "Nice hair" to long strings of threats of vicious crimes, murder and of course profanity just because we didn't want to give some rando our phone number because he demands it.
Getting out of that situation is about self preservation. We don't want to get attacked and we don't know if you're going to or not.
When a woman doesn't receive your "compliment" well or flat out ignores you, this is why.
We don't go out to get scored by creeps, can we have that? Can we just go shopping, to work, so on and live our lives without some creep feeling the need to tell us he likes the way our body looks because he wants to get some? The world is not a dating site.
Just stop.
!strayans be nicer to the sheilas in your life
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I’ve been out as trans for almost thirteen years and I guarantee most people outraged by this has a private account somewhere on twitter where they are saying worse. The real proof trans women are women is how catty they are to each other https://t.co/4TqSl7w1Y7
— Keffals (@keffals) September 27, 2023
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The before and after:
$100k+ spent on treatments, AMA.
I began treating my acne scars in 2018. Had 10 rounds of blunt cannula subcision, all with either diluted sculptra or radiesse in the same session. Other fillers too...juvederm, restylane skinboosters...Had mass punch excision (12-14 atrophic scars on each side). Had 10 RF Microneedling sessions (7 Cutera Secret PRO & 3 INFINI RF Microneedling), Had 2 eCO2 and 7 eCO2 with secret pro, 5-7 TCA crosses with 70-90% strength, a phenol cross with fractionated erbium and subcision with Dr.Rullan in San Diego. And then the full 2 day phenol peel with Dr.Rullan in San Diego last December.
I also did a TON of microneedling and dermarolling at home for microswelling effects (like consistently, for over 2 years). Hate to say it but a lot of the after photos I am seeing in this community, 95% can be attributed to microswelling or photos taken in not the same lighting. A lot of it is the former - microswelling. Microswelling is great for self-confidence but we should be more real about it.
Acne scars are notoriously difficult to treat but it shouldn't be a shock to any of us. The collagen and fat is literally destroyed underneath our skin as a result of the inflammation our skin endured. I am ever hopeful though, my wallet can tell you that much. I even have a second 2-day phenol booked in August with Dr.Rullan. But please be willing to be more critical.
And there is no shame in some good ol microswelling, but let's calll a spade for a spade, shall we?
I am hopeful that tropoelastin will come out eventually...that microcoring may prove fuitful....something has to be done. It is long overdue.
You can read my threads here - https://www.acne.org/forums/7-scar-treatments/2-day-phenol-peel-with-dr-rullan-14-days-out/paged/5#post-3653780 I've painstakingly documented a lot of my acne scar journey.
Edit: how was I able to afford all of these treatments?
Answer: I saved. But my earlier treatments, my mom paid for. See, my mom has amazing skin. No joke. Like glowing. Poreless. She takes care of it too, has all her life. People tell her they want her skin. When I had cystic acne, she never took me to a dermatologist. Not once. When I first got scarring, she would tell me I just had large pores. Then she told me my scars would go away. It was a lot of psychological damage. But my whole family is like that. They all have amazing skin, and when i talk about my scars, they tell me I don't have scars. Which is crazy. Everyone on this thread sees them, I see them, ffs. Telling someone they don't have something when they do, that is so damaging.
When I finally did my own research, I realized scars were not going away (no duh right lol. But I had believed my mom because she's my mom). My mom later admitted to “not wanting to hurt my feelings” and not wanting to take me to a dermatologist because she didn't want them to give me medication. But honestly. I can't even blame her. I wish i took more accountability when i had cystic acne.
Anyway, she paid for the first bit of my treatments. The rest I have used my own money from work. This is also 100k spent over 5 years, not all at once.
Things i've learned in the past 5 years of acne scar treatments:
1. Microswelling is an amazing yet tortuous by effect of almost all of our acne scar procedures. You can save yourself the hassle of spending thousands on an ineffective laser by simply buying a good quality 0.5-1.0 mm dermaroller and doing a few sessions at home, microswelling voila! without the fat melting.
2. Do not spend your money on providers who do not specialize in acne scarring - you will regret it. There is a huge chance of creating new scarring from the hands of a provider who does not know how to treat acne scars.
3. Your scars will likely change shape throughout your treatments.
4. Also stay optimistic. Optimism is key. Be relentless in seeking improvement because it is possible but also try to be methodological in order to minimize error and saving money in the long run.
Before any treatments (um besides like 8 ematrix laser treatments ha ha ha)
Left: last year. Right: a fewm onths after my first phenol. Notice the same harsh lighting.
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I started dating this guy in June. We're both in our early 30s. I knew he had ended a 3 year relationship in the summer of 2022. That was the only long term relationship he's had in his adult life, and he's done some casual dating.
Our communication, goals, and values all align really well and things are good, in ways I didn't know relationships could be. He's met my family, we've said I love you (it's early but I truly feel this way), I'm invited on his family's holiday trip and my ticket is booked (by them), etc. I've had some bad dating experiences in the past so I'm pretty jaded and keep watching for the bottom to fall out and it just doesn't. He's progressively becoming a better boyfriend over time instead of worse (which is new for me--I always thought it could only go the opposite way lol).
The issue? He has now called me his ex girlfriend's name 3 times in the last six weeks. And I'm really starting to lose it.
1st time--I had COVID in early August and he took care of me. We went to get grocery pick up order, and while he was getting the order, the attendant asked what the name was, he told her "[Ex's first name] [My last name]." He caught it immediately and apologized to me.
2nd time--He was meeting my family, and we were out on a little sailboat just him and I, and he called me her name. I literally almost jumped overboard.
3rd time--This past weekend. He called me her name in front of one of my best friends, on a weekend out of state trip, while getting ready to go hiking.
I'm trying to figure out the psychology behind this. I'm not a jealous person, but due to my own past traumas, this sets me off like a bomb. He's terrible with names and words (Example: He called my friend by the wrong name after staying with her for 2 days), but I feel like my name should be one he can recall. Additionally, the ex and I do not have phonetically similar names. Her name ends with a different sound, and we begin with different letters as well.
When I've heard him do this, my dark side spins and says "either he's A. Cheating on you with her. or B. Isn't serious about you, because no man would risk throwing away a relationship with a woman he's serious about, by repeatedly calling her by the name of an ex girlfriend he's been broken up with for a year."
Any thoughts? Has anyone experienced this? What do I do?
EDIT: Putting in an edit one commenter mentioned was important: He and the ex still talk. They broke up allegedly on friendly terms (which I want to say is great, but honestly i've seen more people stay unwittingly connected or attached to an ex when things amicable and they immediately transitioned to friends then when there was a clean break), are "friends" and have a shared business venture which is the cause of their texting about at minimum every few weeks. My rational brain says he's probably not cheating on me, but somehow knowing they still text even about non emotional things makes me go to this dark place even easier when he calls me her name.
All this mixed with a nice dose of ostensibly asking for advice while shooting down anything that doesn't validate her paranoia:
If he's super apologetic, he might just genuinely be bad at names.
He is apologetic, but my brain is like "how apologetic can you be if you keep doing it?"
He seems to feel bad, and apologizes or tries to offer other comfort measures (ie, hug me, kiss, rub my leg) while apologizing, but at that point im so upset its not something i want. If I continue to full court press him about it, or bring it up later, he gets irritated. Ie "yes, i am over her. no, i do not want to get back together with her. I enjoy being with you. Me calling you her name because Im terrible at names doesn't disprove that." [-16]
- jew : false advertising
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Naturally, the BPD girlbosses of /r/popculturechat are celebrating this.
Celeb Divorce Lawyer Links 'Barbie,' Beyoncé and Taylor Swift Tours to Uptick in Breakups
"They're feeling their power by going to see 'Barbie' and Taylor and Beyoncé. And they're like, 'I don't need this,' " said attorney Laura Wasser
The blockbuster Barbie movie and world tours from Taylor Swift and Beyoncé might be inspiring an uptick in divorces, according to a divorce attorney to the stars.
Laura Wasser — whose A-list celebrity clients include Ariana Grande, Kevin Costner and Britney Spears, to name a few — told Cosmopolitan she thinks those pop culture behemoths could be linked to many recent breakups.
The ongoing writers' and actors' strikes have also played a part, she said.
Celebrity Couples Who Broke Up in 2023
"Something going on with a lot of my clients and what I'm seeing here in Southern California is that we're in the middle of one of the worst strikes in history for the writers and the actors," said Wasser, 55. "So you've also got people who have more time on their hands."
"They're angry about our reproductive rights getting rolled back, they're feeling their power by going to see Barbie and Taylor and Beyoncé," she continued.
"And they're like, 'I don't need this. I'm the one making this money and I'm not comfortable, not working, and have this spouse who's either also not working or never was working.' "
Wasser added, "A lot of people have said, 'I'm out.' So it's compounded by what's going on here economically."
According to Forbes Advisor, about 7 in 10 heterosexual divorces are initiated by the woman. A viral article in August compiled by Huffington Post showed Barbie viewers claiming they broke up with their boyfriends after seeing the movie.
Swift, 33, is bringing her Eras Tour concert film to movie theaters next month, and Beyoncé, 42, continues to perform her Renaissance World Tour to fans far and wide.
After becoming the highest-grossing movie of the year with over $1 billion at the global box office, Barbie is now dominating the streaming charts at home.
The film stars Margot Robbie, who produced the film with her husband Tom Ackerley, and it's directed by Greta Gerwig, who co-wrote it with her partner Noah Baumbach.
Wasser represented Baumbach's now-ex-wife Jennifer Jason Leigh in their divorce — and the attorney is believed to be the basis for Laura Dern's Oscar-winning performance as a divorce lawyer in Baumbach's 2019 movie Marriage Story. Some of Dern's scenes were filmed at Wasser's offices.
In her Cosmopolitan interview, Wasser shared her advice for people going through divorce.
"I think you really have to embrace the fact that this is the next chapter. This is not a sad death," she said. "This is the first day of the rest of your life, and you are going to be stronger as a result of coming through this. It's definitely a challenge, but it's a challenge filled with promise."
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