

Girl Horny is truly a different beast :marseycoomer2:


Well I have no friends who are open enough to talk about this with me so here we go good girlies in my pocket screen

Ever since starting E 9 mths ago my libidos been all but shot, and since then its only ever been relieved like once or twice???

I'm lesbian so I like to read yuri in my free time and my favourite title rn is Green Tea B-word (up top to any of my girls who peruse) and oh my oh my the latest chapter was so STEAMY that i just HAD to, i could NOT stop myself

And good fricking GOD I have NEVER EVER experienced a girl-horny like this, when I was pre-HRT climaxing used to be a purely lower-body thing but ever since E, I've started feel it in my EnTiRe body and it really SWEEPS over me, especially in the chest and head,,,, its just so much fuller and overwhelming

I ended up going 5 or 6 rounds on my own until my legs were trembling and I was a puddle of useless gender fluid on my bed and I have never been SO fricking glad I'm a girl now

My heart is still pounding but thats all I just wanted to share with someone what a fricking wild experience that was because it left me so giddy and exhausted in the best way ever

!transphobes Remember, it's not a fetish. :marseyindignant:

After elon daddy is done ignoring his child dying from aids he is gonna execute me with his police force :marseydance:
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Redditors rage against 18 being the minimum: "I think 16 was perfect" :marseypedo:


Farmers protested in Bongland again and they brought their best equipment with them, like tractors... and tanks :marseysneed: :ma!rseytankushanka:

Can't buy pointed knives but you can legally buy a tank from Temu, what a country :marseylaughpoundfist:

Grandmas and craftcels just fell to their knees
modern gayming

@kaamrev discuss



This is how she set up the board:

This is how it should be normally set up:

Its typical for new people in chess to mix up the placement of king and queen in middle, but its another level of blunder to mix the knights and bishops, which indicates you havent played a single game in your life.

Seems Elon is not picking the brightest genes for his infant farm.

Ching chongs :marseychingchongsupremacy: prove what we already know :marseybigbrain:. To disprove The Scienceβ„’ :sciencejak:, Redditors :soysnoo: pretend they exercise :marseybeefcake: :marseymacholegs: :marseytrogdor: and aren't terminally online :soyredditsmugcomputer: fatsos.


My new lens came from Japan.

But it's too dark out now to shoot anything and there's no wildlife in the mornings because it's so darn cold.

Canon 400mm f5.6L. It's one of those lenses that depreciated in the used market because of the lack of image stabilization, but now that modern camera bodies have in-body stabilization it becomes an actually useful lens. Only paid $500 for it.



!latinx !moidmoment !male feminists !coomers

Neighbor has already been arrested, TMD:

АrΠ΅stΠΎvΓ­tсh tΠ΅ΔΌΔΌΓ­ng hΠ΅ wΓ­ΔΌΔΌ ΔΌΓ­fΠ΅ Γ­mΡ€rΓ­sΠΎn ZΠ΅ΔΌΠ΅nskΡƒΡƒ :marseyxd:

@DaddyReagan Yоu оnсС аskСd whо ís



I live in the northeast and people just walk up to you and start talking about how great illegal immigrants are and how sad it is that Kamala lost, etc.

First off, I was raised to believe that it's rude to bring up controversial topics. Second, I was raised to believe that it's rude to assume people will agree with you. It makes me SEETHE.

Psycho Redactor prediction: We will all die in a nuclear war :marseyfortuneteller:

a nuclear incident relating to Israel somehow.

Will it happen in Israel?

We're all going to die in a nuclear war, but I tend to think it will happen some place we never imagined. I mean read this if you mongoloid zoomers are capable of following a command: You are in way more danger of being killed in a nuclear war than we were in the Cuban Missile Crisis. The technology is a little different, you can talk about propellants and kilotons and throw weight, but humanity is fricked.

That's basically it. After the authorization is given, it's just a couple zoomers from Tacoma (jfc I like these kids but the fate of the world...) pushing a couple buttons and 80% of Russians will die. And they would only do this if the other side had already done the same to us.

Kids like me :marseyboomer: assumed it would be the evil commies who started it. You look at Soviet planning and they were hoping it didn't go nuclear because we would have beat the shit out of them and kept more radioactive ruins. This is the situation we're in right now. (Europeans it will be MRBMs, don't play like you're not in it.) All of that "campy" stuff about fallout shelters? Well it'll be really campy slowly die from radiation poisoning and get eaten by crows, you dumb b-word. And then the crows die, so even in contribute nothing to the world.

I cannot emphasize to you r-slurs enough. Somebody could push a button and in 30 minutes all your FunkoPops, Nintendo shit, whatever shit you console r-slurs like, will be gone. Now I'm a total sperg and I can sit down with you and tell you what things in the house survived, but you're gonna wish you were dead. And that isn't crazy old r-slur Redactor, that's Distubingly Calm Redactor who has read all of these books.

I dunno who drops it first or what reason they had but the fallout that kills you ain't gonna give a shit either.


Obscene amounts of sneeding from TayTay.

Jfl if this wasn't a turboleftoid maskmaxxer, I'd probably give her a follow.


Timestamp is 14:33 in case it doesn't link right link



Fоíd shоws hСr sСļf wíthоut fíļtСřs thСn sоmС guуs dоnt gСt whСřС аřС аļļ thС gооd ļооkíng fоíds

Imagine being so pissed you file a complaint on a stone tablet

When you came, you said to me as follows : "I will give Gimil-Sin (when he comes) fine quality copper ingots." You left then but you did not do what you promised me. You put ingots which were not good before my messenger (Sit-Sin) and said: "If you want to take them, take them; if you do not want to take them, go away!"

What do you take me for, that you treat somebody like me with such contempt? I have sent as messengers gentlemen like ourselves to collect the bag with my money (deposited with you) but you have treated me with contempt by sending them back to me empty-handed several times, and that through enemy territory. Is there anyone among the merchants who trade with Telmun who has treated me in this way? You alone treat my messenger with contempt! On account of that one (trifling) mina of silver which I owe(?) you, you feel free to speak in such a way, while I have given to the palace on your behalf 1,080 pounds of copper, and umi-abum has likewise given 1,080 pounds of copper, apart from what we both have had written on a sealed tablet to be kept in the temple of Samas.

How have you treated me for that copper? You have withheld my money bag from me in enemy territory; it is now up to you to restore (my money) to me in full.

:marseybong: Welfare leech complains that the free food isn't up to her high standards.


Redditors scramble to the defence

how to enrich uranium?



!poll_voters !male feminists

The younger brother told investigators that he would see the teacher and his brother "exiting the 1st-floor bathroom together, both wearing towels and wet."

The sister told detectives that the children would sleep in a shared room on the second floor but frequently noticed her brother would not be in his bed the next morning and would instead be sleeping in Caron's bed with her – the victims' younger brother, who was eight years old when he started living with the teacher, also said the same in a statement to law enforcement two days later.

One night while the younger brother was supposed to be sleeping, he told police he witnessed Caron, then 26, molest his brother, 11, while they were on a reclining chair watching a movie with a blanket over them.

In 2019, following the birth of the child, the victim began permanently sleeping in Caron's room and started to keep clothes in her dresser, according to the younger brother to police.

According to the criminal complaint, the crimes were first raised to police following a darning Facebook post by the victims' father who called out the uncanny resemblance of Caron's son to his son on December 12, 2024.

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