People are still making jokes about that cringy Anonymous video :marseyanon:


In 2009, all Asians in the US had was Joy Luck Club, pandas and "azn." Complete cultural irrelevance and felt like representation peaked in the 90s.

Since then Asian Americans were a major part of some of the defining subcultures of the 2010s: raving, streetwear and designer fashion, anime, K-pop, gaming/streaming, tech bros, millennial wanderlust, MUA YouTube, "cool" chefs and campus politics.

Since the 2020s Asians have continued to take Ws while avoiding any backlash. The newest American ultra billionaire is Asian and is perhaps the only tech billionaire that isn't hated by most of the country, yet. Trump lost in 2020 in part due to backlash from healthcare workers, TikTok lovers and the optics of "Kung Flu" while winning in 2024 by softening on China and Tiktok. Stop Asian Hate was genuinely the last moment of left idpol unity before its collapse and that fake crisis was endorsed even by conservatives who focused on "who exactly are beating up Asians in SF 🤔." Asian directors won best picture three years in a row without any DEI accusations. Asians shifted right in 2024 and successfully rolled back Affirmative Action alongside whites but the focus is only on Arabs and Latinx for "betraying" the coalition. Even in this current moment Indian hate in the US and Canada is at all time high while Asians (who drive up the cost of housing more than Indians I bet) are enjoying record high Q scores. All while the stereotypical "virgin" has slowly shifted from pittiable East Asian math nerd to detestable South Asian bobs and vagene type. The entire political spectrum sees East Asian countries as the pinnacle of culture and India as a smelly den of male feminists. Jews are kicked out of leftism for their loyalty to a Muslim oppressing ethnostate while activists download little redbook. Every town has multiple boba shops and the number continues to increase.

Not sure if it's all a psyop or the payoff of several decades of keeping your head down and doing your homework but I'm wondering how much longer it can continue.


:taddance: The babyfur v-tubers glow in the dark, you can see them if you're driving. :taddance:

A diaper/baby fur v-tuber :marseypedo: (Twitch partnered, btw!) had a little melty because he kept getting less and less viewers on his super entertaining streams. He got all depressed because his true friends weren't even there and his jannies abandoned him. His dreams of being a singing/video gaming diaper tiger cub icon were seemingly circling the drain!

In his lowest point, he encouraged his viewers to treat him like a lowly CIA neighbor :marseysteer#:

Nerd writes a damm essay seething about rightoids in a "wheraboo power fantasy 4" mod :marseycry: :marseylaugh:


Anybody been playing Ashes of Creation?

I know people are going to talk about the money, but say someone was buying it for you, what are your opinions of the game outside of cost?

And yes, because I am a troll, I want to join the same Pirate Software server and join that guild harassing him in-game. teeeheeee



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Trav and Taylor are trumpers girl (698)

Taylor may have secretly voted for Trump idk her mind. But she openly campaigned for Harris so 🤷🏼‍♀️ (14)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

NFL players of all races lean very conservative. Remember this is a sport that has had ONE openly gay active player in its entire history, It's not exactly known for its progressivism and tolerance. There are only a couple of vocally liberal players and a whole lot more far-right ones who stay relatively quiet. (743)

Is basketball different? My cities team has a coach that will not shut the frick up about issues(complimentary)but I don't really get into sportsball so I thought that was common across the board. (59)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Compare this to the Eagles and Jalen hurts attitude towards him. I don't know anything about sports except that I want the chiefs to lose this. (983)

What did Jalen say about him? I can't find anything about it. (14)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Let's stop pretending Taylor is some kind of helpless baby who's trapped in this relationship - she's obviously fine with dating a Trump supporter. She's a typical billionaire who's insulated from everything that's happening and about to happen to America and idk why she gets special treatment. (7874)

Listen I don't know a fricking thing about this subreddit and idk even know why it's recommended honestly but you hear me this:For as much good as taytay loves to purport I'll say this much as an aviation veteran with a decade experience working with private jets: this woman can frick right the frick off. The amount of fuel she shits into the atmosphere on the regular is worthy darn near of a war crime. Not to mention just the idea of how unabashedly gaudy it is, flashing her billions around while charging what, 4-500USD a ticket?I'm over the Taylor bullshit and I'm fricking left as they come. Way fricking left. (6)

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

I'll likely be downmarseyd for this but this is just your standard straight down the middle athlete answer during media week, if you have a problem with the answer [which is fair] then it's less about him as an individual and more about the NFL's media training and stance as a whole. The same journ*list asked everyone else the same question on both teams and they all answered pretty much the same. They do it to create as little headlines and distractions as possible before the big game. The only reason this may get more attention despite a similar neutral answer to everyone else is because of the TS connection.We have seen Trump speak negatively on both Travis and Taylor previously. As someone who isn't much of a fan of his or the Chiefs he's publicly supported and advocated for causes and groups that are diametrically opposed to Trump. Whether it be Kelce's public stance on guns, LGBT rights, BLM movement or vaccination. There is also a podcast appearance where he says Trump is racis... (766)

This is a dude that kneeled with teammates during the national anthem, who donates to inner city youth, and is generally a decent dude doing pro-vaccine commercials, and other things. I don't know his personal beliefs, but he's also the ultimate team player. He's the least likely guy to make a media mistake during the biggest week of his life at the Superbowl. He didn't say he loves Donald Trump and he didn't say Frick him. Both that would blow up the story. He just said the President coming is an honor. It would be for any President that the head of the nation wants to watch you play. Even if they are not someone you like or support. Now, that saying Trump sucks, F him would cause trouble with his team, team owner, league, fan base, half the country, that is what really sucks. Not Travis's answer. For being a Chiefs fan, I don't like the NFL limiting players free speech by threat of job loss, the owners make the game almost unwatchable knowing that you are stuffing money i... (167)

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Donald trump has literally gone out of his way to insult taylor and made horrible deepfake AI images of her. Also trumps boss musk has been posting in the past 2 weeks ! photoshopped images to make taylor look like a nazi and this is what he says?! I'd be fuming!! (40)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/prettybunbun

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 5

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Weekly Anime Post 181

Didnt watch anything new this week either. Last season was kinda whack, not much I wanna see, and the stuff I wanted to see turned out mid. Hope this season will be better.


@Kongvann pin pls

Bros it is really happening

This post rests on native land

Reported by:
  • The10thMan : "The Supreme Court does not have an army"

Burgers have an extremely r-slurred political system. If a PM in Canada actually tried the Burger "Ignore the courts", the House of Commons would force a non confidence vote, and they would likely lose it.

What's the point of the judiciary if one of the President's goons says "The President said so"?

MAGA cultists should be forced to pay a 300% tariff on everything.

:zoomer: :!marseyjournogenocide:

Třumр реасе рļаn ís nоw bаsíсаļļу оffíсíаļ

Řеddítоřs must bе nоw uļtřа mаd sínсе 3 wееks аgо thеу сļаímеd nо wау íts řеаļ

which one of you boomers ripped these kong sprites? :marseyfluffyannoyed:

!oldstrags ik it was one of you dinosaurs :marsey#trogdor:

ok, first of all, why tf aren't they just transparent from the get-go? why do I have to go in and manually remove the solid color smh

2econdly, why are FRICKING SPRITES NOT EVENLY SPACED :marseyrage: :marseyraging:

I can't go in an spit them because they just threw them in there with all different widths !!!

I had to manually keyframe the spritesheet to move around in blender bc that was easier than trying to split it into frames ong fr fr

and there's FRICKING dead space at the end of the line too so the programs that want X rows X columns don't work because it won't devide easily because the guy thought he was clever inserting some ancient butt long forgotten meme :marseyeyeroll:

theres no frame of reference :marseysigh: you have to pick a point to hold still and that's I assume how we end up with this: :candykongb#lowkiss:

Redditor :soysnoo: gets fired :marseydarktrump: for being 1 minute :marseywait: late for work :marseywagie:. Runs to r/adulting :soyjakwow: to vent :soysnooseethe:.


The followup:

/u/No_Excitement5215, you were fired for being a peepee, not for being late. I've done this too with people. It's way easier to fire you on a technicality than to go through the rigamarole of HR bs. Your former coworkers are probably thrilled you're gone. I feel bad for your preggo gf. Judging by your posts, you're going to split the second she shits that thing out.

@Sandkwinn believes the Holocaust was a joint effort by Zionists and Nazis to kill all non-zionist Jews.

Nothing says 'I'm not an antisemite' like spouting Holocaust revisionism completely unprompted.

I think she thougth me saying 'Ashkenazi' was a reference to Nazis because she doesn't know that that's how it's actually spelled.

She also believes that Trump is Jewish because only jews are allowed to wear a kippah


Hotties of the Hasanverse dox themselves to dunk on the chuds.

Now time for the freaks:

Why does he have hotter foids than rdrama tho;



There are more if you wanna browse.

Silicon Valley built the modern world. Why shouldn't we run it?

How to Good-bye Depression: If You Constrict Anus 100 Times Everyday. Malarkey? :bidenshocked: or Effective Way? :gigabiden:

Chat, is this real? Going to get this book and give it a try tbqh.

Found a free copy

I think constricting anus 100 times and denting navel 100 times in succession everyday is effective to good-bye depression and take back youth. You can do so at a boring meeting or in a subway. I have known 70-year-old man who has practiced it for 20 years. As a result, he has good complexion and has grown 20 years younger. His eyes sparkle. He is full of vigor, happiness and joy. He has neither complained nor born a grudge under any circumstance. Furthermore, he can make #### three times in succession without drawing out.

In addition, he also can have burned a strong beautiful fire within his abdomen. It can burn out the dirty stickiness of his body, release his immaterial fiber or third attention which has been confined to his stickiness. Then, he can shoot out his immaterial fiber or third attention to an object, concentrate on it and attain happy lucky feeling through the success of concentration.

If you don't know concentration which gives you peculiar pleasure, your life looks like a heck.

JD Vance To Elon: "Hire more Internet racists!" !chuds :marseywereback:


OP in r/bayarea has been getting flipped off and hail hitler'd a lot; redditors respond


In this house we stan our NFL genetic freaks.

!fashion rate my fit

20,000 Indian students didn't show up to class after arriving in Canada :marseyemojilaugh:



Ye vs Taytay round 2: the noticing.




Just realized tall men are like blonde blue eyed scandinavian women

Sure an italian or asian girl can be attractive, and you can find examples of very desirable guys with lots of options dating and marrying them, but theres just that certain magic about scandinavian beauty thats unlike anything else. A boy who still had hopes of love, the mental picture accompanying heart pounding and feet twirling fantasies of young romance was naturally of deep blue eyes guarded by high northern germanic cheekbones, not some swarthy american mutt. It has just now in this moment become clear to me that this is exactly how women feel about the tallstrag and the shortcel, i now realize the manlet-pill is even more brutal than i previously believed, a manlet will simply never be able to truly fill every corner of a womans heart. How dreadful!

!incels !biofoids

I love her ❤️
:chadblack: vs 5 crybully :zoomertears:


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