

Fried Chicken

To this guy, trying to eat all this chicken.

I'm the one who made this post and the one before it -

Fried chicken chronicles

I'm saying you can eat it, but you shouldn't.

Anyone who wants to edate dm me please I'm lonely :marseydepressed:

No groomercord shenanigans

New Toss

/r/imaginary elections: Islamic Israel :marseywholesome: :uglypray: :marseystoning: :islamicstateofisrael::marseywholesome:
:marseyhobotrain: :marseyhobotrain: :marseyhobotrain: :marseymugshot: :marseyhobotrain: :marseyhobotrain: :marseyhobotrain:
Type O Negative - Everyone I Love Is Dead



Schizo post, motherlover! :marseyfluffy:


Hey. Howdy.

Have you any idea if beasts in your area that youve seen lately and how big are the beasts you see? Do you have any beasts? I love beasts of all shapes and sizes, just rbw way God intended. There is also google maps of the biggest beasts in your area if you search 'biggest beasts in my area'.

A picture of tour beasts would be nice. I think we should share more pictures of our beasts. Dedicated websites showing off our beasts to others who will in turn, end up judgijg our beasts, hopefully theyre perky enough to gather attention.

I like going around town into head shops and pet shops staring at beasts all day, i love it when someone shows off their beasts out in public, leash on them and everything, love giving them pets!n

Pol polt kills comrade

@911roofer stand with israel and the kibbutzes against false communists like pol pot.


@911roofer stand with israel against redditards

Post the nuttiest Sinfest comics

We're out in the sun on a boat and he keeps saying I'm starting to look like a lobster so eventually I just cut him off and said "hey man I don't criticize your skin tone" (he's black)

Lost media (part 1)

I gave my cat tuna and mcdonalds thinking she was as hungry as me, and she wouldnt touch it, but ended up eating the mcdonalds only when i hand fed it to her.

She later munched on more tuna.

Wall of confessions part whateevr

I once had kittens that crapped underneath a hutch when i was only a young lad and told him to reach under there i left some playdough, he reached in and almost instantly said "dude thats not playdough" he also drink mountain de thts was pissed in and also said 'thats not mountain dew man"

It was a crappy thing to do but he wasnt pissed anout it


Manufactured rage.

The child wasn't locked in a restroom, the child was taken to the restroom with other adults where it was quiet and they told the child to stop crying or they would stay in the restroom.

And it worked. The child understood the restroom was timeout and the child stopped crying.

They had the grandmother's consent as she was unable to do anything.

I don't understand some people. I see comments criticizing the actions of the employees, but negating the fact that they had permission. If a grandparent (read, guardian) can't give permission for a "punishment," then who can?

A young child, without your obvious capacity for adult logic and reasoning, was in a highly emotional and hysterical state. Then, taken away by two strangers to be locked in a very small, tight space with demands to self-regulate emotions that are out of the child's control. This would be a scary situation for anyone. Think an adult in the midst of a panic attack. Is the best option to have complete strangers kidnap them and lock away until their feelings are magically resolved? Frick no.

Of course the redditor relates to a screaming baby. And guess what the child clearly could self-regulate their emotions because it did.

And kidnappers lmfao.

This is fricking archaic nonsense and the reason children have lasting, generational trauma. No legal guardian has the right to inflict ADDITIONAL trauma on an already horrid situation. If you honestly see this as a positive resolution for a three year old, I hope you never fricking procreate.

Oh noes da bby gots a time out! Da generational traumas!

Doesn't sound like the kid was terrified or traumatized at all, and in fact, the solution WORKED. The kid stopped crying, the passengers were happy, grandma was happy. The way you frame this as some kind of mental institution torture when they simply gave her a time out...

In actuality, the child was extremely stressed to the point of fight, flight or fawn. When her flight attempts didn't work her brain chose fawning as an act of preservation. The kid was not settled, or calm, she was scared and was doing whatever she could to get away from these strangers putting her in a very scary situation.

But as long as the adults are happy who cares about the anxiety and stress put on the developing brain of a young child right?

1. Unironically yes

2. I hate pop psych so much

You really just made up a whole trauma fan fiction for a baby crying on an airplane didn't you

This is one of those things you think in your head, chuckle about, and then put on some headphones. Not commit what is effectively assault, on a child.



It's called an analogy, sweaty
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