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Weekly Anime Post 185

Didnt watch anything this week either. :marseyitsover:


@Aevann pin pls

Weekly what are you watching #36

So what's everyone up to !kino !hatewatchers

@Aevann please pin :marseybegging:

GOOMBLE :marseyladybugcapitalist: Will Trump end the war in Ukraine (before White Boy Summer)?

YES, an armistice, ceasefire, or negotiated settlement will be announced by both Ukraine and Russia regarding the ongoing war in Ukraine before June 20th, 2025 - 12,539 total betted

Nothing ever stops happening. - 22,477 total betted

500 dramabux bonus if you're the first to reply with a news article when it happens, God Bless.

!bets !goomble !goomblers !goombling !picklerick !remindme 24 hours "close ukraine"

You can get Redditors perma-suspended simply for posting gifs of the green plumber

Reported comment:

Original gif:

Chadmins are operating with a hair trigger right now. Do with this information what you wish. :marseysmug2:


:!marseypeekglow: :marsey1984: Imagine if we get Internet Real ID due to Redditors fedposting :!marseysnoo: :marseyglowaward:
[🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘] Tipping Culture getting out of hand day by day....


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

78% of all statistics are made up anyway (576)

you just made that up (199)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

And then removing a third. (340)

So... $2.5? (116)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

I'll tip 30% if the waiter is absolutely above and beyond. (25)

What do you consider absolutely above and beyond? (10)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

THE BILL IS $107?!!!Am I tipping or is that protection money?Mother fricker, that better be the white board out front the s*x workers corner because if this is a restaurant, we are going to have to start calling them workaurant's.I might have treated meth addiction too harshly. They're still broke but they are at least skinny.Yall hate on tipping culture if you want, it's optional. I am not going to be treating food like it's an alchemist enchantment cast on some chicken. I'll watch the darn YouTube video and do the dishes. Frick anyone calling people broke for not paying a cable tv bill plate. The cable bill at least used a dollar sign $ frick is "Fries 18" like wtf you need me suspended my disbelief that it's even HALF a fricking potato I'm getting fricked over for and that it might be legal age? (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I work for myself as an esthetician and I stopped taking tips. I fricking HATE tipping and now that I work for myself I'm not giving 60% away. I hated asking for them (I didn't expect them, but because I've only ever worked for someone I didn't think about not accepting tips at first) but it made me uncomfortable and I hated it. I only raised my pricing by a small margin on a couple services (around 4%).It's odd though because some of my clients actually got MAD about it! I'm like?? This saves you at LEAST $10-$20 depending on the service and how much you want to tip. I told them this is much better for both of us because I know what I'm making and you know what you're paying, and it takes any awkwardness out (I would have people ask me how much they should give and I hated that! I would respond with you don't need to give me anything). I also know people would avoid getting services done because I actually had clients apologize for not coming in for awhile due to not having tip mone... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Going to go against the grain here - yes, the maths is wrong, and yes, 30% is an insane number, BUT, as the partner of someone who RELIES on tips, some of the comments here are just objectionable and misguided at best, cruel and completely out of touch at worst.People think this "anti-tipping movement" is somehow raging against the system and is going to lead to some sort of economic revolution where suddenly corporations are going to capitulate and change their model. This is delusional. It's the same kind of thinking that says "kicking out all them foreigners means more jobs for Americans - to go out into the fields to pick the crops".YES, the tipping policy that has infected literally everything is ridiculous and off-loading the responsibility of paying people adequately on to consumers. I agree it's ridiculous, and a lot of most new instances are stupid and I don't tip there either.But when it comes to hospitality, this system is too entrenched to change quickly. I come from a c... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/tmhoc

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 2

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


!metashit !r-slurs !historychads !jews !jidf

Ww grooms the three chillest and fluffiest puppies ever. Never heard of this breed. Will remember if I ever need a small dog. Coton de Tulear This is what they are. They fluffy as heck! :marseyfluffy: Lives up to Coton name! No dramatics in this episode. They just completely chill-ly get through groom. All three of them :#marseydelighted: I could be holding cute cotton ball in my hand rn :marseythinkorino: Second one! :marseycry: Puppy in front of Ww :marseybooba: :marseyeeyore:. She's shaking :marseycry: Goodbye! :marseywave2: Last one! Boy! Fluff ball! Drying! Another :marseyeeyore: nail clipping :marseycry: Extreme fluff! Cotton! Even scissors around eyes = SO CHILL :peperealization: CLOSE UP COTTON ALLL DONE! THreee loaded into crate! :#marseystare:

Runts Power Ranking

Like our ancestors, I am of the opinion that candy should be a little bit gross to prevent you from getting used to convenient pleasures. While many classics like Good'N'Plenty and Jujubes stray too far into the realm of ick with little or no actual appeal, Runts are more of a treasure hunt. Like Jelly Belly jelly beans, a box contains something desirable peppered with little inedible turds to serve as reminders of life's difficulties, as well as a sort of speed bump for greedy fingers and fat spirits.

This is the runts power ranking, based on the box I just purchased.

>1. Banana

By itself it's one of the best semihard candies out there. Satisfyingly crunchy, but soft enough to confidently bite without worrying about chipping a tooth. Pro tip: you can buy them in bulk online and they're delicious in a bowl with chocolate chips :marseylickinglips:

>2. Red Heart/Strawberry

Solid on its own, delicious when combined with the banana

>3. Grape

Kind of weird but not too bad. Honestly I wouldn't eat these if they didn't come in the box, but I'm not going to throw them out either

>4. Green Heart/Lime/Apple/idk

These aren't good, but they're saved from the bottom slot by the existence of the orange. Avoid.

>5. Orange

Scary-hard and with a flavor apparently designed by sickos :marseysickos: who like the taste of chewable children's Motrin. This is one of the worst candies out there. Strong avoid. Don't eat them, just save them to throw at people

I hadn't thought about these things in years, but grocery chain Sprouts now sells knockoff Runts in their bulk bins and last week I bought a bag for probably the first time since I received a small packet in my Halloween candy from some scroogy neighbor who probably also passed out Dots. These come with even more flavors but imo the balance skews more towards things you actually want to eat.

>1. Banana

Return of the King

>2. Strawberry

It actually looks like a strawberry in this mix. Still runner up

>3. Peach?/Orange & Red Heart:

Overall very mild but pretty tasty. A good supporting player.

>4. Blue Ball

idk if these are supposed to be blueberry or what. The taste is a little more polarizing than the peach, but it's a decent-ish berry flavor that avoids invoking yogurt or the dreaded blue raspberry

>5. Lime/Green Golf Ball

Tastes kind of like a banana daiquiri when paired with the banana, but kind of gross and astringent on its own. Also these are scary hard and you probably shouldn't attempt to eat them if you have dental issues.

>6. Orange/Orange Golf Ball/Utz Cheese Ball

The worst of the worst. Tastes like an orange runt, but the candy itself is larger and harder. Avoid at all costs.

The n word : Teachers | Teachers let kids go home early if they say the BIPOC word, shocked they say it. With bonus "hope they get bipoc'd" posting!


I've been a Para for 10 years and WOW, the amount of times I've heard my first graders say the n word this year is insane. Prior, Ive heard it a few times from middle schoolers but never the little ones. My site has a zero tolerance for it and you get written up and sent home. One boy in my class was sent home 3 times last week for it. Every time his mom says she "doesn't know what to do with him." This year has been the worst. That feeling when a black student comes to me and says "they called me a ni__er" just breaks my heart. How do you manage? What can be done? I feel so helpless.

Don't reward them by letting them go home lmao.

Every time he says it, make him miss an hour of video games or outdoor time and instead have him engage with educational resources about racism. I'm not even a parent and I know that this issue needs to be nipped as early as possible, especially before he gets to middle or high school where his black classmates are less likely to cry about it to an adult and more likely to beat the shit out of him.

Hopefully he goes to a white school. Also ever notice how teachers are fine with chimps out over the BIPOC word, but not over speds attacking or sexually assaulting people?

EU shitter account lies so plainly and openly that everyone calls them out for it

God i hate being right :marseygiveup: I wish I could be wrong sometimes but instead I'm cursed with being right and innocent people have to die for it

As you might have heard, entire Christian and Alawite families and villages are being slaughtered in Syria right now, by le moderate rebels that the west and israel supported against d1cktator assad

but instead of being honest, the eu claims that the victims are actually the perpetrators??

meanwhile, there are countless accounts and images of random university students being slaughtered by le moderate rebels

the decadent disgusting jewropean union wants you to believe that these are the aggressors

and these are the dindu nuffins

compare the peaceful eu to the evil ruzzians :marseycricket:

meanwhile, netanyahu gets to rub his little hands while the usual cuckservative scum get to say :quote:oy vey look at those nasty brown people always killing each other:quote:

meanwhile, the "brown people":

the exact (((very same people))) who spent years crying assad must go, despite being warned that he's protecting his civilians from literal jihadists, now acting smug that literal jihadists are killing people

anyway, it's very sad

and I wish I was wrong, but here I am being right:

there's still time to be wrongabout this tho :marseybegging:

ALSO ik this post is a mess but there's also a huge contingent of people saying YOU CAN'T BLAM3 THE ZIONAZIS THIS TIME!! when uhhhh actually you can and should. jewlani is an Israeli asset, and netanyahu claims full responsibility for what's happening in Syria

jewlani jihadi forces also let Israel annex syrian land with literally no fight at all, meanwhile they have all the energy to kill innocent civilians :surejan:

Anyway it's a nice sunny day and I refuse to edit this post but death 2 Israel, death 2 the eu, death 2 turkiye, death 2 jihadists (but i repeat myself :marseysmug2:



>I was there a couple weeks ago. You won't be able to buy clothes, and depending on your mobility, there may be some things you won't be able to do (eg the Catacombs has a million stairs down and a million more up). Honestly I think it all depends on how big, though. 14/16? No problems at all. 26/28+? You'll probably have trouble in some tight places and tight seats.

>I'm an 18/20. People didn't care, especially when I was spending money.

>The stairs in the metro will kick your butt though.

Too much stairs :marseyxd:

>In terms of shopping size inclusivity: I was not expecting much in terms of shopping but I stumbled into JMP (Jean marc Philippe) and was shocked to see it was a size inclusive store! I'm a 14/16 and they def had sizing that was bigger than fit me. Same with certain sections of Episode vintage store, esp the flowy nightgowns and button downs. Def don't discount men's vintage either if that's of interest!

Going vintage shopping during vacation :marseysmoothbrain:

>I have no advice as I haven't been to Paris in many years, but congrats on the 'Reclaiming Singleton' trip! I did a Divorce World Tour through the UK and Amsterdam that I financed with the sale of my wedding ring when it was all final. You'll have a blast!

Truly marginalized people, the average immigrants blue collor worker has way more privilege then this poor soul

mecha bump
George RR Martin is opening a medieval themed hipster craft cocktail bar instead of writing Winds of Winter :marseymagdump:

!bookworms !chuds





Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Do my bone spurs seem like a joke to you? (20)

I mean I personally support mocking of trumps bone spurs, but it's comical coming from Biden supporters. Because Bidens asthma was so horrifically crippling that he checks notes had a collegiate athletic career that he has boasted about many, many, many times instead of serving. The 2020 election was literally 2 draft dodgers against each other.. (-2)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Huh, civilian sector is shipping in jobs from overseas, good luck. 5yrs ago we had 2 foreign visa workers, now its up to 15 and they are taking jobs such as "mechanic" and "electrician". Hope the vets don't need benefits if they wanna compete with cheap foreign labor (7)

Next step. End all H1B visas and prevent them ever coming back (0)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

This is not a binary issue, Poor meme. (2)

It is, of you support veterans then you would be against cutting their benefits and firing them with no notice. (-1)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Iirc, on a YT vid interviewing Ukrainians, the same people who support MAGA said that the young Ukrainians interviewed should go to the frontlines to support their country instead of pursuing Education! I don't see these MAGA oldies enlisting when the U.S is in turmoil. It's stupid. They hide and cower from the safety of the U.S, spouting patriotism and the duty to ones country while Ukrainians and American volunteers/veterans are in Ukraine fighting on the front. They (MAGA) were born in a priviledged country with a government that holds their military personnel accountable. They were born in a country of stability, and prosperity. They were born in a solid government with authorities rooting out corruption. I'm infuriated that they spout shit from within the walls and shield of the U.S. I'm infuriated that they spout utter shit when they haven't lost their country. I'm infuriated that they want Ukraine to surrender in order to ensue peace when they never had their country hopeless... (0)

Here's an idea from someone who has served. If your scared of a threat be prepared to fight it. I'm sorry you lost ground, I'm more sorry you've lost people, I've lost people too. My family fled from persecution to build a life in a land prepared to fight tyranny, my family's homes were torched and they were slaughtered. Now my family proudly serves and works to not let tyrants topple us. The lesson is it is not the fault of others for your loss, you need to make yourself better. Ukraine has fought bravely and has made fools of Russia, but I'm not going over there to help you, it isn't the world's fault you didn't say frick you to the world and build the country into an impenetrable bastion. If you could never win without help then flee and be safe, don't cling to some petty moral high ground of this is my home. My family lost it's home and is going strong, you could suffer the same.I'm sorry we didn't uphold our treaty and bomb Russia when they attacked you though, it'd be dishonest... (3)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

My issue with gutting the VA is for like you said the people who suffer in silence. They're gonna suffer even more with yet more cuts for the VA. I've only heard bad things about the VA but I think it comes down to a procedural issue not personnel. Personnel cuts are just gonna turn those problems to 11 (1)

they already are suffering. its time for new solutions. if the va was a broken coffee mug we would spend money and get a new one not pour more coffee into it and complain why people arent happy that a bit of coffee is still in the cracked pieces. the rest of the coffee is already on the floor and theres new pots waiting to be poured. sometimes when people arent willing or able to fix things or they are beyond economic repair they need to be replaced before the catastrophically fail. its already a failure, its getting worse daily. it needs to get gutted and rebuilt with efficiency and funding or we have to build something else before this one collapses even further. i believe that both of us want the same end result but not everyone is willing to spill some blood for the greater good. people will get cut, funding has to be reorganized. this is why i hate how congress wants to always loop everything into one spending bill so you dont see how much money is going into which programs. th... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Iirc, on a YT vid interviewing Ukrainians, the same people who support MAGA said that the young Ukrainians interviewed should go to the frontlines to support their country instead of pursuing Education! I don't see these MAGA oldies enlisting when the U.S is in turmoil. It's stupid. They hide and cower from the safety of the U.S, spouting patriotism and the duty to ones country while Ukrainians and American volunteers/veterans are in Ukraine fighting on the front. They (MAGA) were born in a priviledged country with a government that holds their military personnel accountable. They were born in a country of stability, and prosperity. They were born in a solid government with authorities rooting out corruption. I'm infuriated that they spout shit from within the walls and shield of the U.S. I'm infuriated that they spout utter shit when they haven't lost their country. I'm infuriated that they want Ukraine to surrender in order to ensue peace when they never had their country hopeless... (0)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/ProfessorMemeology-ModTeam

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+3🐮)

Number of comments: 25

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

I found the most pathetic sub: /r/HSP, a subreddit for "highly sensitive people"


Holy crap what a gold-mine. A group of people with so little resilience they formed it into an identity and congregate in the same place. This is REAL.

From the sidebar:

>The concept of HSP was developed by Dr. Elaine Aaron based on her studies described in her book 'The Highly Sensitive Person'. You can learn more at, but the Cliff Notes version of her theory is that for packs of mammals to survive, they developed a macro-evolution where 15% of the pack members have a highly sensitive nervous system and the other 85% not so sensitive. The is the proposed 'ideal' ratio for pack survival, such that if you have too few sensitives, then the pack will figurative plow forward off a cliff like (stereotypical) lemmings, while having too many sensitives means the pack may accomplish very little.

Sounds like bullshit.

Some highlights:

>Title: Why am I treated so negatively all the time ? OP: /u/buttercupp888

>Today I went to a store with my sister and both my sister and I wanted to pay separately, so I let my sister line up first . The lady at the cash register was super sweet to her asked about her day, made her feel welcomed and called her a "sweetheart" . When it was my turn I thought I'd get the same interaction and I smiled and said hello ☺️ just being extremely polite and the lady with a horrible attitude said " want a bag ? Here " and I kindly said "yes of course may I get 2" . Not even joking she rolls her eyes and gives me my change . Felt like such a slap in the face .... ?¿

Imagine a wagie having this much power of you.

>Title: I'm a HSP and I get harassed daily⚠️Trigger Warning OP: deleted

A self-confessed lolcow vagueposts.

>I have no defenses. Everyone sees me as a "lolcow" and an easy target for bullying and harassment. I have to deal with this all day every day, I'm barely functioning anymore. I can't do this. I can't do this for months to come. This is all I'm known for

In the comments, OP doesn't find the standard /r/HSP hugbox and argues with commenters, downmarseyd massively.

>If you argue with people, they will argue with you. Is that what you want?

>OP: People provoke me and try to start arguments even when I try to be normal…

>What does normal mean to you?

>OP: Like being nice to people. I commented on /r/gaming that i was looking forward to a game and someone commenting "not trying to start arguments huh?"

...revealing that inciting incident for his post was a mean comment on /r/gaming.

In the above link, OP's (/u/Immediate-Panda-4555) wondering is highly sensitive people can attend orgies safely. Imagine making a HSP cry at the orgy because he perceives you preferring to eat someone else's butt over his.

OP (/u/curiositycat96) states that being a HSP is a reason for his NEET-hood

>Sometimes I just feel so sensitive, overwhelmed and stressed so easily from work. Really any job I've had but some have been worse than others. I'm only 28 and I feel so exhausted and burned out from having to continue being strong, sucking it up, and doing things that suck the life out of me. Is it being HSP, just not made for "traditional" or mental illness?

Here we a redditor bingo. Self-identified "highly gifted child". OP (/u/Kodicave) theorises that they're not actually highly-sensitive, but instead just better at noticing patterns than others.

>I think people don't realize their "attitudes" are completely visible. We can feel when someone is being condescending. We can see the tone in someone's text when they are secretly making fun of you. the looks your fremenies gives to each other when you arrive

Some of these posts border on /r/gangstalking levels of conspiracy and delusion, in terms of their shared belief that everyone in the world is seeking to harm their delicate sensibilities.

Absolutely useless loser of an OP (/u/daisyfloweruwu) is traumatised because they failed their driving test six times (lol)

>Whenever I came back home after a driving test, I couldn't stop crying. Literally, I was crying for long hours and I didn't get out of bed for the rest of the day. Also, my mood was broken for the next few days. I felt so down and humiliated

My parents want me to try again, but I will rather be dead than try again. All I see is the examination center just showing you that you're a piece of shit, not a human.

More driving test drama:

>I truly think driving instructors are some of the most miserable people. My driving instructor was super chill but he just seemed so nonchalant and blah. I was 16yo nearly leaping up and down when he told me I passed and yet he just stared at me so awkwardly that it stole my joy and I got kinda sunken and serious.

Oh my fricking god these people are so incredibly useless - if the evil driving instructor is not actively harassing and attacking them, then the issue is that they don't immediately scream with joy when they pass. This poster is an adult but they're still seething years later simply because a driving examiner wasn't excited enough for them when they passed.

Anyway, if you search the sub by key word you can find these highly sensitive specimens seething about a social slight in almost any situation.

I can't believe I've discovered a group of people so ripe for gay ops and bullying.



"Hey Kamala, GAZA is speaking now b-word" tweet being reposted by libs for the 4829382 time

Columbia sub now has Jannies on guard CLEANING IT UP :marseyjannygenocide:

Erm media literacy
Poopjeet takes an online IQ test and treats it very seriously

Does she know :marseysmug2:



Ian Miles Cheong posted a low quality "historical costume" and people are gassing him up


girl your lips are so cute!

I hope this isn't creepy but your lips and skin are beautiful, you are just super pretty

The red hair looks great on you

!fashion rate the fit

This meme :marseysoypoint: but its true :marseyserioushatfact: :marseycheckmate: :pursedlipstradwife:


Transwoman here. In my past life, I always made my ex beg before I finished. I'd start with a full body massage, then work my way down face to boobs to muff with my tongue. For as long as it took, before I even started to penetrate. Then I'd still go down more if she wasn't done. Literally nothing turned me on more than her muff.

Turns out, I was a lesbian. She wasn't. My current wife and I (44, mtf) have a good s*x life though my drive is higher than hers. We both use fingers and toys on ourselves and each other! I still don't understand why many cis men are so selfish. There is nothing more rewarding than watching a partner squirm with delight! And yes, not all men are as is evidenced by some of the replies.

100% NTA. If he can't figure it out, show him! Just go to the shop by yourself and buy one. Don't accept no for an answer. Next time he pulls this, just whip it out and do your thing in the bed right in front of him. If he reacts poorly, take it as a sign it is time to move on.


You are dating a naive man child, not a man. Has it occurred to you that he doesn't WANT you to feel pleasure? If he won't touch your clit that's a massive indicator. He has some serious insecurity issues and just sees you as a s*x toy, sorry for being blunt but that's how he's treating you. Someone who will want you to feel good will be open minded and find the best way to please you, he won't care if it's a toy, his hands, mouth or experimenting. S*x isn't one sided, it's a tango.


PSA: Anna is STILL the hot one


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