EFFORTPOST Alice Guo Part II: Her autobiography

Our story takes place in Bamban, an ordinary city of about 50,000 people in the middle of the Philippines.

I'm going to pick up where we left off in the first part. I'm going to limit myself just to stuff that came out in May. This is when she starts answering questions, weaving a fairy tale about where she comes from. I'll try to tell her story of how she came to be the mayor Bamban and center of all this drama. It won't be easy as her memories have change quite a bit from day to day. But to be fair, she's getting asked some pretty hard-hitting questions like "Do you have any siblings?"

In happier times.

We now get a dramatic origin story, fit to be a fairy tale. Her father was Chinese hog farmer Jian Zhong Guo, who adopted the Filipino name Angelito. At first she claims she doesn't know who her mother was, but later reveals it was Filipina Amelia Leal. Born July 12, 1986 as the love child of Angelito's forbidden affair with a maid, she was kept secluded on the hog farm, not even learning her own true identity until she was about 12-14. Recalling the shame of this part of her life is too much and tears well up in her eyes. Sadly there doesn't seem to be any record proving that Jian Zhong Guo or Amelia Leal exist.

Come on, you can cry more than that!

Alice grows up on the hog farm, which sounds like a downright magical place. She never attends school, being homeschooled by a teacher named Rubilyn, yet another very obscure resident of Bamban who didn't leave much of a paper trail behind. Later her education is continued by her fellow hog farmers who take her under their wing. She had a half-brother who now lives in China, but he must not have been important to her since she forgot he existed at first. Since she had been born at home, she never got a birth certificate. She gets one at age 17. That's not unheard of, but unfortunately she made a lot of mistakes so the basic facts about her parents on the birth certificate do not match any of her hazy recollections.

Maybe a stork delivered her.

Young Alice quickly proves to have a flair for business, perhaps coached by those loyal hog farmers. The first corporation is created in her name when she's only 24, and soon she has built her own little empire of 11 companies in a variety of fields from embroidery to smelting to (of course) slaughtering livestock. Looking for new worlds to conquer, she suddenly entered politics, successfully running for mayor of Bamban. Who taught her how to run a campaign so quickly? She gives the credit to the hog farmers, of course. Is there anything they can't do?

Actual footage of the hog farmers who take such good care of our princess.

Despite the demands of her many businesses and political career, Guo still enjoyed her hobbies. She loved cars, owning 16 vehicles. Well, I guess 17 if you count her helicopter. But one of these cars stood out from all the others, a beauty that nobody else in Tarlac or even the whole country could beat. She had her very own McLaren 620R supercar, one of only 350 ever built. We know because she took it out to display in auto shows and take pictures in front of it. Exactly where it came from is a bit of a mystery, as none were ever legally exported to the Philippines. One was seized from a smuggler by Customs and appraised at $672,080. Maybe Guo bought this one at auction, as no others are known to exist in the Philippines.

Maybe don't emphasize so much that you're the mayor of a town of 50,000 when you're showing off this car.

Remember that POGO that this whole story is about? One of Alice's business ventures was the Baofu Land Development Corporation. They did a bunch of real estate transactions. The important thing is, these involved Guo, the land the POGO was built on, the company that owned that land, and a Chinese guy named Zhang Ruijin. After being elected, Guo approved the construction of the POGO. In May, Zhang was coincidentally being prosecuted in Singapore over a massive $2 billion money laundering scheme that's a huge scandal in itself.

One of the 36 buildings in the compound.

At the end of May, there was no end to the hearings in sight. Obviously she came from China at some point, but when? For what purpose? Who does she really work for? Was she here to make money off internet scams or to spy?

Google is so bad that I searched for Alice Guo memes and this is all I got.

Next time we'll finally find out the true identity of Alice Guo! And hopefully I'll catch up to the present day because the drama just don't stop with this one. Today they put out a warrant for her arrest.


Nobody goes to Kiwi Farms expecting civil, reasonable, level-headed discussion, but wingcuckery of any sort used to be largely mocked on the site. After the 2019 Christchurch mosque shootings, however, the worst chudtard vermin from /pol/ flooded into Kiwi Farms en masse, and the site today is largely indistinguishable from VNN or Ironmarch. A few !terfs remain, but they are rapidly dwindling, and the thread that you're about to see is a perfect example of why:*x-offences-or-violent-crimes.192882/

The thread on the Articles & News subforum started off with a TERF posting a link to a Telegraph article about how more than 70% of :marseytrain: inmates in the UK are s*x offenders. The thread had absolutely nothing to do with race or abortion or anything other than :!marseytrain:s, but that didn't stop it from quickly turning into a shit-flinging contest over those subjects. Here are just a few of the highlights.

User Battlefield2142EU replied to the OP with...

Women voted for this. Don't cry about :marseytrain: r*pe in women prisons.

:#chudsmugtalking: which OP TheySeeMeRowlin replied with...

Yes, women (who comprise half of the human race) are literally one monolithic hivemind who all support mentally ill men being in women's prisons. Do you neckbeard incels even realize how fricking r-slurred you sound? Have you ever met any woman, outside of college SJW circles, who supported :!marseytrain:s being in women's prisons? Not even most dyed-in-the-wool leftist women support this shit.


User JamusActimus then brought up an argument that the OP had had in another, unrelated thread regarding so-called racial IQ differences:

Nobody's gender makes them act a certain way. Their culture may encourage them to act a certain way .

It's a culture problem op?


User TheySeeMeRowlin:

Having a severe mental illness tends to make them act a certain way, being lifelong s*x offenders certainly makes them act a certain way, and having a peepee means that they don't belong in women's prisons regardless. Their ethnicity is completely irrelevant.

Try again, Stormstrag.


User JamusActimus:

Why not since you said on the other thread that everything is cultural and that ethnicity and biology plays no role in someone's behavior.

If they are culturaly women then it's fine right?

Your premise that ethnicity has no impact on behavior is proved wrong by your own statements.

-You're saying that gender makes someone act different beyond the cultural aspect.

-So ethnicity should make you act different beyond the cultural aspect because it affects hormones and behavior (some ethnicity have 50% more test than others)


User TheySeeMeRowlin:

If you think that ethnicity and biological s*x are even remotely comparable, then you are even more r-slurred than the usual Apedrew Apelin acolyte.

There are proven scientific differences between male brains and female brains. There are no proven scientific differences between brains of different ethnicities (and no, the "scientists" that I'm sure you'll cite are not even remotely credible). Not to mention, that still has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that male s*x offenders - and, more broadly, anyone with a peepee - poses a very serious danger to female inmates in female prisons.

Go back to Stormfront.


User Chicken Neck Nelly:

Aside from the shrieking morons I met in university, there are plenty of far-left r-slur women I grew up with and who I meet at the bars I frequent who will have a meltdown if anyone dares criticize the LGBTQ movement or any aspect of leftist dogma for that matter. You're the sheltered r-slur here who clearly don't get out enough. Not saying all women think this way, met many who don't, but it's pretty frickin obvious that the majority of women are leftist drones. Look at any polling statistic in any western country to see how big of a leftist block you stupid c*nts are


User Cherry Eyed Hamster:

Women voted to be r*ped by men in dresses?


User Battlefield2142EU:

Yes. Same way they voted for defunding the police yet b-word about not feeling safe walking home at night.


User Chicken Neck Nelly:

They vote for politicians who advocate for ever more increased tolerance toward these freakshows, so yes, aside from the contingent of women who totally agree with it, many do vote for it indirectly.


User FrancineCansMcGee:

Yes, they vote for Democrats.


User Dysnomia:

No. They don't. The problem is that the candidates that many women feel align with their values about health, social welfare ect... tend to be :marseytrain: pozzed. Since the repubs blew their load on abortion last election and fricked up there's literally nothing in there for women. Choose the wrong hill to die on and find out. That's why we have a senile old man as president. Not that the other choices were any better.

"Women voted for this" is a cop out shut down tactic that's getting really old. I just pat the poor dear's on their heads and move along. They know not what they say. It's ok though. I still wuv them. πŸ€—

I didn't vote for that either. I live in the ghetto. We have a pretty strong police presence here. The mayor I voted for wants to increase police presence. No sane person male or female wants to defund the police. Now accountability is a whole other thing. I do not want to live in a police state and they really do go too far in some cases. Police brutality does actually exist. I'm all for anything that reduces over reactions by police. We need more mental health services over all.

You get a sane anti-:marseytrain: candidate out there that doesn't drink all the far right Kool Aid and I'll vote for them.


User FrancineCansMcGee:

A JK Rowling equivalent would win a Democratic primary nowhere in America.


User Chicken Neck Nelly:

JK Rowling wants every western country full of BIPOCs and Muslims, both of whom r*pe more women than :!marseytrain:s. The only thing she isn't a complete moron on is :!marseytrain:s. So she is basically like every leftist politician currently in office except she hates :!marseytrain:s.


User The Punished Mitch:

If that's the case, why do they consistently vote incorrectly?


User Cherry Eyed Hamster:

What would be the incentive for women to vote for Republicans?

Also I'm pretty sure white women are what helped Donald Trump get elected in 2016.


User Mac Monster:

Being able to murder an unborn child or getting r*ped by a man in a dress. Doesn't sound like a particularly difficult choice.


User round robin:

Genuinely astounds me how pervasively anti-natalist rhetoric has infected and rotted the average femoid brain to the point that they will consistently vote to destroy their own cultures if they're not allowed to kill their children.


User Chicken Neck Nelly:

What is it you object to exactly? The economic stability? The decrease of violent and/or sexual crimes being perpetrated against people in the streets? So you'd rather be able to flush out a baby because you were too r-slurred to use birth control than security, both economic and from hordes of male feminist BIPOCs, hard-working Americans and :!marseytrain:s?


User The Punished Mitch:

I am aware that women are willing to suffer the mass importation of MS13-style gangbangers, sandBIPOCs and male sexual deviants in all of their spaces in exchange for unrestricted permission to kill children.

So be it.


User Cherry Eyed Hamster:

Women are less likely to be r*ped by a man in a dress than by a regular man, but I'm sure some of you think we voted for that, too. Also more women would vote Republican if the party let women have abortions if they were r*ped or their lives were potentially in danger.


User The Punished Mitch:

"We'll vote to stop being BTFO by mentally ill men in all aspects of life provided you allow us to kill children"


User Cherry Eyed Hamster:

So are you gonna deny that r*pe happens?


User The Punished Mitch:

Are you going to pretend 90-99% of abortions are anything but elective?


User Cherry Eyed Hamster:

No, but you're intentionally dodging my point. Should women have to carry a pregnancy caused by r*pe?


User Higgs Bonbon:

I don't think women should vote for those heckin republichuds, I think they should vote for literally any party that doesn't act in direct opposition to their safety and wellbeing

there's no such thing as a wasted vote


User gata:

I hate that you cute twinks just have to make things about :!marseytrain:s into a abortion or female voting or gender war discourse. No fricking wonder these freaks and their enablers can get away with disgusting acts since their enemies are busy fighting or sabotaging each other.


User The Punished Mitch:

Why do foids feel the need to obfuscate their lust and desire for unrestricted child murder?


User Cherry Eyed Hamster:

Wow. With points as compelling and thought-provoking as yours I can't fathom why more women don't vote Republican.


User Higgs Bonbon:

A better response would be "no, and the vast majority of people (conservacucks included) think so too, up to the point of exceptions for r*pe being made in states where abortion is otherwise illegal"

then she'll get mad and go express her lust for bears or someshit


User The Punished Mitch:

Im not the one getting blown the frick out by mentally ill men, pooners are welcome to try their luck in male prisons/changing rooms/pottys/sports.

"I'll stop voting to get kicked in the testicles on the daily if you allow me to avoid child support just because I don't want to pay"

"What do you mean enjoy getting kicked in the testicles if that's what you prefer?"


User Chicken Neck Nelly:

lmao yes, you do as a group vote overwhelmingly for politicians that support open borders, which brings in large amounts of men who are much more likely to r*pe, as well as vote for politicians and DAs that advocate to let BIPOCs/hard-working Americans/poos out on bail, who are far more likely to r*pe than any other demographic, solely because "bail is racist" (between the lines: BIPOCs or hard-working Americans or poos should be free from prosecution even for murders or violent r*pes because they're brown).


User macrodegenerate:

I love how this thread became about being angry at women instead of being mad at men who abuse women.

Really all the Democrats did was focus in on what women want and then used that to get into office, so they could scam them out of their culture, money and country. It's really no different from profiting off drug addicts or gooners addicted to only fans. They can't really help it, so what's the point in being mad?


User TheySeeMeRowlin:

Because a clump of cells isn't a child, you r-slurred incel neckbeard. Your side has lost every single time abortion has been put on the ballot - even in ruby-red states like Kansas and Kentucky - yet you continue to hammer this issue to a public that is completely repulsed by your position, just like you do with the Orange Jesus who is now a convicted felon and who will once again lose the presidential election in 2024, just like him and his MAGAts lost in 2018, 2020, and 2022. Reality doesn't matter to you, hence why, when Trump loses again in 2024, you will once again falsely claim that he was somehow cheated by the imaginary boogeyman "Deep State".

P.S. Jesus is a c*nt and I wipe my butt with the Bible. You are a dying breed and you know it. You will die alone and miserable and so will the "traditional Christian family values" that you claim to champion while you engage in all manner of degeneracy, just like the Catholic priests who r*pe little boys while they drink the AIDS-infected blood of Christ. The only time anyone will ever touch you is when you choke on society's peepee as you die. Now choke on it, b-word.


The post above concluded with an image that I highly doubt the admins want me to include here. It's a Mike Diana cartoon depicting a small little boy being impaled on a Satanic-looking (with devil horns) Catholic priest's enormous, ejaculating peepee, with the priest holding a chalice labeled "AIDS INFECTED BLOOD OF CHRIST" and the words "PRIESTS FRICK LITTLE BOYZ!!" at the bottom of the cartoon.

User Iron Jaguar, quoting Cherry Eyed Hamster's "more women would vote Republican if..." post:

That is hilariously untrue. - You may even believe it but it's still untrue. Women will always find some reason not to vote for orderly, stable society.


User TheySeeMeRowlin:

How is that "orderly, stable society" working out in Republican-led states, which consistently lead the country in poverty, crime, homelessness, unemployment, infant mortality, and corruption while consistently ranking last in education, healthcare, public infrastructure, and GDP?


User Abradolfus_Linclerson:

You are an idiot if you think you made an actual point with this supposed 'gotcha.'

You mean those states that were, until relatively recently, all segregated Democrat strongholds? Or the Rust Belt states whose economies were shanked by Bubba Bill 'the Male feminist' Clinton and have never recovered? States that are otherwise Red leaning except for their major shitties, most of which (such as Chiraq: or Milwaukee: or Minneapolis: or St. Louis: haven't seen a Republican in high office for nearly a CENTURY in some instances? Bringing up Dixie is not the win you think it is, nor are Red states to blame for r-slurs like you voting in soft-on-crime Commies like Chesa fricking Budin, lawless attorneys general like Alvin Bragg, or mayors like Cap'n Crack himself, Marion motherfricking Barry.

How are shitlibs like you so goddarn immune to cause and effect that you keep voting for the same shit and expect it to turn out any differently?

Also, lol at 'there's no statistical difference between populations'. Yes, yes, geographic origin is so meaningless it's impossible to distinguish an aboriginal Australian from a European, an African from an East Asian, an Inuit from an Indian (dot, not feather), and a Polynesian from someone of Middle Eastern descent. We can't tell by looking at skulls whether or not people dead a thousand years were more or less closely related to whoever is currently living in the region now. There are literally no differences between races except on the most superficial level, just like we can't tell shit about who or what a woman is versus who or what a man is. Are you seriously this fricking dense?


User TheySeeMeRowlin:

The southern states were Democrat strongholds in the past because the southern Democrats - the Dixiecrats - were far-right ultraconservatives. And guess what? Those states were equally poor then as well, if not even poorer. The more conservative any state (or country) is, the poorer it is. Every single time. What do all conservative countries - from Iran to Somalia - have in common? They're all impoverished, third-world shitholes. And, if Democrat cities are destroying these red states, then why are blue states the richest in the country by far? Every single one of them, without exception. Not to mention, West Virginia is the most Republican state in the country and also the poorest state in the country - it has no Democrat cities of any sort. But, hey, women can't have abortions there, and that's clearly more important than actually having a functioning society.

Also, when did I ever say that one couldn't distinguish because the physical features of different races? That's not at all what I said. I said that you can't distinguish someone's race by their brain, because all races have the same brains.


User FrancineCansMcGee:

It's generally working out fine because the brunt of all that is born by the urban dwelling democratic minority in those states. Try breaking it all down on the county rather than state level and get back to us.

Also, instead of the whataboutism parade you could just take a swing at explaining why women in democratic primaries still vote for the transgender agenda when THERE IS NOBODY TO WHATABOUTABOUT.


User TheySeeMeRowlin:

The most Republican counties in those states are by far the poorest ones (especially compared to the blue cities, which are always far wealthier). Also, West Virginia has no Democratic counties at all and it is the poorest state in the country along with being the most Republican state in the country.

For the record, I'm not even a Democrat. I'm an independent. But, in spite of his many, many faults, I will certainly vote for Biden over the alternative. So will most people in the center, as you will soon learn.


User Iron Jaguar:

Those States are undoing decades of Democrat damage and working towards rebuilding a functioning society.

Also, the crime, poverty, illiteracy, healthcare and infrastructure issues can be summed up as "BIPOCs and Hard-working Americans", who vote Democrat en bloc. Let's not pretend you don't know that.


User Seventh Star:

Wow, that's actually pretty informative, I didn't know the exact amount of :marseytrain2:s convicted for such heinous crimes. I hope the dumb BIPOCs at A&N aren't talking about Democrat/Republican bullshit no one asked for in a news article about British prison statistics.


User Otis Mallebrok, quoting Seventh Star's "I hope the dumb BIPOCs at A&N..." post:

Nah, "le women bad" is just a pavlovian reaction for many of the compulsive wankers on eternal love-quests πŸ˜€


User FrancineCansMcGee:

poverty, crime, homelessness, unemployment, infant mortality, corruption, education, healthcare, public infrastructure, and GDP?

Democratic primaries allow women to choose to oppose the transgender agenda without supporting Republicans. This does not occur, instead the results of these elections support the transgender agenda and nominate exclusively pro-trans candidates. The buck will not be passed to Republicans for that no matter how much you bite and claw to change the subject to anything else.


User Sicko Hunter, quoting Battlefield2142EU's "Women voted for this" post:

Posts like these are literally just "I hate women and want to reenforce my hate by pretending they are to blame for all :marseytrain2: shit" No one voted for this. There wasn't some election held on "Should we put mentally ill men in women's prisons? Yes or no" that never happened.


User IAmNotAlpharius:

The problem I have with progressives, as someone who has had the misfortune to live in cities most of my life, is that the more progressive an area is, the shittier it becomes. The vast majority of cities are democrat run and as the democrats have moved farther to the left, the places they rule over have become shittier.

I'd also argue that progressivism is the philosophy of the wealthy and that many people support progressives because they associate it with high social status. Ultimately a lot of progressive policies will tank the cities and countries that embrace them. We are witnessing this right now with San Francisco and Portland. Mark my words. Europe will devolve into decades of ethnic and religious conflict because of their open borders. The vast majority of immigrants are only accelerating Europe's economic decline because they're taking more out of the welfare state than they'll ever contribute to it. It's not going to be just Europeans v Muslims but also English v Poles, Ukrainian v Armenian, etc. It's going to be messy.

The main problem I have with progressivism is that its core tenant is pleasure. Above all else pleasure is celebrated and impeding pleasure is seen as the greatest sin in progressive circles. This is why we will see more progressives push policies in defense of "maps." It's also why you have people supporting contradictory policies such as increased welfare and open borders. Supporting those policies makes them feel morally good even though logically a welfare state isn't possible if anyone can have a claim on it.

Much of the infrastructure and economy in small towns, not just in the south, are bad because small towns have limited political clout. If you're a native living on the reservation or a red neck in the applachians, no one gives a frick about you because your vote is meaningless because you're a minority of a minority. The politician would rather give money and resources to a middle class "refugee" from Venezuela who left because the gibs dried up before acknowledging the sad position their own people are in. To do so would be to admit that the democrats have abandoned the working class and their former constituents in the south,

The cold reality is that the American politician and the urbanites don't care if their fellow Americans have limited infrastructure or economic opportunity. They don't want to spend money on the icky small towns that were ruined by outsourcing. The democrats under Clinton and other "left" wing politicians have done more damage to labor than the republicans have done in a century. Not only did they help gut entire towns and even large cities in order to outsource production to a hostile nation, they never bothered to prop up the void the lost industries left behind. And for what? Profit and pleasure. Is it a surprise that after decades of neglect by "the party of the working man" that they've rallied around Trump?

In regards to the Democrat party specifically they loathe the poor because they're descended from the planter class that viewed itself as minor nobility. They've lost the south for a time but it doesn't change their tactics or their roots. They've always been deeply entrenched in corruption and despotism. And they'd never allow a liberal party to exist because it'd kill their power base and grift. And honestly Lincoln should've strung up the entire southern Democratic Party. It would've saved us a lot of grief down the line.

In terms of r*pe, male feminists should be shot whether they're men in skirts, gay pedos, straight men that are coomers, or female teachers abusing male students. I feel the same way about people who permanently injure others/disfigure them, murderers, and those who commit manslaughter. (Most male feminists are mentally ill men who are a threat to society and should be put down like a rabid pit bull).

I'm not against abortion if women are r*ped, the child would be crippled, or if the mother's life is in danger. However, I do think we should prevent abortions of infants that could survive outside the womb, and that abortion in that stage is no different from murder. IMO we should mirror Europe's stance on abortion with the time frame, make day after pills more common, encourage more condom use, etc. Several woman have died from late stage abortions in my state in which the child could've been surgically removed and adopted. IMO the risks to abortion isn't fully advertised. I've personally known of people who died because they tried to do abortions on their own and another who became infertile because the medical center damaged their womb in the process of the abortion. It's a nuanced issue that our two party system is ruining. The two party system should be abolished imo. They have no incentive to listen to the people and most issues aren't black or white.

In terms of :!marseytrain:s I feel that a lot of them are abused by the medical system for profit. That they know they will be dependent on them for life and will make a ton of money. I suspect a lot of medical centers also profit significantly from abortions and self termination, so they encourage those as well.


User FrancineCansMcGee:

roe wasn't overturned by referendum and thus it is impossible to blame any group of voters for roe being overturned. My brain can't comprehend any motive other than personal hatred for why anyone wouldn't agree with that.


User Sicko Hunter:

?????????? was not talking about roe v wade. Abortion is based by the way keeps poor people out of the gene pool.


User Chicken Neck Nelly:

BIPOC, leftist politicians came out and openly said for the last decade :!marseytrain:s are so oppressed and need to be able to compete against women in sports and share their locker rooms (which obviously would in turn lead to them being in women's prisons by extension), as well as to allow unlimited male feminist third world trash within our borders, and women/soyboys/non-whites went out and voted for these politicians in droves. Don't tell me progressives and leftists as a whole didn't know what sorts of policies they were voting in favor of. Absolute braindead take


User Sicko Hunter:

wtf I hate women now and think they deserve to get r*ped in prison by :!marseytrain:s


User Chicken Neck Nelly:

You do you, bro.


User FrancineCansMcGee:

Instead of being hysterical and r-slurred you could just say, "The well meaning votes to support the transgender agenda have had unforeseen negative consequences. The women voters who are the majority of the party who implemented these reforms should take note of the error and use their votes and lobbying power to address the issue in order to protect women and children going forward."


User Chicken Neck Nelly:

Leave it to leftist freaks to equate pointing out the highly accurate voting demographics in favor of these policies with wanting to see women r*ped by :!marseytrain:s and nigs. If I wanted to see that I wouldn't be so frustrated with how it all turned out, but there's only so much you can do, so becoming apathetic and saying "it's your own fault ya dumb c*nts" is really the best course of action, especially when leftists/centrists act all bewildered that this is occurring and try to rewrite history to avoid or refuse taking any responsibility for what they empirically by any metric voted for.


User Smashed & Slamed:

I think the biggest tell in this entire sperg out is that not one woman said "I didn't vote for this." It's all "Not all women are responsible for this."

If you can't stop acting like a toddler on Kiwi Farms and accept some imaginary responsibility then there is something really wrong with you.


User Chicken Neck Nelly:

Yep the stupid twat already admitted she will be voting for Biden again even after he issued executive orders like this the first week he was in office, which clearly set a tone for legislation throughout the country:

Then they wonder why we laugh at them for shooting themselves in the foot while they whine about the very policies they openly admit voting for.


User Sicko Hunter, quoting TheySeeMeRowlin's "literally one monolithic hivemind" post:

You won't win arguing with the r-slurs here. They literally do believe this is the case.


User Chicken Neck Nelly:

You're either a disingenuous cute twink or a stupid cute twink. Take your pick


User Otterly:

It would be nice to have someone to vote for who wasn't simply a slightly different flavour of the same hideous globohomo/asset stripping class who want to impoverish us and strip every right we have. The British public will probably overwhelmingly vote Labour in July which will make us completely go over the edge of Marxist dystopian horror. But can I blame them for kicking out the tories? Not really, they've been in power for 14 years during which time literally millions of thirdworlders have immigrated legally and illegally, and the country has deteriorated at at astonishing pace.

I would like to vote for someone who likes life, and likes my country, and likes the natives who live here. You would think that would be much to ask would you?


User Über:marseytrain2::

Women pre dominantly vote for soft on crime parties that support the gay and trans agenda. Had only male votes been counted no liberal or socialist parties would remain in power.


User jertzog:

Threadcow OP is asleep, so I will say that yes all women vote for this. Every last one is lying if they claim otherwise.


User Biggie Smalls' Taint:

We need the Kiwi Party. The platform is TXD: Total X Death.

TRD: Total Male feminist Death, tie male feminists to trucks and drag them through the streets

TDD: Total Diddler Death, a free bullet to the head to anyone who touches a kid.

TTD: Total :marseytrain: Death, redundant considering the previous two, but public executions of any and all :!marseytrain:s.

and to get women to vote for us, TBD: Total Baby Death. Chucking babies into an oven. Fetuses, born kids, toddlers, college-aged kids that won't get a job, bring them in and we'll dunk em in the broiler. We even offer two-for-> one deals where we throw the mom in the hotbox, baby and all. Bring the family, we'll chuck 'em in there, too. Grandma won't be a financial burden once she's golden brown and crispy.

The Kiwi Party: Total BIPOC Death is a given.


User Am I Very Wrong:

women shouldn't be able to vote


User The Punished Mitch, quoting TheySeeMeRowlin's post with the Mike Diana cartoon:

Least unhinged child murder enjoyer


User Am I Very Wrong, quoting the same TheySeeMeRowlin post:

i don't even understand why you get so mad over :!marseytrain:s. this looks just like the kind of stuff a degenerate coomer from the stinkditch galleries would post.

really the only thing that separate you is that you wish you had a peepee while they have the opposite problem. the projecting is the cherry on top.

keep voting left, they'll do the same


User Spud, quoting TheySeeMeRowlin saying that "There are no proven scientific differences between brains of different ethnicities":

People will say they believe in evolution and then say shit like this. You don't think that the environment that one brain found itself in would adapt differently than another in a completely different environment?


User The Punished Mitch:

It really is one of the most damaging and delusional copes of all time.


User Daddy's Little Kitten:

What the frick is this thread about?


User Peepeepoopoo Witch:

Why do these types of articles always devolve into bitching about women being allowed to vote, pro-life and anti-life politics, which s*x is more awful, and Romish p-dophiles being lumped in with Christians? :marseytrain2:s are privileged perverts and should be treated as such. The end!


And these are just a few choice highlights from a long thread consisting almost entirely of chudtard shitposting :poop: and shit-flinging :stoningshit: directed at the very few TERFs in the thread, who learned right away that they were vastly outnumbered by chudcel r-slurs. :chudcel: Alas, such is the state of Kiwi Farms today. :chuditsover:

@Aevann, Marseybux for stirring up and documenting rightoid infighting pls. Also, effortpost. :marseybeggar:

Reported by:
  • hello_how_are_you : this is a 10 minute troll on the reader that attempts to make sense of it
Huge FermiLab Drama Revealed

Appendix E – A Textbook Case Study in Human Rights

My name is Erica Smith and from 2016-2023 I was a postdoctoral fellow at Indiana

University, a Fermilab User, and a member of the NOvA and DUNE Experiments. My

interactions with the Fermi Research Alliance and various members of Fermilab

leadership have been frustrating at best and harmful at worst. Their actions have left

the impression on myself and others that they prioritize maintaining a positive

reputation by trying to make problems go away at the expense of victims over

cultivating a safe working environment for Fermilab employees and Users. This is my


In May 2018, I reported another Fermilab User and member of the NOvA and DUNE

experiments to the Neutrino Division's Human Resources Representative, which, at

that time, was the only avenue to report misconduct, including sexual misconduct.

The HR representative brought in the assistant general counsel almost immediately,

and they began an investigation that would continue over the next several months

and was handled poorly in a number of ways.

In the month following my report, I had multiple phone calls with the HR

representative and assistant general counsel, emailed them a written summary of my

report, and sent pdfs of text chats with friends that had detailed descriptions of the

incidents. They asked me to schedule an in-person meeting with them; when I tried,

they told me they were going on vacation and they would follow up when they

returned. After a month with no contact, I followed up again and they told me we no

longer needed to meet. The investigators did not contact me again until scheduling

our final meetings months later; I received updates only because my supervisor

reached out to the person who was COO in 2018 to check the status of the


Before they stopped contacting me, the assistant general counsel and HR

representative assured me they would inform me when they were going to interview

the subject of the report so I would know when he became aware of the report, as we

were still working on the same experiments together. They did not; I found out that

they interviewed him long after the interview took place.

At no point during the investigation was I told who would know about the

investigation or how much information they would receive. I found out the 2018 COO

was involved only because someone I reported to at a different institution told me he

had been contacted by the COO. I was not told that the general counsel would be

involved until he attended our final meeting in September 2018 without ever having

been mentioned to me or copied on emails with me. I heard from others that the head

of the Neutrino Division, a person that I had interacted with professionally, knew of

the report, but they were unsure how many details he knew. Imagine giving a

professional talk and not knowing who in the room had read graphic descriptions of

a traumatic experience that you shared only with close friends, never thinking that

anyone else would read them; this is the result of having investigators with no

training in trauma-informed investigations.

When the investigation ended in September 2018, they told me: "the result of our

investigation is that FRA is unable to conclude that there was a violation or threat to

the Fermilab community or site for which FRA can take personnel or site access

action, recognizing that FRA does not manage the NOvA collaboration and FRA does

not employ or contract with either you or [him]." I asked if they determined

misconduct did or did not take place and received the same statement in an email

from the 2018 COO with no further clarification.

Because FRA refused to give an actual finding from the investigation, NOvA leadership

was not able to take action to protect me at work; to keep doing my job, I was forced

to interact with him during our multiple weekly phone meetings, via our experiment's

public Slack channels, and during in-person meetings. I had at least one panic attack

at every in-person meeting that we both attended for the next year, and had sporadic

panic attacks during our phone meetings. During this year, working group leadership

assignments changed, and I found myself reporting directly to him for a short time. I

was diagnosed with unspecified trauma disorder and saw a trauma therapist at least

weekly – multiple times a week leading up to in-person meetings – just to be able to

show up at work. I struggled deeply with my mental health and lost months of

productivity vital to securing a permanent position in academia.

At the end of 2019, I requested that NOvA leadership find an external investigator as

was allowed by the NOvA Code of Conduct, thinking that because FRA did not actually

present a finding of fact as part of their investigation, I should be afforded an

investigator who would. At that time, NOvA leadership agreed and in early 2020 I was

told that they identified an external consultant to investigate and would contact the

DOE to find funding for it. After the subject of the original report was notified that I

requested an external investigator he weaponized Fermilab HR against me, reporting

me for "making defamatory statements." His report was not treated as retaliation, and

the new COO as of 2020 emailed me saying that "FRA is not the 'trier of fact' in

determining whether [my] statements are false and defamatory and FRA is the wrong

forum to seek relief in your ongoing grievance with each other. Therefore, FRA

declines to take up [his] complaint, and considers the matter closed." She also stated,

regarding the 2018 report, that "FRA concluded, based on the facts identified in the

investigation, that no further action was warranted." After I received this email, NOvA

leadership told me the line "no further action was warranted" was enough of a finding

from the original investigation and they would not move forward with an external


After FRA chose to abdicate all responsibility regarding this situation for the second

time, the subject of the report began a campaign of online harassment against me.

Over the course of several months, he impersonated me on Twitter, posted nude

pictures of other women pretending to be me, and gave my phone number to men

who contacted the fake profiles so they would send me nude pictures. He signed me

up for hundreds of websites including porn sites and Nazi-affiliated websites (such as rdrama dot net). He used

my home address to sign me up for subscription services and even had someone come

to my address with a baby-proofing service. He sent anonymous threats of violence

via text and Twitter DM, and threatened to deceive police into sending an armed

response to my address. I contacted my local law enforcement multiple times to

ensure they had a note to confirm any reports of violence at my address before

sending an armed response. I bought a portable lock for my door and kept a baseball

bat near my desk because I was afraid of where he might be publishing my home

address. In mid-2020 I hired a lawyer to find proof of his harassment and bring a

lawsuit against him. We won the lawsuit in October 2022; you can find the press

release from my lawyers here:

damages-to-colleague-falsely-touted-online-as-a-s*x-worker/ and an article in The

Guardian written about the situation here:

pay-damages-after-harassing-colleague-for-months .

During the harassment campaign and the subsequent lawsuit, he continued to

interact with me in public Slack channels and gave unprompted feedback on my work

during weekly phone meetings. I realized I could no longer tolerate being forced to

interact with him, and for my mental health, I left the working group I had been in for

nearly 4 years. I picked up a new analysis in a working group in which he was not

active, effectively abandoning all my previous work and putting me extremely behind

in terms of showing prospective search committees I was capable of a complete

physics analysis, an essential part of being hired as tenure track faculty.

After the lawsuit was public, I was contacted by the new Fermilab director and new

CRO to have a meeting. In November 2022 I met with them, the same Fermilab general

counsel from 2018, and my lawyer, and told them everything I've said in this

testimonial. Their general counsel even agreed with me when I told them I felt I had

been "ghosted" by the original investigators. During this meeting, I received a lot of

promises that the system would change, but I've seen no evidence that it has.

I will note that the Fermilab reporting system has changed since I reported, and one

now makes reports through a third-party system. However, I've listened to multiple

presentations on the topic and while the reporting system itself has changed, reports

are still investigated by "subject matter experts" :marseywitch2: at Fermilab. Despite asking for

clarification on what this means, particularly in the case of sexual harassment and

assault – who at Fermilab is an "expert" in investigating that? :marseylaugh: – there has never been

a clear answer other than to say that they are employed by Fermilab, i.e., people

beholden to protecting the interests of Fermilab and FRA, not employees or Users.

This is a problem that has been pointed out, at the very least, to Fermilab's general

counsel, but to my knowledge no changes have been made to the investigative


The problem starts at the top, with FRA and the Fermilab directorate. Everyone who

hears about my experience agrees that it was terrible, including the people with the

power to ensure it doesn't happen again, yet, all I've seen is leadership sitting on their

hands while claiming their hands are tied. Things will never change until Fermilab

learns the meaning of institutional courage and stops prioritizing protecting bad

actors to avoid legal retaliation over creating and maintaining a safe working


There is no happy ending to this testimonial. I left the field in 2023 as the lost

productivity through the majority of my postdoc affected my ability to get a

permanent position. I've been unemployed for months, trying to recover from all that

has happened to me. None of this had to happen; if FRA had acted appropriately in

2018, I might still be a physicist today. I'll never know. There is one silver lining that

came from my experience, which was coauthoring a 54 page contributed paper

regarding the climate of the field where my focus was experiment codes of conduct

and concrete suggestions to labs and funding agencies to make the changes needed

to effectively remove bad actors, which can be found here , and support for these suggestions was included

in the P5 report. I may no longer be part of the field, but perhaps my experiences will

mean others in the future don't have to go through what I went through; that will have

to be enough.

Appendix H –A Textbook Case of Cover-up

We are going to describe here below a textbook case of elaborate cover-up. :marseyglow: Inthe following is a summary of the story. More details of the events can be found in the documentation provided by the witnesses, shown later. In this Appendix the names of the witnesses are not shown for their own protection. However, for everybody else we decided to use actual first names and sometimes also last names for accountability. A reason is that any statement described here can be corroborated by a dozen witnesses willing to come forward in a court of law. Sometime in 2022, former Operation Maintenance Superintendent Greg at the Infrastructure Services Division (ISD), under Mark T. Jeffers as Senior Director, assigned Randy an unofficial position of Foreman for a large group of electricians and other employees of an ISD shop. Randy, Greg and Jeffers were all former Military personnel or contractors. A few months later, Randy was officially promoted to Foreman without any interview or posting of the position. He was known for threatening/ harassing people by whispering bloody and graphic scenes in their ears, and also claimed to carry a loaded gun at all times, either on his ankle or in his truck. Before the official promotion occurred, a majority of the team in the shop tried to prevent it. An electrician from this team brought Greg a petition signed by 12 employees (names available), over a total of 14 from the shop, asking to remove him from the position. After reading the petition, not only did Greg toss it back to the messenger, but he also broke confidentiality and informed Randy of that petition. Nothing changed when the original electrician brought forward a female electrician and former veteran, to another private meeting on 12/12/2022 with Greg so she could testify to all kinds of harassment from Randy and Dave, another employee from the shop. In this case too, Greg immediately informed Randy what was said in this confidential meeting before the two witnesses even left Building 38 where Greg's office was located. The witnesses were soon informed by colleagues that Randy was after them! At that point, the witnesses had no other recourse than going to HR and were told to leave the premises asap. Security and the Kane County Sheriff were called and they stopped Randy before he left the site. However, despite FNAL policies stating that Security has the right (and duty) to check a vehicle when on site, THEY DID NOT DO IT and let the guy leave. The female witness had been repeatedly harassed also by peer electrician Dave. The latter became obsessed with her and in Spring of 2022 he backed a 25,000 pound bucket truck at her and another peer in the parking lot near Lab A. She and her peer were nearly crushed by Dave :marseytruck: and they got out of this alive only because the peer was able to promptly back their van away from the truck coming at them! The female victim's electrical supervisor, DJ, was present and did not do anything to discipline the perpetrator. With all these events happening, as noted, HR at some point became involved. The two witnesses met and cooperated with HR, and also provided detailed statements in writing (see also in the following). At this stage the first witness had a meeting with ISD Senior Director Mark Jeffers too. The electrician had the signed petition with him and handed it over to Jeffers. The latter looked at it, but would not take it. In January of 2023, the electrician was called to a meeting with former COO Scott Tingey, current lab Deputy Director Bonnie Fleming, current ISD Senior Director Mark Jeffers, the entire lab legal team, and former HR interim Senior Director Jennifer Gondorchin. While faced by this whole crowd, he was proffered some hollow statements, with no resulting disciplinary action whatsoever for Greg breaking the confidentiality of private meetings and putting lives in danger; and for Dave, despite his attempt at badly hurting others. Despite the presence of several witnesses, Dave did not receive any disciplinary action, and is still employed at the lab. For all of his misdeeds, Randy was given one week of unpaid leave of absence as only disciplinary measure. He is still employed at the lab and was further promoted. And Greg, Randy's abettor, was promoted too and retired only recently. In fact, the above facts were not the first time that Randy had misbehaved. As a Union Steward for Local 701, the original witness kept all his confidential documents in a locked drawer in his office in Building 39. These documents included various types of votes for submission to the Union. In January of 2022, Randy entered his office one night, broke into his desk and stole all of his confidential documents. He then proceeded to transfer them to the Union. His accomplices at the Union took the documents instead of giving them back to their rightful owner and then fired the Union Steward from his position. He reported this theft to HR and to the ISD Head Mark Jeffers on March 2022, but no disciplinary action was taken even then. Because of the total lack of protection and of safety for her own life, the female witness was forced to quit the lab sometime in 2023. Similarly, 6 other electricians from this toxic group under Al and Greg have left the lab between January 2022 and May 2023. In October 2023 the original witness was tasked to take care of the electrical system for a new well pump that had been installed between the master substation and the fire station. A few days after performing that job, the electrician was driving by the well and saw the truck of mechanical lead Omar. He stopped and found the latter inside a hot electrical cabinet 480 Vac 400 Amps. Omar had completely undone his wiring. Mechanical foreman Mike was watching him undo his work while violating most electrical safety policies. The latter did nothing to stop him. The electrician reported the policy violations to his boss Frank and nothing was done. At the same time, the electrician was also interviewing for the electrical foreman position with Greg and his electrical supervisor Frank in November 2023. Frank had repeatedly told the technician that he was his only choice for the foreman position. On the Friday before Thanksgiving week, Frank called the electrician and requested him to postpone his vacation week to go see his family in Michigan for a very important job. The actual reason was instead to report to Greg's office to be informed that he had not been given the foreman job. The electrician was fired when he sent out an upset phone text to his supervisor, mentioning Omar and Mike sabotaging the well, and threatening to report Greg for doing nothing about it. Greg saw the electrician's text by taking Frank's phone. The following more detailed information was also part of written Documentation provided by the original witness to Heather A. Sidman at HR onDec. 16, 2022. "Events of 12/12/2022 Months ago, Randy was unofficially given a Foreman position at our shop and paid as such. Like I said when I spoke with you, I have repeatedly gone to meet with Mr. Gilbert to discuss Randy being permanently promoted into the Electrical Foreman Position. During these discussions with Mr. Gilbert, one in particular that took place in early October, I brought Mr. Gilbert a signed petition of a dozen members of our electrical shop that are fearful of Randy continuing in this position and possibly being permanently assigned to this position. Despite me stating that I had a petition with a dozen electricians' signatures, Mr. Gilbert was unconcerned. He didn't ask me to see it. When I nevertheless handed it to him, he tossed the petition back at me once he read the names. He also never indicated he would be conducting any sort of investigation. I felt Mr. Gilbert didn't take any of my accusations seriously. Upon leaving that meeting that day at 3:30 pm, Randy was somehow informed that I had brought in a petition signed by a dozen of electricians who did not want him to be assigned a permanent position of shop foreman. During this meeting with Mr. Gilbert, I stated that "Randy is an instigator, relishes promoting drama between fellow employees, tells violent stories of hurting people, and is not very stable." In this meeting with Mr. Gilbert, I explained that the electrical group is extremely concerned about Randy being given the foreman position. Mr. Gilbert did not ask me to go into more detail about our concerns or ask any more specifics about Randy. To my knowledge, Mr. Gilbert has never subsequently interviewed anyone in our shop, nor did he remove Randy from the position of Foreman. It is my belief, that Mr. Gilbert, almost immediately after I spoke with him, violated my confidentiality and informed Randy of our meeting. Roughly one week later I had another discussion with Mr. Gilbert to relate several examples of Randy's deception, lying about several facts, and creating anger in our shop. Again, Mr. Gilbert to my knowledge did nothing about our concerns. Roughly one month later I was interviewing with Mr. Gilbert, Rick, and John for an open position in our shop. Immediately following the interview, John stated "interview is over, now I have some questions for you." John asked why I had attacked my fellow electrician Frank some weeks ago? When the event in question happened, I had gone to Mr. Gilbert's office that same day and explained this incident to him between Frank and myself. I explained that Randy was the catalyst of the whole misunderstanding between myself and Frank. From that day forward, Frank and I apologized to each other and realized that Randy was responsible for our misunderstanding. After relating the entire story to Mr. Gilbert weeks earlier, why would I have to sit in an interview for a job position and hear a false hostile story presented by John and be forced to repeat the incident when it was already discussed by Mr. Gilbert the day the incident happened. Mr. Gilbert said nothing about how I came to him immediately the day of this altercation, he sat there and said nothing, that forced me to defend myself and my character to a hostile John. That character "attack" on me from John, which I believed came to them from Randy, forced me into a disagreement of how they viewed the event and caused me to explain we have terrified electricians in our shop, at which time I was FINALLY asked to give them a name. I said that our female colleague is terrified of Randy and Dave. Greg's response was "now I have to interview her." This reluctance on performing an objective investigation is consistent with the fact that Mr. Gilbert did not take the petition when it was originally presented to him which ironically contained the signature of our female colleague among others. I believe Mr. Gilbert and John had made their disdain for the electrical group clear and that they wanted to put someone in a position of power to reinforce their intimidating, dishonest, and horrible culture regardless of the consequences. In the meeting on 12/12/22 between Greg, Rick, our female colleague and myself, we mentioned to Mr. Gilbert that Randy also brags about having a loaded gun on Fermilab site. Following that statement, my female colleague and I felt Mr. Gilbert viewed our concern as rumor and conjecture rather than a bona fide safety issue. I would like to know if he immediately notified HR of my female colleague and my concerns or did he say nothing and go to the Holiday party instead? I have never been as scared as when it was made clear to her and myself that Randy was aware of us meeting with Greg Gilbert and the accusations that were made. Someone once again has violated the confidentiality of myself, her, and our meetings with Mr. Gilbert. Despite our female colleague reporting to Mr. Gilbert that Randy approached her in the past and whispered in her ear something to the effect of "I'm a Marine I miss killing people," upper management has essentially placed both of our lives and our families lives in a horrible situation. Both myself and my female colleague are in fear for our lives because lab security and the Kane County sheriff's office failed to search his truck, essentially allowing a person who makes racist and violent statements on a regular basis to fellow employees exit the site with the possibility of having a loaded weapon. I now sit at my house on administrative leave with my 21-year-old daughter scared to death knowing he still has that gun and knows exactly who spoke up about him. This process was filled with leaks and lies and took everything I had left as a concerned employee to keep pressing the serious nature of Randy being promoted. Our "shop culture" is such that if you bring any stated concerns to management and they're deemed inconvenient or seem unbelievable, management tends to sweep them under the rug while simultaneously informing the accused of their accusers resulting in either their careers or personal safety jeopardized. Chauncey from HR brought up "culture" and why did we wait so long to bring this to the attention of our supervisors? Clearly, this is not the case. I personally, along with several others in our shop, have repeatedly brought the issue of Randy as a dangerous individual to the attention of Greg and John over a 4-month period. Given management's lack of response to any of the previous concerns we did not feel confident in reporting what Randy said he was carrying, fearing that the lab would tell Randy and allow him to get offsite with the weapon. WHICH IN FACT IS WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED!!! In this day an age of mass shootings I would never have anticipated such a lackluster response to the accusations of an employee possessing a weapon on site! To be clear, Randy is a very capable electrician but unfortunately, he is completely devoid of any ability to interact with his peers in a respectful manner and routinely engages in incendiary racist and other inacceptable rhetoric." Some additional detailed information, which was also part of written documentation provided by the female witness to Heather A. Sidman in December 2022, is presented below. "Randy First day that I showed up to Fermilab, I met Randy, we talked about how we were both in the military and both in Afghanistan (me as a Marine and him as a contractor), and he explained to me about how he hated all Muslims and that as far as he is concerned, "they should drop a bomb on the entire middle east". The first time I worked with Randy we were wiring an outlet. He asked me if I knew about the color coordination in relation to the outlets, after he told me I said, "hmm, did not know that". After working with him, he went to DJ's office and told him that I was too dumb to work there and that the only reason I got the job was because I was a woman and I was Latinx. He complained about this also at meetings with my peers present and told them that I only got the job because I knew DJ (not sure what he was implying, if it was that we had a relationship or if it was because DJ, others and I did come from Caterpillar). He said I wasn't journeyman material so I shouldn't have ever gotten hired. One day that I was working with Randy, he asked me what we would say in one of our drill moves (I think it was either a left face or right face) in the military because when he was in they would say "whoosh" which is the sound that would come out of their vaginas (can't remember if he said vagina or kitties) when they would close their legs. One of the first times I worked with Randy, he described to me a story of a time when Doug and himself had gotten into an argument (this took place before I started at Fermilab). I had been aware of the story and Doug said that it was because Randy had said some nasty things about some of the women that had just made it into office along with AOC (Alexandria Ocasio Cortez). Others were present at the time because it was at the morning meeting. Randy's version was that he didn't say anything wrong and that Doug flipped out on him without knowing what he really meant. Then he continued on with his story and said something about stabbing Doug in the neck with a pen if he ever tried anything… He said "I got a ball point pen and if he ever tries anything…. I'll stab him in the neck and watch him bleed out". In passing one day I was in my cubicle, he approached and said something along the lines of "I miss killing people". I just looked at him and looked away. He called our female maintenance planner a "stupid b-word" and a "dumb c*nt." " The following is a testimonial from a former female Maintenance Planner/Scheduler at ISD. This is a widow who raised many successful children as a single mother. "Randy was described to me by most as a ticking time bomb and that he was ready to go off on people. In particular, he had repeatedly expressed hate for Rob and was on the verge of wanting to hurt him. It didn't take long for me to be faced with the same. Once he told me a joke about an old woman being r*ped. He called people foul names and called me foul names too to my face and he didn't care who else was around. He called his own daughters bitches, as in: "I have two daughters and they can do so much better than you, those bitches… Oh, look they can't believe I'm calling my daughters bitches, well they are, women are bitches by the very nature that they are women". The most horrific stories that he told us were about prostitutes from his time in the Marine Corps. One story that he was telling everybody was about buying a cheap watch in the Middle East and passing it as an authentic brand and then using it to pay for a prostitute so that he short-changed her. Another story from when he was in the military was about going out one night in the Philippines to look for a prostitute with some military buddies. They apparently found one, but could not stand that she was transgender and, according to him, they all killed her!!! Also, we all knew that he went shooting with Dave and that he kept a gun with him at all times, either in his truck or on his ankle. As a former maintenance manager for 25 years at a pharmaceuticals corporation first, and at a medical innovative engineering company next, I had never seen such obsolete equipment, and such lack of correct procedures. When I was hired in 2022, I was not given a working computer for 4 months! The ISD maintenance management system was incredibly antiquated. When I was there, they were replacing it with an allegedly more modern one, which did not work either! The equipment is in horrible shape also because when a work order wasn't done, they would hit "delete" and get it next year. WOW ! It's a horrible way to operate. Not effective at all. That's the norm at the lab. Electrical and mechanical systems were down, fire alarms were down, the equipment was in shamble. Because they were not OSHA compliant, I have seen so many of their electricians operating in totally unsafe conditions. I was told that OSHA is not needed there as they are the Federal government and it doesn't apply! Even some parts of the tunnel were collapsing. It is the worst facility equipment I've ever seen in my 25 year career managing facilities. The organization is not federal, they are just funded by the government and they have to be OSHA compliant. The fact that it is not, makes it incredibly dangerous. Tax payers money to fund such a fraudulent place. No accountability for anything. In the entire campus the leadership is nonexistent. A bunch of words to make it sound good but as we know it's the actions that matter, and Fermilab is negligent in every way. They just cover it up and keep sociopaths employed. It's the most dangerous and disgraceful place I've ever experienced. For instance, in June 2022 there was a nearly fatal accident that happened to a diver from a Chicago diving company who nearly died in a Fermilab pond. The diver had been hired to check out the water pump in the pump, and ISD had not turned that pump off! Why? Because they did not want to interfere with the fire system! It is unheard of to check or repair an OPERATING pump, especially if it is an underwater one. Fire systems are put on fire test for this kind of repairs. There was no written procedure, no safety checks. Total negligence. Also in this case an "investigation" was allegedly performed but some ISD managers are still laughing about the whole thing. Fermilab's HR ignored the harassment by Randy, Scott, Lee and my manager Jason. Most people witnessed my harassment. But in the so-called "investigation" they did not talk to any of my peers who had witnessed all these harassing events. They just talked to managers and others who were part of the verbal assault and harassment. I walked into a very dangerous situation, and I will not ever tolerate being bullied and talked down to with vulgar language. I decided to speak up and stand up for myself, other women and everyone in that Lab. After I did that, I was let go with the following argument: "We don't want to see any woman treated like that." Two women from ISD who contacted the Fermilab Hotline [Editor's note: see "Statement of Fermilab Community Standards" at the bottom of this Appendix] on my behalf were displaced from their jobs at ISD. Unfortunately Fermilab keeps the sociopaths and they lose great people. Most of the Electricians have left that facility. Al condescendingly asked me "Who do you think you are?" My response was "Who do you think you are?" and I walked out." We are now going to provide some additional detailed information by the female electrician in reference to the troublesome man who persecuted her. This was also part of written documentation provided by the female witness to Heather A. Sidman in December 2022. "Dave's incidents We had worked together at Caterpillar, he was going through a divorce at the time, a divorce in which his wife was cheating on him with a guy they knew. She and the lover were both teachers in the local area. Dave would complain about the situation with people at the Fermilab Electrical Shop, and he would show me naked pictures of his ex-wife. I did not ask to be shown. Many of the other people who were shown expressed feeling uncomfortable being shown her nude pictures. One day I had to work with Dave on the main ring, he walked about 12-15 ft away from me, on the other side of his truck. He started talking to me about how someone peed on his equipment right before he had to clean it. Without turning around, I asked him, "are you telling me that because that is what you're doing right now?" he said "yeah, I told you I was going to", I said "no you didn't, and if I knew that I would have walked away" and when he came back to work on the AC unit with me, I told him, "and now you're touching my cowtools?" he said, "I used my other hand". There was an incident where I did express some firm resistance against Dave when he was questioning why my husband got to drive a nice car when mine is not. I firmly expressed to him, to shut his questioning down that it was what we wanted and that he deserved it. He apologized a day later saying that he just meant that the car my husband has was one that he was led to believe was for older people. One Saturday I volunteered to work from 6am to 2:30pm to work on lighting in Wilson Hall (I believe it was the 4th and 5th floor, finishing the fifth and moving on to the 4th). I was assigned to work with Rey. Our work orders only showed we were to work on the 5th floor, I didn't even have the work order number for the 4th floor in my queue. Dave showed up sometime after his shift which ended at 8am, he was to work from 12am to 8am, and then 4hrs of OT from 8am to 12pm. The fifth floor required a sign in on the Hazardous Analysis form. When we first began, we had a hard time finding it, we were just going to stay in the sides that didn't require a signature. Pretty shortly after deciding that, Rey found where it was. We signed it and continued working in that area, one person on the ladder and one handing the bulbs. Dave showed up sometime after 8 and closer to 9 on the fifth floor. He asked for the HA form and I told him that we didn't find it. He walked around for a bit (in this time Rey and I were just working and not paying too much attention to him) and said that he found it, as soon as he started to sign it I told him that we did find it but it was on the wall (because the one he was trying to sign was for the contractors). I went over to show him where, and while I was near him I smelled alcohol, and I said, "were you drinking last night?", he said maybe it was the hand sanitizer, and I said ok. I had told him twice, "we are almost done here, you can move to the 4th floor and we will pick up there after lunch". I said that because Dave hated Rey, and other weekends when the three of us were put to work together it was very awkward for me because I was in the middle with, "tell him this tell him that, what's he doing, why is he working so slow" from Dave. Dave agreed to go to the 4th floor, he took one case of bulbs that Rey and myself had brought up for the job. After he left, we realized there was a conference room with no windows that needed relamping and one other room that needed to be finished before we could leave for lunch. Rey and I had left at about 10:20 am for lunch. First we got rid of the used bulbs. Afterwards we went to site 39, Frankie was on shift and was scheduled to be the duty electrician from 08:00 to 16:00. We talked to Frankie till about 10:40, left to pick up lunch, and in that time Dave called, but the reception was lost, I tried calling him back but he didn't answer. Rey and I went to lunch as normal, when we came back Frankie told us that Dave asked where I was and Frankie told him something along the lines of, "she's not with you? She must be with him" and that Dave reacted as if he was upset and walked away. Sunday when there was a changeover (Josh was scheduled to work on call from 4pm to midnight) between Josh and Dave, Dave went on to raise his voice, complaining and telling Josh that I had lied to him, that I had deceived him and that I was a liar and that I couldn't be trusted while using the phrases "how can I work with her if I can't trust her." "She is a liar". Josh called me early in the morning before I was even awake and said that I needed to talk to Dave, and that he is flipping out etc. I tried all weekend to call him to apologize and to explain what my side of the events were, he ignored my calls on his personal phone and his work phone, till Monday morning I messaged him and asked if we could talk. He asked me to give him a few minutes to use the bathroom (this was about 7:20am before the morning meeting). When we finally talked he explained to me that he still felt that I purposely deceived him when I told him that I didn't know where the HA form was and that I didn't answer his phone call (when the reception was lost), and that I tried acting as if I was his boss by telling him that he could go to the 4th floor and that it seemed like I was trying to get rid of him. I still apologized and told him that a lie is something told with the intention of deceit, and he said a lie is a lie and that it didn't matter. Frankie and Randy were with Dave, and I was told that when I was on the phone with him apologizing, Dave tried making a scene by standing up and raising his voice very loudly, and that the impression he was giving them was that "he was trying to put me in my place to establish his dominance over me". He also said, "she doesn't even know me, if she knew me she'd know I don't drink". How it was explained to me was that he got very irritable when telling his story to Josh and Frankie even after they had tried to explain to him that it was a misunderstanding. He also went to DJ, our former electrical supervisor, about this situation. He showed up to the meeting in sunglasses and crossed his arms and didn't move or speak. As the days went by, he continued to badmouth me to other coworkers. While explaining to Frankie about how upset he was he had tears in his eyes (I was told by Frankie that there were visible tears in his eyes) and explained that he was crying because he was so worked up over the whole situation. Dave talked to the coworkers for months after this about how I lied to him and how I deceived him. The guys at the shop explained to me that maybe because he was cheated on by his wife and that because I am a woman, that maybe he sees me like his wife. He had been heard joking about me being his work wife. Some time in April 2022, shortly after that we had worked overtime again on a Saturday, but this was for a shut down, Rey and I had worked together, not by choice, but DJ had paired us together. We were doing high voltage cleaning. I left for lunch before Rey did, and in that time Rey had found something that needed to be replaced. DJ had Dave drive the bucket truck out to the site after lunch. After it was parked in the vicinity, Rey drove me out there in the work van and pulled up behind the bucket truck (and at the time I did not have a work van because mine was under repair). Dave started to drive in reverse, slowly at first and when Rey started to go in reverse as well, then Dave "gunned it" and accelerated. I was yelling and getting panicky at Rey telling him to hurry up. I am not sure how he did it, but Rey was able to back our van away before the truck could hit us. At some point Dave slammed the brakes and got out of the truck, and DJ told him "what's wrong buddy, need a hug?" and tried to joke about it and Dave yelled about how we weren't moving fast enough. Eric was there and said that he told him that he can't do that and explained the dangerousness of it. Dave then sat on the edge of the truck and crossed his arms with his sunglasses on and didn't respond to people for the rest of the day, as if he was the victim. Eric said that afterwards he tried talking to DJ about how he should take some action on that and also explaining how dangerous that is. However, my supervisor DJ did nothing about it." "I can still remember the dread and anxiety that I felt every day. Despite those terrible events, not only nothing was done, but on the contrary JP and Greg went out of their way to pair people who didn't get along together. I once heard them telling each other how funny that was. Tom, Frankie and Rick instead were really good at keeping Dave away from me. Still, the latter had told me of times when he had broken people's windshields in road rage incidents. He said that the police were often called. I told HR that this kind of violence did not help my concerns. Clearly, that meant nothing to them." In the story above, one can tell how the guy's sickness escalates slowly and relentlessly. At the end it reads like a horror story. Some thoughtful additional words to HR from the colleague who had tried to help the victim are in the following. "I now want to address who are we supposed to trust at the Lab? How many times has HR come down to our shop and pulled us aside, or just made their presence known in person and said, "HR is here for you" or asked any single one of us "how are things going?" Never. I have never met anyone from HR in our shop nor have I ever seen your presence in our shop, not once in almost 5 years. That alone has left us to feel isolated. We all know we can go to HR anytime, but what about HR reaching out to us to see how things are going? I believe this is a two-way street and that would have helped to build trust between HR and our groups. Maybe occasionally someone should pull aside a female employee in a shop filled with men and ask her "is everything ok?" I did this repeatedly and finally that is how our female colleague was finally able to tell me the truth. I have 4 daughters and want them to exist in a world that doesn't push them around or put their work qualifications down and intimidate them with horrible whispers. Men and any employee for that matter should not be allowed to take "possession" of them at work like Dave did to our female colleague. He was allowed to harass her and when she pushed back, he called her a liar and a deceiver! So, my point here is, we need to know we are safe at our place of employment. We need to know we are safe when we come forward with an uncomfortable situation. Our management has failed us in that regard and not created a culture of trust but one of fear for coming forward and speaking out! Our good old boys club of managers in our shop make us feel guilty, scared, and apprehensive to ever want to come forward and have dialogue for fear of being implicated as a snitch. It is my serious hope that this investigation will lead to a positive change in our culture, demonstrated by our HR Department and how you handle this situation. None of us deserve to be unsafe at work, especially when as electricians we are working with the risk of injury or death from a mistake because our minds are filled with fear and worry about our job security, personal security, and we are not able to focus 100% attention on our work tasks!" As we know by now, the lab and FRA are not interested in positive change and instead decided to cover everything up. How? Let's start with the gun holder. The official narrative by the lab was that there was just one lone paranoid guy complaining about Randy carrying a gun. They claim that an investigation was performed and successfully concluded. They call it successful because a consequence of these horrible events is a policy change on inspecting vehicles on site, i.e. now security does not have to inspect any vehicle, they just call law enforcement to do it for them (clearly without a warrant required). For the above cover-up to be successful, and specifically to be able to claim that there was just one lone wacko complainer, EVERYBODY in the chain of command and at HR had to pretend that there was no petition signed by 12 people who knew Randy well. This is why the line managers were so terrified to even just touch that petition and why the HR representatives NEVER asked for its signatories. They knew that if they had, several of those signatories would have confirmed Randy's threats of carrying a gun. For the cover-up to be successful, the lab also had to somehow twist the lame truth that they had not been able to inspect the vehicle. In short, they let that gun slip through their fingers. And exactly as in movies with corrupt cops covering up their own misdeeds, they decided to blame the witness. Everybody knows that when masquerading the truth with lies, another will be needed, and then another, etc. with no end. One of these lies is that they had to convince themselves that there was no gun in that car. Perhaps the most dire consequence of the previous fabrication is that they had to give the benefit of the doubt to the bad guy. All these deceptions completely clouded the standard approach for safety of using a cost-risk-benefits analysis. So the lab decided that it was safer to believe a troublesome individual who had been very likely carrying a gun as he had always claimed to everybody, rather than getting rid of him. And eventually, once the loose cannon was not just kept on the job, but further promoted, what other choice was there other than cutting any loose ends? Which was done by firing the good guy some time in 2023 under some behavioral pretext. Compare all of the above with the "Statement of Fermilab Community Standards" at the bottom of this Appendix, and talk about leaders leading by example, or at least implementing their organization's advertised policies! Unless… in the same way that Security was justified in not performing their job because, poor them, they are not armed, some in upper management and at HR were scared of the bad guys. After all, what if they went after them with the gun??? That would be much different than the bad guys going after two diligent employees, wouldn't it? If this were the case, however, it would mean that the lab has become a street jungle where the strongest street gang wins. We pray that this is not the case. Similarly, Randy's own claim to several employees of killing a transgender prostitute abroad has gone unchecked! By closing an eye on a possible murder by assuming that it cannot be true, the lab is violating any conceivable safety policy, to say the least. And what about DOE? How much did DOE know about the gun on site? We interviewed the lab's FSO on this subject and it was clear that he had at least bought the official narrative. Finally, how did the lab cover up what happened to the female electrician? This was an easy case (for the lab). In addition to the usual avoiding like the plague any witness' interview on the bucket truck incident when it happened, in December 2022 they told the victim that she had reported the April 2022 events too late! (The assault by the obsessed electrician was at the very least a misdemeanor, if not a felony, and the statute of limitations is at least 18 months.) Then they just waited it out for her to feel completely overwhelmed and leave. Easy peasy with all that harassment going on all the time. In conclusion, one wonders how this can be called a "culture of safety" and how many know about this. What is certain is that all of this happened under FRA's purview. FRA is controlled by the University of Chicago. We hope that the DOE will consider what we presented in this report to restore Fermilab as a true leader in HEP science in the US and the world. Also, we are confident that the DOE will give a good example to all stakeholders by not rehiring the responsible party in any capacity of the lab's M&O.


Hmmmm, I will see how /r/Politics is taking this news :marseyclueless:

!chuds :marseyxd:




My name is Sazir, "Spysix" Townbrews. Known as "the Decent Claw," also known as "The God-Forsaken Nightmare."

When I first introduced myself I was a so called carpenter, then I took on the mantle of a warrior, a captain, and purged an invasion of undead. Bringing a brief era of peace for the other leaders to focus on expansion and prosperity.

Now I am a commander and a might to be reckoned with. Elves want me. Goblins fear me. Undead hate me.

Things are a little difference since last time. I seperated from my wife apparently (Who was named @IslamIsRightAboutWomen now retroactively named @tempest) But they didn't stop us from having another child together and being fond of standing shoulder to shoulder in battle.

So many conflicts and fights have shaped me, I went from being a hardened individual to...

Having ennui...

Regardless, thanks to my station and past deeds I am a legendary fighter with legendary discipline. I've seen it all now from the undead above ground to the demons that spit fire and vomit below. I do not care for death, for those things I fight are worse than it.

2nd Granite

I will be preparing the squad and head down to-

Ah fook, really?!? I thought we were past this nonce sense. An invasion just day two into my job. Very well. Instead of going downstairs, we will go upstairs and greet our guests.

Wait, what the fook? Elves, goblins and dwarven mercenaries are fighting each other. What is going on??

They're just shooting at each other. One goblin runs off but bleeds out and dies. While the dwarven mercenaries and the elves duke it out

Meanwhile @ENGLANDSHILL is throwing another tantrum. Again. At least he's doing it in his cell. Fuggin bugger, boo hoo, trauma trauma. We all have trauma, just stop caring, it's that easy.

Anyway, I need to chase down one of these goblin preddators, seeking to take our children and GROOM them

Get over here you little shite!

Oh yeah, get fooked. I luv me axe. I need to train more with it perhaps if I am to confront the fire phantom. Perhaps it be fortuitious that I have such a target rich environment now.

Haha! Poor little elf boy!

I learned most of these goblins and dwarven mercenaries whom I can only assume are poor sods that were kidnapped when they were wee lads, Are from the Torrid Seductions. Perhaps once we resume armament production we can pay their little towns a visit ourselves?

Anyway, now that's over, lets focus back on the state of the fortress.

People are slowly sliding into unhappy, from what I can gather people feel their prayer and meditation needs are not met the most, crafting something a second, and drinking booze.

We do have a rather shabby looking Temple, it's basically made of siltstone and chert

Almost no better than a mud hut, surely we can be... better than this?


The problem is we're cramming shrines in a temple, causing an overlap and reduction in value despite a major value of the main temple of 6200 the shrines aren't getting that benefit. So the people looking to worship a particular deity are not getting the communion they need with a herd of animals and everyone else shoulder to shoulder praying to other deities and whowhatsits. We're going to have to make seperate chambers of worship for each. This will become a problem with polytheistic dwarves and they will be spending the most praying. But with high enough values in their temples, it should resolve once we get their own temples for the major worshippers. I'm listing the deities and religions that have >20 worshippers.

The Tin Iron - 20 - Minerals

Thabost - 25 - Mountains, Volcanos

Tosid - 43 - Fortresses

Rash the Ashen Crypt - 42 - Death

Anan the Gold - 62 - Metals, Darkness, The Night

Onol Violetpale - 69 - Jewels, Wealth, Trade

Gongith - 73 - Coasts

Istratth - 22 - Wealth

Uja Burialtombs - 30 - Death

That's a lot so we're going to have to consolidate some of them in their own areas just build the ones for the major ones like >40 and smaller will have their own temples that are smaller and possibly elsewhere. There is an ingame issue where polytheistic dwarves basically never get this need resolved even if you have dedicated temples built for all the gods they worship so this might be a challenge but we'll try.


So will need to clear out extra spaces for worship

While they did and clear up the new chambers, need to focus on relocating our Trade Depot, right now if a trader had a wagon they won't be able to enter the fort via the stairs to the depot, thus I plan to make it more accessible.

I could try for something fancy and build ramps winding down to our depot, but moving the depot to the surface in an area where a wagon could get to it is the only option we can sort of go for. After all, most of our dwarves are distracted with their need for worship. This is perhaps why productions have been getting slowed.

So much to do, so little time.

7th Granite

@TheDunceonMaster2 has given birth to a boy, congrats!

and 11th of Granite

@Count_Sprpr has given birth to a girl, nice!

We're popping babies in this place.

One gremlin showed up in the caverns, we can take care of it. And we have a few Draltha running around too. They feed on mushroom caps and aren't aggressive unless we provoke them. Half the size of an elephant with the strength of one. We could try taming some...

Meanwhile I see we have some gold veins and even some platinum. That's good. Platinum can help max out the prestige of our new temples and even mint some coins for when trade wagons will come. Mineral wise I just need more steel production. For if we can't have Adamantine, Steel is the best substitute. We have established smelters and a forge below... roughly 150 levels down. With so many living above the time to get down there truly takes time to utilize our magma metallurgy.

18th of Granite

Scalies visit us, ugh. They're worst than furries.

20th of Granite

@HarryTrumanDorisDay and @seriousold (??) have married, congrats!

I need to figure out the stairs system we have going all the way down to the magma chambers, then down and up to the adamantine where that fire demon is.

Seriously following some of the up and down stairs that worm through the elevation is like...

I secured the stairs with some walls and a door at the -97 elevation. We got a migrant wave come in but just a few dwarves, bringing our pop to 161. With the expanded Trade Depot, temple's being cleared and to be designed, I'll then expand further below to have a proper mine outpost. Then adamantine weapons, armor and steel!

Also need to dig up some of that obsidian and some gems and other precious stones, it'll make these temples look real nice and distinct.

Lets get to work

27th Granite

Hey Congrats @R*pevann on your new girl!

I also included an order of like 90+ clothes items to be made since most of the dwarves around here are wearing tattered outfits or nothing at all. I know we're that kind of fort but this is getting silly and demoralizing. We're not poors!

Speaking of, with the amount of gold and platinum veins we're digging between the magma layer and the first cavern layer, we should get some platinum statues to boost the value of our halls.

While the miners and builders do their work, @tempest and I continue to spar and train. I have a feeling in order to protect our kindred and fellow warriors against the phantom flame, I would have to don our best armor and weapons and fight it alone.

Speaking of fighting, 11th Slate @Szechenyi decides to beat the shit out of a giant earthworm.


I'm also making my ex-wife a leader @tempest of her own squad to lead a full company of competent swordwarves. Which, happen to be all female.

There is a troll just roughly 30 elevation below wandering around where we collect the webs for silk. Perhaps after some training we can see how well this new squad handles the threat? After all, we're going to need to have a squad above and below to protect the home.

It's already interrupting the hunting parties so lets see how they far now against the troll...

@obamacube and @Deuxfugee and an unnamed dwarf took their named weapons and literally poked, stabbed and stabbed some more, the troll tried one punch but it was blocked by a shield and it got stabbed some more to the point it got gelded and died. Holy shit! Bravo ladies!

Fricked Around and Found Out.

Still trying to get these gold bars smelted to design my temples and guildhalls required. Indeed the forges and smelters seem untouched and for the integrity of my beard I have no idea why. I'll try moving the ores and stockpiles around. It doesn't help our smelter and forge is now 150 floors below where everyone hangs out. We might have to split off half the population to live below at least then to perhaps expand our cavern farming and of course our industry to something more... organized.

25th Felsite

Someone decided to take artifact bracers in front of like... everyone at the general temple. After talking with witnesses (literally 42 people) it was clear @xa15428 was the culprit

You b-word.

She already scurried off and passed it off to a human at the edge of the map and they left. We will interrogate and find out where they were taken.

Just as Summer starts I have my report from @Ral , It seems Xa was corrupted by the human Gebdum Bankshelter and convinced to steal the artifact and pass off to scurry away with. This is unacceptable. We will find where they live and we will take the treasure back and perhaps even raze their darn town to the ground!

Meanwhile mid early summer the human traders come with meats, fish, and salads. We'll trade for them our iron junk and some platinum coins. That should give us a solid pantry for many winters while we continue our great works in the temples, the forges, and our mettle!


Oh, so I learned two out of our three smelters dont have a magma tile under them, thus they have been useless, hence our steel industry choking. Meanwhile a bunch of human monster hunters have come to hunt, I suppose they're either after what lurks in the caverns below or perhaps eager to hunt and kill the fire phantom. Perhaps I should let them try? I know one is already killing a voracious cave worm. Fine with me, they're making the gathering grounds safe for us when I begin to send more dwarves to live below.

Which I will be doing now, at least having a barracks and training grounds there there will be proper armor racks.

10th Malachite

Congrats @sirpingsalot on birthing a boy.

On the 13th Malachite, we found Otukakul in the depths, a black metal breastplate of divinity.

Crundle have been showing up, little buggers are mostly harmless but can scare the shit out of our miners. We'll simply go through a hunting/killing exercise.

I did find this human guest kinda funny, forgive the lack of face its from my mod that isnt enabled in this game.

8th Galena Late Summer

Progress on Temples are coming in nicely. Here we have our temple of wealth and trade for the gods Onol and Istrath, each having their own end of a scale they're on.

And our Temple of the Ashen Crypt god near where we bury our dead.

Fall is coming upon us soon and I still need to make progress below for at least some burrows and barracks and the cowtools we need.

And even now this one is just done, dedicated to the god of the fortress.

I tried my best for I am no artiste, but I felt we now have the stamp of our Orangecat identity now carved into the mountain. Also if you're wondering who's naked in the screenshot, its a baby carried around by the engraver.

Another goblin raid comes for us. Alas I am not so lucky as to have another ambush of elves to meet them and thin their ranks. Well, it's only six of them so the Cudgel has been dispatched and dealt with the visitors swiftly. Like it was so fast didn't even bother to snap any pics of it.

Now, let's take a look at the state of our small world here and figure out who's pissed at us.

It's basically a goblin tribe known as Nifiquithe, The Torrid Seductions.

And the elven nation of Nifiquithe, The Bejeweled Flax. They got a lot of forest.

The ones I circled in red are the Torried Seduction sites where I think they come to invade. We're the yellow square. Undead invade from the North of those necromancer towers. We also have necromancer towers to our south but we're not at war with them. It doesn't mean undead can't just spill over though when they make too many.

The one I circled in pink is a FORTRESS of elves that count ~1000 strong. What the fook.

I once once we're steel'ed up we should start raiding and razing the sporadic settlements

11th Limestone

A goblin liaison from Atir Zas arrives, lets see what this green prick wants. We will need a 'Throne Room' to have any sort of international discussions.

Oh apparently he's from the homeland, wait, wot? wtf?

We can become the capital of our civilization now, sweet! I said yes and rising above my ego I appointed @60horsesinmyherd as the Baron. The Monarch will come soon along with some other nobles, I'll make their rooms when I have to later. I have underground expansions to deal with.

205%!? Heck's bells, I'll make them out of platinum!

With our dwarves less distracted, we're getting the fuel and getting them to pump out steel left and right!

19th Limestone

Our cheesemaker made something, an artifact musical instrument out of chestnuts, I don't care right now.

25th Limestone

A new settlement has been founded within our nation. Maybe it will give us tribute?

9th Sandstone

We're launching raids against the enemy hillocks that surround our mountainhome. We will raze them. This should also bolster our skills and perhaps we will be skilled enough to deal with the fire phantom before winters end. First target is Leaffog, a necromancer tower where we first suspected the undead incursion were coming from. I am okay with doing this since we have now a second squad defending the mountain home.

15th Sandstone

We returned with great success. I lead the attack and the defenders were led by the dwarf necromancer Kogsak Theaterstood.

And @ManBearFridge struck down one of the necromancers. So did @Cream and @R*pevann went toe to toe against these undead nerds and slaughtered them where they stood. Every dwarf of Orangecat was taking no prisoner

@Santb killed a human necromancer

@Szechenyi shot and killed Kol Lancerskies, dwarven necromancer. Nice shot.

It was @Cream who went toe to toe with their leader and defeated him in battle.

Not like us.

After killing all the necromancers and their cohorts we looted the tower.

We acquired the following artifacts

Give Me The Holy Tresses

Annihilation In Practice (Ironic considering we just annihilated them)

Reflections on the Fort

Understanding Leaffog

Unusual Dwarves

The Sticky Uncles (wtf?)

Commentary On The Dwarf

Magician And The Head

Better Forest Retreat

After collecting these strange tomes we torched the tower and left it to burn to the ground. Good riddance.

Once we returned home we analyzed the tomes we have acquired. Most of it is fan fiction slop written by one of the necromancers. It turns out Annihilation In Practice is a tome of spells to raise the dead and even such spells to raise dark hunters!

While I still possess sunsetting authority I order its atomization. Once that is done we are raiding the next necromancer tower near us..

17th of Sandstone

We march on to Boatclapped.

@ggggbabybabybaby also gave birth to a boy, congrats!

While we raid someone stole Stalamem, Bustedcurled, from its pedestal in the mayors office. A dwarven child noticed the left, there were no other witnesses unlike last time. Can't have shit in detroit

We return a few days later with our report of slaying the necromancers, their dark hunters, their zombies, and their dwarven cronies. There was not much to loot so we burned this tower to the ground as well.

Get fricked, nerds!

One by one we're razing their towers, removing their blight from our lands. Once we take care of those, we can take care of the goblins. Then the only threat we'd face would be the elves, who's numbers are in the thousands, yet they only use wood weapons. We're more likely to die from exhaustion from swinging our axe arms than from their blows, hah!

Anyway, time is ticking and we need to be raiding more, I wonder if I should raid the towers that are very close to us despite not at war with them, hmm.

(Oh, I think I found house furry lol)

You know what, frick it, we'll destroy those towers too. They're also responsible for raising the dead and contributing to their rising numbers.

8th Timber - Late Autumn

After razing down two more necromancer towers we got visitors from below:

I guess they didn't like I called House Furry virgins.

Thankfully a few floors below them the Kittycat Squad has been training, I'll send them up to dispatch them.

@Seras one of our untested initiates was the first to arrive, dove in, killed one of them, but then started to flee in terror.

Thankfully the rest of the squad showed up and killed the remaining with our steeled and adamantine weapons. Easy. That should make them think twice before coming back to our neighborhood.

While this went on, we assaulted Taperedboots. Unlike the other raids, this one has stopped for within it, lives an arch demon.

We lost @Cream and @Eskomse to the demon, Alath Dustsqueezes. This is a bit personal as @Cream and I were practically battle brothers, we were always the first together to meet any invaders head on before the others arrived.

Yet as mentioned in the beginning of this report, I do not feel.

At least @PatriceOneal gave birth to a girl.

So I am going use the remainder of our adamantium to forge myself an armor set, craft a silver warhammer, for the density will be stronger than one made of steel, and perhaps with enough force the demon can be banished from our realm.

First I will attempt this with my set of armor I have acquired on the fire phantom below.

22nd Timber

I will descend to the chamber and...

Well, that was anticlimactic...

One punch and poof, gone. Weird.

Let us look into more details of the Arch-Demon that has slain our comrads and is an absolute pest on our doorstep.

It has 107 notable kills and 386 other kills. Mostly elves, but notably it killed @Cream and @EskomSePoesOffical.

This fricker likes to wrestle with a dwarf like a gayboy.

An Arch-Demon is no fickle thing. It is titanic, yet, agile and brutal. We will need a full squad wearing adamantium to deal with the foe! We need more metal of the gods!

While delving deeper through the vein we found a divine spear of the gods. We might arm ourselves with these for the destined squad to take them on.

8th of Moonstone

The miners rumormonger of demonic whispers within the adamantium veins. I heard tales that these spires were supposedly 'corks' to keep the bottle of heck at bay. With the demons we've encountered popping out of them, perhaps that is true?

We need to dig around but not any deeper to see if we can find any more veins that perhaps are easier to extract.

15th Moonstone

Just in time, we have some adamantine gear for me and a few of the squad have some weapons, (still mostly steel armors) we'll put em to the test.

18th Moonstone

Congrats @Soren on giving birth to a girl!

24th Moonstone

@Aba has crafted a .... splint... and the fricker used some raw adamantium to use it! you FRICK. Someone forgot to NOT have Adamantine be in that stockpile in the craftsroom!

World's most expensive splint that would make american health insurance envious.

I was so cross by this I razed a settlement that just sprouted up aligned with the archdemon.

Our next raid was then the necromancer tower to the east. There each of us slew a necromancer each and the horde of undead.

51 animated elves

144 animated dwarves

223 animated humans

We could only slaughter ten each at each go and I think they were still getting revived too. We will have to strike again after a strategic withdraw.

All these necromancer towers at the doorstep of the elves and they do nothing? Of course, they can't do anything. Elves are fookin' useless. Worse than beetles.

There is so much undead though we might need to bring the kittycat squad to help.

17th Opal

We return in time for a dwarven vampire bard visiting and we decided to let him know how we feel about that.

Get fricked, stupid.

We head out again to frick with the zombie town but some cave dwellers decided to invade, thankfully @Santb was lingering home and singlehandedly slaughtered them.

1st Obsidian

Someone tried to take the artifact bucket Sosadmot. It was my Niece witnessed apparently. So our justiciar slapped her around some and we returned the artifact to the guild.

5th Obsidian

We razed another site belonging to the Seducers. I'm sure they're regretting invading us now. The next and last site on this side of the continent is called Badyear. Heh. It will be a bad year for them.

15th Obsidian

The last site (I think) Is here which would take too long overlapping the next year, I shouldn't venture out now as I only have about 8 days left. I think we just have enough time to raid one more necromancer tower run by humans.

22nd Obsidian

Most of you dramatards are just getting pregnant and popping out babies. @Toodley_doo just had a boy!

We returned just in time for the end of the year. We raided Pulleydrum, slaughtered all the necromancers and stole more fan fiction they wrote, thankfully none of them contained spells. We didn't have time to raze the tower down though unfortunately. But you could probably send one dwarf to do it. next time.

We end the year with wiping like... five necromancer towers off the map. Our steel industry and metal stockpiles are through the roof. We have dedicated temples as well as our generic temple and I converted our old trade depot area to a tavern for us and travelers to enjoy. The fire phantom is defeated so we were able to get some more adamantium to forge some additional armor and weapons. I hope the next in charge can take on the new year with a little less worry of invaders and industry resuming again.

This is @Starsix, signing off.

And that concludes the 10th chapter, bringing us to the year 260. And this month also makes it the First Year Anniversary of Mostibkun! :marseyletsgo:

It took me a second to get unrusty but I managed. I think the biggest challenge was trying to trace the navigation from going from elevation 40 to elevation -115. It's a lot of steps for the dwarves! I was on my way to making burrow down there and @searcher you'll notice in some levels I think around -108 or something I carved out huge swaths of cave to prep building some rooms using blueprints but I wasn't happy with them and plus there was gold and platinum veins I'd rather mine out than give dwarves a bed, lol.

But if you wanted to build it we now have so much microline and gabbro blocks and gold and platinum bricks that you can make the most opulent dormitories if you wanted.

We have so much rocks I had to use some quantum storage to fit them in our lots.

Seriously we have so much plat and gold its probably why we were chosen to become the capital (Adamantine doesn't hurt either.)

I did commission a platinum statue of @Cream in his memory but I didn't have time to place it yet. Also I have no idea which cream it is because pulling it up there is like ten of you named after cream.

I also forgot to mention I built the second barracks below along with a hospital and a well that was built over some pocket water so its only got the water in there and thats it. I was going to make an opening for a waterfall but didn't have time.

I mostly focused on fricking up as many not-dwarves as possible around us since I think that's what this unfeeling commander would do. From carpentry to combat, he found his calling.

Looking up in legends, that artifact that was stolen. It was last seen held by a dwarf in Tinrooms.

Over to you now, @searcher


Added @Grue, then realized was in the game already so fixed there wasn't double.

Added @Patsy to the game.

Players, in order of succession:










Even commita mamita is pissed at the USSS :marseyxd:

Look at her go :marseyletsfuckinggo2:

🚨 My favorite munchie has entered Find Out territory 🚨

One of my favorite pastimes is following people with munchausens by internet. I started on a now defunct blog called after cancer faker Belle Gibson's 60 Minutes Australia car crash interview (it's very funny, posted it here a few years ago).

Reddit has a few groups such as /r/illnessfakers who follow munchies and snark. Most have borderline fake diseases like hypermobile Ehlers Danlos, POTS (fast heartbeat upon standing), fibromyalgia, etc. These are real and sometimes serious diseases but either not a huge deal (need to sit in the shower) or easy to fake in their mild forms. They are popular on TikTok with sickfluencers leading to real butt doctors seeing tons of them in their practices/ERs. These diseases come with central lines for fluids, obvious aid devices like wheel chairs and lots of butt-patting from people who don't realize it's not deadly cancer. Many of them started with eating disorders and move over to claiming things like gastroparesis (slow digestion sometimes necessitating feeding tubes and as a last resort TPN which is nutrition directly injected into the veins). TPN is dangerous and hard on the liver and many people die of it. It's a real last resort for people who can't eat.

Those groups are especially funny because a huge number of the commenters have their own fake illnesses and are mad about the stolen valor.

It's kind of sad because like once or twice a year one of the subjects will die of self-induced sepsis or similar by infecting their central linesβ€”injecting πŸ’© directly into their blood stream but it's ultimately FAFO.

My favorite munchies are the really inept ones who suck at fooling both doctors and the general public.

Meet Dani Marina, a 38 year old teenager.

Dani once had a very severe eating disorder and then moved on to claiming gastroparesis. See this timeline for a very long overview.

Dani was on TPN for 3 years but kept infecting her central line and ultimately it was pulled and not replaced. She actually almost died of sepsis!

She claims she cannot tolerate tube feeds and needs a new central line. She says absolutely cannot eat yet shows a full fridge on her lives.

She has one port for liquids but it's in her femoral artery so not visible and not able to be used for TPN (she cannot access it herself at home and thus cannot frick with it to give herself sepsis). She actually got this port behind her GI doc's back by going to a hematologist oncologist who didn't know her history. When he found out, he was apparently pissed.

She also has a fake boyfriend that commmenters refer to as "George Glass".

She has been trying to get a new SVC port (little injectable thing on your upper chestβ€”I had one when I had cancer, they're great if you're getting lots of injections and blood draws) so she can go back on TPN despite her doctors saying she will NEVER be prescribed it again due to her munching. Right now her SVC (major vein) is too scarred but the Mayo Clinic has a vascular center that can repair it. She self-referred there and has a couple of appointments in early August.

The major academic medical centers near her (Penn and Temple) have written in her chart that she has fictitious disorder. Some or all of these records will be sent to Mayo for review prior to her visit.

This b-word has been packing for literally over a month.

Well, her local GI apparently got wind of her trip to Mayo and read her the riot act. She had a meeting with 9 (!!) people the other week who laid down the law and stopped prescribing her fluids. They told her to see psych or find a new GI. She is going the new doc route. :marseyxd:

Mayo won't give her TPN and possibly won't do the procedure if her docs at home aren't on board. She got a one way ticket hoping she will have to stay in Rochester, MN but none of us munchie cyberbullies know exactly what will happen. 🍿

Finally, see her GoFund Me for her trip which was featured on ChoosingBeggars. It raised like $12 and she shut it down.

Azn :marseygeisha: :marseyluckycat: :marseybear:

Chicken Soup

Recipie: :marseydance:

2kg chicken carcass

Add 1 onion for stock.

Fill with cold in pot, no butchering needed

Boil for 1 hour.

Take chicken and onion out

Add chopped onion, carrot, courgette, garlic, chilli, ginger, cabbage, radish and celery.

Boil veg for 30 mins with salt and pepper, turmeric, oregano and dill.

Take apart cooked chicken and keep bones for later roasting for more stock.

Chop chicken to whatever size you want.

Simmer for 15 mins

Serve with celery leaf and olive oil paired with buttered bread!




'My heart is broken by France's Olympic hijab ban'

Konate came up as a rising star with the French national youth team, winning medals including silver in 3x3 basketball at the 2018 Buenos Aires Youth Olympics - an experience she describes as the "best memory" of her career and something she dreamed of recreating at the Paris Olympic Games.

But she has mixed feelings about being back home - because she's banned from competing in France.

The reason? She wears a hijab.

Last year, when Konate came home for the summer break to play a 3x3 tournament, she discovered she wasn't allowed to step on court - due to a rule change made by the French Basketball Federation (FFBB) in 2022 which expressly bans any kit "with a religious or political connotation".

Sylla is keen to challenge "ignorant" mindsets, saying: "They think if you wear the hijab, you're just in the kitchen and doing nothing with your life.

"But I'm the example: I'm not just a Muslim, I'm not just a woman wearing the hijab - I'm an entrepreneur, I work in marketing, I have a masters degree, and I play basketball as well - so why are they putting me on the side?"

Over the three years since France's controversial "Islamist separatism" law was passed, it has gradually permeated aspects of French society, including competitive sports. The rule applies not only to players but also to coaches and referees - officially excluding anyone wearing a sports hijab from the competitive space altogether.

"Some of us are becoming activists because of this rule, but what I also want to emphasise is most of us are left without anything - especially younger Muslim women because they don't know why they're being excluded. They don't have any other alternative so some of them just stop playing sport altogether.

"Once a rule targets a minority group and creates discrimination and infringes on people's rights, it should be everyone's concern. And so today it's us - but tomorrow it may be you.

"We grew up without any role models and we will never have - if these rules stay in place - a French hijabi athlete representing the national team."

Then even more blah-blah-blah about how oppressive this is with absolutely no mention of the other side of the coin. Good work, BBC!


!trekkies what do you guys think was the point of this character considering how she ended?


Reported by:
Biden was just recorded boarding the Air Force One!! :marseydance:

!nooticers :marseyparty:


So Pizza just underwent his first evolution into adulthood which allowed me to get the egg from the dark garden and christen chao #4: Lawlz!

I also enclosed some pics of how the others look so far. Carp I added some animal parts tastefully and now he looks pretty darn cool

Also Snally is a clumsy b-word she's tripping all the time

Redditards love Stalin and his genocide of the ukrainians.

Because they're stupid

So very stupid

Russians are also vermin

But not as disgusting as redditards

My favorite SCPs

The SCP Foundation is a fictional organization dedicated to securing, containing, and protecting anomalous objects, creatures, and phenomena that defy natural laws. It's sort of like the Men in Black. These anomalies, called SCPs (Secure, Contain, Protect), pose risks to humanity if not controlled. The Foundation's job is to find these anomalies, keep them hidden from the public to prevent panic and study them to understand their nature and behavior

Each SCP is given a unique designation and cataloged based on its properties and potential dangers. The Foundation operates covertly, often using specialized facilities and highly trained personnel to contain and research these anomalies. Some SCPs are benign and simply need to be monitored, while others are dangerous and require strict containment protocols to prevent harm. The Foundation operates under strict secrecy, ensuring that the existence of these anomalies remains unknown to the general population. This secrecy is maintained through various means, including amnestic treatments to erase memories of encounters with SCPs and misinformation campaigns to cover up incidents involving these anomalies.

Today, I'd like to share with you my favorite SCPs.

4. Infinite IKEA

SCP-3008 is a large retail unit previously owned by and branded as IKEA, a popular furniture retail chain. A person entering SCP-3008 through the main entrance and then passing out of sight of the doors will find themselves translocated to SCP-3008-1. SCP-3008-1 is a space resembling the inside of an IKEA furniture store, extending far beyond the limits of what could physically be contained within the dimensions of the retail unit.

The primary challenge of SCP-3008 is the difficulty in escaping or even mapping its vast interior, as well as the psychological toll of being trapped in an environment that offers no escape and little hope of rescue. The SCP Foundation conducts periodic explorations and attempts to establish communication with those inside, while also studying the anomalous nature of the space and its inhabitants.

3. Anantashesha

SCP-3000 is a classic creature, and several videos have been made about it. The anomaly can be found underwater in the Bay of Bengal, though normies are not permitted to venture in this region. SCP-3000 is a massive, aquatic, serpentine entity strongly resembling a giant moray eel. It is estimated to be up to 900km long with a head 2.5km in diameter. The anomaly feeds on human memories, specifically targeting short-term memories of individuals who come into contact with it.

The containment procedures for SCP-3000 are focused on maintaining its habitat and preventing its migration to populated areas. This involves monitoring its location and behavior through underwater monitoring stations and using Class-D personnel to feed it, ensuring it remains in a dormant state. Specialized amnestic treatments are also used to erase memories of encounters with SCP-3000 to minimize its impact on individuals and communities.

2. ●●|●●●●●|●●|●

This is a creative entry. SCP-2521 is an SCP that presents an interesting cognitohazard. It does not want any information of it out there, whether it be in text or verbal form. Hence, the entry for the creature is in pictures and diagrams. It's best I don't spoil too much about it and let you experience it for yourself.

1. Shy Guy

My favorite SCP of all time is Shy Guy! Where do we begin? Let's start with appearances. SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters in height. It is remarkably skinny, so much so that one would be forgiven for believing the creature is malnourished! It has surprisingly long arms that swing, and it can open its jaw four times wider than the average human.

Most of the time, SCP-096 is docile, and putting a bag over its head calms it down enough to be contained. However, things take a drastic turn when someone gazes at its face or sees a picture or any kind of visual recording of it. This will trigger the creature to start wailing like a baby. Shy Guy will then pursue whoever gazed upon its visage and murder them, leaving no traces behind. For some reason, being seen causes Shy Guy great distress.

I like Shy Guy because he hates being self-aware, which I also loathe. I find this SCP to be cute despite its grizzly description, and I hope it can find peace in containment with nobody disturbing it.


I don't want to live anymore. I failed at life.

a) no job

b) no gf

c) no money

d) no life

I failed my Ph.D the first time around and am doing it a second time. I'm 29 and failed to find independence. There's no reason for me to be here, and I think it's time to end things. I don't see the reason to keep fighting when I always land back at this miserable spot. Ever been so depressed it physically hurts? You can't go to sleep, can't eat, and can only thinking of cutting yourself. It's heck and I'm living through it daily. I can't keep this up - something has to give.

I'm a worthless, ugly, short, black piece of shit. I don't deserve happiness or acceptance in this world. Gaze upon me and you gaze upon a worthless bag of shit. I'm an idiot and a moron of the highest order. Repulsive c*nt.

So what's stopping me from taking the plunge into death? Nothing, except finding an appropriate method. Quick, painless, convenient - the dream. I could overdose on my lithium pills but it won't be a quick death. The alternative is to hang myself, which I think is the method I'm going to go with. Tune in next time when I delve deeper into my suicide preparation plans.

Ouch it hurts!

It's :marseyreportercnn:Official: 'DEI' just a 'pseudonym' for racial slur: CNN expert :taylorlorenzcrying:



the dejenerate podcast - state of emergency 8:36

Note: A few days ago he uploaded another video titled "the dejenerate podcast" but it was just the exact same video he uploaded several days prior. He's back to using Opera :marseyopera:

  • emergency podcast, the right winger on vnnforum said the age of consent was jewish and christian

  • Jinxthinker reaffirms that he would be the leader of the right wing if he were a p-dophile

  • Wishes Trump got shot by antifa (but they don't have any balls because Biden protects the right wing) 1:00

  • Don't trust black people, most are racist against BIPOCs. Carpet bombs BIPOC words while thinking about Andrew Tate and Kanye West 3:00

  • 4:00

  • /r/EuropeanSocialists is also racist, /r/stupidpol is racist, /r/redscarepod is for incels :jinxthinkerhesright#:

  • Jinxthinker will infiltrate right wing organizations and spread BBC propaganda 5:35

  • He would pay a p-dophile with AIDS to r*pe Baldwin's kids 7:00

!jinxthinkers who's that knocking on my door right now?

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