
Libertarians are a funny bunch. Half want to smoke weed and let corporations run everything and the other half secretly wants to roll back to 1946 America. How can person possibly tell which libertarian they are talking to? The age old litmus test of illegal immigration. It's always a hot topic among libertarians where half want to deport every illegal and the other half doesn't want the government to be strong enough to do that. It's their version of the omnipotence question.

Only instead of trying to give an honest and thoughtful answer, they just accuse each other of being sock puppets for (((sarc)))

The linked article is written by some foid that wants to have completely open borders. Typical libertarian talking point. Below is a summary of the comments

Chapter 1: 5.56 is a fed :marseyglow:

Vernon Depner: Every time a criminal is punished, that tears apart a family.

5.56: I hope those ILLEGALS get theirs torn apart so good and hard. Time to watch some border footage, yum.

VULGAR MADMAN : Ok, Fed. :marseynotesglow:

5.56: Ok, Fag :marseyhomofascist:

VULGAR MADMAN : Is 5.56 the length or the diameter of your penis?

5.56: A faggot :marseylgbtflag3: would be interested in that kind of information.

VULGAR MADMAN: So you're tiny. I'm so sorry. :marseydicklet:

Don't look at me: .

A wild prfd1 appears!

prfd1 is angered by Don't look at me's comment consisting of a single, fucking, period.

prfd1: An international political (DEMOCRAT) organization issues arrest warrants for Jewsโ€ฆโ€ฆ

	First nation saying โ€“ "WE WILL ARREST THOSE JEWS"


	GERMANY โ€“ 2024.






prfd1's version of gooning is injecting wild thoughts into unrelated conversations.


Chapter 2

Times's up on VULGAR MADMAN's and 5.56's refractory period. These lady boys are busting out the manly toys. First they swing at a woman. Her name is Fiona, she wrote the opinion piece on illegal immigration. Opinion pieces

are the only thing is has. They don't actually do investigative journalism. They constantly insult the main stream media's ability to do a job they aren't will to do themselves. Oh the illegal irony!

5.56: Fionas tears are almost as sweet as those of ILLEGALS. Im thinking about all the DOORS that are SHUT to the children of ILLEGAL LOSER parents. All those translator puppet children of ILLEGAL LOSER parents that speak no english and let their 10 year old ANCHOR BABY APPENDAGES do all the talking at walmart for them. How sad and hopeless they must feel. I really love it.

VULGAR MADMAN: You're really overdoing it sarc. :marseysockpuppet:

5.56: You are more retarded than you are old. Which is probably really hard.

VULGAR MADMAN: You only get hard when you go to links posted by palins buttplug. :marseysarahpalin:

5.56: Jesus Christ, this so has absolutely nothing to do with me. But you also failed to identify me correctly when I did my Fiona one trick pony parody account. You fucking idiot legit wouldnt stop accusing me of being OBL. Youre really not that bright, buddy.

Chapter 3: Drunken sockpuppets

GroundTruth has a solid question about how these policies will be enacted. He thinks racism is for practical matters though. He needs to be sent to the re-education camps first. FR FR.

GroundTruth pontificates with sweeping arms. "How does Trump propose to do this? Will we all be required to carry papers showing where we were born? As a practical matter, how do you separate the wheat from the chaff?"

Sarcasmic turns his head to the side, his smugness already yanking back one side of his mouth.

	   "If you're unwilling to sacrifice liberty to round up 11,000,000 vermin, then you're not a libertarian. If you don't support expanded police powers and immunities to catch these vermin, then you're not a libertarian. 

	   If you oppose deploying the military to build concentration camps for these vermin, then you're not a libertarian.  No, if you oppose any of those things, you're a leftist. Duh."

5.56 looks in sarcasmic's direction and righteously yells "ICE ICE BABY".

"Getting your socks mixed up again?" says VULGAR MADMAN as he walks up the 5.56. :marseysockpuppet:

VULGAR lifts his pant legs to show both of his socks match.

5.56 rolls his eyes at VULGAR MADMAN while scratching his balls. He replies, "You are beyond retarded, bud. Hope you die soon,

telling from how inflexible your brain is it can't be much longer."

A bottle of scotch is crafted from artisanal air as its imagined contents glides into VULGAR's mouth. :marseydrunk:

"Your alcoholism will kill you first, sarcasmic." replies VULGAR

"You know that everybody here can see how much of a fucking dipshit you are when you call me sarc, right?" shouts 5.56. :marseysockpuppet:

"Keep coping drunky."

"I think youre coping with the fact that you are expired. Must hurt."

A commenter by the name 'Don't look at me!' clicks the littlest co-signing pen in the world.

"Poor sarc" he says while making a pouty face at 5.56. :marseysockpuppet:

5.56 didn't even turn his head while quipping,

"Another goddamn idiot, dont worry, won't look at you. Unless you really want me to lol".

The green ethereal form of Vernon Depner fills the room with a faded green smoke. Arising from the vapors is a skeletal hand draped in a tattered sleeve. A long yellowish boned finger points to 5.56. The spectre's drooping face wails "We can all see who the dipshit is." :marseynecromancer:

DesigNate is not impressed by the Spirit halloween store theatrics and asks ,"Is that a 5.56 spoof or did him and Vulgar get some beef with each other?"

5.56 and MrMxyzptlk both have eager replies to DesigNate's query.

Disgust flinging from his mouth 5.56 lets us know what he really thinks aboug VULGAR.

"Vulgar is old and not very bright, so he is stuck on that sarc paranoia. He also seems to really like ILLEGALS for whatever reason. I mean, reason really doesn't have the brightest kind of commenters in general when you look at their little AI infatuations of late. But this here is as bad as it gets."

He continues.

"Its pretty obvious that Vulgar doesn't have the ability to process a whole lot of information, I mean I comment rarely, but not that rarely that the slow kid would have a reason to assume that I'm a sock."

MrMxyzptlk then offers his own theory to the query. "I think it's a reverse Spartacus gambit. Anyone they don't like they claim is 'Sarcasmic' a guy living rent free in their heads. They then dismiss this supposed sock of Sarcasmic as

being not worth discussing matters with. They're pussies."

From the top of the peanut gallery two new voices accuse MrMxyzptlk of being a sarc puppet

"Says the sarc puppet." :marseysockpuppet:

"Good one sarc!" :marseysockpuppet:

Chapter 4: AT is the worst AT-AT

A commenter by the name of AT thinks Fiona is cherry picking deflated numbers because she cited a report that came out in January of 2022. AT insists that Fiona could have used more relevant numbers and AT's barrage began with the glare of red rockets and bombs busting in air!

AT goes on a rant and I'm not copying all of it.

Sarcasmic from the top of the ropes invokes Godwin's law and lands with an elbow drop that causes his haters to spew cope.

"We're either a nation of laws, or we're not.

Germany in the late 1930s was a nation of laws. Everything that was done was done in accordance with laws and regulations from the government. Everything.

It doesn't matter if it would tear apart families, affect American workers, or require militaristic enforcement.

They said the same thing."

VULGAR scoffs "Sarc with his genius idea's again."

"He's now an ansarcist" says someone not worth remembering

"More like: analcyst." chortles VULGAR

AT replies with spit flying from his mouth.

"So what? You did the EXACT THING that I said punks like you do (and Godwin'd it while you did).

Look, this is simple:

If you DON'T want to be a nation of laws, THEN SAY THAT.

If you DON'T think the United States of America should be a thing, THEN SAY THAT.

Stop pussyfooting around where you really stand. The criminal illegal population in America is a SERIOUS problem.

If you want that problem to continue until the United States of America can no longer endure and then falls, THEN SAY THAT.

Or are you too much of a coward, and intellectual fraud, to do so โ€“ like Fiona clearly is."

Sarcasmic responds with vague talk about morals that vault him onto the high road.

"Authoritarians blindly follow laws because they blindly follow authority. People with a moral sense question unjust laws and see flouting them as a patriotic duty."

5.56 screeches

"Dude, the open borders camp is completely tonedeaf and out of touch with the reality of the kinds of individuals that illegal immigration brings into this country. Those upgraders are one of last groups that need sympathetic

political representation. Even the legal-ish ones know very well what theyre doing by instrumentalizing their children to become socioeconomic anchors. Making this shit legally easier isn't gonna help anyone."

AT is practically on his knees begging Sarcastic to declare that he hates America.

"You still can't even manage to say it out loud, can you. Can't sell it to anyone unless you obfuscate what you're peddling."

Chumby thinks making fun of Biden is going to make libertarians seethe

"Guess that makes Biden Hitler."

"Now THERE'S a winning ticket!" replies the ghostly form of Vernon Depner as he finally admits he's a nazi.

It's off to heaven now as his spirit finishes it's unsettled business.

Well that all the highlights everyone. I hope you guys enjoyed my first effort post. Jewish lives matter

She was only 30 you SICK FRICK! :stabler: #FightFor45

Hey Reddit,

I (37M) recently started dating a wonderful woman (30F) who I truly connect with. However, things took an unexpected turn during our weekly family meal. My sisters, who are around my age, started accusing me of being a "groomer" because of the age gap between me and my girlfriend.

Their comments caught me completely off guard and I felt attacked and misunderstood. I tried to explain that our relationship is based on mutual respect and understanding, but they wouldn't listen. Feeling frustrated and hurt, I ended up storming out of the dinner.

Now, I'm questioning if I overreacted or if my sisters were out of line. Am I the butthole here?

26 May 2021: carpathianflorist joins | 27 May 2021:


Chicken Soup

Recipie: :marseydance:

2kg chicken carcass

Add 1 onion for stock.

Fill with cold in pot, no butchering needed

Boil for 1 hour.

Take chicken and onion out

Add chopped onion, carrot, courgette, garlic, chilli, ginger, cabbage, radish and celery.

Boil veg for 30 mins with salt and pepper, turmeric, oregano and dill.

Take apart cooked chicken and keep bones for later roasting for more stock.

Chop chicken to whatever size you want.

Simmer for 15 mins

Serve with celery leaf and olive oil paired with buttered bread!



Reported by:
Lee Horny Oswald

!coomers protect yourselves from the inevitable rise in goonmisia

Class of 09: the most realistic cop ever


Reported by:
Who else loves Dumbledore posting? :dumbledoreagony:


Not the best version of these threads but still pretty :marseyglam: funny :marseybruh: nonetheless :marseyagree:.


I know these arent memes but I wanted to post them and dont know where else to put them.



Silicon Valley ftw:

EFFORTPOST which neurodivergent are you?

Autism is a spectrum(/lgbt/), from kinda nerdy(lee) but with gemmy qualities to extremely r-slurred(chris-chan). Soyentists say that "high-functioning autism" and "low-functioning autism" are antiquated, deboonked myths(snopes). Instead, you VILL classify them into neurodivergents who speak vs. neurodivergents who can't speak. Even THOUGH Christian Weston Chandler can definitely speak, but his brain functions are next to nonexistent.

If the explanations of neurodivergentim confuse you, just know that one out of three people who are described with terms such as "nerd" or "geek" show signs of autism, and one out of two neckbeards also have autism. [it just IS, okay?] If you don't know what neurodivergents are, just know that you've probably lived your life and seen some mild neurodivergents, but never realised it.(fact)

Neurodivergents are known for classifying and cataloguing things. The sperg who wrote this catalogued other spergs thusly:

โ€ข The kinda nerdy guy: They can easily be mistaken for shy normies, because the autism is only mild in these ones.

โ€ข The educated soyentist(Fauci): instead of being obsessed with random obscure(algorithm slut) shit(snca), he became obsessed with soyence, pursued a prestigious S.T.E.M. university, and won 1448 nobel prizes. Now he holds a high-paying job and has a normie wife.

โ€ข The vlogger: posts video blogs(blogposting) on YouTube about how quirky an neurodivergent's everyday life is(snca). He's been to soychothe(johnson therapy)rapy(r*pe), so he tries to act like a normie. As such, only normies find these people relatable. May find a normie wife one day, if he simps hard enough and/or gets enough subscribers.

โ€ข The Chad neurodivergent: an neurodivergent that was blessed by nature with tall height, an attractive face, and the right genes to build muscle with minimal effort. Additionally, he may possibly also be blessed with intelligence, but his autism is also mild enough that he can also be confident, read the room, and be charismaticโ€ฆ Well, above-average in charisma by autism standards. Since neurodivergent women are far more rare than neurodivergent men, and (only ever so slightly)(trvke) less conformist and hypergamous(N.P.C.) than regular women, they're highly sought-after. With such an abundance of simps, they will, of course, pick the most attractive option, which will be the Chad among neurodivergents. As such, if a "big tiddy goff gf lainpilled femcelpilled mommy gf qt3.14 neurodivergent waifu"(r-slur) hasn't gone out of her own way to try and seduce you out of her own volition, and just generally make it easy for you to be her lover, acting like she's asking for it(r*pe), then I'm sorry to break it to you, but you are not a Chad neurodivergent.

โ€ข 73|-| |-|4><><0R 5|<R1P7 |<1DD13(linux): you should known that vaccines cause autism[they just DO, okay], and the internet grows and amplifies that autism(trvke). As such, neurodivergents are very interested in computers and the internet, and some decide to learn how to code. "|-|4><><0rz" is a polyphyletic group of form taxa(snca), which means that neurodivergents who are interested in coding are usually also part of another group from this list. |-|4><><0rz are ever so slightly more likely to have a job than the other unemployed bums and/or YouTube video essoy wannabes on this list, but they usually don't go outside often, and they usually don't have a wife.

โ€ข The kollector(jew): collects random shit nobody cares about. For example, you may find people who really like nokia phones, and catalogue all iterations of their ringtones on YouTube.

โ€ข The minecraft factory builder: plays convoluted mods like GregTech(shit nobody cares about) for hours on end so he can build a factory. His parents desperately hope in vain that one day he could possibly use that knowledge of crafting recipes involving fictional substances and move on to studying something real(soyence) at college, such as chemistry(breaking bad). When he's not playing Minecraft, he's playing Dwarf Fortress.

โ€ข The tumblr fanboy: usually a kid who joins various obscure(algorithm slut) fandoms on Tumblr, like Cuphead, amazing :marseytrain: circus, FNF, Among Us, and certain roblox games. Often found in fandoms with horror elements. Interested in creative pursuits, he loves posting his lazy, uncreative doodles(cal arts) on Tumblr, and may even try to make flash animations(epic fail).

โ€ข The Go!Animator: usually a kid who's never watched a single Caillou episode in his entire life, but he sure loves to make so-bad-it's-good "caillou gets grounded" cringe. May also be a fan of object shows like Battle for Dream Island and Brawl of the Objects, and may have collections of company logos on his youtube channel, especially ะ’ะ˜ะ”(ruzzia). You can hang out with such people on BonziWORLD and watch their shit on YouTube, but they aren't very active on Tumblr. Still, they may overlap with the tumblr fanboys, and may have odd interests in certain baby shows(barney) like Peppa Pig, Thomas the Tank Engine and so on, as well as "horror" "games" on roblox, like Poppy of Playtime[it's not a roblox game(snca) but nobody cares(trvke)]. A few of them have an odd fascination with shitty, obscure movies, especially Dingo Pictures. They're generally all about that elsagate(soygate)-tier weirdness, but without the frequent fetishes, and they tends to grow out of it by the time they finish high-school. They'd never make video essoys on those shows, as opposed to:โ€ฆ

โ€ข The schafrillas-produced enterbot: makes interminable, pretentious video essoys on kids' cartoons(the loud house general) unironically, especially if they're h*ccin' obscure(algorithm slut), because merely watching marvel, star wars, and Harry Potter is just too mainstream, but slow-burnt A24 atmospheric horror movies and "mature" Netflix shows with gratuitous gore(the Boys) are just 2spoopy4u.

โ€ข The spoopy spary speleton(male): a tumblr fanboy who grew up into some kind of :marseytrain:. Always an algorithm slut obsessed with S.C.P.(soysilum), the backrooms, crappypastas, and tranalog horror.

โ€ข The deviant 'tard: a furry who wanks it off to sonic inflation and other odd fetishes that are drawn very poorly.

โ€ข The Hearts of Iron fanboy: a chud who is obsessed with historical machinery, and may leak classified tank schematics on pisscoal. Some closely-related subspecies are the "Napoleon fanboy", who is more interested in the time period of the Napoleonic wars, the "romeaboo", who is interested in ancient rome, "jerusalemboo", who is interested in the holy crusades, and the "yamatoboo", who is interested in Japan's past of samurais(gigachad), and less interested in its present (tranime);

โ€ข The /K/lansman(gigachad): obsessed(obsessed) with guns, and probably has a 3D printer. Like any other neurodivergents, he's a scaredy b-word who couldn't hurt a fly(trvke), but that's still miles ahead of the average liberal(commiepedo:marseytrain2:). He always has money to buy ammo, but nobody knows where he gets said money fromโ€ฆ

โ€ข The EXPLAINER: used to browse /an/(animals) until RQQR shut it down(the ultimate international dzhoopill). Xe makes video essoys about how all dinosaurs were feathered (as if we didn't all know this by now), or about h*ccin' obscure alternative timeline speculative evolution(algorithm slut), or about deboonking common cryptids, or about xis favourite obscure animal like the :marseytrain:lotl(soycraft), :marseytrain:bara(capybara), :marseytrain:grade(tardigrade), bearded(5 o' clock shadow) :marseytrain2:nergeier(bearded vulture), blobfish(:marseytrain: blobfish webcomic). Some of the videos are genuinely informative and interesting, but my God is the community infested with :marseytrain2:s. In spite of how much these people b-word about awesomebros(gigachad) (jurassic park fans who prefer scaly dinosaurs(Gigachad) over feathered(cute twink) ones(soyence)), nonetheless these neurodivergents seem to be avid consoomers of Godzilla slop(goyslop). Or G*mera(snca) if you're even more neurodivergentsic. Japanese live-action movies(goyslop) can be cringe, but at least the industry isn't showered in fanservice(gem), unlike animated(tranime) entertainment(brimstone), which brings us to:โ€ฆ

โ€ข The weeaboo. A few animes have a shred of manliness, like Fist of the North Star(iron), but he never watches any of these(fact). No, it's always cgdct loli moe shit(dancing swede), and/or isekais full of anime tiddies (gooner). He may watch various popular animes, but only for the obligatory fanservice character (Example: tornado from punch-man, that witch from Brezerk, rebecca from that Cyberpunk 77 game, anya from spy family). This is especially obvious for pretetious tranimes that claim to be more(A24) than just p-do fanservice(gooner), like Blasphemelion(nge) and Serial(r*peson) Exctement(poop2) Lame(lainchan). If he's a homosexual cute twink, he might watch JoJo's Bizzare Misadventures(brimstone). Other times, he might become a brony if he becomes interested in western animation(goyslop). May occasionally be right(xwixxer)-leaning(rdrama), in which case he'll be very vocal when bitching against the feminists(crystalcafe) trying to clean up the fanservice(/nate/) from his favourite bibeo gooms(video games), and very quiet when it comes to literally any other right-leaning belief(fact). If you ever meet any of these guys(revsaysdoxxu) in real life, be prepared for cringe: it's painful how little self-awareness these guys have, and they think it's socially acceptable to thirst for anime tiddies out in public.

โ€ข The anti-sjw skeptic debatebro: these people used to be popular in the past(g*mergate), until they all watched the "alt-right playbook", and deradicalised into h*ccin' wholesome 100, stronk and independent(Oh my good science, the woman before my very own eyes displays a level of attractiveness beyond a magnitude of which I can comprehend) trans xweens. They were never just neurodivergents, but always some combination of autism and: atheism, centrism(wikipedia balance fallacy), furry, and/or bisexuality(cute twink).

โ€ข The schizo's hermeneuticist(wiktionary link): people bullied him in school for not having the social skills to understand emotions properly, not being able to read the room, and not being able to understand metaphors and figurative speech, insted usually taking things literally. As such, he tries to compensate and improve that aspect of him by hopping online to listen to the most nervous, anxious, and emotion-driven people on the planet: schizos. He overthinks figurative speech and tries to find some kind of esoteric symbolism into anything. Real schizos just babble nonsense (incomprehensible), which these neurodivergents try to unpack and decipher. As such, unlike the gibberish of real schizos, these wannabe-schizo neurodivergents are rather articulate, and eloquently express any number of conspiracy theories that make logical sense structurally, but are nonetheless improbable and unsubstantiated from an empirical point of view(snopes).

โ€ข The redpilled wannabe top G alpha male(carlos chantor on cwcki): people bullied him in school for being weak and un-masculine, so he tries to improve that aspect of him by hopping online to get radicalised by masculinity grifters like Andrew Tate. These neurodivergents are characterised by their delusions: they think they're masculine when they're just as nerdy and shy as they've always been. They think they're attractive to women when they're a bunch of neckbeards in their mom's basements. They think they're traditionalists, when they wank it off to porn all day.

โ€ข The blackpilled chudcel: he has the self-awareness to know that he'll never become financially independent and he'll never find a woman to love in this soyciety, so he becomes pessimistic and decides to lay down and rot, because why waste effort on a futile endeavour of trying to function in the crumbling soyciety of a fallen west. With some fortune, they may read the wisdom of the stoics(gigachad), and realise that if they really can't change their lives for the better, at least they can try not to change their lives for the worst. Here's my advice to the incels: if you think there's no solution, then at the very least don't keep yourself safe by drowning in copes like alcohol, porn, or other nonsense. Don't hate women, and don't call them "foids" all the fricking time, because it's redundant to hate a being with no self control(woman), much like it's useless to get mad at a dog for chewing your shit: no shit sherlock, it's in their nature(trvke). Anyways, you'll see these bitter incels worship Eliot Rodger like a saint[it's just a prank, bro, i-in Minecraft r-right?] (glowie). They're rightfully upset at the mainstream pushback against feminism, in the form of moderate(jew) migahead(mutt) boomers, but they're so bitter that they throw the baby out with the bathwater: they think NoFap and Christianity(gigachad) are foolish copes, and this cynical mentality will make them susceptible to further radicalise into:โ€ฆ

โ€ข The golem-cel: Found on xwixxer and rdrama, these neurodivergents are characterised by their degenerate transsexuality, mixed with unusual, right-leaning beliefs, that are often times more convoluted than the regular far right (example: Siege-pilled Ted-pilled hyperbitcoinization-pilled anarcho-nazbol neopagans). This species of neurodivergent only comes to be under two conditions:

โ€ข First, they have to be golems, encouraged by the bioluminescent government agents. If you see someone who claims to be a "nazi", but who is also a "Rรถhm-pilled femboi maid"(transsexual), claims to be a neo-pagan/s*ist(hazbin hotel), claims he watches fan(k-on)service(nge) animes(lainchan) "for the plot"(zellig), and/or he unironically still uses "based"(frog) instead of other(gem), more keyed alternatives(arete Wiktionary), you can be sure that glowies groomed him down that path.

โ€ข Secondly, they have to be incels who hate modern western fourth wave feminist women for being shallow, hypergamous, and downright misandric sheeple(trvke), so much so that the neurodivergents start fantasizing what an eutopia it would be if all the 5'2(5'6 jak) balding(soyjak) indian(india) janitors(jannie) could find cute waifus to love because the women would be considerate and fair, like the neurodivergents think themselves to be. Then, they become :!marseytrain:s out of sheer disdain for modern women. In fact, the only consistent belief in their various radicalised ideologies is their stance against fourth-wave feminism.

โ€ข The gooner: Xe has multiple fetishes, including, but not limited to: furry yiff, anime tiddies, loli hentai, sonic inflation, M.L.P. clopping, :marseytrain:zellig. Xe is never heterosexual. An evolution of the deviant tard.

โ€ข The "autism speaker": Watch any advertisement for the so-called "charity" known as "Autism Speaks", and you'll see what I mean. The autism in these ones is so severe, that it's terminal. Especially if coupled with some other mental illnesses. Say what you want about the disadvantages of autism, what with the poor social skills, pointless interests, cringy poolitical takes, high unemployment rates, and stubborn fixations that come with the condition, but these people make the otherwise nerdy and odd neurodivergents look like downright r-slurs. In fact, only down syndrome can outdo such r-sluration. At least they're not always that degenerate, because in their r-sluration, they can wind up being too stupid to even know how to use the internet to look up furry porn.

There are basically no female neurodivergents(trvke). Keyword(keyed): basically. There are a few exceptions, most of which are lesbians and/or usually disguise themselves as normie women, but I have tried to classify neurodivergent women down below anyways, alongside some other women associated with autism:

โ€ข The g*mer gurl: not necessarily a g*mer, but definitely a normie woman who tries to intrude upon a hobby primarily comprised of men, so she can get simps and attention. She tries to pretend to be neurodivergent in order to better suit her infiltration. However, while normie women are very well-calibrated socially, and can easily read the room when around normies, she can't empathise with neurodivergent men well enough to easily infiltrate. What's more likely to happen is that she starts complaining about how the neurodivergent info in the hobby is too convoluted, thus outing herself as a normie. Still, if the men are simps and/or cute twinks, they may chose to ignore this and keep her around.

โ€ข The fake depressed poser: closely related to the g*mer gurl, she too thinks she's "not like other girls", and pretends to have quirky mental illnesses on shit-tok, usually depression, but it can be any number of other mental conditions, such as autism. 90% of women who claim to have autism online are actually this(trvke).

โ€ข The b.p.d. junkie: a crazy woman who was probably diddled by her uncle(r*peson), consumes all sorts of dubious substances, probably carrying some kind of s.t.d.(wikipedia), and she's definitely bipolar and/or has borderline personality disorder. She usually dresses up like a prostitute(trvke) I mean like muh lainpilled femcelpilled depressed big tiddy goff gf just like in those tranime thumbnails for those h*ccin' slowed+reverb breakcore "songs" on YouTube! The few times that the average neurodivergent can get a woman, it's usually a woman like this, probably because he's just THAT desperate of a simp. STAY AWAY FROM THESE WOMEN AT ALL COSTS!!!

โ€ข The pooner: an actual neurodivergent, xe became interested in boyish things, and started feeling inadequate when xe realised xe was the only smurfette in a sea of men. As such, xe became a female-to-male transsexual. Either that, or xe pooned out because xe shlicked it off(gooning) too much to K-Pop prettyboys(cute twink) and developed autoandrophilia. Xer experience as an efeminate manlet made xer better understand the male plight, which means xe probably doesn't believe in the more extreme forms of feminism(the ultimate dzhoo pill), and may pretend to be a "gay man" (especially since the type of men these women try to emulate are rarely masculine, rather, to reiterate, they're more interested in the efeminate K-Pop prettyboy sort of "man"(cute twink) who even wears dresses(david bowie)). Some men(you) may think that this is attractive enough of a prospect, and decide to simp after pooners. However, like all things in life, the type of pooner who ironically remains just a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman(:marseytrain:), is feminine androgynous enough to attract desperate simps, and the least r-slurred of them โ€“ the gigachads amidst(amogus) their ranks, if you will โ€“ will take all the feminine K-Pop femboi(:marseytrain:)-wannabes, and if you're(you) reading this, then out of the pooners, all the options that are left for you(you) to date are the ones with beards, hairy bodies, balding heads, surgically removed boobs, and surgically attached "peni" (trvke).

โ€ข The cringegirl: she spends her time writing cringy furry fanfiction, or looking at softcore furry porn on deviant art. If not those, she may post clips on shit-tok, from which they may be spread around by You Fligu You Lose(flart) enjoyers(gigachad). She's kind of endearing(Oh my good science, the woman before my very own eyes displays a level of attractiveness beyond a magnitude of which I can comprehend), really. You know you'd do it(r*pe), chuddy.

โ€ข The fujoshi: the female version of a coomer, she masturbates to animu prettyboys and K-Pop idols(cute twink). Most of them are normies, but they have slightly more neurodivergents than normal. Usually a leftist(commiepedo:marseytrain2:).

โ€ข The noona: an unusual breed of feminist, she hates all men, including those who pretend to be women(:marseytrain2:s), even doe Crystal Cafe is primarily populated by :marseytrain2:s. As such, she is the female version of a chudcel. Except for the -cel(incel) part, because the only thing stopping her from getting a self-respecting boyfriend is her own r-slurred standards, meaning that her celibacy is entirely voluntary, and infinitely less valid than male celibacy(trvke). You may see her spout r-slurred conspiracy theories about the patriarchy. She's usually an evolution of the fujoshi.


Based on extensive analysis of Intel Core 13th/14th Gen desktop processors returned to us due to instability issues, we have determined that elevated operating voltage is causing instability issues in some 13th/14th Gen desktop processors. Our analysis of returned processors confirms that the elevated operating voltage is stemming from a microcode algorithm resulting in incorrect voltage requests to the processor.

Intel is delivering a microcode patch which addresses the root cause of exposure to elevated voltages. We are continuing validation to ensure that scenarios of instability reported to Intel regarding its Core 13th/14th Gen desktop processors are addressed. Intel is currently targeting mid-August for patch release to partners following full validation.

Intel is committed to making this right with our customers, and we continue asking any customers currently experiencing instability issues on their Intel Core 13th/14th Gen desktop processors reach out to Intel Customer Support for further assistance.

Other link -

Intel statement on via oxidation

Short answer: We can confirm there was a via Oxidation manufacturing issue (addressed back in 2023) but it is not related to the instability issue.

Long answer: We can confirm that the via Oxidation manufacturing issue affected some early Intel Core 13th Gen desktop processors. However, the issue was root caused and addressed with manufacturing improvements and screens in 2023. We have also looked at it from the instability reports on Intel Core 13th Gen desktop processors and the analysis to-date has determined that only a small number of instability reports can be connected to the manufacturing issue.

For the Instability issue, we are delivering a microcode patch which addresses exposure to elevated voltages which is a key element of the Instability issue. We are currently validating the microcode patch to ensure the instability issues for 13th/14th Gen are addressed. - Intel representative via Reddit.



!trekkies what do you guys think was the point of this character considering how she ended?


OP takes his curiosity to the streets of Reddit to ask /r/NYStateOfMind what their opinion is on this. To his dismay he comes face to face with an actual mom and the petty drama begins.

OP: Like it genuinely confuses me, also what other hobbies do you have involving other people's old things? Like do you collect bottles? Go to thrift stores often? Etc. Just curious ๐Ÿค”

Are single moms never supposed date again? Im confused

They had chemistry and wanted to date, just like any other relationship. You must be legitimately slow if you couldn't figure that one out on your own

Nah definitely not, I just didn't understand the mindset of a man that would do that. Like when I picture dudes like that I think of guys who'll still eat ya food after you took a bite or dudes that had to wear hand-me-downs. Most men that I know want something original so what makes a guy go for "refurbished" for lack of a better term.

i'm 19 so i never been a step dad, wouldn't necessarily be my ideal choice. All i can say is that moms be bad w them big ol pregnant bellies๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ, or pushing that stroller while wearing them nike pro shorts in the heat. Shit gives grown woman fr๐Ÿ˜ฉ


surprising no one, except reddit the :soyjakhipster: was ridin with Biden

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigns :marseyrave:
EFFORTPOST Gambling! Slavery! Electrocution! Find out how Alice Guo became the most hated woman in the Philippines


One quick bit of introduction first, what is a POGO? Gambling is illegal (with some exceptions) in much of Asia (China, Korea, Japan). A Philipine Offshore Gaming Operator is a company physically located in the Phillippines that meets those gamblers' needs across the internet. Some have huge compounds where their hordes of Chinese workers toil away at computers and phones all day. It's a pretty sketchy business to begin with, but POGOs attract all kinds of other vices. Those compounds supply prostitution, drugs, and obviously gambling to the local Filipino population as well. They branch out from internet gambling to scams against mainland Chinese: selling bullshit cryptocurrency or just a traditional catfishing love scam. And some of them might even violate labor regulations.

Zun Yuan Technology Incorporated

Feb 25 - A Vietnamese man tells police that he escaped from a POGO in the town of Bamban he had been forced to work in. A Malaysian also reports that fricked-up stuff is going on there, like torturing people with electricity.

Bamban, a city of 78,000 in central Luzon. The roofs are that cheap because they're just going to get blown away by a typhoon in 1-2 years anyway.

Mar 13 - The POGO compound ("Zun Yuan Technology Incorporated") is raided by law enforcement led by the Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Commission (PAOCC). Everybody shows up:

the Philippine National Police (PNP) Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG), Integrity Monitoring Enforcement Group (IMEG), Intelligence Group (IG), Women and Children Protection Center (WCPC), and the [Army's] Northern Luzon Command (NOLCOM)

Notably missing are the local Bamban police and the regional command of the National Police. It's a good thing they brought help because the place is enormous, a 10 hectare (25 acre) compound with 36 buildings, including barracks, villas with secret tunnels, and an Olympic-size swimming pool. Evidence of their crimes was all over the place, most obviously the huge number of cell phones used in their scams. There's chaos trying to sort out hundreds of people from different countries.

Around this time a very interesting comment is made on a Youtube video:

Ask the Mayor of that municipality,Shes a friend of the chinese builders of that compound,Shes a chinese also,of course someone would leak their operation,The Mayor and Chief of Police of that town are very close,also ask the Brgy.officials of Annupul,they know who built that placa,the same Chinese group who funded the Mayors campaign

I wonder if that will come up again later. :marseyhmm:

When I say "compound", this is what I'm talking about.

Mar 16 - The scale of this operation is revealed:

At least 658 foreign and Filipino workers were found... 383 Filipinos, 202 Chinese, 54 Vietnamese, 13 Malaysians, two Indonesians, two Rwandans, a Taiwanese, and a Kyrgyz. The PAOCC said at least 280 foreigners from the said list have no documents to legally stay in the country

Just finding a place to keep these people while they were sorted out would be a challenge, but fortunately another similar POGO operation had been raided earlier and had lots of empty buildings to use now.

There's also 38 vehicles parked there with switched license plates. The first arrests are made: 8 foreigners (mostly Chinese) and 1 Filipino.

Joann Manabat, who I'm stealing all my information from, at the compound raid. She randomly speaks English 20% of the time so you can basically tell what's going on.

Mar 26 - The mayor Alice Guo seems to keep popping up in the investigation. A Ford Expedition registered to her was among the vehicles found in the compound. Her name is on an application for "Hongsheng Gaming Technology Incorporated", a company that just happens to be located at the very same compound. By now the Senate has begun investigating what the heck is going on. :marseydetective:

Well, isn't she chipper?

Apr 6 - It turns out that 6 of the Chinese found in the compound are wanted back on the mainland for various crimes.

fraud, illegally crossing the national border, running a gambling house, aiding information network criminal activities, and creating disturbances.

Apr 9 - Cops using acetylene torches break into 11 safes found on the property. They still have 16 left to go. It's difficult work as they keep running into unexpected problems. All of the welders in the area were busy "attending a seminar" every angle grinder had vanished.

By now a serious investigation of the local officials in Bamban has begun. Mayor Guo insists she has nothing to hide:

Guo said the allegations are unfounded as the crimes of human trafficking, torture, and illegal detention are intolerable. She said she has been "unfairly persecuted" without real investigation.

Don't worry honey, you'll get a real investigation all right. :marseysmug2:

Don't you just want to wipe that smile off her face?

Apr 11 - The remaining safes are breached. Not much cash is found but there is a huge number of cell phones and crypto wallets to sift through as well as some of the slaves' documents.

A Malaysian and a Vietnamese, Dylan and Danny, were among the foreign nationals who reported torture and abuse in the facility. Dylan was bought for P300,000 to work for Zun Yuan while Danny escaped from the Baofu compound on February 25.

The beating heart of corruption in Bamban. It doesn't look so scary tbh.

May 7 - Mayor Guo appears before a Senate committee to explain herself. She denies any connection to "Zun Yuan Technology Incorporated" or "Hong Sheng Gaming Technology Incorporated" (the old name of the company). She isn't terribly convincing as there are many financial records tying her to it.

The most interesting part of her testimony has nothing to do with crime or POGOs. Guo was evasive when asked about her business dealings but she was also evasive when asked basic questions about who the heck she is and where she comes from. Through a series of coincidences she just happens to have left no paper trail while growing up. She was born at home and never bothered to get a birth certificate until she was 17. She was homeschooled all the way through high school and never went to college. She was raised by her father on the family hog farm. One day in 2022 she decided to run for mayor, with her campaign funded by the generous contributions of the friends she made while hog farming. A senator remarked on how she was truly a political outsider:

Figuratively you came out of nowhere then you became mayor? That's okay, a refreshing break from our political dynamics.



So WTF is going on here? Who is Alice Guo? Where did she come from? Why does she have to hide it? Why do Filipinos care so much about this case in the first place?

Guo is a Chinese name. There have been Filipinos of Chinese descent going back centuries, at least to the time of the Manila Galleons. There are something like a million Chinese Filipinos today and a large part of the population has some Chinese blood. They excelled in business and today are among the most prominent families, even being elected President. For the most part we're not talking about these people today, although they're probably catching some heat from this too.

Notice she's going to be the first "lady mayor" of Bamban. I guess they have "it's her turn" over there too.

We're talking about a very different group of people, the ones who have just arrived during the Duterte presidency (2016-2022). Under Duterte's corrupt China-friendly rule, visas were sold to Chinese illegal immigrants and they flooded in to work in the POGOs that were sprouting up by the hundreds. These brought with them unruly new neighbors as well as every kind of vice. They were also obviously used for Chinese intelligence operations and deeper penetration of the legitimate economy. Filipinos are tired of having a bunch of lowlife foreign criminals coming and taking over their country. At the same time they are outraged at another more traditional kind of Chinese invasion, the military occupation of their territory. With this much hostility to mainland China, the public is curious to know how she suddenly appeared in their country and who she really works for.

Will they get their answers? Can Alice Guo do anything to make herself even more hated? Who knows? I've only gotten to May so far and the investigation is still going irl. I'll try to eventually catch up to now so that we can watch events unfold in real time.


Halo has been cancelled after two seasons :marseymasterchiefgenocide:

!g*mers !kino Raise your hand if you didn't see this coming :marseylaughpoundfist:

EFFORTPOST BRIDGE NEWS : The Francis Scott Key Bridge aka the crash heard around the world

Francis Scott Key Bridge

This has been a long time coming. Today, I'm discussing the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. I know this bridge and it, too, knew me. Baltimore is quite a beautiful city and you should definitely go there, if for nothing, to visit the site of the bridge.

Hearing about this just about broke my heart at the time, but i've sorted through the trauma. Everyday seeing this bridge--it's sad that this happened close to home. Honestly, if it were up to me this would be a declaration of war; how does something like this happen? Why would a God allow this--travesty to occur? I can't understand it, folx.

So here's the deal, listen up:

This---this is the baby before those heathens harmed the bridge with their foul, uncouth gesture!

As you can see, she was a beaut! I know that she is a she, because she told me. This is a secret that i've been keeping for a long while, I can speak to bridges and their words empower me.

They Francis Scott Key Bridge was known as the Beltway Bridge , or the Key Bridge. It was open on March 23, 1977. 43 years ago. It's opening must have been quite the experience., probably euphoric. Sadly, they made this bridge a toll bridge, but I get it: You have to pay to take a ride on Francis, iykwim. ;)

Also--the name is an obvious misgendered name, but I understand it. Darn, why she look like that?

What happened.......we all know it. A cargo ship hit the bridge. How dare they hit it? How fricking dare they? They didn't even pay the fricking toll to hit it.

On the date of March 26th, 2024 at approximately 1:28 a.m. EDT (That's Eastern Daylight Time for you r-slurs who keep using EST), it happened. Dali, the container ship that struck the bridge was created by Hyundai Heavy Industries in South Korea in 2015.

As they left the port the ship lost power and thus lost control of the ship. It was too late, however and they struck a pillar causing the bridge to partially collapse.

Conveniently, nobody aboard the Dali was injured. Obviously, the City of Baltimore wanted to get money and requested a jury trial against the owners of the ship, Grace Ocean Private Limited of Singapore and the managers of the ship. If you ask me this was an act of war.

The 20 men from India and Sri Lanka were apart of this conspiracy. The FBI did right to remove their phones--and they were lucky that they got off with that. Their exile aboard the ship meant that their visas expired. At this point, we should have arrested them and initiated trial by combat, or at the very least a blood sacrifice to appease the Gods of Bridges.

The negligence of those operating the ship and those who owned it deserve nothing but punishment--execution is too harsh. They must rebuild the bridge making it their lifes remaining work to atone for this.

The bridge being destroyed caused millions of dollars each day and affected the the world over. I cannot express my anger and loathing towards these types of people.

Pictured above are explosives being used to remove the broken portions of the bridge off of the cargo ship.

Seven people fell into the Patapsco River and six of them died. It's been quite a time--but we should ready the nukes and wipe these distasteful heathens off the face of the earth.

They plan to have repairs finished by 2028 and it will cost billions of dollars. Like I said:




@Patsy @DestoryerCaribine @houeIIebecq @Nr1CarpFanboy @Spiderman

Ready The Nukes

the real drama was inside us all along When you tell rightoids that cancel culture is bad in current year + 9: :chudtantrum: :chudtantrum: :chudtantrum:
Reported by:
  • hop : Kill Jewish chads Kill Americans Kill Israel

Seriously what's with this guy

I thought it was maybe just boomerbart nonsense but I found all sorts of articles screeching about them being readded to the terrorist list in late January


Reported by:
Destiny doubles down on mocking the Trump supporter that was killed at the rally and THOUSANDS of people are seething

It just keeps going and going like this

Lmao holy shit


Redditor explains why he is great role model

What I find more powerful than that is how devout he is towards Islam. In every promotion, he is always saying prayers and thanking God. Before he would step into the Octagon for a fight, he would do dua. After every fight, he would do sajda in the middle of the Octagon. He would train/fight even during Ramadan.

Nothing says great Islam promotion than launching shity corn flakes, nft, shit coins, game with loot boxes and etc for kids :marseythumbsup: the only thing he forgot to release for those kids it's halal pig meat since he already released halal gambling

He has never smoked, drank, or had s*x before marriage despite having dozens of millions of dollars and having worldwide fame for mauling the shit out of people, being in the most susceptible position one can be for living that playboy lifestyle. Yet he remains humble and convicted in his faith.

He always would credit his success to Allah and his faith in Islam.

He mb doesn't question crypto shit but Islamic bank does and even right now it ain't halal to do this :marseyjam:


Says his religion then goes talk about Islam, did he privatised Islam ?

He grew up poor in a conflict-torn Dagestan, and through dedication towards his craft and his faith in Allah, he's risen to the top of the world.

English Wikipedia don't fully translate how his dad was rich

An ethnic Avar, Nurmagomedov was born in 1962 in the village of Sildi, Tsumadinsky District. In 1987 he graduated from the Poltava University of Economics and Trade with a degree in accounting and economics.

You can be sure he didn't legit got his degree because 5 years of economy is not that easy especially Soviet economics, master in economics has to pass shit tons of math and statisticsโ€ฆ

So he was one of those athlete college students in burgerland

His dad was far away from poor, he had his own gym and trained world gold medalist before Khabib was born

He didn't retire because he got old or felt that he wasn't as good as he used to be, he's only 32, which is the prime for MMA fighters. He retired because Khabib's fighting would take a toll on his mother, he stated that with every fight he could see that it was taking years from her, so he decided to retire.

Oh boy she probably got many years of youth that he is now wanted man in Russia for many reasons and that he covered terrorist that killed local cops


And things they knew in Dagestan for long that he did shade things and covered him because he was a "hero" but now ufff

The fact that he left behind millions of dollars, more fame and glory, out of concern that it might be negatively affecting his mother? That really inspires me to always do good things no matter what.

Any time he speaks, especially about his faith in Allah, it inspires me to be a good Muslim, even though i'm pretty agnostic.

Some of you may be asking: "How can a man famous for being the best at fighting be a good role model? How can such a person so good at violence be a good role model?"

A professional MMA fight happens in a controlled Octagon with a referee there to make sure that both fighters are safe.

Saying you are professional fighter and good Muslim is same if only fan prosetute says she is good Christian wife material.

It's literally haram to fight for money in Islam

It's like once I went to kino with couple of my friends and one was Muslim and after kino we just walked around the city and he decided he needs weed they bought weed and alcohol. (I didn't took part in it it's not kosher) neighbor got so high he started talking about Islam and how great it is and what great Muslim he is, I told him neighbor you are drunk and high.

If I had active Reddit account I would had asked him how is his role model doing.

He pretty much will never return to Russia or leave Dubai because even burgerstan for lol can send him to Russia as example that U.S. is cooperating against terrorism :marseyxd:

He also got this

Trump told he promised Khabib to destroy Gaza and stop war in Ukraine

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