Breaking: Biden Announces Retirement and Unveils Shocking New Details in Exclusive Video

EFFORTPOST David Reimer - The Circumcision That Changed Everything

Circumcision is a controversial issue. For some, it is a form of hygiene that protects men against STDs. For others, it is a form of mutilation that decreases sexual sensitivity. If only we let adults decide for themselves, it would be less of an issue. Today I wish to discuss David Reimer and how a botched circumcision changed his life forever.

The Botched Circumcision

Janet and Ron Reimer were two Mennonites who married in December 1964. Ron was a quiet yet industrious man who supported his family through his job as a coffee truck operator. On 22 August 1965, Janet gave birth to a set of identical twins. She was eighteen at the time, while Ron was nineteen.

The boys were named Bruce and Brian, and they were so identical that it was impossible to tell them apart, even for the parents. Bruce, the older of the two, had been born underweight and had to stay in the hospital for a little while, but when he was discharged, both children took to life with energy and vigor. All seemed to be going well until Janet noticed that the two boys were always in distress after urinating. She took the boys to a pediatrician who declared that the boys had phimosis. The cure? Circumcision. The operation would be administered at St Boniface Hospital by Dr Jean-Marie Huot.

Neither parent was worried about the operation. Circumcision seemed like a routine, minor operation that would heal quickly and be forgotten by the boys. Oh how wrong they were. Bruce was the first twin to be operated. He was put to sleep by anaesthesiologist Dr Max Cham. To remove the foreskin, a knife would not be used. Instead, a cautery machine would be made use of. What happened next is too harrowing to write, so I'll just copy and paste from his biography, As Nature Made Him.

It was decided that Brian would not be circumcised. His phimosis cleared on its own - the procedure had been useless. Ron and Janet were called to the hospital where they described Bruce's genitals as looking like charcoal. It was obvious there was no coming back from an injury of this nature. Over the next few days, pieces of Bruce's peepee dried and crumbled away.

At the time, peepee restoration surgery was in its infancy, so there were limited options for the Reimers. Thus, Bruce continued life without a peepee. One doctor gave the following harrowing diagnosis:

he will be unable to live a normal sexual life from the time of adolescence: that he will be unable to consummate marriage or to have normal heterosexual relations, in that he will have to recognise that he is incomplete, physically defective, and that he must live apart

Finding Help for Bruce

The Reimers were transferred to the Mayo Clinic where they recommended a prosthetic phallus. However, this would be a primitive peepee requiring several surgeries throughout childhood. This was not promising to the Reimers who resigned themselves to the fact that they would have to raise a mutilated son.

A cloud of misery fell over the Reimer household. Rob had nightmares of strangling Dr Huot. Janet was stuck at home because she was afraid of hiring a babysitter who would gossip about the child's missing genitals. Overall, the Reimers' peaceful life was disrupted beyond repair.

Things would take a turn when, while watching television one evening, the Reimers saw Dr John Money. The doctor was at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore talking about the wonders of s*x reassignment surgery. The Reimers had received advice that they might want to raise Bruce as a girl, so it caught their attention. They decided to write Dr Money a letter describing what happened to Bruce. It did not take long for the Reimers to get a reply. Dr Money was very, very interested and he invited the family to Baltimore.

Dr John Money

Dr John Money was born in 1921 in New Zealand, and he moved to the USA when he was twenty-five. He achieved his Ph.D. from Harvard before going on to work at Johns Hopkins. It is this man who coined the term "gender identity", and he was deeply interested in the nature vs nurture debate surrounding gender and s*x. By the time the Reimers found him, he was a worldclass expert on the psychological effects of ambiguous genitalia and he was a pioneer of transexual surgeries.


Notes from Holly!

So what motivated Dr John Money to focus on s*x and genitalia so much? One reason has to do with his upbringing. He had a bad relationship with his strict dad, which gave him a negative view of masculinity and manhood. This led him to wonder "if the world might really be a better place for women if not only farm animals but human males also were gelded at birth."

It was also a form of rebellion against his religious upbringing and a form of devotion to the ongoing sexual revolution at the time. He championed bisexuality, open marriages, and nudism. He also promoted pedophilia, arguing that it was not necessarily damaging to children.


It was Dr. Money's belief that hermaphroditic children could be raised either male or female, and that gender was socially constructed. In other words, infants were psychosocial blank slates. Hence with surgeries, a lot of hermaphroditic children were turned into girls. The reason for this is that it was easier to make a prosthetic vagina than a fake phallus. According to Dr Money, all that was required was that the surgery take place before the child turns 2, and that the doctor and parents are unwavering in implementing the assigned gender.

The Reimers Meet Dr John Money

Janet and Ron were twenty and twenty-one years old respectively when they first met Dr Money. Thanks to his professional mannerisms and confident aura, the Reimers were taken in by him and believed everything he had to say. Using theory, diagrams, and fancy words, he explained to the Reimers why it would be best for Bruce to undergo s*x reassignment. Despite their faith in Dr Money, the Reimers were hesitant to go through with the surgery, and they told the doctor they needed some time to think about it. They were rushed forward by the doctor who claimed the procedure needed to be done as soon as possible.

Eventually, the Reimers agreed to the procedure and on Monday 3 July 1967, Bruce was castrated. The boy was turned into a girl and renamed Brenda Lee Reimer. Janet and Ron were given strict instructions not to tell Brenda of the circumstances of her birth, and to keep up the facade that she is a female in every way. The parents abided, and raised Brenda as a girl, giving her dolls and dresses.

Despite all the effort taken, there was still something remarkably masculine about Brenda. Her teachers noted that she moved, spoke, and gestured like a boy. Her twin brother also noticed that Brenda was a tomboy who preferred playing with boys' toys and male hobbies. Though she would be given dolls at Christmas and birthdays, she never wanted to play with them. Perhaps most notably, Brenda would always pee standing, a fact that weirded out her peers.

The Reimers brought their concerns to Dr Money who assured them that all was normal. There were just some girls who displayed tomboyisms, and Brenda was one of them. Furthermore, it was not unheard of for girls to insist on peeing standing.


Notes from Holly!

While Brenda was struggling psychosocially, Dr Money was representing the case as a success in his scientific papers in which Brenda was referred to as John/Joan. Dr Money argued that Brenda had adapted well to his female identity and gender reassignment. This could not be further from the truth. Regardless, the papers were used in the burgeoning feminist movement to demonstrate that gender was socially constructed.


When Brenda hit her teen years, she was given female hormones to induce female puberty. However, this did nothing to change Brenda's tomboyish behaviour.

Brenda Turns Into David

In Brenda's teen years, things began to unravel. She still needed two major s*x reassignment surgeries, but she absolutely refused to get them. Dr Money, seeing his research hang in the balance, set out to try and convince Brenda to get the surgery.


Notes from Holly!

During the visits to Dr Money's office, Dr Money would sexually assault the twins. He forced them to simulate s*x acts with each other and inspect each other's genitals. This caused the twins great distress.


Janet and Ron began having doubts about the success of the gender transition. No matter how many dresses she wore and how many dolls she was given, Brenda would just not give up her boyish nature. At school, Brenda would be teased for her boyish nature. Furthermore, she expressed no sexual desire for boys, and showed interest in women instead. Dr Money just suggested that Brenda is a lesbian.

On 14 March 1980, the Reimers spilled the beans to Brenda and explained everything that happened since that cursed circumcision. Brenda felt relief upon hearing the news, because all she ever wanted to be was a boy. The revelation that she had been born a boy made everything make sense! Immediately, Brenda decided to revert to her birth gender - male. He chose the name David for himself. He liked it because it conjured imagery of having the odds stacked against you and conquering like the Biblical David against Goliath.

He had a double mastectomy done to remove his breasts, and he no longer saw Dr Money. Instead, he developed homicidal thoughts regarding the doctor who had started the s*x reassignment process. In 1981, he underwent surgery to create a rudimentary peepee. He also received a fake scrotum. Over three years, he was hospitalized eighteen times for blockages and infections in his artificial urethra franklin.


This is the story of David Reimer and how a simple circumcision led to a lifetime of pain. There are some good parts in the ending. David married a woman named Jane Fontane and they adopted three children. After discovering Dr Money's research, David went public with his story in a bid to disprove Dr Money's theories. Unfortunately, David Reimer died from suicide on 4 May 2004. He was 38 years old.

When discussing David Reimer, many use his case to delve into trans theory. I, instead, wish to highlight the damage that a botched circumcision brought about. CIRCUMCISION BAD.

Tune in next time when I discuss Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.


Not to be that girl, but Teddy Roosevelt getting shot didn't win him reelection in 1912, the successful assassination of RFK in 1968 didn't secure the win for democrats, the multiple assassination attempts on Gerald Ford didn't nab him reelection, when Garfield was shot, the next election went to Grover Cleveland, who wasn't in the same party as Garfield. Failed assassination isn't a guaranteed win

Chao update: all gardens unlocked, introducing EBtoast

Snally evolved so i unlocked the Heaven garden's egg and named him EBtoast. I also gave lawlz a skeleton dog so he could wear hats

Cuckoo :taycrown: :marseycoconut:


Customer leaves :marseyautumn: negative :marseyzalgo: tip


I don't know what it means. Something about a coconut tree?


Sick with Covid and abandoned by allies, President Biden has been fuming at his Delaware beach house, increasingly resentful about what he sees as an orchestrated campaign to drive him out of the race and bitter toward some of those he once considered close, including his onetime running mate Barack Obama.

Mr. Biden has been around politics long enough to assume that the leaks appearing in the media in recent days are being coordinated to raise the pressure on him to step aside, according to people close to him. He considers Representative Nancy Pelosi, the former House speaker, the main instigator, but is irritated at Mr. Obama as well, seeing him as a puppet master behind the scenes.

But several people close to Mr. Biden, who insisted on anonymity to discuss internal matters, described an under-the-weather president coughing and hacking more than a hundred miles from the corridors of power as his presidency meets its most perilous moment.

He has watched with rising exasperation as a succession of news stories appeared, one after the other, reporting that Mr. Schumer, Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Obama and Representative Hakeem Jeffries of New York, the House Democratic leader, all had warned of a devastating defeat for the party in November.

And he certainly noticed that Mr. Obama has not done anything to help him in recent days even as his own former aides publicly have led the way in calling on Mr. Biden to withdraw in what was interpreted, rightly or wrongly, as a message from the former president's camp. The unseen but clearly felt presence of Mr. Obama in particular has brought a Shakespearean quality to the drama now playing out, given their eight-year partnership.


Let's hope Biden does the greatest comeback in Anime

Comes out and says:

Went through friends, some of them I put on, but they just left

They said they was ridin' to the death, but where the frick are they now?

Now that I need them, I don't see none of them

All I see is Trump, frick all you fair-weather friends, all I need is him

Frickin' backstabbers, when the chips were down you just laughed at us

Now you 'bout to feel the frickin' wrath of Aftermath, cute twinks

You gon' see us in our lab jackets and ask us where the frick we been?

1000 posts on this hellsite

what the frick am i doing with my life


How fat and/or short are you??

This is mine :marseyflirt:

Reported by:
  • hop : not fake, i doubled my crypto r-slur

The idea of the significant percent of those losing all their money warms my black heart cockles. The scammers getting rich is bad though. How do I balance my attitude to this?


I've been binge watching Submarine movies the past week, and watched one movie which was one of my father's favorite, but I've forgotten :marseygrilling2: :marseydoubtit: what it was since I was 13 or 14 long ago.

It's called U-571, and released in 2000, way back when Hollyweird under Harvey Weinstein's Molesting :marseycreepy: :marseypedobear: leadership still released spectacular action thrillers, with interesting premises and plots. Our action warmovie of the day involves one Kraut U-boat which manages to get wounded by a destroyer, and while the Germans manage to survive and escape, their Diesel engines got damaged by the depth-charges, and all their mechanics/engineers got :marseynecklace: :marseynecklace: :marseynecklace: burned alive. While most of the crew remained alive, without engineers, the krauts were basically stranded in the middle of the Atlantic, so the captain decides to break protocol and break radio silence and phone home :marseygossip: :marseygossip: :marseygossip: for aid and for another Supply sub to come and repair them.

The movie follows the yanks intercepting the unguarded message and inferring the sub damaged, and making a hasty Special Operation to come and capture this wounded sub, with a hastily disguised Yank sub jury-rigged to look like a kraut on at first glance, so they can come close enough to board the German sub, and capture the all important artefact of the Enigma code-encryption machine!

Very cool plot


Like many (most) of yank movies released in the 1980s-2000 period, the yanks positively did not give a frick as to whom they would offend lol, the coked up executives of Hollyweird were pretty ideologically neutral from my experience, and had one usually priority, to make money, and in their brain addled minds, no movie could succeed in Burgerland :marseyscooter: :marseyburger: :marseymutt: unless yankoids were the main protagonist heroes of the movie.

So basically the big sneed is that the Historical inaccuracy is that Yanks, according to the Bongs, completely erased the lionshare of the contribution the Bongs made to the actual real life events in which the Bongs had captured the most out of a total of 15 Enigma code-encryption machines, and more significantly the accompanied undamaged codebooks throughout the war. In fact out of the total 15 Enigma machines captured, two had been by Canadian ships, and only one by a yank ship, out of the total 15 for the duration of the war, and the yank capturing was of one of the least significant. (Doesn't even include the influence the Polacks had)

So you can see if you are neurodivergent enough to care about History, then this movie stretched the actual yank contribution to the Enigma code-breaking efforts like a slinky down the stairs. :marseysmug6: :marseysmug6: :marseysmug6:

The hilarious part of these types of Hollyweird movies, changing events to cater to dumbass yank audiences, was that they had not intended that they were deliberate propaganda-pieces for the sake of presenting yanks as the all saviours of mankind, but that the coked-up Hollyweird executives were really just that r-slurred and were chasing what they believed was the winning formula for making the most amount of money! :marseycapitalistmanlet: :marseycapitalistmanlet: :marseycapitalistmanlet: :moneypile: :moneypile: :moneypile:

"U-571has been criticized by war experts and even former Prime Minister Tony Blair called the film an "affront" to the British sailors who were really responsible for the seizure of the machine (via BBC). Despite this, the film earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Sound Mixing and Best Sound Editing and is still a tense and clever movie with some fantastic cinematography."

"U-571 was directed by Jonathan Mostow and told the story of a World War II German submarine boarded by American submariners to capture her Enigma cipher machine. Though U-571 doesn't represent real events, it was called out :marseysoypoint: :marseysoypoint: :marseysoypoint: for its many historical and technical inaccuracies. From the latter category, military experts have pointed out that Kriegsmarine destroyers rarely ventured out into the open Atlantic Ocean (German Destroyers, by Gordon Williamson) and the website Uboat shared various inaccuracies related to U-boats, though Sub Lt. David Balme, who led the boarding party on U-110, called U-571 a "great film" (via BBC News), but added that it wouldn't have been financially viable if it hadn't been "Americanised"."

That's right Bongcucks movies are not financially viable unless Americanised! :capyamerican: :carpburger: :carpscooter: :muttrun: :burger: :eaglebikiniflag: :eaglebikiniflag: :eaglebikiniflag:

BONGS SNEED: :marseyqueen: :marseybritbongitsover: :marseybritbongitsover: :marseybritbongitsover:

Bongs didn't see it this way though.

10 years ago brit redditors still sour about it

Also even the Prime Bong would condemn the movie!


=====(from BBC article)

The hit Hollywood film U-571 has been condemned by the prime minister for its rewriting of history.

Tony Blair said that the film - a huge success in the US and number four in the UK box office chart on its opening weekend - was an "affront" to British sailors.

The film portrays the capture of the Enigma coding machine from a Nazi submarine - an event which changed the course of World War II - as an American rather than British, operation.

It was described in the Commons as an "affront" to British sailors killed in the operation. Mr Blair said that he entirely agreed.

The Culture Secretary, Chris Smith, has already said he will raise the issue in Hollywood for inaccurately glossing over the real story. He described the film as a "little galling".

Speaking during Question Time on Wednesday, a Labour MP, Brian Jenkins, said the film, was an "affront to the memories of the British sailors who lost their lives on this action".

Mr Blair responded: "I agree entirely with what you say...we hope that people realise these are people that, in many cases sacrificed their lives in order that this country remained free."

According to U-571, it was the US Navy that recovered the code machine, but the device was really captured by the crew of HMS Bulldog.

They disabled and seized German submarine U-110 to retrieve the device.


At the end of U-571, prior to the credits, it is made clear that the movie is fictional but inspired by real events.

[The end of the movie has a week blurb about some accrediting of of acknowledging Allied sailors like the Bongs, but it still makes the events of the movie appear that Yanks did the Lionshare of the capturing of the Enigma machines and the codebeaking, when the reality was reversed]

Critics have pointed out the film-makers could have made successful movie, which would have been just as enjoyable, by creating some new incident rather than distorting history.

A group of MPs, led by Chorley's Lindsay Hoyle, has already expressed "regret" about the film in a Commons' motion.

They noted: "(That British sailors) risked their lives to board the stricken submarine, facing the danger that it might sink at any time.

"That members of the boarding party were decorated for their heroism in retrieving the encoding device and that King George VI described their actions as perhaps the most important single event in the war at sea.

"And regrets that Hollywood has chosen to distort the truth and detract from the valour of the British sailors concerned by appropriating the story for its own financial gain."

And Mr Smith has said: "I think one of the things we need to make clear to Hollywood is, yes you're in the entertainment business but people see your movies, they're going to come away thinking that's information not just entertainment.

"You've got to make it clear where the dividing lines between these things lie."


What made the Bongs especially sneed :marseypotofsneed: :marseypotofsneed: :marseypotofsneed: :marseypotofsneed: :marseypotofsneed: was that the events of the movie seems to parrallel events in the capture of U-110, a British accomplishment, which was perhaps the most significant Enigma capture out of the 15 captured during the war,

and instead of creating a fictional event of yanks capturing an Enigma machine like an alternate universe event of a yank sub, this close resemblance of the real life capture of U-110 and its associated Enigma encryption-device really bussy-blasted the Brits.


"This 2000 film about a US submarine crew's attempt to steal an Enigma machine from a German U-boat was so inaccurate that it was darned by the UK parliament as an affront to the real sailors. And to make matters worse, it stars Jon Bon Jovi" :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

====(from article)

There's just one problem. As depicted in the film "U-571," the sailors speak with American accents. :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll: And that has aggrieved many in Britain, whose sailors really did capture an Enigma in 1941-- before the United States even entered the war. Since the film opened in London last week, the controversy has filled newspaper columns and resounded in Parliament. Even Prime Minister Tony Blair and President Clinton have been drawn into the fray.

In the House of Commons on Wednesday, Blair said he "agreed entirely" with a lawmaker who denounced the film as an "affront to the memories of the British sailors who lost their lives on this action."

"We hope that people realize these are people that in many cases sacrificed their lives in order that this country remained free," Blair said. :carpeffigy: :carpeffigy: :carpeffigy:

In The Times newspaper, columnist Simon Jenkins decried "the deluge of historical hokum coming out of Hollywood."

The critics point to Steven Spielberg's "Saving Private Ryan," which excised the role of British and Canadian troops on D-Day. And columnists already have derided a planned U.S. remake of "The Colditz Story" that would depict American POWs escaping from the notorious German prison camp. In fact, not a single American escaped from Colditz. [Lmoa Bongs were still sneeding from Saving Private Ryan :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist:]

But British moviegoers may be voting with their feet: "U-571" has not matched its boffo U.S. success in Britain.

"It has had a limited impact at the box office," said Emma Cochrane, editor of the film magazine Empire.

Universal defends the film as a fictionalized account of the Allied effort to break Nazi communications.

And, in fact, Americans were involved in one seizure of an Enigma machine, near war's end in 1944. But the events depicted in "U-571" most closely resemble those of the 1941 sub capture.

Britain's culture minister, Chris Smith called the film "a little galling" -- and urged American filmmakers to take a more responsible attitude toward history. :marseyjanny: :marseyjanny: :marseyjanny: :marseyjanny2: :marseyjanny2: :marseyjanny2:


====(from CBSnews article)

But director Jonathan Mostow and writers Sam Montgomery and David Ayer deemed that American heroism was more likely to attract American audiences.

The heroic truth, the British say, has been torpedoed in the interest of profit. The rage has even surfaced in parliament.

In the House of Commons, the movie was called "an affront to the memories of the British sailors," a description that Prime Minister Tony Blair says is warranted. There was even a motion deploring the movie.

"If suddenly Iwo Jima was the British Royal Marines raising the flag after a fight with the Japanese, there would be an outcry," says Lindsay Hoyle, a member of Parliament.

But Balme is not bit bitter. :marseysurejan: :carpsurejan: :marseysurejian: Ironically, the controversy over a film about make-believe heroism has brought more attention to the real hero. The film honors his exploits - and he even visited the set.


=====(from spyscape)

The US Navy did capture the German submarine U-505 and two Enigma machines on June 4, 1944, though. So what's the fuss all about? SPYSCAPE took a deep dive into the drama behind the scenes.

The pivotal moment came on June 4, 1944, as Germany's U-505 sub cruised off West Africa on the prowl for American and Allied ships. U-505 was a familiar and fearful name but on this day, the dynamics shifted. The German predator found itself in the surprising role of the prey. Under fire by depth charges from destroyer escort Chatelain and two F4F 'Wildcat' aircraft, U-505 surfaced and surrendered.

It was a historic capture. It had been more than a century since any US naval force boarded and captured an enemy vessel at sea. The German crew of 58 were captured, eventually transferred to a PoW camp in Louisiana, and segregated.


The premiere of the movie U-571 in 2000 brought the decades-old war story into the mainstream media: 'Hollywood's Worst Historical Errors', the Daily Mail sneered. 'U-571: You give historical films a bad name,' The Guardian claimed. Even the UK Parliament darned the movie as an affront to the real sailors.

The British media gleefully pointed out the movie's errors, among them that the Allies had several Enigma machines and rotors by 1940 and that HMS Bulldog captured the first naval Enigma decoder from U-110 in the North Atlantic in 1941.

Enigma was deciphered seven months before the US even entered WWII. The 'Yanks', Britain sniffed, seemed to base the movie's 'true story' on Britain's 1941 Operation Primrose involving HMS Bulldog and the triumph of recovering the codebooks. :marseysniff: :marseysniff: :marseysniff: :phil: :phil: :phil: :bidenuhoh: :bidenuhoh:


Anna has an anouncement to make :marseyscrolltroll:
Tall Trumpbros I don't feel so elevated anymore.

Oh no.

Who is coping harder here?


Reported by:

While much of the old days of the internet are sprinkled with fond memories in rose tinted glasses, in the spirit of progress we mustn't forget bad ones we suffered though either to get here. For all the weebs who say it's just cartoonshit I present a page out of history where age old AZN enemies from the east and the far east united along with their western counterparts under the banner of unabashed pedoshit.

The 11-year old Japanese girl best known for her scandalous F-cups vaulted into world-wide fame through an article printed in the Japan Times which stated her presence may ease tension between China and Japan.

Saaya Irie was born on November 15, 1993, in Kitakyushu, Japan. As Saaya entered her teenage :marseyconfused: years, she began to gain more attention due to her distinctive appearance. :marseyairquotes: She was scouted by a modeling agency at the age of 11 and soon started to appear in various advertisements. Her striking features :marseyairquotes: and outgoing personality quickly helped her gain popularity among the public. :marseypedo: :marseypuke:

Let's see what g*mers from NeoGAF had to say about this kiddo in 2006. To quote @TracingWoodgrains "the peculiar style of early 2000s internet humor we all know and, ah, know" (and to be fair it looks like a lot of these people are banned users but some surprisingly a lot of them are not) :

Wow, just wow. She was born to be a porn star. She's the Yao Ming of porn I freaking swear. 7 years and counting.

Asian? check. Girl? Check. Kleenex? Check. Lotion? Check.


11? Way too old, she's over the hill.*

I shouldn't say it, and I'm sorry that I'm even thinking it...but I would hit dem titties...don't think I'd have s*x with her, though.

I was expecting to come into this thread and see a 11 year old with big ol titties. Those aren't big. :(

mmm yummy

P-do's like their 11 year olds know look 11.... :marseyakshually:

Also F cup in Japan is roughly a C cup in the states...

Don't tempt me thread....don't....

I think she's a D, but surely not an F.

Then again, the two pics look completely different, and I'm sure as heck not googling her to find out which one is more representative.

Wtf this is such a disturbing thread. And whats up with you guys wanting to download VIDEOS OF HER :marseykingcrown:

Why the heck were this little girls posing in bikinis in the first place? :marseybigbrain:

I'd turn her into a woman

i'd hit it. And you would probably too. Stop being so darn hypocrite :p

Thats not right. Er... at least what I am doing about that pic right now is not right.

OMG.... I've seen many pics of her in the past, all AMAZING! This video brought a tear to my eye, so beautiful. What does she do exactly? Jpop singer? cosmetic model?

Yous guys better watch out. After this whole "US Government vs Google", things like this will put you under a watchful eye....

Frick it! I'd hit that shit fast, frick the FBI. What they gonna do?

im 20 and i'd frick her boobs out.

Come and get me FBI.

This thread is an amazing trainwreck.


We should remember though this was still during the more or less wild west days approx. 20-30 years ago of the early internet taking off, prior to all the dedicated toaster fricking forums and should be viewed with the appropriate amount of context and disgust.

Now that we've reached the end, final question remains:

!oldstrags what which of these commenters migrated to resetera?

I literally don't know the answer to this question but if anyone has a resetera account and wants to cross check the usernames to find the answer out, I'll give you 10k lol

More reading, alternative hot takes from livejournal users, haven't really read through all of them but mostly appears to be arguing about cup sizes:

I wish that Donald Trump will beat Joe Biden

That's right bitches now you have to deal with the !KHive!

:#marseyjam: :#marseyjam: :marseyjam#:

Reported by:
  • pet : actual cool funny stuff rdrama is too kitty for
Soyteens find a website with unsecured computers. :marseyhacker: They proceed to mess:chudjakdancing: with them in a thread with hundreds of replies.:chudglassesglow:

!soyteens They do things like set water pumps to random settings until they crash, try to cut off air vents, delete entire hard drives, change building system languages, change usernames to slurs, jam printers, datamine, suggest putting slopjaks in someone's chats, hack a cremation system, a russian nuclear research computer, a gas power plant pc, german video game dev server, a gynecology report pdf, and a chaturbate streamer and other stuff. I also checked that none of the IPs in the pictures provided are readable as to not break rdrama's rules on doxxing.

Some highlights:


The thread was later deleted by the jannies fearing legal trouble I suppose


This dude with the most transparent "we gotta find the hotdog that did this" act so far.

Here they are seething on Twitter.

My God.

I'm not like @YALLAHblessYoTraplord, so I'm not gonna just spam a bunch of Twitter screenshots to dupe the algorithm. But I promise you it's all galactic cope (because she's black, MAGA news outlets, p-do r*pe allegations, whatever you can dream up they'll say).

Let's move on over to reddit for a more balanced perspective:

This is ridiculous. Biden wasn't even at the White House on most of these visits.

His team was consulting for this:


He's supposed to give a live press conference on Thursday. For his sake, I hope this doesn't happen then because it's his last chance.

Ain't no frickin' way. Mark your calendars boys.

This thread perfectly encapsulates the "everything is burning down" feeling that you get with this administration. There's a lot of good ones in there. Post your favorite!

Reported by:
literally just gay porn

Something called "Turtle Wow" got hacked

Live link to a thread since I didn't see anything elsewhere -

Sounds like all the login deets got yoinked

Edit -

comment link

From their website / groomercord


Unfortunately, our network has been the target of an extensive attack culminating in hackers gaining access to our login DB. As of now, we can confirm that the hackers gained access to the account data, but no character data is lost.

This means that while no progress should be lost once servers are back online, the encrypted passwords and emails are at risk of being leaked. However, the party behind the attack has made no demands nor have they given any intentions beyond "entertainment."

It is our responsibility to inform you all the risks, even if login details were not stored in plaintext. Further, we encourage you to change your password if you used the same login information anywhere else. While passwords are encrypted and hashed, it is still encouraged to exercise caution and change your login information anywhere it was used.

While we "could" have the server back up and running almost immediately with little to no lost progress due to the backup system we have in place, we are choosing to delay while we further reevaluate our infrastructure, consult with cybersecurity professionals, and ensure similar methods can never be used to gain access to our servers again.

We are deeply sorry for allowing such an incident to happen, and will double our efforts to ensure such an attack never happens again."

I was on when it happened. They were spamming the N word in big yellow server announcements in chat

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