anon is literally me

i was rereading my post history as one does and i realized ive left and rejoined this shithole website three times in the past year alone i think im cooked bros anyway good morning


!zoomers We used to be a real internet... :marseylibations:
Anyone else who employs this strategy?

What is your opinion on the Shroud of Turin?
Reported by:
Ambien is weird :marseytongue:

It keeps you wired if you have too much, leaving you to blackout. During my blackout I somehow redosed (pills were in a locked :marseykey: safe), sent my family :marseyracistcheck2: lovey-dovey messages, then I made a post asking for a job on LinkedIn. THE world :marseymars: is vibrating amd my breathnig is slow.

ambien = 7/10

Prefer benzos

Reported by:
  • Patsy : GOOD post
  • GOLEM : literally every shitjeet on the internet acts like this

Sirs I am here to discus Abhjit Naskar

This graphic only says 500+ sonnets and counting but I read elsewhere that he made 1000+ :marseyconcerned:

Every now and then I search on tenor, I find a quote by him, despite never hearing about him before. There's an absurd amount of his quotes on tenor. Like, ABSURD. It makes me wonder if he puts them up himself...

I searched him up and I found some things, he's an activist and neuroscientist, but all of the summaries of him I find are grandiose. Have any of you heard of him before? What makes him so significant?

I don't mean this to sound rude I'm genuinely confused why there are so many gifs of him.

The first work of Abhijit Naskar was published in the year 2015, called "The Art of Neuroscience in Everything", which made him an acclaimed author all over the world, and heralded the advent of a rejuvenating scientific philosophy of the mind, that has been lavishing human life and society with the colors and sweetness of awareness and acceptance ever since. As a leading expert of the world in human behavior, Naskar has brought awareness of mind and behavior in healthcare, legislation, education, corporate and many other sectors, while building a society free from prejudice, stereotypes, biases and discrimination.


The title of his book is "Making Britain Civilized: How to Gain Readmission to the Human Race" :marseyxd:



:#marseyking: :#marseybong:





It's hard to know where he actually lives all nations are his nation, and he would be just as likely to say "we British" as he would "We Americans" (though he seems to like America)

Speaker websites say he's in India :marseyhmmm:

but he's very online, marinates in American politics, and says leftoid replyguy stuff all the time, but tries to pass it off as original


Here's an interview, he's so quirky

Bootleg naskars:


!nooticers stop nooticing

Democratย Colorado Gov. Jared Polis has denied that migrant gangs have taken over apartment buildings in Aurora - despite video evidence and a local leader's outcry.

The heavily-armed mob was seen on videoย storming through an apartment complexย while brandishing at least one semi-automatic weapon. A man in a hoodie lugs the high-powered rifle and pounds on an apartment door, while several others wield handguns.

'A GANG HAS TAKEN OVER several apartment complexes in Aurora!' local council member Danielle Jurinsky wrote on X.

But Polis said the migrant takeover is just a figment of her 'imagination.'

'The governor ha already let the mayor know that the state is ready to support the local police department with assistance from state troopers and theย Coloradoย Bureau of Investigation,' Shelby Wieman, a spokeswoman for the governor,ย told the New York Post.

'But according to police intelligence, this purported invasion is largely a feature of Danielle Jurinsky's imagination.'

The spokesperson went on to say that 'it is illegal to take over buildings in Colorado' and if Jurinsky has 'knowledge of such activity' the governor's office is 'ready to assist cops in taking them back.'

When the Post asked again whether Polis wants to backtrack his statement, given the video evidence of the takeover, Wieman said the governor 'really hopes that the city council members in charge stop trashing their own city when they are supposed to keep it safe.

'Over the last month, Gov. Polis has been in regular contact with the City of Aurora and the Aurora Police Department and has offered all state assistance to support their efforts if requested,' she said, adding that the governor's office expects to see violent crime continue to drop in the city, as it had in 2022 and 2023.

But both residents and city officials say they have been suffering ever since the Tren de Aragua Venezuelan gang arrived in the city. It is now believed the gang is behind the apartment takeovers.

In July, the migrant gang was alsoย blamed for a shooting in a Target parking lot.

'Those Venezuelans is taking over,' a man can be heard saying in a video posted toย TikTokย by user 100packsavvy.

The July 29 footage shows bedlam in a Target parking lot in Aurora where Venezuelans had gathered in a weekend demonstration over the elections in their homeland.

While mostly peaceful, migrants swarmed the shopping center, completely taking it over, with cars sardined, bumper-to-bumper.

This forced Target and other retailers in the area to close early, fearing their customers might get caught up in the demonstrations, according to Telemundo Denver.

As night fell, the trashed parking lot littered with garbage turned from disgusting to dangerous.

Police responded to several incidents, including gun shots being fired, the Spanish-speaking outlet reported.

The TikTok users who made recorded the video claimed he and his companions were almost run over.

'We almost just got hit,' one man says.

The Aurora couple who filmed the apartment takeover on Wednesday, Cindy and Edward Romero, also toldย Fox 31ย that it was recorded shortly before a shootout at the complex - which left one person grievously wounded and damaged several vehicles were also damaged.

'It's been a nightmare, and I can't wait to get out of here,' Cindy Romero said as she packed up her possessions to flee the crime-torn city.

The couple had placed an elaborate system of locks running from the top of the door to the bottom before the shooting.

'Every day when we come home, we have to do this every time we go outside to take out the garbage,' Cindy said, demonstrating how the locks worked.

'Every time we go to bed at night. We have to keep like this so that nobody can kick in the door,' she added.

Cops have refused to confirm whether the gunmen in the video from the apartment complex belong to the infamous Tren de Aragua cartel, but council member Jurinksy toldย Fox 31ย that the building had been overrun by a Venezuelan gang.

'This isn't just Americans. Other Venezuelans are being extorted by this gang," Jurinsky said.

The Aurora police department released a statement Wednesday confirming that they are investigating the chilling footage from the apartment takeover.

The authorities noted that they had launched a special task force 'in collaboration with other local, state and federal partners to specifically address concerns about Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua (TdA) and other criminal activity.'

The cops said confirmed that they were 'aware that components of TdA are operating in Aurora.'

They added that they have been 'increasingly collecting evidence to show the gang is connected to crimes in the area.'

Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman alsoย told FOX Newsย on Thursday there are 'several buildings' that have 'fallen to these Venezuelan gangs' in the city.

He said he believed the buildings were used as taxpayer-funded migrant housing, which is what gave the gangs a foothold.

'This is an organized criminal effort,' the Republican mayor said. 'Whether it's a trend, a drug war, that remains to be seen.

'They've, in fact, have kind of pushed out the property management through intimidation and then collected the rents.'

Coffman claimed the city is a 'victim' of federal policy and Denver's sanctuary city policy.

'I think we're a victim of a failed policy at the southern border,' he said, arguing: 'Venezuela does not cooperate with the United States in criminal histories.

'You've had these massive waves of migrants coming across the border that many of them crossed the border illegally, we were arrested, asked for a political asylum, were not adequately vetted, were released into the country, the city of Aurora.

'We did everything we could to quite frankly, keep them out of the city because it's not our problem. This is a federal problem.'

Under the Biden administration - whichย appointed Vice President Kamala Harris its 'border czar'ย - illegal immigration into the US ballooned into 8million crossings. It is now expected to rise to 10million by the end of September.

The migrant crisis has sinceย moved into the city, with more than 40,000 reportedly arriving to the Denver area since December 2022.

The problem in Colorado has been bolstered by Polis' policies making it easier for migrants to get drivers' licenses, attend school and obtain taxpayer-funded resources.

'There are people behind this that are solely playing politics,' Jurinsky said following Polis' rebuttal on Thursday.

'That is so sad to me because they're real human beings just like the Romeros, suffering on the other side of those doors, living behind four deadbolt locks and a door brace and living in fear every day in these complexes,' sheย told Fox News.

But she said, 'It is very promising that across the board, people are really seeing what is happening.

'Video evidence is only undeniable for our governor in Colorado,' Jurinsky said.

'Everybody else across the country is seeing this for themselves.'

Reported by:
  • Goomble : This is so inspiring @FearOfBees :soycry:



make that a site banned header thingy idk

king shit

Reported by:
:marseystarbucks: /r/starbucks attempts economics

The new Starbies CEO (the guy who turned Chipotle from $200 million net profit/year to $1.2 billion) got a $113 million sign-on bonus. Let's see what the smartest Redditors at /r/starbucks have to say about that:

God he looks like a smug little butthole. He has a very punchable face.

I literally want to shatter my phone screen just looking at this picture.


Remember baristas... Starbucks has millions of dollars to spend on this guy but not millions of dollars to spend on your hours and payroll!!


For some reason a watch enthusiast chimes in with a wall of text that I'm not reading:

Why would he wear a Rolex Daytona in this photo? It's a $30,000 watch. Who does he need to impress at this point? His employees make peanuts. Insane.

He's a VIP consumer. He was probably able to get it at MSRP. And while yes, it's a very expensiveโ€”even at MSRPโ€” and completely unnecessary "thing," a Daytona isn't really a timepiece to impress/flex. Crazy as it is to say: in the watch world, Rolexes, especially these steel models, are entry level. The kinds of pieces to "impress/flex" are easily 10x a Daytona's market prices. YouTube search "watches worn at Paul Rubin's White Party" if you want to get really disgusted at the money being thrown around on and wasted on stupid bullshit. Now, all that being said, I personally agree with the essence of your observation. I believe the ultimate flex would be having the ability/money to wear such an ostentatious watch or piece of jewelry but choosing something understated just because it means something to you. E.g. Prince William only wears an Omega Seamaster that his late mother gifted him. It's like a 1k watch. Even wore the thing at his wedding. I'm not a fan of the Royal Family by any means, but that's classy AF.


to be fair, he did 10x chipotle stock and gave investors a 50:1 stock split. if he can work something similar here, well worth it. [-13]

/r/starbucks is such a low quality subreddit that even the rational users write in all lower case.


I don't gaf about shareholders i want to own a house!! Fricker!!!!


That sign-on bonus could alternatively have been allocated to staff wages. It would have given every partner in the world an $8 wage, raising my wage at the very least to $24 an hour, a far more comfortable wage to be living at. They could give you more staff and more wage, they just don't want to.

This is lowkey delusional lmao

Ignore that fact that most of that 113 million is gonna be non liquid stocks.

Assuming the CEO get $0, 113 million / 381000 workers means every single person get like......only 300 dollars.

8 dollar wage increase is like an extra 3 BILLION alone after a single year, and I'm assuming everyone only works 20 hours.

113 million is only enough to give every single worker an extra 8 dollar per hour for like 2 weeks, you can't be serious.


:#marseyreport: :#marseyreport: :#marseyreport: :#marseyreport: :#marseyreport:

I've got a guillotine in my garage, should we put it to use?

I've been saying we need to bring back guillotines for yeeears lol please ๐Ÿ™

This is who wants to use guillotines: It would be a shame if someone reported her to Starbies corporate...


Smug looking sockcucucker!! It won't last long. Chipotle isn't Starbucks. Not a lotta corners to cut in overpriced butt coffee. The gimmicks just up. When one cup of coffee costs as much as 16 K cups. Cmon now. A weeks worth of coffee you can buy the dern Keurig. Screw'em. #NotACoffeeSnob

Reported by:
Massive Attack support massive attacks

Inertia creeps against them as they express unfinished sympathy for Israeli teardrops

Pol-sci was a mistake


Let's do some quick math before we get into it. 18 years old at graduation + 20 years = hanging around 38 years of age. 3rd grade in the US is when you're 8-9 years old. :marseythinkorino: Bro is down VERY BAD

Even ERA members are not particularly supportive. Maybe if he came out as a trans-3rd grader transbian they would be more supportive. Scrotes just can't help but give the ick

It gets worse, they start dunking on him and he has to call in the janitorial support

I like the word :marseynull:shit instead of bullshit

More like invite her to rdrama so she knows you're a cool cat :marseycool2:


Womans of rdrama, can you save him?

any single woman PLEASE message me

i am so desperate for any human contact haha

Reported by:
  • ticktocktrainbuteepy : :drafts:
  • rdramamademegay : I actually wrote out a full comment with all my fetishes but you posted in the house hole
  • Homoshrexual : It does shrink your peepee but not permanently unfortunately. You should still get one tho
  • KatserKitty1987 : Try Prone Masterbation if u wanna permently break ur peepee
  • Poonie : Cute twinkry
  • RWBY : I have a naked lady fetish :marseypearlclutch:
  • Slimbo : Liking micropeepee means your a closeted straight and probably like women
  • FatBastard : Shocking confession: I am into fat chicks :marseyletsfuckinggo2:
  • STAN_ARTMS : I have an adult woman fetish
  • Sner : house holes should be freed if ur an ally :marseybegging:
Fetish Confession Time, motherlover! :marseyokapi: :marseyturnedon:

I have a fricking fetish for wanting to have a fricking really small peepee, like less than an inch.

I want to shrink it to that point, but I don't want to use hormones/hrt to do so because of the fricking other side effects and how expensive it is. Once I stop having to room with someone I may look into getting very small chastity cages, but have heard mixed things on whether that actually shrinks your peepee or not lol.

Anyways I just want attention right now and have enough coins for a fricking pin so enjoy this post. :marseywave3:


Matt Fraction >>>>

Reported by:

Intel, which is cutting thousands of jobs as it struggles to stay relevant in the chip industry, sold its 1.18 million share stake in British chip firm Arm Holdings in the second quarter, a regulatory filing showed on Tuesday.

Intel would have raised about $146.7 million from the sale, based on the average price of Arm's stock between April and June, according to Reuters calculations.

The chipmaker said earlier this month that it would cut more than 15% of its workforce and suspend its dividend amid a pullback in spending on traditional data center semiconductors and a shift towards AI chips, where it lags rivals such as Nvidia.

So Intel is doubling down on AI chips despite the AI balloon popping? Legit business plan.

Intel has said it is focused on developing advanced AI chips and building out its for-hire manufacturing capabilities, as it aims to recoup the technological edge lost to Taiwan's TSMC, the world's largest contract chipmaker.

The push to energize that contracting foundry business under CEO Pat Gelsinger has increased Intel's costs and pressured profit margins, forcing it to seek cost cuts.

Intel and ARM both declined to comment on Tuesday when contacted by Reuters about the share sale.

"This looks to be consistent with the restructuring plan and the renewed focus on liquidity and efficiency that Gelsinger laid out from the last conference call," said Benchmark Co analyst Cody Acree.


Put things in perspective:

1. Intel wants to be leading techshit (who doesn't really, :marseyclueless: ?).

2. Intel wants to shift towards AIshit like N(word)vidya

3. Intel wants to shift away from catching up to TSMC's 2->1.4 nm node processes because they realized they can't catch up?

But barely an year ago Intel was forming up memo of understanding with ARM to boost its SOC

Intel Foundry and Arm Announce Multigeneration Collaboration on Leading-Edge SoC Design

April 12, 2023 โ€“ Intel Foundry Services (IFS) and Arm today announced a multigeneration agreement to enable chip designers to build low-power compute system-on-chips (SoCs) on the Intel 18A process. The collaboration will focus on mobile SoC designs first, but allows for potential design expansion into automotive, Internet of Things (IoT), data center, aerospace and government applications. Armยฎ customers designing their next-generation mobile SoCs will benefit from leading-edge Intel 18A process technology, which delivers new breakthrough transistor technologies for improved power and performance, and from IFS's robust manufacturing footprint that includes U.S.- and EU-based capacity.

Early this year, Intel Foundry Services Head Stu Pann explained how Intel planned to build Arm chips, move more manufacturing to the U.S.

Also, how the 5Nodes in 4Years was coming all according to plan and they were ready to take the edge away from TSMC

Just a week ago, Intel's new head of IFS (hired just 3 months ago) was talking enthusiastically about its 1.8nm chip

By August 5th, techshit world was gushing like a hussy gussy about how Intel's 18a was going to blast through TSMC

Blah blah etc

So what seems to be the problem?

Is it just because Intel seems to be building its own foundry and fab in US while Nvidia outsources all its production to different partners, so in the short run it's experiencing some negative profits...or is it stuck in limbo? Neither can it just let go of its foundry and embrace AI bubble nor can it let go of the AI lure.

again on Aug 6th it announced that its RibbonFET and 18A are on track and taking over TSMC by 2025. (EVERYTHING AS PLANNED)[-7300596454,-8111542043]#gs.dlwi0i

Yeah I can't find anything on Intel's press releases in AI section about GPUs.

All in all, I have no clue what is going on. Someone explain

!pirates !r-slurs !techshit


!cuteandinvalid Any females to recommend?


Maybe lining them all up like this is a bad idea? Especially since half of the vehicles are just civilian cars and the other are unarmored? But what's the worst that can happen, right?

The result - lots of dead russians :marseydead:

Before that ruskies were very confident that their undefeated army will come and crush those khohols! :marseysmug2:

They are a lot less happy now :ziggerseethe:

(Stole this from /k/, which is a very funny place right now btw)

But since Putin is telling us that the ukrainin army has been already defeated three times over then the situation must be under control. Which is why he declared federal emergency over Kursk. Ukronazis have been totally defeated, they are totally not advancing further and haven't bombed ammunition deposits and airfields along their trek through Russia :angryvatnik:

But let's not be mean here, Russia is still advancing in Kharkiv and it's taking down important strategic military targets, like this random supermarket. This will show the West the might of the russian army! :marseyputin:

Edit: video with the column getting hit as seen by ukrainian radars


Thoughts on Johnny Hockey being mowed down (diagram inside)?

I wonder if the lead car had put on their 4-way flashers would have indicated they were stuck behind cycl*sts, not driving like an butthole on purpose causing the drunk loser to run the bothers down.

Bonus: whispers that the killer is a cop

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