
The media is spreading LIES about Kamala



Female POV OP picture? Check.

Horny OP question? Check.

:marseywholesometrans: "Oh yeah, the chuds are going to be so mad!"

:marseychudblush: "erm. if you want to feel like a girl, you should play Overwatch or Final Fantasy 14... not that I'm speaking from experience or anything."

This guy is taking the bait but he seems more confused than angry.

OP admits defeat :marseygiveup:

But wait! The /v/ermin are amused by the attempt and give actual advice on how to better troll /v/! :marseywholesome:

also this is pretty funny (it was posted in response to OP)


The only thing funnier than epic trolls are epic troll fails.

KID Cudi -- Love

Give Dramamine an official "rDrama Ambassador to Kiwi Farms" designation

Jersh just gave this title to @Dramamine live on stream.



Hotter than Ibiza baybeeeee :marseycool:

New boulderlob


TL;DR - Libs Of TikTok got a Home Depot cashier fired for wishing Trump had died. This pleases many, but leaves a sour taste in mouths of some.

I don't really have to link you anything, there's infighting everywhere - but I will cause you frickers are lazy.

Amazing! Home Depot is responding to the people.

Why are you doing this? Time to stop. Firing grandmas during tough economic times isn't our message

Get rekt, Megan.Cancel culture won't stop until we hurt them just as hard as they've hurt us.

This is perhaps the best tweet, with very diverse :marseydiversity: replies

It is not a good thing to celebrate getting minimum wage customer service workers fired for saying mean things online. I hope you stop this.

When they call for the assassination of people?

I have to admit that I have a hard time sympathizing with people who would have gleefully gotten me fired for not having the VAX.

With all due respect. It's time that the Right actually starts applying the same tactics against the radical Jihadist Left.

Agreed.There are better uses of time then targetting random civilians which is too similar to woke cancel culture culture for my liking.

You can also play a game of "chud or :marseytrain2:?" with this Xeet and some of the replies

If you support LibsofTikTok getting that fat Home Depot cashier lady getting fired for being dumb, lemme know by replying to this post so that I can block you.

This isn't free speech, it's encouraging and wishing violence. Not protected

Grow some balls you fricking coward. These people want us dead

There's a lot in basic search terms too if you want to sift through it


caption this


Great drama out of Poland as an upstart indie game developer apparently forces his all female staff to go in the sauna naked with him. It's so important to him that he has HR list it as a requirement on job listings:

But what was that sauna requirement even for? We know it's a game dev studio, so they must've been making a game, right? Some kind of tycoon/business sim type thing where you run a sauna?

Thanks to the outraged redditors at /r/g*mernews, we can pick up from the barrage of unfunny puns and other reddit tier shit that the studio was working on

a new groundbreaking game: mix of Life is Strange :soysnoo: (Narrative :marseyskull:), Final Fantasy (story, :marseyagreefast: characters :marseyconfused:), Heart of Darkness (adventure levels with dog :marseytrans:), The Turyst (exploration and questing) and THPS2 :marseyconfused2: (tricks and specials).” The β€œMain character will be a saunamaster and will be in charge of performing :taywhat: in various saunas (smells, :bruh: music, choreography, everything)”

So they were working on absolute kino. As is usually the case some foid just had to ruin it for everyone :smh:

In a now viral LinkedIn exchange, Spectrum Studio creative director Jacek PiΓ³rkowski :marseypedo: approached narrative designer and writer Aleksandra Wolna about working for his studio. Wolna replied to state PiΓ³rkowski had previously approached her about a job, and she had declined as it required her to agree to mandatory and reportedly naked sauna sessions. :marseycoomer2:

On a separate LinkedIn thread, PiΓ³rkowski said this mandate "is not about getting naked", but rather experiencing different kinds of saunas. :surejan: The developer said the "wetness" level inside certain saunas can get very high, and if someone was using a towel it "may result with fungal infection", :uhuh: which is why there are times participants are recommended to go in nude.

"You had a lot of time to prove me wrong. :marseysmug2: To write [a] scene in [a] sauna without being in sauna... Instead, we are wasting time on social media," Piorkowski replied. "My Narrative girls :marseycoomer2:?? had to go to [the] sauna with me to come up with [an] amazing script for proof of concept... Technically, it's possible to do it without it, :marseycoomer3: but I absolutely adore the fact that they could use their sauna experience :marseyscared: to write awesome scenes.

It's impossible to write fiction without actually doing the thing it describes so his explanations make perfect sense. Libtard woman owned

As the drama brew around him he quickly cucked out:

PiΓ³rkowski has now released a full statement regarding Spectrum Studio's sauna mandate. In a video shared on the studio's LinkedIn page, he apologised to Wolna. "I didn't intend to embarrass, hurt, offend, or show disrespect towards Ms Wolna. :niggaplease: My choice of words was bad. I didn't state my intentions clearly. I didn't explain why taking a sauna is so important and practically essential for me," he said :marseycoomer: (thank you to Magdalena Kluj for translating).

"I wasn't expecting that it would be received as pretentious and cause negative connotations." :marseyclueless: He noted his use of "narrative girls" was wrong, and meant only to convey the narrative team at that time was all female. :marseyradfem:

PiΓ³rkowski further spoke of how "passionate" he is about the sauna experience. "In recruiting, I took an iron rule about talking saunas and people's openness to this experience," he stated. "I am looking for people equally passionate about the culture of taking saunas and open to experiences that are part of that culture. I believe that personal experience of a subject helps with understanding the sauna culture."

PiΓ³rkowski continued: "I agree that the words I chose could be perceived that it was encouraging to take a sauna session with the company boss; it was not my intention. :carpxdoubt: I proposed and am still proposing candidates to [experience] the sauna session female only and male only, as long it reflects the real sauna experience." :marseycope:

Full video is on; I'm a shut in NEET loser and have no need for a Linkedin account so I won't repost it cause I can't see it :marseyitneverbegan:

Other redditors were being typical reddit smug and dismissive to each other over this

-2 | What I wanna know, is what if one of them said "nah. Not going in the sauna, email me the details." If they were then reprimanded, okay, I can understand the outrage. But can you weaklings :chudsmug: stop just enduring uncomfortable scenarios and then rushing to social media to complain about them? Tell people no for fricks sake.

Do you know what the word mandatory means? :soyjakanimeglasses:

Yeah it's a word that spineless people cower at, :chudboyclub: because they couldn't imagine themselves just telling their boss "no."

"Heya boss, I understand this is mandatory, but I'm not comfortable in a sauna setting. I'm sure you can forward me the details from it and I can give feedback where appropriate."

Just... grow up.

Just risk losing your job in a shitty low paying branch of a industry in a hiring crisis because your boss is a weird butt neighbor. Sure

No, no. The person setting up mandatory Sauna meetings is in the wrong here not the person maybe or maybe not standing up against it. It should never be needed to stand up to a mandatory Sauna meeting because Sauna meetings aren't appropiate. :soyjaktantrumfast:

Yeah yeah... except the real world is filled with moronic, overstepping bosses that will pull all sorts of nonsense bullshit. :truestorybro: And they get away with it so often, because their employees have no spine, and freak the frick out over the smallest confrontation.

Being an expat in Finland, I don't see how this is weird. Simply a cultural thing here.

This is not normal in Poland at all. A job requirement for a woman to be naked in a sauna with her boss is nothing short of sexual assault

Polacks are backward prudish imbeciles who cannot appreciate the culture of sitting in a hot room with your peepee and balls out :marseynotes:

-13 | It's a cultural thing. Nothing weird about it. :whitewomenfuckdogscoomer:

Headline writer had the perfect opportunity to say the studio was "in hot water", and I am a little disappointed that they didn't take it.

Except saunas are steam not hot water :marseyakshually:

You sure it's not smoke?

34 | Isn't steam just very hot water though... :soyjakfrontneutral:

-14 | It's the gasious form of water :soyjakanimeglasses:

This redditor is already mad at the people he imagines he will disagree with once they say the wrong things:

Watch as some "anti-woke" grifter picks up this story and attempts to somehow defend this as a normal behavior, either by saying that the women fully consented to it or even going on about "double-standards" and that nobody would bat an eye if it was a female director requesting the same of her male employees.

This redditor and others like him immediately conjure a conspiracy straight out of pornhub:

215 | Nah, this is freak-butt behavior. I would have that sauna checked for hidden cameras immediately, no way is this not just a ploy to film naked women.

Oh yeah there's a hidden camera in there 200%.

This redditor has the kind of faith in people from the tech world that I can't offer after the whole SBF s*x cult thing

Yeah, while the message does have a whole neckbeardy setup to it, it's also written in a tone that comes across as both non-ironic and straight enough that i can sincerely believe that this guy has just some really, really, really terrible common sense and doesn't realize he comes across as a new-age esque "visionary" with more quirks than skills going to him and as a creep, abuser-in-the-making at worst. :marseyclueless:

It wouldn't be reddit if it didn't have a bunch of self-hating mayo Americans coughing it up to being the r-slurred burger brain :marseymutt: :muttscooter: being unable to comprehend the sophisticated European mind :marseycheers: Courtesy of /r/LinusTechTips:

lol Americans and their fear of bodies. This is normal in half or Europe :surejan:

I'm not defending β€œmandatory” or β€œrequire”, and I know the industry is pretty gross when men don't stand up for women in the workplace, but:

β€œWe're doing a game about Sauna Sessions. I don't want to waste my time to explain what's the difference between Ruska Bania or Dry Sauna. You have to feel it.” He then offered to β€œeven organize female only event”.

It would be interesting to see what the rest of the talking points were from someone who isn't a games journ*list.

Edit: β€œPiorkowski wrote in another post that they are able to organize female-only events, which they already did.” - it is interesting that the original article seems to suggest it was offered after the fact, but this article says they already did female-only events. Curious that was left out, but TechSpot isn't typically a β€œmecha of accuracy”, so we'll see.

It would be interesting to see what the rest of the talking points were from someone who isn't a games journ*list.

I'm sorry if this is harsh, but frick this shit you said specifically. I know you said "I'm not defending" but it doesn't matter what his reasoning is. Mandatory nudity at a workplace is fricking disgusting from every single angle. You shouldn't need to see anything else.

This is the biggest β€œAmerica is the only country” statement I've ever heard an American say. I doubt this would have made the news in their country, especially after the article said: β€œHe then offered to β€œeven organize female only event”.”

Yeah molesting women in the workforce is so common in Poland we report it between the price of barley and delays of the TLK. Also believing the obvious copout :marseylaughpoundfist:

β€œMandatory nudity at a workplace is fricking disgusting from every single angle.”

I don't recall reading in the article that nudity was mandatory. Can you find that for me? :soyjakssmirk: Unless you're just trolling? Which is unhelpful. :soyredditsmugcomputer: Since you weren't there your anger seems biased and inaccurate.

The second screenshot of his posts in the article is devoted to him arguing why you have to be naked.

Please actually read the screenshot though. :soyjakferal: It doesn't mandate nudity. It outlines why nudity is preferred in different types of saunas.

Splitting hairs a bit. It's a mandatory trip to a sauna that he then argues greatly that you should be naked for. It's still a boss telling an employee that they definitely have to go to a sauna that they are expected to be naked in.

Which is why I specifically used the words β€œIt would be interesting to see what the rest of the talking points were from someone who isn't a games journ*list.”

You are assuming from a photo, someone's intent. Using words they didn't use. That's a reach I can't make.

This slapfight continues but it's :marseywords: so read it here

In another comment chain we've got (a slapfight about the belittling of women through the usage of the word "girls" :taytantrum: :soysnooseethe:)[].

Why does he call his writing team his β€œnarrative girls”

Strong chance they write narratives and are all girls. :chudsmug:

Girls as in underage? Because otherwise they would be called women… :soyjaktantrumfast: also, why the frick all the people hired to write narratives are women?? If that's not the case, then only women who were hired to write the narratives were invited to go to the sauna with this creep?

Is it me or are people actually trying to defend this peepeehead?

Yeah frick this guy for giving too many women jobs

When I hang out with the boys, I'm also referring to men. :gigachad2:

What? Are you referring to your work colleagues as boys? :tayhuh:

That's actually not all that uncommon, yes. :marseygigachad:

:marseywords2: People are purposefully missing the point of an employer referring to women employees as β€œgirls” as a way to infantilise them. People also don't understand the affects of infantilisation of women in society, which leads to behaviours such as the one described in the title of this post. And we wonder why this behaviour is so prevalent :) just look at the downmarseys I received. In my comment you replied to, I was trying to understand what the other person even tried to say, ie, are they saying they often β€œhang out with their work colleagues while referring to them as boys”? Is he the employer? Does he have any power over these men? Nope. Its relevance to this conversation is little but it is done to normalise calling adult women as girls because it's easier to assert control over women this way. :)

Watch me get downmarseys and a stream of irrelevant comments.

The smileys is what really got me with this one

You're getting down voted because you're refusing to acknowledge that there are some cultures that are different from your own. I to come from a culture where men and women (adults)refer to themselves and others as boys/girls.

If I tell you that this is infantilising and it leads to behaviour such as this one, your reply is saying β€œbut that's normal in those cultures”? All my other questions also get ignored because of course they would be, because no one has any answers to them.

There is also a thread over on /r/LinkedInLunatics but it has no drama, only some dramatard trying to bait but getting nothing but downmarseys :marseysoyjak:

Finishing up going back to the game developer lady in question, if you look at she's just lost her job and is probably fishing for attention to get some eyeballs on her resume. Apparently she was never even his employee, she just got him to pay for some writing course and he tried to get her entangled with the weird final fantasy sauna gooner shit. Gotta get that bag somehow I guess


Xbox fans were saying MS is rich and would overstay PlayStation store and etc :marseysmug3:

:marseyanime: :marseytrumpfistpump: :!marseygem:

!chuds kino

someone ping anime

First egg VP?

!kino !anime

It won't flop but I'm hoping the audience reception is terrible enough for it to "underperform" :marseyagree:.

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : cope lol. conservatives jaywalk and libtards call it a capitol offense. libs call for death n no big
Destiny got banned from Kick for hate speech.

We finally have absolute proof that both sides are the same and always will be.


:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch: :marseypopcorn:

Reported by:


This is absolutely infuriating :soyjaktantrumfast:

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Do you really believe you're not behind right now?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I think it's in-- all the pollsters I talk to tell me it's a tossup. It's a tossup. And when I'm behind, there's only one poll I'm really far behind, CBS Poll and NBC, I mean, excuse me. And-- uh--

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: New York-- New York Times and NBC both have-- have you about six points behind in the popular vote.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: That's exactly right. New York Times had me behind before, anything having to do with this race-- had me hind-- behind ten points. Ten points they had me behind. Nothing's changed substantially since the debate in the New York Times poll.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Just when you look at the reality, though, Mr. President, I mean, you won the popular vote-- in-- in 2020, but it was still deadly close in the electoral college--

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: By 7 million votes.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Yes. But you're behind now in the popular vote.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I don't-- I don't buy that. :gigachad4:

I thought we were the party that lives in the real world and responds appropriately to new information. But I guess everyone is just going down the path where it's totally cool to say "I reject your reality and substitute my own" :soyjaktantrum:

(to quote the wonderful Adam Savage). :soyjak: :soysnoo: :soysnootypefast:


Also this response is just incoherent :marseyretardchad:

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, what I'm try-- what I want to get at is, what were you experiencing as you were going through the debate? Did you know how badly it was going?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Yeah, look. The whole way I prepared, nobody's fault, mine. Nobody's fault but mine. I, uh-- I prepared what I usually would do sittin' down as I did come back with foreign leaders or National Security Council for explicit detail. And I realized--bout partway through that, you know, all-- I get quoted the New York Times had me down, at ten points before the debate, nine now, or whatever the heck it is. The fact of the matter is, what I looked at is that he also lied 28 times. I couldn't-- I mean, the way the debate ran, not-- my fault, no one else's fault, no one else's fault.



GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: And if you stay in and Trump is elected and everything you're warning about comes to pass, how will you feel in January?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I'll feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the goodest job as I know I can do, that's what this is about.



This makes me so so angry. It's like joe doesn't care about me or what will happen to my family at all... :soyreddit:


What's he supposed to say???? "I will stage an insurrection!"

:#marseythumbsup: :#marseyagree: :#marseyagreefast: :#marseyagreesuperspeed: :#marseyyes: :#marseyhesright: :#carphesright: :#eaglehesright: :#marseyhesboo::#chadyes: :#jinxthinkerhesright: :#hesrightyouknow: :#hesepsteinyouknow:

This is at least what he thought the question was getting at, which is why he's saying he'll accept the results.

Because the upper-level DNC bureaucrats and economic elites of the country know that this Project 2025 autism is all Heritage Foundation masturbatory fanfics that will not happen, and redditors will return to sperging about voting in the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF OUR LIFETIMES :soyjaktantrumfast: in 2028 and then in 2032 and 2036 again? :marseyitsallsotiresome:


That answer alone should end his candidacy ASAP. Still cannot believe that was his response :soyreddit:


Apparently it has infuriated congress members. It really might be the thing that pushes them to demand him out



If this was the republicans doing this with this candidate, we would be giving them so much shit. Such hypocrisy



Democracy being on the ballot is clearly just a buzzword the campaign came up with. They don't actually give a shit. :soysnooseethe:

:#marseyhesright: even if Project 2025 is the actual installation of a christomagachudbigotnaziorangevoldemortpalpatinefascist dictatorship in the USA that redditors are non-stop sperging about, then the Dems do not care about stopping it, "VOOT BLOO CHUD" is their only solution to prevent the economic and geopolitical destruction of the United States?, give me a fricking break, the powers that be would have already gotten rid of Trump if he wanted to send the US to economic ruin and genocides :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseyitsallsotiresome2:


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: And-- did you ever watch the debate afterwards? :marseyreportercnn:

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I don't think I did, no. :gigachad2:

The man can't remember if he watched the debate…just watch the interview. It was like the debate all over again except he was well rested this time…and tan. :soycrychicken:


Transcript might actually hurt him more than help him on this one… :chudconcerned:

!chuds !burgers !dementia

The most famous :marseytrain2: in all of Chicago

Greetings dramatards :marseywave2:

This is METX 210:

Metra 210 isn't a particularly special locomotive from any engineering or historical standpoint. While it is only one of 30 of it's exact model (F40PHM-2), it is pretty much mechanically identical to the 500 or whatever F40 passenger locomotives GM made from the 70's to the 90's. Metra 210 hasn't been involved in any notable incidents (except for one electrical fire :marseytrain: :marseyburn:). Since leaving the factory in 1992, it's had a mundane life of carrying suburban !chiraqis to and from downtown, allowing them to avoid the greatest inconveniences in between their homes and Downtown Chicago (ie: traffic and """marginalized communities"""). 210 would be no different from the other dozens of locomotives owned by Metra, if it wasn't for one :marseykween:...

Yes, I know...

Enter Miss (or, in her view, Missus) Baroness Ann Davenport:

Yes, "they" recently "celebrated" their 10th anniversary:

But goes deeper... :!#marseyschizonotes:

Enter "The Train Theory" or T3 for short:

Of course, we have plenty of schizo number magic too:

But enough beating around the bush, let's get to what you sick fricks really want:


Of course, our poor girl can't truly consummate her marriage to her beloved twotenny, but oh does she dream...

Don't worry, it gets worse:

If this all wasn't enough to satiate you, a long comb through her instagram and twitter will reveal plenty more amazing content I left out...

To conclude:

I want to kill myself after writing this.

Thanks to @Adolin113355's effortpost for inspiring me to write this.

@Florence, I will unironically send you $50 if you can steal twotenny away from her and make her fight you for love

EFFORTPOST :marseyflagsouthafrica: :marseyflagsouthafrica: :marseyflagsouthafrica: South Africa: Ramaphosa names ANC, DA coalition ministers | Semafor - @Neoconshill asked me last week.


So after great r-sluration and threats and promisesss and haggling and bitching, astonishingly a DA-ANC coalition had been formed, alongside a total of 10 :1: :0: other ittty bitty shitty parties, like the PA (Patriotic Alliance), the coloured ethno-nationalist party of Cape Town which bitched and moaned they were being screwed over by BEE for not being black enough, and that the DA (the whitoid party) catered too much too middle class Bongs, instead of poor coloureds

Last week and the week before there had been national drama as the radio-stations speculated and bitched, and black twatter moaned and safrican youtubers cried about :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :blacksoyjak: :blacksoyjak: :blacksoyjak: :blacksoyjak: :blacksoyjak: :blacksoyjak: :blacksoyjak: about whom the ANC would have allianced themselves with to make a supermajority lol

Many black peeps here and libtards stated that there was no snowball's chance inn heck that the ANC would actually form a coalition with the DA, because it was a Huuwhitoid party :marseymayo: :marseymayo: :marseymayo:

So these peeps are pretty fricking cucked this monday :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist:

But here's the deal, they should not be surprised, it was likely ALWAYS going to be an ANC-DA coalition, with some forgettable shitty parties maybe.


The EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters) is a hard-left communist party, whose leadership, with Julias Malema, being actively hostile to the ANC, and bad blood exists for more tan 15 fricking years now.

The uMkhonto weSizwe (MK), Jacob Zuma's party, is also actively hostile against the ANC, and even the ANC would have been hesitant yo form a coalition with Zuma for 3 reasons. [1] Zuma is basically controversial for every fricking South African, including all non-Zulu black safricans, for now being famous for selling out the ground beneath our feet for the Indian Guptas clan, holding a Sincity Wedding with national military resources and secret bases, and allowing Indian wedding guests to discriminate against black peeps by saying only white/coloured servants and waiters would have been allowed at the wedding.

[2] Zuma had made many many enemies in the ANC, and his corruption and holding on to power had fricked over many powerful black peeps in the ANC, they have an even bigger grift between themselves and ZUma, despite being ideologically and economically not too dissimilar

[3] Zulus are the most racially wingcucked peeps on average in the country, and this latest ultra-nationalist displayed by effectively creating an ethno-natinalist party by Zulus, and FOR zulus in uMkhonto weSizwe (MK), doesn't sit well even with all of the other non-zulu black peeps, ESPECIALLY peeps like the Xhosas who have historic beef with them, and others like Sothos and Pedis, who have been politically discriminated by Zulus under Zuma' leadership for over a decade before Ramaphosa arrived.

Lastly despite being a massively less corrupt version of the ANC, and being more business friendly and less economically leftwing, the DA is still ideologically similar to the ANC. The DA could approximately be compared as a more leftwing yank Democratic party, which supports extensive welfare states. They HAVE to fricking be otherwise they would never get any votes of consequence - i mention this because this coalition is not like Krautland's Green party suddenly making an alliance with the AFD, despite what wingcucks and foreigners are saying (that would be the Freedom-Front actually :marseysmug6: :marseysmug6: :marseysmug6:)


Anyways this is the closest the DA has actually EVER gotten to real power, and is ironically the best outcome to this election which absolutely nobody fricking predicted, just as @nuclearshill said. And I do mean fricking nobody could have predicted this despite all the hindsight asswipes. People predicted that the ANC would lose supermajority, becuase the ANC had become so rotten and fricked up that the 2 years of Loadshedding which plagued us and r*ped our beleaguered (which was ALREADY in the gutter post-COVID) would force even the most braindead black-boomer loyalist to realize that their party was no longer Mandela's party anymore. But even that we were not sure.

People predicted the EFF would steal all of the ANC's votes, so many mayos laughed and said in pessimism that the only likely structural change for our government would hilariously been something like out of the Pan and into the Fire, with the ANC supermajority, turning in 2024 into an ANC-EFF coalition which would have likely been a very very unpleasant time to be white in this country, and all memes and jokes about kaamrev :marseynecklace: :marseynecklace: would have reached actual reality.

The DA had ironically absolute record turnouts for their registered voters this year, where something like 90% of all registered mayo voters went to vote this year, compared to like 75% of previous elections, and like 50-60% of voter turnout for all of the other races averages.

Despite record white turnout, coloureds were demoralized this election, and the lowest coloured turnout in past decade, and more significantly lost fricking 3% of their regular votes to the PA(Patriotic Alliance) and got turbo cucked by them. Still regardless, the DA got about22/23% which made them the only viable of 3 choices to form a coalition between EFF/MK/DA.


But the great upset this election which fricking NO ONE could have predicted, was the absolute meteoric rise of Zuma's new party, the MK. People literally laughed and mocked the MK, including the ANC superpowers, news commentators and radio hosts mocked the MK the same way in which Trump was mocked in 2015-2016, nobody took them seriously. Despite all the ANC's corrupt attempts to sabotage Zuma (and Zuma is a bastard fiend, but the manner in which the ANC tried to prevent his party from legally registering for the 2024 election since last year was equally corrupt), indicated that they at least took Zuma moderately seriously and wanted to prevent MP from stealing potential votes from the powerful Zulu voting-bloc, of course we now in 6 months hindsight only now realize just HOW MUCH of a threat the MK would be, and that they would basically GUT the ANC, by stealing basically the entire fricking zulu demographic from the ANC on the national level, and the whole of the populous KwaZulu-Natal province!!

Thus coming in at a magnificent 15% of the country's votes; they are literally the greatest upset in the Democratic Republic's history in 25 years.

It would become a point of great irony if the Zulu's and Zuma's wingcuckey ended up saving us from the ANC's miasma of corruption lmoa, because all of the EFF which was feared to absorb all of the lost ANC votes went to MK!!!! hahahahaha

So all 3 major parties since last 2019 election got turbo cucked. DA got cucked by PA. EFF got cucked, cuz fricking nobody except commies trusts them and Malema, and fricking got less votes than last election. And ANC got giga-turbo-cucked by the MK.


So last week there was super intensive :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight: and intensive arguments and negotiation, people were fearing the ANC would pull out of coalition talks with DA, because the DA insisted on specific cabinet positions for their ministers, and that they would jump to an EFF/MK coalition. Black peeps were :blacksoyjak: :blacksoyjak: :blacksoyjak: crying about Ramaphosa dealing with all of the whitoids, but Ramaphosa's job was literally in danger, and both MK/EFF hated his guts lol, so DA was his only realistic viable option.

This morning the talks have been concluded, and ANC-DA coalition official, and NOBODY IS HAPPY :marseyviewerstare: :marseyviewerstare: :marseyviewerstare: :marseyviewerstare:hahahaha

ANC wingcucks sneed that they have been anally r*ped and are not used to not having the biggest peepees :marseyblackcock: :marseyblackcock: in the room, and are upset to have to share any amount of power, even losers in the street are crying on behalf of their ANC overlords cuz they cant be robbed blind by their national ANC politicians anymore

MK and EFF ARE :marseycope: :marseycope: :marseycope: :marseycopeseethedilate: :marseycopeseethedilate: :marseycopeseethedilate: about ANC daring to not want to deal with fricking them being such douchebags.

DA supporters are unhappy that DA didn't demand a larger amount of Ministerial seats in the Cabinet, because DA gets 6 seats, the other shitty 10 parties like the PA, get 1 seat per party, and the ANC gets the remaining 20.

Many peeps are foaming that DA should have fought harder to get more seats at the cabinet because fricking the mini parties whom are worthless 1% percenters or even 0,5% percenters all got 1 seat, and fricking ANC whom outnumbers the DA only twofold get fricking 20 seats and DA only 6, :marseyraging: :marseyraging: :marseyraging: :marseyraging: :pepereeeeee: :pepereeeeee: :pepereeeeee: :pepereeeeee: many peeps are ANGERY about this

But my opinion is people lose sight of the big picture.

[1] The actual 6 seats are high-level important ones with massive umph and influence of actually important political areas in the country: like Minister of Basic Education, Minister of Home Affairs (deals with SA migration and passports and shit), Minister of Communications and Digital Technology (Plz Starlink :marseyinshallah: :marseyinshallah: :marseyinshallah:), Minister of Forestry/Fisheries/Environment.

And the two most invaluable seats we got was the Ministry of Public Works in Infrastructure (You guys can guess why the frick this could be important) and most significantly for the Boers lmoa, is the Ministry of Agriculture hahaha :marseyxd:

So while the ANC and everyone else haggled for shitty nothing deputy-minister scrap, whomever was handling the DA interests last week scored in my opinion truly fricking gangbusters, thus allowing the ANC to keep their 20 cabinet positions, in trade for truly powerful portfolios, in which the DA actually genuinely can fricking make a difference on a national scale.

[2] The danger was always that the ANC could just discard Ramaphosa and form coalition with EFF/MK, so literally keeping those parties out of the cabinet, was already a win for DA supporters, and a small price to pay for few cabinet positions.

[3] Lastly the tiny parties like the PA, while they have their differences with DA, are more likely to work with DA, than with ANC, as they are ideologically similar, so the 10 mini-parties are potential allies in the future.


Also this article calls the DA Centre-right, which is eehhhhhhhh. It's important to note that they are only so by RSA standards. If they existed in a Burgerland framework, they legitimately would have been a solid Centre-Left party, as a type of Democrat offshoot, who supports strong welfare statehood (again because they have to to retain significant votes)

I know subhuman Redditors keep repeating the circlejerk :wojakselfsuck: :wojakselfsuck: :wojakselfsuck: :wojakselfsuck: :marseyselfsuck: :marseyselfsuck: :marseyselfsuck: :marseyselfsuck: like about fricking Bernie Sanders supposedly would be fricking Centre-Right in eurocuckia, which is pure absurd nonsense, both in terms of hiss economic and cultural policies. So here I do genuinely mean the DA is not as right wing compared to the rest of the earth, they very very centrist and boring, this is only crap repeated by safrican wingcucks.

====(from article)

The ANC was forced to form a coalition government after failing to secure a simple majority in South Africa's election on May 29. The center-right DA won the second largest share of the vote in the election and the two parties, traditionally rivals, agreed to form a coalition with smaller parties. That enabled ANC leader Ramaphosa to become the leader of Africa's biggest economy for five more years.

It took two weeks for the ANC to negotiate a deal with the DA, to establish what they call a government of national unity, which includes nine other parties.

Top party members of the ANC and the DA had spent the last two weeks in tense negotiations trying to to agree on the right share of ministerial posts. At one point the talks fell apart over claims the DA wanted a number of ministers equivalent to its share of the vote which would have entitled the party up to 11 posts. At one point Steenhuisen was reported to have been aiming for the deputy president role.

=====(end quote)


Anyways, that's uhh all I have. I have in actuality no idea what all this means, whether this is a potential roadmap for a better SA in the next 5 years, whether we will actually be able to make a dent in corruption and disunity, and whether the events are overpraised.

Regardless this election is the best case scenario to have ever imagined if you were a mayo, and none of the circumstances and r-sluration which were caused by this bizarre political twist of fate, was due to any intelligence or voter habits, if anything only the wingcuckery of Zulus changed these events, so even getting compfortable with this cabinet over the next 5 years might be a foolish notion,

as Zuma might literally die of age in the next 5 years (he's like 80 years old, like Biden) and his MK voters would frick off back to ANC, thus reversing anything hanged in this 2024 election, but those are future worries.

Again, what's gonna happen now, nobody know, nothing like this has ever happened before. And anyone who says otherwise is a fool.

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