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I am LITERALLY going to kill myself unless you upmarsey this post

i need coins, if you could gift me everything you have that would also be appreciated

everybody who doesn't upmarsey this post will be in my suicide note, that means if this post doesn't get 25000 upmarseys my suicide note will be miles long and kill dozens of trees from the paper that needs to be made for it

also ask me anything i guess !cuteandvalid !metashit

i will upmarsey anybody who replies as well thank you thank you

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Klennyupdate! Videos and pics!





What happened

What's going on? I fell into a deep slumber for 3 years and I don't recognize this place. Where is Aevann? Where are the others? I don't remember… who I am… what are holes?…






Hi!, can me and the boys read to you Matthew 18:6?

:#speechbubble: !christians !ranchers !r-slurs

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I don't like anime, but my friends do.

!furries gave me this lovely meme to share with ya'll :marseyheart:

Walgreens is Leaving NYC... Because of Theft
Deadpool and Wolverine | The Mouse comes for the Merc with a Mouth (Non-spoiler reviews)

The film starts off strong with a deliciously fun and subversive intro which gives the impression the rest of the film will be a no holds bar action romp which pisses in the cornflakes of the MCU and its self import drama. Sadly the next 20 minutes of solid exposition show that Deadpool has been fully MCUified . Don't worry there is plenty of gore, cursing, and s*x jokes to go around but one gets the distinct feeling Wade Wilson has taken the mantle of the mouse. From the fawning over the Avengers and main MCU timeline to the sappy ending everything feels very brand safe. Still there continue to be highlights: many of the jokes land and those that don't are sold by Ryan Reynolds love of the material, Hugh Jackman really seems to have regained a love for the character after some anemic performances in the later X-men movies, and the fight scenes continue to be well choreographed with a nice mix of cool and funny. Ultimately the movie ends up bogged down by its weaknesses with an insistence on long talking scenes, traditional sappy heroics over the action people actually watch these movies for, and a terrible villain.

I really think we've reached the tail end of the MCU's relevance as Disney begins drawing on nostalgia for the 2000s non-disney produced Marvel movies, movies which were formally dismissed as pure trash (minus X-men and Rami Spider-Man) compared to the MCU. When a certain string of cameos plays out they are all in slow motion, silent, and take way too long as if they expect audiences to be hootin and hollarin during the reveal yet the packed IMAX theater was totally silent despite audiences frequently laughing out loud at the jokes. Perhaps even more embarrassing is the fight featuring these cameo characters which is shockingly bad in comparison to every other fight in the movie. It looks more in line with generic trash like Ant-Man then a dead pool movie. When the credits featured a montage of X-men clips and production footage set to Green Day's Time of your Life it was arguably the most emotional part of the film, but it also made me question if this film had earned it. Most of the cameos could easily be replaced by other random characters and not effect anything, and all the montage seemed to do was remind me how much cooler and sexier the x-men looked in comparison to the MCU.

Total score: 2.5/5

The movie is very gay and basically slash fic between the two male leads

Dramabros is Deadpool & Wolverine peak conservative culture? :marseydisney: :capyladybug:

Have any of you guys watched it?

Here's plebbit's discussion of the film

Was that Matthew McConaughey as Cowboypool? :marseysoyhype:

It was! Nathan Fillion was also Headpool :marseysoylentgrin:


"Is your dialect coach the Minions?!" also had my theater in stitches. There were so many quips that got laughs, I lost count.

"Your tailor is a predator." was also a good one.


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One of the stupidest vibe ruining tropes ever lmao. "Hmm it's been like 17 minutes since I used my story to virtue signal about current culture war... Oh I know! I'll have the bad guy do it this time!" Like, literally replacing the whole page with a "sonic sez" would be better lol

Having fun on the wrong side of history there bud?

Villains typically have respect for everything but the actual life of people or they don't genuinely care. Bigotry isn't evil it's an ideology.


I honestly find it funnier when a fanbase is somehow disappointed with a villain for being racist/sexist. Like, when Freddy Krueger's about to kill a black girl and says a racist one liner first, people were like wtf. As if Freddy fricking Krueger is some kind of role model lmao

Oh, or the recent Halloween movie where people were upset that Michael Myers killed a gay couple. Like, obviously? He's an indescriminate serial killer, what did you expect?


Honestly joker hating Nazis makes tons of sense, he's all about chaos and they're a dictatorship.

That might be the most reddit thing I've read.

the imperium of man in warhammer 40k, famously murders people for heresy and being mutants (which often is just humans who adapted to other planets), is incredibly accepting of trans and gay people. in one book (pariah nexus i think? i don't remember) the practice of "tactical pansexuality" is discussed

Keep yourself safe.

If JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter
Redditors: OMG THAT WAS THE BEST OLYMPICS PERFORMANCE FRICK CHRISTIANS :soysnoo5: :soysnoo5: :soysnoo3: :soysnoo3: :soyjakmaga: :soyjakmaga: :soyjak: :soyjak:

Who's more of a hateful bigot: Someone criticizing, mocking and making caricatures of something that affects them negatively, or a random religious person that kills, terrorizes and demands that literally the whole world plays by your religious rules?

What are they gunna do? Make you go to heck? YOU WILL GO TO CHURCH

Now mock Muslims. See how many you can piss off there.

Hey now. There were already too many antics at the Olympics for that right now.

Waaaahhh my fairy tales waaahhhh

The absolute meltdown this is causing in /r/Conservative is HILARIOUS

Edit: golden comment from over there: "I just hope when I make it to heaven I'll be able to watch these people receive their judgement after smearing our faces in their bs for all these years thinking there are no consequences for it."

How very christ-like lmfao


I don't really care but this just seemed they wanted to offend as many people as possible. But what for?

1. to offend those people 2) so leftist redditors can jerk off to it (-4)

Why, what did they say? Did they comment negatively on the last supper in any way? Did they say anything about Jesus or the disciples? Did they address Christianity specifically?

People who think this is offensive have not experienced any serious offense. Of course they shouldn't, but they also shouldn't be blowing up at a million tiny unimportant things.

I'm buying more ammo and joining a Christian church and then visiting Rush Limbaugh's grave due to this.

Marsey Dating! by CursedDankMEMES! A shit post game :marseyxd:

I made this in a day, for a shitpost. If things break or are broken I don't care :marseyxd: I don't know if it works on mobile. I made this as a test to see if I could and how. I hope to make an actual game eventually. Next project is making my actual game + a real marsey RPG. (now in the works!)


Two nukes lead directly to this

Vtubing is a form of online streaming or videos made with an anime character as the speaker, for entertainment. :marseyautism: Their predecessors include normal webcam letsplayers and streamers (

) and long form content creators that use one or more still images of their avatar talking as they talk (insert any random dork that has one of those 2 hour analyses of childrens' cartoons). :marseymetokur: :marseyetika: :vsaucemichael:

If this sounds incredibly neurodivergent, it is, but this is the very tip of the iceberg.

The typical vtuber is a biological woman(1) that uses a camera to rig a 2-d model or a 3-d model of an anime girl to follow their face and head movement, so that they appear fully animated.

They take on various forms of entertainment, from essentially being normal video game streamers but with an anime girl facecam, idol-type singers, "wacky" Japanese "humor" types, porn, to even news commentators. A lot of them make a big deal out of their model and character, with intricate backstories and keyfabe. Generally speaking, Japanese companies and vtubers are a little heavy on this and hype up the vtubers as idol singers, while Americans and Canadians are a little more inclined to know they're effectively regular streamers juiced up by weeaboos, but also keep up the keyfabe and idol stuff. :marseymiku:

Vtubing is enabled by advances in camera tracking equipment, Youtube and Twitch allowing livestreams to receive money from viewers in "super chats" and memberships, and a proliferating online community that broke containment from Japan around 2019-2020. It appears that COVID led to a ton of weebs looking into alternative spaces to interact, including parasocial relationships with streamers. In turn, the community of artists, 3-d modelers, and riggers exploded, and now anyone can be a anime girl with their iPhone, paying for the model of their character, and a few software cowtools for streaming. In the last year or year and a half, it appears that some of that COVID-era parasocial engagement has fallen, but the cat is out of the bag, and I wouldn't be surprised if this type of media continues to grow. If you type in "vtuber" on youtube or twitch there are a ton of shitty setups with 1 or 2 viewers live all the time, it kind of reminds me of when every guy thought he could be a letsplayer. In terms of the rdrama userbase, users may be familiar with Kirsche, the /pol/tuber, or Pippa the variety streamer, who are both 4chan and KF adjacent. Overall, the largest company is Hololive, recently known for their most popular vtuber singing at a Dodgers game


The Fans

But what happens when you take an already strange group (weeaboos) and combine them with the parasocial experience of wanting to frick an anime girl streamer? Unmitigated schizophrenia. :marseybangfast: Reddit is as normal as you can be for entertainment like this, twitter is usually weird over the top care for their favorite vtubers (like when someone cancels because they are sick, fans will write out detailed concerns and fifty heart emojis), but elsewhere is hilariously insane. 4chan rarely adds boards, but they added /vt/ for vtubing as a containment board, and it is now almost as fast as the fastest boards /vg/ and /pol/. It goes faster than fricking /a/ and /b/, and would completely swamp where it would be otherwise, /jp/. KF has a vtuber general with 8000 fricking pages. There's a KF splinter site dedicated entirely to vtubing. Oh, and a solid proportion of vtuber models look and act like children, so a lot of pedos are into it too.

There are a ton of boundaries that vtubers aren't supposed to cross because it is seen as dangerous ("yab"/"yabai" in moonrunes). Usually it's related to how idols are supposed to not smoke or drink or publicly talk about s*x. However, because essentially what these women do is talk or play video games 20+ hours a week, things inevitably slip in. Even the agencies that acknowledge they platform actual psychiatric patients or are kinda edgy generally try to keep their vtubers with some level of keyfabe, some level of idol stuff like songs, and no talking about relationships.

Remember how this is about mid Asian women playing video games and singing with a little bit of pretending to be a dorky anime girl? A lot of r-slurs think it's real.

  • First, there is "gosling". AKA falling in love with the anime girl on your youtube. Think of Ryan Gosling's character from Blade Runner 2049

  • You may come to the obvious conclusion that this is r-slurred, but think of the kind of community that this attracts

  • Because vtubers make money from fans sending money on their streams or by buying their merchandise, they are incentivized to grow their fanbase to include lonely weirdos who will drop $500 on their streams

  • However, these same weirdos end up cataloging every single snippet of personal information that you say because they are in love with the vtuber

  • Then when the vtuber slights them somehow, they will dump all that info attempting to dox them

  • This could range from political opinions, personal hypocrisy, not reading out the chat they sent, or just schizos building up tangential evidence that you have a boyfriend

Now that I think about it this reminds of something here... :marseydarkfoidretard: :marseykrayon: :marseyspal: :marseytedsimp2: ... but somehow more neurodivergent, because once again, they're in love with an anime girl and don't even get to have s*x with it. And this isn't "oh I'm literally handing out my full name, phone number, job and location :marseyfoidretard:" but this: . It's fricking insane.

In the funniest instance, accidentally revealing you have a boyfriend on stream directly :marseyxd::

led to some schizo dropping a 60 page google doc of groomercord screenshots and accusations she led him on, leading her to retire her character and rebrand. He still shows up on /vt/ occasionally to sperg out AFAIK


So the viewers are obsessive weirdos that will literally track weather and note that their vtuber said it was raining at exactly 10:19 AM EST to narrow down where they live, while compiling insane screeds because they want to frick their favorite clumsy nerd dragon anime girl in real life... what about the vtubers themselves?

  • They often have considerable issues, but are usually just gross femcels

  • The rabbit girl at the top of this post, Pippa Pipkin, is IRL trailer trash, had a drawer she would puke in, lived with mold on her stuff, did not brush her teeth, and is just generally really gross:

  • Rushia is the name of a former vtuber who lost her job because of lolcow-tier crazy, revealing that she was married, cheating on her husband, then divorcing him while cheating on him and making a ton of accusations, and was threatening lawsuits to a ton of people over this information

  • It explains a lot to learn that the average vtuber is neurodivergent. On this test,, where 65 is minimum score considered for autism and 130 is the mean score of neurodivergent people, the company Phase Connect had many of their vtubers take it and most of them scored above 150.

Why is this dramatic?

The slightest negative thing that a vtuber does gets amplified by schizos and a-logs, which often snowballs into drama. For example, Pippa is gross and weird, but there's a thread right now between her white knights and a-logs that is like 50 pages long in two or three days as if its a :marseycwc: update

The juxtaposition of vtubers to normal media is still fricking hilarious, like tell me this isn't funny:

It's only going to get more neurodivergent and parasocial from here

  • The Japanese Communist Party has a vtuber:

  • If J.D. Vance, a rightoid twitter user who follows "Mid Castizos" and Steve Sailer can become vice president, we will eventually have a weeaboo vice president that'll get questioned why he followed Kirsche

Pissing off vtube fans is funny and unfortunately a proportion of them are pedos and/or gooners

  • Do NOT look at any pictures from conventions. A lot of these guys look WORSE than your worst stereotypes. There are people in real life who buy anime body pillows.

Vtubing could be an innovative form of media. The motion tracking and animation is really interesting. The interactivity that some streamers have can be original and interesting, from the way they break the fourth wall to the way they can manipulate elements of their character model and background on the fly. Some vtubers are surprisingly talented but either too ugly or mentally ill to be regular streamers or did not make it as singers, and this offers a track for them to continue to be an entertainer and make bizarre content.

However, vtubing is ultimately more likely to be known on the internet for pedos jacking off to their favorite 4,000 year old shark girl and donating their Burger King paychecks to Youtube.

Finally, pretty much every single thread on vtubing anywhere turns into this.

(1) Yes, I was honestly surprised at first too. Technically it would be hard to tell if an independent streamer passes hard enough, but agencies have to verify their vtubers and are almost always looking for women only. If you've ever been to weeb convention or related event and you see 4/10 Asian or white women cosplaying or doing related things like /cgl/, there is a nonzero chance they've tried vtubing. Surprisingly, there are even attractive ones, though the correlation between attractiveness and being a vtuber is obviously negative.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Trump is gonna lose to a girl... his worst nightmare hahahahhaHARRIS 2024 (-67)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

She didn't even FILL it, It was a small area bunched together, This is just a photo from a closer angle. there is a retaining wall. Place was only a quarter full (-67)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

And yet again she is LAUGHING. How can she be an effective president if she's finding joy in life.ETA: what's next? A TAN SUIT? (6686)

Wait until she laughs in the face of a world leader who doesn't find that shit funny. That'll go over like a lead balloon. (-51)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

And yet again she is LAUGHING. How can she be an effective president if she's finding joy in life.ETA: what's next? A TAN SUIT? (6686)

Dont you DARE mention the tan suit 😡😡😡😡😡 the most disgraceful time in American history 😡😡😡😡😡NEVER has a president done something so abhorrent and despicable, can't believe it got that far 😤😤😤😤😤😡😡😡😡😭😭😭😭😠😠😠😠 (3)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

GWB looks like a darn saint next to Trump. I mean, he at least had a sense of humor. Trumps "sense of humor" is to make vile and violent "jokes" lashing out at his detractors. It's just seething anger and vengeance all the way down with him. (25)

With Bush Jr, at least I never thought he was actively evil. Incredibly stupid, a bad leader who allowed Cheney to run things, terrible policy decisions.But again, at least when I looked at him and who he was, I never had to wonder if he thought he was doing the right thing for America and not himself.To put it succinctly, Jr is the frat kid that was goofy, and stupid, but not evil, and you could tell his thoughts came from a place of genuine belief.Trump is the shitty male feminist frat kid whose daddy paid for him to be there, paid for the cover ups, and for some reason is inexplicably popular despite being such an unabashed piece of shit with genuinely bad ideas. (5)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I mean, he dropped out when he had no other fricking choice and faced overwhelming opposition to him staying in the race. Wouldn't exactly call that honorable. (1)

Right, but it is still honorable.And it looks even better when compared to Trump, the guy who is Old, a felon, jan 6th, male feminist, child molester with Epstein, conman, liar, covid mgmt faliure, etc, etc, etc, etc, stays in the race.That's the big story here. The republicans will not give up power even faced with the worst candidate in history, but the democrats will do the right thing with no where near the bad things. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/syllabic

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 10

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


!khive :#siren:


!football who in your life is holding you back and how much do you think the krauts would pay for them?

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  • 1 : windows 11 user, do not engage
  • DickButtKiss : You deserve to have your nose rubbed in this loss u cocky b-word
  • Vappy : Windows 11 user, switch to Linux NOW!
  • Gotchfutchian : read the first and third reports
  • BWC : :kissintalking:
:marseystocksup: BUY HIGH, SELL LOW :marseystocksdown: Bridge suggestions

Scientific American is a pro-Lamarkian Evolution publication

Twitter is unimpressed

Biden will announce Supreme Court reform plans on Monday : politics :marseysal:

!chuds redditors think this will pass :marseygiggle:

July 26 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden will announce plans to reform the Supreme Court on Monday, Politico reported citing two people familiar with the matter, adding he was likely to back term limits for justices and an enforceable code of ethics.

Biden said earlier this week during an Oval Office address that he would call for reform of the court.

He is also expected to seek a constitutional amendment to limit immunity for presidents and some other officeholders, Politico reported, in the aftermath of a July Supreme Court ruling that presidents have broad immunity from prosecution.

Biden will make the announcement in Texas on Monday and the specific proposals could change, the report added.

Ugandan Kids re-enact the Trump Assassination Attempt

they wrapped a garbage bag around a stick to make a microphone

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