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  • 14881350 : Groomercord pdf-file total Groomercord death
Other cat owners: he won't stop meowing, he wants attention when I'm gaming, when will he leave me alone? Meanwhile, my cat:
Husband makes the mistake of complaining about wife :marseyboomer: , Reddit's Wife Defence Force storms in :marseyfeminist: :snipsnip:


I just ran an event. It was so meaningful to me.

Bla bla bla this :marseypedo: libertarian coach cute twink did some gay sporting event involving children

I called someone on my ride home and talked for 30 minutes, all smiles.

I get home late and I'm glad to finally relax. I bellyflop onto the bed and do a dramatic sigh.

:marseysquint: this reads like a woman wrote it but ok

My wife says, "did you come in from the garage? Is the laundry done?" I say I don't know. "Get off the bed, I just washed the sheets."

:marseymanysuchcases: scrotes disrespecting household labour :marseydisagree:

I said okay and left the room. She followed me and said she didn't know what she did wrong. Asked me if we could start over. I said sure. She told me about her day, said she wants to hear about mine but she's tired and hopes she will fall asleep soon. "Do you still want to tell me about it?" No thanks. The end.

That's it. Idk how to explain it. She knew how important it was. She knew the effort. She knew I was genuinely excited to talk about it. She knew. She knows.

Basically this uncaring harlot doesn't give a solitary frick about her husband or anything he does :marseypikachu2: Let's see if Reddit gave this moid a safe space to vent

So…when you were at your highest, you didn't call your wife; you called a friend. That says a lot about the lack of support you expect from her.

βœ… It was actually your fault :marseyagree:

Think hard about this one kiddo, she should have been with you. Why wasn't she?

If it's important to them; yes.

That's largely silly, just because he had time to coach doesn't mean she wasn't working, or watching 3 kids, or had laundry,

Expecting support from your life partner is 'largely silly' because of :marseynotes: laundry

Seriously, I feel like we need to hear her side in this particular situation. The fact that he came in, and while I'm just going off of what OP told us, I imagine he didn't say anything until he "slumped" on the bed and sighed??!! Who's so happy and excited and then lays exhaustingly on the bed and lets out a dramatic sigh??!! She's probably sick of shit honestly. YEAH FRICK THIS CUTE TWINK AND HIS HAPPINESS

I feel like there's more to this. Why talk to someone else for 1/2 an hour? Why does she not respond to you? I am hearing a lot of negativity towards her but maybe you don't give her that attention.

My ex husband used to put so much time and effort into everyone else.

>be miserable c*nt

>husband prefers other people

:marseyshook: :marseyfoidretard:

You should have told the truth. Yes, you DID want to talk about it. Burying the feelings doesn't help anyone. Communication is key.

:marseyindignant: clueless scrote. You have to treat your wife like an r-slured toddler and tell her explicitly what to do all the time. :marseyclueless: She'll love that!

I also would feel very hurt if I spent hours cleaning and my husband just came and slept on sport clothes in the fresh bed

Plus he gets directly to bed.. Like what did the kid eat? Was that mom's responsibility? uh, yes? :marseyconfused:

I think this one is on you for deciding not to tell her about your day after the whole exchange was said and done.

Reading this, I thought props to her for asking to start over at all. If I was home doing chores and my husband came in, didn't say anything to me and immediately went and laid on clean sheets without changing - a big pet peeve of mine - I'd be pissed.

You mean to tell me Redditors are unlovable psychopaths :marseyshook:

How much of the household management was left to your wife?

Every single r-slur in this thread is explicitly concerned with the fact that :marseyfoidretard: had to lift a solitary finger and not be waited on hand and foot 24/7

As a woman who often carries the mental load despite many many attempts to create systems that divvy it up more equally with my partner, sounds like a fun relationship!

Exactly. All while he was out enjoying his hobby to the fullest extent expecting her to be jubilant after her full day of chores. It doesn't sound good.

Maybe it's because I'm a :marseydudesrock: moid but I'm actually fully capable of both performing menial household tasks AND not being a miserable c*nt about it! My DMs are open ladies :marseyxoxo:

I'm still on team foid though because he sounds like more of a woman than she does. :marseytrain2:

Whose side are you on for this extremely tepid drama?





There are things that aged badly and then there's this

:marseycringe: :marseycringe: :marseycringe:

I bet whoever made this is really embarrassed now.


Ackshually, transgender vegan murderers are right-wing


EFFORTPOST Star Trek DS9 Season 1 Reviews: Duet and In the Hands of the Prophets


A unscheduled spaceship asks for docking permission at DS9 and, in what seems to me a massively wasteful use of resources, Kira (second in command of the station remember) deals with the request. This is how she hears that the ship has an emergency case of Space AIDS (not really, obviously, but I just got done in the last post claiming that a 1970s British multi-instrumentalist and songwriter was murdering people in space so you'll forgive my lack of exact details). Only survivors of one of Cardassia's most awful mines during the occupation (which we will hitherto call Michigan Mine cos apparently the air quality was so bad it gave everyone AIDS). Kira skips down to the infirmary to greet a brave survivor of the occupation to be greeted by this cheeky chappie:

He's obviously one of the guards from the camp and, as Kira tearfully explains to Sisko, those guys did a few too many of the old Nanjing Massacre recreation activities during their time in Michigan. This one is called Maritza and is played by Harris Yulin, an incredibly prolific character actor- if you don't recognise the name you'd recognise his face from one of his many, many movie roles. I've always remembered him best for his role as the corrupt pig in Scarface who was cocky enough to think Tony Montana wouldn't shoot him:

Although Maritza claims to have a different sickness, Bashir confirms it's definitely Michigan AIDS and Kira goes all Simon Weistental in her quest to see him hang. Sisko's reluctance to bend the law in order to hold the man on circumstantial evidence threatens to cause a diplomatic incident with both the Bajorans and the Cardassians and he's forced to give Kira 26 hours (one Bajor day, remember) to wring a confession out of the guy.

Sisko gets a call from his predecessor Gul Dukat...

Remember him? Yeah this is only the second time he's appeared in the series, believe it or not. Season 2 will see him appear far more prominently but, until now, he really hasn't played a large role.

Now, the rest of the episode is basically a series of one-on-one interrogations where Kira tries to prove that Maritza was actually the commander of the camp and was therefore responsible for everything that happened there and Martiza both denies it openly but also implies she's right and mocks her for not being able to prove it. These scenes are largely played straight without much in the way of special effects, location changes or other cast getting in the way- hence 'Duet'.

It's very strong stuff and gives Nana Visitor a lot of chances to prove her acting chops (which are considerable- everyone's just going to have to accept that I am going to simp hard for Visitor from now on because she's hot and talented AND I LIKE HER HAIR OK? I have been traumatised in recent years by the :marseytrain2: genocide of tomboys and I like to return to the 90s when boyish girls were loved and cherished and not hoodwinked into cutting their tits off*).

This episode reminds me of TNG's 'The Measure of a Man' in as much as it's a strong script presented plainly with very strong performances without needing a bunch of expensive vidual effects or the fricking camera rolling around on a fricking skateboard like modern Trek. The ending is a bit contrived (Maritza turns out to be the camp clerk who was too scared to stop the atrocities and wants to set himself up as a great villain to provide the Bajorans with a sense of justice and to publicize the massacre across the quadrant to stop the Carsassian revisionist history from burying it- Kira goes from hating him to feeling pity for him) but the road there is well worth travelling and it does a lot to explore the Bajoran and Cardassian attitude to the occupation and their relationship with each other. Having established that he's actually innocent- and a Bajoran sympathiser to boot- Kira escorts Maritza to his ship but, along the way he is attacked and killed by a Bajoran- not because he was a war criminal but simply because he was a Cardassian.


No seriously- it's good. Just falls apart a bit at the end.

*This was a sperg out and I'm sorry. I'm going to remember that obssessing about trains helped elect Dumpf and his gaggle of neo-lib Jeet-entusiasts.

In the Hands of the Prophets

So last episode re-introduced Gul Dukat. Lets meet another one of the DS9 rogues' gallery for the finalΓ© of Season 1...

Vedek Winn is a religious fundamentalist and one of two Vedeks (like bishops) in line to become the next Kai (like the pope). Literally the first thing she does upon arriving on the station is shut Keiko the frick up and shut down her stupid school.

So far she's a very sympathetic villain. Winn's issue with the school is that it's teaching the kids, specifically the Bajoran kids, that the Celestial Temple is just an artificial wormhole and the Prophets are merely aliens.

Now this is some real Star Trek shit. The general disdain for religion and the repeated debunking of supposed "Gods" has been a cornerstone of this show from it's earliest days.

DS9 would tackle things differently- the Prophets are, essentially, just very advanced aliens... one theory posits them as what the Bajorans will eventually become although this idea has some issues and also it's a rip-off of the ultimate fate of humanity in Babylon 5...

...but since when has DS9 ripping-off Babylon 5 ever been something new?

Anyway, as I was saying- although the Prophets are just aliens to the Federation, DS9's writers never undermine the religious beliefs of the Bajorans: they are gods to them and they literally do all the god shit that gods are supposed to do. Similarly, just because Winn is an extremist that doesn't mean her religion is entirely bad or wrong.

To compound Keiko's problems, Miles is finding himself quite enamoured of his Bajoran assistant. She has actually been in a couple of episodes before this one but here she's given a lot more to say and do- she's smart, competent and she keeps sticking her tits in his face all the time.

Anyway, after all the shit Winn's been stirring, someone bombs the ( by luck, empty) school...

Remember how I said Winn was one of the Vedeks in the running to be the next Kai? The other one is Vedek Bariel.

You may recognise Robert Anglim as the younger priest guy (who wasn't Richard Chamberlain) from The Thorn Birds. Maybe you don't- he was later in the series after Rachel Ward and Brian Brown weren't in it. Bariel is the moderate candidate and Sisko tries topersuade him to come to the station to try and offset the violence.

He eventually agrees and arranges a photo-op with Winn- "let us stand together against this violence" he says- when Tits McWrinklenose tries to shoot him but is intercepted by Sisko doing a slow motion dive. He even gives us a slow motion "NOOOOOOOOO!" when he does it which is pretty funny. I actually don't want to undermine this scene- it's a heck of a climax.


Note the Bajoran special-needs clapping as Bariel does his rock-star priest act.

OK straight off- Louise Fletcher as Winn is fricking amazing. The passive aggressive shit she pulled as Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Works even better here where she ties it to smiley insincere religious doubletalk. I know the Oscars is bullshit, and I guess some of the schizo dramatards think the Academy a cabal of old libertarian Jews handing out awards for whatever shit they think will most destabilise the midwest, but Fletcher's Oscar deserves to be celebrated and is a badge of her talent. Let's just have a bit of that now...

Yeah, that's Brad Dourif- voice of Chucky and another Star Trek alumni.

Bajoran extremist shenanigans will kick off season 2 and Winn will be back in action, this time allying herself with multiple Tony Award winner Frank Langella (The Tony's are the stage Oscars but even more gay).

DS9 will return... maybe even in the new SciFi hole, who knows?

:marseykiwi:s debate over...muscle mommies

this thread caught my eye so i had to look

sure emough:

OP post is :marseychefkiss:

:fancywithwine:She is the definition of independence. When the world tells her to shrink, she chooses to expand.

Muscle mommies do not ask for permission.

They take what they deserve.

:rapeson: :!mariogoatse:

btw this is the same guy that huffed nitrogen

:marseyturnedon: You forgot to mention that they are great cuddlers

surpised this wasnt peggiebigpeepee saying this

:marseyblops2cel: posting

:chudseethe: All these women are fat nowadays

:chudcel:Muscle mommies is the kind of thing that looks great drawn

:chudsmug: Haters to the left :to:

i did not make that mistake that was literally how """he""" wrote it :marseylaugh:

this post sums it up

Porn Addition: The Thread

Fatass that can't sit down and write because he's busy eating says an Elden Ring movie could happen.

Need a :fellforitagainaward: for journ*lists reporting stuff coming out of China
Reported by:
Kiwis try to give :marseynull: advice on how to stop being morbidly obese. Surprisingly, he takes it very poorly!

Neighbor is incapable of not melting down on at least a weekly basis lmao

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[Week 8 Open Discussion Thread] What do you look for in a podcast?

Telling on myself here, but I mostly only listen to true crime podcasts, and almost exclusively when I'm running or working out. I like them because there's a built-in element of drama and kind of trashy gossip of digging around in the refuse of someone else's life. Also a little tiny bit of fear/danger element that gets me amped up when I'm running, especially at night like what if I have to run away from a psycho???

I don't generally like sort of hang-out-and-shoot-the-shit interview podcasts, but I see that so so many people do. Is it a parasocial thing? Like if you like the hosts and you want to imagine being friends/lovers with them? Or maybe you are not a funny and clever person yourself / you have no inner monologue, so you need a podcast to fill your head with other people being funny and clever on your behalf?

Anyway, what do you look for in your podcasts? What should I start listening to?

Or this is an open thread, just chat about whatever. I got a new breadmaker and it fricking sucks. How do you know if a breadmaker is bad or just the recipes or maybe you suck at pouring four ingredients in a pot and pressing the "start" button correctly? Someone told me I should use the recipes off Bread Daddy instead of the ones in the book that came with the machine. Anyone here tasted the Bread Daddy's dough?

Famous last words



:marseychessknight: GOOMBLE INSIDE :marseyladybugcapitalist: biggest drama in chess since the Gary Kasparov split. would you bet on it?

what is freestyle chess?

it is a variant created by the legendary racist bobby fischer where the last rank is shuffled up, tossing the opening prep out of the window.

FIDE, the big boss of chess, thinks they're the only ones who can use "World Championship". Freestyle Chess Players Club wanted to call their tournament a "World Championship" too, but FIDE wasn't having it. They told players to sign a waiver to stay cool with FIDE events if they played in Freestyle.

Things got spicy with both sides throwing shade. FIDE's CEO, Emil Sutovsky, said Freestyle Chess was just protecting the elite players. Freestyle Chess hit back, saying FIDE was pressuring players and even called for the FIDE president to step down.

After all the drama, Freestyle Chess agreed to drop "World Championship" from their promo stuff for the next 10 months. This was a move to keep things chill for a bit.

they are planning tennis like tour and F1 like point system.

the first Grand Slam 2025 Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Weissenhaus is going on rn. semifinals would start from tomorrow. would you like to bet?

tourney drama

magnus initially performed mediocre during the round robin phase, leading to people declaring him washed. currently he's playing games at 98% accuracy while eating fruits (banana)

caruana is rumored to have studied all 960 opening maps and has put the current FIDE world champ Gukesh in his place through straight upperhand matchups

sindarov, the last minute entrant, runner up of the qualifier has been upsetting people left & right. he even chose the tough matchup hikaru (the legendary streamer) for the quarterfinal, shocking everyone. currently playing the tiebreaker

prince ali, the topper of the round robin. current playing vincent (the weakest pick) and is losing lmao. edit: bozo lost

The PirateSoftware storm continues. This time he is under fire from the leftoids

A short recap from the last drama:

PS is a streamer/gamedev who has a lot of hate for his takes and is under kiwifarm crosshair for being a furry lolcow. Despite that, he is still fairly popular.

He plays WOW hardcore or something with his clan (or whatever in wow) OnlyFangs with are a bunch of streams apparently. This is a recipe for disaster.

In one of the WOW encounters that leave 2 permanent clan members dead, he has a dispute with his clan on stream because he ran away. Whether you agree with it or not, he is so unlikable during the stream everyone comes out and dunks on him. From a simple clan dispute, it turns into a massive drama in which people send him death threats for the lol. He takes it pretty badly and gets kicked out of the clan.

recap over

This time, he went into :marseychud: :marseyblops2cel: Asmongold stream to explain his situation. Needlessly to say, this cause a massive massive seethes from the leftoid :marseylibleft:

lets enjoy this

Boston is full of a bunch of fricking nazis


:marseyhappening: :marseytrump: Trump Moves To Dismantle Department of Education With New Order :marseyshock: :marseyhappening:

Department of Education is (soon) kill!?

I was talking to a irl maga person a month ago and they were like:

:!brainletmaga: ...what? It doesn't matter who gets appointed to head the DOE because Trump will dismantle it. He literally said so lol

And I was like

:!brainletchest: pshhh that will never happen...


The People's Republic of Victoria says death to Australia Day


From the article:

The City of Melbourne council and Victorian government remain steadfast in their Australia Day policies despite a swell in support for the national holiday. Victoria will not bring back Melbourne's Australia Day Parade, which was a centrepiece of celebrations up until it was cancelled by former premier Dan Andrews during the Covid period four years ago. Staff working for the state government and City of Melbourne Council will also continue to have the option to shun Australia Day as a holiday by choosing another day to have off. Although the City of Melbourne will host traditional citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day the council confirmed it still opposes January 26 as the date of national celebration. 'The City of Melbourne will host nine citizenship ceremonies in 2025 – including on January 26,' a council spokesperson told the Herald Sun.

It also found 86 per cent of respondents were 'proud to be Australian' while 68 per cent agreed that Australia has 'a history to be proud of'. January 26, which marks the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney's Port Jackson in 1788, has been labelled Invasion Day by those who see it as a date for mourning the colonisation and dispossession of Indigenous Australians. IPA deputy executive Director Daniel Wild said the results demonstrated a shift in the vibe and energy surrounding Australia Day.

'It is clear that mainstream Australians have had a gutful of this attitude and being put upon by the elites,' Mr Wild said. 'The 26th of January is more than just a date, it represents the establishment of modern Australia as a free and fair country.'

For those who don't know. Victoria is a communist backwater state in Australia. It is one the poorest and most uncultured states. It even signed itself up to China's Belt and Road initiative is currently in a mountain of debt. I hate Victoria so much bros. I hope Trump invades Victoria genocides every single soy Victorian there. Fricking cute twinks. Kill all Victorians. Despite making up 20% of Australia's population, Victoria consumes 84% of federal subsidies. That's just how much of shithole Victoria is. Australia would be much richer if we just booted it from the Federation.

Anyway, Soybourne actually are having Aus day celebrations - I just want any excuse to shit on the city that I live in.

The IPA - the Institute of Public Affairs - is a rightoid "think"tank that espouses whatever their donors want to here. When I become dictator, these kinds of people will be liquidated. Lots of people will be liquidated. It is my dream to one day be unburdened by leftoids and rightoids. Every aussie will be an ascended griller. I will install though trackers into the brains of every citizen so that they can only think good, correct thoughts.

I've got the flu, have only slept 3 hours and just want to weird post. Anyway, I'll shut up now.

Let's see how the Redditors are eating up this garbage article:

This will only help dutton in the upcoming election.

Exactly, these traitors need flushing out of the system. Go find another country to disassemble.

Fricking ease up turbo. Most people who don't choose to celebrate the day just want it changed. They don't want to disassemble the country πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

I would bet 8 out 10 people in this situation are either state actors or passive aggressive Marxists, 2 actually really care...

Below is you:

Haha, I upmarseyd this.

Mate you're fricking cooked. It's not even hard to understand why indigenous people find it offensive. We literally celebrate the day some other c*nt rocked up in a boat and said "Yeah, I'll take it " Literally the only problem stopping this debate from being easily resolved is the fact that the dumb c*nts started the federated nation of Australia on Jan 1st. So it's a bit fricking hard to celebrate our actual birthday because everyone is hungover.


Jesus dude, hop off the Pauline punch

We'll be isn't too far off, the people promoting this garbage don't understand the damage their doing and the blow back that comes after it.. some things are better off left alone.

What damage?

When Dutton gets in you and the other down voting clowns should take a look in the mirror and take a bow

What is Dutton going to force people to wear flags as capes at gunpoint? Most if the decline in attendance at Australia far events happened under a Liberal government


Frick off you do know what Marxist is

Do you?

Karl Marx wrote in the communist manifesto that communism shall be defined as not having Australia day on January 26. Once that is achieved we can have a dictatorship of the proletariat, initiate a cultural revolution and live like George Orwins animal crackers.

The pigs rule, until they're eaten.

What exactly is a "passive aggressive Marxist"?

A Marxist who is aggressive, passively...

Fine. Don't seize the means of production. See if I care.

Calling people that want Australia Day moved (not even gone just moved) traitors is fricking hilarious. What flavour crayon are you eating today?

How did you come to the conclusion that I was referring specifically to people that want Australia Day moved traitors? You are sprinkling false context where it doesn't exist. If you read through my history, I am all for moving the date.

But who then wants to "disassemble" Australia?

Maybe those who have something to gain from it? Usually it is distraction or manipulation for political control, or partitioning votes. There are benefits in keeping people busy fighting amongst themselves, consider it filling a collective cognitive capacity with "noise".

As an Australian I would like the national day to honour the day Australians did something, like Federation (Jan 1), establishment of Australian authority I've parliament and courts (March 3) or perhaps a republic. I think the "traitors" are the ones who celebrate a day British sips carrying British convicts landed here to establish a British penal colony under a British flag

I disagree (regarding who are the traitors), the vast majority of people are celebrating because it is a public holiday celebrating the nation. Most are victims of circumstances and contingent outcomes. This disunity has been poorly handled by politicians who should have fixed this years ago with real action, not subtle sly messaging that only ensures people are distracted from the shocking job they are doing.

As an Australian I don't like holidays on days celebrating the actions of British people. Am I a traitor?


Forcing people to celebrate on January 26…..sounds like the LNP are the communists

No one is forcing anyone to do anything, inaction is the issue.

For those who don't know, Dutton is the leader of the Liberal Party. The Liberals are the hecking based and tradpilled cuckservative party who totally won't sell off the soil under your feet to their mates or foreign actors. (Labor is no better).


Naarm, if you prefer not to use the name of an English prime minister infamous as a nonce in his own lifetime.

Lot of downmarseys from people who prefer the English nonce.

You're weird

Probably what they said to the guy whose idea it was to name somewhere after an English nonce.

Ngl, that was funny 🀣

FFS, Again: it's not about the DAY it's the DATE. Everyone I know is totally in favour of Australia Day, most people I know just want the date changed. Mr Dutton could actually choose to go down the change the date track, but he doesn't do that, quite deliberately. He just can't recognise or have any empathy as to why the date is so fricking awful.

Whats wrong with the date?

Seriously. ok. I'll give you a clue..... Invasion and dispossession.

Did a bloody good job in just 200 years.

The slogan "Abolish the date" indicates some people want Australia Day itself abolished, rather than rescheduled.

Fricked if I know how you read that into a 3 word definitive statement. Abolish the date. Full stop. Nowhere in there does it mention abolishing Australia Day.

Sorry mate I couldnt find a gaybc or guardian article for you. Its funny how those companies tend not to report on things like this or at best spin in it a way that makes it out to be a good thing. But you already knew that. Tabloids you dont like printing facts you dont like it, doesn't make them untrue.

Such a mature and outstanding contribution


The guardian and the 'gaybc' as you so intelligently put it don't report on things like this, because it's billionaire-funded culture war BS that has successfully indoctrinated you into feeling enraged about a holiday that means nothing other than a day off for 90% of the population. I'm also extremely concerned that you genuinely believe a shitrag that reads at a primary-school level and literally takes its sources from right-wing think tanks is 'printing facts'. It's printing propaganda. And you have fallen for it.

Hey guys, person from Naarm here. Just want to acknowledge the custodians of this sub, past, present, and emerging on the sub in which we're posting. There is no need to thank us. We're just leading by example so that one day, even those red neck Queenslanders will see the error of their ways and join with us in protest to change the date. Yes we know, support for genocide is growing (as demonstrated by the evil Murdoch empire), but I assure you we will continue the fight alone by holding Invasion Day rallies with the usual "no pride in genocide", "always was, always will be", and the classic "sovereignty was never ceded" until 11:59pm and then do it again until next year on January 26th. Yes, we could protest all year about it, but unfortunately, we don't really want to complete with the pro-Palastinian protesters for the Sunday time slot all year and we also don't really care as long as we virtue signal harder than everyone else in this racist country. Flag burning starts at 5:30, you're welcome to join us.

This post needs gold guilding just for the tone alone, I stopped breathing for several seconds before the laughter orgasm.


Rule 2 - No trolling.

Melbourne of course

If China ever invades, I would gladly offer Melbourne as tribute to make them leave.

They would be insulted.

Why does a UK news agency give a frick?

With a history of tacitly supporting Hitler and Mussolini, and a current readership of people who like xenophobia but can't spell it, it manages to get almost 9 million unique online visitors from Australian IP addresses, per month. This makes them money.

Fricking poms interfering in our affairs yet again.



Here's the github for their project if any codecels are interested.




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