
I shall not rest until every man, woman, and child has been hanged and political peace has been restored.

!chuds !nonchuds


There actually happened a lot of shit in Ukraine this week especially corruption wise and its related to my previous post about call center

So this guy:

Decided he is da boss of Ukraine. As hobbies he likes to stop random men and telling them to pay him X or he send them to new bakhmut.

He got so insane he decided to take over some call Center businesses

The big men didn't liked it and told Yermak (true leader of Ukraine) to do something or they will them self get rid of that clown

So surprise Yermak decides to get rid of him.

He was arrested and they found tons of money at his place and etc and next day a court case was opened against that man:

He walking to the court

He saying something in the court

Him celebrating the victory in some elite restaurant :marseyxd:

And like 300k people signed a petition to arrest him but this time the guy got out with a warning to not mess up with big bois :marseythumbsup:

Another thing there is preparation to get rid of Sirsky. But Sirsky doesn't give a frick about moral so he got rid of one of his general that was doing Mariupol defence. Now in Ukrainian rhetoric Mariupol and legendary Krinky is failure

Maaaa human waives :chudseethe:

Reality was that Russia just bombed that location without doing any assaults. Like imagine your enemy is rushing towards your camping spot in fps.

And this foid is the main who pushes to get rid of Sirsky and she was also main in getting rid of Zaluzhnyy, she is some minister.

So things ain't very solid and US wants this to end, Biden invited yesterday a Russian homo that Biden personally sanctioned and forbidden to enter US

So Zelenskyy knows things ain't going well so he needs to act like good boi and pretend he wants peace. But I am sure he knows Russian don't need any compromises now when penetrated the Toretsk area (also reason of criticism against Sirsky)

Bongs cucked :soymad: :soymad: :soymad: by yank movie showing yanks being the actual heroes :marseygigachad:

was wondering why on earth is this particulour war movie abrasive ? :marseybeanquestion:

basically lots of sneed :soyjaktantrum: :soyjaktantrum: :soyjaktantrum: by Bongoloids about "stolen valour" :marseysmug6:

basically orcs (bongs) assblasted that yank flick shows yank as good guyz, in that typical Hollyweird 1980-2000s fashion

sun setting on the dying bong empire, and they :marseycopeseethedilate: :marseycopeseethedilate: :marseycopeseethedilate:

"Anyone know the release date of that film where 2 British pilots saved pearl harbor?" :soymad: :soymad: :soymad:

"This story about the enigma is more nonsense than even the Great Escape. In the real great escape not a single American was part of the escape but at least they were in the camp until separated by the Germans. But the enigma machine capture is 100% British, and some British sailors blablablabla" nobody likes bongs

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I hate p-dophiles so fricking much I cannot put it into words GOD FRICKING DAMMIT

:#marseybarbarian: :#marseypedo:

:marseybiden2: Roe v Wade had three trimesters :marseymoreyouknow:

Dr. Disrespects the Age of Consent admits he was "inappropriately" DMing a minor


New toss

DEBATE BETTING THREAD :marseyletsfuckinggo2:

will i watch two senile p-dophiles i don't care about impotently talk at each other about things i don't care about for an hour and a half tonight



Box having groomercord phone s*x with him isn't enough, he needs real gock in his orifices, looking for a volunteer pls

@Grue you know people, pls help our friend


I can't believe there's even still a chance he'll win. It's insane. But yet I know it's a possibility still. He's the antichrist.

And this is the reason why people with common sense all over the world are having anxiety attacks, come November world order relies on American hillbillies :marseyrofl!:

Men like trump destroy governments so dictators like Putin can step in and rule them. Biden 2024 or these United States will be no more. Trump will literally sell us to Russia Russia Russia. BIGLY! (I put some rhymes, catch phrases, and all caps misspelled words in to attract the MAGA) But seriously, We gotta reach out to our conservative brothers and sisters in this country and help them realize Trump has no ones interests in his mind but his own. He will be the death of our nation. And most of us. Blue wave for the save!

Yeah, but at least he's not a libral. The shock of my life was when my 80 yr old baptist preacher, 30 yr military father in law took up the Trump flag and started defending Putin. Thats when I knew the well was poisoned.

Project 2025 is a PROMISE for him to be Dictator on day one. The already laid out their plan people. We will be installing a fascist dictator. And most of you seem to be cheering it on?

We're Americans. We hate fascists.

These propaganda articles are hilarious. Let's get some things straight. Trump imposed very strict taxes and limitations on goods exported to China. Something the Biden administration doubled down on. Hillary Clinton's campaign that claimed Russia inference in the 2016 trial was found to be untrue.

This isn't news. Its blatant lies. [-6]

If Russia was pushing for it then you think you would see more propaganda for trump online but that's just my take on it. [-2]

This is the liberal equivalent to QAnon

Before you say it I am not a Trump supporter [-5]

dO tHeY knOw AMeRicA fELl?!?

If you dont shut your right wing talkin point butt up. Turn off Newsmax, leave your bunker, and go outside. Nothing fell, America isnt over, you silly hill billy. This is the problem with Trump fearmongering everytime he gets in front of a microphone, he knows that a bunch of slack jawed yokels are gonna eat it up. It's scary that you vote.

You're good at name calling. A step above the simple down vote. Maybe some day some one some where will take it a step farther and have an intelligent rebuttal. [-3]

Let it all burn. Supreme court put their stamp of approval on legalized bribery. America was rotten from the start. Now those in power no longer even try to hide their malfeasance. I refuse to vote for either of these addled brained old fricks. You reap what you sow and America has a lot to answer for. [-5]

Lmfao reading these hyperbolic headlines AGAIN after saying Trump was gonna start WW3 and its the end of the republic in 2016-2020 is tiresome. I dont really even like the guy that much but reading this makes me want to vote for him.

You would think if Putin and Trump are so buddy buddy, Russia would have invaded in Trumps term for less consequences from the US... [-11]

Everyone said this the last time too. There was even CIA/FBI intel showing links between Trump and Russia. Then one by one they faded away and were disproven.

If we want to stop Trump getting in we need to legitimately attack his shit character and poor political positions, not make shit up, but even worse, just retell the same lies from last time. [-17]

Lol, yeah. Trump allowed the borders to be flooded with illegals, gave billions for foreign wars and helped usher in crippling inflation. TDS is back baby! [-10]

Just fricked a chick-update from a few weeks ago (AMA).

Fricked another chick. This time I did it while my parents were at a dinner party or something.

She wanted to leave afterwards and didn't cuddle because I think she was wierded out because I drank a post-s*x protein shake (i had a pump so I didn't want to waste my anabolic window).


Fart on my roommate's door hahaha - YouTube
Perfect summary of the debate :gigabiden:

!chuds in shambles

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@QuadNarca @pizzashill you guys too

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