:marseynotes: ooh I'm gonna remember that one


SHEILA AT 5:30 AM, AVERAGE SUNDAY :marseyfluffy:

I love her :beavisandbuttheadrocking: :marseycornholio: :marseyhearts: :marseybow: my special lil gal. She has begun giving more nose-kisses daily than Socks ever has the whole time I've rehabilitated that brown piece of flabby tabby :marseygiggle: they are going to fight so stupidly over sleeping with me once Sheila's fixed. We are close to the savings mark for her spay :marseyexcitedgif: :marseyletsgo:

!animalposters !cats

DJ, dog walker and homeopath among roles on UK skilled worker visa list :marseydogwalker:


!nooticers :marseyemojilaugh:

Canine beauticians, DJs and pilates instructors are among the categories of overseas workers eligible to apply for UK skilled worker visas, an Oxford academic has found.

As the government promises a white paper later this year to slash the numbers entering the UK to work, a list of specific and in some cases unusual "middle-skilled" jobs to which foreign workers can still apply has been identified.

Analysis of Home Office data over three years to March 2024 shows that 334 visas were granted for "animal care service occupations", which include dog groomers, dog walkers, stable hands, kennel assistants and veterinary nursing assistants.

Over the same period, 167 fitness and wellbeing instructors, who include pilates and yoga teachers and lifestyle coaches, were given skilled worker visas.

Keir Starmer is launching an immigration policy drive amid a poll surge by Nigel Farage's Reform UK party.

The list of occupations also includes "costume interpreters" – the people wearing period dress who greet visitors at museums and National Trust properties.

The anomalies were unearthed by Robert McNeil, a researcher at the University of Oxford's Centre on Migration, Policy and Society. "Many of these roles may well be challenging and require particular skills, but they might not be the sort of things that are front of mind for most people when they imagine roles that are critical for UK employers to recruit from overseas," he said.

He found them among more than 300 designated jobs on the "eligible occupations" skilled worker visas list, after flitting past professions usually associated with visa applicants such as nursing, care work, the civil service, the diplomatic corps and banking.

In a blog post on Tuesday, McNeil said the jobs were on the list because of changes introduced after the UK left the EU. "At the same time as ending free movement, the government reduced the skills threshold to allow middle-skilled jobs to qualify for work visas. Previously, only graduate jobs qualified in the system that applied to non-EU citizens.

"When people think about such middle-skilled jobs, roles like plumbers, bricklayers or engineering technicians spring to mind. But defining what is actually middle-skilled is not straightforward," he said. "Some of the results are surprising."

The "middle-skilled" list also includes "air travel assistants" – cabin crew and staff who check baggage at airports. In the year ending March 2024, 869 visas were issued for these roles. Cemetery managers, homeopaths and cycling instructors are also on the list.

Ministers have promised to tighten the rules around visas after repeatedly saying they want to reduce overall migration. Starmer accused the Conservative government of conducting an "open borders experiment" in November after revised official figures showed net migration to the UK hit a record 906,000 in 2023.

The white paper is expected to be published in spring as part of Starmer's plans to see off the political challenge from Reform. Among the proposals included in the document will be moves to reduce legal immigration, including by linking migration to skills and ensuring more British workers are trained to fill jobs commonly recruited from abroad.

It is also expected to take into account a Migration Advisory Committee review ordered by the home secretary, Yvette Cooper, to limit overseas hiring by technology and engineering companies.

But Labour is also keen to show the UK remains open to high-skilled workers by reviewing visa routes. The chancellor, Rachel Reeves, told a breakfast event at the World Economic Forum in Davos: "We are going to look again at routes for the highest skilled people, visas particularly in the areas of AI and life sciences."

Home Office sources say that while the "eligible occupations" list is eclectic, applying for a visa is just the first step in being able to come to the UK to work. Foreign workers also need to be sponsored by an employer and most are required to be paid a minimum of £38,700. The required income drops to just less than £31,000 or lower if the applicant is under 26 or engaged in certain types of higher education.

Asked to respond to McNeil's findings, a government spokesperson said: "We are grateful for the work skilled international professionals do in the UK. However, it is clear that we must end reliance on overseas labour and boost economic growth. That's why, under our Plan for Change, we will publish a white paper to set out a comprehensive plan to restore order to the broken immigration system, as we aim to link our immigration, skills and visa systems to boost the domestic workforce."

This is who is calling you BIPOC and subhuman

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau to resign
Chatgpt chuds out about the UN and western powers installing female leaders in Africa


I never expected chatgpt to be so honest



Brave Redditor "Stands Alone" In A "Solo Protest" Against Trump




Women's idea of romance is cheating

College students suck


Listen to the young people. So you know how right you are to ignore them.

AFD winning is not dramatic

Trump winning is funny and dramatic because of the collective scream-cry by effeminate nu-libs as their state apparatus is dismembered.

AFD winning would reverse the current, "mass import Muslims because the holocaust happened" strategy Germany has.

Germany turning things around isn't cool or funny. European politicians all slowly being named Muhammad while America has a spiritual revolution against Muhammad is way funnier.

Europe replacing itself is far more funny and dramatic then the limp wristed waking up.

The death of DEI is the end of the road for us. :marseyautismgenocide:


Time to tell no one. Job application asks if you have a disability? Nope, nah, zero, ive never been disabled in my entire life. I'm so abled that actually I'm super abled, my IQ is 300 and I came out socializing before I was even born.

If you can't be clocked as an neurodivergent and weren't already doing this, you are in fact mentally disabled and saying this would be a lie.

Obviously horrible but also obviously was going to happen as soon as the orange guy got into office. Neurodivergent people were targeted in 1930's Germany. Orange man surrounds himself with Nazis. The frick did people think was going to happen?

You forgot to say it only impacts US.

Ireland has definitely been trying to improve attitudes towards all kinds of disabilities too.

I notice it's typical for Americans to perceive that they are centre of universe. Very sad approach to reality

yeh the Australian government is developing specific policy to enable greater employment of neurodivergents and action plans for support of neurodivergents in the workplace

:marseyheavymetal: We're all living in America! :marseyusa:

I don't know... All I know is that my entire life my autism has been a barrier to my work experiences rather than a key. I can just cloak my autism. I'm pretty slow and without something like Ritalin or Concerta I process things very slow. My work speed has never been enough for any of my bosses and I've been fired from electrical jobs multiple times for it.

DEI has never benefited me.

!crossword Six across: slow, as a fire.

It's time to mask 100% all the time for your own safety

You were able to act normal this whole time and you were just choosing not to? :gigachadautist:

Reported by:
I am constantly insulted on this platform.
These are the kinds of people bemoaning the Great Replacement

Rightoids cant fathom that it requires great collective sacrifice to maintain their preferred racial makeup of their town.


Here is the thing. I test hypnosis on and off here and there, and over time I sometimes get messages from the dream state. Usually the messages were some simple things like "here is a story idea" or "Here is another cool story idea" or "whoops sleep paralysis." little signals like the last few moments of a dream where something interesting happens and still feels profound when you wake up.

What happened over time however, is that those last moments of dreams became less abstract and more like direct recommendations. Like you know the bicameral brain theory? Where one side of your brain is giving instructions and the other side of your brain is perceiving it as an outside voice from beyond yourself? Something like that but more with my subconscious directly telling me that I am wrong about something or not, and me waking up and going over what I am told I was wrong about, and realizing the dream advisor voice is correct.

Here is where things took a turn though. In my most recent self hypnosis/ nap session, I appear to have gone through a hypnotic regression ( simple explanation for hypnotic regression - going through locked memories in a hypnotic state, memories you cannot normally access ) rather than just a random dream advice message ( I was trying for hypnotic transcendent experience), and that regression state told me a story that does not match up with what I remember of my past but would match up with the theoretical timeline of my life and all that happened.

So I come from a third world nation. We have had A lot, and I mean ALOT, of change in our values and how we treat the people around us. From a 1st world point of view, the third world may still be very backwards, but from a third world perspective, every generation the third world has been busy stuffing in a single generation time frame about 100 years of western cultural and social change at once, to catch up on the western ideas that work. For example - In the west you might have stories of your grandfather beating your dad half dead or your great grandfather beating your grandfather half dead on a whim, but by your time you are trying to give your kid a time out to sit in their room as a lesson to take your car without permission and get caught by the cops for speeding.

Well, you take that level of cultural change and you fit it within a single generation, two at the very longest timescale, and you have got the rate at which culture is changing in the 3rd world. So the very same parent who might have been using you like a gym punching bag while you were 8-9 would be trying to learn to not raise his voice at you just because they are frustrated by the time you are in your 20s.

Now that the background information is filled in, here is my dream hypnosis regression comes in. In it was a message for me, and the message was that one of my parents is supposed to have been a crazy psycho on a whole other level than the worst that I remember about them. That they were a crazy psycho to the point that there is a clear gap between how different and fricked up my life was before I was 8 years old and after I was 8 years old, even though I remember almost nothing from before 8 years old.

Here is the problem with that dream though. It felt like it was the truth, but I don't remember the level of psycho that the dream was telling me one of my parents were in the very beginning, but, and this is an important but, I have enough memories of my parents to know that they became less violent and shittier in their anger every single year over time and the process of becoming less aggressive is still going on till today, and if I looked at the theoretical model of their behavior getting worse with every single year even beyond the earliest point where I can remember a bad memory, it suggests an 8 year time span where I would have absolutely ended up living with pure demons for a few days to weeks every year. In theory that pattern perfectly holds based on the pattern from 9 year old to the 20s that I do remember. Taking that pattern back I would in theory absolutely be living with psychopaths where it is a miracle that half my skull isn't crushed in and I can still speak.

But, here is the second part of the problem. My skull isn't half crushed in, and I can still speak, and the only evidence I have that "it never even began" is a theoretical model that fits, along with a dream telling me things were a lot worse than I will ever even be able to remember. It is like a case of profiling where the profile fits, but I have no 1st hand evidence to support the accusation.

For all I know the hpyno dream could just be completely made up, and actually just a dream filling in random blanks based on my subconscious storytelling mind. Creating a random tragedy possibly where none exists. To make matters worse, I come from a save face culture, which means that even if I asked people in my family about it, they would either label it as not half as bad as whatever I have in mind, or deny the existence of any suffering completely.

At the end of the day, now I am stuck with a revealed truth about my past that may not even be a truth, that has a profound impact on how I view my existence, creating change, and yet for all I know that message about a deep dark past from the subconscious mind is a complete made up fabrication.


Hypnotic regression may or may not be real, may or may not be filling your mind with made up nonsense, but the experience certainly will feel like the truth.

Wouldn't recommend unless you can handle that uncertainty and an alternate truth to your existence that doesn't match up with how you have lived your life so far.

@Redactor0 from what I remember you like Spooky adjacent content.

So rdrama what do you think?

Reported by:
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Drumpf :marseytrumpgrill: wants to cut defense :marseytank: budget in half, and work with China :marseyjewoftheorientglow: /Russia :marseyputin: on reducing nuclear :marseymacarthur: arsenals :

Libs ownership status: pwnd :marseysike:

:marseygroomer2: has no threads abput this lol

Edit: as per :marseyunabomber: note

Community Note by @TedKaczynski

Despite OP's claim that there are no threads about this on Reddit, there are over 17 posts using this specific link.


Helpful [27] Not Helpful [3]
[🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘] Boycotting businesses that support Trump?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘

So you are a fascist that believes only those that share your opinion are worthy?G'head downmarsey this. Just realize that those that do are the reason y'all lost the election. (-53)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘

No way you won't support a person cause of who they voted for. For them it makes sense. In fact Trump is even the better candidate. Imagine saying I'm not going to eat somewhere because of their beliefs and say their in the wrong. It's not like they're doing anything illegal or wrong. Respectfully, frick you and anybody who cares about political beliefs in a business, it's doesn't affect whether they can make a good product (-32)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘

I think these people should be punished for what they voted for. (24)

So you want to "punish" people who don't agree with you? Indirectly punishing their employees, families and their local communities. You remind me of a young Austrian man who just wanted to be a painter. (-33)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Explain exactly, how supporting the Constitution is the "wrong side of history"? I'll wait. (-8)

Red herring. No where did I mention the constitution, but if you're going to bring it up in regard to this post about Trump-supporting businesses, then I'll say this: Trump has repeatedly violated the constitution:* Using his political power to profit from his businesses while in office (Emoluments Clause) * Enlisting foreign governments to investigate his political opponents (Ukraine 2019, for which he was impeached)* His administration repeatedly refusing to comply with subpoenas to Congress* Falsifying business records to hide illicit activity (Stormy Daniels hush money case, overvaluing his real estate) * Conspiracy to overturn an election (denial of 2020 election results, fake electors plot, pressuring political allies in key states to reject election results, asking Georgia officials to "find" votes for him)* Incitement of insurrection/riot. Denied the 2020 election results, spread misinformation about voter fraud, encouraged supporters to march on the Capitol during the certi... (21)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

The op has clearly made this "us v them". I don't care if a politician cares about me. That's not the role of government. Never has been. I don't think you know what the word fascist means. G'head, go look it up. Who i history jailed his political oponents? (-1)

We're talking about two different things. You're using false equivalency. OP doesn't want to support businesses who are directly contributing to the rapid and violent decay and destruction of this country. That is his free market right. What you're doing is acting like a sore winner by using childish, bullying taunts. But whatever, it's par for the course, I don't care about any of that. Here are the 14 "early warning signs of fascism" made famous by a poster displayed in the US Holocaust Museum:Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalismDisdain for the importance of human rightsIdentification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying causeThe supremacy of the military/avid militarismRampant sexismA controlled mass mediaObsession with national securityReligion and ruling elite tied togetherPower of corporations protectedPower of labor suppressed or eliminatedDisdain and suppression of intellectuals and the artsObsession with crime and punishmentRampant cronyism and corruptionFraudu... (5)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

These people don't support bigotry. The problem with you extreme left folks is always categorizing people as something evil when you have a disagreement. Grow the frick up. (0)

Your group literally got offended bc target sold pride flags. Flags you didn't have to buy lol. But we need to grow up? And yes you support bigotry. Sexism. Racism. Homophobia. By voting Republican. They are already talking about repealing gay marriage. Why? Never mind the attack on trans ppl. I'm not even talking about bathrooms (which us stupid) or sports (yall don't care about women sports. You just hate trans). I'm talking about the trans men and women who have loyally served our country. The ones who wanted to enlist. And they can't. Taking a woman's right to choose to carry a child even during r*pe. Placing an unborn child's life as more important than the mothers. The fact women have died from pregnancy complications. These Ice raids. Fine round them up if you have to. Nobody is denying illegal immigration's problem. However referring to all of them as criminals, animals? Treating them like less than human? Harassing actual citizens. Potentially scaring chi... (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/avalve

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 8

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Australian jews about to get eaten by dingoes and by dingoes I mean **data expunged. Remember who rules you**



Stressed so I've been taking photos like crazy :marseyschizotwitch:

!animalposters !cats

Nim & C: Reaching the stars by standing on the shoulders of giants [FOSDEM 25]


Trump frees another neighbor from the tyrannical Dems

The letter notes "independent reasons" as to why Adams' case was being tossed — including that the case was retribution for him speaking out against the Biden administration for its handling of the migrant crisis.

"It cannot be ignored that Mayor Adams criticized the prior Administration's immigration policies before the charges were filed, and the former US Attorney's public actions created appearances of impropriety…"

[boring] :marseyclueless: Hmm, what's happening in /r/punk ? :platyaltgirl: (punk is when use social media)

So why are anti-Nazi posts taken down here now?

I saw the post - it really was pretty far into advocating violence overtly.

I get why it was taken down.

I must have missed those parts, thanks for the explanation.

Am I not punk anymore? Anyone else feeling the same now?

I'm in the US and I've considered myself punk since high school so ~10 years. I still go to shows often, participate in mutual aid, volunteer. I'm in LA and even the last couple weeks I've been sharing resources, volunteering, and donating what I can due to the fires. I come from a minority

  • immigrant background, I am not rich or even middle class by any means (single mom) and I have a child with disabilities.

With the new presidency and all these executive orders being signed, I know now is the time to get out there and advocate and protest more than ever. However, I actually have felt the opposite which makes me really sad to say. I'm trying my best to keep up but just end up upset and logging off my social media and news articles. In a way I feel like I can't make much of a difference, I feel like every identity of mine or things that matter to me and my family are being targeted. The day of the inauguration for the first time in 10 years, I thought maybe I should take out all my piercings and cover my tattoos and buy some more normal clothes to blend in as best as I can. I actually felt like "Is this what is needed to survive the next 4 years?" Is this normal or has anyone else felt like this? Does this mean I am not punk anymore?

You have someone relying on you and it's not everyone's responsibility to be fighting every single fight. You have every right to keep yourself and your loved ones safe and anyway punks look after each other. You looking after your youngling is a perfectly punk thing to do.

Stay safe


You're still punk. You EXIST. You are having a strong reaction to bad people and their bad acts. Pace yourself... Given yourself breaks. If we cannot individually effectively, healthily exist, there cannot be resistance. Focus on your community close around you, starting with you, family, friends, coworkers. We cannot take on an entire government structure or administration alone. We have to be stalwart, but be Gentle with yourself. Resist on the ground, where we are. You're doing better than you think. It's not the look or outward loud defiance all times.... just carry the sentiments in your heart and actions and let them guide you. Some of us like the loud, fraught fight. Some of us have a more quiet, sustaining power. Do what is you, but don't you quit. Don't you give up. We will make better days ahead. It's worth fighting for in the very way we live our daily lives.

punk is when, you exist link

they have this exact post like every time something happens, and it gets tons of upmarseys idk why link

this is adorable link

Republicans will never be punk.

Yeah, punks aren't usually those with all of the power in society and who oppress the most vulnerable.

Thinking you're punk just because people find you vile is some real soft brained shit

It's like when we found out eric harris was actually a popular kid and a bully himself. You're not oppressed or outcast by society, fighting back. You're actually the one with power. You're just a ladygarden.

Yeah the peepeeheads that would go to punk shows in the 90's were usually yuppie Republicans that wanted to fight "non conformists". They didn't care about the music or the scene they just wanted to fight. They saw a room full of aberration and wanted to impose order. A lot of the ones I knew of personally, went on to become cops.

Cops can't be punk either.

No such thing as a republican punk. Just little b-word butt posers

Why did I even bother? This subreddit says the exact same things alllll the time. It's so boring! ...and new reddit algo pushes the sub pretty hard.

Meanwhile in Krautland


I love not being on fire. :marseyburngenocide: :marseyflagcaliforniagenocide: :!marseysnowmansweater2:

!dixie, anyone else taking a snow day? :marseytoasty3: :marseysnowflake:

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