Anna Kasparian from TYT goes nuclear :marseydarkfoidretard:

First Anna goes off on discount Anna Kasparian (Emma something, the r-slurred host of pod save america or similar podcast, doesn't matter which one they're all the same):

>You're a nepo baby rich b-word, frick you as a staff, record label and as a motherfrickin' crew

Then some dumbass tried to pin her as jealous of... hasan the r-slurred host of pod save america (all the same, doesn't matter)

Well, surprise, that dude hasan is the nephew (actual nephew, not an nword euphemism) of Anna's long time co-host Chunk Yoghurt and she spills the beans on how he's scared of his viewers and secretly hates them

Hope you enjoyed the post, have a nice day dramatard :marseyletsgo:

Reported by:
My son is a hateful incel, and I just cannot save him or defend him anymore.


My boy, my oldest child, was so good when he was little, but something broke inside of him when he was a teenager.

My wife and I always accepted, loved, and encouraged him. We pushed him to work hard and treat people with respect. I don't know where exactly we failed him but as a father I feel responsible for the thing he's turned into.

It started when he was 14. He had began to become withdrawn and emotional. We chalked it up to teenaged mood swings. For some reason he was just so angsty and bitter all the time. We were worried about his lack of social life and his over-reliance on his computer. He kind of hid himself in the online world so my wife and I began to limit his computer time, but he simply became more aggressive and confrontational.

His hygiene was bad, and he was always confrontational when we told him to shower or do laundry. His room stank horribly and we eventually had a huge fight over it where he physically shoved my wife and called her a b-word, and eventually we got him to at least clean and air out his room regularly on the grounds that it was our house and if he couldn't maintain his space he wouldn't be entitled to it - essentially we got to the point where we told him he wouldn't be allowed his worldly possessions or privacy unless he took care of the space we all shared. the room still smelled and he was still rude about cleaning it but we could tell him to get it clean and he would do it after that.

We ended up getting a call from his school saying that a female student felt harassed by him. We were shown messages where he continually badgered her to have s*x with him, threatened to "punish" her for stringing him along, sending her unsolicited nudes, telling her some violent fantasies of his, and eventually just descending into some horrid rage-filled rant about how she is just another "whore" and other things.

We were shocked. We explained to him why this behaviour was unacceptable, and I explained to him that it was ok to be sexually active but his actions were toxic and abusive.

I tried mentoring him man-to-man, taking him on camping trips and whatnot and talking to him about women and girls and trying to give him advice. I suggested he try showering, changing up his hair and facial hair styles, trying out different fashion styles, maybe going to the gym.

I told him some hard truths - that he doesn't want a gross woman so he shouldn't be a gross man. By gross I mean hygiene and looks. I explained to him that good looks are more hygiene and self care than genetics but he refused to accept what I said to him.

After that I caught him sniffing his sister's panties in the laundry room - she was 12 at the time and he was 17. He assured me it had nothing to do with his sister, he said he just had a panty sniffing fetish and he pretended they belonged to girls from porno videos, but still I gave him heck for it, and he was grounded and lost his computer for 6 months. I went through his computer and I was disgusted by the kinds of hateful, racist, incel forums he frequented, the horrid things he said about women, and his save file was full of cartoon porn with girls of questionable ages. I wiped the hard drive completely and began strictly monitoring his online activity. I used parental filters to block incel sites and and porn sites that hosted cartoon porn.

The next big issue was something he did to my daughter's friend. My daughter is 5 years his junior, and one day after a sleepover, my daughter came to me and said her friend wanted to tell me something but was afraid of what I would say.

My son cornered this 13 year old girl and physically blocked her path and touched her hair and face while making very inappropriate comments about her body and asking her if she liked to sleep naked and what kind of underwear she wore.

I tore into my son for that, my wife and I both shouted at him, and told him his behaviour was horrible and I told him then that if his actions got him arrested I would not defend him. He accused us of not loving him, but I told him the reason I was so passionately angry in that situation is because I do love him, and I want to help him become a good man so he can stop being so predatory and bitter and miserable. I told him some hard truths. That he did this all to himself and that he is the only one he can blame for how bitter he is.

I suggested he look to women his own age and he went on a rant about how it was a waste of time because women were already whores (and his definition of a whore is a woman who has had s*x even just once) by 17. I called him out on his bullshit and expressed clearly that if he harassed young girls anymore I would personally turn him in.

I invited my daughters friend over after and I personally apologized to her for her experiences, I cried in shame for my son's behaviour and begged her forgiveness for allowing her to feel unsafe in my home and promised her that if she ever felt uncomfortable she could come to my wife and I and we would always believe and help her. Luckily, my daughter didn't lose this friend, but for safety I installed a lock on my daughter's door.

We got my son therapy but he refused to engage with the therapist, calling him a "sand BIPOC" and "sexy Indian dude" and "terrorist". His next therapist was a "chad", so he didn't relate to that either.

We fought about him not trying, not getting a job, and he said he couldn't get one because of the immigrants, to which I pointed out that he was struggling because he got fired from his high school jobs for being lazy.

After those fights, my wife tried to empathize with him and understand what made him so bitter but he flipped out at her, and called her a peepee-gargling whore and said that she fricked her way through dozens of men until she found a "beta-strag" who was willing to shelter her for missionary s*x.

My wife, who works and contributes to the family income, who is an independent, professional woman.

Honestly, I lost it more than ever before. I had never been so angry when I heard what he said. That may be his mom, he may be my son, but the woman he was abusively tearing into is my god darn wife. No one can treat my wife like that.

I am ashamed to say in my anger, he shoved me and I physically retaliated, shoving him back, and pinning him against the wall. I felt ashamed of myself, I have never been an angry or violent person, but I couldn't control myself. I've never put my hands on either of my children in such a way in my life, I hate child abusers... but this boy was no child. He was a grown man.

He was intimidated and backed down, and for a while he was peaceful.

The last straw was this week.

My daughter has dated 3 people her whole life. A boy, a girl, and now another boy. We were as open about s*x with my daughter as we were with my son. We asked if she would like to have a question-free steady supply of condoms left in her bathroom drawer, and if she wanted to get on birth control. She said no to both questions with her first boyfriend. She never really brought him home but we met him at one of her recitals. When she had a girlfriend she went over to her house all the time, and didn't want to bring her to the same house her brother lived in, a sentiment I understood.

But her most recent boyfriend has a lot going on behind the scenes in his family. He's a nice boy but his mom is a single mom of 4 and they struggle.

This boy started coming around a month after they got together. I like him. My daughter is happy with him. He treats her with respect. He is an intelligent boy. He's an absolute gentleman. He's respectful and polite in our home. He calls me sir, calls my wife Ma'am, he offers to help with the cooking or dishes or cleaning while he's visiting, he talks to us, he's a bit of an amateur cook himself and brings us food all the time to say thank you for taking care of him, when we go out for dinner he always offers to pay for himself and my daughter (though I know he doesn't have much money so I always pay). When getting out of the car he opens the door for my wife and offers her his hand (he sits behind her for leg room). He holds the doors, when we leave somewhere he helps my daughter put her jacket on like those sweet old fashioned couples.

This young man works hard, and gives what little he has to his mom and siblings. Like I said, I really respect the boy. I offered him money once for groceries for his family but he turns me down and says he would feel guilty accepting my money like that. He's appreciative of things - in the winter, it was -20 and he had only a hoodie, so I draped my jacket over his arms, and I said "take it son, it's cold." He had tears in his eyes as he said thank you, and I made some excuse about wanting to get rid of the jacket and told him he could keep it if he brought cookies for us next time he visited.

When Christmas came along, I invited him over for supper, and when I went to pick him up I delivered some presents for his family, and on the ride back to my house we had a moment. He was crying because he didn't have much to give us - he got everyone in our house a present but he cried anyways because he felt it wasn't enough to make up for what we gave him. I pulled over, and I just hugged him, and I said to him that it wasn't the value of what he got, it was that he got us anything at all. I thanked him for treating my daughter so well, and I told him he would always be welcome in my home.

My own son didn't get us anything for christmas, not even a card bought with the money we give him. This boy got my wife and I matching wine glasses since we like to share a bottle every now and then.

My son didn't eat with us. He pillaged the food table and ran away to his room alone while my daughter's boyfriend met my sister and her family and my parents and my uncle. They all told me how charming he was and how polite he was. Meanwhile after dinner my son told my 5 year old nephew "frick off Cute twink" for asking to play a game with him. A man over 20 years old.

Last week, my wife and I went out for an evening to ourselves. We went to dinner, then we went to an upscale bar to play some pool, then we went home.

When I walked in the door, the kids were screaming at each other. I came in to see my son and my daughter's boyfriend fighting. The boyfriend was just pushing my son back and trying to redirect him, my son was throwing punches and charging him. My daughter was crying and sitting against the wall clutching her face. I got between them and pushed them apart, and demanded to know what was happening.

My son went on a tirade about how he found birth control pills and heard "whore" sounds from her room, so he kicked open her door and discovered them having s*x, he said he couldn't believe his own sister would "be a BIPOC's whore" and called the poor boy a monkey and other things.

My wife got my daughter and her boyfriend out of there and I yelled at my son for how he was acting. Eventually I got nowhere with him so I made him wait in his room. I went to talk to my daughter. I apologized to her boyfriend, crying as I did, telling him that I hope he could forgive me for letting this happen. He said he was sorry for getting violent but that he only did it because my son hit her. My daughter cried and said he was a psycho and threatened to r*pe her, and that he admitted to ejaculating on her toothbrush and hair brush.

I charged into his room, and I said firmly that he should pack his bags and leave. I told him I would pay to have his things sent to him, wherever he went, but that he was leaving tomorrow.

My wife stayed at my sisters, and my daughter and her boyfriend spent the next few nights at his place.

The next day I practically threw my son out of the house kicking and screaming.

I took his key back and changed the alarm codes and garage door code. A day later I had a message requesting some of this things - mostly his gaming stuff - be delivered to some strange apartment block I didn't recognize a couple of towns over. A college aged man buzzed me in and I delivered the stuff. I didn't see my son.

My wife and I then went through his room. My daughter's boyfriend came over and helped me move his furniture to the garage. We threw out his mattress and some other more gross and smelly things, and we took out the carpet to be replaced.

Hidden in the closet was a treasure trove of my daughter's underwear, so saturated with old, moldy semen that they were as hard as bricks. The unnerving part was that there were a few pairs my daughter was adamant didn't belong to her. And they were too small for my wife. It was possible he stole them from my nieces.

There was a sketchbook containing graphic drawings of my son violently raping different women and keeping little girls chained up in some kind of s*x dungeon. I went through his old phone that was still working, and all his photos were screenshots of my nieces and their friends in their bikinis, lots of cartoon porn, lots of red pill and incel and Trump memes. He still had messenger, so I checked his messages, most of them were just him trying to harass women and underaged girls.

I checked his Email and... much to my disgust, he stole private photos of my wife from her phone, and he was selling them.

Today, I went to the police with everything and told them everything.

I gave my baby boy everything... I don't know why he went down this road. But I'm just so sorry I failed him. I don't know what the police will do... but I hope they stop him before he hurts someone else.

The sad thing is... yesterday, once it was all over and settled, yesterday we had a wonderful day. One of the happiest we have ever had.

Edit: there is a lot to sort through, it's impossible to reply to everyone so let me hit the big points.

  • all the incels this post attracted can frick off back to their holes.

  • how do I know the lingo? From my son.

  • "why didn't I take his computer time away" I specifically said I did. His laptop was forbidden to be used in private, and I banned most of the sites he was using with the parental locks. He bought or stole another laptop behind our backs though and used his phone data. My wife and I don't use our phone internet much so we didn't think of it.

  • "it wasn't Christmas last week" ??? I know? It's.... November. The young man visited us on Christmas 2017. We had this fight last week. I don't know how I have to clarify that there was a passage of time between the fight and Christmas, since it's pretty clearly not Christmas right now, but.... alright.

  • "why wasn't he in therapy" again this is a common comment from people who must have skimmed because we did put him in therapy. He was abusive towards several therapists, so we gave up on therapy.

  • "why not have him institutionalized" because that is MY SON. to have him locked away is not an easy decision. I love him. We wanted to believe he could still change. But he couldn't.

  • I have no idea who he moved in with. I don't care. Maybe an Airbnb?

  • "why didn't you help him sooner/was he bad as a child" as a kid he was introverted but not especially bad. He misbehaved sometimes but it wasn't troubling. He had a few friends but they all had a falling out the first year of grade school. Prior to harassing that first girl he had some red flags. He seemed depressed, and his hygiene was spiralling. We tried to help him but he was stubborn. He didn't want help. He wanted to be miserable. I listened to his problems and he complained about how his dream girl went after some other guy and how he stole her from him, and I tried to guide him and help him understand she wasn't stolen because she isn't property, she's a person who made her own choice. He didn't like that answer.

  • all the things you say we should have tried, we mostly did. We gave him lots of attention and love before all this and after. We still tried to be a family.

  • my daughter and her boyfriend helped me clear his room since I cannot carry certain heavy things myself. My daughter was therefore present when I found her underwear. She singled out a couple of pairs as not hers and was scared of where he got them from. She suggested keeping them for evidence.

  • there was a teacher who did get through to him somewhat, for a time. But he transferred to a different school district.

  • he wasn't horrible all the time. Sometimes he could be good to be around. He could be really funny and clever. He was really good with animals. He was good with his games too. He got really passionate and excited about them and it made me happy seeing him having fun with a hobby. Seeing him smile could almost make me forget the things he'd done.

  • telling me to kill myself says a lot about yourself.

  • I've seen what toxic ideologies do to families. I'm not interested in joining your red pill, Jordan Peterson, or child beating cults.

  • advocating child abuse as a 20-something brat shows your immaturity. Advocating murder does too.

  • toxic masculinity is considering men weak for having the strength to express their emotions.

  • many complaints about "allowing" my daughter to be intimate with her boyfriend all stem from the same racist incel rhetoric my son used. There is literally nothing wrong with interracial couples. I couldn't be happier that my daughter is with someone who loves and treats her with dignity.

  • incels struggle with reading, evidently. My daughter had her first boyfriend at 15, and I doubt there was anything going on between them. She is currently 18. So yes, she probably has s*x. As an adult woman. Not really anyone's business. My son is 22, soon to be 23.

edit 2

With new replies coming in by the truckload and 3 new pm's for every one I reply to, I am getting slightly overwhelmed by the response here. I can't really keep up, even just reading I have begun skipping comments to keep up. I have things to do today but I'll try to catch up every so often.

edit 3

Mods locked the thread. I am not sure why but there are almost 10,000 replies and maybe 500 pm's to sort through.

CIA asset analyses China's new 6th generation stealth jet made out of chinesium

Some of the gayest and straightest shit said in that thread and the people who said it:

Btw most of thesunder a comment saying "the left wants to help men, not blame them. The right are the real misandrists!"

[🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘] I thought trump was gonna get rid of this crap😥😠


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

b-word-made^ (9)

Says the kid online LOLOL on fricking Reddit 😭🫡 (-12)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Your comment needs to be pinned to every post referring to trump keeping a promise (11)

You mean every post referring to ANY POLITICIAN keeping a promise (-12)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Lmao. I don't know what's more stupid. Believing in chem trails or Believing Trump will stick to his word to help someone other than himself or his billionaire friends. (130)

TDS ^ (-11)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Those weather people who "can't tell if it will rain tomorrow" accurately predicted snow in SC (where I am right now) 3 weeks in advance. European hurricane models have predicted MOST of our major hurricanes directions over the last 5 or so years. Acting like weather is some impossible to predict boogeyman is braindead. If the bulk of meteorology scientists, storm trackers/chasers, and detection equipment were placed at your town, you'd know very easily if it would rain tomorrow, but they have an entire country and maritime zone to track, so it becomes a probability game instead, because of sheer volume.As for climate change, your solar maximum mars correlation would hold a lot more ground if we were talking about 1980s global warming alarmism. We're not. Climate change includes hotter summers, AND colder winters, which is why every year seems to have a record temperature in one of those regards in a new place. Listen, I'm not going to do what others here do, I'm not going to call y... (3)

Everything humans have spewed since the industrial revolution is dwarfed by one large volcanism event. If Campo takes out Napoli, or Yellowstone goes poof, we're in trouble.But barring cataclysm, Atlas yawns.We're told hurricanes are worse; more frequent, greater intensity. But that's a lie, as a quick search will prove.Oceans are rising at about the same rate as when they were first measured. Obama bought waterfront in Martha's Vineyard. He knows.CO2 is absolutely kickass for Earth! More plants, more fauna. It becomes a paradise. Set those soda bubbles free for Gaia! It'll warm things, in theory. Also kickass! Lots of people die of cold each year. Almost no one dies of heat, statistically speaking.It's weather. The hottest on record was a few years back in the 30's, I forget when exactly. The coldest was back in 750ac or something.I think you're chugging kool-aid of questionable vintage. A victim of Edward Bernays/Goebbels style propaganda, misplaced enviro-guilt, and confirmation ... (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Haven't you heard, once he gets rid of the windmills, then the wind will be free to get rid of the chem trails 🤣 (4)

Those Giant windmills, which are Made in China, take a disastrous toll on large raptors. I saw the photo of all the dead eagles lined up for reporting it to fish and wildlife. It was at least 50 in that pic. Just for that location alone.I recently came across a ship recording in the ocean next to some sea based windmills. It was deafening! A horrible, earsplitting dinn from heck! I cried at the thought of how they're torturing the ocean creatures. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

You mean you're upset with Republicans cause we don't wanna take the pledge of allegiance out of schools and we want our kids to learn about LGBTQ and trans history?… and that it's OK to have a s*x change when you're 10 years old? Yea… if you're mad at us for that. I'll take it. Y'all are the freaking crazy ones. How about this? How about we teach them math and English and history and Science… and leave the "crazy" up to you in YOUR household. (1)

Ohhhh kayyy… So just fyi I live in the most liberal part of a liberal state and NONE OF THAT is happening.My kids learn math and science. Reading, writing, music, history. My kids are 7 and 9. No one is encouraging a s*x change. I do believe that is a bit of a fad right now. Besides. Have you really looked into how long it takes to get that. It takes years of therapy, followed by hormone therapy. This is not an overnight decision.I'm mad at republicans because your representatives literally do nothing to protect children. Hey, what do you think the number 1 reason kids die in this country? Here's a hint… it's not drag shows or lgbtq teaching.I'm mad at republicans because you turn a blind eye to a man who is a sexual assaulter, brags about sexual assault, is a felon, con man who doesn't pay his bills. Yet lectures everyone about paying their bills. And ran on all these promises yet is completely ignoring them. Eliminating Medicaid, eliminating mortgage interest deduction, not allowi... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Pestus613343

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 23

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Dwarfcels are trying to propagandize foids :marseylaughpoundfist:



Oh no no no shortbros



Clears the alimony cheque every month yeah


I love manlets


They can always make me feel better about myself.

The Angel and the Dust: He uses his own body like an ATM


OP shits his pants at work and makes a woman barf


I farted in the stairwell at work and it caused a entire ordeal.

So anyway I drank my usual morning protein shake and it gave me some bubble guts.

Im going up the stairs to my office and I ripped a huge fart in the stairwell. It was one of those steamy ones that really stink.

Anyway I guess the SVP of HR came in not long after and got a big face full of my beef.

She contacted the facilities team and they came to a conclusion that a rodent must have died in the walls or HVAC.

This led to them getting big blower fans and calling our HVAC company to check out the ducts and Orkin to scout out the walls

Anyway that's my story.


Fatties are grooming less fat people and calling it "intuitive eating"

I was doing my thing this morning, browsing /r/plussize to hate on more fatties when I ran across this. Nothing too special, just typical fatty :marseycope: plus no comments yet :marseysad:

But that last paragraph caught my attention. "Intuitive Eating"

I had heard the words "intuitive eating" and figured it was just estimating calories instead of strictly recording them. Well I'm great at that! I never bothered looking into it more. But here is a plus size fatty using it….

It turns out to a fatty, "intuitive eating" means eating when you want to eat without restriction… :marseyscream:

And of course, a fatty can't just exist alone since then everyone sees them as disgusting. These fatties are reproducing by encouraging others to "intuitively eat."

/u/mental-mention9377 please put down the food and look in the mirror. That shame you are feeling is normal! You don't have to become a ham planet!

The shame takes a lot of active work to get past. My binging stopped quickly but the shame slowly decreases and I have to still fight those feelings periodically.

The first thing to do is just remind yourself that there are no good and bad foods and that your morality is not tied up in what you eat or how much you weigh. Then you have to adapt your self talk to whatever sticks around as you get past the surface thought.

Gluttony is a sin. You are literally self harming by eating. This kind of grooming should be illegal.

I just can't wait for the negative self talk to finally subside!!!! I just want to feel comfortable in my body. But I know it's a process and I will get there eventually. Thank you 😭

How is she going to feel comfortable in her new disgusting body. This is ridiculous

Writing it down in a journal is helping me. I'm only about 2 months into my journey. I'm currently reading the book and have both a therapist and registered dietician who specialize in IE. I'm an emotional eater, so it seems like guilt/ self hatred go along with that. I found that being mindful and present is extremely important in this journey, so one way to achieve that for me is writing things down like observations. For example: 12pm I ate one chocolate chip cookie after my lunch. It felt good in my mouth. The chocolate bits were rich and sweet. I ate 1/2 first and checked in with my body and hunger/fullness scale. I wanted to eat the rest so I did. All in all it was a good cookie. I write things down without judgement, just like an anthropologist (they talk about this in the book). Then at the end of the day, I write down what I could improve. Example: I will try to incorporate more vegetables with every meal and eat when my hunger scale is at around a 3 or 4 (instead of when I'm starving), because I'm more in tune with my fullness scale.

This is one of the fastest comments I ever read. Yesterday I ran 4.5 miles, I worked out an hour and a half later in the gym. I didn't eat any cookies. I had a large calorie deficit and I feel great and I'm going to do the same thing today and every day until my I have kick butt abs again. I'm not even hungry since I've gotten used to it after a whole 48 hours :marseyeyeroll:

I took a body image class. It was extremely helpful

They have a class to teach you to be ok being disgusting? I'd like to see the lessons on the proper way to dry fat folds or maybe the one dealing with bad smells.

I can relate! I'm in the beginning stages of trying to heal from decades of diet culture and dieting and disordered relationship with food and my body. I'm in the same place roughly except I've been at this intuitive eating non restrictive thing roughly two months. I know I have gained weight, and I honestly can't stand it. Seems like a double edged sword tbh. I talk to my therapist and nutritionist about it but they just keep telling me not to restrict and convince me that gaining weight is ok and not that big of a deal, but it kind of is if I am uncomfortable in my own skin and end up having to buy new clothes. Personally on my own I feel like I am going to try to limit (not eliminate) sugar (candy, cakes, desserts) and try to focus more on eating more fruit and vegetables, and see if that helps fend off the cravings. I am also going to start small and try to take a small walk everyday.

I've learned to tolerate many things in the last 20 years. I put my foot down at fat acceptance. You are not ever going to convince me to not hate fat and fatties. The internet was a mistake

Everyday I wake up and think I've seen it all. Today I found fat grooming perpetrated by fat women and I'm not happy. I'm going to Walmart and parking all the power chairs in the back of the parking lot

EFFORTPOST Fascism in South Africa - Eugene Terre'Blanche and the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging [Part One]

Greetings. I hope you are well. I've been doing a lot of research on fascism lately and I've been left utterly terrified. I can see the power the political ideology has thanks to its reliance on a palingenetic rebirth myth that is very effective at uniting people and bringing them under a charismatic strong man. This shouldn't be surprising, as human beings think in terms of stories, so if you're able to tell a good story and piece together archetypes in aesthetically pleasing ways, you can make billions or rule a nation.

The problem with fascism is that it brings with it war, violence, and the death of human rights. If fascism were to take root again in the West, it could lead to another World War and this would affect everyone. I don't want mass death, nor do I want to be conscripted into the military. I'm scared of what will happen to BIPOCs, LGBT folks, and immigrants in such a scenario. The third world isn't safe either, there are dictatorships in Africa with strong militaries and these nations are teetering close to fascism, including countries like Eritrea. The Second Congo War is just a taste of how deadly things can get, as this war led to over 5.4 million deaths within 4 years, the deadliest war since WW2.

South Africa isn't exempt from the threat of fascism and there have been very active fascist parties in the country. This makes me so, so scared because I don't want civil war. Our government has enough problems to deal with. Consequently, I believe that this is the most important longpost I have ever written. Within it, I'd like to outline what fascism is and how it took root in South Africa and almost collapsed democracy before it started.

This is the first part of a two-part series. In this post we'll look into the background of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging and in the next post we'll delve into the life and death of Eugene Terre'Blanche.

Before we begin, I'd like you to complete this poll.

Do you believe your country is currently at risk of fascism?

What is Fascism?

I have outlined a brief definition of fascism in a previous post, but I'd like to redefine it here in a little more detail. The first instance of fascism can be found in 20th-century Italy under the regime of Benito Mussolini. Benito was inspired by the works of Nietzsche and Georges Sorel. The movement arose while Itality was going through political and economic hardships. Mussolini, after returning from war, believed Italy needed a dictator to lead the nation to greatness. To do this, he would need a myth to unify the people.

He coined the term Fascist which he derived from the Latin term "Fasces" which refers to a bundle of wood. Individually, each piece of wood can be broken with ease. However, when they are bundled together, they become unbreakable.

Pictured above is the Italian fascist symbol used by Italian fascist uniforms. Mussolini rose to power in Italy thanks to his energetic speeches and his ability to tune into the anxieties of the masses and exploit them. For the sake of time, I won't go deep into the history of Mussolini's rise to power, but it is important to know that by 1925, he was the country's dictator and he enjoyed widespread support.

Fascism was exported to Italy's colonies, including Eritrea, which may explain the far-right, dictatorial bend the country has to this day (it is often termed the North Korea of Africa). It also spread through Europe, eventually reaching Germany where Adolf Hitler would establish a dictatorship of his own. When fascism is mentioned, Nazi Germany is usually what comes to mind first. This shouldn't be a shock, as the Third Reich is easily the most powerful fascistic State the world has ever seen. If we are lucky, fascists will NEVER acquire that much power ever again.

Hitler was directly inspired by Mussolini, though he also drew from philosophers like Nietzsche and scientists like Charles Darwin to advocate for social Darwinism and eugenics. Hitler was also strongly anti-semitic, a position which Mussolini would also adopt in Italy. With this said, hatred of Jewish people isn't the defining characteristic of fascism. In fact, as Israel is proving, it is possible to have a fascistic State that isn't anti-semitic at all. This raises an important question - what makes a fascist?

How to Identify Fascism

Defining fascism is no easy task, and it is among the hardest political ideologies to adequately categorize. We know it is right-wing, authoritarian, and ultra-nationalistic, but other political movements have these traits as well. Saudi Arabia would be a good example of a country that is right-wing, authoritarian, and ultra-nationalistic but not quite fascist. After doing some research, I've identified the following as the key traits of fascism. If you think I've left anything out or gotten anything wrong, I'd like to hear it. It is important to note that while a nation can exhibit some of these traits and not be a fascist nation, but when they occur altogether, the word fascism starts becoming more appropriate to use.

1. Support of political violence

Unlike liberal movements that were gaining popularity in the 20th century, fascists do not believe that violence is inherently bad and it is viewed as a healthy part of political life. This viewpoint is in part inspired by ideas of social Darwinism which championed the concept of the "survival of the fittest". Hence, it was only right that the strong should subjugate the weak. Violence is also the means by which social hierarchies are reified. I'll touch on it more in the next point, but violence is also an integral part of fascist masculinity. Violence is used to eliminate opposition, undermine democracy, force people into compliance, and expand the borders of the nation.

2. Support of strict gender roles and social hierarchies

As I've stated, fascists believe in social hierarchies, and that some people are more deserving of life and power than others. In Nazi Germany, this viewpoint led to the mass involuntary euthanasia of huge swaths of the population that were disabled either mentally or physically. The most appalling example of this can be found with Germany's Aktion T4 program that claimed up to 300,000 lives.

There are also strict gender hierarchies in fascist nations. Fascism generally takes on a patriarchal shape with a "strong man" leading the nation. Women are expected to remain subservient and to serve a reproductive and domestic role in society. In contrast, men are expected to take to the frontlines of the army and participate in violence and war for the sake of the greatness of the nation. For this reason, you'd be hard-pressed to name a female fascist leader.

3. Belief in a palingenetic rebirth myth

This is perhaps the most important aspect of fascism. The fascist leader will convince the people that they were once a great nation but they have been subverted by outside forces i.e. Jews, communists, immigrants, liberals, etc. The populist fascist leader claims that they are the only ones who can restore the greatness of the nation and rescue the people from economic and political hardships, as well as from the threat of decadence and degeneracy. The palingenetic rebirth myth is reliant on a scapegoat to blame for the nation's decline and to give the people a common enemy to unite against.

4. Opposition to any initiatives or institutions that are racially, ethnically, or religiously diverse

The fascist leader will often create an "us" vs "them" schism. Those in the in-group are the true inhabitants of the nation while those in the out-group are invaders that dilute the blood of the land. One of the slogans used by Nazi Germany is "blood and soil" which illustrates how the regime tied race and nationality together.

Don't be fooled, however - a fascist nation does not need to be racist. The founder of fascism, Mussolini, stated the following:

Race? It is a feeling, not a reality. Ninety-five percent, at least. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today.

However, he did also create an "us" vs "them" schism by scapegoating communists and Jewish people.

So there you have it - four pillars of fascism. If all four are present in a political system, you may be dealing with a fascist nation. I'd like to discuss a fifth possible pillar - isolationism. It appears that a lot of fascist nations aim for an autarkic economy and espouse ideas of isolationism and strong borders. The reason why I do not add this as a pillar of fascism is because scholars generally agree that there is no economic system that is essential to fascism. A sixth possible pillar concerns the use of lies and irrationality. This is seen with both Mussolini and Hitler but I hesitate to add it as an essential element of fascism because quite frankly all politicians lie - it's just a matter of degrees.

The nature of fascism is that it strives to gain power. Consequently, it manifests in varied ways depending on the context. This can make it hard to determine when a nation is fascistic. This has become increasingly true in the modern world where wannabee dictators are aware of the stink of fascism and therefore cloak their ideology using more palatable terms such as "nationalism" and preach about the restoration of "law and order". This isn't always the case, especially with the group we're going to look at today - the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging, also known as the AWB.

Apartheid in South Africa

I'm sure the topic needs no introduction, but I'll quickly define apartheid. It was a system implemented in South Africa from 1948 to 1991, and it was led by the National Party, which was an Afrikaner ethnic nationalist party.

Pictured above is the National Party flag and the apartheid South African flag. In short, apartheid is a system predicated on institutionalized racial segregation, and it favoured the White minority. Segregation was achieved through forced removals and the creation of townships for Blacks, which had the secondary effect of creating a cheap source of labour. The government also used pass laws that required black South African citizens to carry passes when travelling outside their homelands. This was enforced by Acts such as the Natives (Urban Areas) Act of 1923 and the Black (Natives) Laws Amendment Act of 1952 that deemed urban areas "white". If 'non-whites' were found travelling in urban areas without passes, they faced the possibility of arrest. As you can imagine, interracial marriage was also banned.

The "heyday" of apartheid occurred during the 1960s and 1970s, but the National Party soon began facing strong resistance from the ANC and condemnation from the international community. Consequently, in the 1980s, some of the petty laws of apartheid were repealed, including the law banning interracial s*x and marriage (the Race Relations Act) and the mixing of the races (Group Areas Act). The government also provided limited political rights to Indians and Coloureds, though it wouldn't be until 1994 that South Africa would have its first democratic elections which were won by the ANC, allowing Nelson Mandela to rule the nation.

So, was apartheid South Africa fascist? No. Importantly, the movement lacks a palingenetic rebirth myth. Nevertheless, there were fascist movements bubbling in the country, with the most popular easily being the AWB.

The Birth of the AWB

As apartheid laws were slowly repealed, some liberal White South Africans saw this as progress. However, there were huge swaths of the White population that did not agree with the increasing liberal influences on the country's politics.

One individual who opposed the direction the country was going in was Eugene Terre'Blanche. We won't go too deep into his history (there will be a separate post dedicated to him), but all you need to know for now is that Eugene was born in 1941 and he expressed Christian Afrikaaner nationalist sentiments from a very young age. In 1973, he called a meeting with several men where he complained of the increasing liberal influence in the country under the leadership of Prime Minister B. J. Vorster. He also feared the increasing influence of communism, and as a response, he formed the AWB, with him as the leader.

The AWB is an extremist far-right party that strives to create an independent Afrikaaner state (Boerestaat) separate from the rest of the country. Is the AWB fascistic? Yes! The group is openly fascist, and is strongly influenced by Nazi Germany. Consequently, the group is anti-semitic, and it uses a flag featuring a "triskelion" which is a three-armed swastika.

It also exhibits all four of my pillars of fascism:

1. Support of political violence

The group has used significant violence since its conception, and it remains committed to using violence to bring about the Boerstaat. It is responsible for many terroristic attacks during apartheid, especially in the 80s and 90s. Notable episodes of violence include:

  • The Battle of Ventersdorp in 1991 which saw the AWB go head to head with the South African Police Force, and resulted in three deaths

  • The Storming of the Kempton Park World Trade Centre in 1993 which involved 3000 members of the group storming the World Trade Center in Kempton Park

  • 1994 bombings which resulted in the death of 20 people

The violence did not stop after apartheid ended. In 1996, the group planted a bomb in a grocery store, killing four civilians. Eugene Terre'Blanche also served time in prison for beating a petrol station attendant until he had brain damage (more on that in the next post).

The AWB is violent and aggressive. You can see it in this Louis Theroux clip featuring the documentarian speaking with Eugene who gets annoyed with Louis and squeezes his hand.

2. Support of strict gender roles and social hierarchies

The AWB uses Christianity to justify its gender roles and social hierarchy. They are insistent that the Bible says that Blacks and Whites must live separately, and they wish to bring about a patriarchal, pastoral Boer society.

3. Belief in a palingenetic rebirth myth

This runs strong in the ideology of the AWB. Their fall from grace comes with the Second Boer War which brought about the end of the Boer republics of South Africa. The party promises to restore these republics and bring about the great Boer empire once more.

4. Opposition to any initiatives or institutions that are racially, ethnically, or religiously diverse

It goes without saying that the AWB strikes for a homogenous society. They do not want Blacks, Jews, or communists in their Boer republics. They scapegoat the ANC, immigrants, and Black people as their enemies.

Unfortunately, the AWB had a huge following and at its peak, it boasted a membership of close to half a million. It also caught the attention of the international world, including Nazi sympathisers. Consequently, the group is quite prominent in right-wing literature, especially alternate history fiction novels such as Gun of the South. I've read the book and I quite like it. This is my favorite quotes from the text:

The AWB in Modern Day

Since South Africa became a democratic republic, the AWB has only shrunk in size, but its supporters remain passionate. One of the topics they rally around is the issue of farm killings, which they frame as a white genocide. They will often protest by shutting down highways and waving Old South African flags as well as the Nazi triskelion flag.

The group is still concerned with creating a Boerstaat, and they have their eyes on the Transvaal and the Free State but they haven't had much success claiming land. In one video worth watching, a member of the AWB tries arguing his case on television, and he threatens the Black female, leading to an altercation between him and the male host who warns him not to touch him on his studio.

Perhaps the biggest blow the group has experienced occurred in 2010 when he was killed by two of his own Black farm workers! He was beaten to death with pangas (machetes) and pipes. The murderers claimed that Eugene was buckbreaking them, though no evidence of sodomy was found.

Today, the group has about 5000 members and it is a shell of its former self with no political teeth at all. So is there any reason to fear the AWB?

Does the AWB still pose a threat?

YES! The AWB is actively recruiting the youth and trying to grow its numbers. It is doing this through the use of social media to spread its message. Several scholars are warning about the rise of fascism in South Africa and it's terrifying me! I'm so scared of fascism, I feel I have to do everything in my power to stop it. Unfortunately, all I can do is longpost. If they win, the races will be separated, then I'll NEVER have a white gf.

The Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (Afrikaner Resistance Movement), founded in 1973 by noted white supremacist Eugène Terre'Blanche, also remains active today. The group apparently boasts around 5,000 members, and in 2010, members of the group were arrested for plans to attack Black townships in the wake of the murder of Terre'Blanche—which some claimed was racially motivated. The plotters, based in Pretoria, had also threatened foreigners and players traveling to the country for the 2010 World Cup. And in 2002, a far-right group calling itself the "Warriors of the Boer Nation" claimed responsibility for a series of blasts targeting the township of Soweto, in which one woman was killed.

Last week at the 24th Socialist International (SI) congress in Cape Town, a similar warning about the threat of fascism was issued. However, this referred to a global danger. And this week, as the local mining industry faced turmoil, National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) spokesman Lesiba Seshoka also raised the spectre of fascism.


I hope you join me in my next post when I discuss the life and death of Eugene Terre'Blance. It is a long, sometimes funny, but always frightening story. Look, I'm just searching for a way to stop the chuds from winning. I will NOT live in a segregated nation, I will NOT have my vote taken away from me (even if I don't vote), and I will NOT live in a fascist country. Videos like this absolutely frighten me:

I don't know how Americans sleep at night when they have a proto-fascist about to take the wheel. FASCISM BAD!

!africans !nonchuds !effortposters !mayomoment

JD vance makes a totally serious post. MAGA reacts in a reasonable manner.

Nope. That is not okay. You will be VP of the United States of America!

This is embarrassing. If you aren't going to attend our Presidential Inauguration you should not have run for the office

You would trade a front row seat to the most significant inauguration in the last 150 years, as the incoming vice president, for a football game? This has to be a joke.

I'm not!! Excuse me??? How can we count on you to carry this movement forward if you can't be at the inauguration of President Trump. I love you JD have always been on your side from day one. I think you need to be there. But I guess that's between you & President Trump.

We were talking about the possibility of Vance for 2028. Missing the inauguration would be a big deal.

I think you may want to think a little more about it. An inauguration maybe a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Is this a joke? When our country is falling? I'm a huge supporter of you from Ohio. It's just a game. I would never choose a game over my country. That's just me. The a hole liberals are going to have a field day at your expense. This is disappointing. I pray this is a joke.

This is a joke, right? 😆 RIGHT?! 😩

Because so many of us worked hard to get you into the White House -- and now that that day is soooo close -- you want to skip it, to go watch a game?

every day i'm shocked at the r-sluration of the average redditor and the average MAGAor. just...the dumbest people who ever lived. i hate social media.

for the record, i unironically think a presidential inauguration should be skipped if your team is in the national championship. he's the VP anyway it doesn't matter!

Reported by:
  • Arran : no one asked, no one cares
Met another neurodivergent at the adult learning center!!


WE TALKED ABOUT VIDEO GAMES AND SONIC FOR HOURS OVER TEXT. He's only here to get his math exam, then he's gonna graduate!! I'm not sure how old he is. Looks like a 20 and 30 year old at the same time.

He got a date with someone from class as a joke! I don't think he knows that the other woman is doing it for the bit... :(

I wish I had money so him and I could do nerd shit at a local nerd café in town. We both live like 10 minutes away from that place.

I take 2 exams this week!! I already passed my RLA (English) exam 2 weeks ago... FRICKING FAILED MY SOCIAL STUDIES PRACTICE EXAM... ITS NOT MY FAULT WE'RE COVERING SHIT I HAVEN'T GONE OVER SINCE 2018-2019. However, my friend is really good at history, and I'm really good at math!


I'm celebrating my birthday at a sushi place with another tranner I met in December. I STILL HAVE TO MAKE RESERVATIONS... NOT SURE WHY THAT NOTICE CAME UP ON MY MOM'S PHONE BUT NOT MINE. Someone remind me... even if it's mean....

your honor, my only crime...
Reported by:

This guy isn't wrong, however there are a lot of r-slurs I have to deal with applying and interviewing for these jobs. I'm eternally grateful that I graduated before COVID-19.


!soren !anime !2dgooners !coomers !sigmastacies REMEMBER THE MOTTO SISTERS: ratsex + ratlove :#platyblushreal: :#twerkingfurry2: FRICKING GALENTINES SISTERS LETS. FUXXING. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP :#carpafroparty::#carpafroparty::#carpafroparty::#carpafroparty: :#marseyparty1: :#funkykongwtf: :#funkykongdance: :#funkykongtpose: :#funkykong: :#donkeykongdance: :#kingkrooldance: :#carpexcited: :#marseydance: :#fatdance: :#donkeykongdance2: :#ratvibe: :#nikocadoavocadodance2: :#mariodance: :#shmleep:

Daddy :marseybiden2: won, the mainstream media :marseyphoneglued: lost.

!chuds I would :marseywood: have settled for a blowjob live on ABC by Cortez :marseyaoc: (build for BWC) and twice as much cash only, but Daddy :marseybiden: is the business :marseysuit2: man so idk.

Blue sky seethe :marseynosuchcases:

'No reason for any further delay': Judge orders Trump to to be deposed in ABC

Jack Hopkins-The Original ( 2024-12-13T23:28:16.761Z

JUST IN: A federal judge has ordered Donald Trump to sit for four-hour depositions next week in his defamation lawsuit against ABC and George StephanopoulosTrump sued ABC in March after Stephanopoulos said on air that Trump “was found liable for r*pe.”

Republicans Against Trumpism ( 2024-12-14T02:19:20.823Z

Reddit seethe :marseyravecope:





/r/antitrumpalliance (???)

Reddit isn't taking it well as expected

Tom Holland:marseyspiderman:ID'd While Buying His :pervertedspiderman: Own Non-Alcoholic Beer :marseyrussian:

Trust me guys the fur on this guys coons is only possible with the cheapest of cheap dog food.

Completely dull, no shine.



Almost all comments have already been deleted so I couldn't entirely figure out what is going on, but it seems the CEOs main Nazi behaviours are:

1. Refuses to stop using Xtter and Facebook

2. On his Xtter there are some statements to the effect that women in games should be attractive

3. He has changed character creation labels from Body Type A/B to Male/Female

Reported by:
Once again- it is my rDrama cake day and not a single one of you wished me a happy cake day. Fricking disgusted at this point.

The value I bring to this platform is unmatched. I'm

hilarious and handsome and have level headed takes. People irl actively seek my attention and input.

Once again, rdrama is showing their bias against excellent users who bring positive change here. Please do better. I do not want to have this conversation AGAIN moving forward.

Living Pod in the Ruins of the Blue-Collar City (1966)

Living Pod by David Green

originally from Archigram

real AGP hours


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