Capeshit (800 BC)


USAID funded homosexuality in gaming

bro no frick no :marseysoycry:

The government will remotely kill us for not taking the vax :marseymeds:

Schizoid screeching about psyops, vaxxing and EV New World Order Globalist agenda :marseyrightoidschizo:

This average woman :marseyfoidretard: driver sucks and crashed, this means all EVs are remotely controlled by Satan

Rate (?) anti credit card schizo :marseyschizotwitch: (unless these are common in USA?)

Do white guys just approach women less?? - r/rs_x


Some dangerous nooooticing going on here :marseychud:, I hope our favourite jannies @kallocain-addict are keeping a tight leash on the potential hate speech! :marseyveryworried:

Whenever I go out in public I am approached at least once or twice by a guy hitting on me or just complimenting me. Every single time it's a black or Latinx guy. The only times I have ever been cold approached in public by a white guy, it's been an older one, like 45+.

Curious... What requisites does rs_x believe could be the cause for this phenomenon?

I feel like it has less to do with ethnicity and more to do with class. White-collar guys don't usually approach random women on the street, that's a blue-collar guy's game.

Contradicting /u/blondbutginger 's lived experience here... :marseysurejan:

Yeah you have a point. It's not usually middle/upper class black men hitting on me, it's bums.


Here's our resident cute twink's contribution:

it's cultural, latinx culture for example is generally much more s*x positive meanwhile contemporary mainstream white culture doesn't reward that kind of behavior (on the contrary, you are more likely to be chastised or even punished for it)

You yt prudes are just too neurotic and inhibited!! Punishing any sort of free sexual expression!! The browns and blacks sensibly revel in their lower inhibit --- ACK


Y'all can't behave. :marseyjanny2:

Reported by:


Drama being added

I was told that making your own write up, even biased will make a post more of an effortpost compared to just copy pasting dramatic comments before the link

FDS never existed, and even if it did it was mostly male incels pretending to be women part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Toxic masculinity and not gender wars and astroturfed hate is the reason of men failing

Men can't say women bad, but women can say men bad

I don't understand why mayo moids are crying, mayo moids can't have issue + plus lots of self flagellation over being mayo moids

Equality to an oppressor feels like prosecution?

Straight white men can have issues, for example if they are poor or ugly...

No they can't mayo, I tell you this as a mayo!

You know, that with posts like these, you only giving ammo to chuds and make it easier for them to attract young men?

if a man feels like shit because gendered issues are brought to light, they need to work through that themselves instead of expecting women to sugar coat everything for them.

White men do not deserve compassion because majority of them voted for trump. Cool, but white women did too. That's different

Moids are the destroyers of the universe copypasta

Some king who probably got tired of porting DOOM 2 everything instead ported the fine arts 2 DOOM :marseykingcrown: :marseydoomguy1: :doomdad:

"created as an art piece designed too parody the wonderfully pretentious world of gallery openings" lol

Top this score, plebs:

!kino !g*mers !oldstrags

communism will win

Vegan :marseyhomohitler: burger :marseywhalexd: joint :marsey420: in Mexico :marseydayofthedead: City called Goy's :marseyxd:
Yeezy joins /r/fatpeoplehate :marseybdtf:

The Many Things That Are Wrong With That Trump-Gaza AI Video

VC article just dropped!!! :marseydance:



Yeah, all those high paying civilian jobs will go away. That's smart

the fricking comments in the thread :marseyxd:

:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED The Japanese Lolicon Icon who pretty much popularizes the "Uohhhh 😭" meme might turn out to be a Korean libertarian :marseypearlclutch:

Dorontabi/Mammoth is an anime artist who is an icon within libertarianp- I mean Lolicon/cunnystrags community for basically creating banger tweets like this back in the day

This creates a wave of memes within the community even reaching mainstream weebs.

If you ever wonder why crying emoji are posted below little anime girls or using terms like "darn brat" "r*pe correction" and "Uohhh" this is the guy who origin of the meme.

This time he is also the target of Korean feminists during "The 578th Korean feminist/incel war - battle for Blue Archive". They figured out that he outright admitted to hoarding Japanese child gravure .

>the frick is child gravure

It has become illegal even in Japan these days of course. MORE screenshots from the Korean feminists, very disturbing imagery even when censored beware :marseysick: :marseypuke:

this guy posts these around online and there is no major call-out, It's crazy.

but these are again posted by notorious Korean feminists so Idk how to confirm the validity of these screenshots :marseyshrug:

More info on the lolcow farm (female Kiwifarm image board) with details

the guy deleted everything but is now back with recently

So what do you dramatards think? Are the Korean feminists full of shit and he is a true honest Lolicon libertarian or a full-blown libertarian libertarian. Inb4 :marseypamsame:

Edit: Turn out Rdrama covered him back in the day

Community Note by @BushWasRight

Two were not enough :marseymacarthur:

Helpful [74] Not Helpful [4]
Drumpf :marseytrumpgarrison:pauses enforcement of ban on bribing :marseygangster: foriegn officials :chudmuslim:

What would you do if your spouse died before you could divorce? :marseyhmm:


Is r/cisparenttranskid legit or another rdrama :marseyoverseether: op like r/transparenttranskid?
:rape: Brother afraid his girlfriend will catch fat from his sister

I love that his mom sympathizes with the brother and not the ham planet sister. Gives me hope for 2025. I wonder if the girlfriend even knows the sister exists

This is crazy. They want you to remove yourself from society because of your appearance? At that height/weight you're, what, a 1-2xl in women's sizes?

She is 260 lbs. she is way too big. Frick. All fatties should be out of sight and out of mind

Basically. i feel like im kept as a dirty secret or something. and yes im 1X or 2X depending on the style of clothing or the maker.

You are dirty /u/totalnetwork1013 do better to not be disgusting

Totally ridiculous. I honestly can't think of words strong enough to express how I feel.

I'm a little shorter and a little fatter than you and I'm a totally normal person. I'm married and I have a job with coworkers who like me, and I have friends who love me. Don't let your idiot family make you think you deserve anything less than the full depth of human experience. There is NOTHING wrong with you.

This poster is even more gross. She convinced someone to put a ring on it? :marseypuke: You are not normal when you are this fat. You are some freak of nature that exists thanks to modern food surplus and advanced medicine.

Fatties, you have something wrong with you. Luckily, lead poisoning is still effective :marseyshooting:

I don't really understand what's going on here. Are you a minor living at home? Is it a cultural thing? Is his gf so special that meeting her is meant to be an incentive, or is he just ashamed of you? Frick this noise. If you know her name just message her on Instagram and introduce yourself and tell her why your brother won't. If she's any kind of decent person she'll see this for the massive red flag that it is. Also, move out girl. These are not people who uplift you.

He is obviously ashamed of her… but she is fat so she is too lazy to remove herself from this awkward situation.

This is not normal at all. I feel like your brother has teased u about your weight before

Normalize being ashamed of fatties

since i was little yeah. my whole family

The family has been trying to get her to stop eating but nothing works. Her brother is my hero. Now that's a man of action. I bet his girlfriend loves him

My jaw is on the floor. I'm literally tearing up over this. I'm usually not a proponent of going "no contact" with family, but wtf. Protect your peace dear. This is INSANE behavior, for 260 measly pounds. Love yourself love yourself love yourself and surround yourself with people who love you.

>for 260 measly pounds

That's approximately the weight of a normal guy and his normal girlfriend. Fatties deserve love as much as they deserve food

Fatties are the most delusional narcissistic pieces of shit ever. I pray that RFK will the needful to in order to enact the final solution to the fatty problem

AI is Creating a Generation of Illiterate Programmers


Dunning Kruger discussion:

Project Zomboid Build 42 is finally released. Redditors have a nuclear meltdown about AI slop in the loading screens.

Great news for neurodivergent zombie game enjoyers - after like 3 years the new unstable build was finally released today. I'm sad because I keep getting black screens on game start which freeze my computer (seems to be a common problem I later learned), so I decided to check out the subreddit to see if anyone else is having the same issue. No joke there are dozens of threads of just :soyreddit: :soymad: over the 3 new loading screens. The mods are censoring most of the sneeding but you can see more and more threads on new for a few mins before they get nuked. Apparently the indie store groomercord is going ballistic too and there are "people" posting massive essays of schitzo shit over the AI slop. :soysnootype: They are SO mad at anyone that disagrees with them. Supposedly this is the same artist that did the main menu art in 2011 which is kind of weird.

What does it mean to be peepeematized? :marseynut: - Feeld magazine
Bard spotting on Bluesky 22 February 2025 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

do downmarseys actually work reddit-style on the RSP domain?

if so, I think this is a mistake and they should work the same way they do on rdrama (downmarseying makes a post more visible in the default sort but lowers it if you sort by "top", which I assume is how it still works though maybe not).

using the term "cuss" for profanity/swear/curse words

universal sign of a trashy, low-value person

Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : SRD TITLE trans lives matter
  • DickButtKiss : I have a ton of rap on my playlist and I hate spooks! - trans lives matter


Adding drama......


NiceGirls unlike niceguys is an incel sub full of fake texts

Read what I posted again. If you can't parse the difference between women posting about creeps and guys just being misogynists, then I don't know how to help you.

I don't think she is all that crazy, if it's real. "She rejected him because he only listens to white musicians" is pretty disingenuous. She rejected him because of several incompatibilities, and she perceived in him an ability to become abusive.. which he proved correct.

He asked for the reason he was rejected, and instead of introspecting on it a bit he jumped to insulting her and then sought validation for it on Reddit of all places. She was right. Guys a walking red flag. Again, if it's real.

Half the stuff posted there is just women being peepees, too. There's no 'nice' about it. A 'nice guy' is a man who's a huge peepee despite claiming he's 'one of the good ones', but there's not really a widespread female equivalent so most of that sub is just making shit up lol

I'm convinced 90% of the people who circle jerk here are women who can't admit some women are crazy, so their losing it mentally.

She dodged a bullet

I saw this post and had the same thought as the comments saying, "don't ask questions you don't want to hear the answer to." She's allowed to reject him, even if he doesn't agree with the reason. She doesn't owe him anything.

Fake stuff is fake. Just a sub for women haters to make up stuff to hate women more.

He probably is. No non-racist has only white guys in their playlist

I'm struggling to see what exactly OOP did wrong here

He racist and posted DMS where a woman is acting stupid




A user makes a post on /r/doordash_drivers titled "you get what you paid for" with an image of a customer complaining they didn't get notified that a dessert was out of stock, with the dasher retorting "You tipped me a penny." Comments in the post are generally supportive of the dasher, except for a few disgruntled customers, notably... (Labels added to commenters on the first thread for clarity)

(A) He didn't get what he paid for though did he? He paid for his order and delivery and since you didn't get the discretionary tip you wanted/expected you decided to not do the job the customer paid you to do properly. Absolutely disgusting attitude! No wonder your tip was so low! Sounds like you deserved it! (-27 downmarseys)

(B) He paid for the food to the restaurant not driver to update him if they were out of something (11 upmarseys)

(A) He paid the restaurant and he paid the driver to deliver his order, you ding bat. If the driver expects a tip perhaps he should offer a modicum of customer service. Crazy idea I know! A lot of customers adjust the tip once the orders complete. Why should a customer be expected to tip for good service that hasn't even happened yet. Earn your tips!! (-3)

(OP) It's a shopping order dingbat (9) ...

(C) A penny tip is a peepee move regardless (14)

(A) Yeah? Perhaps this driver has learnt a valuable lesson. If you choose to work in a service industry where you're depending on tips offer a good service. Not rocket science is it. (-10)

(D) Found the salty customer who tipped 1 cent, sorry you had to go without your dessert the other night. It's all gonna be okay because you are just so sweet enough already you could afford to skip one. (6) ...

(E) Tips for drivers on Uber, Doordash etc aren't really tips. They're not a gratuity in practice in the same way you might tip your server at a restaurant. The server is employed and therefore has a host of labor rights. The companies like Doordash do not classify the drivers doing the work as employees, so they don't get labor rights such as the right to a minimum wage that the server gets. Doordash pays maybe 2 dollars per order on average which comes out to around 4 to 5 dollars an hour wage, after taxes and expenses. I know the customer paid Doordash decent money, but the driver gets very little of that. The person actually doing the work. The companies make a big deal out of tipping in the app for the customer. They do it because it costs them a lot less money to hire contractors instead of employees with labor rights. (16)

(A) None of this has anything to do with the customer, it's not the customers job to supplement the income of Uber and DoorDash drivers. If you depend on tips, offer a good service and hopefully you'll do well. If as a driver you don't like that, do another job, you can't expect the customer to compensate you because you work for a lousy, low paying company and then get mad at them when they don't tip you "enough". (-5)

(F) Now that you understand how the pay structure works for delivery drivers, do you support drivers being paid 4 or 5 dollars an hour, do you believe that's an ethical practice? This is the way Doordash designed their system to work. If you don't like it, don't use Doordash. (7)

(A) Why are you working for a company that has a pay structure that you don't find beneficial or ethical? (-1)

(F) Because bills gotta get paid. There are very few if any people who do a job purely for the love of it. If you want people to go above and beyond for you then pay them for that effort. If you dont you'll get the simplest pick up and drop off of all time and you'll have to accept that. Asking for a driver to communicate with you is asking for more than required (3)

(A) If you want better tips try being proactive instead of being reactive and you may get better results. Or don't, keep hating your customers, getting shit tips, being miserable and bitching on Reddit. Whatever floats your boat! It's your life! (-1) ...

(G) Would you b-word at your usps guy for you missing Amazon items? Doubt it. Same situation.

(A) Amazon drivers don't expect tips or go to Reddit to cry about them. Plus the driver said he would let the customer know if any of his orders were unavailable and help him with substitutes. So, no, not the same thing at all. (0)

(G) They also get payed a salaried wage and aren't commissioned delivery. Don't forget your tips aren't a tip it's a bid for your service disgusting as a handout. And you're defending that. (6)

(A) Tips are tips, do a good job and you'll usually get one. Act like a self entitled little brat and you end up with a penny, it's called capitalism. If you don't like that get a job where you're not depending on tips. (-4)

(G) No. No their not. We don't get paid enough, tips,are our commission fee disguised as us asking for a handout. A tip is when someone is being paid enough and you're happy with their service. You wouldn't you a server before they serve you. But you live your life bud. (3)

(A) Who's fault is it that you don't get paid enough? Why are you putting that on the customer? Don't like it, get another job. The customer already pays a massively inflated price for using DoorDash and now you want them to subsidize your income because the company you chose to work for doesn't pay enough? πŸ˜‚ (-1)

(the A & G slapfight goes on and on after this...)

More juicy fights from A in their thread. I'd add them, but this post is long enough as it is. More disgruntled customer comments:

So you didn't do your job and then wonder why you get shitty tips? (-10)

odd, the tip is decided before he even started the job. so don't you have it the opposite? (9)

You accepted the order. Do your job. Anything after that is petty retaliation. Immoral. Stop villainizing the customer for doing nothing wrong, especially when you're in the wrong. (-19)

He did accept the job but the customer tipping a penny is a slap in the face. Only a complete piece of shit would think that's acceptable to do to someone. There is nothing immoral with doing the bare minimum for bare minimum pay. You want professional service then pay for it, otherwise drive your own fat butt to the store and pick it up or accept what you get. (8)

The tip is not compensation. It's a literal gift. (-2)

No, it's a gratuity for doing someone a service. If you're not grateful for them delivering to you, why should they give a shit about the level of service you get? He picked it up and delivered it, they got what they paid for. (4)

Heck are you on about; there's nothing immoral about it. Customer tipped 1 cent, he delivered 1 cent service.

All our job is: pick up a sealed bag and leave it on someone's porch. If you want me to cross reference the receipt with employees and ensure everything is there I will do so, but at least give 10-20%.

If you don't like it go pick up your own darn food (10)

Do your job. The tip is literally optional. (-10)

Yeah, just as tipping has always been "optional".

If the pizza man shows up on my doorstep and I take the food from his hand and close the door in his face: I'm an butthole.

If I leave a messy table at the end of the night and leave no cash for the server: I'm an butthole.

Why is it suddenly so different when you don't have to look the person in the eye? There is a reason it is called "suggested gratuity", it's because that's what everyone else gives and it is what you should give too. At the end of the day I'm still going to do my job right; I have a 5 star rating, 100% completion rate, and 0 contract violations.

I'll promptly drop this if you aren't from the states, as where I live tipping is socially expected and service workers are payed to reflect this. Is it the best system; probably not, ideally a service worker makes a livable wage regardless of tips.

If you are, you know just as well as I do that leaving no tip is not normal; and if you don't that makes you an butthole. (7)

Some other dashers decide that OP is an idiot, and give their own opinion:

You stupid drivers that accept these orders and then get vindictive about it are only making it worse for the rest of us. (-11)

(OP)Here's a penny, give it to someone who gives a shit (8)

Enjoy the one star review I guess? Seriously why do you even take the order if you're not contempt with the tip!? Just don't take it... (-7)

(OP) Do you think I care? (2)

Regardless of what he tipped you, your job is still to pick up the order, that's just being petty now. Doesn't take much effort to just hit button that says item unavailable (-28)

Takes more effort to tip a penny which is why no sane person should care. (11)

Then fine, they're both pricks (-8)

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