This is the worst thing I've seen on reddit since I filtered all the gore posts out


Yeah, but he made Family Business


:marseychud: FWISD teacher calling for ice to raid his school :!marsey69:


Thread full of sneeding on r-slurred teacher chudding out on xitter on an account linked to his information/job. Surprisingly no journoids picking up on this yet.


So it's his fault for not wanting the law to be broken? The patents shouldn't be putting their kids in harms way so it's actually their fault.

replying to a government account and saying "please come to MY school, MY place of work and come deport the KIDS (literal minors btw) that i see and teach every single day" is genuinely crazy regardless of your beliefs.


ALL children deserve to be poorly educated and not taught anything. Not just white children.


Ambulatory equivalent of an assemblage of bovine excrement. (Based on his comments and despite being a teacher, he probably needs me to dumb this down, if he happens to be reading it: "Like a walking pile of cow poop". )

Who tf talks like this 🤣


We've already seen a news/weather employee fired for calling a Nazi salute what it is, let's see if this guy gets fired for parroting some fascist stuff.

I wouldn't want my kids learning from fascists

He said something stupid on the most hated platform on reddit right now, but what fascist stuff did he say. Make that word as meaningless as racist since you use it every time somebody says something you don't agree with

Scapegoating immigrants who statistically commit less crimes than naturalized US citizens is a tactic as core to fascism as thumbs are to hands.

So is dedicating legislative time and energy to harm, invalidate or discriminate against trans people, who make up a population so small, there are more people to vote on the laws than are actually affected by them.

Nobody is making the word meaningless, you just don't know what the words mean.

Well, judging from the past, it will mean something different next week anyways when the left gives it another meaning

You are a deeply unserious person and I hope you better yourself.


He's right tho

Despicable. Be better

I am better than you.


Dr Oaken is now writing poetry about being a mod :marseyloopy:


Prison Abolition drama as the rats cling to the sunk ship

"I won't answer the most obvious 101 questions about my fringe ideas" is such a perfect summation of US leftists

except it's not

I can't believe college academia is still taking this shit seriously. I'm having to take a 100 level Geography class where an entire week was spent on prison abolition. In a Geography class.

admitting you dont take racialized ans black women seriously on the same account you use to simp for kamala harris is crazy work

it's amazing how all you need to dismiss something is a bullshit four panel caricature with no attribution d

It's not a caricature, it was drawn by this person

it's weird how you assumed I was talking about the art

You called it a 4 panel caricature. It's not a caricature because the artist isn't exaggerating anything. You were talking about the arte when you mentioned "4 panel caricature"

it's always very funny when people tell me what I meant by what I said. if you don't have anything other than intentionally misunderstanding me, be on your way

"can't believe people ever took this seriously" says guy who never actually listened to what people had to say about it in the first place

I was at many, many, many BLM protests

The best one was where instead of prison your family member's murderer takes their place in your family as penance. Your brain has to be mush to think that's a good idea.

still can't believe people take the criminal prosecution system that capitulates to dripping charges against the new god king seriously

i think it's good to lock up murderers

A 2 month old was murdered by police but yeah glad we stopped caring

I'm glad we have prisons to put those murdering cops in

this, quite notably in fact, never happens. which is kinda a central tenet of prison abolition, yet another thing that scares you because you don't understand it. frickin dork

If there is a silver lining to be found in all of this is that the Bernie/Warrenworld left is dead and buried. Nobody will ever take student loan forgiveness or withdrawing from long term wars or progressive stimulus or antitrust seriously again and good riddance.

all of those things are good and will survive

i prefer not to give government handouts to kids earning 3x the median salary just cause they're angry they can't afford a yacht

In 2019, NYTimes did a fawning, unintentionally hilarious profile of a prison abolitionist who responded to such questions - from children - by citing Spain, a country that very much has prisons - the kids walk away unimpressed - she later takes unearned credit for "lifting" them

They put George Floyd in a golden casket while everyone else had to watch their grandma get buried on zoom. Obama was there and everything. Kamala was bailing out random murderers. Genuinely don't know why you were surprised.

Progressives believe all sorts of stupid stuff. Many of them still believe that a man can become a woman.


We should have lighter sentences for all crimes across the board.

This reads very plainly as a right wing satire. Stunning to think it was made in earnest

My favorite part of her book is where she said she was opposed to even putting murderous white supremacists in prison.

it's not a dream, it's a better world. guess you are satisfied with how things are; and with a cushy job and platform why wouldn't you be?.........

Dementia? Never heard of her


More cryptoslop in the world, thanks to ChatGPT

Orangesite :marseysoypoint:

:marseyneat: my NFT now

Kanye just dropped my new profile banner

!r-slurs !Jews !goyim !chuds

:marseyreading: Japanese discuss the Australian question :marseyreading2:



Like hos coping with religion



Down with the gaijin

:marseyimpossibru: :marseyflagaustralia!:


The yakuboid menace knows no limits


So true


Overwhelming nuclear first strike is the only option


Mag bar yakuboids


Kill your nearest occupier, rise up against the oppression


Millions of English teachers must die


Wignat bros, why are the honorary aryans turning on you like this? :marseyconcerned:

I don't have a link to the reel anymore, but look what I started.
Bard spotting on Bluesky 20 February 2025 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

[Schadenfreude] Compilation of :marseybritbongitsover: suffering in various local UK subreddits :marseyoperasmug: [LONG]

One of my favourite ways to bait :marseybaited: bongoids is to venture into small-town subreddits, particularly /r/Bristol and make an oblique reference to how many rental properties I own :marseycapitalistmanlet: then go around treating everyone like they're Oliver Twist.

It's natural that British Redditors :marseyvenn2: would be some of the most detestable mayoids on the internet, so I have compiled various examples of small-town seethe. :marseylaugh:

It's one thing to read the top-level headlines about GDP, but it's better to dive in and observe the bong in his natural habitat, which is rapidly becoming Burundi:

Renting in Bristol

Ive been living in bristol for almost 10 years and watching the rent rise every year to astronomical amounts is so discouraging.

This user plays Dungeons and Dragons in his thirties :marseysmughips:

£1200-£1400 for a one bed flat and theyre not always in the centre.. i dont get how this is acceptable.

Bristolians unironically give up half of their third world salary to live in The Backrooms :marseyrofl:

For reference, Bristol looks like this:

(Which could all be forgiven if they didn't use words like 'vibrant' to describe homeless encampments)

It's a terrible state of affairs. I'm living in a caravan about 8 miles from Bristol after the breakdown of my marriage.

:marseyemojilaugh: why would you admit this

I feel your pain, when I was a school leaver 10 years ago you could get a studio flat on Gloucester Road for £600pcm including council tax. Now that same flat today is £1300, excluding council tax,

A lot can change in ten years :marseytunaktunakinvasion: :marseytunaktunakinvasion:

I really hope a big rent revolution is coming soon. This is a too wide spread problem

>:marseylibleft: reeeeeee the revolution is coming (:marseysal:)

I hope so for everyone one too but how on earth can it happen? The reality is that demand outstrips supply :marseybigbrain:

Rent is artificially inflated- just because there is demand it does not mean you should be able to charge whatever you want.


I understand the supply vs demand argument, but that does not quite apply to housing, does it?

Why is so difficult for communist losers? :marseythinkorino:

Sadly, it's the result of all the londoners etc moving here in the WFH post covid times

That 'etc' is doing a lot of work here :marseytunaktunakinvasion:

Simple but well executed

How's that going for you? :marseysmughips: Let's see what communism is doing for the job market :marseyexcited:

What are some non customer facing Jobs in Bristol with limited experience?

I'm on Student visa but graduated.

This got a Masters' degree in AI :shyyt: In Britain :mjlol: where every tech job has been sent to Mumbai :marseyemojirofl:

I've applied to fast food places, supermarkets, and retail jobs, but all I've faced is rejection.

I wonder if anyone gave them sound advice?

We have a taker! The response?

While my parents are supportive of my studies, they are conservative so I don't want to really go back.

my :marseytunaktunak: parents aren't sufficiently supportive of trans rights :marseydejected: so I guess I'll starve :marseyshrug:

Remember, poors deserve it! :marseyexcited:

Email or DM every restaurant/ business you can think of explaining you'd like to work there cleaning dishes and sound excited (they love excitement and people cleaning their dishes)

:boomermonst#ertalking: just give em a firm handshake

Hartcliffe and Knowle West: Is it fair to describe them as "deprived" areas?

Hey, I am researching a documentary about knife crime in Bristol. Would it be fair to describe Hartcliffe and Knowle West as "deprived" or "low income" neighbourhoods?


Broadly speaking, yes. As with everywhere there is some variation. One of the main issues is the complete lack of services due to underfunding. please bro just give them more free money I swear it will work this time bro please Keynes said it once you have to believe me

It's poor, high unemployment, underfunded etc. Kids in balaclavas on illegal dirt bikes and shopping trolleys everywhere.

Computer add shopping trolleys to the list

30.7% of social housing tenants in Coventry were born outside the UK.

These figures are quite scary to me to be honest, does anybody else care about this?

There's a Grade 1 Chud Incursion on /r/coventry as the city's Last White Man wakes up and discovers he is living in a cross between Lahore and 1992 Belarus.

For reference, Coventry looks like this:

And it should look like this:

Couldn't give a darn where they're from, if they need a home they should have one. Coventry has always been a multiethnic city

Labour's strongest soldier chimes in!

Condescending Neurodivergent woman

Workshy Parasite

JK Rowling Derangement Syndrome

51% of private renters are born outside the UK. 31% of social renters are born outside the UK. So what the data is saying is that you're much less likley to be in social housing than private renting if you're born outside the UK.

:marseyseethe: only a THIRD of our taxpayer-funded property during a housing crisis goes to the third world, chud! This is a good thing somehow

Why are the figures scary to you?

Why indeed? :marseysmirk:

/r/coventry is a particularly funny example because it genuinely reads like a messageboard posted in the centre of a Jakarta slum

Any buy nothing groups here not on Facebook?

('Buy nothing group' is like a commune :marseypoor: btw)

Is there anyone here who can help me get a job? :marseypoor:

Wanted to know what is the part time job scene in Coventry? :marseywagie:

Anyone know where I can get some free old scaffolding boards?

Can anyone please suggest good fish and chips in Coventry without alcohol in recipe? :marseyinshallah: :praiseallah: :chudmuslim:

any tips before i move to coventry?

Other than don't?

Oh I see you're Muslim 😊 there's a very welcoming mosque close to the city centre called the Iqra centre. The imam is an absolutely wonderful man. :marseyviewerstar#e:

The bad areas are Stoke Aldermoor, Wood End, Hillfields, Tile Hill, Upper Stoke, Middle Stoke, Lower Stoke (anywhere with the word "Stoke" in it), Edgwick, Paradise (Lol), Radford (parts of it), Foleshill (large parts of it), Willenhall, Wyken (parts of it), Henley Green, Canley, Holbrooks (parts of it), Spon End.

Oh, so the entire thing? :marseyhmmhips:


Never realised how bad the NHS is struggling until I had to go to the QE last night at midnight.

7 hour wait. 0 degrees outside and you're in an outside queue to get in the front door.

People lying on the floor or standing against windows. All the walk ways blocked. One bloke sat in his own shit. The smell from just standing in the waiting room with all the sick people, piss heads who have turned up made me retch.

:pepechairglance: excuse me

Last time I went to A&E at the QE someone tried to nick my wheelchair.


Tories and now new labour making the NHS so bad that it'll be a lot easier to bring in the inevitable US style system :soyjaktantrum:

:marseysmirk2: yeah paying a few hundred quid for Bupa is so much worse than watching your family members die in their own piss and shit while an NHS nurse records a tiktok nearby

In conclusion: It turns out that the average bong is either a seething marxoid :marseywagie: or just doesn't care as long as he gets his benefits and sag paneer :marseyneet:. Do not feel bad for the bong; he deserves all of this and more :marseyagree:

New York Ragazine cropped out all the Bipocs to race bait :marseyemojilaugh:



Musk should get the wall

Will Stancil ( 2025-01-31T23:16:36.450Z
New Toss

EFFORTPOST Should I go to the doctor?

Overwhelmed. That's the only word that can describe how I feel right now. I'm drowning in emotions, thoughts, and ideas that I can barely function. Perhaps writing out the issue will provide some relief.

Physical Strife

I've returned to self-harming. I don't even need benzos or painkillers to do it anymore. I can slash myself to the white meat and just sit with the pain. It barely phases me. In fact, there's a part of it that feels deliciously good. It's an entire experience - the blood that drips, the sight of carved-out flesh, the sensation of being obliterated. It all comes together beautifully. I'm not even ashamed of my scars anymore. I think what I've done to myself is quite remarkable, and not many people could manage. If only I could challenge that willpower and dedication to something worthwhile, but I'm stupid as frick and all I can do is longpost and do drugs.

I tried to contact my psychiatrist but they're closed until January. I made an appointment with a GP for today but I don't really know what I'm going to do or say. Just tell them I've been self-harming and having panic attacks? I don't know what they can do for me. I doubt they'll be allowed to prescribe me anything, since I'm technically still supposed to have a supply of benzos for the month (I ate them all ages ago).

Should I go or should I just leave it? I think what I'm really looking for is just someone to talk to, though I don't know if a GP is the right person to be talking to.

As I write this, I'm listening to Nas Illmatic, and I'll say it's my top 5 most favorite albums of all time, and I'd argue it's the greatest hip hop album of all time. I think Life's a B-word is the greatest rap song of all time, and AZ absolutely kills it.

My favorite line is:

I switched my motto; instead of sayin', "Frick tomorrow!"

That buck that bought a bottle could've struck the lotto

I love how it encapsulates that "quiet violence of dreams". We have a vision of someone trying to escape the sins of their environment, but their most reliable means of escaping their heck is to win the fricking lotto. There's such a sense of futility and misery wrapped in these lines.

Social Strife

So it's clear I don't belong here. Everywhere I go I annoy people and make them angry. People have actively verbalized that they don't like me, and this recurring pattern is one that has characterized my life since childhood. It isn't a big problem - I'm a generally introverted person. However, I'm not schizoid and I do need some amount of love and acceptance. I fail to find these things and that makes me sad.

I'm so fricking depressed about being an incel. I'm 29, broke, no hope of GF, children or marriage. I can't even buy hookers because nobody's going to frick a dude with actively bleeding legs. I have literally permanently locked myself out of s*x for the rest of my life with my mental illness and self-harm. I do wonder, if I had the same personality, but I wasn't a 156cm ugly black man, would I still be an incel? These are questions we need quantum computers to answer.

I crave self-harm right now but my appointment is in three hours and I don't know if I can stop myself from cutting until then. And again, I'll probably be wasting my time and money going to a GP who is going to look at me and say "I didn't go to school to deal with schizos" and refer me to a psychiatrist which, as I have highlighted, is gone until January.


I don't know whether I should go to the doctor or not. Am I wasting my time? What am I hoping to achieve?

>Hey, you cute twink, you said you're leaving the site forever!

Well Reddit is shit and I need something to do when I'm not playing RDR2 so I guess I'm stuck with you r-slurs. You people who will give me griefing awards, insult me, tell me to kms, and accuse me of using ChatGPT (an accusation which confuses me. There are tons of plagiarism detection sites online. Proving I use ChatGPT would be trivial, yet nobody does it).

I'm so fricking overwhelmingly sad I can't think straight. This was supposed to be a longpost about Eugene Terre'Blanche but I'm too sad to do it.

Reported by:

was trying to ignore this shit but




Original post:

1. :marseyindignantwoman: "awful thing to say... I hope you grow as a person" :chudsmug: "you should lose some weight"

2. :marseyshrug: "there's more to life than just s*x" :marseyunamused: "you lot don't have hobbies other than wearing makeup and scrolling Instagram..."

3. :marseyindignant: "dogs are more fun to have around" :marseysquint: "are you perhaps a user of the Dogpill?"

4. :marseychonker2: "Seriously, women offer nothing other than looking pretty..." :marseyhmm: "what do YOU offer?" :marseychonker2: serious posting intensifies

Also, check these two woman comments LOL

5. :marseyindignantwoman: "Exactly, leave us alone" :marseysoylentgrin: "you are alone Eowynn" :marseytradmad: "what?" :marseysoylentgrin: "It's a Lord of the Rings reference" :chadnordic: "dude STFU"

6. :greendesigirl: :marseysmug2: "wow, your first gender reveal at this age" :marseychudindian: :chudindian: "you expect men to r*pe you or something?"

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : You're idiots. LED = point source light. Terrible for eyes - trans lives matter
Senator Mike Lee: Using far less efficient, fragile, dusty butt light bulbs will own the libs :marseydab:

Republicans doing everything in their power to validate the r-slur accusations

The caliber of people defending this

  • Think the poor can't afford a pack of light bulbs and would prefer those with 1/25th the usable life

  • Muh aesthetics... ignoring all the options you have with LEDs + "I'm sure someone will figure out these are actually bad... because I'm just sure they are"

  • Migranecels (read: munchie)

  • Dinesh trying to insight

  • I use some lights less, so they should be shittier because???

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