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your pfp is a mascot of a gore website
— - π Leszek (@carnisinsanis) December 17, 2024
!wpd W
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Like, u get off the beach and u and ywour shit is cwowored in sand. Weww just swipe ywour cwedit card fwor $1.50 and u've gwot an air wand that can bwow aww of the sand out of ywour shit. As a bwonyus u can use it two inflate innyer tubes and other beach twoys.
Im thinking abwout it. Im alswo sick and fuww of DXM.
Think abwout it.
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What a lovely night, tucked into bed with the boys and mister man
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She said she was uncomfortable in the taxi because some taxi driver in Sydney murdered some people and got upset at the popo for taking the taxi driver's side or something. Idk heard it yesterday on the radio.
Basically, Sydney is a dangerous place that you should never go to.
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Chipped a tooth and i csnt even think straight rhe pain is so bad.
Jsut a reminder to everyone who jduged me the past month while i have been in exreme pain and unable to think properly,
If your mother,
Was in pain, and wsnt thinking straight,
When the world judged her, whatd yoy think of the world after them jdugeing yoyr mom and spitting on her and her reactions?
So dont judge my mothers child..
- GatanKot : h/chudrama
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Celebrating mindless striving culture reeks of Asian chauvinism and begs the question of why the most high impact individuals - from technologists to artists - do not have cookie cutter childhoods that were mainly spent being groomed for the Ivy League.
— Melissa Chen (@MsMelChen) December 26, 2024
Contrary to what Vivek⦠https://t.co/fcaOkeJFC2
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I was replying to a post and one thing led to another and I wrote this. It happens sometimes. Maybe someday I'll clean this up, reorganize it, make it more coherent, and do some actually good writing.
We went to Korea and trained their guys. Within a couple years in 1953 they had infantry as good as ours (Ridgway himself said this) and they were learning to use artillery. By then the Americans were doing most of the technical stuff (communications, artillery, armor, certain engineering tasks) but with our help the Koreans had built up the 4th most powerful army in the world and taken responsibility for most of the front.
We go to Vietnam. We're there for 15 years. We give them all kinds of training and equipment. Many ARVN units are brought up to US standards. They're flying jet fighters in combat ffs. Somehow they lose. This is some political problem in Saigon, not what's happening at the front. They had the same problem as Ukraine with draft dodgers who they wouldn't crack down on for political reasons. You can't win a war when the people who are supposed to be doing most of the fighting are playing a bunch of inscrutable oriental Fu Manchu games with each other. Apparently Ukraine has the same basic problem, except the Vietnamese fought for 15 years and they're already throwing in the towel.
Somehow we don't have a Fu Manchu marsey yet.
The Vietnamese were treacherously stabbed in the back like Trump is going to do Ukraine. Kissinger made a deal with the Chinese where we'd make sure South Vietnam was destroyed in exchange for them turning against the Soviets. The media presented this like it was a genius move that only he could make. Frick. Frick this b-word. The Chinese already hated them and were in extreme fear of a Soviet invasion. We didn't need to give them anything. I could have gone over and accepted them begging us for help. Mao was a total fricking psycho but he was willing to do business.
The US mostly pulled out in 1971 (Old Man Redactor was one of the last) and completely in 1973. But to the consternation of imbecilic wingcucks on both sides, South Vietnam didn't immediately collapse.
I hate hippies
Leftoids were shocked as they imagined that the with the Americans gone, the Vietnamese didn't all rise up and beg for the communism they always wanted? They were supposed to be cute communist teddy bears (George Lucas has proudly and openly said the Ewoks are based on what he imagines Vietnamese people are like) and follow Jane Fonda's lead. In my entire experience with leftoid boomers (keep in mind this about 75% of my teachers, lots of family members, etc.) I have never once heard them mention ARVN once. I think most of them honestly don't even know it existed. So there's this extreme cognitive dissonance between their idea that America was fighting all the Vietnamese and it turning out that most Vietnamese were on our side.
B-word, you are not going down the Ho Chi Minh Trail, a major highway, in the rubber sandals they imagine on college campuses. You know why? Because it would be dangerous with so many trucks going by.
You ever notice that the "Anti-War Movement" never gave a shit about ending the war? After 1971 they had zero interest. Curious. Their hearts bled for all the brown people being killed by US imperialism and all of the sudden they don't give a shit what happens. I've had conversations with people who were adults in the 1970s and I have to explain to them what happened because at the time that's how little they cared about all those brown people. (I know Vietnamese aren't brown, I'm talking in terms of how these people saw them.) I'm not saying we should have gone to Vietnam. I'm not saying we should have stayed in Vietnam. Throughout this post I am not giving any military or government policy advice. But the "Anti-War Movement" was entirely self-serving, trying to keep upper middle class people out of the war. This is the real moment when the Democratic Party began shifting upward. Republicans dodged the draft too, but the Democrats became identified with the social class that could and did to that. A generation later it should be no surprise what peoples' party affiliations are.
This is one of the best episodes. When the hippie dies because he's walking around barefoot I always curl up in laughter. I guess this planet has a "no shirt, no shoes, no service" policy.
Chuds are no better
The rightoids were equally embarrassed. They were supposed to be so badass and they lost a war against a weaker opponent. How does that work? Some blamed the Vietnamese "we cared more about fighting for their country than them!" and a lot them made it a racial thing. A couple moments in time from Old Man Redactor's memory: Standing there in the base and realizing that everyone in his unit was either drunk or high. Everyone. Every single one. Other memory: Old Man Redactor turns on the TV. Now you've been told over and over again that "Vietnam was the first war on television, where people at home could see what was really happening". He's flipping the channels and he gets on South Vietnamese station. They're showing their journos' footage of the fighting. And right away he can tell that this is actually not staged, these people really are in combat, because they're fighting but at the same time they're scared out of their minds. You notice Walter Cronkite never aired any of that footage on American TV. The audience might find out his Vietnam War entertainment product wasn't really authentic.
You ever notice that our "racist grandpas" watched our Chinese allies fight but you never see our allies today (except white Europeans). It's probably because of internalized whiteness or something.
The stab in the back (unlike Hitler's, this one actually happened)
So the ARVNs kept on fighting. In America both leftoids and rightoids had massive cognitive dissonance. A South Vietnamese army that could hold it's own in battle? This can't exist in either of their world views. (You had to try really hard to not notice the ARVNs existed. (Old Man Redactor paraphrase: "The Tet Offensive is when they found out that in a real war the South Vietnamese would beat them.")) The leftoids especially were absolutely fuming that South Vietnam didn't roll over and die immediately like their professors at Dartmouth promised. Should they learn and adapt their thinking to the real world? Of course not. We're talking about rich white women. So the US Congress got together and cut off artillery ammunition for South Vietnam.
Is that the narrow gauge railroad he told me about that went along Route 1, the Street Without Joy? Notice the relationship between the ARVN commander and the advisors. At this point in the war they're throwing out suggestions but this guy may have been fighting 12 years. He'll consider that but he's the one in charge.
Old Man Redactor says they used 130mm guns to blow shit out of Quang Tri province, the one on the border just north of where he was. The ARVNs had no shells. They couldn't shoot back. Things disintegrated pretty fast after that. The US had trained and equipped a really strong powerful army to fight like Americans. Americans (especially then) rely a lot on artillery. So they're overrun.
Impossible. The Viet Cong (who totally still exist 7 years after the Tet Offensive) only fight with goofy wooden traps and carry everything on their backs. American soldiers can wander around unarmed alone because... the teddy bears are waiting to spring their traps. They would never use an 8 ton gun that is among the heaviest artillery in the world. It's just not sporting. Only imperialists do that.
The war is over!
Meanwhile the "Anti-War Movement" doesn't notice. They're too busy smoking dope and giving each other gonorrhea to care. There war is over. The North Vietnamese send I dunno how many people to "reeducation camps". (I guess it's better than Tet where they murdered all the teachers in Hue on the grounds that they're paid by the government.) They help their Cambodian puppet army take over Cambodia. Their puppet does their own thing, which is genocide. Now genocide isn't a problem for the Vietnamese commies. They aren't Anne-Marie Slaughter weeping about the "responsibility to protect". But a power struggle between the pro-Russian and pro-Chinese factions is fought out and the pro-Russians win. Pol Pot sides with China. So Vietnam invades Cambodia. Pol Pot's guys run into the jungle and do guerilla warfare. You thought the Vietnamese commies were good at guerilla warfare? Well they're sure not good at being on the receiving end of it. They quickly realize that they can't accomplish anything by fighting, so they just cut off food to areas controlled by the Khmer Rouge. Now huge numbers of people are dying of starvation. This only ends when the Cold War does. Like so many wars across the world it was fueled by the Russians and Chinese fighting over who is the better commie. As soon as that ends, all these wars do too.
*Border skirmish between China and Vietnam in 1984. Did the Anti-War Movement care about this? A bunch of asian people got killed. That's they're raison d'etre, right?"
You ever ask an "Anti-War" boomer how they felt about the genocide in Cambodia? I'm not saying they're responsible for it (they had virtually no impact on any decision making in the war) but like... did you ever wonder what happened in the end? Ever? All those people you cared about so much before. And then they stammer and piss their pants and say "It was... It was Immoral! It was an immoral war! I know because I saw that napalm girl! That's when I knew I had to fight against the war!" And then I say "b-word please, that photo is from 1972 when virtually all Americans were home. For you the war was over. There were no Americans involved. A South Vietnamese plane dropped napalm in support of a South Vietnamese unit on the ground. The more I think about it, the more I notice that the "anti-war" boomers would systematically ignore the whole existence of South Vietnam through the whole war. I wonder who coordinated this.
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In a bizarre turn of events, a university dormitory in China went up in flames after a student, in a moment of panic, set fire to his s*x doll to keep it hidden from his roommates. The incident took place at Hefei University of Technology in Anhui province on February 10, when the student, fearing exposure, made a rash decision that nearly resulted in disaster.
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Self-professed neurodivergent
Daughter of two lawyers
Confused why men ask her what she does for a living on dates, "she's the prize"
Reliant on her parents completely for finances
Finished internship "at a tech company" "program management"
Parents want her to pay her own darn bills (she doesn't), has had arguments about it
Psych degree last year
Internship from March to August
"I enjoy being funemployed" timestamp - uses this word repeatedly
Aspiring social media personality? Plan is to get viral "doing something" so she can start selling merch timestamp
Pays for - utility bills, "some of" food, "some of" nights out
Parents both lawyers timestamp
"You're not gonna get tiktok famous from this show so I hope you're not thinking that." timestamp
"I've been through so much" timestamp
- was called "Miss Piggy" in high school because she was overweight, still seething about it
Didn't give them a statement for the CC timestamp
Companion card "she knows if I had my own credit card I would be in massive amounts of debt"
Not sure what the balance is on her card
Hard cut to baby product ad placement
"Honestly, I just want to be a stay-at-home pilates wife, like not gonna lie, jobs and me do not get along" timestamp
She doesn't know what a CC statement is timestamp
She's missing payments, her mother is on this card too timestamp
Caleb seethes about her blowing at him timestamp
Convo about parents enabling her, mentions a lot of her friends are in the same position? timestamp
She is proud of graduating college timestamp
really proud of her extracurricular? "cross country, track, a sorority"
Some D3 university? timestamp
A lot of my scamfluencer friends are funemployed timestamp
Life coaching, dating coaching, fitness coaching
She is getting a National Academy of Sports Medicine certification?
CC Statement (4908) timestamp
$568 minimum payment
No payment history
Thinks her parents have been paying? Caleb does not see any payments made at all
Thinks her mother does not know what her balance is?
On trips they just "girlmath it on the Amex" ? timestamp
"Sister is one of the most hard-working people?"
Family is mad at her, arguing over finances
Blew her chance at the internship since she didn't get a job offer out of it?
Crime victim timestamp
- sexual assault victim?
Reads out her spending timestamp
"My dad, I really hope he doesn't watch this because he is gonna flip out" timestamp
Thinks she spent 1000 total last month, actually it was 7549 [timestamp](
- There was a hotel fee on there that was nearly a thousand all on its lonesome
- There was a hotel fee on there that was nearly a thousand all on its lonesome
"I don't want to feel like I'm missing out just because I don't have like a cushy job like they do" timestamp
She tries to discuss politics timestamp
- She fails to explain what tax she would want
Owes for a class timestamp
"Social media package from one of my besties" - aforementioned scamfluencer I assume
$2'000 - Five strategy sessions how to make captivating content
"She works in corporate"
"This guy she knows has a large following on Instagram and she paid him $350 and didn't know what he was talking about" timestamp
Advice on how to run her socials
Did not get the value she wanted out of it
100,000 Tiktok followers
"How come I'm not able to get followers on tiktok?!"
- "Because you don't make interesting or engaging content that resonates with people!"
- "Because you don't make interesting or engaging content that resonates with people!"
"Was going to do a plant medicine retreat and paid for it and couldn't go because of her medication" timestamp
I really did want to go to that but I didn't do my research
Mentions that she is training for a marathon right now
"Everyone in my family has been successful but me, I'm like cursed or something" timestamp
- "I need to go to like ABA [Applied Behavior Analysis] or something"
Has been having medical issues she doesn't want to talk about timestamp
- "Really really set me back in my internship"
Hates the tech industry because the "entitled" guys she's gone out with in the tech industry have made her split the bill timestamp 
- "No offense, I would have made you split the bill because I wouldn't have enjoyed the date"
Wants to try and monetize her frivolous spending (through social media) timestamp
Ran a background search on a prospective date to see if he had a criminal record timestamp
Can't stop herself from ordering UberEats
Calls her mother timestamp
Caleb doesn't talk
"I feel like you and dad give me too much leniency with my finances" - Cringekino
Questions about her investment account? "I've been keeping track of the stock that I have"
Mother is extremely nice and understanding of her fail-daughter
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- HailVictory1776 : Patriots enacting change one tweet at a time trans lives matter
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BREAKING: Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield calls off decision to cap anesthesia for surgical patientshttps://t.co/cG6H5Jf3Qi
— Axios (@axios) December 5, 2024
go upmarsey this comment, i like it more than carp's post
Helpful [77] Not Helpful [10]- 62
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The instability, the trumpflation - really not good for folks that enjoy the market.
- usernaw : wpd
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Attending debates should be like attending class: you can get out of it with a note from your doctor, and nothing less. Failure to debate at least once should be grounds for disqualification. And in case there are concerns about the bias of the debate itself, create a department in Elections Ontario/Canada to handle the questions asked, to ensure it's even-handed.
Conservatives in particular play this game far too often, and it shouldn't be ignored. They're denying the electorate the ability to judge them on their merits.
Authoritarian nonsense born out of you never maturing past your school years. And I'm just positive that a new department would never be bias in favour of the party in power or do anything to sabotage the party most likely to cut their department.
What do you really think will happen at these debates? The same that always happens, nothing! Every word spoken by both sides will be lies and rhetoric with a handful of out of context sound bites taken by the party in opposition to try and rile up their base.
And what school did you go to where doctors note were required? Every single one I went to a parents word was enough and even then no one really cared. You could miss a week, never talk about it never have your parents call in to "excuse" you and nothing would come of it.
Grow up.
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Murthy argues in his advisory, noting alcohol consumption is to blame for nearly one million preventable cancer cases in the U.S. over the last decade. About 20,000 people die every year from those alcohol-related cancer cases
They expect people who are drinking enough to get cancer from it to be so into the health food craze to be scared of that? You could eat like 2 fewer hot pockets per year and it would do as much good. Most of these people probably smoke, which is where you've actively made a decision that you're okay with getting cancer.
The hypocrisy of this is just astounding. We put warning labels on alcohol products about stuff that everyone knows (you might actually be worse at driving! ) but for some reason reason out of all food and drink, booze has an exception for nutritional information. Why? When did this start? What possible justification is there for this? Why in the frick would you print any kind of warning on it if you won't even just tell women it's going to make them fat? Why do we go through this charade of pretending the government in Elliot Ness when there's tax incentives for the wine industry, the beer industry, the weed industry, the mushroom industry. Extreme taxes on the tobacco industry because I guess they were actually the ones really hurting people.
The Surgeon General's office has not replied to MNN's request for comments.
Also BTW am I literally the first fricking person in America who ever noticed this? I have never in my entire life ever heard anyone notice that alcohol makes your product less regulated.